My RD Nutrition Services LLC

Registered Dietitian specializing in digestive health and a anti inflammatory lifestyle.


Following a GF free diet can be difficult. There are so many additives in packaged foods that we need to be aware of plus always being mindful of cross contamination and cross contact. When on a GF diet focus on consuming an abundance of whole unprocessed foods that are naturally gluten free.

Mexican food is often times a GF eaters safest choice because most of the foods are naturally gluten free. Beans, rice, corn, are all staples in a Mexican diet which none contain gluten. Mexican food is probably the easiest to navigate. I would stay away from the chips and salsa though. Beware of the fried corn tortilla chips (corn is naturally gf) cooked in the same deep fryer used for other battered foods (cross contamination, making them not gf). Always make sure to talk to a manager if you have any concerns.

Chinese’s food is probably the hardest 😒. Been there, done that and it’s not worth it lol at least for me. My order was super complicated. So many of the common sauces used in Asian foods contain gluten.
👉🏻 Soy sauce
👉🏻 Fish sauce
👉🏻 Miso
👉🏻 Hoisin sauce
👉🏻 Teriyaki sauce
👉🏻 Ponzu sauce
Basically all the things. If you are just starting your GF journey, I recommend to get more familiar with the diet before going to an Asian restaurant because you will probably have to make adjustments to your order (removing sauces etc). Always look at the menu before your arrival and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Dining out may require some additional planning ahead of time to ensure that the restaurant can safely prepare a meal for you. Always make sure to explain that your meal must be prepared using separate cooking tools to limit the risk of cross contamination and cross contact.


Use The Plate Method to help with balanced meals, increase fiber intake, weight loss, carb control for Diabetes, etc. It is a simple and practical way to start your nutrition health journey.

The Plate Method:
👉🏻 Fill 1/2 of your plate with NON STARCHY veggies. (Ex: Asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, bell peppers, green beans, salad greens. CORN, PEAS, & POTATO ARE STARCHY VEG).
👉🏻 Fill 1/4 of your plate with good quality lean protein, about the size of your palm. (Ex: Lean meats, poultry, fish, seafood)
👉🏻 Fill 1/4 of your plate with complex carbohydrates (Ex: whole grains, brown rice, pasta, corn tortillas, fruit, beans, or starchy veg like corn, peas, butternut squash & potato).
👉🏻 Add a small serving of healthy fats: like 1/3 of avocado, 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1/4 cup of nuts/seeds. But remember that fat has more calories per gram compared to carbs and protein. 9kcal/gram.. remember this if weight loss is your goal.

Pair with water or a zero calorie drink of choice.

At My RDNS we provide our clients with practical ways to improve their health. Do you have nutrition health goals and need the extra guidance? Let me help! I am a registered and licensed dietitian.


Happy Labor Day 👏🏻 My RDNS is offering a special price on the GI MAP TEST till Sept 12th. DONT MISS IT 💩 Dm me for more info! ⭐️✨


Gluten or fructans? What’s causing your gut issues 🤯🤯 I know, I know lol let me explain.

So we all know non celiac gluten sensitivity is so prevalent right now and it’s 100% a real issue for some. Gluten is a protein found it wheat, barely and rye but did you know that those foods also considered high fructans foods (fructan is a prebiotic carbohydrate that is considered high FODMAP)? Yessss, so given that wheat, barely and rye are high fructan containing foods as well, it can be difficult to know whether your undesirable symptoms are coming from gluten of fructans.
Did you stop eating gluten and you notice your symptoms improve? Well GF products are also considered to be low fructan so of course you feel better. If you feel better but not 100% or you are still struggling with digestive issues, I would consider doing a little elimination diet to see if you are also sensitive to fructans.

Other foods that contain fructans are:
👉🏻 fruit: watermelon, grapefruit, nectarine, plums, ripe bananas, dates, raisins
👉🏻 veggies: onion, garlic, asparagus, beets, Brussels sprouts, keels, shallots
👉🏻 legumes: dry black beans, kidney beans, split peas
👉🏻 nuts: cashews and pistachios
👉🏻 other: chicory and inulin

High FODMAP fructan foods are also great prebiotic fibers that feed our gut microbiome so you don’t want to eliminate them forever. If you would like to explore this more but need guidance, I am always here to help!


Fiber grabs a hold of toxins and pulls them out through elimination (DAILY bowel movements). If you are not having daily bowel movements or have incomplete BMs you are definitely reabsorbing toxins, hormones, etc. What foods contain fiber? Veggies, fruits, and whole grains.

Suffering from constipation?? More than likely you are not eating enough fiber. Try my non negotiable rule first - fruit with breakfast and snack, veggies with lunch and dinner… NON NEGOTIABLE! This little trick has worked wonders for so many of my clients!


The dietitian at My RD Nutrition Services LLC makes herself available to her clients via phone call, text, email 7 days a week 😃. You will always be supported and guided through your gut healing journey.

Hi my name is Ana Gonzalez and I am a passion driven dietitian helping people find the root cause to their gastrointestinal discomforts. I take a whole systems approach to health and digestive wellness. I incorporate four strong pillars with my clients: movement, nutrition, stress management, and community.

Schedule your FREE 15 minute discovery call. Let’s start healing TODAY!!


Relax, it’s the weekend ☺️😎


Confused on what to buy for your family? Do you want to make healthier choices. Let me help!! Let’s go shopping 🥰🥗🍓🥑🍌🍤🍳🥩🥦🥒🥕🫒🧈🧅🧄🥭


Confused on what to buy for your family? Do you want to make healthier choices. Let me help!! Let’s go shopping 🥰🥗🍓🥑🍌🍤🍳🥩🥦🥒🥕🫒🧈🧅🧄🥭


So many of us are quick to take antibiotics at the first sign of sickness, even without a doctors prescription 🫢😓 if this is you, you are causing a lot of harm to your gut microbiome. It is essential to avoid all unnecessary use of antibiotics, these include..
👉🏻The use of antibiotics without the prescription of a healthcare professional. Make sure appropriate testing is done to identify bacterial infection. Sometimes even healthcare professionals get it wrong 😞.
👉🏻The use of antibiotics for colds and/or viral infections.
👉🏻Taking antibiotics that are prescribed to other family members or prescribed for other reasons.

Sometimes antibiotics are absolutely necessary and can be lifesaving! If you must take an antibiotic I recommend to..
⭐️Take the antibiotic as prescribed.
⭐️Take a probiotic supplement while on antibiotics and after.
⭐️After finishing the probiotic treatment I recommend to follow the 4R protocol, Recolonize, Restore, Repair, Rebalance.

I can help, ASK ME HOW! 😉


My RD Nutrition Services LLC is here to guide you through your gut healing journey. Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call today. Link in bio ☺️


Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are medications used to relieve pain and reduced inflammation but did you know that they also negatively impact the gut microbiome?

NSAIDS most common side effect are gut issues..
👉🏻 Bacterial imbalances
👉🏻 Digestive issues
👉🏻 Heartburn
👉🏻 GI ulcers
👉🏻 Intestinal permeability (leaky gut)

They also just offer short term solutions. Following a whole foods diet is the way to go!!! I love the Mediterranean diet to help manage inflammation and for overall great health.


Thank you for your trust ❤️☺️


Thank you for your trust ☺️❤️


My RD Nutrition Services LLC offers both in person and telehealth visits, it’s your choice! 🍎

Hi my name is Ana Gonzalez and I am a passion driven dietitian helping people find the root cause to their gastrointestinal discomforts. I take a whole systems approach to health and digestive wellness. I incorporate four strong pillars with my clients: movement, nutrition, stress management, and community.

Schedule your FREE 15 minute discovery call. Let’s start healing TODAY!!

Beautiful white top by


The 3 P’s for good gut health 🫶🏻


Let me teach you how to eat INTELLIGENTLY for good health. Eating intelligently requires knowledge and intention. It’s a learned skill that needs practice and planning.

⭐️Here are some ideas to get you started on eating intelligently and intentionally.

👉🏻 Meal plan for the week on Sunday’s. You can start with one meal, for example dinners.
👉🏻 Focus on well balanced meals. Protein, fiber, & fat for blood sugar balance.
👉🏻 Follow the my non negotiable rule. Fruit with breakfast & snack, veggies with lunch and dinner.
👉🏻 Be aware of portion control. Use measuring cups and spoons if you need to.
👉🏻 Consciously choose alternate varieties of common fruits and vegetables. Your gut microbiome LOVES diversity.


My name is Ana Gonzalez de Leon and I am a registered & licensed dietitian. I am also the owner of My RD Nutrition Services LLC, a nutrition consulting business with a focus on gut health. I have 6 years of experience working in a clinical setting (hospital) where I see and assess patients with all sorts of chronic diseases. I absolutely love my clinical job, but my desire is to reach more people and provide support and guidance through their health journey. My passion for gut health & nutrition continues to grow and I want to share all that I know with you! 🍎

😎 3 fun facts about me:

1. I love dance! My dream was to move to LA & pursue a career as a professional dancer. I was sooo close, but my parents made me get an education instead. 😬 which I am now thankful for.
2. I love health food grocery stores. When we go out of town, my request is to stop at Whole Foods. Most times it’s just to look 👀. Our local Sprouts takes all my money.
3. Don’t take me to the movies past 8pm because I WILL fall asleep. I fell asleep during my first movie date with my husband when we started dating.

Find this beautiful pink top at let them know Ana sent you ☺️


You over did it, it’s ok!!! Now let’s turn the page and move on. Here are some tips to help relieve bloating and get you feeling at 100%.


We’ve all heard of probiotics but what about prebiotics? Prebiotic fiber is basically food for the bacteria that reside in our gut microbiome. We must feed our gut bacteria these fibers to produce short chain fatty acids. SCFA are the main source of energy for the cells in our colon and protect us against colon cancer and obesity. I always encourage my clients to consume prebiotic fibers on a daily bases through a healthy diet but I also love supplementing for added support! My favorite prebiotic fiber supplement is PHGG and here are some reasons why…

💩It’s very well tolerated and it’s know to be a regulating prebiotic fiber. It works wonderfully for both constipation and diarrhea.
💩Increases both Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus levels. These good bacteria promote a healthy gut microbiota.
💩Does not cause gas or bloating and it does not have a taste or order. Mixes super well making it easy to take.

Photos from My RD Nutrition Services LLC's post 06/28/2022

Try this healthy and delicious chia seed pudding. Great source of fiber, antioxidants, and healthy fat! 😎🤌🏻 One of the many delicious recipes found in Living Plate Rx meal plans.

Photos from My RD Nutrition Services LLC's post 06/28/2022

New to My RD Nutrition Services LLC ☺️

Starting July 2022 we will be transitioning to package based services only. This transition will allow me to better serve my clients by offering the support and guidance needed to ensure great outcomes and long term success.

Payment plans are available for both the Pro and Pro + packages. If you are interested in the GI map test it is available a la carte until June 30th. DM me for more info.


👀😮Fructose malabsorption is a thing y’all!!! If you have IBS symptoms and can’t figure out why.. I would try a small elimination diet to see if your IBS symptoms improve.

Some foods to limit/avoid:
➡️ Fruit: Apple, pear, guava, honeydew melon, mango, watermelon, cherries, stone fruit, canned fruit, fruit juice, dried fruit.
➡️ Vegetables: artichokes, asparagus, beetroot, cucumber, onion, sugar snap peas
➡️ Sweeteners: agave, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, honey.

If you suspect fructose malabsorption and need guidance I can help! DM me for more info ❤️



Dietitian created meal plans to help you meet your health goals. With meal plans from Living Plate Rx, you’ll get simple, tasty, nutritious, affordable recipes. No complicated planning & boring routines.

⭐️1,000 of dietitian approved recipes that are simple and delicious.
⭐️ Fresh customizable meal plans every week.
⭐️ Nutrition information for every recipe.
⭐️ Smart grocery list.

Meal plans available: 28-day refresh, anti-inflammatory, diabetes, flex, keto, low FODMAP, PCOS, plant based, auto-immune, elimination, how histamine, specific carbohydrate diet.


Gut health impacts overall health! The GI map test used qPCR technology to detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested. It’s really do unique in the field of other comprehensive stool test. If you are having digestive issues, have tried IT ALL, and still can’t seem to figure it out then the GI MAP TEST is your next step. DM me to order and get started. 💩


What goes in, must come out!!

Frequency of bowel movements is a good health indicator. People that eat a well balanced healthy diet usually have about 1-3 bowel movements daily. Testing your bowel transit time is a great way to know how long waste is is sitting in our colon.
A transit time that is too fast or too slow can indicate gut issues such as dysbiosis, inflammation, food sensitivities and more.

Now let’s test your transit time using the beet test. Save this post for reference.

😔Less than 12 hrs: Food is moving through the GI tract too quickly. This can indicate nutrient malabsorption from our foods.
👏☺️ 12 - 24hrs: optimal! Indicates good digestion and absorption of nutrients.
☹️ More than 24hrs: waste is sitting inside the colon for too long. Poor transit time increases colon cancer risk, toxin and hormone reabsorption, and inflammation/irritation.

Activated charcoal capsules can also be used to test bowel transit time.



“What’s for dinner?” A thought or question that can bring us to our knees [or have us running for take-out] during busy weeks. My RD Nutrition is here to help you not only answer that question, but “Whats for breakfast, snack, and lunch?” as well. Enter to win and receive a FREE month of meal planning that includes:

🤩1,000 of dietitian approved recipes that are simple and delicious.
🤩Fresh customizable meal plan every week [over 30 recipes!]
🤩Nutrition information for every recipe.
🤩Smart grocery list

Terms to enter
1.Like this post
2.Follow My RD Nutrition Services LLC
3.Tag 2 friends 👯‍♀️
4.BONUS ENTRY: share on your stories

Winner will be randomly selected Saturday morning, June 18th. You will get to choose which meal plan you want - there’s a bunch!

*US residents only*
Good luck!! ☺️❤️


Try these 2 breathing techniques to rebalance the nervous system, reduce stress & anxiety, & return to the parasympathetic state (rest & digest)

Box breathing is a deep breathing technique used to slow down your breathing. Visualize a box to help distract you from daily stressors and refocus your mind. Breath in for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4, exhale through the mouth for 4 and pause for another 4 all while visualizing a box. Repeat 5 times until you feel calm. This is my personal favorite.

The 4-7-8 breathing technique is used to reduce stress and it’s known to help people get to sleep quickly. This type of breathing requires you to focus on deep long breaths. Breath in though the nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 and release through the mouth forcefully for 8 seconds making a “whoosh” sound (very yoga like).

Both of these breathing techniques are great for relaxing and relieving stress. Stress can wreak havoc on your gut and learning ways to manage and cope with stress is extremely important for your gut healing journey.


Thank you for your trust! ❤️☺️🍎

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