Cocktail Creamery

Artificers of Alcohol Infused Super Premium Homemade Ice Cream!

Photos from Cocktail Creamery's post 09/03/2024

This here dude, he knows how to order up some ice cream and Diana whipped him up a banana split fit for a king! Check this out, a no booze combination of Chocolate, Cookies -n- Cream and Peppermint with hot fudge and chopped walnuts, topped with whipped cream and three cherries… 🍒🍒🍒 That’s a work of edible art and dang near a meal in and of itself right there… 😆 Thank you sir, we sure hope you enjoyed that beautiful sundae!

We got us a cloudy, drizzly start to the day today. I’m real glad the rain waited for our long weekend to be over before startin’ to fall, that was most considerate! We’ll likely see some more showers along with cooler temperatures before the day is through and that’s alright, it’ll close up some of the big cracks in the ground! The weekend looks wonderful and we’re startin’ it out on the wild side with Brad Davis Music The Shredder come Friday night… 😎

If you don’t have a hankerin’ for a banana split sundae just yet, you need to look at that there picture again; I’m thinkin’ about havin’ one myself for lunch today… 🤣 Not that I recommend ice cream for lunch every day of course, but sometimes I just can’t help myself! If you find yourself in a similar situation, swing on by and satisfy that sweet tooth with a sundae made special just for YOU too! Or, stop on by after dinner tonight for an ice cream cocktail nightcap that’s sure to satisfy! Y’all have a wonderful day today thinkin’ thoughts of sweet boozy treats, and keep that umbrella handy just in case… 😉


Saw this and had a chuckle, weekends do fly by so when we get a long one it’s good to make the best of ‘em! This one ain’t over just yet, we got one more day to play, woohoo! And, ya know what else? Friday will seem to come around a day ahead of schedule and that’s alright by me… 😁

Whatever rain we had last night has moved off to our west and we got us a fine lookin’ Labor Day Monday today! A small chance of showers tomorrow and Wednesday but we could use some rain; I say let it fall before Friday comes cause Brad Davis Music The Shredder is gonna rock our world when the weekend rolls around!

Hopefully lots of y’all have today off and if you’re out and about enjoying yourselves, come on by and wander around the historic downtown square, you’ll find just about everything there! You’ll find boozy ice cream and craft cocktails that’s for sure, and if ya wanna get real crazy we can combine the two just for you… 😉 Here’s to hoping y’all enjoy this extra day of play, it’s not often we get to say that about a Monday! Cheers y’all!


These two cool peeps got the makings for a Sunday sundae in their hands; meet Krista and Adam, they found one of the many treasure coins hidden around Historic Downtown McKinney this weekend and won a pair of pints to take home and get crazy with… 😆 There’s still a whole bunch left to locate today so get out there and keep searching till all the scavenger hunt prizes are found!

Sunday scripture: Romans 9:3-5 KJB… “For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.”

In Romans chapters 9 through 11, Paul takes a hard turn and begins to delve into the question; if all people are now saved by the freely offered grace of God, what happened to the nation Israel to whom the law and covenants were given and many earthly promises made? We immediately see Paul’s heart bleed for his Israelite brethren as (if he could) he would be accursed from Christ if only they would be persuaded that Christ was their Messiah.

The Bible does not specify how many synagogues Paul taught in during the Acts time, but as he recovered from his road to Damascus experience we see:

Acts 9:20 KJB… “And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God.”

This continued right up until Luke finished recording in chapter 28. As was Paul before that experience, his brethren according to the flesh were resistant to change though God had made a big change in the world with Christs resurrection. In Acts 13 we see him in a synagogue teaching history pertaining to Christ, summing up the lesson with these difficult words:

Acts 13:38-39 KJB… “Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.”

Very difficult indeed as the law was to be their righteousness (Deut 6:25).


Adventure begins today in Historic Downtown McKinney! My post this morning is taken from the scavenger hunt’s own home on facebook. Been talkin’ about this all week so we hope y’all got your treasure maps, this is gonna be great! Good luck to all the participants and we’ll see some of you winners for boozy goodness soon… 😁

Calling all adventurers and treasure seekers! Gear up for an epic quest through the historic heart of Downtown McKinney. We're hosting a thrilling district-wide scavenger hunt that will challenge even the most adventurous souls.

Discover Hidden Treasures!

Scattered throughout the district are over 100 tokens. Some are in plain sight; others will test your powers of deduction. Take these tokens to participating merchants to claim your treasure! Among them are three special tokens, each unlocking a $250 prize in Downtown Dollars. Your journey through history and commerce will be richly rewarded.

Uncover the Ultimate Grand Prize - $2,500!!!

For the bravest and most determined explorers, a grand prize of legendary proportions awaits. The ultimate $2500 cash prize is hidden within the district, guarded by challenging clues and puzzles. Only the most intrepid adventurer will uncover this coveted treasure. Prepare yourself for an unforgettable adventure through Downtown McKinney.

Channel your inner archaeologist, embrace the thrill of the hunt, and embark on a quest worthy of Indiana Jones himself. The lost treasures of Downtown McKinney await—are you ready to uncover them?


Happy Friday everyone! We got big fun goin’ down this evening rain or shine; it’s The Skinny Bishop live tonight at our place and you don’t wanna miss ‘em! High energy, wonderful tunes, fantastic musicianship, this trio has it all y’all… 🤠 The first set starts at 8:00 so grab a table and don’t be late… 😁

It’s a cloudy start to our Friday and we might see a few raindrops before the day is through, but my money is on the no-rain vibes for tonight! Let’s keep ‘em flowin’ all weekend long cause there’s cool things happenin’ downtown throughout this long Labor Day weekend!

The Downtown McKinney Scavenger Hunt starts tomorrow and with it your chance at winning a grand cash prize of $2,500 bucks and tons of other fantastic things from all your favorite downtown businesses! Get all the groovy details right here…

The weekend starts here, the weekend starts now, it’s Friday friends and good times abound! We’ll hope to see YOU tonight in your hometown downtown for sweet boozy treats and fantastic live music too… 😎 TGIF!!!


A question we often receive over the phone: do we have non-alcoholic flavors for children? The answer is YES, we sure do! My granddaughter Riley often comes for a visit and enjoys all our “n/a” flavors; she sure is serious about her ice cream… 😆 We’ve most always got vanilla, chocolate and strawberry; I try to keep the cookies -n- cream on hand, and sometimes y’all might even find some peppermint cream and cinnamon bun in the freezers too! We even have two dairy free “no booze” options, cotton candy and bubble gum! We might be the ice cream shop for mom and pop but we know y’all bring the kids with ya sometimes too… 😉

A fine lookin’ partly cloudy Friday Eve today but there’s some changes on the way! Temps will rise up to a high of 93 and that’s the last time we’ll see 90’s for at least a week. Cooler air comes in overnight and with it a 50% chance of rain just in time for the Labor Day weekend… 🫤 I know we need it but get them no-rain vibes flowin’ anyway, we got great tunes Friday night; The Skinny Bishop is coming to town and we got ‘em live!

Have y’all signed up for the Great McKinney Scavenger Hunt? Historic Downtown McKinney and Visit McKinney TX are puttin’ on a wild one! There’s $11,000 in prizes care of downtown businesses (including us) and a grand prize of $2,500 in cash for the big winner! Who among us couldn’t use an extra 2.5 big ones??? Get the details here and begin the search… Start the weekend just a wee bit early, pick up your treasure map and come see us for a sweet boozy (or non-boozy) treat! Bring the kiddos, play a board game and enjoy the day… 😊


It’s Wednesday hump day, the middle of the week; we’re days away from Monday gone by and days away from Friday to come, all at the same time and something’s gotta give! If you’re lookin’ for somethin’ to do, look no further, it’s Kocktails and Karaoke night with Tish at the Barlor, 21 and over please! That’s right, she’ll set ‘em up and y’all can knock ‘em down; you can even sing a song too… 😆 Yep, the audio system will be yours from 7 till 10 as we’re Rockin’ Into The Night, hit it 38 Special… 🤠

It’s nice and sunny out now but we may see a few clouds move in towards the afternoon. Slight chance of a shower with ‘em but nothin’ too bad. It’s this weekend we need them no-rain vibes a-flowin’ cause it’s a good long one and we don’t want it rained out! The Skinny Bishop is back in town and playin’ our place come Friday night and you just don’t wanna miss that!

The Downtown McKinney Scavenger Hunt is happening as well and y’all don’t wanna miss that either! There’s lots of prizes to win (boozy ice cream of course) and money too! The grand prize winner will take home a whoppin’ $2,500… 🤩 Yes, you read that right; get the details here… That scavenger hunt is gonna be wild for sure and there’s wild times tonight as well! We’ll hope to see YOU downtown for Kocktails and Karaoke as the week winds down and the weekend fast approaches… 😁


Some sincere thanks and congratulations are in order here! Thank you to everyone who voted for us in the CommunityVotes - McKinney TX poll for best ice cream in McKinney! We took home the grand prize of Platinum while Handel's Ice Cream McKinney got the Gold and our downtown neighbors Miruku.creamery won Silver! Congratulations to both outstanding local ice cream shops! We so very much appreciate everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to cast their votes providing small businesses like ours some wonderful recognition in our home towns! Here’s a link to the website where the winners are listed…

Our temperatures are beginning to moderate a bit with a high of 94 today; still toasty but a whole lot better than 104! Might be some scattered thunderstorms rolling around come the weekend so get them no-rain vibes flowin’ especially for live music Friday cause we got McKinney’s own The Skinny Bishop coming to play!

It’s Labor Day this weekend too and we sure hope it don’t get rained out. I’m sure there are lots of plans already made including the BIG FUN Downtown McKinney SCAVENGER HUNT, link and details here… Y’all can win some incredible prizes from lots of downtown businesses (including ours!) and have a chance at a CASH PRIZE of $2,500…!!! Yeah, you read that right! Sign up today and maybe we’ll see YOU tonight for some boozy goodness at our place… 😊


Happy national dog day everyone! I’ve been crazy about dogs my whole life! Grew up with an Irish Setter named Sunshine, Sharyn with a Boxer named Jenny. Before we had our own children Murphy the Yellow Labrador came into our lives. Nine years later a Chocolate named Rosie and nine years after that another Yellow named Ruby! Tucker Bean the Beagle came along not long before we moved here to Texas and that’s when Moose the Great Dane made his appearance. Samson the Cane Corso arrived a year or so ago and so too did Bailey the Golden Retriever a few months later! Each one so remarkably unique and very special, who knows how many more will come to enrich our lives? If you love the pups as much we do, here’s a simple recipe y’all can make at home for a frozen treat they’ll love, especially on a hot August day in Texas!

It just happens to be a hot August day in Texas too, but those high temps are gonna start to moderate as we move towards the weekend and we should be lookin’ at 80+ degree weather by next week! An increased chance of some rain showers over our Labor Day weekend but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. We got Big Music this Friday when McKinney’s own The Skinny Bishop comes to rock our world and that’s a show y’all just don’t wanna miss!

If you’re out and about with your four-legged best friend today, stop on by the shop and treat them to one of our own peanut butter and banana “Pupper Nutter” frozen treats! I’ve yet to meet a dog that’s turned up a nose to a cup… 😆 While you’re there you can also treat yourself to a boozy sweet treat but I’m sure y’all picked up on that one already… 😉 Lots of love to all you dog lovers and the dogs you love on this lovely national doggy day… 🐶


Gotchoo a Sunday sundae in a glass today, one of my all time favorite sweet treats, the root beer float! This ain’t no ordinary root beer float though, nope. It’s a Not Your Father’s Root Beer root beer float with root beer schnapps infused “Root Beer Vanilla Floatila” ice cream! Root beer floats don’t get much more root beery than this… 😆

Sunday scripture: Romans 8:31 KJB… “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”

Paul is preparing to sum up just about everything he’s said to us in the Romans letter so far! All “these things” come down to a single question; if God be for us, who/what can possibly be against us? The biggest “thing”…

Romans 8:32 KJB… “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”

Can there be a greater gift ever given than a substitute for humanities sin? He who willingly paid the debt we all owe; He who loves enough to die for the ungodly? As if that perfect sacrifice weren’t enough, remember we are also joint heirs with Christ and God freely gives us everything Christ possesses! Paul asks:

Romans 8:35 KJB… “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?”

The answer: nothing. Nothing on this earth, nothing above this earth, nothing below this earth.

Romans 8:38-39 KJB… “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

There is no greater love demonstrated than that which God has for us. I find it difficult to fathom; we don’t deserve it yet He gives it anyway. King David asks:

Psalm 8:4 KJB… “What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?”

How incredibly fortunate we are to exist in Gods world. We’re living through the mess of our own making and still He provides the way out. How much longer will He be patient is the question all should ask.


For those of you who may not have gotten over to visit us yet, here’s a look “around” the shop; try not to get dizzy as I take ya for a little “spin”… 😆 Got just about everything in there one needs to have you a good time; a full bar with delicious cocktails, a bunch of tables and chairs, good tunes always playin’ on a fine audio system, a game on the jumbo TV, boozy ice cream of course and a super cool crowd of people enjoying themselves and one another too! We try to create a nice laidback, friendly atmosphere where everyone can hang out for a spell and indulge in a sweet boozy treat, any day, all day, every day… cause everyone deserves a little something special now and again!

It’s a whole degree cooler today than it was yesterday! I’ll take that; it’s the little victories that add up doncha know… 😉 This trend will continue into next week till we’re well back into the low 90’s. We might even see some rain showers pop up before the week is through and my crispy lawn would sure appreciate that!

The weekend’s in full swing after a big fat fun Friday night and we’re havin’ ourselves a time, how’s about you? If you haven’t been to our place yet, maybe today’s the day you give us a try; and maybe keep a Dramamine in your back pocket after that roller-coaster ride of an introduction… 🤣 If ya have, it’s always wonderful to see friendly familiar faces enjoying what we do… 😊 Y’all have an outstanding Saturday and we’ll hope to see YOU downtown soon!


Ya know who these two groovy folks are? This is Ariana Ortiz Music and Mark Lafon Music and, since it’s Friday, they’re coming to play for us tonight from 8:00 to 10:30! Happy Friday friends, it’s that day we all look forward to, the day our weekend begins… TGIF! We like to celebrate it with wonderful local live music and we hope you do too! Ariana and Mark are clearly on the road from somewhere headed in our general direction, let’s just hope they got their guitars packed with ‘em… 😆

It’s a typical Friday in August here in McKinney, with full sun and a high of 99 degrees. A nice breeze’ll be blowin’ throughout the day and evening and that’ll feel good! Things start to slowly simmer back down to a slow boil as September approaches, and won’t that be nice? Still, I’ll take this heat in order to avoid a long cold winter any time, every time!

What kind of plans do y’all have for this sunny summer weekend? Might I submit that cocktails and boozy ice cream go good with just about any summer activity y’all may have cooked up… 😉 Add some great local music to the scene (and air conditioning, can’t forget the air conditioning) and we got the makings of a fine time indeed! We sure hope your weekend is great no matter what you’re doin’ and if Historic Downtown McKinney is on your list of weekend destinations, be sure to swing by our place for some sweet boozy treats and good time groovy tunes to listen to too… 🤠


It was 65 years ago today these two remarkable folks got married. It was 90 years ago just the other day my dad was born! Tell me those aren’t two amazing numbers; and as you can see, each one of these fine folks still enjoys a cocktail every now and again… 😆 We got back last night from a great celebration in Virginia with my parents and with my sisters whole family as well; birthdays and anniversaries grow more precious with time, that’s for sure! The entire lot of us wouldn’t be here without these two, and y’all wouldn’t be enjoying the boozy goodness either… 🤣 Thanks mom and dad, happy anniversary, I love you both.

Oh it’s a fine lookin’ Friday Eve here in Texas! A bit of a cloudy start to the day but that ain’t gonna last too long. That August sun will start shining bright before long and the temps will head up to a “moderate” 96 degrees. That pattern will hold throughout the weekend and live music Friday looks great for the singer/songwriting duo of Ariana Ortiz Music and Mark Lafon Music!

Sharyn and I will be gettin’ back to business today and we want to thank our amazing crew for holding down both our forts, the shop and our little farm while we were away! Y’all are the best and we appreciate each one of you very much!

We sure hope to see a whole bunch of you cool peeps gettin’ a jump start on the weekend! Not many better ways to do it than with sweet boozy treats… 😉 Y’all have a great day and raise a glass to those who came before us, upon whose shoulders we stand, and who began all that we hold dear today!


Set ‘em up bartender! For when a group comes in lookin’ to share somethin’ good, we gotcha covered! This particular group celebrating a 60’th birthday, a day I’m most familiar with too… 😆 Many joyful returns friend, and may there be many more Flower Drops to come! What’s in a Flower Drop you ask? St. Germain, Grey Goose and lemon juice; garnished with lemon, a little edible flower and a sweet sugar rim! I’ll take 4 please and thank you… 🤣

It’s a fine lookin’ day today and those triple digit temperatures have taken their hopefully permanent leave for this year! 96 sure is gonna feel good compared to 106! Full sun and clear blue skies rule the day right on through the weekend with a minimal 10% chance of a brief shower. I would certainly welcome that! Things look great for Friday with Ariana Ortiz Music and Mark Lafon Music, a very dynamic duo bringin’ the tunes!

It’s Wednesday night “Kocktails and Karaoke” night at the Barlor tonight and we sure hope to see YOU there! The drinks will be cold and the mics will be hot; the audio system is yours so pick a tune and let’s Rock and Roll, hit it Led Zeppelin… 😎


Hey everyone, look who’s back! It’s the Jolly Red Giant (at 6’8” he must be sitting behind the bar for this pic)… 😆 aka, Noah who worked with us for two years back in the old Pantry restaurant. We loved him back then when he went off to work for and learn the plumbing trade (an intelligent move we thought); so as soon as we learned of his brief hiatus before entering into trade school come January, asked if he wanted to come back and try his hand at tending bar for a time. He said yes and we couldn’t be happier… 😁 Lots of y’all know him and lots of y’all will get to know him soon; welcome back Noah, we’re glad you’re here, hit it Aerosmith… 😎

It’s a little cooler out today but the big “chill” is still a day away. Temps will hit just about 100 degrees before dropping down to a more manageable mid-90’s come tomorrow and for the weekend! Good thing too cause we got Ariana Ortiz Music and Mark Lafon Music teaming up to bring us groovy tunes come Friday night… 🤠

Come on by and say hi to one of our favorite people, back in the saddle once again! It may not be permanent but we’re sure gonna enjoy Noah’s company while it lasts and I know y’all are gonna enjoy seeing him as much as he enjoys seeing and taking care of all y’all! Let him shake ya up somethin’ cold to drink on a hot summer day as he learns some new tricks behind the stick; and help us say, welcome back Noah, it’s good to see you once again… 😊


Another groovy reel by Diana, the making of one of our new ice cream cocktails, the “Irish Coffee Extra Spiked”! And the BTO tune, absolutely classic… 😎 Start with some Mr Black coffee liqueur, add some Jameson Irish whiskey and then break out the “Irish Coffee Buzz Buzz” ice cream! Put all that in a stainless steel blender cup and let ‘er rip! In just a moment you getchoo one of the tastiest frosty cold potential potables this side of the Rio Grande… 🤠 Chocolate covered espresso beans provide a little crunch and the whipped cream seals the deal!

I think this just might be the last day of our August heat wave, thank goodness! Temps soaring up to 106 today… 🥵 Y’all stay cool out there! Relief is in sight as of tomorrow when those highs sink back towards the still toasty but more reasonable upper 90’s.

If y’all are out and about in this heat, be sure to swing on by our place for a delicious frosty sweet treat! We got exactly what it takes to beat this sweltering summer weather be it from the bar, our freezers or a combination of the two! We’re lookin forward to Friday already when Ariana Ortiz Music and Mark Lafon Music make their triumphant musical return to our humble stage… 😊 Y’all enjoy the day and we’ll talk again tomorrow as it cools off just a bit!

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About Cocktail Creamery

Ted and Sharyn Lindblad have been married for over 30 years. In that time Ted has been self employed in a variety of vocations from construction to high-end audio, to (still) beef jerky and Sharyn has been a professional in the retail sector, currently a senior director at JC Penney. Both have been dreaming of starting a venture they might call their own. A profession where they could work together as a team. Remembering back to her teenage years working at Friendly’s Ice Cream Parlor, it was Sharyn’s idea to begin an ice cream shop. Ted (being Ted) quickly suggested that our shop be different than all the others; that we should infuse a little booze into the ice cream… make things “doubleplus” interesting! The name Cocktail Creamery popped into his head and the concept was off and running. Approximately nine months later Cocktail Creamery is opening in beautiful historic downtown McKinney, Texas with ten alcohol infused flavors of artisanal ice cream and several seasonal sorbets and sherbets (see, What’s On Tap). We share a space called “The Red Canoe” with the lovely and talented Sandra Nichols who brews ultra fine coffee and bakes the best, most tasty pastries these sweet teeth have ever tried! Hint, hint… order up a brownie or a big cookie with some of our ice cream on top! She also owns and operates the outstanding “Snug On The Square” restaurant right next door which serves breakfast and lunch daily.

Our goal, very simply put, is to produce the finest super premium homemade ice cream that can possibly be conjured up. Then, to amplify this already incredible edible, we infuse high quality liqueurs into the mix prior to freezing. “If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it beyond right.” We have spared no expense in choosing the finest ice cream making equipment (Emory Thompson), the most exceptional ingredients available; combining these with a very vivid imagination and love for ice cream. All of our flavors are made from the richest 18% butterfat ice cream base. The highest quality pure Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla is used to develop and intensify our every flavor. The variety of flavors themselves were sampled from literally across the world and chosen because we could find no better. Fine fruit wines and premium liqueurs further enhance all but those servings reserved for the young ones who love ice cream too. For the kids we will always have an outstanding chocolate and vanilla on hand, but make no mistake… this is desert for adults! Never underestimating the most important ingredient of all, Tender Loving Care is used in abundance with every batch of frozen dessert we make!

This, as one might imagine, makes our ice cream more expensive than most other brands. It is very costly to manufacture. We know there are many fine shops in our area for y’all to visit which serve very good ice cream and that’s great! Enjoy them! We wanted more however… we want to be outstanding, extraordinary, unique; thus, we concoct the superlative products we do using the over the top ingredients we use. Average is for the majority… and that’s just not us. Come on in for a visit and give us a try. We’d greatly appreciate the opportunity to serve you, put a very big smile on your face and some yummy ice cream love in your tummy!

Videos (show all)

For those of you who may not have gotten over to visit us yet, here’s a look “around” the shop; try not to get dizzy as ...
Another groovy reel by Diana, the making of one of our new ice cream cocktails, the “Irish Coffee Extra Spiked”!  And th...
I’m thinkin’ y’all are gonna like this one… 😉   Many thanks to Diana for making the reel!  How to make a boozy ice cream...
Sharyn and I had us some fun over at Gather in Downtown Mckinney just the other night!  Our good buddy Darrell invited u...
Everyday is national something day and today happens to be a real goodun!  It’s “National Root Beer Float Day” and lemme...
Where does the time go?  Can y’all believe we’ve been making the boozy goodness in Historic Downtown McKinney for 5 year...
5TH ANNIVERSARY GIVEAWAY! 🍦🎉Celebrate our 5th anniversary with a HUGE giveaway! Win a FULL YEAR of our craft ice cream -...
Today is National Ice Cream Day, our favorite day of the year… 😆To celebrate, we’re giving away three $20 Gift Cards to ...
It might be Wednesday but that don’t mean ya gotta have them hump day blues, nope!  It’s “Kocktails and Karaoke” night w...
We’ve got some good friends and neighbors in Historic Downtown McKinney and Gather in Downtown Mckinney is one of our be...
If the weekend started early yesterday it’s gonna be in full swing for sure today!  I trust y’all had yourselves a wonde...


205 East Virginia Street
McKinney, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 12pm - 10pm
Tuesday 12pm - 10pm
Wednesday 12pm - 10pm
Thursday 12pm - 10pm
Friday 12pm - 10pm
Saturday 12pm - 10pm
Sunday 12pm - 7pm

Other Ice Cream Parlors in McKinney (show all)
Lovey's Homemade Ice Cream Lovey's Homemade Ice Cream
1297 Justin Road Suite 316

Handcrafted ice cream made in small batches right in the store, and a space for small gatherings.

Eli's Handcrafted Ice Cream Eli's Handcrafted Ice Cream
McKinney, 75032

Eli's Handcrafted Ice Cream, we make sone of the best ice cream in the Dallas area!

Jeremiah's Italian Ice Jeremiah's Italian Ice
7820 Eldorado Pkwy, Suite 100
McKinney, 75070

Jeremiah's Italian Ice scoops up tasty frozen treats in a vibrant, fun atmosphere!

Handel's Ice Cream McKinney Handel's Ice Cream McKinney
4700 W Eldorado Pkwy Suite 210
McKinney, 75070


The Gelato Cone The Gelato Cone
2651 Ridge Road Ste 104
McKinney, 75070

Hokulia Shave Ice- McKinney TX Hokulia Shave Ice- McKinney TX
McKinney, 75070

Come see us at our Prosper location 105 N Coleman Street!

La Real Michoacana #3 La Real Michoacana #3
809 N McDonald Street
McKinney, 75069

Ice cream parlor. Best mexican snacks in town. Nieves, paletas, elotes, Aguas frescas y mucho mas

Marble Slab Creamery, McKinney, TX Marble Slab Creamery, McKinney, TX
8930 State Highway 121, Suite 568
McKinney, 75070

The freshest ice cream on earth made right in our store.

Marble Slab Creamery/MaggieMoo’s Marble Slab Creamery/MaggieMoo’s
8930 State Highway 121 #568
McKinney, 75070