Outlaw FitCamp McKinney

Outlaw FitCamp is a place to enjoy safe effective result driven exercise with friends in 30 minutes. Outlaw FitCamp is an award-winning weight loss facility.

We successfully transform bodies and change the health and lifestyle of our clients through personal training and indoor bootcamps. Our sole purpose is to gather people, families, and couples of all ages and fitness levels to give them a place to exercise, socialize, and meet their goals safely and effectively in a fun fitness culture and environment. Contact us today for more information!

What’s Better Than New Years for a Fresh Start? A New School Year! 07/26/2024

August is the new January.
After 13 to 17 years of being students ourselves, now many of us are parents with more school beginnings for our own kids. All these August back-to-school days wire our brains to make us feel like the start of a new school year is a new beginning—even if we’re no longer in school. And it really is a fresh start for everyone—adults included.
Why a new school year is the perfect time for a fresh start

What’s Better Than New Years for a Fresh Start? A New School Year! Here’s why it really is the perfect occasion to make some time for yourself and concentrate on things that you need, including your health and fitness:

Got Stress? Get Moving. 07/23/2024

Feeling kind of stressed? You’re not alone.
Stress is an inevitable part of our modern existence. Whether you’re the president of a Fortune 500 company, a Kindergarten teacher or a construction worker, you have stress to deal with.

But you don’t have to let it get the best of you.
By battling stress in your day-to-day routine, you can stop pulling your hair out and get back to living a more relaxed life.

How can you turn your stress-filled life on its head?
With one of the best weapons against stress: exercise.

Got Stress? Get Moving. Feeling kind of stressed? You're not alone.Stress is an inevitable part of our modern existence. Whether you're the president of a Fortune 500 company, a Kindergarten teacher or a construction worker, you have stress to deal with.

15 Healthy and Delicious Snacks to Enjoy This Summer 07/03/2024

It’s here! Summer is the perfect time to take advantage of seasonal foods for healthy snacks. We can get most of these delicious fruits and vegetables year-round. But when they’re in season, they’re less expensive, fresher, and more full of flavor.

Eating healthy snacks between meals is a great way to keep your metabolism running and keep you from overeating at meal time. Here are fifteen healthy snacks to enjoy this summer without putting your calorie count over the top.

15 Healthy and Delicious Snacks to Enjoy This Summer Eating healthy snacks between meals is a great way to keep your metabolism running and keep you from overeating at meal time.

Celebrate America while maintaining your waistline 06/26/2024

It's that time of the year! Summer parties, entertaining, and bbq bring friends and family together to celebrate our great nation. Celebrate America while maintaining your waistline, we share some great 4th of July foods that won't derail your goals.

Celebrate America while maintaining your waistline We’ve put together some ideas to help you celebrate America while maintaining your waistline. https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/blueberry-strawberry-jicama-salsa/ Skinny Guacamole Ingredients 1 large zucchini, cut into 1/2-inch cubes 1 large ripe avocado, cubed 1/4 cup coarsely chopped fresh cila...

7 Ways Being a Fit Dad is Good for Your Kids 06/14/2024

Research shows that being a physically fit dad gives great benefits to your family. Being active with your kids improves relationships and instills good habits in them. Children who have a dad who makes fitness a priority are much more likely to make fitness important in their own lives as well—in childhood and then continuing into adulthood. And we know that being fit makes everything else in your life easier.

Here are seven ways that being a fit dad is good for your kids [click link to read more]

7 Ways Being a Fit Dad is Good for Your Kids Happy Father’s Day! 7 Ways Being a Fit Dad is Good for Your Kids Fitness, Fitness Tips | 0 comments FITNESS FOCUS Subscribe for News, Deals, Events, & Free Fitness Resources YOUR MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT! First Name Last Name Email SUBSCRIBE This Father’s Day, Outlaw FitCamp salutes the dads in our...


🍩🏋️‍♂️ Donut worry, We're bench pressing our way through National Donut Day!

🏋️‍♀️🍩 Remember, even when temptation is as sweet as a glazed donut, stick to your fitness goals like sprinkles on frosting!

💪 Who says you can't have your cake (or donut) and eat it too? Because guess what, we workout so we can enjoy a sweet treat every now and then - it's all about that balance! 🍰🏃‍♂️🍩

7 Ways Being a Fit Dad is Good for Your Kids 06/06/2024

This Father’s Day, Outlaw FitCamp salutes the dads in our communities. We know that fathers play a critically important role in the lives of their children. Kids who grow up with a supportive, present, and capable dad have an easier time becoming successful adults. People can excel in life without this significant role model, but happiness and success come more easily to children raised by caring fathers.

Research shows that being a physically fit dad gives great benefits to your family. Being active with your kids improves relationships and instills good habits in them. Children who have a dad who makes fitness a priority are much more likely to make fitness important in their own lives as well—in childhood and then continuing into adulthood. And we know that being fit makes everything else in your life easier.

Here are seven ways that being a fit dad is good for your kids:

7 Ways Being a Fit Dad is Good for Your Kids Happy Father’s Day! 7 Ways Being a Fit Dad is Good for Your Kids Fitness, Fitness Tips | 0 comments FITNESS FOCUS Subscribe for News, Deals, Events, & Free Fitness Resources YOUR MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT! First Name Last Name Email SUBSCRIBE This Father’s Day, Outlaw FitCamp salutes the dads in our...

Want to Reduce Daily Stress? 5 Proven Ways Exercise Can Help 06/04/2024

Who doesn’t feel stressed out sometimes with daily life? Life is stressful. But don’t make the mistake of thinking you can’t fit exercise into your schedule. Exercise has been proven to be one of the best ways to reduce stress.
It’s important to manage stress, because it not only makes you feel bad, but it can cause many health problems if left unchecked. Ongoing stress causes heart disease, diabetes, headaches, depression, gastrointestinal problems, Alzheimer’s, accelerated aging, and more. You should do everything possible to reduce stress in your daily life, and exercise can help you do just that.
Here are five ways that exercise helps reduce your stress level:

Want to Reduce Daily Stress? 5 Proven Ways Exercise Can Help Who doesn’t feel stressed out sometimes with daily life? Life is stressful. But don’t make the mistake of thinking you can’t fit exercise into your schedule. Exercise has been proven to be one of the best ways to reduce stress.


🇺🇸 Honoring Our Heroes This Memorial Day 🇺🇸

At Outlaw FitCamp, we remember and honor the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for our country. Thank you to all service members for your dedication.


🚀🔥 Ready to turn your fitness dreams into reality with a little help from Outlaw FitCamp? 🎯💪 Our trainers are here to make your journey smoother, faster, and more FUN! 🌈💫 Join a community that values health, wellness, and personal growth - take the leap today! 🌟🏋️‍♂️

Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Workout? 05/21/2024

There’s a myth that sometimes keeps people from being motivated to start working out. It’s a misconception of how long it takes to get into shape. People hear constantly that you can’t expect overnight results from exercise. While this is true, it’s also true that when you work out the right way, you can start to see some major changes in your body in as little as six weeks. That’s right—six weeks of working out consistently the right way, can result in visible changes quickly.

Did you notice the word “consistency” there? That’s one of the important factors in quick results.

When you join Outlaw FitCamp, it will absolutely help you with workout consistency and our certified personal trainers will teach you the best workout methods for quick results. You’ll be surprised to see changes in about six weeks when you start an Outlaw FitCamp program.

And guess what’s just a little less than six weeks away? You got it—the first day of summer. Ready? Click the link to read more...

Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Workout? Our certified personal trainers will teach you the best workout methods for quick results. You’ll be surprised to see changes in about six weeks when you start an Outlaw FitCamp program.

Still Hoping to Get in Better Shape? How to Keep Procrastination from Ruining Your Fitness Goals 05/15/2024

Summer is almost here. Did you promise yourself to get in better shape at the beginning of the year but haven’t become serious enough yet to get results? The problem is probably something most of us struggle with at times—procrastination.

If you don’t make exercise a priority, it’s easy to let yourself spend time doing something that feels more productive, like work, for example. This is especially true in our society that focuses on work success over health. Or maybe exercise just doesn’t feel enjoyable to you, and you allow yourself to put it off until tomorrow.

Procrastination is a powerful roadblock to our goals, but we have some tricks to overcome it. Here are ten proven ways to keep procrastination from ruining your fitness goals:

Still Hoping to Get in Better Shape? How to Keep Procrastination from Ruining Your Fitness Goals Here are ten proven ways to keep procrastination from ruining your fitness goals:


Fit isn't a size it's a feeling!

How to build glute muscles and why it's important 05/03/2024

Styles constantly change and that includes what is considered the “perfect” shape. Due to celebrities, social media, and influencers, having well-built glute muscles is all the rage today. Trainers are getting requests to build glute muscles more than ever. And although we at Outlaw FitCamp are happy to help people build the body shape they want; we are more interested in the health benefits of strong glutes—and there are many!
We’ll talk about how to build your glutes, what exercises are best for this, and the health benefits you’ll receive from having strong glutes. Click the link below to read more...

How to build glute muscles and why it's important We’ll talk about how to build your glutes, what exercises are best for this, and the health benefits you’ll receive from having strong glutes.

Want to Reduce Daily Stress? 5 Proven Ways Exercise Can Help 04/25/2024

Who doesn’t feel stressed out sometimes with daily life? Life is stressful. But don’t make the mistake of thinking you can’t fit exercise into your schedule. Exercise has been proven to be one of the best ways to reduce stress.

It’s important to manage stress, because it not only makes you feel bad, but it can cause many health problems if left unchecked. Ongoing stress causes heart disease, diabetes, headaches, depression, gastrointestinal problems, Alzheimer’s, accelerated aging, and more. You should do everything possible to reduce stress in your daily life, and exercise can help you do just that.

Here are five ways that exercise helps reduce your stress level [click the link to read more]

Want to Reduce Daily Stress? 5 Proven Ways Exercise Can Help Who doesn’t feel stressed out sometimes with daily life? Life is stressful. But don’t make the mistake of thinking you can’t fit exercise into your schedule. Exercise has been proven to be one of the best ways to reduce stress.

Want to get in shape quickly? 8 Do’s and Don’ts 04/02/2024

We understand that everyone who wants to get in shape wants to do it quickly. We all want weight loss or a stronger body fast!

But fast results are rarely long-lasting results and are often dangerous. If you want long-term success when trying to get in tip-top shape, there are important mistakes to avoid and changes to make.

Here are our do’s and don’ts from Outlaw FitCamp for getting in shape in a way that’s the fastest possible, while also being safe and long-lasting.

Want to get in shape quickly? 8 Do’s and Don’ts We understand that everyone who wants to get in shape wants to do it quickly. We all want weight loss or a stronger body fast! But fast results are rarely long-lasting results, and are often dangerous.

Protein Power: 7 Game-Changing Benefits That Will Transform Your Life 04/02/2024

Welcome to the protein-packed playground where gains are made, energy soars, and bodies thrive! If you've been underestimating the power of protein, get ready to be blown away. In this edgy blog, we're diving headfirst into the transformative benefits of upping your protein game. From muscle gains to mental sharpness, brace yourself for a wild ride!

Zoom Protein 7 benefits.png

Protein Power: 7 Game-Changing Benefits That Will Transform Your Life we're diving headfirst into the transformative benefits of upping your protein game. From muscle gains to mental sharpness, brace yourself for a wild ride!

Protein Power: 7 Game-Changing Benefits That Will Transform Your Life 03/27/2024

Welcome to the protein-packed playground where gains are made, energy soars, and bodies thrive! If you've been underestimating the power of protein, get ready to be blown away. In this edgy blog, we're diving headfirst into the transformative benefits of upping your protein game. From muscle gains to mental sharpness, brace yourself for a wild ride!

Protein Power: 7 Game-Changing Benefits That Will Transform Your Life we're diving headfirst into the transformative benefits of upping your protein game. From muscle gains to mental sharpness, brace yourself for a wild ride!


🏋️‍♀️📣 Calling all fitness enthusiasts! 📣🏋️‍♂️Are you in need of some serious fitness motivation? Look no further than Outlaw FitCamp! 💪✨

Stop hoping and just start—because that's the best way to predict the future and conquer your goals! 💯 Whether you're a beginner or a fitness pro, Outlaw FitCamp has got your back every step of the way.

With our dedicated team of expert trainers, state-of-the-art equipment, and a supportive community, we're here to help you unleash your inner fitness warrior.

🔥💪So say goodbye to excuses and hello to results! Join Outlaw FitCamp today and take charge of your fitness journey. Let's make those goals a reality together! 🌟👊

10 Proven Ways Exercise Increases Success in the Rest of Your Life 03/12/2024


“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” — Roman philosopher Seneca

At Outlaw FitCamp, we love this quote because we’ve seen this truth first-hand. “Lucky” people generate their own good fortune by doing what they need to prepare for success.

This is definitely true with fitness. When you exercise regularly and focus on good health and fitness, it spills over to success in other areas of your life.

There are many ways that maintaining good fitness leads to increased success in bigger areas. We’re going to list ten of them.

10 Proven Ways Exercise Increases Success in the Rest of Your Life 10 Proven Ways Exercise Increases Success in the Rest of Your Life Fitness, Fitness Tips | 0 comments FITNESS FOCUS Subscribe for News, Deals, Events, & Free Fitness Resources YOUR MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT! First Name Last Name Email SUBSCRIBE “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity....


📣 Exciting Announcement! 🌟 Outlaw FitCamp is thrilled to launch our new Youth Training Program! Now Enrolling!

🔥 Whether they seek sports performance enhancement or simply want to boost their confidence and achieve weight loss goals, our Certified Personal Trainers are here to guide them every step of the way.

💪 Our Youth Training Program offers a variety of options to suit all budgets and goals. Choose between personalized training sessions or fun-filled youth camp classes. No matter what you choose, rest assured that your child will be working with highly skilled and certified fitness professionals and coaches.

🥦 In addition, we provide comprehensive nutrition guidance to ensure that your youth can make the most out of their training and achieve optimal results.

📱As part of our program, participants will have access to our cutting-edge performance tracking app. This convenient tool helps track progress and provides insights on strength, endurance, and conditioning improvements.

🌟 But it's not just about physical fitness; our program also focuses on building confidence and developing sports performance skills. Your child will gain the necessary tools to excel not only in sports but also in life.

✨ Give your child the opportunity to shine and thrive with our Youth Training Program! Contact us today to learn more about our youth training memberships. Together, let's pave the way for a healthier, happier, and more confident generation!


Hip Flexors, why you shouldn’t overlook them & the top 5 best ways to exercise them 02/06/2024


Many of us that sit long periods of time or stay sedentary at work really could use daily hip flexor stretches and exercises to counterbalance the prolonged hip flexion of sitting for hours. Incorporating strength training, stretching and functional mobility work for your hip flexors is essential to keep mobile, have flexibility and better range of motion as we age.

Here are 5 great ways to stretch and strengthen your hip flexors 👇

Hip Flexors, why you shouldn’t overlook them & the top 5 best ways to exercise them Incorporating strength training, stretching and functional mobility work for your hip flexors is essential to keep mobile, have flexibility and better range of motion as we age. Here are 5 great ways to stretch and strengthen your hip flexors:

Building Resilience Through Fitness: How Exercise Can Help You Thrive 01/16/2024


In today's fast-paced and challenging world, maintaining good mental and emotional well-being is essential for thriving. While exercise is often associated with physical fitness, its impact on our mental and emotional health should not be overlooked. In this blog post, we will explore how exercise can play a crucial role in building resilience and enhancing overall well-being. From reducing stress to boosting self-confidence, let's delve into the transformative power of fitness.

Building Resilience Through Fitness: How Exercise Can Help You Thrive In this blog post, we will explore how exercise can play a crucial role in building resilience and enhancing overall well-being. From reducing stress to boosting self-confidence, let's delve into the transformative power of fitness.

What Does Healthy Look Like for You? 01/05/2024

What “healthy” means is different for many people. It depends on where they are in life, their goals, their challenges, their age, etc. Whatever healthy means to you, Outlaw FitCamp can help you achieve it. We help people of all ages, weights, lifestyles, and health profiles.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “complete physical, mental, and social well-being—and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” But research suggests that most people define health in a much narrower way.

This new year is a good time to think about it. What does healthy mean to you? Here are five common answers among our Outlaw FitCamp clients.

What Does Healthy Look Like for You? What Does Healthy Look Like for You? Fitness, Fitness Tips | 0 comments FITNESS FOCUS Subscribe for News, Deals, Events, & Free Fitness Resources YOUR MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT! First Name Last Name Email SUBSCRIBE What “healthy” means is different for many people. It depends on where they are in li...

Outlaw FitCamp is not a gym! 20 reasons your results can be better here. 01/03/2024


Sometimes people who’ve never tried personal training are afraid that it’s too expensive or intimidating. This can’t be further from the truth!

Instead of paying gym fees for years on end, it’s a much better use of your money to work with a professional and learn proper, safe, and effective ways to exercise.

Our certified personal trainers at Outlaw FitCamp are well-trained and eager to help clients at any fitness level.

Going at it alone in a gym will rarely get you the results that working with a professional trainer will.

Here are 20 ways that your results will be better at Outlaw FitCamp:

Outlaw FitCamp is not a gym! 20 reasons your results can be better here. Outlaw FitCamp is not a gym! 20 reasons your results can be better here. Fitness, Fitness Tips | 0 comments FITNESS FOCUS Subscribe for News, Deals, Events, & Free Fitness Resources YOUR MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT! First Name Last Name Email SUBSCRIBE Sometimes people who’ve never tried personal traini...


Outlaw fam!!!🙌🏻💯Merry Christmas!!

To our incredible members of Outlaw FitCamp,

We'd like to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support, dedication, and hard work in the gym. Your commitment to your fitness journey and overall well-being inspires us every day, and we are honored to have you as part of our FitCamp family.

From the moment you joined, you became an integral part of our community, bringing a unique energy and enthusiasm that elevates the experience for everyone around you. Your loyalty and trust in us as your fitness provider mean the world to us, and we are truly grateful for the opportunity to be a part of your journey towards achieving your health and fitness goals.

We would also like to extend a special thank you to our amazing trainers who go above and beyond to guide, motivate, and support you throughout your fitness journey. Their expertise, passion, and dedication make all the difference in helping you reach your full potential, and we are incredibly fortunate to have such an incredible team of professionals by our side.

As we navigate through the challenges of each workout and celebrate the victories along the way, we want you to know how much we appreciate your hard work, determination, and dedication. Together, we have created a supportive and inspiring community that pushes boundaries, breaks barriers, and achieves greatness.

Thank you once again for being a part of Outlaw FitCamp. We value your presence in our FitCamp family immensely, and we look forward to continuing this journey with you as we strive for even greater heights in the pursuit of health, happiness, and personal growth.

With heartfelt thanks,

The Outlaw FitCamp Team


🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 Introducing the Outlaw FitCamp Performance App! 🏋️‍♂️💪 Now, tracking your fitness journey is a breeze. 📈 Monitor meals, witness weight loss progress, and capture stunning before-and-after moments! 📸🥗 Elevate your fitness game with personalized training insights. 🚀 Embrace success, one tracked milestone at a time! 🌟

New Year, New Mindset: 7 Changes for a Better, Healthier 2024 12/05/2023


At Outlaw FitCamp, we emphasize the importance of knowing the WHY of your fitness goals. Do you want to look better? Improve a health condition? Keep up better with your kids or grandkids? Compete in a race? We want to assure you that you can have a healthier and happier 2024. And we’re here to help you succeed! Check out our latest blog with our suggestions for the 7 changes you can make for a healthier 2024.

New Year, New Mindset: 7 Changes for a Better, Healthier 2024 New Year, New Mindset: 7 Changes for a Better, Healthier 2024 Fitness, Fitness Tips, Holiday | 0 comments FITNESS FOCUS Subscribe for News, Deals, Events, & Free Fitness Resources YOUR MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT! First Name Last Name Email SUBSCRIBE New Year, New Mindset: 7 Changes for a Better, Healthie...


We are adding an 8:00am class Monday through Friday!! And a 9:00 am on Saturday!! Please keep inviting friends!!! We love that our classes are booking up!!❤️💪🏻🙌🏻💯 Once an Outlaw….always an Outlaw!!!

Outlaw FitCamp’s Top 4 Things We're Grateful for This Thanksgiving 11/22/2023


At Outlaw FitCamp, we have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. The holiday gives us the perfect opportunity to tell our clients how much we sincerely and whole-heartedly are grateful for each and every one of you—this year more than ever.

Outlaw FitCamp’s Top 4 Things We're Grateful for This Thanksgiving Outlaw FitCamp’s Top 4 Things We’re Grateful for This Thanksgiving Holiday | 0 comments FITNESS FOCUS Subscribe for News, Deals, Events, & Free Fitness Resources YOUR MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT! First Name Last Name Email SUBSCRIBE At Outlaw FitCamp, we have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving...

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Our Story

Outlaw FitCamp is a premier workout facility located in McKinney, TX. We believe that big life changes start by taking action and setting personal goals. We offer FitCamp, VIP coaching, group training, and personal training. Our goal is to work with you throughout your entire fitness journey, we understand that one-on-one attention is key to your fitness success. Our business hours are by appointment. Download our app to view our class schedule, a member from our team is ready to assist you today. Contact us to get started!

Videos (show all)

I said I was coming back for those 60’s!!! 💪🏻💪🏻 got 2 sets of 2!! Right arm almost failed me🤣🤣but it pushed through!! Ju...




500 N Custer Road, 104
McKinney, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 5am - 7pm
Tuesday 5am - 7pm
Wednesday 5am - 7pm
Thursday 5am - 7pm
Friday 5am - 5pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm

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