Wisconsin Policy Forum

The Wisconsin Policy Forum is a nonpartisan, statewide public policy research organization.

Wisconsin state park use still strong and growing. But there are warning signs about outdoors funding. 08/16/2024

"More people went to Wisconsin state parks during the COVID-19 pandemic — and the trend is sticking around."

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel covers our latest research, which found that some parts of the pandemic-era uptick in outdoor activity are proving durable.

Wisconsin state park sticker sales in 2023 remained nearly 50% higher than in 2019. And while nonresident park sticker sales have fallen from the record high of 2020, they are still 53% higher than in 2019 -- and nearly double the annual sales in the years prior.

Wisconsin state park use still strong and growing. But there are warning signs about outdoors funding. As hunting and fishing declines, "future challenges are still likely" without stable sources of funding

Report: Wisconsin state park use remains high since COVID-19 pandemic boom 08/15/2024

"In 2020, Wisconsin residents flocked to parks and nature trails across the state. Now, a new report from the Wisconsin Policy Forum found that Wisconsinites are still using state parks at higher rates than before the start of the pandemic."

Wisconsin Public Radio covers our latest research, which looks at how trends of increased outdoor activity during the pandemic are holding up several years later.

Hunting and fishing license sales also increased in 2020; since then they have resumed their long-term decline. Still, in 2023, hunting license sales remained about even with 2019 levels. Fishing license sales were slightly above pre-pandemic levels.

Report: Wisconsin state park use remains high since COVID-19 pandemic boom A new report from the Wisconsin Policy Forum found that people are still using state parks at higher rates than before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Staying engaged in outdoor pursuits 08/14/2024

At the height of the pandemic, Wisconsin saw increased participation in a range of outdoor pursuits. By 2023, our latest research finds Wisconsinites still were exceeding pre-pandemic rates of participation in pastimes such as fishing and visiting state parks.

Hunting and fishing license sales have fallen from their pandemic peak, but remain about even with, or slightly above, 2019 levels. The news is more positive when comparing actual 2023 levels to where they would be if the pre-pandemic trend had continued.

Meanwhile, the large early-pandemic increases in state park use have persisted, as state park sticker sales in 2023 remained nearly 50% higher than in 2019.

Nonresident sticker sales, while down from 2020, remained 53% higher than in 2019. This is good news for Wisconsin's tourism economy, especially in rural areas.

Staying engaged in outdoor pursuits Days spent outdoors gave solace to state residents and visitors during the pandemic closures in 2020 and 2021, resulting in a rise in state park use, hunting and fishing license sales, and outdoor gear purchases. Since the pandemic ended and other pastimes resumed, some outdoor activities have retur...

Spending federal funds in Wisconsin: What voters need to know about the Aug. 13 referendums 08/13/2024

Wondering how to vote on the two proposed amendments to the Wisconsin Constitution on today's August primary ballot?

This Wisconsin Public Radio report cites our research to examine what the amendments would do if adopted:

“It likely will impact far more than just cases of emergency influxes of federal funds that are similar to the pandemic,” the Forum’s report said. “The full impact of the amendments will be highly dependent on how they are interpreted by the Legislature and the courts."

Spending federal funds in Wisconsin: What voters need to know about the Aug. 13 referendums A pair of questions on Wisconsin's Aug. 13 ballot would give state legislators more control over how federal money is spent in the state. Here's what voters need to know.

Report on Milwaukee schools: Lots of choices, few of them good 08/12/2024

"A new report released Friday found Milwaukee students are far too likely to be attending an underperforming school, whether it's public, charter or choice."

CBS 58's AJ Bayatpour spoke to our deputy research director Sara Shaw about our latest research.

We found that despite a wider range of schooling options for families, educational outcomes for the average Milwaukee child have not transformed over the last decade -- and in many respects, have worsened after the pandemic.

Report on Milwaukee schools: Lots of choices, few of them good MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A new report released Friday found Milwaukee students are far too likely to be attending an underperforming school, whether it's public, charter or choice.The nonpartisan Wisconsin

After 30 years of vouchers and charters, report examines state of Milwaukee schools 08/09/2024

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel covers our latest research: an in-depth survey of Milwaukee's K-12 landscape across all publicly funded sectors -- traditional public, charter, and private choice.

We find that even as the range of schooling options for families has widened, educational outcomes for the average Milwaukee child have not transformed over the last decade. And in many respects, it has worsened in the wake of COVID-19.

The number of school-age children in Milwaukee – and enrollment in Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) – declined markedly over the last 18 years. During the same period, enrollment increased for Milwaukee charter schools and the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program.

While Milwaukee schools saw incremental progress in the years prior to the pandemic, overall test scores remained low and gaps between student groups remained wide.

Disparities in outcomes between Black and white students are particularly alarming and appear across all sectors.

The pandemic exacerbated existing challenges and erased much of the pre-pandemic growth, with some variations between school sectors and some encouraging examples in each sector.

Our analysis did find bright spots where some Milwaukee schools are serving vulnerable students and delivering above-average scores in both achievement and growth. Subsequent WPF research will analyze these schools and consider promising practices and innovations in other cities.

In the meantime, it's worth noting that despite their differences, Milwaukee schools share many common concerns across sectors. This may create citywide opportunities for collective strategizing and action.

After 30 years of vouchers and charters, report examines state of Milwaukee schools Nearly half of Milwaukee students are now in private or charter schools.

Advocates and politicians say denser cities are the only way out of housing crisis 08/08/2024

"Housing advocates and elected officials say government spending, changes to zoning laws, faster permitting and building more homes are the keys to alleviating Wisconsin’s housing crisis."

Check out this Wisconsin Public Radio coverage of our recent Forum Friday virtual discussion, which focused on Wisconsin’s growing housing availability and affordability challenges. Our guests were City of Madison, Wisconsin Government Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway; Washington County, Wisconsin Exec. Josh Schoemann for County Executive; and Teig Whaley-Smith, Chief Alliance Executive, Community Development Alliance.

Advocates and politicians say denser cities are the only way out of housing crisis A March report from the Wisconsin Policy Forum found that the cost of owner-occupied housing in the state far outpaced income growth.

UPFRONT: Constitutional amendments on ballot 08/07/2024

Our president Jason Stein joined WISN 12 NEWS to discuss the two constitutional amendments that go before Wisconsin voters next week. They would limit the authority of Wisconsin governors to spend federal funds and give greater say to the Legislature.

Amendment supporters question if one executive should decide how billions in federal aid are spent. The amendments might also affect the state's more routine approval and use of federal funds -- and could slow deployment of federal aid in an emergency.

UPFRONT: Constitutional amendments on ballot Jason Stein, president of the Wisconsin Policy Forum, joins "UPFRONT" to explain.

Ripon College introduces free tuition for Wisconsin families earning under $75,000 08/06/2024

Wisconsin Public Radio interviews Forum deputy research director Sara Shaw in its coverage of the Ripon College announcement that it plans to offer free tuition to Wisconsin students with families earning $75,000 or less.

Shaw notes there has been a shift from aid being covered by state and federal grants to more institutional support:

"Across Wisconsin, there has been a shift from aid being covered by state and federal grants to institutional support, Shaw said. In 2011, students in Wisconsin received 8.4 percent of their financial aid from institutions. In 2020 that number had more than doubled to almost 20 percent, Shaw said."

Ripon College introduces free tuition for Wisconsin families earning under $75,000 Ripon College in Fond du Lac County is the latest higher education institution in the state to make pricing more affordable for middle and lower income families.

'Everyone’s been through the wringer’: Milwaukee restaurant owners open up about the state of the industry 08/05/2024

"According to a May report from the Wisconsin Policy Forum... Wisconsin’s restaurant & bar industry has made a strong recovery since the COVID-19 pandemic."

Citing our research, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel also got a first-hand view of the state of the industry from six Milwaukee chefs and restaurant owners.

Our research earlier this year found that Wisconsin’s restaurant and bar industry has more businesses operating than before the pre-pandemic. It also has shown strong recovery in employment and sales.

But some pandemic impacts still linger: many establishments have reduced hours of operation and are struggling to attract and retain staff.

'Everyone’s been through the wringer’: Milwaukee restaurant owners open up about the state of the industry From rising food and technology costs to a changing workforce, area restaurant owners shared the good, the bad and the ugly of the industry right now.

National Award Winners - Governmental Research Association 08/02/2024

The Wisconsin Policy Forum once again is getting national accolades for its independent, nonpartisan public policy research.

For the third time in four years, the Forum won multiple awards at the annual competition held by Governmental Research Association -- the nation’s top association of governmental research professionals.

The "Outstanding Policy Achievement" award cited our research on the finances of Milwaukee city & county. Their challenges were the impetus for a 2023 state law to reform their pension systems and allow the 1st-ever sales tax for Milwaukee city, and a sales tax increase for Milwaukee County.

It was the culmination of years of work by Immediate Past President Rob Henken and many others at the Forum. GRA officials wrote that they were “impressed with the (Forum’s) persistence for more than 15 years to inform the public & policymakers" of risks to the fiscal health of Milwaukee city and county.

The "Best Digital Communications" award recognized our interactive data portal on teacher turnover in Wisconsin, in connection with our 2023 report, “Revolving Classroom Doors.”

These awards should be a source of pride not just for the Forum’s staff, but also for every member and supporter whose generosity makes our work possible! A huge thanks to all who help make the Forum one of the nation’s premier public policy research organizations.

National Award Winners - Governmental Research Association The GRA presented annual awards for research, policy achievement, effective education, communications, and lifetime achievement.

How to fix Beloit's roads? 08/02/2024

The Beloit Daily News cites our research on the declining condition of Wisconsin's local roads, which connect homes, businesses, and schools within our state's communities.

The article highlights the condition of Beloit's local roads. It also speaks to the city's public works director about some of the challenges the city faces in trying to maintain and improve its roads.

How to fix Beloit's roads? Beloit streets and road get a low rating on the PASER scale, but fixing roads can be challenging as funding is limited.

Municipal DataTool 08/01/2024

The sixth annual Forum Municipal DataTool is available on our website today, updated with information on the state's 600+ cities and villages from 2022 and 2023. Some of its key findings include:

-Spending on general government services rose precipitously in 2022, leading to a 3.8% jump in per capita net basic spending.

-It's likely that an infusion of federal ARPA dollars played a role in boosting the fiscal health of Wisconsin's municipalities. Fund balances rose, while debt increased by the lowest amount since 2014.

-For the first time, we have ten years of data in the MuniTool. Caps on property tax levies over the last decade have played a role in major revenue and expenditure categories not outpacing inflation over that time period.

-We also find strong income growth in 2022, but not enough to counteract a year of very high inflation.

For much more, click the link to access our fully interactive data dashboard.

Municipal DataTool

2024 Salute to Local Government 07/31/2024

We need your help to honor the best of Wisconsin's public sector!

We're accepting nominations for our 32nd Annual Salute to Local Government awards, which honor excellence in local and state government, school districts, and their employees across Wisconsin.

Salute award categories recognize outstanding performance by local governments and school districts for: innovative problem-solving, intergovernmental cooperation, advancing racial equity, an private-public cooperation.

In partnership with the La Follette School of Public Affairs: UW-Madison, we're excited to recognize innovative performance in state government. We also recognize public sector workers for individual excellence and as leader of the future.

Help us recognize outstanding public servants in every corner of Wisconsin by offering your own Salute nominations -- and spreading the word to others. The nomination deadline is Aug. 30.

2024 Salute to Local Government Our 32nd Annual Salute to Local Government awards event will recognize the positive impact that public sector ingenuity and excellence have on taxpayers and communities throughout Wisconsin. Award categories will showcase local governments and school districts for innovative problem-solving, efforts...

Wisconsin sales tax revenue posts biggest decline since the pandemic 07/31/2024

"In the first half of this year, the $2.73 billion in sales tax reported by businesses was almost unchanged from the $2.72 billion reported in the first half of 2023."

The Wisconsin State Journal covers our look at the recent slowdown in sales tax revenue growth.

As the nation emerged from the pandemic, a surge in purchasing and economic activity fueled strong growth in Wisconsin sales tax revenues. Our research finds that growth has slowed, with potential impacts to finances for the state, counties, and the City of Milwaukee.

Wisconsin sales tax revenue posts biggest decline since the pandemic Populous places like Dane, Brown and Kenosha counties have recorded sales tax drops in the first half of 2024.

What to know about the proposed constitutional amendments on Wisconsin's August ballot 07/30/2024

The Wisconsin State Journal cites our recent research on the two constitutional amendments that will go before voters in Wisconsin's Aug. 13 primary election:

"Because of the proposed amendments’ broad language, the changes “likely will impact far more than just cases of emergency influxes of federal funds that are similar to the pandemic,” the Wisconsin Policy Forum wrote in a report this month. “However, the full impact of the amendments will be highly dependent on how they are interpreted by the Legislature and the courts.”

What to know about the proposed constitutional amendments on Wisconsin's August ballot The two questions on the August ballot are the latest effort by GOP lawmakers to have voters decide on changes they have been unable to pass through the legislative process.

New report finds housing permitting in Wisconsin lagging behind pre-2008 levels 07/29/2024

"In some metro areas -- including our second largest metro area and our fastest-growing metro area, Metro Madison -- we’ve actually seen a little bit of a decrease in single family permitting,” Sommerhauser explained. “So that, I think for anyone who’s a prospective homebuyer, is pretty concerning.”

Wisconsin Public Radio covers our latest research on Wisconsin housing permitting trends. We found that Wisconsin's pace of multi-family housing permitting increased robustly in recent years.

The pace of single-family permitting has increased much more modestly -- and in the state's largest metro areas, it has stagnated or declined.

New report finds housing permitting in Wisconsin lagging behind pre-2008 levels The Wisconsin Policy forum recently looked at several decades worth of single and multi-family housing permitting data around Wisconsin. Their findings show most of the state’s metros increasing housing construction, but not matching rates of the early 2000s.

Photos from Wisconsin Policy Forum's post 07/24/2024

The Forum celebrated a milestone last week when our Board of Directors voted to make Jason Stein, our former vice president and research director, the new president of the Forum effective immediately.

This leadership succession had been planned for the past 2 years, with "vice president" being added to Stein's title last year in anticipation of the move.

Our Immediate Past President, Rob Henken, chose to step down after more than 16 years leading our organization to new heights. This included the 2018 merger of the former Public Policy Forum and Wisconsin Taxpayer Alliance, which created the Forum in its current iteration. The merger put us on a path to broaden our membership, strengthen our finances, and bolster the breadth and scope of our award-winning research.

We are deeply grateful for Henken's leadership -- and that he will remain a Forum research contributor in a part-time capacity.

Click the link to learn more about the Forum's leadership succession. It will enable us to continue to fulfill our mission as one of the nation’s premier nonpartisan policy think tanks. https://wispolicyforum.org/leadership-succession-at-the-forum/

Forum Friday: Wisconsin’s Housing Crisis and Potential Policy Solutions 07/23/2024

Join us Friday, July 26, for the latest installment of our popular virtual event series, Forum Friday!

This event will focus on Wisconsin’s growing challenges providing its residents with affordable housing.

Our research has found that Wisconsin housing prices rose much faster than incomes since 2017. Also on the Forum Friday agenda: a new report analyzing trends in housing permitting, a key metric linked to new housing construction.

We'll follow that up with a conversation with our guests: Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway; Washington County, Wisconsin Executive Josh Schoemann for County Executive; and Teig Whaley-Smith, Chief Alliance Executive, Community Development Alliance.

We’ll conclude with an audience Q&A session for registered participants. Registration is free but required for this event. We hope you can join us!

Forum Friday: Wisconsin’s Housing Crisis and Potential Policy Solutions What is Forum Friday? In this webinar format, we discuss a timely research topic and invite notable guests and Forum members to join the conversation. While this virtual event series doesn't replace our in-person events, we hope this can be a way to keep you informed and connected on our state's mos...

Voters will have a say in how federal funds are allocated in Wisconsin in upcoming election 07/22/2024

We spoke to WXPR Public Radio-Rhinelander about the two amendments to the state Constitution that Wisconsinites will see on their Aug. 13 primary ballots.

Our recent report examined how they would limit the authority of governors to spend federal funds, while giving greater authority to the Legislature. That could bring big changes to how the state uses its allotment of federal funds, which totaled $19.8 billion in 2023.

Voters will have a say in how federal funds are allocated in Wisconsin in upcoming election Next month, voters in Wisconsin will decide whether to amend the state’s constitution to change how some federal funds are distributed.The non-partisan Wisconsin Policy Forum recently released a report about the amendments and their potential impacts if passed.

Wisconsin housing permits out of step with costs 07/18/2024

"Housing permits in Wisconsin increased during the pandemic but declined and flattened in the last two years."

The Daily Reporter covers our latest research on housing permitting trends in Wisconsin -- and how they affect housing affordability.

Our report also found that a growing share of new housing permits have been for multi-family units. Meanwhile, the pace of single-family home permitting has stagnated or declined -- and to an even greater extent in the state’s largest metros areas.

Wisconsin housing permits out of step with costs A new Wisconsin Policy Forum report shows housing permits increased during the pandemic and stagnated afterward amid high home prices.

Wisconsin housing permitting isn't moving fast enough to make homes more affordable 07/17/2024

As housing has become increasingly unaffordable in Wisconsin, since 2021 our state has issued more permits for housing construction.

But that pace declined the last 2 years, even as home prices continued to rise, our latest research found. Wisconsin Public Radio covers our findings, which included the fact that a growing share of new housing permits have been for multi-family units.

Meanwhile, the pace of single-family home permitting has stagnated or declined -- and to an even greater extent in the state’s largest metros areas.

Wisconsin housing permitting isn't moving fast enough to make homes more affordable The pace of housing permits being issued in Wisconsin has declined slightly over the last two years, and a growing share of permits were for multi-family units while single-family permitting has been relatively stagnant.

UPAF warns of cuts to arts programs in appeal to raise $3 million more by end of August - Milwaukee Business Journal 07/16/2024

"According to a 2022 Wisconsin Policy Forum report, Wisconsin ranks 49th out of 50 states in support for the arts."

United Performing Arts Fund - UPAF cites our research as part of its appeal for philanthropic support for the arts in Milwaukee, the
Milwaukee Business Journal reports.

Milwaukee’s performing arts sector continues to struggle to recapture pre-pandemic ticket revenues. Recently, our research found that a new strategic vision and potential partnerships between arts groups could bolster the sector’s sustainability.

UPAF warns of cuts to arts programs in appeal to raise $3 million more by end of August - Milwaukee Business Journal UPAF put out "heightened appeal" for donors with less than eight weeks left in annual fundraising campaign.

Explainer: What is a budget referendum, and why is Madison considering one? 07/15/2024

Isthmus cites our VP Jason Stein explaining that municipal referenda in Wisconsin are "a 'relatively new' phenomenon driven by tougher budget cycles."

“As budgets have gradually gotten tighter, particularly as inflation has picked up, you've seen more school districts and local governments go to referendum,” Stein said.

Explainer: What is a budget referendum, and why is Madison considering one? City of Madison officials say declining state revenue, dried-up federal aid have led to a $22 million operating deficit.

As neighboring states legalize pot, Wisconsin State Patrol arresting more people for possession 07/10/2024

The Wisconsin State Journal covers the recent increase in ma*****na possession arrests by the Wisconsin State Patrol.

Also cited in the article is our finding that about half of Wisconsinites now live within a 75-minute drive of a ma*****na dispensary in a neighboring state.

As neighboring states legalize pot, Wisconsin State Patrol arresting more people for possession State troopers are arresting more people than ever before for simple ma*****na possession even as arrests at the local level have fallen.

Forum Friday: Wisconsin’s Housing Crisis and Potential Policy Solutions 07/09/2024

Join us Friday, July 26, for the latest installment of our popular virtual event series, Forum Friday. This event will focus on Wisconsin’s growing challenges providing its residents with affordable housing options.

Our research has found that Wisconsin housing prices rose much faster than incomes since 2017. Also on the Forum Friday agenda: a soon-to-be-released report analyzing trends in housing permitting, a key metric linked to new housing construction.

The event highlight will be a conversation with our guests: Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway; Washington County, Wisconsin Executive Josh Schoemann for County Executive; and Teig Whaley-Smith, Chief Alliance Executive, Community Development Alliance.

We’ll conclude with an audience Q&A session for registered participants. Registration is free but required for this event. We hope you can join us!

Forum Friday: Wisconsin’s Housing Crisis and Potential Policy Solutions What is Forum Friday? In this webinar format, we discuss a timely research topic and invite notable guests and Forum members to join the conversation. While this virtual event series doesn't replace our in-person events, we hope this can be a way to keep you informed and connected on our state's mos...

Unemployment is low, the labor market tight. But more Wisconsinites are on FoodShare, or food stamps, than before COVID 07/08/2024

"The number of people enrolled in the food assistance program FoodShare in Wisconsin remains above pre-pandemic levels, according to a new Wisconsin Policy Forum report."

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel covers our latest research, which found FoodShare enrollment may have reached a new normal.

Although pandemic-era high unemployment has subsided, FoodShare benefit enrollment in Wisconsin has not yet returned to 2019 levels. This may reflect factors including changes to eligibility requirements, reduced stigma, or high food prices.

Unemployment is low, the labor market tight. But more Wisconsinites are on FoodShare, or food stamps, than before COVID A report by the Wisconsin Policy Forum suggests the high enrollment may be due to relaxed eligibility rules, high cost of living and more awareness.

How do Madison's $607 million referendums compare with past referendums in the suburbs? 07/05/2024

"The dollar amount Madison is requesting has been described as “unprecedented” in district history by the Wisconsin Policy Forum."

Our findings are cited by the Wisconsin State Journal in its coverage of the Madison Schools - MMSD referenda set for the Nov. ballot.

The article also notes another key finding from our report. Compared to adjacent districts, MMSD serves the greatest share of students who are low-income, English learners, students of color, and is tied for the greatest share of students who have disabilities.

“As a result, MMSD faces higher costs than its surrounding suburban districts," our research found.

How do Madison's $607 million referendums compare with past referendums in the suburbs? Madison schools are not alone in their increasing reliance on referendums to fill budget holes and pay for new construction. Suburban districts in the Madison-area have put a number of

FoodShare participation remains above pre-pandemic levels, report finds 07/03/2024

"More than 700,000 people were participating in FoodShare in March, a 16% increase from pre-pandemic levels."

Wisconsin Public Radio covers our latest research, on the possibility that FoodShare enrollment has reached a post-pandemic "new normal."

FoodShare participation remains above pre-pandemic levels, report finds More people rely on food assistance than did before the pandemic, according to a new report from the Wisconsin Policy Forum.

Capitol Chats: Stein says policymakers should consider universities to address job market needs 07/01/2024

Our vice president Jason Stein joined WisPolitics.com's Capitol Chats podcast to discuss the Universities of Wisconsin budget.

Topics discussed included the system's recent closures of two-year campuses, and whether the universities' capacity to serve Wisconsin's labor market has been diminished. Have a listen!

Capitol Chats: Stein says policymakers should consider universities to address job market needs In this week’s Capitol Chats episode, Wisconsin Policy Forum VP and Research Director Jason Stein weighs in on the Universities of Wisconsin's budget challenges.

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Videos (show all)

Addressing the massive list of unmet needs facing the Milwaukee County Parks system will require a mix of far-reaching s...
Today we're releasing our newly updated Metro Milwaukee Innovation DataTool. The interactive tool tracks the region’s pe...
Our updated Property Values & Taxes DataTool is now live at http://wispolicyforum.org/researchThis interactive tool lets...
NEW: Our updated interactiove School DataTool is out today, with findings that include:-Rates of chronically absent stud...
Check out our newest form of content: a video summary of our latest research!Forum president Rob Henken sat down with se...
Our latest research finds in 2021, Wisconsin room tax collections rebounded -- as did leisure travel -- from the pandemi...
Our 2021 Metro Milwaukee Innovation DataTool explores the area’s performance on 17 indicators tied to innovation and eco...
The 2022 edition of our annual City of Milwaukee budget brief finds an unprecedented infusion of federal pandemic aid sh...
Today we're unveiling the 2021 update to our Property Values and Taxes DataTool, with interactive data for all 72 Wiscon...
Where Learning Went Virtual
Forum research featured on Imagine MKE podcast
City of Madison 2020 Budget Brief


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Other Milwaukee schools & colleges (show all)
UWM String Academy UWM String Academy
2400 E Kenwood Boulevard
Milwaukee, 53211

The UWM String Academy provides comprehensive and professional instruction on violin, viola and cell

St. Marcus School St. Marcus School
2215 North Palmer Street
Milwaukee, 53212

St. Marcus is a Christian, high-expectations choice school in the city of Milwaukee.

City of Milwaukee - Summer Youth Internship Program City of Milwaukee - Summer Youth Internship Program
City Of Milwaukee/Department Of City Development 809 N Broadway
Milwaukee, 53202

Wisconsin Lutheran College Wisconsin Lutheran College
8800 W Bluemound Road
Milwaukee, 53226

Wisconsin Lutheran College is a nationally ranked college in Milwaukee with 1,100 students.

MSOE Rader School of Business MSOE Rader School of Business
1235 N Milwaukee Street
Milwaukee, 53202

MSOE’s Rader School of Business has been offering business & management degrees for more than 50 years.

Taeliac Studio Taeliac Studio
Milwaukee, 53172

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University of Wisconsin Milwaukee University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
2200 E Kenwood Boulevard
Milwaukee, 53211

The official page for the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. Go Panthers!

UWM Libraries UWM Libraries
2311 E Hartford Avenue
Milwaukee, 53211

The University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Libraries

UWM Recreation Center UWM Recreation Center
2200 E Kenwood Boulevard
Milwaukee, 53211

UW-Milwaukee Geosciences UW-Milwaukee Geosciences
3209 N Maryland Avenue, Lapham Hall 366
Milwaukee, 53211

Welcome to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Department of Geosciences page.

Milwaukee Ballet School & Academy Milwaukee Ballet School & Academy
128 N. Jackson Street
Milwaukee, 53202

Milwaukee Ballet School & Academy provides education in dance and experience for a lifetime, with three convenient locations in Downtown Milwaukee, Brookfield, and Fox Point.

Journey House Journey House
2110 W Scott Street
Milwaukee, 53204

Journey House empowers families to move out of poverty by offering adult education, youth developmen