ALS Worldwide

Nonprofit that helps people live better and longer with ALS by providing FREE assistance to all. WHAT IS ALS? So, amyotrophic means “no muscle nourishment”.

The name amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is Greek in origin. “A” means "no" or "negative," “myo” translates to “muscle”, and “trophic” refers to “nourishment”. "Lateral" refers to the places in a person's spinal cord where portions of nerve cells that signal and control the muscles are located. As this area degenerates it leads to scarring or hardening ("sclerosis") in the region. In the United Stat


John Carrol's message: "Like so many who have been diagnosed with ALS I too was floored. Why me? Stuff happens. After hours of internet research, doctor visits and family discussions, along came ALS with the most honest and informative site I've found."

We man the telephones, answer emails, maintain the website, provide information about medications that extend and improve the quality of life. Perhaps, most importantly, we provide counseling to every patient and family who seek our help.

A heartfelt thank you and deep appreciation of gratitude to all those who support our efforts. Visit the Website today!

Barbara and Steve Byer


May is ALS Awareness month, a perfect time to honor and memorialize those you care about. Give recognition to loved ones battling ALS every day, thank caregivers who spend their days graciously giving their time and energy to care for a loved one. For those who have lost their lives, remember them with love and share their names on our website. The person you choose to commemorate will appear on our Wall of Remembrance here

For more than twenty years, has provided guidance and support to those with ALS and their families via videoconference, email, social media and telephone. Families are never charged for our services. Access to symptom relieving medications, assistance finding quality medical care, connection to other ALS patients, ways to minimize symptoms, support for caregivers are just a few of the services we provide with empathy and care.

Join our efforts today with a generous donation. All those honored will receive a personal card acknowledging your gift.
With Deep Appreciation for your support,
Barbara and Stephen Byer


Help spread the word that MAY IS ALS AWARENESS MONTH! Your involvement can make an important difference. Why? Because ALS/MND/ELA strikes without warning, targeting women, men, old and young, everywhere on the planet. Debilitation and demise of every voluntary muscle in the body steals a person's ability to walk, talk, eat, hug, write, sit, stand. But their mind is still sharp, capable and intelligent. Life in a Glass Coffin!

In spite of these ravages, those with ALS maintain their dignity and sense of hope that a brighter day may soon come. At ALS Worldwide, we work each day to help provide encouragement, hope, peace and compassion.

What can you do?

1 - Watch our son Ben Byer's film "," an award winning film that highlights the courage and difficulties faced by those within the ALS community. Ben's journey was filled with beauty, humor and challenges. We encourage you to watch the film today to meet our son Ben in celebration of his meaningful life.

2 - Support our efforts by making a generous contribution to ALS Worldwide today. We provide free counseling and emotional support throughout the world.
Donate Here.

3 - Send a copy of Pathways Through the ALS Storm to an ALS family so they can be armed with the best ways to maintain dignity and live fully. Available on

4 - Visit a neighbor or friend that you know has ALS to brighten their day with your presence.

5 - Share this email with everyone you know! Thank you.


ALS Worldwide is the only nonprofit global health organization that provides free guidance, care, and support to people living with ALS via videoconference, email, social media, and telephone in more than 150 countries. We strive to help people live better and longer with ALS. Until there's a cure, there's ALS Worldwide. Please help by donating today at ALS Worldwide!

Thank You So Much,
Barbara and Stephen Byer
Co-Directors and Founders


"When I was diagnosed in 2004, I asked if I should do physical therapy. I was told "No"; PT would supposedly weaken muscle tone and expedite my deterioration. Fast forward about 10 years, and lo and behold, guess what? The medical community reversed its opinion and said PT was indeed good for ALS as it was important to keep muscles stretched and as toned as possible. It also helps with spasticity. Duh! Insurance pays partially for PT. They still consider it “maintenance” since there is minimal improvement - but isn’t staying the same a positive? helped me locate physical therapy when we were in Arlington, VA for 3 months. I went to Georgetown University Medical Center there. When we went to Avila Beach, CA near San Luis Obispo, I went to San Luis Physical Therapy. In Reading, PA, I went to Commonwealth Orthopedic Associates. ALS Worldwide has been a great source of help for me wherever we travel."

Debbie Gattoni

We love sharing Debbie and her story with the ALS Community! We support ALS families by providing FREE expert personalized guidance and emotional support and facilitate opportunities for individuals to connect, share experiences and find solace in a supportive community. But we also need your support to continue our important, relevant work and hope you will donate here: to join our efforts.

We created the book "PATHWAYS THROUGH THE ALS STORM", - available at - This book serves as an ongoing support for those with ALS and those who love them and makes a significant gift for families dealing with ALS.

Thank you for reading about Debbie, and for supporting all those with ALS.


We're thrilled to announce the launch of our new website,
aimed at providing support and resources for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients and their families. Our hope is that you will support our efforts today by providing a donation. and join our cause. Together, our mission has always been to offer comprehensive assistance to patients worldwide. With this new format, we're taking a significant step forward in achieving that goal.

ALS Worldwide has been dedicated to supporting ALS patients and their families through ongoing FREE consultation and counseling. We understand the challenges and hardships that come with this condition, which is why we strive to provide a platform that offers not only information but also empathy, guidance, and a sense of community.

With the new features and enhancements on our website, we aim to make accessing support easier and more effective for everyone involved. Some of the key improvements include:

1. Improved Accessibility: Our website is now more accessible, with better navigation and user-friendly design, ensuring that individuals facing ALS and their families can find the help they need quickly and efficiently.

2. Community Connections: We connect individuals going through similar experiences, share stories, ask questions, and provide support to one another.

3. Online Counseling Services: Through our upgraded platform, we offer direct access to scheduling online counseling sessions providing FREE personalized support and guidance to ALS patients and their families.

To sustain and further expand our services, we rely on the generosity of donors like you. Your donations enable us to continue offering consultations, counseling, and other essential services to those affected by ALS, free of charge. Please donate today:

Together, we can make a positive impact and provide much-needed support to those battling ALS. Thank you for your continued support and generosity.


"Pathways Through the ALS Storm" is a heartfelt collaboration, sharing over twenty years of personal experiences, insights, and extensive research in navigating the turbulent waters of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

Drawing from our journey as caregivers and advocates, we offer a beacon of light and understanding for individuals and families confronting ALS. "Pathways Through the ALS Storm" is more than a compilation of medical information; it's a testament to resilience, hope, and the power of knowledge in facing adversity. We provide practical advice, emotional support, and guidance for life with ALS.

Our shared experiences, trials, and triumphs in caring for our son Ben, offer intimate insights and relatable anecdotes. Extensive research and complex medical information are distilled into accessible, easy-to-understand information which can help you make make informed decisions about your care and treatment. The holistic framework we provide will help you cope with the challenges of ALS. Within these pages are practical tips, emotional support strategies, and resources to help you enhance the quality of your life.

We recognize the power of community and connection. With that in mind, we offer guidance on building support networks, fostering open communication within families, and finding strength in shared experiences.

Copies for purchase or download available here:

A great resource for anyone who has ALS or loves someone who has ALS.

Empowering Hope, Knowledge, and Support! 03/17/2024

Empowering Hope, Knowledge, and Support! ALS Worldwide Launches New Website     Until There's A Cure, There's ALS Worldwide. Hello Barbara, We're thrilled to announce the launch of our upgraded website aimed at providing support and resource


Debbie's Story,
"When I was diagnosed in 2004, I asked if I should do physical therapy. I was told "No"; PT would supposedly weaken muscle tone and expedite my deterioration. Fast forward about 10 years, and lo and behold, guess what? The medical community reversed its opinion and said PT was indeed good for ALS as it was important to keep muscles stretched and as toned as possible. It also helps with spasticity. Duh! Insurance pays partially for PT. They still consider it “maintenance” since there is minimal improvement - but isn’t staying the same a positive?

ALS Worldwide helped me locate physical therapy when we were in Arlington, VA for 3 months. I went to Georgetown University Medical Center there. When we went to Avila Beach, CA near San Luis Obispo, I went to San Luis Physical Therapy. In Reading, PA, I went to Commonwealth Orthopedic Associates. ALS Worldwide has been a great source of help for me wherever we travel."
Debbie Gattoni

We love sharing Debbie and her story with the ALS Community! We also support ALS families by providing FREE expert personalized guidance and emotional support. We facilitate opportunities for individuals to connect, share experiences and find solace in a supportive community. We have created educational materials and resources that empower individuals and families to cope better with the emotional aspects of ALS. If you or someone you know has ALS, take advantage of our FREE and easily accessible support. Share Debbie's story and our story with others. ALS is a more pervasive disease than has been previously thought. All of us need to do what we can to support the ALS community.

Your generosity will directly impact the mental well -being of those affected by ALS with FREE personalized service from ALS Worldwide.

Thank you so much,
Barbara and Stephen Byer



Thank you for your support of ALS Worldwide. Perhaps you care about or love someone who has ALS. You might be dealing with the symptoms of this dreadful disease yourself. Or you realize how much support and care those with ALS need. It is frightening to receive this verdict, to be told there is nothing to be done. We learned what this feels like when our 31 year old son Benjamin was diagnosed and we had nowhere to turn, no one to help.

That is why we created ALS Worldwide, to provide a place where those afflicted could find solace and comfort, real support with concrete suggestions for minimizing symptoms and improving the quality of each day. ALS Worldwide is a place, where emails are answered, phone calls received, advice and care given freely and quickly, based upon more than twenty years of research. Help us provide this important and essential support.

Donate Here Today:

You can also create your own personal fundraiser. It's easy and fun. Open your menu icon and find the fundraiser tab. There you will find the instructions for setting up a fundraiser to celebrate your birthday, anniversary, a loved one or just because. Select ALS Worldwide as the not for profit you want to support and that’s it! Then share the link with your family and friends.

Thank You!!

Barbara and Stephen Byer



If you set up a donation page for ALS Worldwide, we will post their story and photo both on FaceBook and our website,

It’s a great way to share the gift of hope with others.

To create your personal fundraiser, open your menu icon and find the fundraiser tab under Community Resources. There you will find the instructions for setting up a fundraiser to celebrate your loved one. Then Share the Link!

Thank you,
Barbara and Stephen Byer
Supporting ALS Patients and their Families Worldwide


Create a personal fundraiser today to support the essential and important work provided by ALS Worldwide. We've been serving the needs of thousands of persons with ALS throughout the world for more than twenty years. But we can't do it alone - we need your help today!

To create your personal fundraiser, open your menu icon and find the fundraiser tab under Community Resources. There you will find the instructions for setting up a fundraiser to celebrate your birthday, anniversary, a loved one or just because. Select ALS Worldwide as the not for profit you want to support and that’s it!


Easy and fun and a wonderful way to support the important work provided at ALS Worldwide. Thank You!!
Donate Here:



ALS/MND is a group of related neurodegenerative diseases that cause the neurons in the brain, brain stem and spinal cord to degenerate and die, which leads to muscle weakness, paralysis, and death. Individuals affected by ALS/MND may ultimately lose the ability to initiate and control all voluntary movement, although bladder and bowel function and the muscles responsible for eye movement are usually spared until the final stages of the disease. Although the disease does not usually impair a person's mind or personality, several recent studies suggest that some people with ALS/MND may develop cognitive problems involving word fluency, decision-making, and memory.

The name amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is Greek in origin. “A” means "no" or "negative," “myo” translates to “muscle”, and “trophic” refers to “nourishment”. So, amyotrophic means “no muscle nourishment”. "Lateral" refers to the places in a person's spinal cord where portions of the nerve cells that signal and control the muscles are located. As this area degenerates it leads to scarring or hardening ("sclerosis") in the region.

Who Suffers from ALS/MND? They are our brothers and sisters, our fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, our children, best friends and those we have yet to meet. Unfortunately, as we know from personal experience, ALS can strike anyone.



A study just released shows promise for those with ALS. Here are the highlights!

PEG10 is an ancient, virus-like protein that supports the development of the placenta. It appears to also participate in the nerve cell loss associated with Amyotophic Lateral Sclerosis. Researchers Whitely and colleagues are now investigating the underlying molecular pathways and ways of suppressing the rogue protein. While still in the early stages, this could potentially lead to a new class of therapeutics to get at the root cause of this disease. Steve Bryson, PhD has written an extensive article about this finding in ALS News Today which can be read in its entirety. Protein May Be Root Cause of ALS.

Review the complete article here:

Steve Bryson holds a PhD in biochemistry from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada. As a medical scientist for 18 years, he worked in both academia and industry, where his research focused on the discovery of new vaccines and medicines to treat inflammatory disorders and infectious diseases. Steve is a published author in multiple peer-reviewed scientific journals and a patented inventor.

Please Donate Today to Support ALS Worldwide
Thank you,
Babara and Steve Byer


Meet Amy, one of the most amazing women you’ll ever know. She maintains her sense of humor and lives fully each day. Read her optimistic story that she posted on the website here: on

Donate at

Then share this message and link with your friends and family to join our efforts to support people like Amy who says, " Being able to have fun, laugh and enjoy yourself is the most important thing in life."

With Gratitude,
Barbara and Stephen Byer
Until There's a Cure, There's ALS Worldwide!


When our son Ben was diagnosed with ALS in 2002, we were frightened and alone. The medical community did not offer hope or guidance, only certainty of death.

We created ALS Worldwide so that no one would have to face this disease alone, to be a source of strength and compassion for all those afflicted and their families. We are proud to say that in the past twenty years, thousands of patients in more than 150 countries around the world have benefited from our personal, individual care. While no cure exists, there are many ways to extend the quality and length of life.

We help people with ALS live better and longer lives by providing compassionate care and counseling, assistance in managing ALS Symptoms, greater access to beneficial medications, information about medical devices and communication systems, caregiver support, and guidance on healthcare topics and resources.

We've created a GOFUNDME campaign to create an endowment so that ALS Worldwide will always be available to everyone who needs it!

Learn more about our exciting plans here:

Please Donate and Then SHARE this link with your family and friends.
With your help, ALS Worldwide will always be available to those who need it most!

Barbara and Stephen Byer


Through our son, Benjamin Byer's film, INDESTRUCTIBLE, he continues to be a magnificent warrior, a beacon of light for all those afflicted with ALS.

There's no better way to learn about ALS than watching INDESTRUCTIBLE. Meet other patients and learn from some of the finest researchers in the world. Please watch today in Ben's honor and memory.

Here is the link to the film:

Each day, we continue to fulfill our promise to Ben to continue our care and support for all those with ALS. With deepest appreciation and thanks for whatever you can donate so our work can continue.

Help us keep our promise to Ben. Keeping the ALS Worldwide Website alive is the gift we created. Please contribute to the GoFundMe Campaign today.

Here is the GoFundMe link:

With Gratitude,
Barbara and Stephen Byer
Until there's a cure, there's ALS Worldwide!


At 31, Benjamin Byer was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) that portended nothing but certain death within two to four years. Grief descended on his family, leaving an emptiness that could not be filled or excised, only reshaped and absorbed. As Ben sought new meaning for what remained of his life, his mother, Barbara, reconstructed hers with courage, humor, anger, and grit, finding ways to ride the storm, drifting, plunging, and resurfacing. This gripping memoir of Barbara’s journey allows the reader a felt experience of a heartbreaking journey of love, acceptance, and peace.

“Shatterproof” is a beautiful and stunning tribute to and testimony of a mother’s love as she supports, advocates and wrestles with her son’s ALS diagnosis.”
Ellen Blum Barish, essayist and memoirist

“This book will deeply touch all who read it and help many people who have suffered the loss of a child.” Eve Lipchik, MSW, Co-Founder ICF Consultants

“Barbara captured my imagination. Kindness, compassion, honesty, and humor fill the pages with funny, tender, and loving bits – a healing experience for every reader.” Jeanie Kachoris, Soul Sister

“I am in awe of Barbara’s grace as a storyteller. She has brought a dark story into a bright light of hope.” Carol Owens Campbell, MFA

Available today in print and ebook here:

Also available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other bookstores.

Photos from ALS Worldwide's post 07/14/2023

Meet Debbie, an amazing woman who has fortitude, strength and a wonderful family who helps her successfully deal with ALS. Read her story here:

We've known Debbie for nearly 15 years and she agrees that ALS Worldwide has been an important place of support for her and her wonderful family.

ALS Worldwide provides a place where those afflicted can find solace and comfort, real support with concrete suggestions for minimizing symptoms and improving the quality of each day.

Please support our efforts to create an endowment fund so that ALS Worldwide can live forever!

Donate Here to the GoFundMe Campaign:

Then share this message and link with your friends and family.

Thank you very much,
Barbara and Steve Byer
Until There's a Cure, There's ALS Worldwide


In Steve's words, "ALS Worldwide gave Pauline and I a place to research, learn, read, and cry. It is there if we need it, and an excellent platform for learning about ALS."
That's our mission! Each day we are here to answer the calls from the thousands of ALS Warriors who fight each day with grit and stamina. We're proud to stand by and with them.

Donate today and stand with us!
Go Fund Me:
Then share this message and link with your friends and family.

Thank You!
Barbara and Steve Byer
Serving the ALS Community for more than 20 years


John lost his fight two years ago, but he was grateful for the time and effort we expended on his behalf. We were there for him when he needed us. Please be there for those who need you most.

Set up a fundraiser for ALS Worldwide, to honor a loved one, to show someone dealing with ALS you care, or to celebrate an important event in your life.

It’s a great way to share the gift of hope with others.

To create your personal fundraiser, open your menu icon and find the fundraiser tab under Community Resources. There you will find the instructions for setting up a fundraiser to celebrate your loved one. Then Share the Link!

Thank you,
Barbara and Stephen Byer
Supporting ALS Patients and their Families Worldwide


Do you know or love someone who has ALS? Perhaps you are the individual dealing with the symptoms of this dreadful disease. Maybe it is a friend, a spouse, a family member. You know how frightening it is to receive this verdict, how terrifying it can be to be told there is nothing to be done.

Now there is a place where emails are answered, phone calls received, advice and care given freely and quickly. is such a place.

We also created the ALS Worldwide Protocol which can be found here:

Here's a place where you can find solace and comfort, real support with concrete suggestions for minimizing symptoms and improving the quality of each day.

Support our efforts to KEEP ALS WORLDWIDE ALIVE!

Contribute to our GOFUNDME Campaign here: First donate to Go Fund Me:

Then share this message and link with your friends and family.

You will help us create an endowment fund so that ALS Worldwide will always be available to those who need it most!

GOFUNDME link here:

With Gratitude,
Barbara and Steve Byer


It's easy to do.

To create your personal fundraiser, open your menu icon and find the fundraiser tab under Community Resources. There you will find the instructions for setting up a fundraiser to celebrate your birthday, anniversary, a loved one or just because. Select ALS Worldwide as the not for profit you want to support and that’s it! It takes just a minute and will give you such joy. That's a promise.

Then share the link with all your friends and family right on Facebook.
Thank you so much!

The only nonprofit global health organization that provides FREE guidance, care, and support to people living with ALS via email, social media, phone, and podcasts in more than 150 countries. We strive to help people live better and longer with ALS.
Until there's a cure, there's ALS Worldwide.

Donate now at

Your support is needed now more than ever!
Thank You,
Barbara and Steve Byer


Until There's a Cure, There's ALS Worldwide!
Have you benefited from the information on the ALS Worldwide website? Does someone you love have ALS? Have they emailed or phoned seeking support?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you already know how essential it is that the ALS Worldwide website exist until there is a cure. Today is the day for you to step up, and support our efforts so that no one need face the ravages of ALS alone. With your support and involvement, we will be able to create an endowment fund so that ALS Worldwide will continue to live until there is a cure!

Please contribute today to the Go Fund Me Campaign here:
Then share this message and link with your friends and family.

With Gratitude,
Barbara and Steve Byer
Serving ALS/MND patient for more than 20 years

HELP KEEP ALS WORLDWIDE ALIVE, organized by Barbara Byer 07/08/2023

Thank you for all the support you have given ALS Worldwide throughout these 15 years. Both Steve and I are so appreciative. What you may not realize is that every day brings a new request for support, care and a shoulder to lean on. Just yesterday, a newly diagnosed man in Australia is searching for Neudexta to help alleviate his bulbar symptoms, reached out to us. Fortunately, there are several avenues we were able to offer to help him. In neighboring New Zealand, a young grandfather visits with us regularly to lean on our shoulders. ALS has become a beacon of light for families in Kenya and India as they follow our model for creating connections between ALS families.

What will happen if the ALS Worldwide website is gone and there is no one to fill the void? I can tell you it will be painful and frightening for many who struggle each day to make sense of this dread disease. Creating an endowment, managed by a foundation, will ensure that anyone diagnosed with ALS/MND will have a place to go for support. That is our current succession plan, and we hope you will agree to become part of it.

Go Fund Me is the place for you to contribute whatever you can manage, whether it’s $20 or $200 or $2000 – I guarantee you it will make a significant difference to many.

First donate to Go Fund Me:

Then share this message and link with your friends and family.

With Gratitude,
Barb and Steve

HELP KEEP ALS WORLDWIDE ALIVE, organized by Barbara Byer In 2002, our son Benjamin Byer was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). From that mo… Barbara Byer needs your support for HELP KEEP ALS WORLDWIDE ALIVE


When our son Ben was diagnosed with ALS in 2002, we were frightened and alone. The medical community did not offer hope or guidance, only certainty of death.

We created ALS Worldwide so that no one would have to face this disease alone, to be a source of strength and compassion for all those afflicted and their families. We are proud to say that in the past twenty years, thousands of patients in more than 150 countries around the world have benefited from our personal, individual care. While no cure exists, there are many ways to extend the quality and length of life.

We help people with ALS live better and longer lives by providing compassionate care and counseling, assistance in managing ALS Symptoms, greater access to beneficial medications, information about medical devices and communication systems, caregiver support, and guidance on healthcare topics and resources.

We've created a go fund me campaign to create an endowment so that ALS Worldwide will always be available to everyone who needs it!

Learn more about our exciting plans here:

Please Donate and Then SHARE this link with your family and friends.
With your help, ALS Worldwide will always be available to those who need it most!

Barbara and Stephen Byer


We created ALS Worldwide as a beacon of hope for ALS patients and their families and in memory of our son Benjamin. Today, the ALS Worldwide website is utilized by thousands of patients each month. Hundreds email or phone us weekly, searching for compassion, information, solace and ways to cope with the onslaught of devastating symptoms. We are always there to answer questions, provide support, and navigate the desert that is ALS.

Recently we learned that our ten-year-old website needs a complete overhaul because, at any time, the system might fail. We are also beyond retirement, having recently celebrated our 80th birthdays. Therefore, we need to find ways to fund ALS Worldwide for the duration so that information can continue to be provided long after we are both gone. Although we have a plan for staff to keep ALS Worldwide alive and well, we need additional funds for that as well.

Our goal is to raise $100,000 through our GO FUND ME Campaign. Some of these funds will be used for updating the ALS Worldwide website. The remainder is to be used as an endowment fund so the ALS Worldwide Organization can live until there is a cure. We've set up a GO FUND ME campaign and hope to raise these funds within the next 90 days.

Please Donate Here Today:
Then SHARE this link with your family and friends.

With your help, ALS Worldwide can become financially independent and permanently available to the ALS/MND community.

With Gratitude,
Barbara and Stephen Byer

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Videos (show all)

A heartfelt Thank You from all of us at ALS Worldwide to everyone who has supported our efforts to care for those with A...
Roar in Norway Refuses To Give Up Skiing or Hope Despite His ALS "My name is Roar. I live on the west coast of Norway in...
Physical Therapy and Exercise Have Helped Debbie Reduce Her ALS Symptoms for 13 Years"When I was diagnosed in 2004, I as...
"I just count myself lucky to be in a position to help. I’m grateful there’s a way I can pay it forward for all of the i...
ALS Symptom Relief
Dr. Richard Bedlack
THIS IS OUR STORY...MUCH MORE IMPORTANT, WHAT IS YOURS?We created this brief video to share our story, describe the free...



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