Badger Institute

Badger Institute - Free Markets. Opportunity. Prosperity.

Medical ma*****na: What we know, what we don’t - Badger Institute 01/08/2024

In 2023, Badger Institute launched an initiative to understand the impact of cannabis legalization in other states.

Today, Assembly Republicans outlined conditions for medical ma*****na legalization in Wisconsin.

Here's what the research shows so far:

Medical ma*****na: What we know, what we don’t - Badger Institute Badger Institute : The Badger Institute summarizes relevant findings related to medical ma*****na given the arrival of legislation that would allow its use in Wisconsin.

Policy Brief: Ma*****na legalization’s workforce impact looks positive - Badger Institute 01/08/2024

On medical ma*****na and labor force participation:

Studies seem to show that medical legalization improves the labor force participation of certain groups of individuals.

Each of the three existing studies finds a positive impact on an entirely different group, so these findings are still far from a consensus. For example, one study found a positive impact on females aged 30 to 39 years old, while another found a positive impact only on older workers.

Policy Brief: Ma*****na legalization’s workforce impact looks positive - Badger Institute Badger Institute : Cannabis legalization might be a policy that many would assume is a negative for a state’s workforce, but Badger Institute analysis of the limited available research paints a much more complex and positive picture.

Minimum markup: Could Wisconsin spend less, live better and be freer? - Badger Institute 01/05/2024

Wisconsin insists that gas stations add about 9% to the price of gas before daring to sell it.

The law similarly demands markups on to***co and booze.

The bill that Sen. Hutton, Rep. Maxey and colleagues are introducing this week would repeal all that.

Minimum markup: Could Wisconsin spend less, live better and be freer? - Badger Institute Badger Institute : Wisconsin has, in state Sen. Rob Hutton, a mad-eyed optimist, for the Brookfield Republican imagines that this is the time, after decades of trying, that Wisconsin could repeal its minimum markup law... He might be right.

Policy Brief: Ma*****na legalization’s workforce impact looks positive - Badger Institute 01/05/2024

Cannabis legalization might be a policy that many would assume is a negative for a state’s workforce, but analysis of the limited available research paints a much more complex and positive picture.

Policy Brief: Ma*****na legalization’s workforce impact looks positive - Badger Institute Badger Institute : Cannabis legalization might be a policy that many would assume is a negative for a state’s workforce, but Badger Institute analysis of the limited available research paints a much more complex and positive picture.

In Act 10 fight, unions don’t just want you to pay — they want power - Badger Institute 01/03/2024

Unions’ premise is that collective action lets workers stand up to The Boss.

Ordinarily that’s a legitimate aim, but for public sector unions, The Boss happens to be you, the taxpayer.

In Act 10 fight, unions don’t just want you to pay — they want power - Badger Institute Badger Institute : The unions’ lawsuit to overturn Wisconsin’s “Act 10” 2011 labor reforms isn’t primarily about money.

Unshakable trust in each other defines a smaller Chaseburg - Badger Institute 01/03/2024

The people of Chaseburg define themselves by their stubborn sense of community.

“There’s not a better place to live,” Berra said. “There is trust in this community. Trust in each other. Like we’re all in this thing together.”

Unshakable trust in each other defines a smaller Chaseburg - Badger Institute Badger Institute : In most of rural Wisconsin, population is flat or declining. The Badger Institute identified 116, or nearly 6%, of the state’s 1,939 municipal units that have lost more than 20% of their populations since 1990.

Wisconsin ranks 14th in attempt to foretell social mobility - Badger Institute 01/02/2024

A new study predicting which states are best equipped for social mobility places Wisconsin at 14th.

That puts the Badger State behind second-place Minnesota and Iowa (12th place) but ahead of Indiana (21st), Michigan (30th) and Illinois (40th).

Wisconsin ranks 14th in attempt to foretell social mobility - Badger Institute Badger Institute : A new study predicting which states are best equipped for social mobility places Wisconsin at 14th. That puts the Badger State behind second-place Minnesota and Iowa (12th place) but ahead of Indiana (21st), Michigan (30th) and Illinois (40th).


Today marks another year of advancing free markets, limited government, private initiative and personal responsibility.

Let’s make 2024 a banner year for these pursuits in Wisconsin!

Unshakable trust in each other defines a smaller Chaseburg - Badger Institute 12/22/2023

Over 100 places in Wisconsin have lost more than 20% of their population since 1990.

This is the first of occasional profiles of persevering small towns in the Badger State.

Unshakable trust in each other defines a smaller Chaseburg - Badger Institute Badger Institute : In most of rural Wisconsin, population is flat or declining. The Badger Institute identified 116, or nearly 6%, of the state’s 1,939 municipal units that have lost more than 20% of their populations since 1990.

In Act 10 fight, unions don’t just want you to pay — they want power - Badger Institute 12/20/2023

Unlike the old days, when a single election was enough to put a union in place indefinitely, Act 10 requires unions to ask workers to vote once a year. Unions need to get only 51% of workers to say yes.

Union leaders dislike that.

In Act 10 fight, unions don’t just want you to pay — they want power - Badger Institute Badger Institute : The unions’ lawsuit to overturn Wisconsin’s “Act 10” 2011 labor reforms isn’t primarily about money.

Policy Brief: What research shows about ma*****na legalization and rates of use - Badger Institute 12/18/2023

Making cannabis legal for all adults increases adults’ use of the drug, but evidence on youth use is mixed.

Policy Brief: What research shows about ma*****na legalization and rates of use - Badger Institute Badger Institute : The research shows that more adults will use cannabis if it is legal to use in any form. When it comes to youth use of cannabis, the research is still highly disputed, but the available research and data indicate there have not been dramatic increases in youth use of the substance...

The real world intrudes for a moment at UW-Madison - Badger Institute 12/15/2023

With the deal approved by UW’s Board of Regents, Madison is reacquainted with the real world — at least for a moment.

The real world intrudes for a moment at UW-Madison - Badger Institute Badger Institute : A formal agreement passed by the regents says that UW-Madison will seek philanthropic support to create an endowed chair that will focus on conservative political thought, classical economic theory or classical liberalism, depending on the donor’s interest.

Policy Brief: What research shows about ma*****na legalization and rates of use - Badger Institute 12/15/2023

NEW policy brief:

What research shows about ma*****na legalization and rates of use

Policy Brief: What research shows about ma*****na legalization and rates of use - Badger Institute Badger Institute : The research shows that more adults will use cannabis if it is legal to use in any form. When it comes to youth use of cannabis, the research is still highly disputed, but the available research and data indicate there have not been dramatic increases in youth use of the substance...

The many problems with Republicans’ latest childcare bill - Badger Institute 12/13/2023

“Creating a new government program that directly subsidizes the capital costs of some childcare providers but not others would create an unfair advantage and potentially harm those who are not eligible for the subsidies.” — Angela Rachidi

The many problems with Republicans’ latest childcare bill - Badger Institute Badger Institute : Wisconsin's Republican lawmakers recently introduced Assembly Bill 660, aiming to help employers provide support for working families in meeting the costs of childcare. While the bill's intentions are commendable, the approach of directly subsidizing employers to create and subsid...

Police are slated to return to Milwaukee Public Schools in January. But do cops in schools help or hurt? 12/13/2023

The police are ending up in schools anyway.

“[In fall of 2022], 34 MPS high schools made 778 calls for police service, 21.2% more than the 642 calls that spring and 16.5% more than the 668 made in the fall of 2021, according to police data obtained by the Badger Institute.”

The question is, what's the most effective safety protocol for both the police and the schools?

Even the most progressive cities are answering in unison:

Putting cops back in schools.

Police are slated to return to Milwaukee Public Schools in January. But do cops in schools help or hurt? The state requirement comes as researchers have raised questions about whether police in schools are more helpful or harmful.

In Act 10 fight, unions don’t just want you to pay — they want power - Badger Institute 12/12/2023

“Having to keep one’s customers happy enough to retain their patronage might be fine for grocers or chiropractors, but it’s beneath something so elevated as a union.”

In Act 10 fight, unions don’t just want you to pay — they want power - Badger Institute Badger Institute : The unions’ lawsuit to overturn Wisconsin’s “Act 10” 2011 labor reforms isn’t primarily about money.

The poor, powerless casualties of Wisconsin’s school choice lawsuit - Badger Institute 12/06/2023

Two-thirds of children whose schools are under attack by Kirk Bangstad are racial or ethnic minorities, many are poor, many are very likely his fellow Democrats.

The poor, powerless casualties of Wisconsin’s school choice lawsuit - Badger Institute Badger Institute : In the lawsuit bankrolled by the Minocqua beer marketer, Kirk Bangstad, who’s trying to kill school choice in Wisconsin, his lawyers make an icy admission: They know it will “impact tens of thousands of children” to throw them out of their schools. They’re asking the state...

Government Scrooges take cut of Christmas tree trade - Badger Institute 12/05/2023

“It came to pass that the whole world should be taxed...”

Local government officials know that’s not really the point of the Christmas story, right?

Government Scrooges take cut of Christmas tree trade - Badger Institute Badger Institute : And it came to pass that the whole world should be taxed (or charged a fee) — unfortunately When it comes to Christmas, you gotta love little cities like

Legal attack on school choice threatens Public School Open Enrollment - Badger Institute 12/05/2023

The Public School Open Enrollment program allowed 73,280 students to attend a traditional public school in a district they did not live in during the 2022-23 school year, according to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

That option may disappear if a lawsuit over school funding is successful.

Legal attack on school choice threatens Public School Open Enrollment - Badger Institute Badger Institute : Over 70,000 Wisconsin students could be impacted If successful, a lawsuit claiming Wisconsin’s private-school parental choice program and public

Government Scrooges take cut of Christmas tree trade - Badger Institute 12/04/2023

Ever imagine what it would be like to sell Christmas tress?

In some Wisconsin cities, it’s no permits, no fees, no problem. In others, government Scrooges are quick to take their cut.

Government Scrooges take cut of Christmas tree trade - Badger Institute Badger Institute : And it came to pass that the whole world should be taxed (or charged a fee) — unfortunately When it comes to Christmas, you gotta love little cities like

Government Scrooges take cut of Christmas tree trade - Badger Institute 12/01/2023

The hand of government is indeed a little “heavy” in Appleton, said Paul Jonen, who used to have a tree lot there but sold the property where he set it up.

Government Scrooges take cut of Christmas tree trade - Badger Institute Badger Institute : And it came to pass that the whole world should be taxed (or charged a fee) — unfortunately When it comes to Christmas, you gotta love little cities like

Legal attack on school choice threatens Public School Open Enrollment - Badger Institute 12/01/2023

If successful, a lawsuit claiming Wisconsin’s private-school parental choice program and public independent charter schools are illegal will also shut down the Public School Open Enrollment program used by approximately 73,280 children, according to legal experts.

Legal attack on school choice threatens Public School Open Enrollment - Badger Institute Badger Institute : Over 70,000 Wisconsin students could be impacted If successful, a lawsuit claiming Wisconsin’s private-school parental choice program and public

Why public school-goers support choice - Badger Institute 11/30/2023

“Do you generally support or oppose school choice?”

“Support,” said 70% in response to the 2023 poll.

Sure, the idea is big with Republicans. But 67% of independents favored choice, and 53% of Democrats did, too.

Why public school-goers support choice - Badger Institute Badger Institute : A new poll last month asked 700 likely voters, “Do you generally support or oppose school choice?” and 70% said “support.” That’s a landslide. Sure, the idea was big with Republicans, but 67% of independents favor choice. A majority of Democrats, 53%, did.

The suspect value of Wisconsin emissions testing - Badger Institute 11/29/2023

From its start in April 1984, Wisconsin’s vehicle emissions program has cost taxpayers approximately $271.4 million — yet it’s nearly impossible to determine if it meaningfully decreases exhaust emissions that damage air quality.

The suspect value of Wisconsin emissions testing - Badger Institute Badger Institute : Every year, more than 600,000 Wisconsin vehicle owners in seven counties dutifully trudge out for their mandatory biennial emissions test. From its start in April 1984, the program has cost taxpayers approximately $271.4 million, according to the state’s Legislative Fiscal Burea...

Entrepreneurial dough: Just what stagnant Wisconsin kneads to rise up - Badger Institute 11/28/2023

We're happy to highlight hard-working Wisconsinites who keep the state’s entrepreneurial spirit alive and well.

Entrepreneurial dough: Just what stagnant Wisconsin kneads to rise up - Badger Institute Badger Institute : It’s common to describe capitalism as “dog-eat-dog,” but entrepreneurs win by being more appealing to others, serving them better. That surely is something we all can celebrate, especially during the ramen-for-dinner pre-profit stage, when entrepreneurs could use some encour...


It’s !

The work of the Badger Institute is funded solely through the generous donations of people like you.

Please consider making a gift today to advance the cause of free markets, opportunity and prosperity right here in Wisconsin.


The poor, powerless casualties of Wisconsin’s school choice lawsuit - Badger Institute 11/28/2023

The human side of :

“Bangstad’s lawyers hint at the real complaint school districts have, quoting officials in Racine and Madison as they bemoan declining enrollment that puts downward pressure on budgets. Districts’ budgets vary with how many kids they teach. Naturally, districts want to compel the return of the bodies that increase their enrollment figures and budgets.

But what is to a district a digit in a headcount ledger is to her parents a beloved child. Giving her a future is their duty, and one of the best things about Wisconsinites is that two-thirds of us favor equipping those parents with the power to fulfill that duty in the school they think best.”

The poor, powerless casualties of Wisconsin’s school choice lawsuit - Badger Institute Badger Institute : In the lawsuit bankrolled by the Minocqua beer marketer, Kirk Bangstad, who’s trying to kill school choice in Wisconsin, his lawyers make an icy admission: They know it will “impact tens of thousands of children” to throw them out of their schools. They’re asking the state...

Entrepreneurial dough: Just what stagnant Wisconsin kneads to rise up - Badger Institute 11/27/2023

Wysong said that when he went full-time into dough, his boss at the gig he was quitting, upon hearing the plan, told him, “You’d be leaving for all the right reasons.”

That’s the spirit.

Entrepreneurial dough: Just what stagnant Wisconsin kneads to rise up - Badger Institute Badger Institute : It’s common to describe capitalism as “dog-eat-dog,” but entrepreneurs win by being more appealing to others, serving them better. That surely is something we all can celebrate, especially during the ramen-for-dinner pre-profit stage, when entrepreneurs could use some encour...


From all of us at the Badger Institute, a happy and safe Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Innovators stifled by current healthcare system - Badger Institute 11/22/2023

Healthcare costs continue to rise, relentlessly outpacing inflation.

While overall inflation from 2000 to 2020 increased prices by 54%, the prices of hospital services increased 200% and those of medical care services 120%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Innovators stifled by current healthcare system - Badger Institute Badger Institute : Healthcare innovators are our best chance for better healthcare, as long as well-intended but stifling government regulations or laws, or an increasingly anti-competitive marketplace, don’t get in their way. The current reimbursement-driven system both creates roadblocks for inn...

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Videos (show all)

The Hop: Taxpayers taken for a ride
Badger Institute: Making Wisconsin Better
Badger Institute 2023 Legislative Impact
The truth about choice school accountability
Wisconsin Governors’ Veto Power: A Brief History
One size does not fit all when it comes to education.Parents and educators must respond to the learners they have, respo...
Do you believe that parents know their kids best? That after raising a child through every moment of his or her young li...
All across the state, Wisconsinites are recognizing the common-sense appeal of education freedom: it's *results*See more...
Choice school accountability: facts > political talking points
Answering the accountability question for Wisconsin choice and charter schools
Wisconsin choice and charter schools ARE accountable



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Milwaukee, WI

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Other Nonprofit Organizations in Milwaukee (show all)
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P. O. Box 1604
Milwaukee, 53150

Sigma Alpha is a professional agricultural sorority that promotes scholarship, leadership, service and fellowship among its members.

TRUE Skool, Inc. TRUE Skool, Inc.
161 W Wisconsin Avenue, Ste 1000 LL
Milwaukee, 53203

Milwaukee’s Center for Transformative Creative Arts & Hip Hop Culture

TMJ Association TMJ Association

The TMJ Association (TMJA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the quality of h

Silver Spring Neighborhood Center Silver Spring Neighborhood Center
5460 N. 64th Street
Milwaukee, 53218

A center for the people, with services from infants to seniors

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Alumni Association University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Alumni Association
Hefter Conference Center, 3271 N Lake Drive
Milwaukee, 53211

Celebrate your lifelong connection to UWM through the UWM Alumni Association! With more than 210,000 alumni living in 110 countries worldwide, your Panther network is strong and gr...

Milwaukee PBS Milwaukee PBS
1036 N 8th Street
Milwaukee, 53233

Milwaukee PBS educates, informs, entertains, and stimulates the imagination of adults and children.

Grace Fellowship Church of Milwaukee Grace Fellowship Church of Milwaukee
3879 N Port Washington Road
Milwaukee, 53212

A Christ Centered Ministry: Helping God's People Find Their Place in a Complex World" Twitter: MilwaukeeGrace. Dr. Andrew Calhoun, Senior Pastor.

Public Allies Public Allies

A diverse ecosystem of leaders working towards a more just and equitable future for all.

Junior Achievement of Wisconsin Junior Achievement of Wisconsin
11111 W Liberty Drive
Milwaukee, 53224

JA is dedicated to providing young people with the skills and confidence to own their economic future

Milwaukee Community Sailing Center Milwaukee Community Sailing Center
1450 N Lincoln Memorial Drive
Milwaukee, 53202

The Milwaukee Community Sailing Center is a non-profit 501c(3) agency that offers educational and recreational sailing programs to southeast Wisconsin.

Hope House of Milwaukee Hope House of Milwaukee
209 W Orchard Street
Milwaukee, 53204

Ending Homelessness & Creating Healthy Communities

Milwaukee LGBT Community Center Milwaukee LGBT Community Center
315 W. Court Street
Milwaukee, 53202