Grand Avenue Club

Grand Avenue Club

GAC is a nonclinical Milwaukee nonprofit that serves adults experiencing mental illness


Today's "Weekly Words" by Kisha is titled "Warning Before Destruction"

Warning Before Destruction

Warning comes before destruction. Pay attention to the warning signs so you may avoid the destruction.
Does a car brake down on you right away? No first there is always some kind of loud noise warning you
something is wrong. Does a dog attack you right away? No first there is always some barking warning
you something is wrong. Warning comes before destruction. Pay attention to the warning signs so you
may avoid the destruction. Does a person with a heart attack die on you right away? No first there is
always some kind of chest pain letting you know something is wrong. Where there is mistreatment
there is pain. Where there is pain there is anger. Where there is anger there is destruction. Warning
comes before destruction. Pay attention to the warning sings so you may avoid the destruction. Even
Mother Nature destroys things when she gets angry. However yes always comes warning before


Today's "Weekly Words" by Kisha is titled "Escape"


This world is so mean and cold. I always felt abandon and alone. I just wanted to go away and escape from all the mean and cruel negative statement. I am not crazy or stupid. I was so tired of all the stigma. However, it is everywhere. How do I escape from it all? Where do I run and hide? The loneliness from isolation was killing me inside. However, the stigma from the outside world was killing me even more. I was just too afraid to leave home. I made myself a prisoner in my own home. All I wanted to do was stay in my comfort zone away from the mean outside world. I just can’t win. Too lonely to stay in and too afraid to go out. All I wanted was to go away somewhere to escape from it all. Life felt like hell on earth and the people on it was nothing but demons and devils. I wanted to give anything just to escape from all the devils we call people in the hell we call the outside world. Even my own family didn’t want me around. Never did I think I find a place where people would feel the same way I do. I now have both family and friends and because of them I am no longer afraid to leave home. The only thing worse than being alone is being around people who make you feel alone. The isolation caused by stigma and other cruelty in this cold world we live in from it all I am now able to escape. Yes, I found my home away from home and from it all I have escape.


Today's "Weekly Words" by Kisha is titled: Staying Married

Staying Married

It’s not about getting married it’s about staying married. It’s not about having a weeding. It’s about having a marriage. No, it’s not about getting married it’s about staying married. It’s not about your friends liking or not liking them. It’s about you caring for each other. It’s not about getting married it’s about stating married. It’s not about your parents liking or hatting them. It’s about you loving each other. It’s not about getting married it’s about staying married. It’s not about the family drama because every family has it. Some more then others however, there is no family that does not. It’s about the love that allows you to hang in there despite the worse because it’s not about getting married it’s about staying married. It’s not about being with someone because of what others may think. It’s about truly wanting to be with someone. It’s not at all about getting married it’s about staying married. It’s not about being with someone because you are afraid to be alone. That is why so many people end up divorced. It’s about wanting to have this person share your life with you. It’s not about getting married it’s about staying married. This is the person you plan to spend the rest of your life with. Therefore, make sure it’s the right person for you before the weeding because it’s not about the wedding it’s about marriage. So many people are so focused on the weeding instead of the marriage that the weeding last longer than the marriage. However, it’s not at all about getting married it’s about staying married. Truly it is not about getting married. Anyone can get married. However, it is all about staying married.


Today's "Weekly Words" by Kisha is titled: Sprinkles


There can be many different kinds of sprinkles. You have the garden sprinkles.

Sometimes people say turn the sprinkles on. You have the sprinkles of weather that we like to call the light rain. Some people may say it is sprinkling outside.

Some people may like the way it feels on their skin. Some like the fact that it makes things grow and just as the sprinkles we like to put into our mouth to eat some people may not like the rain at all.

However, for each kind of sprinkle many people may like them for many different reasons and today here at GAC are some ways people like the kind of sprinkles you put into your mouth and eat.

Yes, there is no right or wrong way to enjoy any kind of sprinkles. However, it is also ok if you wish not to enjoy either kind of sprinkles.

Written By: Kisha


Today's Weekly Words by Kisha is Titled "Give Away"

Give Away

Some people love to give. However, there are so many people who love to take. Some of us have so
many things that others may need. However, we wish to throw it away then to give it away to someone
in need of it. Let’s all learn to give away something. It can be as small as a smile that can do a lot and
doesn’t cost a thing or as big as a large donation to help people in need. Remember what they say. What
goes around dose come around. Therefore, if you have it to give pay it forward and give it away. You be
supersized at how much when you are in need of something someone will give to you. We all need
something from someone at times. The best way to get what we need is to give it away. It’s like I said in
one of my last pomes we give what we need. Therefore, find something you need and to someone else
in need of it give it away. Yes, we all have something we can give away.

Written By: Kisha Hallberg


Today's Weekly Words by Kisha is titled: "I Love You For Loving Me"

I love you for loving me.

I love you for supporting me. I love you for being my friend. I love you for making me feel wanted. You did it all because you love me and I love you for loving me. I love you for bring me up when I am down. I love you for being strong when I am weak. I love you for reminding me (even when I myself say I am) that I am not stupid. Yes, you did this only because you love me and I love you for loving me. I love you for not giving up on me and not allowing me to give up on myself. I love you for giving me tears of joy. I love you for loving me enough to put up with all my life drama. Yes, you did it all only because you love me and I love you for loving me. I love you for loving me enough to stay by my side in the good as well as the bad times. I love you for loving me enough to stay by my side during my health days as well as my sick days. You did this all because you love me and I love you for loving me. I love you for loving me, my dark side and all. I love you for always being a man of your word. I love you for making me feel like a queen. You did this all only because you love me and I love you for loving me. I love you for giving me hope. I love you for giving me someone to share my dreams with. I love you for allowing me to be a part of your life and wanting to be a part of my life as well. You did all of this only because you love me and yes, I love you for loving me. I love you for making me feel safe. I love you for making me feel loved. I love you for proving me wrong about all good men being taken. You did all of this and more only because you love me and I love you for loving me. Most of all I love you just for being you. After all it is you who love me and I love you for loving me. Truly I do and always will love you for loving me. Thank you for loving me. Yes, always I love you for loving me.

Work for GAC | Grand Avenue Club 07/09/2024

Interested in working for Grand Avenue Club? A Program Coordinator position is open! Check out the full description in the link below:

Work for GAC | Grand Avenue Club POSITIONS AVAILABLE Job Title: Program Coordinator Reports To: Program Manager FLSA Status: Full-time/Salaried/Non-exempt Grand Avenue Club is a nationally recognized rehabilitative community dedicated to supporting people recovering from serious mental illness. Candidates for this position should p...


Culinary Unit

The Culinary Unit is the place we get together not only to have meals. The Culinary Unit is (as a G.A.C.
staff Ben once said) the heart of G.A.C. The Culinary Unit is a very special place.

The Culinary Unit is
where we talk and make friendships as we share relating stories. In the Culinary Unit we get to (do one
of my most favorite things) write and share as well as listen to others share some of their heartfelt
stories. The Culinary Unit is important to every member here at G.A.C. Each member may have a
different reason. However, the Culinary Unit is as equally important to each member. Yes, the Culinary
Today's "Weekly Words" by Kisha is titled "The Culinary Unit

The Culinary Unit is where both members and staff get together as a community. Yes, it is where we get together as
the G.A.C family that we are and have (what I like to call Wednesday night Family dinner) Wednesday
recreation time. It is also where we get together and have Saturday recreation time. One these two days
the Culinary Unit is where we get together and enjoy meals as well as play games, do arts and craft and
have fun as we enjoy each other’s company. It is also where we get together to celebrate all federal

Yes, the culinary unit is a safe place given to us by G.A.C where we members can be ourselves.
The Culinary Unit is where members as well as staff can get together and share some heartwarming
memories here at G.A.C. After all it is the heart of Grand Avenue Club. Where our community comes
together because here at G.A.C. we are a community that works.

Yes, this is and always will be G.A.C.’s
Culinary Unit.


Today's "Weekly Words" by Kisha is titled "I Love You For Hating Me

I Love You For Hating Me

I love you for hating me. No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. Yes, the words on this paper say I love you for hating me. I love you for all the put downs. I love you for the mental and emotional abuse. I love you for lowering my self-esteem with all the mean word and negative statements. You did it only because you hate me and I love. Yes, I love you for hating me. I love you for taking from me and using me in any way, any chance you got. I love you for trying to make me feel stupid as if I am unable to make my own choices. I love you for not allowing me to live my life and controlling it as if it was your own. You did it only because you hate me and I love you for it. I love you for hating me. I love you for making my childhood the worst one ever. I love you for advising me to do things we both know are bad for me. I love you so much for hurting me so bad I lived my entire adult life wishing I was dead. You did it only because you hate me (yet) I love you. I love you for hating me. I love you for making me feel as if I don’t deserve to be here. I love you for making me feel like nobody will ever love me. I love you for not loving me and making me unable to love myself. You did it all because you hate me and (still) I love you for it. I love you for hating me. I love you for using me as your punching bag. I love you for throwing me out like I was trash. I love you for kicking me when I was already down. You only did it because you hate me. However, if not I would not be the woman I am today. Therefore, truly I love you for hating me. Most important I love you for telling me I would never be anything. If not, I would not be able to prove you wrong. You did it all only because you hate me and I will always love you for it all. Yes, always I love you for hating me.


This week's "Weekly Words" by Kisha is titled "As Long As You Love Me"

I don’t care who you are or what you do as long as you love me. Your past is just that the past.

Here and now is all that matters as long as you love me. I don’t care if you are the richest person in the world who
is able to give me everything I could ever dream of or a bomb living in a cardboard box with nothing but
your heart as long as you love me.

I take your heart over any amount of money any day. It will last a lot longer as long as you love me.

I don’t care if you are white, like snow black like tar or even purple like Branny or even green like the incredible hulk as long as you love me.

You can be my incredible hulk any
day as long as you love me. You be incredible because of how much you protect and love me and hulk because you have the body of a god in my eyes always as long as you love me.

I don’t care if you look as good as Denzel Washington or John Clued Van Damme or as bad as a rat face or even the devil himself as long as you love me.

I promise to give you it all in return as long as you love me. I don’t care if you are
fat like Santa or skinny like a skeleton as long as you love me.

When it comes to love I don’t discriminate
as long as you love me.


To The Me Before GAC

What I would say to the me before GAC (Grand Avenue Club) became a part of my life is you were wrong when you said those nasty things about me.

I do have people who love me. Yes, this is what I would say to the me before GAC I would say to the me before GAC I am not going to let you hurt me anymore because I do have people who would miss me if I am gone. I would say to the me before G.A.C I am not a doormat and I am going to stand up for myself and not let anyone treat me like I am.

This is what I would say to the me before GAC. Yes, I would say I am happy and I will not let you take that from me. Misery loves company and I will not accompany you in your misery. I would say I have people who are there for me. I would say you may not know it right now. However, my life is better.

Yes, I would say I have a mental illness. However, I am not crazy. I am human and all I need is unconditional love and support that has now been given to me. Yes, this is what I would say to the me before GAC. I would say with the help from the G.A.C. the fight between the two of us I will be the one who wins. Yes, this is what I would say to the me before GAC.

I would Say you wanted me to give up on myself because you and others may hate me. However, I am glad I am no longer listing to you because I love myself and so do many others. As I said the fight between the two, I will be the one who wins. Yes this is what I say to the me before GAC.

Written By : Kisha Hallberg


This is amazing! Thank you Nelson Schmidt Inc. for all the things you do for our community. These graphics will be coming to a few bus stops sometime soon so keep your eyes out!

Exciting news! NS won a Silver Global ACE Award from ANA Business Marketing NYC in the pro bono category for our work with Grand Avenue Club. The organization is a downtown Milwaukee nonprofit that helps adults experiencing mental illness achieve employment, educational and enrichment goals.

Only the best creative work in B2B marketing wins at the ACEs, so we are more than honored to be recognized alongside the best in the world. Way to go, team! 👏


Today's "Weekly Words" by Kisha is titled "A Friend"

What is a friend? A friend is someone who is there for you no matter what. Through the good times and
the bad times.

A friend is someone who always listens even when they don’t always have the words to
make you feel better.

A friend is like a diary that can’t be read. Someone you can tell your secretes and
they will never be revealed.

A friend is someone who cares enough to tell you the truth even when you
don’t want to hear it.

A friend is someone who loves you enough to show tough love (when needed)
even if it may hurt you both. Remember tough love is better than no love at all. It may hurt your friend
even more to give it then for you to take it.

A friend is someone you can take your anger out on and
when it’s all over they still have unconditional love for you. If you have friends don’t take them for

Friends can be like jobs hard to find but once you find one if you put time and work into one,
they are easy to keep and can also make life a whole lot easier.

Hold on to your friend because it may be
a while before you find another. I rather have one good friend then one thousand fake friends.

Just remember it true what they say. It takes a one to know one. You have to be a friend to have a friend.

Unlike family we can chose our friends. Therefore, chose someone anyone man or woman, boy or girl
and be a friend to them. It is so many people out there without one and like a kidney everyone needs at
least one friend.

Therefore, find a friend.


Today's "Weekly Words" by Kisha Halberg is titled "The Grand Avenue Club"


The place everyone wants to be.
Helping people in any way they are able.
Everyday working together to make life easier for those living with a mental illness.

Great friendly people who care about what is important to you.
Reminding you every day how much they are happy to see you when you are around.
Always checking in on or asking about you when you are not around.
Never judging or discriminating anyone.
Doors are always open at the Grand Avenue Club for anyone with a mental illness no matter what race or gender.

Always making you feel like part of The G.A.C family.
Very supportive people there to pick you up when you are down
Everyone there are doing their best to let you know they are always there for you.
Never giving up or turning their back on you.
Understanding people giving true friendship that is truly hard to find.
Everyday always making you want to return.

Celebrating each other as well as holidays and all our accomplishments together.
Living our lives as one big happy loving family.
Unconditional love for you from everyone there.
Become a family member because once a member always a member at The Grand Avenue Club.

Yes! This is and always will be The GRAND AVENUE CLUB


Today's "Weekly Words" By Kisha is titled "The Alphabet Poem"

The Alphabet Poem

Absolutely nothing is impossible.
Be the best you can be at what you do.
Choosing to give up is not the answer to anything.
Don’t let anyone tell you what you are unable to do.
Everyone is able to be something as long as they try.
Fight to be or do what you want and forget what haters say.
Get out there and achieve your goals.
Haters will always wish to take your dreams.
It’s up to only you to allow them to succeed.
Just do like the Nike commercial says. “Just do it”
Knowing it is killing their spirit to see you succeed.
Leaving them there looking stupid once you do.
Making them hate you even more.
Not even trying to do so.
Only you can decide what to do with your life.
People will try to decide for you.
Quiet them before they begin.
Reminding them it’s your life not theirs.
Showing them you know what you want and your mind is made up.
Truly you appreciate their suggestions.
Unique ideas of your own you already have. Ideas only one is able to come up With.
Valuable to all once show to the world.
Wishing you were the one who thought of them first.
X-raying my brain to find out what I come up with next.
Yet you only wish to uncover the secret to my success.
Zooming down (yes, I am) the road to success. This is (A.B.C’s) The Alphabet Poem.


Introducing a new weekly feature called "Weekly Words"

At Grand Avenue Club, every Friday we host "Writer's Group" and Kisha will be sharing some of her creative expressions! Today's is called "Face It To Make It"

Face it to Make It

They say sometimes you have to fake it to make it. However, if you are faking it are you really making it?

We should all face it to make it. We have all faked it to make it, faked it to fit in or even faked it just to survive in this judgmental world.

In my opinion we have done enough faking. Yes, whatever it is you may be going through it’s time to stop all the faking that the
problem is not there and face it to make it. If you have a migraine can you fake it to make it go away?

No, it will at some point cause you lots of pain until you do something about it. If you have a heart attack, can you fake it to make it go away?

No, you can’t. If something is not done about it you can have serious pain and even die. If we keep faking just to survive and make it in this world, we can’t get the help we need.

Which makes it harder to survive and we may have to fake it all our life. If you have severe stomach pain, can you fake it to make it go away? No, you need to ask for help

Therefore, it can get better not worse. Faking it cause more problems. The more we fake the more we have to fake and the less help we get. Faking like a problem is not there does not make it not there.

There would be a lot less death and suicides if people
knew they did not have to fake it to make it. However, instead face it to make it.

Therefore, let’s stop faking like everything is ok to please everyone else and start pleasing ourselves by facing the problem and asking for help and together we can face it to make it.


The Gerald L. Ignace Indian Health Center, Inc. is hosting their annual Honoring the Heartbeat Mental Health & Wellness Pow Wow, this Saturday, May 4th, from 1PM - 10PM at the Potawatomi Event Center.

Honoring the Heartbeat is an event that focuses on the importance of mental health and wellness, culture as prevention, and reducing the stigma of asking for help.

Grand Avenue Club will have a resource table from 1PM - 3PM and we are excited to be part of this meaningful event.

Thank you to the GLIIHC for the opportunity to share more about who we are and what we do.


Today's newsletter is titled "Feeding GAC: From Courtyard to Kitchen"

Thank you to Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin for everything you do!


"What is Transitional Employment?"

Our latest newsletter answers that question and tells stories about members currently utilizing our Transitional Employment Program

Thank you United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County for supporting this program!


Wanted to share a great story featuring a wonderful supporter of ours,


Join us at the Sherman Phoenix on Tuesday, March 19 at 5:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. for the Diversity Leadership Society Resource Fair!

The event will feature organizations that are centered on three strategies: education, transportation, and involvement in the justice system.

Agencies include:
Community Action Coalition For South Central Wisconsin, Inc.
Fathers Making Progress
Grand Avenue Club
Legal Action of Wisconsin
My Way Out
Next Door MKE
Project RETURN
United Community Center
United Way Diaper Bank
Wisconsin Community Services

We hope to see you at the event!
Register here:


Sweater weather is almost over! Come on in to Water St. Boutique and enjoy 20% off all winter sweaters.

Water St. Boutique Newsletter 02/06/2024

Water St. Boutique is re-starting their weekly newsletter!

If you would like to get these publications, please click the link below:

Also, follow Water St. Boutique on Facebook

Water St. Boutique Newsletter


Need a fur coat to get through the final cold stretches of Winter? There's no better place then our very own Water St. Boutique!

At Water St. Boutique you can feel good while looking great knowing proceeds go back into Grand Avenue Club's programming.


Come fall in love with our prices! We are open Tuesdays-Fridays 11am-2pm. We would love to help you find something for that special night! ❤️ Grand Avenue Club


While it didn't end the way we hoped, we wanted to say we are proud of the Green Bay Packers accomplished this season. Youngest team in the league, transition year, won a playoff game, and took what may be the best team in the league down to the last minute.

We also want to thank the franchise for being a wonderful and generous supporter of our Clubhouse.

Next year is our year! Go Pack Go!

GAC Reports to the Community: A Coalition of Clubhouses 01/19/2024

Our newest newsletter highlights the Wisconsin Clubhouse Coalition!

Full story:

GAC Reports to the Community: A Coalition of Clubhouses We were generously awarded a seed grant through Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (AHW) that will utilize research through the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) to revitalize the Wisconsin Clubhouse Coalition (now called Clubhouse Wisconsin) and quantify the impact of the Clubhouse model.

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in Milwaukee?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

what colors would you do for tie dye? #grandavenueclub #GACMKE #tiedye #art
Why should someone join GAC?
Whats a newsletter topic you'd like to see GAC cover next?
Whats your favorite dessert?
What are your 4th of July plans?
Whats your favorite unit at GAC and why?
What has the club van done for you?
What was your favorite part about Grand Event?
What is your favorite thing about Wisconsin?
What museum would you like to visit?
Why should you support Grand Avenue Club?



210 E Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Saturday 12pm - 3pm

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