Day by Day: My Journey with Parkinson's Disease

This page is meant to provide community and encouragement for those walking through Parkinson's and o

09/30/2022 - Parkinsons, Book 06/30/2021

NEW PODCAST LINK AND WEBINAR LINK!! Recently, I was a guest on a podcast discussing life with chronic illness and tonight, I am part of a webinar panel discussion. Visit our website for links to both. Have a blessed day. - Parkinsons, Book Mine's Parkinson's, What's Yours?

Four Little Words 06/22/2021

On the eve of visiting my neurologist again, I cannot help but remember that first visit two years ago that literally changed everything for our family. Two years, so much has changed in that time. On that day, we had no idea how much it would change our family and our course in life, but two years later, as challenging as some days have been, I can truly say He is faithful, and He has walked with us every step of the way. I still do not know what the future holds, but I know who holds my future, and in Him will I trust.

Four Little Words “You have Parkinson’s Disease.” I sat there and stared at the doctor. Did I really hear what I thought I heard? My wife and I had go...

Happy Father's Day - June 20, 2021 06/20/2021

Happy Father's Day - June 20, 2021 Happy Father's Day Let's just agree, parenting is not easy. Many times we are full of doubts and question our ability to be the example we nee...

The Greatest Gift a Doctor Gave Me the Day of My Parkinson’s Diagnosis 04/07/2021

One of the most challenging parts of Parkinson's was getting an initial diagnosis (for me it took 3 years and 4 different doctors). As we focus on Parkinson's Disease this month, this is the journey many of us faced just trying to get answers. Thanks as always for joining us on this journey.

The Greatest Gift a Doctor Gave Me the Day of My Parkinson’s Diagnosis “I will never forget it.” - Parkinsons, Book 03/15/2021

God continues to open doors for us to speak and share HIS story of Hope through our journey with Parkinson's. We would love the opportunity to share with your congregation, small group, business, or school. To schedule, please message me through facebook or my website . God is good, and in Him, we find our hope. - Parkinsons, Book Hot off the Press! Mine's Parkinson's, What's Yours?

Suffer For Good 02/24/2021

We all must do things that are not our first choice or that we do not like, but many times, those are the best things for us. "Suffer for good", on the surface, does not make sense, but often, it is a truth in life we must embrace. Suffering really can produce something good.

Suffer For Good “Come on Charles. You can do it. Just 30 more seconds. Push yourself, push yourself. Don’t give up. Come on; give me five more seconds. you’...

How will I choose to view this? 12/16/2020

For 35 years, You have impacted my life. Thank you just is not enough. There are bright days ahead, and we have hope, for HE is good!

How will I choose to view this? Today is the day. It is a day of closure, and a day of new beginnings. It is a day, that in some ways, I have dreaded for the past 2 months....

When God Deconstructs Me 12/10/2020

We all have transitions, and at times all must release who we thought we were. I find myself in just such a time, as once again I must let something go, in part due to Parkinson's. In those times, He will show us, if we let Him, that our identity is not on what we do, but who we are through Him. Even as He deconstructs me, He builds something new. Have a great weekend.

When God Deconstructs Me Who am I? How do I define myself? What do I tell others about me? We all have an image of ourselves. We all find our identity in certain thi...

He is our hope 11/30/2020

I had the privilege of sharing our story last week at church. So thankful that He is our HOPE!

He is our hope

Timeline photos 11/22/2020

So thankful for my time at LCS.

“If it wasn’t for bad luck…” 11/15/2020

Yes, this may be true, but I am also blessed beyond measure. "I will lift mine eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth." (Psalm 121:1-2) He is my help, and this makes me the "luckiest", no "most blessed" person. Have a wonderful day.

“If it wasn’t for bad luck…” “…I wouldn’t have any luck at all.” As if my life had not been shaken up enough (that’s a joke), I decided to end the day with a bang. Lying...

Mine's Parkinson's, What's Yours?: A Story of Hope and Encouragement as You Walk Life’s Struggles and Hardships 10/13/2020

Special Prime Day Deal

Mine's Parkinson's, What's Yours?: A Story of Hope and Encouragement as You Walk Life’s Struggles and Hardships Mine's Parkinson's, What's Yours?: A Story of Hope and Encouragement as You Walk Life’s Struggles and Hardships

Mine's Parkinson's, What's Yours?: A Story of Hope and Encouragement as You Walk Life’s Struggles and Hardships 10/11/2020

What is the battle you are facing today? We each have a battle, and we choose how to face it. There will be good days and bad, but we must never lose hope. "Mine's Parkinson's, What's Yours?" is a story of hope and encouragement for the battles you are facing. Order your copy today, Special Prime Day Deal!!

Mine's Parkinson's, What's Yours?: A Story of Hope and Encouragement as You Walk Life’s Struggles and Hardships Mine's Parkinson's, What's Yours?: A Story of Hope and Encouragement as You Walk Life’s Struggles and Hardships

15 Ways You Can Support a Friend With Chronic Illness Who's Struggling 10/03/2020

Here is my latest story. We are excited it already has almost 15,000 likes. As always thank you for reading and for joining us on this journey.

15 Ways You Can Support a Friend With Chronic Illness Who's Struggling "In these simple touches, you remind us that we are not alone."

What does not kill you...Really, another kidney stone! 09/29/2020

I really do get to have all the fun, and sometimes, you just have to stand back and laugh at the insanity of it all. Thankfully, we have one who is always walking with us. Have a wonderful day.

What does not kill you...Really, another kidney stone! What does not kill us, makes us stronger! Boy I have heard that so many times, I even kind of like the song. But as I lay here, trying to p...

Rocky Balboa - Inspirational Speech To Son 09/16/2020

Such a good reminder for us today. Choose to keep getting up.

Rocky Balboa - Inspirational Speech To Son "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are i...

Why exactly am I in the woods? 09/11/2020

May you have a wonderful and blessed weekend, and see what is truly special around you. Don't lose focus of all the good and important things in your life, and don't take these moments and days for granted.

Why exactly am I in the woods? I am not a camper, and I am a far cry from an outdoorsman. Don’t get me wrong, I like being outside, but I also like coming in from the outs... - Parkinsons, Book 09/10/2020

Here is our new website. - Parkinsons, Book Hot off the Press! Mine's Parkinson's, What's Yours?

What’s Knocking At The Door Of Your Spirit 09/06/2020

May God Bless You Today. May you find HOPE in the battle you are facing.

What’s Knocking At The Door Of Your Spirit We all have something that is knocking at the door of our spirit, but we choose how to face it. I encourage you today choose hope.

Mine's Parkinson's, What's Yours?: A Story of Hope and Encouragement as You Walk Life’s Struggles and Hardships 08/05/2020

New Book out today by Charles Mickles: "Mine's Parkinson's, What's Yours?

This story of hope and encouragement is an honest, and sometimes painful look at the highs and lows anyone faces when walking through the valleys of life.

I would be honored if you would consider doing 3 things:

1. Purchase a copy of this book today (this will help with rankings and to get it noticed)

2. Write a review for the book (this will also help others find this book)

3. Share this with others walking through challenges.

Thank you for joining us on this journey.

Mine's Parkinson's, What's Yours?: A Story of Hope and Encouragement as You Walk Life’s Struggles and Hardships Mine's Parkinson's, What's Yours?: A Story of Hope and Encouragement as You Walk Life’s Struggles and Hardships

"It" Wins By Making Us Feel Alone 07/30/2020

Understanding another's perspective and experience can be hard. Many times we feel alone because of what we walk through. Whatever "it" is in your life is, it only wins if it makes you fee land believe that you are alone. Remember, we are not alone, if nothing else, because HE will never leave us or forsake us.

"It" Wins By Making Us Feel Alone I stood beside him on the hill, watching streams of people go by. He looked at me and simply said, “I have never felt more at home. It is ...


God is good, even in spite of struggles he is faithful. Excited to share this story this week. More details to come so stay tuned!!

Content, Whatever Lot I See 07/18/2020

Thank you for continuing to join me on this journey. We have exciting news and a big announcement and release coming this week, so stay tuned!! May today you find contentment regardless of where you find yourself.

Content, Whatever Lot I See Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine, Nor ever murmur or repine; Content, whatever lot I see, Since it is Thou that leadest me. -from the hy...

My Loneliest Moment as a Young Person With Chronic Illness 07/09/2020

I was asked to write and share this story. I can look back and laugh now, but it was a hard moment. Chronic illness isolates the person walking through it, but even more so if you are young. This can be hard for young people, and young families because no one they know is like them. I hope this is helpful to some who are walking through chronic illness. THe community surrounding these people, myself included, is so important. Thanks as always for reading.

My Loneliest Moment as a Young Person With Chronic Illness "Years later, this simple interaction has stuck with me."

Silence is Sometimes Golden - Knowing When to be Silent 07/06/2020

Sometimes, the greatest gift we can give to another is simply to sit and listen. In many areas of life, not just struggles, our society is plagued with a lack listening to one another. Too often, we want to share our own ideas or encouragement, but many times, those around us just need us to hear them. Imagine how different things would be if we simply chose to listen to one another?

Silence is Sometimes Golden - Knowing When to be Silent Life can really knock you around some days. Sometimes while you are still reeling from the first punch, the 2 nd , 3 rd , or 4 th...

If You Want Me To 06/24/2020

I love you sis, and miss you everyday. Thank you for being a testimony to so many, and for blessing others.

If You Want Me To I am really beginning to hate the month of June (which is unusual for an educator). Between this month and the month of April, I regularly s...

The Anniversary I Never Wanted 06/18/2020

Life is full of days of remembrance. One year ago today, I heard 4 little words that changed everything. God continues to be faithful and I am thankful for His grace, peace, and strength. Happy Anniversary (for the anniversary that I never wanted). I hope you each have a blessed day.

The Anniversary I Never Wanted Life is full of momentous events. We mark dates on the calendar to celebrate hap py occasions – weddings, births, graduations – days set asi...

We Must Seek To Understand Another's Experience 06/03/2020

So often we isolate ourselves in the bubble of our own experiences, and we fail to hear and understand another's perspective and experience. When we ourselves do not experience something, it can be hard to truly understand what another is walking through, something I have learned more deeply this year in my journey with Parkinson's. When we seek to understand, and not simply be understood, it will change our thoughts and actions, and may just help us show more compassion and sympathy, and take action that will help another and change their experience.

We Must Seek To Understand Another's Experience I sat across from him, just staring in disbelief. Had he really just said that? “Your struggle is just physical, it’s not emotional.” The wo...

Our Blind Spot: Missing Opportunities Right In Front Of You 05/27/2020

I wrote this article last fall, before the COVID-19 Pandemic, but had not posted it yet. After months of being forced to stay home, this lesson has been driven home even more. Stop being a slave to your calendar and agenda - take time for the "God Moments" right in front of you. If you don't, you may miss an amazing blessing, and may miss being blessed in return. Take time for the unexpected and unscheduled events, because they may be the most important thing you can do today. Have a great one.

Our Blind Spot: Missing Opportunities Right In Front Of You So many things on my to do list today. I run from one "important" task to another, and just cannot stop. I have dozens of m...

10 (More) Things I Wish People Knew About Parkinson's Disease 05/17/2020

This is the second part of my article about life with Parkinson's, just published by The Mighty. Thank you for support our family and walking with us on this journey.

10 (More) Things I Wish People Knew About Parkinson's Disease #1. "There is grief, more than I even realized, and sometimes I just need to cry."

Buckle Up For The Roller Coaster Ride 05/14/2020

Life, especially when battling chronic illness, is full of ups and downs. Thankfully, we have a God who is still God, whether we are on the hills or in the valleys. Have a beautiful day.

Buckle Up For The Roller Coaster Ride Watch your step as you enter the ride. Make sure your seatbelt is tight and the shoulder restraints are locked in place. Keep...

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Welcome to the Journey No One Ever Asks to Take

I invite you to take a journey with me, a journey that I never wanted to take, but one that has been thrust upon me, whether I wanted it or not. Getting the news that I have Parkinson’s disease, on top of all the other issues that I have physically, was truly life changing. It is certainly not anything I ever expected to hear. So many questions, so much uncertainty – many days simply asking, “where are you God?” As I walk this path, God is already showing me many things which I hope to share with you through this page. This is not going to be some rose colored picture – there will be laughter and there will be tears, there will be ups and there will be down, and there will be examples of faith and fear – it will be a realistic picture of what God is walking me through personally, and us as a family. I hope that through this, God speaks to your heart, shows you some of the same things that He is showing me, and helps build a community of support and strength for the struggles we each face. Thank you for joining me on this journey.


Murfreesboro, TN

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