Maverick Search Consulting

At Maverick, we love to empower forward-thinking businesses with exceptional talent.

Partnering with the world’s leading global law firms, we find highly sought after individuals who’ll become the asset your business can no longer live without.


Happy Thanksgiving from our Maverick family to yours!

We try to find something to be thankful for every day—and there’s plenty to choose from. We’re grateful for our team members, our clients, our friends and partners, and everyone working to move the legal industry forward.

What are you thankful for?


Looking for A-list executives for your C-Suite? Maverick is your gateway to exceptional leadership.

🔍 Expertise: Our seasoned team's insights into your industry.

🎯 Custom Solutions: Tailored strategies to your unique needs.

🤝 Network: Access to a vast talent pool.

📢 Transparency: Clear updates throughout the process.

🚀 Results-Driven: A commitment to your success.

Visit our executive search page to see what else sets us apart.


We love our jobs. No, really.

Joy has been a Maverick value since day one. We try to embody it every day, even in the face of challenges.

Our job is to build award-winning teams by sourcing top talent. That means we get to help our clients grow their businesses and open the door to opportunity for countless professionals.

Our joy leads to excellence—and so do our other values.

What values inspire and motivate you?


You don’t have to wait until January 1 to set a resolution.

If getting a new position is one of your top goals for 2024, we can put you on the path to success right now.

The perfect opportunity for you is out there. We’re here to help you find it.

Send us a direct message or reach out to us at



Happy Halloween from the Maverick team! Tonight, we’re dressing up as a team of top-tier recruiters who help global firms build teams that are designed to succeed. But that’s a costume we wear every day.

We hope you have a safe and fun night!


Hiring people with disabilities isn’t just the right thing to do from an equity standpoint. It’s great for business, too.

In honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we’d like to remind our network that when you hire people with disabilities, you also...

• Diversify your company culture. Not only that, but when you have diverse perspectives internally, you’ll be better equipped to serve more diverse clientele.

• Boost your profits. Some research suggests that organizations who focused on inclusion for people with disabilities have higher revenue, net income and profit margins.

• Expand your talent pool. Up to 27% of adults in the U.S. have some kind of disability, and employment rates among people with disabilities is rising as remote work and accessible workplaces become more common.

Help us promote and for people with disabilities by sharing this post!


Happy National Hispanic Heritage Month!

Observed from September 15 to October 15 every year, NHHM is a time for honoring the cultures, traditions, histories, and contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans.

One of our favorite ways to celebrate is through education. If you want to learn more about Hispanic and Latino culture, trailblazers, and the significance of NHHM itself, take a look at these online resources from the
National Museum of the American Latino.

And to all our Hispanic and Latino friends and followers: thank you for enriching our lives. We celebrate you this month and every month!


What is the #1 thing you look for in a company when interviewing?

Vote now on our latest LinkedIn Poll.

Why Top Law Firms Need Dedicated DEI Leadership - Maverick Search Consulting 09/22/2023

When it comes to DEI efforts, sensitivity trainings and advisory boards are good starts—but they can only go so far.

In our latest blog, guest author Bobby Codjoe of Morrison Cohen LLP explains why law firms need dedicated DEI leadership.

“This role allows me to focus all my knowledge and expertise towards the creation of a positive and inclusive workplace that raises our profile in the DEI landscape.”

Head over to our blog to hear Bobby’s full perspective on the impact that in-house DEI experts can make on your work and culture.

Why Top Law Firms Need Dedicated DEI Leadership - Maverick Search Consulting This guest blog post was contributed by former Maverick candidate Bobby Codjoe, Esq. Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Morrison Cohen LLP. The need for improved Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) efforts within the legal industry is evident to most legal professionals, but what remains...


True leaders never stop learning.

Please join us in congratulating Monae Evans, our Senior Talent Acquisitions Manager, for completing the Certified Diversity and Inclusion Recruiter certificate program at AIRS, an ADP Company.

We’re proud to have team members who are constantly elevating our DEI search capabilities. Strengthening firms and organizations with diverse perspectives is one of our main focus areas, and with leaders like Monae, we can take that mission even further.

Let’s get a round of applause for Monae! 👏


Thank you Dennis and Allen & Overy LLP for trusting Maverick to supercharge your professional team!

Maverick posted on LinkedIn 08/29/2023

When you consider factors like ability status, transportation, and parental needs, can in-person work mandates be truly inclusive?

Vote now on our LinkedIn Poll.

Maverick posted on LinkedIn Maverick posted on LinkedIn


If you’ve ever accepted a counteroffer from an employers, tell us: did accepting your firm’s counteroffer work out as you expected?
Participate in our LinkedIn Poll here:


Let’s talk about pay transparency.

In just a month, New York will become the latest state to enact pay transparency laws that mandate salary ranges be included in job postings. Critics say these laws will lead to employers discriminating against employees located in affected states, while advocates say transparency will help to close pay gaps caused by previous discrimination.

👏 - Celebrate if you think pay transparency is good for both employers and employees

❤️ - Love if you think pay transparency is good for employees, but bad for employers

👍 - Like if you think pay transparency won’t benefit either party

If you have strong feelings about this topic, sound off in the comments and let us know your perspective!


“Innovation” has quickly become one of those words everyone uses, but few can define.

In fact, one of our core values at Maverick is “We Celebrate Innovation.” But what does that mean for recruitment and hiring?

In our industry, new softwares can automate interview structures and generate comprehensive evaluation guides. Some can even compare talent and organizational analytics to optimize behavioral alignment.

But while these platforms can identify certain traits and work styles, they can also limit a candidate’s potential. Such programs are designed by humans, and therefore, they are also capable of reflecting human biases.

That doesn’t bode well for either innovation or DEI initiatives.

At Maverick, we define innovation as leveraging new technologies to provide data-driven insights that inform human decision-making. This means applying appropriate limits to ensure tech is working for the betterment of people.

You can learn about how leading organizations are using tech to build capacity here:

Tell us in the comments: what does innovation mean to you and your organization?


For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction—and that includes remote work.

According to a survey conducted by Zippia, 94% of professionals feel they’re just as productive, or even more productive, when working remotely.

But 50% of remote workers report feeling lonely on a weekly basis.

75% report a better work-life balance, but 70% feel left out of their workplace culture.

So—how can you keep remote employees engaged?

One prominent trend is designating a workplace experience coordinator who supports your internal culture with optional services, programs, and activities.

You can also conduct optional brainstorming or collaboration sessions, either in-person, virtually, or in hybrid format.

Whatever you do, the keyword should always be “optional.”

You want to provide an outlet for people who crave a deeper connection with your organizational culture, while simultaneously accommodating those who don’t feel the same way.

If you avoid using words like “mandatory” to describe new offerings, your team will see the gesture for what it is: an investment in empowered employee decision making.


More and more industries are experimenting with artificial intelligence technologies like ChatGPT to improve efficiencies and kickstart new ideas. But if you’re looking for a new job, we want to know—are you open to using AI to help generate materials like applications, resumes, or cover letters?

👍 - Like if you’re currently utilizing AI tools in your job search.

👏 - Celebrate if you’re open to using AI in a future job search.

❤️ - Love if you think AI should only be used as a starting point for application materials.

💡 - Insightful react if you think AI should never be used for searches or application materials.


What do you do when the grass at your new job is not only far less green than you expected, but scorched?

In such a situation, you might find yourself considering boomeranging. As we’ve previously discussed, returning to a former employer is more common than you’d think. But before you make a reactionary decision, ask yourself these three questions.

1. Have I given it time? Even for experienced professionals, adapting to a new environment with new people and protocols can be challenging. If you don’t give yourself a chance to transition and stabilize before calling it quits, you could end up walking away from something that would have eventually propelled your career.

2. Can I be successful in this role? Unless you intentionally made a lateral move, you’re most likely seeking professional development. But you won’t find that if the success criteria lie too far outside your skillset or if your existing skills would be underutilized. Assess the situation to determine if the responsibilities of the role will provide a reasonable challenge without risk of failure or stagnation.

3. Will I be any happier going back? You left your former role for a reason. If that reason was growth, and you simply aren’t finding it where you thought you would, you might be happier with your old team. If you left because of culture or any broader, organization-wide issues, will things be any different this time around?

Have you ever gone back to a former employer? What factors did you consider before making your decision? Comment below.


By now, you know we can talk the talk. And anyone who has partnered with us knows we’ve got one hell of a walk.

But don’t forget that we can help you walk the walk, too. How do we do that? By revitalizing your business professional team with talent that propels your firm and helps you surpass your competitors' capabilities.

There’s lots of uncertainty out there regarding the economy and the potential for industry layoffs and downsizing. Your instinct might be to batten down the hatches and brace for impact—but you can get ahead by making smart choices and strategic investments within your team.

At Maverick, we have an exceptional track record of finding and placing experts across business professional functions who can not only help you weather industry-wide storms, but also come out with stronger client relationships and greater prospects than before.

Don’t wait until you’re in crisis mode to build a team that can walk like a Maverick or even sprint like a Maverick. Reach out to us today and discover for yourself what all our talk is really about.


Don’t get fired before you’re hired.

It’s easier to do than you might think. In fact, it’s as easy as asking the wrong question during your first interview.

Interviewers conduct preliminary conversations to evaluate a person’s skillsets, qualifications, and long-term goals. But if you ask for certain details before you’ve adequately discussed the role, you’ll likely leave the interviewer with the impression that you’re not really interested in their organization.

Some of the most common faux-pas first questions include:

• “What will I be making?”

• “How much PTO will I have?”

• “What’s the benefits package?”

• “Will I have a hybrid schedule?”

Notice a trend? These questions all focus on incentives rather than the opportunity itself. The right candidate-employer match has the potential to yield so much more than perks, and you don’t want to imply that you don’t care about the extra value this job might lend to your professional growth.

Of course, you also don’t want to waste your time with several rounds of interviews just to discover the salary, benefits package, or schedule aren’t viable for you. That’s where your recruiter comes in.

You can put all these important (but potentially fatal) inquiries in your recruiter’s hands. What does it matter if the employer is annoyed by a recruiter’s question? They’re not the ones up for the job.

When you lean on a trusted recruiter like Maverick, you’ll have a logistical coordinator who can address your biggest concerns before your first interview. That way, the path is clear for you to discuss what really matters: why this is a perfect fit for you and the hiring manger.

If you’re searching for a new opportunity and need coaching on what you should (and shouldn’t) say during early conversations, send us a message.


Did you know that LGBTQ youth are more than four times as likely to attempt su***de than their peers?

As The Trevor Project reminds us, it’s important to remember that LGBTQ aren’t inherently predisposed to su***de. Instead, the pressures of facing stigma and discrimination in everyday life—and in their own homes—places them at higher risk.

Thankfully, the Trevor Project is working to change that reality for LGBTQ youth by offering crisis services, peer support, research, public education, and advocacy. If you want to see a brighter, safer future for all youth, please join us in donating to this vital organization.


What do you mean when you say diversity and inclusion?

If you mean creating space and opportunities for people of various races and ethnicities, you’re on the right track—but that’s just one piece of the puzzle. To be truly inclusive, we have to remember that these terms can apply to any aspects of a person’s identity or circumstances.

• Diversity is having team members of varying ability statuses. Inclusion is ensuring that office spaces, technologies, communications, and policies are accessible and accommodating.

• Diversity is boosting representation of LGBTQ talent in your organization. Inclusion is conducting sensitivity training with non-LGBTQ employees and ensuring all team members have access to the same resources and benefits.

• Diversity is appointing women to leadership roles. Inclusion is creating professional development opportunities to address industry inequities.

• Diversity is having parents on your team. Inclusion is reserving office space for breastfeeding or pumping and allowing flexibility for family needs.

Do your firm’s policies currently reflect the bigger picture of DEI? Share this post to encourage more nuanced discussion within your network.


It’s LGBTQ Pride Month, and while we’d like to say, “Happy Pride,” we at Maverick believe this is a time for action rather than celebration.

As business of law professionals, it’s our duty to stand up against harmful legislation that prevents LGBTQ people from living freely and safely. This year’s legislative session has seen an influx of anti-LGBTQ bills all over the nation, so this month, we’re proud to support GLAD.

GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) is a non-profit legal rights organization that works to end discrimination based on gender identity and expression, HIV status, and sexual orientation.

If you have a rainbow in your logo this month, please join us in donating to GLAD so they can continue their noble litigation, advocacy, and education efforts for the good of LGBTQ people everywhere.

Learn more and donate at


Hiring new talent? Consider hosting your next executive birthday party at Build-an-Employee Workshop!

Kidding, folks. There’s no such place.

As for talent, you’ll never be able to design the perfect candidate: one who has all the professional traits you want with none of those pesky human traits you don’t want. Of course, AI might change the game entirely (scary thought!).

And that’s actually for the best. What makes us human is what makes us valuable to an organization. Looking out for these qualities can help you find that candidate who is just human enough to become the professional superstar you need.

What traits do you look for when recruiting new talent? What would you build into your perfect employee if you could? Tell us in the comments below.


“It’s not what you did. It’s what you didn’t do.”

Anyone who has ever been dumped has probably heard this line. And by the time you’re hearing it, it’s already too late to salvage the relationship by making a change.

But have you ever thought about applying the lessons learned from your dating life to your work?

Instead of waiting for that exit interview—in this case, the figurative breakup speech—to hear what the other person truly needed, consider doing a “stay” interview instead.

These informal check-ins can be monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly. No matter the frequency, they’ll give you the chance to hear your top performers' grievances before they decide to pack up and leave.

What do they need to feel content? What can you change so they don’t feel like they’re trapped in a losing situation? How can you empower them and better demonstrate what they mean to you and the firm’s success?

Asking these questions too late is a surefire way to find yourself on the couch binging a pint of ice cream. But asking these questions regularly could not only improve your retention, but boost morale and firm culture overall.

Think about it. If you don’t, well…

It really will come down to what you didn’t do.


We talk a lot about how we’re a different breed of recruiter. But what really makes Maverick different?

Well, aside from our stunning good looks, incisive wit, and unrivaled expertise, what really sets us apart is our people. We don’t just mean our team members, either. We mean YOU.

People are the heart of what we do because people are the heart of our business. Great business staff can’t simply be reduced to catchy descriptors—like “revenue generators,” “revenue enablers” or “culture carriers”—they are multiplicities; complex, nuanced and flawed. People will always come first to us.

That’s why we take care of our people from start to finish. When we engage a new candidate, we aren’t trying to shove them into a seat so we can earn a placement fee. We coach them through interviews. We prepare them for negotiations. We help them set expectations and boundaries with their future employer. And once they’re in their new seat, we check in to make sure that person is happy and inspired. We nurture that person’s abilities and ensure they have the training and resources to grow.

In that way, we help our clients every time we help our candidates. We’re creating synergies that stand the test of time. We’re creating pathways for every person to reach success on their own terms.

That’s the Maverick difference.

(But the good looks and charm definitely don’t hurt.)


Maverick’s back in action! We kicked off the return of our Maverick Community events with a cocktail party at Friedrichs Pontone. Artist Richard Harrison introduced his work to our candidates, clients and colleagues before we traded insights on business and industry. Stop by the gallery the next time you're in Tribeca – Chris Rivers Art Satellite is on view through June 18! And be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you’ll be the first to know about our next meeting of the Maverick minds.


Another email? No thanks.

But this isn’t just another email. This is a Maverick email. A one-stop shop for sharp insights, strategic recommendations, expert tips for candidates and employers, and new opportunities to propel your business and career.

That’s right. The Maverick newsletter is back and better than ever. Sign up…or don’t. The only thing at stake is your ticket to greatness.
For those of you who are ready to go the Maverick distance, you know what to do with the link below.


Layoffs happen. But you can turn them into NBA-style layups if you’re prepared.

Wherever rumors of layoffs go, it’s only natural that fear and anxiety will follow. The worst-case scenario starts playing out in your mind: what will I do if I lose my job? How will I pay my bills? Who will hire me next?

But if you’re spending all your time worrying about layoffs, you’re probably losing focus—and potentially putting yourself in a more vulnerable position.

As soon as you hear whispers of possible layoffs, follow these steps to make sure you don’t miss a beat, whatever happens next.

1) Remind them what you’re worth. You were hired for a reason. You’re a capable, experienced, and valuable asset to the team, and now is the perfect time for turning up the dial on all your best qualities. You don’t know whether layoff decisions are set in stone, and how you perform in the days or weeks leading up to them could be the deciding factor on your future with the organization.

2) Maintain a positive attitude. It’s easier said than done, but it will be harder for you to strategize your next move if your mental and emotional reserved are depleted by panicking. Besides, you want to be sure that your former employer is ready to give you a glowing recommendation. You don’t want to ruin their impression of you by bringing negativity to your final days on the job.

3) Update your resume. You want to be ready to apply for new opportunities as soon as you’re laid off (or even sooner). Spend time upfront updating your resume’s content and formatting so it’s ready to go. Make sure you list updated references, and give them a heads up that they may soon be called on.

4) Start conversations with a recruiter. They say that when one door closes, another opens. But if you start working with a recruiter, you might see several doors open before any have closed at all. Hiring professionals can help you maintain agency in your own career by working with you to make strategic moves that align with your needs. This might even be the time for transitioning into a new industry or location, and recruiters will be well-equipped to help you navigate changes in unfamiliar territory. Nonetheless, the optimal time to have conversations with recruiters is when you’re in a position of strength and not in reactive mode. Hence, even if you’re currently secure in your role, start a dialogue with a recruiter today who understands your skills, experience and motivations, and can proactively bring you opportunities that pique your interest. It always pays to discreetly test your market value.

Have you ever been laid off? What preparations do you wish you’d made?


When it comes to remote work, there’s no remote control—for better or worse.

For employers, some of the benefits of remote work are lower operating costs, reduced carbon footprint, a wider talent pool, and higher employee retention. But where there are roses, there are thorns. Scheduling meetings, building a workplace culture, and maintaining efficiency can be more challenging when employees are not only in different buildings, but sometimes scattered across time zones.

What elements of remote work do you find valuable? What elements do you find challenging? Tell us your thoughts in the comments.

We’ll synthesize the most poignant feedback into a future Maverick blog post, so make sure you’re signed up for our newsletter at the link below.

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