Grand Madison Acupuncture

Holistic health and wellness with two convenient locations in Midtown East & West


Our goal is to get you feeling better QUICKLY. How do we do that? We spend an hour focused solely on YOU and do ALL that we can in that hour to get you feeling better.

If that means you need e-Stim, cupping, gua sha, red light therapy or vibrational sound therapy in addition to your acupuncture we DO it.

No add-ons. No gimmicks. No time wasted. Just RESULTS.

Read more reviews and schedule online. Link in bio.💫

Photos from Grand Madison Acupuncture's post 08/16/2024

Why we love what we do reason - it makes us so happy to hear the RESULTS from our treatments! This medicine still amazes us every day 💖

P.S. - Not only is acupuncture great for inflammation and swelling in the gums but it is THE BEST solution for TMJ and any facial (or body) pain. Not only do we treat the tension and pain in the musculature but we also treat the underlying stress that likely causes it.

Schedule your appointment - link in bio. 💫

Photos from Grand Madison Acupuncture's post 07/24/2024

We often hear people say they “don’t do acupuncture, just dry needling.” Dry needling IS acupuncture!

It is a specific acupuncture technique used to release tight muscles and break up fascia. It is a technique that has been used for thousands of years - trigger points or tender areas upon palpation in ancient Chinese medical texts were called “ashi” points and are actively treated as areas of stagnation that block the free flow of Qi and Blood.

How does it work? The acupuncture needle creates a micro-trauma, stimulating your body’s natural healing mechanism to bring anti-inflammatories and WBC to the site to heal it. The increased circulation and profusion of oxygen and blood to the site removes blockages and releases oxygen and nutrient starved muscles from their contracted state to relieve pain and tension.

Although not all acupuncturists do dry needling or trigger point therapy (make sure to ask - we do!), in New York State it is ILLEGAL for anyone but a licensed acupuncturist to perform it. Do NOT let your massage therapist, chiropractor, physical therapist or any other provider needle you without a NYS acupuncture license (which requires almost 4 years of education and clinical experience).

Schedule your appointment for a dry needling aka ACUPUNCTURE appointment today. Link in bio.


Spleen-6 or San Yin Jiao, is one of the main acupuncture points for gynecological disorders including menstrual cramps. It can also be used for bloating, night sweats, insomnia and to calm the mind.

Sp-6 is a powerful Yin nourishing point that is unusual as it benefits 3 organ systems and meridians including the Spleen, Liver and Kidneys.

The point can be located by placing 4 fingers above the medial maleolus - you may find a tender depression along the bone, which is a good indication that it needs some love and attention! Apply pressure and massage as needed if you suffer from any of the above symptoms. Let us know if it helps!

*** This point is contraindicated with pregnancy.


We really do love each one of our patients and the special connections built in a sacred space where transformation and healing takes place.

It is our honor to be a part of each one of your healing journies. 💖🙏

Read full review and more - link in bio.


Still looking for the perfect gift for Mother’s Day? Give the gift of wellness.

Take 25% off your first massage session.

Digital gift cards available for purchase on our website for massages, facials, cupping and acupuncture sessions.

Photos from Grand Madison Acupuncture's post 05/01/2024

Don’t just take our word for it. In the words of some of the lucky recipients of a massage by Igor - Best. Massage. Ever. 🙌

Run, don’t walk as spots are limited. Take 25% off your first session. Schedule online - link in bio.


East Asian medicine was historically only practiced by male practitioners on the front lines treating Emperors and Kings as well as interacting with patients in herbal apothecaries and physician offices, while women were hidden in the back rooms to work, decocting and filling the herbal medicine prescriptions.

We are proud to stand as a team of Asian American women practicing East Asian medicine in a way that our female ancestors were not allowed to do in different times. We feel truly blessed and recognize how fortunate we are to be able to do what we love in our own unique ways while serving the community from the front of our House.

It’s hard to sum up what we each do in a few short sentences because in reality we all treat a wide variety of both internal and orthopedic pain conditions. No matter who you see you're in great healing hands! 🙏

📷: ❤️

Photos from Grand Madison Acupuncture's post 04/08/2024

Human physiology is subject to seasonal, lunar and circadium rhythms. The Moon and the Earth exert a gravitational pull on each other causing high and low tides, affecting migration and mating patterns.

Both in humans and animals, hormone production is heavily affected by the moon cycle. Studies show that blood concentrations of melatonin and testosterone are lower in the days before a full moon. As a result, on the nights before a full moon, people sleep less and go to sleep later than average which suggests that our natural circadium rhythms are somehow synchronized with the phases of the lunar cycle.

The reproductive cycle is also heavily influenced and timed with the lunar cycle which explains why women’s menstrual cycles often coincide with the full or new moon. For many women whose cycles sync with the moon, estrogen production increases in the time between the new and full moon.

Clinically what we often see in our patients around the full or new moon due to disrupted sleep patterns and hormone fluctuations are increased fatigue, iritability, depression and anxiety.

With the total Solar Eclipse today, when the Sun (or Yang energy) is completely blocked or taken over by the Moon (or Yin energy), you may feel an increase in emotional variability and increase in Yin characteristics. We would NOT suggest you actively seek to view the Solar Eclipse as this is a very powerful alignment and may further invite the energies of the Lunar takeover.

Don’t worry - it’s not you, it’s the Moon! Don’t try to fight it's energies, instead use it to your advantage. Take a deep breath, honor what your body is telling you and rest as much as you can today. Go within and spend some time meditating. Visualize Light and Sun energy filling your mind and body. And look forward to the warmer Yang weather upon us next week.

Balance is always restored. 🌞🙏🌚

Photos from Grand Madison Acupuncture's post 04/05/2024

As part of our treatments we often place Swarovski crystal ear seeds to stimulate specific auricular acupoints which keep the treatment going through the week.

A common acupoint is called "Shen Men" - useful for calming the mind and effective for stress and anxiety.

One of our patients sent us this text after experiencing the earthquake today. We so ❤️ our patients!

Hope everyone is safe - come on in for your very own Swarovski stress dots!


Spring is right around the corner and unfortunately for some that also means an increase in allergy symptoms. Fortunately for those people, we are here for you!

Seasonal allergies are an immune reaction and seen as a deficiency of the Lungs in Eastern medicine, which leads to the production of phlegm.

Allergy medicines may act to ease symptoms but they do not treat the underlying deficiencies causing such symptoms in the first place.

Acupuncture and herbal medicine can help to clear and transform phlegm, strengthen Lung function and boost immunity while also treating and PREVENTING symptoms like runny nose and irritated eyes.

It is best to start treating seasonal allergies in the month or two prior BEFORE symptoms hit to strengthen Lung function and prevent symptoms from appearing. However symptoms can also be treated once they appear and can reduce your reliance on medications.

Photos from Grand Madison Acupuncture's post 03/06/2024

Shoutout to our very own fertility specialist Cathy Kim, L.Ac. for these amazing results! 🙌

We love celebrating the wins of both our patients and providers. So grateful to have Cat on the team - book with her online Monday/Wednesday/Friday, link in bio.


Did you know that male factor infertility can contribute to a couple’s infertility over 50% of the time? Studies show that acupuncture can effectively increase s***m production (quantity) as well as the number of healthy s***m (quality) and increase s***m motility.

The s***m development cycle is 75-90 days. We recommend a 3 month course of treatment with acupuncture, herbal medicine, supplements, dietary and lifestyle changes in order to reach peak fertility potential, whether trying to conceive naturally or through assisted reproductive technology (IVF/IUI/ICSI).

If you are a couple trying to conceive, remember it is important to evaluate and treat both parties.

Healthy Egg + Healthy S***m = Healthy Baby! 👼



We couldn't agree more with each one of your points ! 🫶💯

And we especially couldn't agree more with your choice of treatment for muscle recovery. 🙌


Repost Rehab has been a great time of introspection and reminded me of many truths:

- If I’m not content along the journey, I won’t be content even if I make it to my destination
- As much as I like to think I am, I’m not actually in control of any timeline or outcome, only my approach to attack each day
- Surrounding myself w value-aligned, pure people and immersing myself in a team brings me so much joy
- Faith is the belief in something unseen. We all live our lives with faith in something. Just make sure its something worth it

God, thank you for breath, life, opportunity and the amazing people you’ve put around me 🙏🏼


We couldn't agree more with each one of your points !

And we especially agree with your choice of treatment for muscle recovery! 🫶


Lots of ❤️❤️❤️ from us to you 🫶

We're also here for you in case you're looking for a last minute gift! Purchase a gift card and give the gift of wellness - available on our website, link in bio.


When we saw this photo of Travis & Taylor at the Superbowl Afterparty, we couldn't help but wonder - is that a cupping mark for post-game muscle recovery ? 🤔


Happy Lunar New Year! 🧨🐉

The Year of the Wood Dragon is predicted to be a year of growth, vitality and reinvention for many. Be sure to support your growth with healthy habits and self-care to get you through the year.

Get acupuncture. 🫶

Photos from Grand Madison Acupuncture's post 02/09/2024

Our “Prozac” treatment makes our patients feel 💃😍

What does it do? By working along the spine this treatment regulates the nervous system and the release of stress hormones, restoring physical, mental and emotional balance. It has a mood lifting affect making it highly effective for treating stress headaches, fatigue, depression and anxiety.

Hearing the effects of our treatments from patients makes our day! Share with someone who needs this treatment and tap link in bio to schedule your appointment.

*posted with patient permission


This is something we find to be true for all the stress and tension that is stored in the neck and shoulders. Many don't realize how tight they are until all their muscles have been released and they realize what it feels like to be "normal", once the tension is gone.

As if the weight of the world has been lifted off their shoulders (as we've heard it described).

We use a combination of trigger point therapy with guasha and cupping to release stored stress in the body. Schedule your appointment today to feel better physically, emotionally and mentally.


Calling all NYC acupuncturists! We are growing and looking for just the right talented set of magic hands to join us in spreading acubliss throughout the land. Could that be you?

Send a CV describing your special talents to [email protected].

We look forward to meeting you!


We love hearing from our patients - here are a few texts that came in over the weekend that made our day.🥰

One of the things we most commonly treat - BACK PAIN! If you have chronic or acute back pain know that acupuncture can be a fast, minimally invasive option that addresses the root cause for longer lasting results (and that goes for any pain in the body!)

Contact us to schedule your appointment.


The #1 thing we're seeing and treating this week is post-holiday STRESS.

Whether it's from the hectic pace of wrapping up the year, traveling, dealing with loss or grief during the holidays or family stress - we're here to help you recover and get ready to start the new year physically, emotionally and energetically strong.

Come in for a reset.



Sometimes life gets in the way of your health and happiness. We often explain how the effects of stress on the body (physical, emotional or mental) can impact circulation, digestive function, anxiety levels, sleep and inflammation in the body. All of which if left untreated can snowball to create many seemingly unrelated symptoms that may make you feel disconnected from your own mind, body and the people around you.

Reclaim your physical, emotional and mental health.

Get acupuncture.


Still looking for the perfect gift? Know someone who is always stressed, suffers from aches and pains, or could just use some love and self-care?

Give the gift of wellness and holistic healing. Gift cards are now available for purchase for the holidays and year-round on our website.

Let us know if you have any questions!


We are grateful for you 🧡

Happy Thanksgiving!


Lots of exciting changes! As something that has been in the works BTS for a long time now, I am excited to introduce a new practice name, Grand Madison Acupuncture along with the launch of a new website! (link in bio)

After over 5 years in private practice, with over half of it battling through a pandemic, it has been a continuous Work In Progress as my previous office spaces were closed due to Covid. But as one door closed, other opportunities flowed and I am fortunate to have been lead every step of the way.

Today I am grateful for two wonderful spaces that I can call home to my practice, and I am thrilled to have arrived to where I stand with two feet on the ground. Although I, and my practice will always continue to be a Work In Progress, today I am excited to unveil the result of all that work that's been in progress over the years.

A fresh, new identity with the energy to move forward and expand and a strong foundation to continue to provide a healing sanctuary for all those who need it.

Thank you all for following Work In Progress Acupuncture Studio and I look forward to connecting with you going forward as Grand Madison Acupuncture!

- Dr. Erin Lee, DACM

🧡 Located across Grand Central on Madison Avenue
🧡 Also visit us at Grand Madison West - Columbus Circle


Basically the same thing 🫶


Acupuncture is often used to enhance fertility and assist women through the challenges of In-Vitro fertilization (IVF), while increasing the likelihood of a successful, healthy embryo transfer.

How does acupuncture help?

✨ Regulates hormones and menstrual cycle to keep you on track with your period and egg retrieval schedule

✨ Increases blood flow to the ovaries bringing oxygen and nutrients needed to stimulate growth and enhance egg quality

✨ Removes stagnation and prepares the womb for a healthy implantation

✨ Increases the rate of a successful embryo transfer by scheduling an acupuncture session immediately pre- and post-transfer

✨ Most importantly: regulates your nervous system and helps you manage stress levels!

We know that each IVF cycle can be nerve-wracking (we hold our breath right along with you)! Many patients come to us disappointed after several failed rounds of IVF and we are always so amazed by their strength and perseverance through it all. If you are considering IVF, reduce your risk of a failed IVF cycle and increase your chances for a healthy, successful cycle by incorporating acupuncture early on, even in the months leading up prior to it to prepare your body and become the healthiest it can be for a healthy pregnancy.

Photos from Grand Madison Acupuncture's post 10/29/2023

Sunday morning tea blend.

What's in your herbal medicine cabinet? 🤓❤️

Photos from Grand Madison Acupuncture's post 09/10/2023

Rising tennis star joins the list if athletes and body performance experts including and who use cupping for muscle recovery to stay in top form!


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Videos (show all)

The view from our office of mid-afternoon traffic in Midtown Manhattan is surprisingly calm, orderly and peaceful. So to...
✨Q&A:✨Got shoulder pain? Rotator cuff range of motion issues? Nerve impingement? Numbness or tingling? Emotional stress ...
✨25% off your first session✨ Microneedling + Red Light Therapy for Hair Regrowth is a NATURAL WAY to:✅ Stimulate hair fo...
Microneedling facials to naturally boost collagen production, treat acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigment...
Dreaming of a life free of pain? Mobility, peace of mind and happiness restored? It's possible! 🌤🌤🌤The American College ...



315 Madison Avenue, Suite 2101
New York, NY

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