Taipei Cultural Center in New York

Our aim is to to introduce Taiwan's arts and culture to a broader audience throughout North America.

The Taipei Cultural Center in New York (TCC), which was established as the first overseas office of Taiwan's Ministry of Culture in 1991, builds connections through arts and culture in New York and throughout North America. Each year, we reach out to art museums, theaters, performing arts centers, film cinemas, festivals, curators, and presenters in the US and Canada.


🎭📣國際表演藝術協會(International Society for the Performing Arts,簡稱ISPA )即日起開始受理明(2025)年紐約年會「新作提案」(Pitch New Works)單元的申請,歡迎各國表演藝術團隊於美東時間2024年9月13日(週五)前提案。

ISPA是國際表演藝術高階管理人的全球性協會,成立於1948 年,總部在紐約,會員超過500 人,遍布200 個國際主要城市和地區,囊括各類公私表演場地、演藝團體、藝術經理與策展人、藝術節、贊助單位、演藝顧問等等。ISPA每年固定辦理兩次年會,一月在紐約,年中則在全球各地選擇有藝術發展潛力的城市舉辦。


台灣表演藝術團隊能量充滿創意及活力,過去幾年有多組團隊曾入選參加「新作提案」單元,包括 #雲門舞集、 #莎士比亞的妹妹們的劇團、 #黃翊工作室、 #滯留島舞蹈劇場、 、 #江之翠劇場、 #驫舞劇場、 #河床劇場、 #拾念劇集、 #周書毅 等。


#表演藝術 #國際巡演 #徵件中

🏁 Ready, set, pitch! >> We're currently accepting applications for our popular program at the New York 2025 ISPA Congress (January 14 - 16, 2025)!

⏳Deadline: Friday, September 13, 2024 at 17:00 EDT (New York Time)
📥Learn more and apply today:

⚡Take advantage of this opportunity to present your new works to an international network of performing arts professionals at the upcoming ISPA Congress. Our past Pitch Presenters have connected with touring and presenting partners, secured commissions, gained representation, and much more!


Focus Dance Company's choreographer Yeh Chen-Jung will US Premiere his creation, “Rugged Road at Battery Dance Festival's "Young Voices in Dance".

砲臺舞蹈節今年第四次舉辦「舞蹈新秀之聲」單元(Young Voices in Dance),選拔15至22歲新秀編舞家,將於8月12日晚上演出10位新秀作品。來自臺灣、現就讀臺北藝術大學舞蹈系葉承融的作品《崎路》獲選,探討承載破碎靈魂的人們,在日日驅使步行邁向遙遠目標的惡性循環。《崎路》是2021舞躍大地舞蹈創作比賽獲得金牌獎的作品。

On August 12th, the Battery Dance Festival will present its 4th annual "Young Voices in Dance," celebrating the next generation of choreographers and performers aged 15-22. Featuring live performances of original eclectic works, Focus Dance Company's choreographer Yeh Chen-Jung will present his creation, “Rugged Road.” This piece reveals that success comes through failure; as you attain higher accomplishments and status, the path you walk becomes more challenging. Even when it becomes difficult to breathe normally, remember, you arrived here by your own choice.

葉承融作品《崎路》(Rugged Road) | US Premiere
Date and Time: August 12, 2024, 7-9PM
Venue: Rockefeller Park – Battery Park City 75 River Terrace (North Esplanade)

焦點舞團工作坊 Focus Dance Company Workshop
Date and Time: August 14, 2024, 10:00-11:30AM
Venue: Battery Dance Studios, 380 Broadway # 5, New York, NY 10013
*須先報名,限額20名 *This workshop is limited to 20 students.


2024砲台舞蹈節獲紐約時報特別推薦!台灣焦點舞團(Focus Dance Conpany)今年首度參演,絕對不能錯過!


連綿的陰天雨日快要讓人發霉,週日預期陽光燦爛!看完奧運閉幕,請快點來Rockefeller Park佔個好位子看演出了嘿!



Battery Dance Festival
Aug. 11-17 at 7 p.m. at Rockefeller Park, Manhattan;

Since 1982, the Battery Dance Festival has convened an impressive collection of international and domestic artists in Lower Manhattan for a week of dance staged against the setting summer sun. The mixed-bill programs each feature a lineup of short dances, some under a thematic umbrella.

On Sunday, the host company, Battery Dance, will perform a world premiere by the Dutch-Turkish choreographer Rutkay Ozpinar alongside contributions from Focus Dance Company of Taiwan, wee dance company of Germany and A’no:wara Dance Theater of Canada, which is presenting two works that foreground Indigenous

Monday night’s program, Young Voices in Dance, highlights choreographers between the ages of 15 and 22, and the performance on Aug. 15 celebrates India Independence Day and features the Odissi dancer Radhika Jha and Rajesh Sai Babu and his company of dancers in rare U.S. appearances. In between, companies from Finland, the Netherlands and South Korea will perform with a handful ofAmerican troupes hailing from across the country.

Admission is free.

Something’s in the Air….

We’re just 2 days away from a week of free, sunset performances in Rockefeller Park! The 43rd Annual Battery Dance Festival is THE pick of for dance in August. You don’t want to miss it!

Click the link in bio to learn more, sign up for a workshop, and support the Festival☀️


💃Taiwanese Choreographer I-Ling Liu's work to be Featured at the 2025 Contemporary Dance Festival: Japan + East Asia💃

Japan Society’s Contemporary Dance Festival celebrates its 20th showcase of East Asia’s most exciting contemporary dance with three ensemble pieces from Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea.

Join us at the Japan Society (333 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017) on January 10th and 11th, 2025.⭐

🎫Tickets are on sale NOW!!🎫

🔗For tickets and more information:

From Taiwan, …and, or…, choreographed by I-Ling Liu, a former dancer with Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company, features two dancers whose relationship rapidly shifts through delicate and sharp movements in a non-music/sound environment. 🇹🇼

From Japan, Where we were born, choreographed by Ruri Mito and performed by ensemble Co. Ruri Mito, weaves and unravels delicately and intricately connected dancers, creating one kaleidoscopic body. 🇯🇵

And from South Korea, Trivial Perfection, choreographed and performed by Dae-ho Lee with ensemble C.Sense, builds complex shapes in this crescendoing, exuberant piece combining modern dance, hip-hop and martial arts.🇰🇷

本中心自2008年起與紐約日本協會(Japan Society)合作「東亞當代舞蹈節」(Contemporary Dance Festival: Japan + East Asia),在紐約大蘋果展演來自臺灣、日本、韓國的優秀當代舞蹈作品💃


本屆邀請節目包含臺灣編舞家劉奕伶作品《而且或者…》、日本編舞家三東瑠璃(Ruri Mito)團隊Co. Ruri Mito作品《Where we were born》,以及韓國編舞家Dae-ho Lee團隊C.Sense作品《Trivial Perfection》,令人期待!!🥹


Image: 《…and, or…》, choreographed by I-Ling Liu(Photo courtesy of Terry LIN)


Focus Dance Company will make their US debut with “Self Portrait” on opening night!! (August 11th)

本次焦點舞團由藝術總監吳易珊帶領周子郁、吳芮錤、許雅昕、簡子勛、歐品妤、高聖庭、李家誠、葉承融8位年輕舞者,將於8月11日及8月13日各演出一場。作品《自畫像》是美國首演,由旅美編舞家洪綵希編創,結合紐澤西州作曲家喬飛(Joe Fee)量身打造的音樂,以戲劇張力與速度十足的身體,對紛亂時代提出個人宣言,自由與控制、瘋狂與魅惑、鬆弛與崩潰的惡趣,暗黑基調中充滿扭曲的多重宇宙。

Created by Taiwanese choreographer Tsai Hsi Hung, “Self Portrait” explores the theme of “unconventional beauty” and demonstrates that beauty exists where we least expect it. Influenced by Hung’s study of Chinese folk dance, Tai Chi, calligraphy, and abstract painters such as Jackson Po***ck, the piece fuses these elements with a contemporary dance aesthetic to create a modern interpretation.
Under the leadership of Artistic Director Wu Yi-San, the dancers participating in this year’s Battery Dance Festival include Tzu-Yu Chou, Sheng-Ting Gao, Ya-Hsin Hsu, Tz-Shiun Jian, Jia-Cheng Li, Pin-Yu Ou, Jui-Chi Wu, and Chen-Jung Yeh.

《自畫像》(Self Portrait)
Date and Time (1st Show): August 11, 2024, 7-9PM
Date and Time (2nd Show): August 13, 2024, 7-9PM
Venue: Rockefeller Park – Battery Park City 75 River Terrace (North Esplanade)


Focus Dance Company
Founded in 2004 by Taipei National University of the Arts, Focus Dance Company showcases a distinctive and innovative artistic vision in Taiwan. Since its inception, the company has performed hundreds of professional dance pieces and provided educational demonstration lectures in communities and schools across Taiwan. They have been invited to participate in prominent domestic and international art festivals, consistently ranking among Taiwan's top dance companies in annual box office performance. This recognition highlights Focus Dance Company as a dynamic and acclaimed dance organization.

Shorts: A Field Guide To the Natural World 08/06/2024

TAYAL FOREST CLUB, a Taiwanese short film directed by Laha Mebow, was selected for 47th Asian American International Film Festival. Don't miss the chance to meet director Laha Mebow in person at post-screening Q&A.

陳潔瑤執導短片《男孩奇幻夜》入選第47屆紐約亞美影展A Field Guide To the Natural World短片單元,陳潔瑤導演將親自出席8月11日映後座談,歡迎參加。

Shorts: A Field Guide To the Natural World — In Person
August 11 | 12:15 PM EDT
Shorts: A Field Guide To the Natural World — On Demand
August 02 - August 11

Shorts: A Field Guide To the Natural World Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of nature with this illuminating series of documentary and narrative.

Photos from Taipei Cultural Center in New York's post 08/06/2024

2024年砲臺舞蹈節(Battery Dance Festival)將於8月11日晚間7時盛大開幕!來自臺灣的北藝大焦點舞團、美國的Battery Dance、加拿大的A’nó Dance Theatre、德國的wee dance company等7支來自世界各地的頂尖團隊,將以紐約傍晚漸暗的天際線和星空為背景,在哈德遜河畔的洛克斐勒公園進行戶外演出。來自全球的30支舞蹈團隊,將於8月11日至17日每晚7時至9時在洛克斐勒公園(Rockefeller Park)帶來為期一週的精彩舞蹈盛會。

The 2024 Battery Dance Festival will grandly open at 7 PM on August 11th! Seven top dance groups from around the world, including Taiwan's Focus Dance Company, America's Battery Dance, Canada's A’nó Dance Theatre, and Germany's wee dance company, will perform against the backdrop of New York's evening skyline and starry sky at Rockefeller Park along the Hudson River.
Thirty dance groups from around the globe will bring a week-long dance extravaganza to Rockefeller Park, with performances every evening from 7 PM to 9 PM, from August 11th to 17th.
Bring a blanket and some delicious food, and join us to enjoy this rich and diverse dance performance, making the most of the beautiful summer evenings!

砲臺舞蹈節演出資訊 Battery Dance Festival
Date and Time: August 11-17, 2024, 7-9PM
Venue: Rockefeller Park – Battery Park City 75 River Terrace (North Esplanade)

Photos from Taipei Cultural Center in New York's post 08/02/2024

Focus Dance Company from Taiwan Debuts at New York's Battery Dance Festival

紐約歷史最悠久的免費公共舞蹈盛會「砲臺舞蹈節」(Battery Dance Festival)今年邁入第43屆,將於8月11日至17日每晚7時至9時,在曼哈頓下城的洛克斐勒公園舉行。來自臺灣、美國、加拿大、德國、荷蘭、印度等8個國家的30支舞蹈團隊,將帶來近40場多元類型的精彩演出。

Get ready for a spectacular week of dance at New York City's longest-running free public dance festival, the Battery Dance Festival! Now in its 43rd year, the festival returns to Rockefeller Park from August 11th to 17th, 2024. This vibrant event will feature nearly 40 captivating dance works performed by 30 talented groups from around the globe. Don't miss Taiwan's Focus Dance Company as they present the US premieres of "Self Portrait" and "Rugged Road" on August 11th, 12th, and 13th. Bring your blanket, pack a picnic, and join us for an unforgettable summer dance celebration!

砲臺舞蹈節演出資訊 Battery Dance Festival
Date and Time: August 11-17, 2024, 7-9PM
Venue: Rockefeller Park – Battery Park City 75 River Terrace (North Esplanade)

焦點舞團演出《自畫像》(Self Portrait)| US Premiere
Date and Time (1st Show): August 11, 2024, 7-9PM
Date and Time (2nd Show): August 13, 2024, 7-9PM
Venue: Rockefeller Park – Battery Park City 75 River Terrace (North Esplanade)

葉承融作品《崎路》(Rugged Road) | US Premiere
Date and Time: August 12, 2024, 7-9PM (Young Voices in Dance)
Venue: Rockefeller Park – Battery Park City 75 River Terrace (North Esplanade)

焦點舞團工作坊 Focus Dance Company Workshop
Date and Time: August 14, 2024, 10:00-11:30AM
Venue: Battery Dance Studios, 380 Broadway # 5, New York, NY 10013
*須先報名,限額20名 This workshop is limited to 20 students.

Photos from 文化部's post 07/29/2024

🎉 #文化奧運臺灣館 開幕.ᐟ.ᐟ

Nearly 4,000 spectators from different corners of the world braved the torrential rain on Saturday to celebrate the opening of the Taiwan Pavilion, which aims to showcase the country's soft power, at the Paris Cultural Olympiad.

紐約亞洲影展臺片陣容堅強 《五月雪》勇奪最佳劇情片獎 | 中央社訊息平台 07/29/2024

Congratulation on Snow in Midsummer, a Taiwan co-production directed by Malaysian director Chong Keat Aun, won this year's Uncaged Award for Best Feature Film Competition at New York Asian Film Festival.


紐約亞洲影展臺片陣容堅強 《五月雪》勇奪最佳劇情片獎 | 中央社訊息平台 臺灣電影今年入選紐約亞洲影展陣容堅強,有《愛的噩夢》、《小曉》、《五月雪》3部片入圍突破新視野最佳劇情片獎(Uncaged Award for Best Feature Film Competition),28日閉幕典禮宣布《五月雪》獲獎。

愛的噩夢紐約亞洲影展首映 林柏宏謝欣穎連袂登場|中央社影音新聞 07/29/2024

《愛的噩夢》紐約亞洲影展首映 導演廖明毅、演員林柏宏與謝欣穎連袂登場
Special appearances last weekend from Taiwan stars Austin Lin and Nikki Hsieh, and director Liao Ming-Yi.

愛的噩夢紐約亞洲影展首映 林柏宏謝欣穎連袂登場|中央社影音新聞 暑假愛情驚恐劇「愛的噩夢」在紐約亞洲電影展首映,導演廖明毅和演員林柏宏、謝欣穎出席。紐約觀眾對戲中的男性夢境與迷信符咒等元素非常感興趣,以手機鏡頭拍攝電影長片也是焦點。 #愛的噩夢 #紐約 #亞洲影展完整新聞....

Photos from New York Asian Film Festival (NYAFF)'s post 07/25/2024


Taiwan star Austin Lin, one of the most versatile actors of his time, will arrive in NYC soon. Austin is set to impress with his roles in toxic romance film 😦“Suffocating Love” and feel-good romcom “Salli” at 2024 NYAFF. Don't miss Austin's performances! Check out schedule and grab your tickets now:


📢The 2024/2025 CWP Object Movement Puppetry Residency and Festival are now open for applications until ⭐August 4th at 11:59 PM (New York Time)⭐!

Object Movement is a residency program for puppeteers at all stages of their careers. A cohort of eight artists will be selected by curators Rowan Magee, Justin Perkins, and Marcella Murray. The residency begins in September with weekly meetings for process showings and workshopping, culminating in a festival of short new works performances from March 28 through April 6, 2025, at The Center at West Park (165 West 86th Street, New York, NY 10024).🌞

Artists will receive rehearsal space, technical support, building consultation, and an artist fee upon completion of the festival.

📅 Apply now for this amazing opportunity! For more information, visit:

Dead Talents Society 07/25/2024


John Hsu's Dead Talents Society was selected for Midnight Madness Programme of 2024 Toronto International Film Festival. The bloody and hilarious supernatural comedy depicts ghosts who want to become the spookiest of urban legends and most successful and famous stars in the underworld.

Dead Talents Society A meek and newly dead teen (Gingle Wang) learns from an undead diva (Sandrine Pinna) how to haunt the living, in this bloody and hilarious supernatural comedy from writer-director John Hsu (Detention).

TIFF unveils its 2024 Platform programme and jury 07/25/2024

🎉🎉由國際大導演侯孝賢、張艾嘉監製,黃熙執導的劇情長片《女兒的女兒》,入圍今年多倫多國際影展「Platform 站台」競賽單元,成為唯一一部入圍華語片。

🎉🎉Taiwanese filmmaker Huang Xi's latest work Daughter’s Daughter was selected for 2024 Platform Programme of Toronto International Film Festival.

TIFF unveils its 2024 Platform programme and jury TIFF is a charitable cultural organization with a mission to transform the way people see the world, through film.

Photos from Taipei Cultural Center in New York's post 07/19/2024

🎉With support from SummerWorks and the Taipei Cultural Center in New York, Toronto-based dance companies adelheid & Dreamwalker Dance Company are co-presenting a series of exciting events featuring visiting artists/producers from Taiwan, including:
WuKang Chen (陳武康), Fangas Nayaw (陳彥斌), I-Fen Tung (董怡芬), PinWen Su (蘇品文), Naceku (何晏妤), and Wen Huang (黃雯) this August. ⭐⭐

▶️Registration is open now! (Pay What You Can at the door)
For more information:

🇨🇦 International Choreographic Interlink: Toronto/Taipei 🇨🇦


1) Connect w/The Bones with WuKang Chen
▪️August 03 from 10am-12pm
▪️VENUE: The Citadel Ross Centre for Dance, 304 Parliament St., Toronto

2) Move to Play: find your motif with Fangas Nayaw + I-Fen Tung
▪️August 09 from 10am-12pm
▪️VENUE: The Citadel Ross Centre for Dance, 304 Parliament St., Toronto

3) My N**e Self with PinWen Su
▪️August 10 from 9:30am-2:30pm (w/break 11:30-12:30)
▪️VENUE: The Citadel Ross Centre for Dance, 304 Parliament St., Toronto


1)Producers Talk
▪️Wen Huang /Taiwan, Ariana Shaw/Toronto, Kevin Matthew Wong/Toronto, and Aislinn Rose / Toronto
▪️August 06 from 2:15-3:45pm
▪️VENUE: Meridian Hall, 1 Front St E, Toronto

2) OPEN STUDIO [Toronto/Taipei]
▪️An informal sharing of in-process performance work that brings together emerging choreographers Naceku [Taiwan] & Nyda Kwasowsky [Toronto]
▪️August 09 from 1-2pm
▪️VENUE: The Citadel Ross Centre for Dance, 304 Parliament St., Toronto

《老狐狸》OLD FOX|正式預告| 11.24 斷絕同情 07/19/2024

Old Fox by Hsiao Ya-chuan, winner of four Golden Horse Awards coming up today at LOOK Cinemas W57.
第60屆金馬獎入圍7項、獲獎4項超級大贏家《老狐狸》今晚6:30在LOOK Cinemas W57開演。

《老狐狸》OLD FOX|正式預告| 11.24 斷絕同情 ★蕭雅全導演繼《命帶追逐》《第36個故事》《范保德》第四號電影作品★實力派雙男主劉冠廷、白潤音★日本當紅新銳女演員門脇麥★金馬七項大獎提名最佳導演 - 蕭雅全最佳男配角 - 陳慕義最佳女配角 - 劉奕兒最佳美術....

Photos from Taipei Cultural Center in New York's post 07/17/2024

來自台灣的Texture版畫工作室,獲紐約版畫中心(Print Center New York)邀請,帶來30位台灣與國際藝術家的精選版畫作品,參加「出版人焦點」計畫(Publisher Spotlight)展售,這是紐約版畫中心第四次舉辦出版人焦點計畫,也是首度邀請台灣版畫藝術工作者參加。歡迎觀眾前往參觀。

參展單位:Texture Printmaking Studio(
展出日期:July 16–August 24, 2024
開放時間:Tuesday—Saturday, 11am–6pm
展出地點:Print Center New York(535 West 24th Street, New York)

Texture版畫工作室 ​
Print Center New York

Photos from New York Asian Film Festival (NYAFF)'s post 07/16/2024

曹佑寧、劉修甫主演《刺心切骨》7月21日(週日)下午6:30在Look Cinemas, LOOK Cinemas W57上映,✨✨ 立即訂票:

電影《我在這裡等你》正式預告 (A Balloon's Landing Official Trailer) 5.10 全台戲院上映 07/12/2024

金鐘導演鄧依涵的首部電影《我在這裡等你》本週日於紐約LOOK Cinemas W57上映。本片由臺港男神范少勳、劉俊謙領銜主演,故事講述失意的香港作家天宇(劉俊謙 飾),偶遇街頭混混阿翔(范少勳 飾),兩人展開尋找通往天堂的鯨逝灣的旅程。
第23屆紐約亞洲影展「臺灣強棒單元」(Taiwan Transcendent)--《我在這裡等你》
7月14日(日)|下午4:15|Look Cinemas, LOOK Cinemas W57

電影《我在這裡等你》正式預告 (A Balloon's Landing Official Trailer) 5.10 全台戲院上映 所有的相遇都是命中註定, 我們就快要遇到了吧? 《我在這裡等你》講述失意的香港作家天宇,偶遇台北街頭混混阿翔,兩人展開尋找通往天堂的鯨逝灣的旅程,沿途發現意外的轉折與緊密的緣份,帶出「這世界上總有一個跟....

【車頂上的玄天上帝】正式預告 |11.17全台盛大上映 07/12/2024

曾以《海上花》、《刺客聶隱娘》榮獲金馬獎最佳美術設計與造型設計的黃文英執導首作《 #車頂上的玄天上帝 》本週日於紐約LOOK Cinemas W57上映,林依晨與三大男神周渝民、阮經天、張孝全同台飆戲,藉由橫跨三代的信仰傳承帶出當代女性追尋生命價值的故事。
第23屆紐約亞洲影展「臺灣強棒單元」(Taiwan Transcendent)--《車頂上的玄天上帝》
7月14日(日)|下午1:30|Look Cinemas, LOOK Cinemas W57

【車頂上的玄天上帝】正式預告 |11.17全台盛大上映 ★萝幻金獎團隊聯手打造2023年度重磅壓軸電影★電影大師侯孝賢監製、金獎美術黃文英首部自編自導感人作品★林依晨x周渝民x阮經天x張孝全...重磅卡司大銀幕同台飆戲★林依晨貫串全場,周渝民一人分飾兩角互飊演技★榮獲.....

環南時候 THE TIME OF HUANNAN|全球首波官方預告|台灣公共藝術史首部劇情長片 07/12/2024

融合BL愛戀與穿越元素的電影《 環南時候 》本週六於紐約LOOK Cinemas W57上映。本片集結新生代實力派演員共同飆戲,由《黑的教育》影視歌三棲男神宋柏緯、《天橋上的魔術師》初孟軒、《模仿犯》夏騰宏,以及曾入圍金鐘新人、女配角獎的《第 9 節課》女星王渝屏主演,帶觀眾重返 1991年的臺北,感受萬華艋舺的青春戀曲。
第23屆紐約亞洲影展「臺灣強棒單元」(Taiwan Transcendent)--《環南時候》
7月13日(六)|下午6:00 |Look Cinemas, LOOK Cinemas W57

環南時候 THE TIME OF HUANNAN|全球首波官方預告|台灣公共藝術史首部劇情長片 #李鼎導演#夏騰宏#宋柏緯#王渝屏#初孟軒#余晉#王庭勻#單承矩#鄭志偉#鄭平君#呂曼茵#劉亮佐#TheTimeOfHUANNAN #PublicArt導演 |原著故事 DIRECTOR |ORIGINAL STORY 李鼎 Leading LEE編劇 SCREENWRITER ...

Photos from New York Asian Film Festival (NYAFF)'s post 07/12/2024

由臺灣、新加坡、波蘭三國合製、新加坡導演劉慧伶執導《刺心切骨》,剛獲得捷克卡羅維瓦利國際影展(Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)官方競賽單元水晶球獎最佳導演獎,日前亦入選本屆紐約亞洲影展「東南亞新星(Southeast Asia on the rise)」單元。故事靈感受到2014年鄭捷事件啟發,結合導演曾為擊劍選手來臺的經驗,由曹佑寧和劉修甫飾演擊劍選手兄弟檔,導演劉慧伶將出席映後座談。
7月13日(六)|下午1:00 |Look Cinemas, LOOK Cinemas W57
7月21日(日)|下午6:30 |Look Cinemas, LOOK Cinemas W57
🎫 Get your tickets now:


2024紐約亞影「臺灣強棒單元」(Taiwan Transcendent)票房傳捷報!《青春18×2通往有你的旅程》門票完售!

“18X2 BEYOND YOUTHFUL DAYS” is SOLD OUT! Ticket holders, come prepared with a box of tissues and concession stand chocolate to soothe your post-movie heartache. 💔🍫

Missed out? Don't worry! We've got plenty more movie gems for you.

Looking for other cross-culture romances? Try “SALLI.” A sexy Taiwanese chicken-farmer travels to the City of Love to chase romance.

🎟️ To purchase tickets, go to!

2023 金馬影展 TGHFF | 馬語 The Horse 07/12/2024

第23屆紐約亞洲影展「臺灣強棒單元」(Taiwan Transcendent)今天起跑!藍憶慈執導短片《馬語》今日下午2:30於林肯中心Walter Reade Theater上映,本片由影歌雙棲女星范曉萱獨挑大樑,飾演即將搬離老公寓的女子,一匹棕馬竟憑空出現,令她措手不及。本片以極簡鏡頭語言風格,成為2023年金馬影展短片亮點之一,製片人高珈琳將應邀出席紐約亞影主辦之短片影人閉門論壇。
短片單元1:有動物故我在—《馬語》|下午2:15 |Walter Reade Theater

2023 金馬影展 TGHFF | 馬語 The Horse 2023 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival台北金馬影展 | 11.09 - 11.26金馬電影學院 | 10.27 - 11.25金馬創投會議 | 11.20 - 11.22第60屆金馬獎頒獎典禮 | 11.25📍 Website:http://www.goldenhorse....

Photos from Taipei Cultural Center in New York's post 07/11/2024


紐文中心與加拿大多倫多夏日藝術節(SummerWorks Performance Festival)合作,本年度推出一系列 節目,8/1-8/11即將把知名臺灣表演藝術團隊 HORSE 驫舞劇場、看嘸舞蹈劇場,和 軟硬倍事的精彩作品帶來多倫多!🥰



We’re thrilled to announce that boundary-pushing contemporary works from three of Taiwan’s most celebrated movement-based companies will be featured at the 2024 SummerWorks Performance Festival in Toronto, Canada! 🇨🇦

Wu-Kang Chen (HORSE), Fangas Nayaw & I-Fen Tung (Fist & Cake Production), and Pin-Wen Su (Kua-bo Dance Theater) each focus on the moving body in unique ways: as a site for exploring the intricacy and intimacy of the bones; as a space for family tradition and the emergence of play; and as a place for questioning the role of gender in today’s society.

Tickets are now on sale!🎫

⭐️Join us for Taiwan Focus: SummerWorks 2024⭐️

Su PinWen / Kua-bo Dance Theater
AUGUST 1, 7:00PM
AUGUST 3, 3:30PM
AUGUST 4, 6:45PM

軟硬倍事《Three Dots》
Fangas Nayaw & I-Fen Tung / Fist & Cake Production
AUGUST 2, 7:15PM
AUGUST 3, 2:00PM
AUGUST 4, 5:15PM

Wu-Kang Chen / HORSE
AUGUST 9, 7:30PM
AUGUST 10, 3:00PM


🎭NYCDA x 樹德科技大學表演藝術系聯合推出音樂劇選萃展演🎭

樹德科技大學表演藝術系學生將於7月14日(星期日)下午6點,在紐約Majorie S. Deane Little Theater演出百老匯音樂劇選粹《Ascend》,免費入場,歡迎大家踴躍參加!🎵🖐️

🎭《Ascend》Musical Showcase🎭
July 14th SUN 6pm
Majorie S. Deane Little Theater
(10 west 64th street, New York, NY 10023)
Free Entry

Biennials in East Asia: Presentations by Xin Wang and Brian Kuan Wood 07/01/2024

【藝術講座】Biennials in East Asia: Presentations by Xin Wang and Brian Kuan Wood

Date and time: Friday, July 12 · 7 - 9pm EDT
Location: Asia Art Archive in America (23 Cranberry Street Ground Floor Brooklyn, NY 11201)

亞洲藝術文獻庫美國分會主辦講座,邀請策展人及藝術史學家Xin Wang與2023年台北雙年展策展人之一的Brian Kuan Wood,分享其近期在東亞大型國際雙年展策展的經驗,透過對話探討當代藝術中持續擴展的雙年展巡展情況,以及在東亞舉辦之大型展會間的異同。

Biennials in East Asia: Presentations by Xin Wang and Brian Kuan Wood Join us for a presentations by Xin Wang and Brian Kuan Wood on their recent biennial presentations in East Asia!


🎵💃Islanders 3 Special Edition: "Made in Taiwan" Dance Musical Debuts in Manhattan!🎵💃

The highly anticipated "Made in Taiwan" contemporary dance musical, “Islanders,” is making its Manhattan debut! Founded by Taiwanese dancer Chieh Hsiung and violinist Yu-Wei Hsiao, “Islanders” has previously enchanted audiences in Queens with its unique blend of music, dance, multimedia, and food.

Co-produced with Taiwanese dancer/choreographer Connie Shiau, the special edition of the show will be presented at 📍Gibney Dance Theater Studio in New York on July 12th and 13th📍.

The upcoming performances will continue the signature theme of "Everybody Put Your Hands Up!" from Islanders 3, featuring Taiwan's vibrant disco culture and classic pop songs from the 60s to the 90s. The show aims to revive this dynamic era, immersing the audience in the pulsating beats and lively dance moves that defined Taiwan's disco culture. Additionally, a short film will be featured at the performances.🎬🕶

Mark your calendar and don’t miss this production that showcases the diversity, creativity, and integration of Taiwanese culture, as well as the passion of Taiwanese artists!

🎉Seats are limited, so please reserve your spot by clicking on the following link:

由旅美台灣編舞家熊婕、小提琴家蕭又維攜手打造的紐約藝術展演「寶島慢播」系列,歷經多場在紐約皇后區獲得好評的演出,本次將與台灣舞者蕭潔恆合作,📍7月12、13兩日在紐約曼哈頓Gibney Dance Theater Studio進行兩場限定版演出📍,希望將台灣音樂、舞蹈、與文化介紹給更多人認識。

此次限定版演出將延續寶島慢播 3「把你的手借給我」主題,透過「夢醒時分」、「寶島曼波」、「掌聲響起」等多首六零到九零年代時代金曲,帶領觀眾回到台灣迪斯可的黃金年代,並在演出中融入影像元素,讓觀眾感受台灣文化多元融合的特色,以及臺灣藝術家創新的活力與熱情。🎬🕶


⭐More about the Islanders⭐

Photos from Taipei Cultural Center in New York's post 12/05/2023

「齊唱part 8:潮浪之間」展覽(Singing in Unison, Part 8: Between Waves)
台灣藝術家劉玗 (Liu Yu) 展出作品《Salvation Mountain》


Salvation Mountain by Yu Liu unveils the hidden pages in gold mining history from the 19th century United States in the West to the rise and fall of the mining settlement in Jinguashi and Jiufen of Taiwan in 20th century

以隱匿在社會結構下的族群作為研究主題發展系列作品。從這些族群的存在,對照出當下社會或歷史結構中的時間切面,將我們日常熟悉嚴謹的體制、科學方法做一種模糊分界的重組工作,作品涵蓋錄像、裝置、文字等多種形式。曾於臺北鳳甲美術館、關渡美術館舉辦個展,並參與上海當代藝術博物館、香港牛棚藝術村、首爾Arko Art Center、Tokyo Wonder Site等藝術計畫和聯展。劉玗曾入圍臺新藝術獎,亦獲臺北美術獎優選,並先後於洛杉磯和印尼駐村。

Yu Liu (b. Taiwan) employs a diverse range of artistic mediums including video, installation, and textual forms to craft a collection of documentary field studies. These studies delve into the intricate processes of human perception of the world, the evolving characteristics of spaces, and the continuous redefinition of entities within complex systems. Through this multifaceted approach, Liu offers a profound reflection on the evolution of human civilization and its ever-changing narrative.

齊唱part 8:潮浪之間《Singing in Unison, Part 8: Between Waves》
Industry City, 900 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11232
On display Oct. 7 2023– Jan. 12 2024|Free admission
Tuesdays – Sundays|11am – 6pm

#劉玗 (Liu Yu)
#柯念璞 (Alice Nien-Pu Ko)
The Brooklyn Rail
Industry City

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1 E. 42nd Street 7F
New York, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9:30am - 5:30pm
Friday 9:30am - 5:30pm

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