Tibet House US - NYC

Presenting & Preserving Tibetan Culture since 1987


Next month, Do Tulku Rinpoche is returning to Tibet House NYC to give two Dharma talks:

September 13, 2024
The Lojong of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo with Do Tulku Rinpoche

Lojong is the practice of transforming our attitude and conduct towards the mind of awakening. During this event, we will discuss this precious mind training, using the commentary composed by the great Rimé (or nonsectarian) master Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo.

September 16, 2024
Introduction to Vajrayana with Do Tulku Rinpoche

The Vajrayana is one of the most profound esoteric yet down to earth paths taught by the Buddha. We’ll learn the true essence of Vajrayana, its specialty, how it differs from the sutrayana path, and why it is considered to be the swifter path which delivers awakening in one lifetime.


Join Venerable Losang Gendun’s upcoming teachings at Tibet House! Co-sponsored with Shantideva Center

September 12, 2024
Death and Dying: How to Transform Anxiety into Joy

September 20, 2024
Bhikkhuni’s Life and Legacy: Women and Modern Buddhism with Cindy Rasicot

October 4, 2024
Enlightened Storytelling: Dissolving Our Limiting Views Through the Power of Narrative

Learn more/register: https://events.thus.org

For the past 15 years, Ven. Gendun has been teaching Buddhist philosophy, psychology, and meditation across the world. He is a member of Mind & Life Europe, a multidisciplinary laboratory of researchers and contemplative practitioners for investigating the nature of experience. In 2023 Ven. Gendun founded The Buddha Project for the long-term guidance of Buddhist meditators, scientific research, art projects and intercontemplative social engagement.


The Inner Science of Vajra Yoga: Healing Mind and Body, Weekend Workshop (September 6 and 7) at Tibet House NYC with Robert A.F. Thurman, John Campbell and Jamie Bonelli, alternates between lecture and practice formats where students learn to experience yoga’s physical and mental interventions as methods to engage the subtle neurology of the vajra body of neural and circulatory channels, endocrine drops and coarse and subtle vital energies—the super-subtle anatomy beneath and within our ordinary body, speech, and mind.

Learn more/register: https://events.thus.org/programs/the-inner-science-of-vajra-yoga-healing-mind-and-body-a-weekend-workshop-with-robert-thurman-john-campbell-and-jamie-bonelli/

In October, join us for the continuation of the Vajra Yoga processes in Singing Yourself Awake: Mantra, Vajra Speech, and Chanting in Yoga Practice Weekend Retreat with John Campbell, Jamie Bonelli and Robert Thurman. Explore the transformative and meaningful power of mantra through the insights of Buddhist and Classical Indian inner sciences, connecting yoga with the devotional practices known as bhakti. Practice sessions will teach the yogic use of visualization and vocalization.

Learn more/register: https://events.thus.org/programs/singing-yourself-awake-mantra-vajra-speech-and-chanting-in-yoga-practice-a-weekend-retreat-with-john-campbell-jamie-bonelli-and-robert-thurman/

Interested in developing a daily yoga practice? Join us in September at the Tibet House gallery for weekday morning yoga, Mondays through Fridays with John Campbell and Jamie Bonelli. All levels welcome!

Learn more/register: https://events.thus.org/programs/july-daily-yoga-and-meditation-instruction-from-the-indo-tibetan-traditions-foundations-of-the-vajra-yoga-path-monday-friday/

Photos from Tibet House US - NYC's post 08/13/2024

In September, we’ll be continuing our ongoing weekly offerings including morning yoga and lunchtime meditation along with our monthly programs: Qigong and Lojong, sound baths, Buddhist teachings with Venerable Robina Courtin and Dharma Friends.

Check out events.thus.org for more programs, workshops and retreats in person at Tibet House NYC. We have a busy schedule ahead so make sure to mark your calendars! 🗓️


“Every human being should realize that the future of humanity is dependent on their present actions and thinking.” - His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Photos from Tibet House US - NYC's post 08/06/2024

Kalachakra Master Khentrul Rinpoche is returning to Tibet House US and Menla for three inspiring teachings in August and September:

Monday, August 19 - Sunday, August 25
Vajravega Wheel of Protection: Fierce Kalachakra Empowerment & Retreat at Menla

Wednesday, September 4
Golden Age Peacekeepers: White Manjushri and Chenrezig Empowerments with Khentrul Rinpoche at Tibet House NYC

Thursday, September 5
Internal Kalachakra Mandala: Yoga, Astrology and the Subtle Body with Khentrul Rinpoche at Tibet House NYC

Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö Rinpoche is a Rimé and Jonang Kalachakra Master of Tibetan Buddhism. Due to his non-sectarian approach, he earned himself the title of Rimé (unbiased) Master and was identified as the reincarnation of the famous Kalachakra Master Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. While at the core of his teachings is the recognition that there is great value in the diversity of all spiritual traditions found in this world; he focuses on the Jonang-Shambhala tradition. Thought to be extinct by many Western scholars, he found it held the most advanced teachings of Kalachakra containing profound methods to harmonize our external environment with the inner world of body and mind.


Medical Bulletin - Upstate New York, USA, August 5, 2024 - Dr. David Mayman, MD, Chief of the Adult Reconstruction and Joint Replacement Service at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, visited His Holiness the Dalai Lama over the weekend. After examining His Holiness’s knee and observing the physical therapy exercises, Dr. Mayman shared the following post-surgery medical update:

“His Holiness is recovering well,” stated Dr. Mayman.
“He is working diligently with physical therapy and making great progress. This will continue over the next 6 to 12 months to optimize his recovery. His Holiness has made significant improvements to date, and we expect this to continue for a full year after surgery.”

His Holiness the Dalai Lama underwent successful knee replacement surgery on June 28.

Photo of His Holiness taking part in the Monthly Feast Offering to the Dharma Protectress Palden Lhamo on the first day of each lunar month in Upstate New York, USA, on August 5, 2024.


Happy Birthday Robert A.F. Thurman, co-founder and President of Tibet House US! 🎉 May your special day be filled with abundant joy and sweet memories, surrounded by your loved ones! May you be well, healthy and joyous! Happy Birthday!


We’re putting a SPIN on things on October 27 - save the date!

Leading up to the elections, things can get overwhelming so we’ve paired up with SPIN NYC to present a night of performances by Tenzin Choegyal, Rahzel Brown, and Martha Mooke, a meditative sound bath with Franck Raharinosy, Nigol Koulajian, and Margot Langman - libations, snacks, and ping-pong to help revitalize your spirits!

When: Sunday, October 27, from 6 - 8 pm.

Tickets available now: https://events.thus.org/programs/election-antidote-fortify-with-an-evening-of-music-and-meditation-at-spin/

All proceeds benefit Tibet House US; A portion of each ticket is tax deductible.


Tibet House will be closed August 2 - September 2 for much needed renovations and repair. We look forward to a bustling fall season.

Wishing everyone a very wonderful rest of the summer! ☀️


Happy ! ❤️ As His Holiness says, “We have genuine friendship when it is based on true human feeling, a feeling of closeness in which there is a sense of sharing and connectedness...Genuine friendship is on the basis of human affection, irrespective of your position. Therefore, the more you show concern about the welfare and rights of others, the more you are a genuine friends.”

In photos: His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu


“We create most of our suffering, so it should be logical that we also have the ability to create more joy. It simply depends on the attitudes, the perspectives, and the reactions we bring to situations and to our relationships with other people. When it comes to personal happiness there is a lot that we as individuals can do.” - His Holiness the Dalai Lama



MEDICAL BULLETIN - His Holiness the Dalai Lama is now in the fourth week post-surgery. The surgical incision has completely healed without any complications. The physiotherapists have said His Holiness is making good progress every day and are very satisfied with the speed of His Holiness’s improvement. His Holiness’s overall health status is stable and very satisfactory.

Dr. Tsetan D Sadutshang and Dr. Tsewang Tamdin
Physicians to His Holiness the Dalai Lama
July 24, 2024

(Photo of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Upstate New York, USA - July 23, 2024)


How do we use art as a way to make direct contact with awareness?

Tomorrow, July 24 at 6:30pm ET, explore the unique meditation technique called Opening the Eye Mind™ with meditation teacher Sokuzan. This Dharma Friends session is ideal for anyone who wants to express themselves creatively.

Learn more/register: https://events.thus.org/programs/dharmafriends-2/

is a monthly community event hosted by Megan Mook and Kevin Townely dedicated to creating spiritual community through meditation, art, Dharma, and embodiment practices.

*Dharma Friends will break for August, and will resume Monday, September 30. Note: Starting this fall, Dharma Friends will meet on Mondays.


“Compassion can be put into practice if one recognizes the fact that every human being is a member of humanity and the human family regardless of differences in religion, culture, color, and creed. Deep down there is no difference.” - His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Photos from Tibet House US - NYC's post 07/17/2024

Join us this Friday, July 19 for an evening discussion on the Preciousness of Human Rebirth with H. E. Khangser Rinpoche

Learn more/register: https://events.thus.org/programs/preciousness-of-human-rebirth-with-h-e-khangser-rinpoche/

Rinpoche will examine and unpack this important Buddhist concept as it applies to our attitudes, actions and results in life as well as along the path. This is a wonderful opportunity to study with the highly venerated Eighth Khangser Rinpoche (Dipankara Buddhist Center), Tenzin Tsultrim Palden. Born in Kathmandu, Nepal in May 1975, He was recognized at the age of 5 as the reincarnation of the Seventh Khangser Rinpoche, who was one of the three high lamas responsible for searching for the fourteenth reincarnation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.


“You can develop the right attitude toward others if you have kindness, love, and respect for them, and a clear realization of the oneness of all human beings.” - His Holiness the Dalai Lama


Today is Chökhor Düchen, commemorating Buddha Shakyamuni’s first teachings on the Four Noble Truths at Deer Park in Sarnath, India. Taught seven weeks after Buddha’s enlightenment, The Four Noble Truths are:

1. The truth of suffering
2. The truth of the cause of suffering
3. The truth of the end of suffering
4. The truth of the path to the end of suffering

During this auspicious occasion, karmic results of actions are multiplied 100 million times. It is a great time to meditate, reflect on Buddha dharma and engage in virtuous activities.


“You see, the past is past and the future is yet to come. That means the future is in your hands – the future entirely depends on the present. That realization gives you a great responsibility.” - His Holiness the Dalai Lama


His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 89th birthday message 🙏

Photos from Tibet House US - NYC's post 07/06/2024

Yesterday afternoon at Tibet House, our community gathered for an early celebration of His Holiness’ birthday! We had a short well wishing and long life ceremony conducted by Venerable Chokhor Rinpoche from Sera Jey Monastery, followed by cake and refreshments. Thank you all who joined in person and streamed online, it was a wonderful time. 🎂😊


Sending warm birthday wishes to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama! 🎉🙏 May your birthday be filled love, happiness, and endless blessings. The world is truly grateful for your presence and wisdom. ❤️


His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama’s 89th Birthday Celebration


Please join us today at 12pm ET for an early celebration of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama's 89th Birthday! 🥳 Thank you for your wisdom and compassion that inspires us all. Wishing you good health and happiness always! Long Live His Holiness!❤️

Join in person at Tibet House or online (livestream via Facebook) as we will have a traditional and short well wishing and long life ceremony conducted by Venerable Chokhor Rinpoche from Sera Jey Monastery, Buddhist cultural center in Queen’s followed by cake and refreshments.


Don’t miss out on our final summer sound bath sessions at Tibet House! 🔔☀️

Wednesday, July 10
Still Life: A Sound Bath And Slow Art Experience With Alex Falk And Sara Auster

Thursday, July 18
Sound Meditation with Franck Raharinosy and Mary Reilly Nichols

Monthly sound baths will resume in September 🍂

Photos from Tibet House US - NYC's post 07/02/2024

Reminder - His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s 89th Birthday Celebration will take place at Tibet House this Friday, July 5 from 12-2pm ET, join in person or livestream via Facebook! We will have a traditional and short well wishing and long life ceremony conducted by Venerable Chokhor Rinpoche from Sera Jey Monastery, Buddhist cultural center in Queen’s followed by cake and refreshments!🎂

Update on this week’s programs!

Tomorrow’s lunchtime meditation session will be led by Annie Bien.

Morning yoga will still be held on Thursday, July 4, but please note that there will be no session on Friday, July 5.


“Because of the interdependent nature of everything, we cannot hope to solve the multifarious problems with a one-sided or self-centered attitude.” - His Holiness the Dalai Lama


Today, June 30 at 12pm ET, join us online for a 90-min free intro session on the 42-hour Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) training program scheduled for Fall 2024!

Learn more/register: https://events.thus.org/programs/cultivating-emotional-balance-free-introductory-session-with-michael-lobsang-tenpa/

While the intro session will focus on establishing a basic understanding of the role emotions play in our wellbeing, the full CEB program provides an in-depth comprehensive training combining the insights of psychological research with the traditional practices of mind-training.

Course dates led by Michael Lobsang Tenpa :
September 28,
October 5, 12, 19, 26
November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30,
December 7, 14

Originally developed by Dr. Paul Ekman, Dr. Alan Wallace and Dr. Eve Ekman at the request of the Dalai Lama, CEB has grown to become an internationally acclaimed tool for teaching key emotional and contemplative skills for those in service professions and just about anyone who wants to understand and control their emotional landscape better. Participants who have completed the entire 42-hour course can receive a completion certificate.


Good News: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s knee surgery was successful, and he is recovering well. This update comes from his personal physician, Dr. Tsetan Dorji Sadutshang. 🙏💙

Image from


Medicine Buddha Mantra: Tadyatha Om Bhekhandze Bhekandze Maha Bhekandze Radza Samudgate Soha

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Videos (show all)

This Sunday, July 21, join us for the last Qigong and Lojong class of the summer with Annie Bien! Explore the movement s...
Join us tomorrow, July 14 at 11am ET, either in person or online, for Qigong and Lojong practice guided by Annie Bien. W...
Sand Mandala by the Tibetan Buddhist Nuns from Jangchub Choeling Nunnery | June 8, 2024
Sand Mandala by the Tibetan Buddhist Nuns from Jangchub Choeling Nunnery | June 8, 2024
Sand Mandala by the Tibetan Buddhist Nuns from Jangchub Choeling Nunnery | June 7, 2024
Sand Mandala Creation by Jangchup Choeling Nuns - June 6, 2024
Sand Mandala Creation by Jangchup Choeling Nuns
Qigong and Lojong bi-monthly practice continues this Sunday, June 2 with @anniebiengram. Join us this summer in person o...
Join the discussion on creativity and meditation with @ssnibbe and @laurieandersonofficial, both new media artists and l...
Join us for a weekend of Tibetan Yoga teachings with Dr. James Bae @buddhist_yoga from May 3-5. In the Friday evening le...
Join us for 21 Praises to Tara: Exploring the Facets of our Buddha Nature, an online introductory session with Buddhist ...


22 W 15th Street
New York, NY

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Thursday 10am - 9pm
Friday 10am - 11pm
Saturday 11am - 4pm
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