EcoArt Project

EcoArt Project is a nonprofit based in NYC with international initiatives focused on sustainable deve

EcoArt Project is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization based in New York City. The EcoArt Project mission is to increase public awareness and education surrounding our ecosystems in order to propel solutions toward sustainable progress, using art and design to gravitate people together. EcoArt Project provides a platform for fundraising, production, and promotion. Its programs include internati

Timeline photos 08/12/2022

Finishing off this week’s feature with Angela Gonzalez ’s “BIOS 2.0.”​​​​​​​​
BIOS – Basic Input Output System calls attention to trees and their role as the “lungs” of our planet. Global warming is the result of excess greenhouse gases, man-made emissions yielded from activities such as burning fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and natural gas, along with deforestation and destruction of tropical rainforests. ​​​​​​​​
Please give Angela a follow at and check out her work on the EcoArt Showcase!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 08/10/2022

Continuing our feature for Angela Gonzalez with her piece, “Deleted.”​​​​​​​​
Deleted is an artwork about the species extinction crisis our planet is facing. The Golden Toad, the first documented species extinction attributed to global warming, has become a symbol of the consequences of climate change. Although the extinction of the Golden Toad has generated ambiguous scientific arguments about the reason for its death, the reality is that biodiversity is being threatened by climate change.​​​​​​​​
More about Angela can be found on our website linked in our bio! ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 08/08/2022

We’re starting off this with EcoArtist !​​​​​​​​
Angela Gonzalez is a California-based artist who creates artworks from e-waste to generate awareness about the environment and to help the viewer forge the connection between art, technology and sustainability. ​​​​​​​​
You can find more of Angela’s work on her profile on the EcoArt Showcase. ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 08/05/2022

We’re closing out ‘s feature with a bang! ​​​​​​​​
Alissa is currently experimenting with soft-sculpting parts for a new functional lighting series inspired by botanicals. “If we don’t experience the natural world as part of our external self, we will continue to create waste, practice harmful economics, and lead lifestyles which are not healthy for us or our planet.”​​​​​​​​
If you want to find more about Alissa's work, check out her profile on our website linked in our bio!​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 08/03/2022

Above is an installation by our Alissa Alfonso !​​​​​​​​
The fused plastic bag jellyfish that float along streams in these installation works are both beautiful and melancholy. The works are fabricated with layered plastics melted, sewn, and stuffed with more plastic.​​​​​​​​
You can find out more about Alissa and her work on the website via the link in her bio !​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 07/29/2022

Finishing off this week’s feature with Robert Santore ’s “MANHATTAN COVID NUDES 1, 2, & 3”​​​​​​​​
Painted in the Manhattan studio during the most challenging times during the 2020 COVID lockdown is an illustration of despair and hope, longing for the simple things... a bath, a conversation, a human connection.​​​​​​​​
Please give Robert a follow at and check out her work on the EcoArt Showcase!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 07/27/2022

Continuing our feature for Robert Santore with his piece, "WHAT TOMMY SAW"​​​​​​​​
"WHAT TOMMY SAW" is his interpretation of actual events and eyewitness accounts of the devastation of war. The impact on people, life in general, ecosystems and the health of the environment. The painting has a WWII era plane exiting an explosion juxtaposed with the recurring jellyfish shape which represents the random wanderings and impact humanity has on biodiversity.​​​​​​​​
More about this work can be found on our website linked in our bio! ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 07/25/2022

We’re starting off this with EcoArtist Robert Santore !​​​​​​​​
Robert’s piece above, "BLM Freedom Of Though, Speech & Assembly," depicts the struggle and gender equality of people of color and the fight to be seen, heard and treated justly. This is an incredibly emotional piece, hand drawn and painted during the worst of the COVID lockdowns inspired by the George Floyd and other murders of oppressed people in the United States and globally.​​​​​​​​
You can find more of Robert’s work on his profile on the EcoArt Showcase. ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 07/22/2022

Ending this week’s feature with another cardboard painting from !​​​​​​​​
Since 2014, She has created several cardboard installations related to a theme called Urban Cage, which began first as a memory of my first home, Hong Kong, an overpopulated city where the poor lived in cage-like homes.​​​​​​​​
Please give Yeungto a follow at and check out her work on the EcoArt Showcase!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 07/20/2022

We’re adding to our feature with more images from ‘s “Urban Queen.” ​​​​​​​​
“Urban Queen” is a mixed media sculptural form, created with recycled cardboard, cotton twine, and acrylic paint. She uses recycled cardboard as an expressive act to rediscover our memories of a disposable urban past.​​​​​​​​
More about Yeungto can be found on our website linked in our bio! ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 07/18/2022

Introducing K Y Fina Yeungto ( ), our newest EcoArtist of the Week! ​​​​​​​​
Pictured above is “M14.” She uses recycled cardboard for painting, expressing a sense of displacement and resettlement inherent in urban life. While she is living in New York City, she has created a series of cardboard paintings about the everyday subjects she has seen in the city. These paintings express my emotional relationship living in the metropolis. M14 is a bus line that runs on 14th street in Manhattan.​​​​​​​​
You can find more of Yeungto’s work on her profile on the EcoArt Showcase. ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 07/15/2022

Finishing off this week’s feature with ’s “La Tour Eiffel Dans Ma Pensee.”​​​​​​​​
He strongly believes there is beauty in imperfection, we are all imperfect in our own way, and this philosophy is certainly reflected in his unconventional approach to sculptures, drawings, or any multimedia he comes across. In his practice, he does not try to hide the imperfections, in fact, he relies on them to create an original work of art that cannot be duplicated, not even if he tried. This work is made with cloth hangers, inspired by the artist's travels.​​​​​​​​
Please give Sergio a follow at and check out his work on the EcoArt Showcase!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 07/13/2022

Continuing our feature for with another collage titled, “Ticking Time”.​​​​​​​​
His art focuses on creating and giving life and significance to otherwise discarded objects; He follows no rules, no trends, no preconceived perceptions of what an object or what art should be. His goal is to continue working to erase the domino effect that discarded objects have on our planet.​​​​​​​​
More about Sergio can be found on our website linked in our bio! ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 07/11/2022

We’re starting off this with EcoArtist !​​​​​​​​
Above is Sergio’s collage with found magazines, depicting the reality of our own creation, while raising awareness that the time is NOW to act. The artist makes works only using recycled materials. ​​​​​​​​
This kind of collage work can easily be made on a computer using editing software, the artist has a commitment nonetheless to never use virgin papers or materials that are new. Everything must be recycled, thus he prefers to work with recycled magazines.​​​​​​​​
You can find more of Sergio’s work on her profile on the EcoArt Showcase. ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 07/08/2022

Our features end with another screenshot from Benna Gaean Maris's video titled “panspermia.”​​​​​​​​
This is a screenshot from her video titled “panspermia” Its description reads, “However high or distant human civilisation may go, everything ends, while nature revives, carrying out its cycle slowly, careless of the pathetically repetitive, frenetic and vain human obstinacy in overwhelming it.”​​​​​​​​
Please check out her work on the EcoArt Showcase!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 07/06/2022

More from our Benna Gaean Maris. This is another one of her works, “memorable dates”​​​​​​​​
Benna Gaean Maris an interdisciplinary artist exhibiting internationally with the purpose of raising awareness on metaphysical, human, social and environmental issues, favoring the use of poor materials through minimalism.​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 07/04/2022

Check out this week’s , EcoArtist Benna Gaean Maris!​​​​​​​​
This is a screenshot from her video titled “stories end.” Its description reads, “However high or distant human civilisation may go, everything ends, while nature revives, carrying out its cycle slowly, careless of the pathetically repetitive, frenetic and vain human obstinacy in overwhelming it.”​​​​​​​​
The video and more about this piece can be found on her website which you can find on her showcase profile! ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 07/01/2022

We’re closing out ‘s feature with a bang! ​​​​​​​​
Her “South Bronx Waterfront Saga“ incorporates torn edges of canvas sections stretching 24 1/2 ft across the museum’s lobby wall. The torn edges of bifurcated sheets of canvas and shards of information echo a broken South Bronx history, an urban renewal tragedy, in an area that was once once the retreat of choice for fresh air, heath and greenery. ​​​​​​​​
If you want to find more about Linda’s work, check out her profile on our website linked in our bio!​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 06/29/2022

Above is a stunning installation titled, “Edge of Change” by our ​​​​​​​​
Cunningham’s work is concerned with time, transience and contradictions, and she gravitates to architectural and structural remnants of current and previously existing cultures. She often poses the veracity of the photo-based transferred images against interpretive, fluid calligraphic drawing line and form.​​​​​​​​
You can find out more about Linda and her work on the website via the link in her bio !​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 06/27/2022

Take a look at our newest , !​​​​​​​​
Layers of torn edges and severed forms distinguish Linda Cunningham’s large format drawing/ constructions. The tactile sensibility of her work comes from her interest in the qualities of materials, observed or found. She transforms found materials, a kind of “Urban Mining,” and preserves the qualities of found materials with the material history inscribed in their surface. ​​​​​​​​
Check out her profile on the EcoArt Showcase for more photos of her other beautiful projects. ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 06/24/2022

We’re closing out our feature with .bernard.singer ’s “Cosmogony” installation. ​​​​​​​​
Christian’s work turns on notions of consciousness, identity (including Q***r identity), place, and time-passing as a way to explore his relationship to the natural world and our present environmental crisis. His works have been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout Canada and parts of the United States and published in 20 catalogs and books. ​​​​​​​​
Christian will have an upcoming solo exhibition at the Quest Art Gallery in Midland (Ontario, Canada), opening July 10 that will feature these works and include a return to a large installation (this time a series of hanging nests).​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 06/22/2022

Continuing .bernard.singer ’s feature with a picture from his Cabinets of Curiosity series. ​​​​​​​​
Curator Virginia Eichhorn wrote: "The exhibition created by Christian Bernard Singer references the intersection of European and First Nations cultures – using symbols for dances and languages as “spelled” out in the clay – and questions the European ‘cult’ of the ‘exotic. His work raises issues dealing with the dichotomies of love and money, art and value, possession and renunciation, and reflects critically on the past and current condition of museums while looking toward possibilities in the future and the mutable nature of understanding and appreciating differences in art and culture."​​​​​​​​
To see more from Christian, make sure to check out his profile on our website!​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 06/20/2022

I’m excited to announce this week’s , .bernard.singer, a Canadian artist who has incorporated mosses, pine needles and other organic materials with glass, clay, bronze, found objects, and video into eco-installation-environments, land artworks and sculptures. ​​​​​​​​
Above is Christian’s wall sculpture “Mary Jane,” made of pine needles and paint on a wood base. ​​​​​​​​
Stay tuned for more about Christian and his work!​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 06/17/2022

Our features end with a piece from Andre Rubin about how fossil fuels power NYC, Capitalism and Freedom. Lady Liberty's Torch is lit by the lights of NYC which may go out if the whole city is flooded​​​​​​​​
Andre’s historically informed work positions Classical art and architecture into a contemporary context. His works are meant to be “floating signifiers”capable of various interpretations. ​​​​​​​​
Please check out his work on the EcoArt Showcase!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 06/13/2022

Check out this week’s , EcoArtist Andre Rubin!​​​​​​​​
Andre is a Philadelphia based artist who makes philosophically engaged collage artworks – images that are concise, bold, colorful and delineated in the tradition of pop art, posters and advertisements. ​​​​​​​​
Featured above is his collage about extracting wealth from the earth and the decimation of natural resources. You can find out more about Andre on his profile on the EcoArt Showcase. ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 06/08/2022

We’re adding to our feature with images from Joana Alarcão‘s “Where is the Missing Character?” ​​​​​​​​
As Joana has looked at climate awareness and what it is the role of culture, nature and being behind past and current events, she always comes across realities and theories that privilege one of these elements over another, making arguments not entirely true.​​​​​​​​
More about Joana can be found on our website linked in our bio! ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 06/06/2022

Introducing Joana Alarcão, our newest EcoArtist of the Week! ​​​​​​​​
Joana is a Portuguese Eco-artist and writer that works primarily within the concepts of social/environmental justice and culture. Complementary to her studio practice she founded the online platform Insights of an Eco Artist and has worked with magazines such as Women to Women, African vibes, Gatekeeper, and the NGO Creative Conscious. ​​​​​​​​
Pictured above is one piece of her “Natural Connections.” This series is a calling, where the natural tries to fend the relationship between species, communicating using human-like forms to relate to us.​​​​​​​​
You can find more of Joana’s work on her profile on the EcoArt Showcase. ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 06/03/2022

We’re closing out Yulia Shtern feature with a bang! ​​​​​​​​
Take a look at a piece from her Magical Zoo series, “The Last Rhino”. Made from recycled materials and varnish glue, Yulia’s work is in line with the environmentally conscious choices in other aspects of my life​​​​​​​​
If you want to find more about Yulia’s work, check out her Instagram at or her profile on our website linked in our bio!​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 06/01/2022

Another piece from Yulia Shtern “Endangered/Extinct/Enslaved Series” titled “African Pied Crow,” made from recycled materials, varnish glue. ​​​​​​​​
“It all changed when in 2016 I accidentally discovered working with up-cycled materials. This has brought my art practice in line with the environmentally conscious choices in other aspects of my life. I have been working with up-cycled materials ever since.” - Yulia Shtern​​​​​​​​
You can find out more about Yulia and her work on the website via the link in her bio at !​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 05/27/2022

Finishing off this week’s feature with Vishwanath Mallabadi Davangere ( “African Bust.”​​​​​​​​
“I create Art from nothing, for the sole purpose of making unique & Amazing Art. e-waste itself has different shapes, forms, texture and color, I see art in them and conceptualize final work.” ​​​​​​​​
- Vishwanath Mallabadi Davangere ​​​​​​​​
Please give Vishwanath a follow at and check out his work on the EcoArt Showcase!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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