CTA Metro NY

CTA Metro NY is the chapter of Call-To-Action-USA for the metro NY region. Catholics cultivating justice in the Church since 1976.

Together, inspiring transformation!


Happy Advent!!

Black survivors are nearly invisible in the U.S. Catholic clergy sexual abuse crisis 12/05/2023

“Persons of color have suffered a long legacy of neglect and marginalization in the Catholic Church. We need to correct the idea that all or most of the victims of this abuse have been white and male.” -Rev. Bryan Massingale

Black survivors are nearly invisible in the U.S. Catholic clergy sexual abuse crisis Cases of clergy abuse among Black Americans are especially underreported, but data from dioceses that include Black Catholic churches shows the problem might be quite widespread.

“Ready or Not, Here I Come!” - New Ways Ministry 12/04/2023

“Staying awake to encounters with God is an act of conscious presence. It means acknowledging Her presence in the highs and lows, in the joys and sorrows, in the ordinary and extraordinary of our lives as LGBTQ+ Catholics. Our Advent journey is an opportunity to find God, open our hearts to Her love, and rejoice together.” -Michael Sennett

“Ready or Not, Here I Come!” - New Ways Ministry Waking to this truth empowers LGBTQ+ Catholics to be watchful of God's enduring presence in our lives, and it helps us cultivate a readiness to encounter the Spirit.

Insight: Defying Pope's calls for climate action, US Catholic bishops cling to fossil fuels 12/01/2023

“Hundreds of Catholic institutions around the globe have announced plans to divest their finances of oil, gas and coal to help fight climate change… But in the United States, the world's top oil and gas producer and where about a quarter of the population is Catholic, not a single diocese has announced it has let go of its fossil fuel assets.”

Insight: Defying Pope's calls for climate action, US Catholic bishops cling to fossil fuels Hundreds of Catholic institutions around the globe have announced plans to divest their finances of oil, gas and coal to help fight climate change since Pope Francis published his landmark encyclical on environmental stewardship in 2015 urging a break with fossil fuels.


Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers powerful homily from the Mass in Thanksgiving for National Black Catholic History Month held at St. Agnes Cathedral in Rockville Centre, Long Island, on Sunday, November 19: https://vimeopro.com/user98187253/catholic-faith-network-cfn/video/886212855

What will it take for Catholic Church to accept women priests? | READER COMMENTARY 11/27/2023

“It appears that this issue has been placed on the back burner as usual. So what can be done? I believe that this issue needs to be put front and center in every parish and diocese.”

What will it take for Catholic Church to accept women priests? | READER COMMENTARY Catholics must put greater pressure on church leaders like Archbishop Lori in the cause of women priests.

Pope Francis Hosts Transgender Women for Vatican Luncheon - New Ways Ministry 11/23/2023

“At least they remember us, that we’re on Earth and we haven’t been abandoned and left to the mercy of the wind.” -Andrea Paola Torres Lopez

Pope Francis Hosts Transgender Women for Vatican Luncheon - New Ways Ministry Pope Francis welcomed a group of transgender women, with whom he has formed an ongoing relationship, to a luncheon at the Vatican last week marking the church's World Day of the Poor.

Across US, Catholic groups often behind LGBTQ book banning efforts 11/21/2023

'Regardless of your religious affiliation, nobody has the right to tell anybody else what they can and cannot read.' -Valerie Minteer

Across US, Catholic groups often behind LGBTQ book banning efforts Conservative Catholic groups across the country are lobbying their local libraries to remove books with LGBTQ themes from their shelves.

Catholic dioceses are declaring bankruptcy. Abuse survivors say it’s a ‘way to silence’ them 11/15/2023

“Oakland could get together enough money to build a $200m cathedral not too long ago, but they can’t get the money together to pay the child victims whom they r***d for decades. They’re morally and ethically bankrupt, but they’re not financially bankrupt.” -Joseph Piscitelli https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/12/sex-abuse-catholic-church-bankruptcy-oakland-California

Catholic dioceses are declaring bankruptcy. Abuse survivors say it’s a ‘way to silence’ them The insolvency of California dioceses has caused some cases be put on hold, even as a $175m cathedral has risen over Oakland

Trans Catholics exist, and we deserve to participate in church life 11/13/2023

“We face all kinds of discrimination and prejudice in society; shouldn't church be a place where we get to experience the love of Christ, just like our neighbor?” -Maxwell Kuzma

Trans Catholics exist, and we deserve to participate in church life Transgender Catholic Maxwell Kuzma reflects on the recent Vatican note affirming the participation of trans people in church life.

‘Why do I stay?’ A young Catholic feminist on a church plagued by scandal 11/12/2023

“Clerical sexual abuse and our church’s failure to stamp it out is a threat to the legitimacy of the church for future generations.” -Delaney Coyne

‘Why do I stay?’ A young Catholic feminist on a church plagued by scandal The ongoing sexual abuse scandal involving the Rev. Marko Rupnik is another reminder of what the church needs to do to deal with this continuing plague.

Pope Francis says trans people can be baptised, act as godparents 11/09/2023

“Pope Francis is continuing to break down barriers that have kept LGBTQ Catholics away from full participation as members of the Roman Catholic Church and is instead calling on global leaders to create welcoming spaces for LGBTQ people.” -Sarah Kate Ellis, President & CEO, GLAAD

Pope Francis says trans people can be baptised, act as godparents Pope Francis has stated that transgender people may be baptised and act as godparents or witnesses to marriage.

Exclusive: On gay Catholics, synod ensured 'nothing is closed,' says African Jesuit 11/06/2023

‘In terms of women's leadership and governance in the church, the Jesuit (Fr. Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator) added: "One of the things I experienced was this desire that we cannot simply continue to ... kick the can down the road. We have to engage with it. I think the moment is now."’

Exclusive: On gay Catholics, synod ensured 'nothing is closed,' says African Jesuit Listen: In this episode of The Vatican Briefing, Jesuit Fr. Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator discusses the synod and how its final text made sure that "the space is there to continue to have this conversation."

Nuns Against Gun Violence hosts webinar to address gun violence epidemic 11/04/2023

On Nov. 8, from 7-9 pm ET, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston join Catholic sisters and their allied organizations from around the country in a Zoom webinar to address gun violence.

Nuns Against Gun Violence hosts webinar to address gun violence epidemic Nuns Against Gun Violence is a coalition of Catholic Sisters and their allies that affirms the value of human life through prayer, education, and advocacy for common sense, evidence-based, gun violenc

'We will continue to be heard': Progressive Catholics react to synod report 11/02/2023

"We join our partners in the women's ordination and LGBTQIA+ justice movements in expressing our deep concern about the synod's failure to take seriously the grave injustice of gender equality and its refusal to acknowledge the longings of LGBTQIA+ Catholics for a more inclusive church.” -Jamie Manson, president of Catholics for Choice

'We will continue to be heard': Progressive Catholics react to synod report People who hoped the first synod assembly's report would signal future momentous changes in the Catholic Church were left feeling discouraged.

Father James Martin: What happened at the Synod on Synodality 10/31/2023

“But I would like to answer the questions that many Catholics have about the synod: What really happened? What did you do? And, crucially, what was the point?” - Fr. James Martin

Father James Martin: What happened at the Synod on Synodality The most synodal moments for me were when I spoke with people with whom I disagreed, sometimes dramatically.


Join our national Call To Action family on Wednesday, Nov. 15 for an online conversation with journalist Mary Jo McConahay, author of Playing God: American Catholic Bishops and The Far Right.

Mary Jo will discuss her latest book and participate in a Q&A session. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions. Register: https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/kEbXo_7FW_ixVVsZtsxL1Q?t=1698360517

Pax Christi appeals to Pope and Synod to help Church embrace nonviolence - Vatican News 10/28/2023

“We're talking about nonviolence as a spirituality and a way of life, but also as a broad spectrum of tools to prevent violence, interrupt violence, and to build societies that function peacefully and support everybody's right to a dignified life.”

Pax Christi appeals to Pope and Synod to help Church embrace nonviolence - Vatican News The Catholic Nonviolence Initiative urges Pope Francis and the Synod General Assembly to integrate the practice and spirituality of nonviolence into ...

Sister Jeannine Gramick Describes Her Meeting With Pope Francis - New Ways Ministry 10/26/2023

“Meeting Pope Francis was one of the clearest signs to me that hope does not disappoint.” -Sr. Jeannine Grammick

Sister Jeannine Gramick Describes Her Meeting With Pope Francis - New Ways Ministry You have probably read some stories about my recent meeting with Pope Francis, but I'd like to share some more facts and feelings.

Francis wants the synod in every parish. Here's how to bring it to yours. 10/23/2023

Bring the synod to a church near you!

Francis wants the synod in every parish. Here's how to bring it to yours. VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Such a process is a far cry from a parish meeting presided over by the pastor who announces and defends his preordained decisions.

Pope Francis appeals to all believers on Israel-Hamas war: ‘Take only one side...that of peace’ 10/23/2023

Pope Francis declares Oct. 27 as World Day of Prayer for Peace, inviting all Christians and people of faith to join.

Pope Francis appeals to all believers on Israel-Hamas war: ‘Take only one side...that of peace’ Pope Francis today called for the silencing of guns in Gaza and declared Oct. 27 a World Day of Prayer for peace.

We are women; we are priests in Iowa. We hope Catholic leaders hear our call for equality. 10/22/2023

“As women priests in Iowa, we want to encourage the Catholic bishops of Iowa and the United States to walk alongside women, in the halls of Rome and beyond.”

We are women; we are priests in Iowa. We hope Catholic leaders hear our call for equality. Opinion: We're calling for equality in Catholic ordination, and we aren't alone, write three Iowans ordained through Roman Catholic Womenpriests.

Exclusive: Jeannine Gramick, LGBTQ advocate, reveals details of meeting with Pope Francis 10/20/2023

“It's just exciting, it's moving, it's being with a friend.” -Sr. Jeannine Gramick shares her thoughts following her meeting with Pope Francis in new podcast

Exclusive: Jeannine Gramick, LGBTQ advocate, reveals details of meeting with Pope Francis Listen: In a special episode of "The Vatican Briefing," Joshua McElwee and Christopher White have an exclusive conversation with Loretto Sr. Jeannine Gramick about her Oct. 17 meeting with Pope Francis. Gramick says the pope "is trying to get us to move forward."

Pope Francis Receives Sr. Jeannine Gramick at Vatican - New Ways Ministry 10/17/2023

Hallelujah, Sr. Jeannine & New Ways Ministry!
😳 “In a moment once unimaginable, Sister Jeannine Gramick, SL, met with Pope Francis today at the Vatican.” Read all about it!!

Pope Francis Receives Sr. Jeannine Gramick at Vatican - New Ways Ministry In a moment once unimaginable, Sister Jeannine Gramick, SL, met with Pope Francis today at the Vatican.

Work still needed to bring justice to sexual abuse survivors, say advocates 10/17/2023

"My eyes saw what most of us in this society will never see because it is kept secret. Restorative justice is the opposite of secrecy." -St. Joseph Sr. Helen Prejean https://www.ncronline.org/news/news/work-still-needed-bring-justice-sexual-abuse-survivors-say-advocate

Work still needed to bring justice to sexual abuse survivors, say advocates Panelists at the National Catholic Conference on Restorative Justice say that great strides have been made in some areas by the church to ensure widespread abuse and cover-up do not happen again, but failures continue to arise.

LGBTQ Catholics subject of emotional debate at synod, participants say 10/14/2023

"I have never read anywhere that the baptism of women would be inferior to the baptism of men."
-Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich

LGBTQ Catholics subject of emotional debate at synod, participants say The second week of Pope Francis' summit on the future of the Catholic Church included emotional debates among bishops and lay delegates over whether ministries could be expanded to include LGBTQ persons.

It takes a Dominican to explain a Jesuit pope 10/13/2023

“Francis, the Jesuit pope, chose a Dominican, Timothy Radcliffe, to set the tone for his Synod on Synodality, which has been under attack by reactionaries in the church.” -Thomas Reese, Religion News Service

It takes a Dominican to explain a Jesuit pope VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Francis, the Jesuit pope, chose a Dominican, Timothy Radcliffe, to set the tone for his Synod on Synodality, which has been under attack by reactionaries in the church.

Podcast: What it’s like giving a speech inside a synod of bishops as a young person 10/12/2023

New podcast focuses on the impact of young Catholics & their role, leading up to the current synod.

Podcast: What it’s like giving a speech inside a synod of bishops as a young person Julian Paparella, who was 25 years old when he addressed hundreds of bishops in that assembly, joins Zac and Ashley to shed light on the dynamic at work inside synods.

Tempering Synod Expectations, Yet Expecting the Unexpected - New Ways Ministry 10/09/2023

New Ways Ministry reports on expectations, and the unexpected, concerning LGBTQ+ issues from the synod in Rome:

Tempering Synod Expectations, Yet Expecting the Unexpected - New Ways Ministry Pope Francis’ homily has given me hope that even if my expectations for the Synod on Synodality are not met in full, it is still an important and worthwhile journey for the church to be on.

Synod Watch 10/08/2023

FutureChurch Co-Director, Deborah Rose, is in Rome for the Synod on Synodality. Follow along as she asks questions of synod representatives, conducts interviews, and reports back from her unique perspective on matters and issues of most importance to FutureChurch members and friends.

Synod Watch Follow FutureChurch Co-Director, Deb Rose, as she reports from the Synod on Synodality in Rome.

Sisters at Vatican synod see 'dismantling of the hierarchical' 10/07/2023

"I have this sensation that we're returning to the origin, to what the church was from the beginning and should be, based on the Gospel, to follow Jesus and not to focus on rules. This is about following Jesus as a church, as a community, and from that point, there is nothing to fear." -Sr. Iris Altagracia González

Sisters at Vatican synod see 'dismantling of the hierarchical' Two Catholic sisters taking part in Pope Francis' summit on the church's future told GSR the synod is different than expected. "I'm experiencing and witnessing the dismantling of the hierarchical," said Mercy Sr. Angela Perez.

A Foundation for Future Hope - New Ways Ministry 10/05/2023

“The pope’s understanding of the teaching office expressed in his answers to this question gives me hope for the Synod on Synodality’s treatment of LGBTQ+ issues and for the long-term acceptance of LGBTQ+ persons and our relationships in the Catholic Church.” -Brian Flanagan, New Ways Ministry

A Foundation for Future Hope - New Ways Ministry The most important part of the responses released Monday for the future place of LGBTQ+ people in the Catholic Church doesn’t mention LGBTQ+ issues at all.

Women's voices and votes loom large as pope is set to open a Vatican meeting on church's future 10/04/2023

“I’m hopeful that there is room in that space for these bold conversations, courageous conversations, and particularly that the voices and experiences of women called to the priesthood are brought to the synod.” - Kate McElwee, director of the Women’s Ordination Conference

Women's voices and votes loom large as pope is set to open a Vatican meeting on church's future Pope Francis will open this week a global gathering of Catholic bishops and laypeople to discuss the future of the church.

NCR's guide to US participants at the synod on synodality 10/01/2023

Learn more about the US participants at the synod on synodality:

NCR's guide to US participants at the synod on synodality NCR has compiled a reference guide to the 24 Americans (or people with U.S. connections) who will be participating in the synod, either as voting members or experts/facilitators.

Alternative Catholic synod to push case for ordination of women priests 09/30/2023

“We’re at a tipping point: it’s clear women are doing the work of priesthood, and they want to be recognised as priests.” -Cherie Blair, keynote speaker at upcoming alternative synod event, Spirit Unbounded:

Alternative Catholic synod to push case for ordination of women priests Event organisers say it’s ‘crunch time’ for pope as scandal and bigotry drive Church members to leave

Father James Martin: The hopes and stories I’m bringing to the Synod on Synodality 09/29/2023

“My main hope is that all of us can “walk together” with open minds and hearts. This will take a great deal of prayer and trust, since so many of us will come from different cultures and viewpoints.” -Fr. James Martin

Father James Martin: The hopes and stories I’m bringing to the Synod on Synodality My hopes are simple: I hope that the synod will be guided by the Holy Spirit and the participants will be able to listen to the voices of Catholics from around the world.

Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors issues call to action ahead of consistory and synod - Voice of The Faithful 09/28/2023

The Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors has issued a call to action for the Catholic Church finally to say “Enough!” to clergy sexual abuse.

Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors issues call to action ahead of consistory and synod - Voice of The Faithful September 27, 2023 On the occasion of the Consistory for the Creation of New Cardinals and the first meeting of the Synod on Synodality (16th Ordinary

Editorial: Pope Francis, it's time to release the women deacons report 09/26/2023

“The courageous young adults who took part in the 2018 Synod of Bishops on young people pushed the 267 voting bishops at that assembly to say together that it was a "duty of justice" for the church to better include women in its all-male decision-making structures.” -National Catholic Reporter

Editorial: Pope Francis, it's time to release the women deacons report Before the Synod of Bishops opens Oct. 4, Pope Francis has a duty to finally release the report from his women deacons commission, say the NCR editors.

A daring hope for Catholic women - The Boston Globe 09/25/2023

The Global Synod on Synodality opens on 10/4! “It’s time for the Catholic Church to discern how it might now formally recognize women like me who are fulfilling vital communal roles that would otherwise go unfulfilled.” -Kelly Meraw

A daring hope for Catholic women - The Boston Globe It’s time for the Catholic Church to discern how it might now formally recognize women like me who are fulfilling vital communal roles that would otherwise go unfulfilled.

Georgetown event highlights sisters as 'living examples of Catholic social teaching' 09/24/2023

A Sisters’ Call to Action: “Sisters are out there radically living the Gospel every day. We must all do that." -Sr. Norma Pimentel

Georgetown event highlights sisters as 'living examples of Catholic social teaching' Georgetown University hosted an online forum Sept. 14 discussing the challenging and demanding work environments of sisters who are "empowering the most vulnerable."

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