The Angel of Lightness - Mystical Seer, Motivator, Predictor, ESP lecturer

A repository of audio visual materials & lectures for study of Mysticism, Subconscious mind, Meditation techniques, ESP, Clairvoyance, Parapsychology

Earthquake Rattles New York City Skyscrapers 04/06/2024

The peace of God to all that belong to the Light,

5 of my predictions for this 2024 are already facts right now, among them are the rarest or most unlikely to be accomplished by chance:
- Another huge earthquake in far east, this time located in Taiwan pacific off shore.
- a Cancer illness of H.M. King Charles III of Britain.
- a new terrible Russian escalating offensive in the war of Ukraine that is even causing Nato countries to consider to intervene directly.
- a terrorist attack linked with Afghanistan in Russia has brought back to that nation memories of their war in that country in 1980s.
- a so unusual relatively strong earthquake shaking the north Atlantic coast of USA, including new England.

Let me say that the seismic Activity in the north Atlantic basin might not stop with the event of this Friday, but my readers of the west coast must prepare themselves with good contingency plans to affront a much stronger one in the very near future. I perceive its occurrence in question of months. Be aware that will not be a mild earthquake but a mega seaquake able to trigger a tsunami like the Sumatra one of 2004.

Earthquake Rattles New York City Skyscrapers New York City was stunned by a 4.8 magnitude earthquake that rattled one of the nation's largest cities. The earthquake's epicenter was in Lebanon, New Jerse...

Photos from The Angel of Lightness - Mystical Seer, Motivator, Predictor, ESP lecturer's post 03/23/2024

Dear friends, today my prayer is for all the ones around the world that suffer under the rigor of conflicts that they didn't start or fire. May they find the courage and dignity needed to overcome it and to be able of living normal lives in spite of such painful experience. My prayer is specially for the victims of terrorism moved by fundamentalism, racism, ultra Nationalism, xenophobia, ambition of political or economic power, extremism and any sectarianism. This where ever they try to survive and enjoy again peace. Who ever promote or endorse harassment, hatred and spread terrorism are evildoers, either to repress or subvert societies, they are extremely morally ill and deserve international condemnation. I pray for the cease of the extended blindness of double moral that is in behind justifying, tolerating or selectively ignoring terrorism in some cases but strongly condemn it in others. All human beings have fundamental rights that must be respected. Something is bad not for who do it but because it is absolutely reprobable.

15 Bible Verses That Identify Donald J. Trump as the Antichrist 02/20/2024

The peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
We must be very careful of those who mix religion with politics. While the first comes from God, before to be reinterpreted by sectarian minds, the second is impure human workmanship. The scriptures even indicate that it would be the Principality of the devil. That is why we are very distrustful of those who join what is holy with what is secular and temporal. The true Christ, according to the Prophecy does not participate in a political role, in fact he despised it. The prophet Daniel speaks of a Messiah sent by God, who became killed by a political collusion, 69 weeks before his own time. Later in the hour of darkness he mentioned a foreign prince, a great politician, coming to destroy Jerusalem. The death sentence imposed on Christ according to the title hanging over his head, reveals that it was Politics what killed him. That is also the conspiracy indicated in the parable of the wicked tenants. Jesus himself commanded us to distinguish clearly what belong to God from what belongs to Cesar( the realm of political power). Moreover, he warned us that in his name many will be deceived and manipulated at the end of times by false 'Christs' followed by Pharisaic 'Christians'.

15 Bible Verses That Identify Donald J. Trump as the Antichrist Here are 15 bible verses about the character traits of the Antichrist, and which all point to Donald J. Trump as being the Man of Sin.SUMMARYFor those of us ...

Investigation after shooting at Joel Osteen's Lakewood church in Houston 02/16/2024

The peace of God to all that belong to the Light, Hate crimes do not only occur where there are no spiritual or religious beliefs, as happened in Prague a few weeks ago. They can also strike where religious practice is not genuine or deviant. That is the case that shocked Houston 2 days ago. The shooting at Joel Osteen's mega church. This is a very clear red flag for American tele evangelicalism that has tolerated and spread false types of spirituality. They have been anchored for decades in a mixture of religion with media show business, marketing materialism or sectarian politics. This has spread modern heresies like the Prosperity gospel, Easy believism or Christian Nationalism. These false beliefs spread separation, egotism, overambition, segregation, rivalry, instead of kindness, concord, tolerance and mercy.

Investigation after shooting at Joel Osteen's Lakewood church in Houston A woman opened fire at Lakewood Church in Houston on Sunday before two security officers shot and killed her. A 5-year-old boy who was with her and a 57-year...

'Old man that could trigger World War III': Trump invites Russia to attack NATO allies 02/13/2024

The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light, Voting for the senile D.Trump is pure collective delusion. Bigotry is un-American, insurrection against rule of law is un-American, discrimination against minorities is un-American, disrespect against our heroic arm forces is un-American, seeding hatred against institutions or the constitution is un-American. Surrendering our allies inthe free world to the fascist regime of the Kremlin is un-American. All that is what D. Trump represents if become reelected. It is a sad and huge danger for our future. V.Putin is playing Trump as his best card in his pocker game to destroy the USA. Are we amnesic? D.Trump incompetence in the white house has already costed more than a million lives facing the pandemics after cutting an affordable healthcare act, just with only screening surveys instead of massive production of covidtests, masks, hand sanitizers, and moreover shutting ontime airports. Now, if he become reelected that tragedy would be a joke aside the casualties may caused by WWIII trigered by more of his negligences. If you are in South Carolina or other states with GOP primaries coming soon support Nikki Haley, she is the best choice that can save America

'Old man that could trigger World War III': Trump invites Russia to attack NATO allies Donald Trump inviting Russia to attack America’s NATO allies has been met with GOP silence. Joy Reid and her panel discuss. » Subscribe to MSNBC: https://ww...

Baptist leader speaks out: 'Christian nationalism is not Christianity' 01/30/2024

The peace of God to all that belong to the Light, dear readers, America is living a very difficult time when fascism is moving openly on our nation through the path of Christian Nationalism. This is a perverted version of neo phariseic Christianity that has put political power in the place reserved only for God. They have already chosen their false messaiah who is not Christ but a business man ambitioning to get also political power. Their worst blasphemy is to claim that such a corrupt leader of hatred is a messenger of God. They are looking for shaping a totalitarian system that erase the freedom spirit that the founder fathers defended and supress anybody that contradict their interpretation of religion.

Baptist leader speaks out: 'Christian nationalism is not Christianity' The United States is seeing the rise of Christian nationalism and how it's deeply impacting today's political climate, especially with the far-right. Amanda ...

Nikki Haley breaks with Donald Trump on Putin and Ukraine 01/30/2024

The peace of God to all that belong to the Light, dear readers it is absolutely true that V.Putin has already built an Evil Axis of Tirannies to spread hatred and repression world wide. This diabolic colussion will menace in 2025 the free world, it has been sealed with his recent steel pacts with China, Iran and North Korea. The next machievalian move in his geopolitical chess game is to either neutralize NATO by forcing the reelection of his favorite puppet President D.Trump in this 2024 or to send the USA to civil war supporting false Trumpist claims of fraude as they already made in the insurrection of 2021. What thing is certain: if Ukraine falls, then Europe will follow it and then the free world may dissappear under bastard regimes of oppression everywhere.

Nikki Haley breaks with Donald Trump on Putin and Ukraine During CNN's town hall with Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, the former US ambassador to the United Nations in the Trump administration, broke ...

Nikki Haley’s New Hampshire Surge Is Getting Serious 01/23/2024

The peace of God to all that belong to the Light. Good evening dear readers, here I am responding to inquiries sent to me by my readers during the last 2 days about how I perceive is going to be the path of the Presidential election along this winter? Let me repeat what I had said along the last 3 years: the paradigm that a kind of messianic paternal figure will save America and return us to times of prosperity and social harmony is essentially already wasted. That is not going to work anymore, is just a mirage. I perceive that a new leadership is knocking the door very strongly and is going to be a woman leader who correspond to open that new era of peace, Concord and progress. She will be the one that would heal the nation. I think the fact that somebody like Nikki Haley is fighting now the Republican Nomination with D.Trump is not coincidence, it is the expression of that causal line I have detected since years ago for the future of USA. The electors are facing a dilemma: either to stay longer in the confrontation of the past in between elder figures or to move on and start to write a new chapter in our history giving the opportunity of leading to a new generation. I am absolutely sure that soon or later the second choice will prevail.

Nikki Haley’s New Hampshire Surge Is Getting Serious At least one new poll shows Haley within seven points of Trump in the Granite State, and she could get a boost from Iowa, too.


22) This is a point I have already talked before since 2021, the current internal confrontation between left and right wings in the USA need to be ended or the consequences for the nation could be devastating. I also have warned that I have foresaw that the only one that will end this huge division of Americans will be a new leadership, one that is neither D.Trump nor J.Biden, and clearly will be through the hands of a woman President. This lady will be the only politician that will be able to heal the wounds of this sick nation and transfer the nation to a new era of Concord, peace, harmony and real progress in all areas. The paradigm of a paternal figure saving America is absolutely wasted, it is not going to work anymore. I see the arrival of this new younger leader so close to our present that it will occur sooner that anybody can imagine. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this lady emerges even on this same electoral year, she can be who really collect the crop that was sown by D.Trump and J.Biden and they both dream about.

The Star of Bethlehem (2007) Full Documentary HD with Subtitles and Bonus Scene 01/07/2024

The peace of God to all that belong to the Light, dear readers,
Dear Readers as it has been my costume along the last 17 years on occasion of the western world epiphany and the eastern Christianity Christmas I post here my predictions for 2024.
1) The trend of dramatic events is going to continue over Europe, far east, USA and Russia. It is a time of strong energy running through means of confrontation, disruption and struggling. All known paradigms will become wasted, including not only the social, economic or political ones, but even the planetary ones.
2) i still see that Vladimir Putin will not survive this war, his regime will eventually collapse. He expected the glory of victory in a war of a couple of weeks but as I predicted it has lasted years with no resolution. As i also foresaw the incomformity of many good friends of Putin will pass to him an invoice.

3) What the Russian leader is able to do to try to force his so dreamed and never reached victory in Ukraine? Well, he will not hesitate to do all what is in his hands to boost a mega distracting conflict in the middle east, between Palestine and Israel of course.

4) Russia is aware that Ukraine is another Afghanistan, but before to suffer a very humilating defeat is likely that Putin will order the use of unconventional armament. Now, i see a very strong chance that anyway such maneuver will not end in the way the Kremlin may project.

5)The damage on the global economy already inflicted by the weight of Ukraine war and the the uncertainty created by the brutal attack of October 7th will merge increasing the recesion that is already evident by now in different markets. It is likely that the winds of crises will produce political changes as the one occurred in Argentina in other countries of the Americas, like for instance Canada and Mexico. Famine, social arrest, rebellions, coups and civil wars will be spread in other countries or become even worst in Syria, Burma, Nicaragua.

6) Europe by this incoming summer will experience furious riots and protests, terrible social explosions like the ones we saw already in France in 2023, that i accurately forecasted.

7) King Charles IIIth of Britain will experience his own difficulties to manage his throne. He might have waited so many decades to be crowned but that does not mean his realm will be serene and peaceful.

The Star of Bethlehem (2007) Full Documentary HD with Subtitles and Bonus Scene Learn about the Star that announced the birth of ChristWhat was the star that appeared in the sky more than 2,000 years ago and directed the Magi to undertak...


Hello, good morning dear friends. I wish you all a very Happy 2024. May it be a period of peace, tranquility, good health, prosperity and much hope and harmony in every sense. May God guide you, protect you, bless you and guide you in every way and every situation that arises along the way. May this time in a year we be giving thanks for everything we have experienced.

Pope Francis calls for Gaza ceasefire in Christmas message • FRANCE 24 English 12/27/2023

There was No respect not even to Christmas eve or Christmas day in the terrible Gaza bombing, civilians were hidden to survive to explosions or fire inside debris. The traditional celebration in Bethlehem was reduced to a private act with very few present that were neighbors or monks and nuns. Is the saddest Christmas in the holy land at least for half a century. It is not difficult to figure what Christ may say about this situation.

Pope Francis calls for Gaza ceasefire in Christmas message • FRANCE 24 English Pope Francis on Monday deplored the desperate humanitarian situation of Palestinians in Gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire and the freeing of hostage...

A Christmas Carol 1971 ~ Animated ~ Alastair Sim ~ Full Length ORIGINAL POST 12/26/2023

This is the Richard Williams animation film of Christmas Carol based on Charles Dickens Novel that became Oscar awarded in 1972.

A Christmas Carol 1971 ~ Animated ~ Alastair Sim ~ Full Length ORIGINAL POST The World's greatest animator has passed away (August 15, 2019). Rest In Peace Richard Williams. The excellent 1971 animated version of the Charles Dicken...

BBC The Sky at Night - The Real Star of Bethlehem: A Christmas Special [HD] 12/24/2023

Hello, dear friends, good evening. Let me wish you happy holidays ! Enjoy them in peace and harmony with your beloved ones, may you have a happy and prosperous 2024!

The Angel of Lightness

Muy buenas tardes y noches, les deseo unas muy felices fiestas! Disfrutenlas en paz u armonis con sus seres queridos, que tengan un muy Feliz y prospero 2024!

El Angel de Iluminacion

Bonjour chers amis, bonsoir. Permettez-moi de vous souhaiter de joyeuses fêtes ! Profitez-en en paix et en harmonie avec vos proches, puissiez-vous passer une année 2024 heureuse et prospère !

Ange d'illumination

Ciao cari amici, buonasera. Permettimi di augurarti buone feste! Godeteveli in pace e armonia con i vostri cari, che possiate avere un 2024 felice e prospero!

Angelo dell'illuminazione

Hallo, liebe Freunde, guten Abend. Ich wünsche Ihnen schöne Feiertage! Genießen Sie sie in Frieden und Harmonie mit Ihren Lieben. Mögen Sie ein glückliches und erfolgreiches Jahr 2024 haben!

Engel der Erleuchtung

BBC The Sky at Night - The Real Star of Bethlehem: A Christmas Special [HD] Science Documentary hosted by Chris Lintott and Maggie Aderin-Pocock, published by BBC broadcasted as part of BBC The Sky at Night series in 2015 - English n...

Jalaluddin Rumi Quotes in English that change your mind | Rumi |oneline Motivation| 12/04/2023

When one reads the wisdom of souls as enlightened as those of Zoroaster, Samuel, David, Christ, Rumi or Gibran, it is very difficult to link the Middle East with the chain of such irrational hatreds that leads to the violence of the last century. It is fundamentalism and not their culture or ancestral tradition that is the cause.

Jalaluddin Rumi Quotes in English that change your mind | Rumi |oneline Motivation| Jalaluddin Rumi, commonly known as Rumi, was a 13th-century Persian poet, scholar, and Sufi mystic. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest poets in the...

Nat King Cole Attacked by Racists During Performance 11/26/2023

About 7 and a half decades ago the musical legend Nat King Cole in a concert at Alabama was attacked by racist mobsters. Those were the predecessors of today fanatics that support the coming back of a false fascist leader that 3 years ago tried to fire a civil war to steal an election and who has declared the Hispanic people undesirable, among other minorities they also hate. This pseudo leader who acted in collusion with an enemy power is responsible of more than 2 million Americans dead from the spread of a Pandemic that in no other place of earth killed so large proportion.

Nat King Cole Attacked by Racists During Performance In 1956, singer and pianist Nat King Cole was performing before an all-white audience of 4,000 at the Municipal Auditorium in Birmingham, Alabama, when he wa...

John F. Kennedy's 1963 Televised Address to the Nation on Civil Rights 11/22/2023

JFK's commitment to the civil rights agenda for all, covering all minorities, was total. Today in the USA no one can be discriminated against, harrassed or segregated for any reason thanks to value profiles like his. JFK lived and died defending ideals in which he believed: intolerance or any oppression towards any human group is basically immoral. That is one of his most important legacies.

John F. Kennedy's 1963 Televised Address to the Nation on Civil Rights In his speech, President Kennedy responds to the threats of violence and obstruction on the University of Alabama campus following desegregation attempts, ex...

Photos from The Angel of Lightness - Mystical Seer, Motivator, Predictor, ESP lecturer's post 11/22/2023

The paranormal events with JFK seems to begin with the article by the Seer Jeanne Dixon, published in Parade magazine in 1956. There the already very famous Fortune Teller of the Capitol predicted that a Catholic Young Democrat would win the 1960 election and that although he would have a clear opportunity to If re-elected he would die in office. Mrs. Dixon always said that this came to her in a vision in broad daylight while she was praying in front of the main altar of the Catholic Cathedral in Washington DC.

Rabbis for Ceasefire: Jewish Leaders Organize to Halt Israel's Bombardment of Gaza 11/20/2023

Why there are so many Jewish intellectuals, brilliant personalities, and activists protesting worldwide against the bombing of hospitals or refugees camps in Gaza? Because they know about History lessons deeply. The evil seeds of the WWII Holocaust germinated on the soil of the protestant fundamentalist rethoric of Martin Luther generalizing certain episodes of history: the brutal executions of Christ and his disciples under the Jerusalem Sanehedrin, then fertilized with the memory of masonic prosecutions of Catholics under the Robespierre terror regime and the Napoleonic wars; Finally, poured with the biter water of the hatred philosophy of Karl Marx and the tyrannical violence against Christian Orthodoxs by V.I.Lenin, L.Trotsky and G.Y.Zinoviev. For A.Hitler or B.Mussolini was irrelevant that great part of the Jews of modernity descend from the Helenistic diaspora, occurred 3 centuries before Christ, so they couldn't take part in his unfair trial or that many preferred to migrate to America from Russia like A. Rubinstein or A. Rand. Fanaticism requires only of some strategically located crimes to knit its web of xenophobia, intolerance and hatred at future.

Rabbis for Ceasefire: Jewish Leaders Organize to Halt Israel's Bombardment of Gaza Support our work: speak to Rabbi Alissa Wise, an organizer with Rabbis for Ceasefire and the founding co-chair of Jewish Voic...

"To a crisis of the spirit, we need an answer of the spirit." #shorts 11/13/2023

The peace of God to all that belong to the Light. We are ending 2023 and approaching Thanksgiving day in the middle of a huge world and national crisis that is so complex: economic growing demoted by inflation or with instability of markets, terrible international conflicts menacing to merge and moreover of generalized concerns. In the USA we are seeing running with still high scores in polls a candidate for the Presidency who never should have even chance to do so in other times. He who has nothing really to offer to the country. He is accused of multiple crimes, including collusion with foreign hostile powers, exploiting confusion and injecting us hatred with his sectarian and divisive campaign. He has left the office in 2021 in the worst possible scenario ever: triggering a major insurrection against the legal institutions and the constitution, a pandemic out of control, thousands of companies collapsed due to it, many hundreds of thousands of casualties, horrible internal division never as grave since the Civil War, an international image of the USA ruined, wars running without any hope of being settle down in Syria, Libya and at least 4 more being cautiously prepared by countries that were wrong choices to trust he made or enemies he challenged: Taiwan, Korea, Ukraine and Middle East. Nowadays. We need so urgently to move out from this crisis of identity and confidence. This through boosting mutual understanding, dialogue and healing our differences. Let us reflect in the words of Richard Nixon in his inaugural speech of 1969, they have incredible resonance to define our moment and wisdom of how to change it.

"To a crisis of the spirit, we need an answer of the spirit." #shorts The Richard Nixon Foundation applies the legacy and vision of President Richard Nixon, America’s relentless grand strategist, to defining issues facing our n...

Papa Francisco se conmueve al implorar la paz para Ucrania ante la Inmaculada Concepción 11/12/2023

The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light. It has been almost two years of brave resistance of a nation tested in its finest moment. In February 2022 the forces of tyranny and moved by the dogmas of hatred, oppression and intolerance launched a terrible invasion over Ukraine absolutely convinced that the country was easy territory of conquest. The arrogant regime that has slaved so many peoples in eastern Europe thought that Ukraine was going to be an example that evil after all has the strength to defeat freedom. They have done terrible damage to a milenary nation, but they were wrong.

Papa Francisco se conmueve al implorar la paz para Ucrania ante la Inmaculada Concepción

"No Escape, No Hope" For Escaping Gazans As Egypt Refuses Corridor | Subscribe to Firstpost 10/12/2023

Women, children and elders are denied of a corridor of escape from Gaza by the Egyptian government! This is almost unbelievable and extremely inhuman. These are clearly civilians leaving an scenario of complete devastation and being bombed unmercifully. Egypt must understand the urgency of the situation and open the border for people that are not agents of the conflict but just victims of it. They are in the middle of a battle between 2 intransigent bands.

"No Escape, No Hope" For Escaping Gazans As Egypt Refuses Corridor | Subscribe to Firstpost "No Escape, No Hope" For Escaping Gazans As Egypt Refuses Corridor | Subscribe to FirstpostAs Israel bombards Gaza in retaliation to Saturday's Hamas attack,...

Turkey's Erdogan condemns Israeli airstrikes in Gaza: "Not a war, it is a massacre" 10/12/2023

The Peace of God to all that belong to the light, dear readers. One crime against humanity is never repaired with another, they never sum to a right action, not at all but become a sequence of two horrendous massacres. There is a million people under siege dying under bombing without any means of survival for military operation chasing a terrorist organization that has only few thousands of members. This is gradually turning along the hours in genocide.

Turkey's Erdogan condemns Israeli airstrikes in Gaza: "Not a war, it is a massacre" Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan condemned Israel's response to Hamas' attack by bombing cities in Gaza -- which has destroyed infrastructure, cut off humani...

Watch live: UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres delivers update on the Israel-Hamas war 10/12/2023

The Peace of God to all that belong to the light, Dear Readers
Right now it is vital for the sake of the hostages kept by the terrorist group Hamas to ask through an international consensus to Israelian forces to stop the bombing over Gaza Strip. That is what the General Secretary of the United Nations is begging to obtain. There must be a cease of fire to allow humanitarian aid to enter into Gaza: food, water, medicines. There are women, children, elders trapped under debris and fire. Humanitarian corridors of supply of essential surviving items must be arranged somehow with supervision of UN and International Red Cross/Red Crescent moon and the Catholic Church.

Watch live: UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres delivers update on the Israel-Hamas war Watch live as UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres delivers a statement on the situation in the Middle East from the UN briefing room.Around 800 people have...

Turkey offers to mediate in Israel-Palestine conflict | ANC 10/10/2023

The peace of God to all that belong to the Light. Regardless of any military or intelligence action, it is vital for the survival of the hostages to accept some mediation. It is essential that some negotiation of a humanitarian nature be allowed. This is not the time to close ourselves to just the use of blind force. What happened between Friday night and Saturday morning shows that no one is infallible. The risk of death in the middle of a release of captives operation is very high. Many of the hostages are not even locals, they are foreigners who were doing tourism. Their families and governments have the right to be heard.

Turkey offers to mediate in Israel-Palestine conflict | ANC Here are the stories on ANC's Rundown.For more ANC news videos, click the link below:

Here’s to Canadian Thanksgiving 10/10/2023

Here’s to Canadian Thanksgiving In a country that welcomes everyone. There’s one autumn holiday that does, too. Canadian Thanksgiving. It’s a holiday that’s a little humbler. With less pag...

The 969 year old man 10/10/2023

The peace of God to all that belong to the Light, today and during the entire weekend we are listening so many passionate speeches of people claimed that they own exclusively the holyland, that they are the only real inheritors of it and so have the right to determine who must live there or not. There are among the children of Abraham descendants who claim it is exclusive patrimony of Isaac or of Ismael linage. Let's be clear the holyland was already sacred centuries before Abraham and milenia before David, Christ or Muhammad. Mathuselah or Matusalem was already its land lord and he left back there descendance that owned the land that later welcomed and hosted three religions. If he would be asked today which one of those traditions he adhere to? If somebody ask him how to be addressed as Arab or Hebrew?, by sure he might laugh about it and should condemn all the present quarrels for his Land.

The 969 year old man The oldest person mentioned in the Bible was Methuselah, who lived to be 969 years old. Interestingly, his family heritage has also been documented in other ...

Israel-Hamas war: More than 1,000 dead as fighting continues for a second day 10/09/2023

The peace of to all that belong to the Light,
Dear readers, the time has come in which the terrible and painful great war between nations announced by the scriptures is starting. The attack suffered by Israel on this weekend mark the beginning of the path that will lead humanity toward the most decisive time of History. This conflict will be so huge and devastating that only by the coming back of the great judge this will reach end. A time has arrived in which only the chosen ones will move on to the next age. God is calling us to deep repentance from our sins and to turn our heart truly to him. Before this fall ends the entire world will be fired by war. Many false redimeers will fall along this so painful confrontation. They are the ones that have put nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom. The good will people must refrain themselves of to take part in the storm of sectarianism, hatred and xenophobia that is taking over the world.

Israel-Hamas war: More than 1,000 dead as fighting continues for a second day The Israeli government formally declared war Sunday and gave the green light for "significant military steps" to retaliate against Hamas for its surprise att...

Israel declares state of war after deadly Hamas attack | LiveNOW from FOX 10/08/2023

The peace of God to all that belong to the Light. Horrendous the terrorist attack over Israel launched today by Hamas, they have showed their true evil intentions and unmasked the ideology of hatred that moves them. It is a very difficult moment for the cause of peace in Middle East. This is no doubt carried out to boycott the peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel, but also reverberation of the attempt to divide the Jerusalem Mosque access with jews proposed by the far right extremist groups in Israel . It is another battle field that the Teheran-Kabul-Damascus Axis wanted to open in their evil war to expand the same tyranny they have over their people now throughout the middle east. It comes also after a year of protests in Israel against expansion of control of government over jurisprudence and the irresponsable proposition in the likud party to take over part of the Al Alqsa Mosque. This evil action is not defending really Palestinians, but using them as human shields to defend foreign interests of regimes that really don't care at all about them. A devastating retaliation of Israel over the entire Gaza population will only put itself at the same evil level than who they are fighting against to.

Israel declares state of war after deadly Hamas attack | LiveNOW from FOX LiveNOW from FOX's Andrew Craft sits down with national security and foreign policy experts Hal Kempfer and Matthew Shoemaker to talk about the Hamas terrori...

Icon 06/04/2016 Fernando Botero 09/16/2023

The peace of God to all that belong to the Light, dear readers,
At the moment of his passing away Fernando Botero was by far the most famous South American, Latin American and Western world artist. The quality and the quantity of his artist production make him an Icon of the world. He made 3306 known artworks in between paintings and sculptures, almost all in large format. They are spread in art galleries and museums around the world. That is 1/4 of the ones made by Pablo Picasso but 4 times the ones of Vincent Van gogh. He was during the last third of his life the alive artist who sold at higher prices in the world.

Icon 06/04/2016 Fernando Botero Icon 06/04/2016Subscribe to us on Youtube: us on:Facebook: ht...

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