Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC

We believe in human dignity. Everyone deserves the power to live a meaningful life.

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 08/07/2024

“Sometimes, when you get to the top, you forget what it’s like to be at the bottom.” 🌄

After experiencing a difficult childhood, Andrew Rivas decided to sacrifice his dream of becoming a doctor so he could make things better for his siblings and other children like them 🧒🏽🧒🏻

Now as a Community Support Advocate at Help New Mexico, he helps people gain access to the same community resources that once saved his life 👥

Swipe left to read his story ➡️

“A veces, cuando llegas a la cima, se te olvida cómo era estar abajo.” 🌄

Después de una niñez difícil, Andrew Rivas decidió sacrificar su sueño de ser médico para mejorar la vida de sus hermanos y otros niños como ellos 🧒🏽🧒🏻

Ahora como Defensor del apoyo a la comunidad con Help New Mexico, él le ayuda a las personas a obtener acceso a los mismos recursos comunitarios que un día salvaron su vida 👥

Desliza a la izquierda para leer su historia ➡️

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 08/02/2024

¡Felicidades! These domestic violence survivors just took a step towards empowerment ✨

On average, it takes 7 attempts for a survivor to leave their abusive partner—and finances are the #1 barrier.

Through the Prestamos CDFI and Prestamos WBC Economic Empowerment Program, 15 survivors from CPLC De Colores DV program are on the path to financial independence.

Together, they learned how to build credit, become their own signer, and even start or expand their business—whether in construction or boutique organic soaps 🧼

Today, these Latinas poderosas are inspired, empowered, and building a better world 🌎

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 07/27/2024

¡Qué noche tan especial! It’s Women’s Night at the Diamondbacks game, and we’re filled with gratitude for the incredible support from the wives.  
Their generous donation to our Domestic Violence Shelter () will provide essential resources and hope for those in need. Together, we can empower survivors.  
Thank you for believing in our mission and for helping us create a safer, stronger community. 💜⚾️

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 07/26/2024

“As we waited for hours, we no longer played music and danced like we used to.” 👥

Growing up, Isael Gomez never imagined his carefree Saturdays strolling through a park in Mexico with his family would come to an end. Now, as an Immigration Counselor at CPLC Family Immigration Services, he helps immigrants find home 🏡🗽

And the border, once a fluid portal between two beloved countries, is now a stark reminder of the divisiveness we’re living through today.

Swipe through to read his story of loss—and of hope 🙏🏽

“Mientras esperábamos por horas, ya no escuchábamos música ni bailábamos como solíamos hacer.” 👥

De niño, Isael Gomez nuncó imaginó que algún día, sus sábados caminando en una plaza en México con su familia llegarían a un final amargo. Ahora, como Consejero de Inmigración para el programa de Servicios de Inmigración Familiar de Chicanos Por La Causa, le ayuda a inmigrantes a encontrar un hogar—ya sea ayudándoles a solicitar un indulto u obtener la ciudadanía estadounidense. 🏡🗽

Y la frontera, que antes parecía un portal fluido entre dos patrias amadas, ahora es un duro recordatorio de la división que vivimos hoy en día.

Desliza la imagen para leer su historia de pérdida y de esperanza. 🙏🏽

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 07/25/2024

Let’s welcome a new member of our CPLC Familia: Amanecer Community Counseling Service! 🎉  
The LA-based nonprofit was founded in 1975 by Dr. Cecil Hoffman, with the goal of making mental health resources accessible to all who need them. The organization helps people in the community heal from trauma, unlock their potential, and establish new beginnings 🧘‍♀️ 
Today, we’re excited to continue Dr. Hoffman’s legacy and help Amanecer transform the lives of more people in their community through their mental health services. 💪 
“We are students, parents, abuelos, innovators, helpers, and dreamers—all coming together to create a more equitable future for all.” ✨

Démosle la bienvenida al nuevo miembro de nuestra Familia de Chicanos Por La Causa: ¡Amanecer Community Counseling Services! 🎉 
En 1975, el Dr. Cecil Hoffman fundó esta organización sin fines de lucro en Los Ángeles para hacer más asequibles los recursos de salud mental para quienes los necesiten. La organización ayuda a personas en la comunidad a sanar sus traumas, liberar su potencial, y establecer nuevos comienzos 🧘‍♀️ 
Hoy, estamos emocionados de continuar el legado del Dr. Hoffman y ayudar a Amencer a transformar la vida de más personas en su comunidad a través de sus servicios de salud mental. 💪 
“Somos estudiantes, padres, abuelos, innovadores, ayudantes, y soñadores—reuniéndonos para crear un futuro más equitativo para todos.” ✨


With so much uncertainty and divisiveness in American politics, it can be easy to disengage.

However, as Latinos, our comunidad must show up at the ballot box for politicians to pay attention to issues that matter to us.

President Biden dropping out of the race is just another demonstration that anything can happen. There's no better time to start paying attention and make your voice heard 📣

Register to vote at

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 07/12/2024

Check out new mural at our domestic violence shelter 👀

Mil gracias for creating this opportunity to inspire women, children, and men escaping domestic violence at . And thanks Phoenix Mercury Hip Hop Squad for playing ball with the kids 🏀

Morena shared that her work was inspired by the women she has been empowered by from childhood to now.

Dolores Huerta—our SHE-ro of the past—an activist and icon who has always inspired CPLC.

Diana Taurasi—our SHE-ro of now—20 years in the game and still going strong.

A young woman on the court—representing SHE-ros of the future.

It’s a reminder that we all come from a lineage of poderosa women breaking down barriers, overcoming obstacles, and showing the next generation that we are capable of anything.

To all the women reading this—you inspire us ✨


As we celebrate Independence Day, let's reflect on the essence of being American.

Nuestro history is shaped by remarkable individuals: Martin Luther King, Jr. tirelessly pursued his dream of racial equality, while Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta led farmworkers in the fight against racial discrimination and labor injustices. Their legacies remind us that the American spirit is resilient and that we can achieve change through unity.

Happy Independence Day from our familia to yours! 🎆


Have you seen our new gear? 🤔

Our exclusive State 48 T-Shirts honor Arizona’s rich history and celebrate 55 years of empowering our community.

Every purchase supports our Scholarship Program, which allows college students statewide to achieve their educational dreams. By wearing this shirt, you’re not just showing your pride, you’re investing in the future of our comunidad and advocating for future leaders.

Check them out:

¿Has visto nuestras camisetas nuevas? 🤔

Nuestras camisetas de State 48 exclusivas honran la historia de Arizona y celebran 55 años de empoderamiento de nuestra comunidad.

Cada compra apoya a nuestro Programa de Becas, el cual permite que estudiantes universitarios del estado alcancen sus sueños educativos. Al usar esta camiseta, no sólo muestras tu orgullo, sino que también inviertes en el futuro de nuestra comunidad y promueves a los líderes del futuro.

¡Echa un vistazo!

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 06/28/2024

Thank you to our hermanas at the YWCA Southern Arizona for hosting a meet-and-greet for our first female president & CEO, Alicia Nuñez!

It was a beautiful opportunity to celebrate the incredible strength, compassion, and selflessness of women. Alicia shared stories of how her mom inspired her as a child and Tucson legend Lorraine Lee, who influenced her leadership.

Led by local mujeres, it was a powerful evening of insightful discussions, community bonding, and shared yearning for a brighter and more equitable future for all 🌟

¡Gracias a nuestras hermanas de la YWCA Southern Arizona por organizar un acto de bienvenida para conocer nuestra primera presidenta y directora ejecutiva, Alicia Nuñez!

Fue una oportunidad hermosa para celebrar la fuerza, la compasión y el altruismo increíble de la mujer. Alicia compartió historias de cómo su madre la inspiró cuando era niña y de Lorraine Lee, una leyenda de Tucson, quien influyó en su liderazgo.

Dirigido por mujeres de la región, ésta fue una noche poderosa de discusiones perspicaces, unión comunitaria, y el anhelo común de un futuro más brillante y equitativo para todos 🌟


Today, we remember those who stood up at Stonewall in response to the violent raid on June 28, 1969.

On that night, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a sanctuary for the LGBTQ+ community in New York City. Tired of constant harassment and discrimination, the patrons resisted, sparking six days of protests and clashes with law enforcement. This uprising, fueled by years of oppression, marked a turning point in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights and ignited the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement.

The Stonewall Riots brought together diverse members of the community—drag queens, trans people, gay men, le****ns, and allies—all united in their demand for equality and justice. Their courage paved the way for the fight for equality and justice we continue today. 🏳️‍🌈

Hoy recordamos a las personas valientes que se levantaron en contra de la redada violenta del 28 de junio del 1969 en Stonewall.

Esa noche, la policía registró el Stonewall Inn, un santuario para la comunidad LGBTQ+ en la Ciudad de Nueva York. Cansados del acoso constante, los clientes se resistieron, iniciando seis días de protestas y altercados con la fuerza policial. Esta rebelión, provocada por años de opresión, marcó un momento decisivo en la lucha por los derechos LGBTQ+ e impulsó el movimiento de derechos LGBTQ+ moderno.

Los Disturbios Stonewall unieron a diversas personas de la comunidad—a drag queens, personas trans, hombres gay, lesbianas, y aliados—todos unidos por su demanda por la igualdad y la justicia. Su valentía abrió camino para la misma lucha que continuamos hoy 🏳️‍🌈

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 06/27/2024

Gracias, Bank of America, for supporting people experiencing homelessness in our community 🧡
Yesterday, BofA volunteers unloaded food items, prepared nutrient-dense food bags, and distributed them to people in our neighborhood 📦
Access to nutritious food and essential resources is crucial, offering much-needed stability for individuals facing food insecurity.
Let’s continue working together to support our comunidad 🏡

Gracias, Bank of America, por apoyar a personas que están enfrentando la falta de vivienda en nuestra comunidad 🧡
Ayer, voluntarios del BofA descargaron productos alimenticios, prepararon despensas con comida nutritiva, y las distribuyeron a persona en nuestra vecindad 📦
Acceso a alimentos nutritivos y recursos esenciales es crucial, ofreciendo estabilidad tan necesaria para las personas que enfrentan inseguridad alimentaria.
¡Sigamos trabajando juntos para apoyar nuestra comunidad! 🏡


In Loving Memory of Lucia Madrid 🧡

Lucia was a beacon of compassion and dedication, passionately supporting and uplifting the Latino community. Her deep faith fueled her commitment to serve others. Through her work at Channel 12, she not only championed numerous nonprofits but also guided and mentored many in the field.

Lucia lent her name, heart, and hand to every cause she believed in, leaving an indelible mark on the lives she touched. Her legacy of service and love will forever inspire us.

En memoria de Lucia Madrid 🧡

Lucia fue un faro de compasión y dedicación, apoyando y elevando apasionadamente a la comunidad latina. Su profunda fe alimentaba su compromiso de servir a los demás. A través de su trabajo en el Canal 12, no solo defendió numerosas organizaciones sin fines de lucro, sino que también guió y mentoreó a muchos.

Lucia prestó su nombre, corazón y mano a cada causa en la que creía, dejando una marca indeleble en las vidas que tocó. Su legado de servicio y amor nos inspirará para siempre.


It’s difficult to grasp that almost 160 years ago, slavery was still legal in the United States. On June 19, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger’s order freed the last enslaved individuals in Texas.

Let’s celebrate Juneteenth and commit to continuing the fight for equality and justice for all. Happy Juneteenth!

Es difícil comprender que hace casi 160 años, la esclavitud aún era legal en los Estados Unidos. El 19 de junio de 1865, la orden del Mayor General Gordon Granger liberó a los últimos esclavizados en Texas.

Celebremos Juneteenth y comprometámonos a continuar la lucha por la igualdad y la justicia para todos. ¡Feliz Juneteenth!

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 06/19/2024

We applaud the President’s executive action to keep families together and enrich our communities.

Nosotros aplaudimos la acción ejecutiva del Presidente de mantener a las familias juntas y enriquecer a nuestras comunidades.


¡Feliz Día del Padre!

Our papás have sacrificed, worked tirelessly, and loved unconditionally to give us better lives.

Today, let’s make sure to remind them how much they mean to us.

Thank you, fathers and father figures, for everything you do. You are our foundation and our source of strength. From your firm advice to your warm hugs, you’ve been our rock through it all 🌟

¡Feliz Día del Padre!

Nuestros papás han hecho sacrificios, han trabajado sin cesar, y nos han amado incondicionalmente para darnos una vida mejor.

Hoy, recordémosles lo mucho que significan para nosotros.

Gracias a nuestros padres y a nuestras figuras paternas por todo lo que hacen por nosotros. Ustedes son nuestro cimiento y nuestra fuente de fortaleza. Por el transcurso de cada reto, con sus consejos firmes y sus abrazos cálidos, ustedes han sido nuestra roca 🌟


This Immigrant Heritage Month, we reflect on the contributions of immigrants who have shaped our comunidad with hard work, resilience, and dreams.

However, as we honor our diverse heritage, we must also stand united against HCR2060. This politically charged revision of SB1070 threatens to lead to racial profiling and harm Arizona's reputation and economy, which thrives on immigrant labor. We believe in a just and comprehensive reform of our immigration system at the federal level, not a state law that crosses the borders of humanity and constitutional rights.

Like many Arizonans, we stand beside you and advocate for a brighter, more inclusive future.

Este Mes de la herencia de inmigrantes, reflejamos en las contribuciones de los inmigrantes que han moldeado a nuestra comunidad con su trabajo duro, su resiliencia, y sus sueños.

Sin embargo, al honrar nuestra herencia diversa, también debemos unirnos en contra de la propuesta HCR2060. Esta modificación política de la ley SB1070 amenaza con dar lugar a la categorización racial y a dañar la reputación y economía de Arizona, cuya prosperidad en gran parte se debe a la mano de obra inmigrante. Nosotros creemos en una reforma justa y comprehensiva de nuestro sistema de inmigración al nivel federal, no a través de una ley que cruza las fronteras de la humanidad y los derechos constitucionales.

Nosotros abogamos por un futuro mejor y más inclusivo.


Today marks a solemn anniversary as we honor the 49 lives lost at Pulse Nightclub.

This day serves as a stark reminder of the persistence of hate, but also the incredible strength and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community.

As we celebrate Pride Month, we remember the lives cut short and stand in solidarity with their families and loved ones.

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 06/05/2024

HCR 2060 harms our community.

La propuesta legislativa HCR 2060 perjudica a nuestra comunidad.

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 06/01/2024

¡Felicidades, graduates! 🎓

Last week our Toltecalli High School and Envision High School students walked across the stage to receive their high school diplomas 🎉

¡Lo lograste! You are a testament to the collective effort of our community, and we are all rooting for your success and happiness. Be proud of where you came from and continue making us proud 🌟

¡Felicidades, graduados! 🎓

La semana pasada, nuestros estudiantes de las preparatorias Toltecalli y Envision caminaron por el escenario para recibir sus diplomas 🎉

¡Lo lograron! Son testimonio del esfuerzo colectivo de nuestra comunidad. Tienen el apoyo de todos nosotros para que logren el éxito y la felicidad. Enorgullézcanse de dónde vienen y continúen haciéndonos orgullosos 🌟

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 05/30/2024

“Minorities are not just workforce. We’re not just labor. We’re skilled. We’re hardworking. We’re responsible. We’re honest. We’re resilient. And, when we get the chance, we are also extraordinary business owners.”

Noe Gonzalez, Project Director at CPLC’s Prestamos CPFI Nevada MBDA Business Center, is on a mission to shatter stereotypes. From securing loans for car wash owners in Fallon to helping mom-and-pop stores in Arizona thrive online, his team is dedicated to uplifting minority business owners 💪🏽

Swipe right to read these inspiring stories of resilience and success 🌟

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 05/30/2024

Felicidades to the amazing graduates of Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona  — we are so proud of you🎉
As you step into the next chapter of your lives, we have no doubt that you will continue to achieve greatness and make a positive impact in the world.
Embrace every opportunity, overcome every challenge, and know that you have the strength and knowledge to reach your dreams. The future is yours! 🌟

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 05/29/2024

Thank you to everyone who joined our CPLC Help Our Community Connect and CPLC Supportive Housing programs for our digital skills workshop — your enthusiasm made it a success! 🙌💻

Digital skills are crucial for empowering our community, enhancing job opportunities, accessing vital services, and ensuring everyone can participate in the digital age 🌐✅

Special thanks to Oak Street Health for their sponsorship and commitment to our comunidad!


Today, we pay tribute to the courageous men and women who have given their lives for our country.

As we reflect on their contributions, let us also renew our commitment to service, compassion, and unity. Let’s remember and honor these heroes not just in words, but through our actions and dedication to building a more inclusive and supportive society.


A lifetime is marked by moments—a lost tooth. A warm embrace. A shared meal. A family prayer.

Two years ago today, the lifetimes of 19 children and two teachers were cut tragically short.

As you go about your day, your week, your life—perhaps you might take a moment to remember them.

To remember their families, robbed of so many moments with their loved one.

To remember their small community of Uvalde, TX, burdened with the challenge of simply carrying on ❤️

Eliahna G
Eliahna T
Teacher Eva
Teacher Irma

Una vida está marcada por momentos: un diente perdido. Un abrazo cálido. Una comida compartida. Una oración en familia.

Hace dos años, las vidas de 19 niños y dos maestras fueron trágicamente interrumpidas.

Al continuar con tu día, tu semana, tu vida, tal vez podrías tomarte un momento para recordarlos.

Para recordar a sus familias, privadas de tantos momentos con sus seres queridos.

Para recordar a su pequeña comunidad de Uvalde, TX, cargada con el desafío de simplemente seguir adelante ❤️

Eliahna G
Eliahna T
Maestra Eva
Maestra Irma


Mothers are the foundation of everything.

One of the most important founders of Chicanos Por La Causa was Terri Cruz, La Madrecita, who originally worked cleaning houses and was a mother of eight.

The other founders needed her support and the trust and credibility she had among the community.

Over the next four decades, she worked tirelessly for the community she loved—until her very last days.

Because when you become a mother or a parent, you understand why you’d want to live for someone else besides yourself.

It’s a mother’s love that founded CPLC.

A mother’s love for her children. For her community. For our collective future.

Thank you to mothers everywhere.

And most of all, gracias to our mamás. We wouldn’t be here without them.

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 05/09/2024

This harmful measure is spreading fear throughout immigrant communities, disrupting businesses, and compromising public safety for all Arizonans.

Esta medida peligrosa está sembrando el miedo en todas las comunidades inmigrantes, interrumpiendo negocios, y comprometiendo la seguridad pública de todos los residentes de Arizona.

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 05/08/2024

Today, leaders gathered at the State Capitol to stand against the divisive 'show me your papers' proposal, HCR 2060. This harmful measure seeks to empower police to target law-abiding immigrants and Dreamers based partly on the color of their skin, disrupting their daily lives - going to work, worshiping, or attending school. This proposal, reminiscent of SB1070, has failed in the past, racially profiling law-abiding citizens. As Joe Garcia, VP at CPLC, powerfully articulates, our future shouldn't echo the prejudice and discrimination of our past. Let's reject fear and embrace facts.

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 05/07/2024

Today, we honored four outstanding teachers at the 2024 Esperanza Latino Teacher Awards 🏆

Congratulations to our honorees from across Arizona: Erika Acosta, Margaret Gallego, Gabriel Robles, and Lilian Williams 🥳

You are not just teachers— you are mentors, role models, and an inspiration to all. Your passion and hard work shapes the future of our community 🧡

As we celebrate your well-deserved recognition today, we also celebrate the countless lives you have touched 🙌🏽

Gracias to our sponsors: Salt River Project, Cox, Amazon Fire TV, Southwest Airlines, and HUB International

Photos from Chicanos Por La Causa - CPLC's post 05/04/2024

¡Vamos con todo! 🔥

As Latinos, our votes carry the weight of our collective experiences, hopes, and dreams. By exercising our right to vote, we're not only amplifying our voices but also demanding accountability from our elected leaders. Our vote is our voice, and it's essential that we use it to advocate for positive change.

Latino Loud voter engagement launched earlier this week, igniting a non-partisan movement to empower Latino voices in the battleground states of Arizona and Nevada 💪🏽

Thank you to Arizona’s Secretary of State Adrian Fontes and Nevada’s Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar for their inspiring remarks.

Let's raise our voices, register to vote, and make history together. 🗳️

¡Vamos con todo! 🔥

Como latinos, nuestro voto carga con el peso colectivo de nuestras experiencias, nuestros anhelos, y nuestros sueños. Al ejercitar nuestro derecho al voto, no sólo potenciamos nuestras voces, sino que también exigimos que nuestros líderes electos nos rindan cuentas. Nuestro voto es nuestra voz, y es esencial que la usemos para promover cambio positivo.

Iniciamos la campaña de participación de votantes Latino Loud a principios de esta semana, despertando un movimiento que empodera voces latinas en los estados críticos de Arizona y Nevada 💪🏽

Gracias al secretario de estado de Arizona, Adrian Fontes y al secretario de estado de Nevada, Cisco Aguilar, por sus comentarios inspiradores.

Alcemos nuestras voces, registrémonos para votar, y hagamos historia juntos 🗳️

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Videos (show all)

Immigrants are vital to the health and growth of Arizona’s economy.   HCR2060 will threaten this significant economic en...
She is the beating heart of her community. ❤️  Mrs. Margaret Gallego is teaching the grandchildren of students she origi...
A teacher showed her a path out of darkness. Now, she’s shining the light onto others. 🌟  Mrs. Lillian Williams was eigh...
Do you have fond memories of your high school US History class? 🗽  Mr. Gabriel Robles’s students sure do—because he make...
Her students say learning math with her is fun and easy. 📚  And they have the test scores to prove it! In a small town, ...
How did Acting President and CEO Alicia Nuñez develop her leadership style? She observed those around her. Alicia discus...
“We have been uncomfortable all of our lives.” Gloria McGinty, Prevention Services Coordinator, shares her experiences a...
“I have a dream where...we will all be holding hands and supporting our community to better our youth.” Rolando Rhymes, ...
CPLC Golf Tournament
As 2023 draws to a close, we are grateful you are part of the CPLC familia. Your support changed so many lives. 🫂
We continued to spread the spirit of giving at Para Los Niños today 🎁✨  We brought more gifts, stockings, and holiday ch...
Ángeles Del Barrio


1112 East Buckeye Road
Phoenix, AZ

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