Charlotte FEA

Charlotte FEA

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Vaidik Aacharan
Vaidik Aacharan

Charlotte FEA is teachers united for the students of Charlotte County, Florida. FEA/NEA/AFT/AFL-CIO


Nice Work, Charlotte Technical College! Sunseeker drives upward momentum for local graduates to have local careers.

"Cuarta, Foltz and Blackburn all said they are working closely with students and graduates of the Charlotte Technical College’s Professional Culinary Arts & Hospitality program in Port Charlotte.

“We are really fortunate to have a culinary arts program so close to the resort,” Blackburn said. “There are at least a dozen graduates we’ve hired. I’m working with a student, Nicholas, who graduates in March. He will have a job here after graduation. This gives them such a great opportunity to work at a world-class resort.”"


Have you joined CFEA yet? Make today the day!


Ready to join CFEA? Here is the link:

Member Portal | Florida Education Association Florida Education Association membership portal.

Firefighters join PBA in union rules fight with Florida 08/09/2023

Police and Fire would not stand with teachers during the legislative session. They allowed Desantis to divide the House of Labor because it wasn't their problem. Now we are both on the same side of the issue again.

Do their non-certified members have grounds for a "Failure to Represent" claim?

Firefighters join PBA in union rules fight with Florida By JIM SAUNDERSNEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA TALLAHASSEE — A statewide fir

Despite DeSantis’ Anti-Union Law, Florida’s Teachers’ Union Gains... 06/15/2023

Thank you?

Despite DeSantis’ Anti-Union Law, Florida’s Teachers’ Union Gains... While Ron DeSantis runs for President, he has attempted to excite conservatives nationwide by pushing legislation that makes it more difficult for undocumented students to study in Florida public schools. He also has pushed legislation that limits teaching about diversity and sexual orientation...


April 26, 2023

FEA: At governor’s bidding, House stands against working people

TALLAHASSEE — The Florida House sealed the deal. When it comes to the governor’s political ambitions versus working people, working people lose. Senate Bill (SB) 256, passed by the House today and now set to become law, attempts to take away the right and even the ability of hundreds of thousands of Floridians to have a voice on the job through the unions they have opted to join. Now it’s just a question of how soon Gov. DeSantis will sign the bill his administration authored, and when legal actions against it begin.
“If you stand up for something the governor disagrees with, he retaliates. He’s shown that again and again, with Disney and elected officials, and now with public employees,” said Andrew Spar, president of the Florida Education Association. “If Gov. DeSantis thinks he will silence us, he’s dead wrong. We will do everything in our power to guarantee that Florida’s teachers, staff, professors and all public employees have a voice in their workplaces. No matter the pushback, educators will continue to stand up for our students,
our professions and public education.”
SB 256 is often summarized as a “dues” bill designed to take away the long-standing ability of union members to choose to have dues deducted from their paychecks, as are items ranging from insurance to gym memberships to charitable donations and sports tickets. But dues are the proverbial tip of the iceberg. The bill has several other provisions primed to reduce or eliminate union members’ rights, such as requiring that an arbitrary 60-percent super majority of eligible employees pay dues in order for a union to exist. SB 256 also requires that local unions submit audited financial statements that the Florida Senate’s resident accounting expert, CPA and Sen. Joe Gruters, estimates will cost locals $12,000 to $15,000 each to obtain, which is two or three times the annual revenue of some small unions. “The only intent of the bill is to kill off the unions here in Florida,” the senator observed before his chamber passed SB 256 in late March. Like other targets of Gov. DeSantis’ ire, educators fully intend to fight back. “At this point, we are exploring all legal options, and we will do whatever we can to ensure that the voice of Florida’s hard-working families is not diminished by a dictator want-to-be who throws a fit when he doesn’t get his way,” Spar said.


SB 256 and HB 1445 FAQ

I hear the legislature is only targeting the teacher’s union and not so much support. So, I’m okay, right?
No. SB 256 applies to ALL public sector unions except police and fire unions who are explicitly exempt. Both of our bargaining units are under attack!

What is "density" in this case? (The bill requires 60% membership density to avoid union de-certification.)
When we talk about density, we mean the percentage of dues paying union members compared to all of the individuals in the bargaining unit who are eligible to join the union. It is one way to talk about the number of paying members in our union. (CFEA is nearly 70%, CCSPA is near 44%)

Even if the union doesn’t exist, I'll still have my contract, right? I signed it so it is my contract, isn't it?
No. Our contract is between each bargaining unit and the school district. You are covered by the contract as a member of a covered bargaining unit (either CFEA or CCSPA). If the bargaining unit (or union) is dissolved the contract no longer exists.

We’ve rallied at the state capitol before. Could we do that again?
The governor signed an Executive Order that nobody may rally or protest at the capitol unless it is in support of his agenda or furthers the interests of the state. So a rally is out right now. Right now our focus is on the things we need to do if SB256/HB1445 passes, which we believe it will (HB256 has passed).

Why are we moving to direct drafts from my bank and away from district dues deduction? It is simple and I like it. I don't want to switch.
The main reason we are moving is because the Florida Senate has passed a bill (SB 256) stripping us of the right to decide for ourselves how to spend our paychecks and how to pay our union dues. We expect the Florida House (HB 1445) to follow suit, and the Governor is anxious to sign the completed bill into law.

Is it safe to use my banking login credentials?
Yes. Plaid (the service provider engaged by FEA) is a leader in account verification and has partnered with your bank to provide this service. Your credentials are not shared or stored with Plaid or any third party. There is a strong possibility that Plaid is the provider behind any other auto-pay arrangements you have with your bank.

What happens if I don't switch to the eDues system?
With no alternative way to pay your dues, you would lose your CFEA/CCSPA membership.

I don't have a bank account, what do I do?
Our Union partner, Suncoast Credit Union, has an account for direct deposit that you can use for eDues. Our contract calls for direct deposit of paychecks (and has for several years) and you will be able to do direct deposit to this account without any extra charges.


Dear leaders and staff,

Before the news airs on NPR stations, we want to let you know that today the Florida Education Association, the Florida Freedom to Read Project and Families for Strong Public Schools filed a challenge to the DeSantis administration’s actions that shutter classroom libraries and undermine public education. On behalf of teachers, librarians, students and families, the petitioners are seeking an order holding the rules unlawful and directing the Florida Department of Education (DOE) to halt enforcement of these rules and to notify Florida schools that the rules exceed DOE’s authority and will not be enforced.

Our challenge seeks to alleviate the burden on teachers and library staff, mitigate the harm on students and parents, and enable the re-opening of classroom libraries across the state.

The petition filed with the Florida Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) challenges two DeSantis administration policies, the Training Rule and the Elementary School Rule, that purport to implement HB 1467, which was passed last year by the Florida Legislature. Among the first steps in the administration’s censorship agenda, HB 1467 provided that the DOE could 1) prescribe how certain lists of books are formatted, and 2) develop a specific training program for educators. The DOE has rewritten the law and expanded its censorship efforts through its promulgation of the Training and Elementary School rules, both of which the petition argues unlawfully exceed the DOE’s authority.

The governor along with his commissioner of education have ushered in a new era of censorship — unlawfully attacking the freedom to read, public education and taking away the rights of parents, students, educators and librarians.

Throughout Florida, teachers have been told to pack up books that were not provided by the school. Teachers, using their own money, purchase hundreds or even thousands of books for their classroom library that are age appropriate, academically appropriate and content appropriate. With 50 percent of third graders not reading on grade level, we should expand access to books, not limit it. We are faced with no option other than to seek action on a wrongfully adopted rule that increases the work of teachers and limits access to reading for kids.

We are never going to back down when rights are being taken away from our members, students and their families. By joining together and speaking up, by contacting our elected leaders and holding them accountable, and by taken legal action, we can make this a state where every child has the freedom to learn, grow and thrive.

More details and a link to the filed petition will be available later today in a press release by our partners.

In Solidarity,

Andrew Spar, President

Florida Education Association

‘Old-school union busting’: how US corporations are quashing the new wave of organizing 02/27/2023

Same old dirty tricks...

‘Old-school union busting’: how US corporations are quashing the new wave of organizing Victories at several companies energized organizers, but hostile corporations – and an impotent labor board – stymie negotiations

AFT president launches grants to recruit and retain educators, boost schools 02/09/2023

AFT president launches grants to recruit and retain educators, boost schools National Teachers Union President Announces Half-Million Dollars in Grants to Recruit and Retain Educators, Help Students and Boost Public Schools

AFT president launches grants to recruit and retain educators, boost schools 02/09/2023

If the Florida Legislature won't do it....

AFT president launches grants to recruit and retain educators, boost schools National Teachers Union President Announces Half-Million Dollars in Grants to Recruit and Retain Educators, Help Students and Boost Public Schools

Photos from Charlotte FEA's post 02/09/2023

CFEA membership density. What can you do to increase membership at your school? Ask a potential member to join today!

Sandman Books roof collapses again 12/31/2022

Free books TODAY!

Sandman Books roof collapses again After being deemed safe, the roof that fell on the owner of Sandman Books, giving him a concussion, collapsed again. The owner of the closed bookstore doesn’t want the roof to fall again. Nevertheless, the store must be empty by the start of the new year, or everything inside will be thrown away. ...

DeSantis takes aim at teachers’ unions 12/26/2022

DeSantis takes aim at teachers’ unions OUR POSITION: Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to pay back teachers’ unions


Received from FEA President Andrew Spar:

Good morning John,

I wanted to make sure you have information on resources available to members. First is the FEA resource page which has a wealth of info for members with contact numbers. Second is to NEA member benefits disaster relief page with information for members. I expect to have more information on direct member support in the coming days. We are also securing 500 solar phone chargers and will bring them down within the next week. Let me know how things are going and anything else you need. We also have trauma counseling available through AFT. Let me know if you need thank info.



Hurricane Resources | Florida Education Association The state of Florida sends food to participating food banks, food pantries, soup kitchens and organizations such as the Salvation Army and other mass care organizations to feed those affected by a disaster.


Vote YES! Nov 8!


On this Labor Day, 2022!

Photos from Charlotte FEA's post 07/18/2022




Good for kids...good for business...good for the community!

Vote Yes 4 Success is endorsed by the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce!
We are thankful for their support of this Referendum! A Referendum that has the power to continue to excel our county's public schools and the education of the next generation!

Photos from Florida Education Association (FEA)'s post 03/01/2022

Just leaving this here...




Dec. 9, 2021. FEA

TALLAHASSEE — As Gov. DeSantis releases his state budget recommendations for 2022-2023, the
Florida Education Association (FEA) is looking ahead to the legislative session and what needs to
happen for our students, educators and public schools.

“The budget that Gov. DeSantis has proposed flies in the face of what truly needs to be done to ensure
that the strongest public schools in the nation exist here in Florida,” said FEA President Andrew Spar.
“At a time that calls for true leadership, when our public schools are in crisis, the governor offers more
of the same. His proposal will not address Florida’s massive shortage of teachers and support staff.
It fails the students in our public schools.”

For the third year in a row, Gov. DeSantis would raise pay for beginning teachers while leaving veteran
educators and support staff behind. Two years into his pay initiative, Florida has seen an exodus of
teachers, leaving hundreds of thousands of students without a highly qualified teacher. Districts are
struggling to hire bus drivers, paraprofessionals and other support staff essential to keeping students learning, fed and safe. Clearly, the pay initiative has not worked.
“We’ve seen vacancies in our schools increase dramatically, and seen fewer people coming into the
profession, and we’ve even seen an inconsistency in the sense that the governor recognizes with law
enforcement that experience counts but fails to recognize that fact when it comes to educators. He
recognizes the importance of keeping experienced officers in the profession, but completely devalues
experience in education,” said President Spar.

Instead of trying the same thing over again, the governor should listen to the voices of the women and
men who know Florida’s students by name. If he listened to those voices, he would hear the need for
professional pay for all educators, a commitment to academic freedom and treating educators as
professionals instead of micromanaging them. Those are concrete steps that would begin to address
Florida’s dire need for each student to have certified, highly qualified educators in front of them every

The governor made a bold step earlier this year by saying that we need to move away from Florida
Standards Assessments (FSA) testing, but we must recognize that this high-stakes testing has yielded
minimal returns on improved student learning. It has yielded minimal returns because investing in
testing does not teach kids. Investing in the people who work in our schools, does.
Two years ago, FEA called on the Legislature to increase the base student allocation by $178. This
budget falls short, as has every budget that has been passed in the past two years. We need to have
resources to invest in fair, equitable pay for all who work in our schools so they will stay in our schools
rather than seek employment elsewhere. We need to be able to invest in our students through strong mental health supports, which this budget also fails to address.

“Gov. DeSantis calls his budget, a freedom-first budget. When our country was founded on the ideal of
freedom, it was founded with the belief that we must have an educated citizenry, and that needed to
occur through a system of public schools. Today we say that system of public schools needs to achieve
the goal of educating every child, regardless of race, background, ZIP code or exceptionality. His
budget fails to ensure that fundamental basis of freedom for all citizens in our state.”

Ultimately, it is the Legislature that determines how public education will be funded for the coming year.
The Florida Education Association looks forward to working with state lawmakers to address the critical needs of our public schools.

# # #
The Florida Education Association is the state’s largest association of professional employees, with 150,000 members. FEA represents PreK-12 teachers, educational staff professionals, higher education faculty and
graduate assistants, students at our colleges and universities preparing to become teachers, and retired education employees. Connect with FEA on Facebook, Twitter and at

Florida Education Association Founded in 1886, the Florida Education Association is the state’s largest association of professional employees with more than 150,000 members.

Surgeon general warns of emerging youth mental health crisis in rare public advisory 12/07/2021

"I'm SHOCKED!", said no teacher ever.

Surgeon general warns of emerging youth mental health crisis in rare public advisory The advisory is to call attention to a "youth mental health crisis" and recommend resources to call on and actions to take.


For the third year in a row, Governor Ron DeSantis has announced he plans to recruit teachers by raising starting pay. If that worked, it would've worked. Two years into his initiative, FL has seen an exodus of teachers leaving 100s of thousands of students without a highly qualified teacher.

Instead of trying the same thing over again, Gov. DeSantis should consider FEA's legislative priorities which contain ideas developed by teachers and education staff professionals who work with our students every day.

Working together, we can ensure fair pay for all educators and that every student has a certified, qualified teacher from the first day of the school year until the last day.

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