The American Vision

Since 1978 American Vision has been equipping Christians to apply the Bible to every aspect of life in order to restore America to her Biblical foundation.

American Vision’s mission is to Restore America to its Biblical Foundation—from Genesis to Revelation. American Vision (AV) has been at the heart of worldview study since 1978, providing resources to exhort Christian families and individuals to live with a biblically based worldview. Visit for more information.

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope - The American Vision 08/16/2024

Gary begins his new Friday series called “Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope.” It is a deep-dive into biblical eschatology (last things), biblical theology, and hermeneutics (interpretation).

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope - The American Vision Gary begins his new Friday series called “Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope.” A Christian should never fear having his “system” scrutinized by the plain teaching of the Bible. The rallying cry of the Reformation was ecclesia reformata quia semper reformanda est, “the church reformed beca...

The Blessing and Cursing of Wealth - The American Vision 08/15/2024

Kingdom building takes a lot of wisdom. The distribution and use of money demands a lot of thought. Put in the wrong hands, it can do a lot of damage.

The Blessing and Cursing of Wealth - The American Vision For many Christians fundamentalism is viewed as a reactionary theological movement that does not offer a transformational worldview. For fundamentalism and its sister movements within the charismatic and neo-evangelical world to progress from being a flash-in-the-pan phenomenon and a cultural curios...

Be Prepared - The American Vision 08/14/2024

Men will not sacrifice for the future of a bureaucratic state with the same enthusiasm with which they will sacrifice present consumption for the sake of their families’ futures. The state is a pseudo-family, and men treat it as such.

Be Prepared - The American Vision Gary discusses current financial conditions and the need to be prepared for short-term and long-term “disruptions.” Christians have time on their side. It may not always seem to be so, but it is. Time is under God’s sovereign control. He allots time to everyone, but He blesses those who confor...

Is ‘Defense Only’ a Strategy? - The American Vision 08/13/2024

It takes something to build something. There must be moral as well as practical guidelines. What standard should the rebuilding use?

Is ‘Defense Only’ a Strategy? - The American Vision Jerry Falwell, along with Ed Dobson and Ed Hindson, wrote an interesting and helpful survey of fundamentalism, appropriately titled, The Fundamentalist Phenomenon: The Resurgence of Conservative Christianity. When a movement is described as a “phenomenon,” this immediately categorizes it as a te...

What's Going On at American Vision - The American Vision 08/12/2024

Gary gives listeners a “behind the scenes” look into what’s coming soon. Spoiler Alert: We need your help and labor too!

What's Going On at American Vision - The American Vision Gary gives an update on the various projects and needs at American Vision. The mind is like the body. When it isn’t pushed into service, it does as little as possible to function. But when concentrated critical thinking is demanded, an untrained, atrophied mind behaves like an out-of-shape body—...

Reading the Bible in its Own Context - The American Vision 08/09/2024

The Bible is the standard. If the Bible says the Beast (antichrist) appeared in the first century, then it happened, no matter what certain early Church Fathers assert.

Reading the Bible in its Own Context - The American Vision In the concluding half of his interview with John Reddoch on The Wake Up Call, Gary discusses many different aspects of Bible prophecy and what it means to take the Bible at face-value. The Bible is the standard. If the Bible says the Beast (antichrist) appeared in the first century, then it happene...

It’s Political Déjà vu All Over Again - The American Vision 08/08/2024

The changing of the broader culture is based on two essential elements: (1) the preaching of the gospel and (2) the implementation of God’s Word to every area of life. This is mustard seed and leaven Christianity.

It’s Political Déjà vu All Over Again - The American Vision Little has changed when it comes to American politics. The names have changed, but the policies are the same. The same is true of voters. Prior to 1976, there was no designated Christian voting bloc. Christians were dragged into politics as a designated group kicking and screaming. They had all kind...

An Unhopeful Eschatology - The American Vision 08/07/2024

The tribulation had reference to the Jews, the people of Judea (Matt. 24:16; Luke 21:20-24); it was not a worldwide tribulation. The tribulation period cannot be global because all one has to do to escape is flee to the mountains (24:16).

An Unhopeful Eschatology - The American Vision In this first part of a recent interview with John Reddoch on The Wake Up Call, Gary points out the many problems with the popular prophetic system. While the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 was certainly a calamity for the Jews, futurists argue, it was not the great tribulation that will take place on...

Exposing the ‘Moral Law’ Theory of Societal Ethics - The American Vision 08/06/2024

With the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species in 1859, the idea of fairness disappeared altogether. If the physical cosmos is evolving and changing, and moral law is analogous to physical laws, then moral law is also evolving and changing.

Exposing the ‘Moral Law’ Theory of Societal Ethics - The American Vision It must not be forgotten that under the Puritans in Massachusetts there was no religious freedom. They persecuted those who did not believe their way. Many of those calling for a return to “Christian America” have forgotten what this so-called “Christian” state was like. Ironically, some of ...

Guns Aren’t the Problem - The American Vision 08/05/2024

Stricter gun control laws do not affect people hell-bent on committing gun violence. Criminals, by definition, do not obey laws.

Guns Aren’t the Problem - The American Vision Gary discusses the tyrannical nonsense of wanting to infringe gun rights as a response to criminal activity. Once again, there’s talk about more gun control in the United States. It happens every time some lunatic decides he wants to kill people. Gun control laws do not affect people who want to m...

The End Times and the Church Fathers - The American Vision 08/02/2024

Clement, following the language of Jesus and Paul, states that the “whole world” (kosmos) had been “taught righteousness.”

The End Times and the Church Fathers - The American Vision Gary reviews a book by Ken Johnson called “The End Times and the Ancient Church Fathers.” Jesus predicted in the presence of Peter: “They will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you…” (Matt. 24:9; cf. John 21:18-19). George Edmundson summarizes the argument by asking why Peter an...


What the Heck Happened in 2023? The full interview with Darren Doane and Gary DeMar is out now!

The French Revolution, Rosemary’s Baby, and the Olympics - The American Vision 08/01/2024

Today’s globalists have imbibed the perverse waters of scientific materialism. It’s corrupted them. “Freedom to choose” is just another way to describe debauchery, and who is there to object?

The French Revolution, Rosemary’s Baby, and the Olympics - The American Vision People are shocked at the perversion at the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Paris Olympics. I wasn’t. France has lost its way. So have most sports conglomerates. Advertisers are equally compromised. It seems that no lessons were learned from the actions of the N**i pagan regime and its near conquer...


No more gatekeepers. The entire interview will be out tomorrow on YouTube.

Matthew 24 Fulfilled by John L. Bray is available here:

The Apologetics of Love and Existence - The American Vision 07/31/2024

Materialists and skeptics tell us that (1) they know truthful things and (2) they can’t verify that anything they claim is true is true in an ultimate sense... What they have is a series of leaky buckets.

The Apologetics of Love and Existence - The American Vision Gary discusses several topics and shows how biblical apologetics apply and pertain to ultimate questions. Archimedes (287?-212 BC) once boasted that given the proper lever and a place to stand, he could “move the earth.” His problem was that he and his fulcrum needed something to stand on for th...


The Beast of Revelation by J.D. King is available here:


Gentry’s commentary argument does not hold water. There are many fine commentators who interpret Matthew 16:27 as an indicator of an “about to” coming that’s linked with 16:28.

From 1864 to Now - The American Vision 07/29/2024

The political climate in 1864 was not much different from our own. The country was deeply divided and truth and history were both being questioned.

From 1864 to Now - The American Vision Gary discusses the historical conditions and motivations behind an important book written in the 19th century. Our forefathers in the faith did not retreat from involvement in society and politics. They did not turn civil government—the making, enforcement, and adjudication of laws—over to Satan...


The Destruction of Jerusalem, the Mysterious Language of St. Paul's Description of the Man of Sin, and the Day of the Lord by Nehemiah Nisbett is available here:

The Scripted Episode of Presidential Politics - The American Vision 07/26/2024

Facts don’t matter, history doesn’t matter, reality doesn’t matter.

The Scripted Episode of Presidential Politics - The American Vision The craziness of the current political situation is difficult to deny; it’s like watching an episode of scripted television. Jim Jones had his followers believing that he had supernatural powers. They would do anything for such a “gifted” spiritual leader, especially if he had power over life ...

A Small Sample of Bad Christian Prophecy Memes and Comments - The American Vision 07/25/2024

Bad eschatology and often non-existent worldview thinking are making Christianity irrelevant and reactionary.

A Small Sample of Bad Christian Prophecy Memes and Comments - The American Vision Eschatology memes are all the rage on Facebook. One of the most egregious is one that claims that Donald Trump is the antichrist. Some people did something similar with former President Obama and even JFK after his “mortal head wound.” The Trump antichrist memes started with Revelation 13:3 afte...


New Testament Eschatology: What the Early Church Believed About Bible Prophecy by Gary DeMar is available here:

Rich, Revelation, and the Rapture - The American Vision 07/24/2024

Gary discusses the recent interview between John Rich and Tucker Carlson about Bible prophecy.

Rich, Revelation, and the Rapture - The American Vision Gary discusses a recent Tucker Carlson interview with country musician John Rich about Bible prophecy. The pre-tribulation rapture interpretation was developed in the early part of the nineteenth century, and was made popular by the 1909 and revised 1917 Scofield Reference Bible. The newness of the....

The Bible You Never Read with James B. Jordan 07/23/2024

The Bible You Never Read with James B. Jordan is now available on Youtube.

The following works by James B. Jordan are available at American Vision:

Matthew 23-25: A Literary, Historical, and Theology Commentary:

The Handwriting on the Wall: A Commentary on the Book of Daniel:

The Law of the Covenant:

Reading the Bible (Again) For the First Time:

The Bible You Never Read with James B. Jordan Matthew 23-25: A Literary, Historical, and Theology Commentary by James B. Jordan:

The Dark History of Leftist Violence - The American Vision 07/23/2024

The rhetorical goal of these revolutionaries was supposedly a reaction to past injustices and a desire to build a better society on the remaining ashes. But actions speak louder than words.

The Dark History of Leftist Violence - The American Vision Violence in the name of “democracy” has almost always been a tool of the political left. I’m not talking about crazy leftists like a supporter of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders who in 2017 opened fire with a rifle during a baseball practice of the Republican team for the annual Congress...

JD Vance and an Idol of Bread - The American Vision 07/22/2024

Gary responds to certain Christians concerned with Donald Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance. He points out that politics, and especially the current state, always involves picking the better candidate, rather than the best one.

JD Vance and an Idol of Bread - The American Vision Gary responds to certain Christians concerned with Donald Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance. Christians cannot shrink from the scene when political decisions are hard to make. We need to be “wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matt. 10:16) while recognizing that “the sons of this age are often ...


10 Popular Prophecy Myths Exposed and Answered is going to the printer.

Sign up for American Vision's email list to receive a notice when it's available:

1. The Myth of an Israel-Church Distinction
2. The Myth the Modern State of Israel Is a Sign the Rapture Is Near
3. The Myth that Only Dispensationalists Have a Redemptive Future for Israel
4. The Myth of the Postponed Abrahamic Covenant
5. The Myth of “Replacement Theology”
6. The Myth that Animal Sacrifices and Circumcision Are Everlasting Rites
7. The Myth that the Temple Needs to Be Rebuilt
8. The Myth that the Gospel Has Yet to Be Preached in the “Whole World”
9. The Myth that Earthquakes Are Signs of the End Times
10. The Myth that Oil in Israel Is a Prophetic Sign
A. “Church” or “Congregation”? A Choice of Deadly Consequence
B. “False Teaching About the Last Days”
C. Answering Michael Brown on ‘Replacement Theology’

Violent Rhetoric from the Left - The American Vision 07/19/2024

We cannot have good government without a moral foundation and that moral foundation resides in the Christian religion.

Violent Rhetoric from the Left - The American Vision Gary points out the ongoing hypocrisy of the media and social media allowing liberal celebrities to say and post the most outlandish comments about Donald Trump. With so much debate, how does anyone know what the First Amendment means? An interpreter of any document as important as the Constitution....


Formerly titled The Early Church and the End of the World, this updated and expanded second edition includes a new 30-page chapter by Gary DeMar on the Nicene Creed.

New Testament Eschatology: What the Early Church Believed About Bible Prophecy by Gary DeMar and Francis X. Gumerlock is available here:

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Videos (show all)

No more gatekeepers. The entire interview will be out tomorrow on YouTube. Matthew 24 Fulfilled by John L. Bray is avail...
The Beast of Revelation by J.D. King is available here:
The Destruction of Jerusalem, the Mysterious Language of St. Paul's Description of the Man of Sin, and the Day of the Lo...
The Day and the Hour by Francis X. Gumerlock is available here:
New Testament Eschatology: What the Early Church Believed About Bible Prophecy by Gary DeMar is available here:https://s...
Darren Doane and Gary DeMar are back for more eschatology! Look forward to the entire discussion coming out soon! Here a...
There are many Christians who will not participate in civilization-building efforts that include economics, journalism, ...
Where do our rights come from?The Case for America's Christian Heritage by Gary DeMar is available here:
What is Dispensationalism?
Wars and Rumors of Wars is available here:
Behind the scenes... Can't wait to see the final product!


3150A Florence Road
Powder Springs, GA

Other Religious Organizations in Powder Springs (show all)
LMBC Student Ministry LMBC Student Ministry
5400 Old Dallas Road
Powder Springs, 30127

Student Ministry: (noun) A group of students who gather together to worship God and reach others.

Lost Mountain Church of God (Powder Springs) Lost Mountain Church of God (Powder Springs)
5050 Dallas Highway
Powder Springs, 30127

Wednesday night Bible study: 7pm-8pm Sunday School: 9:45am Sunday Morning Worship: 10:45am

Westgate Church Westgate Church
3217 New MacLand Road, Suite 90
Powder Springs, 30127

Westgate is a non-denominational church in Powder Springs, Georgia

BHBC Kids at Burnt Hickory BHBC Kids at Burnt Hickory
5145 Due West Road
Powder Springs, 30127

BHBC Kids is Burnt Hickory's ministry to babies through 5th grade.

Acam Yahweh Ministry Acam Yahweh Ministry
3470 Florence Road
Powder Springs, 30127

The Every Thought Captive Foundation The Every Thought Captive Foundation
Powder Springs, 30127

The ETC Foundation works to equip Christians to apply the instructions of II Corinthians 10:5 by understanding how the teachings of the Bible relate to every area of life.

KidZone - Grace Baptist Church KidZone - Grace Baptist Church
Powder Springs, 30127

A place where Kidz K-6th grade can come worship & learn about God in an environment created just for

Pine Grove Baptist Church Pine Grove Baptist Church
2800 Pine Grove Drive
Powder Springs, 30127

Apostle D. D. Chonoko Ministries Apostle D. D. Chonoko Ministries
3845 Powder Springs Road
Powder Springs, 30106


Hearts On Fire Church Hearts On Fire Church
4010 Fambrough Drive
Powder Springs, 30127

We are a place where you can come and connect with other believers whose hearts are expectant and on fire for God.

First  Kids First Kids
4330 North Avenue
Powder Springs, 30127

First Kids is the Childhood Ministry to babies - 5th grade at First Baptist Church Powder Springs.

Macland Baptist Church Macland Baptist Church
3732 Macland Road
Powder Springs, 30127