Caldbeck Gallery

The Caldbeck Gallery - representing Maine artists since 1982 additional hours by chance or appointment 207 594 5935.

We regularly check website and email messages.


With the adept use of materials, and economy of line, Jacque Rochester’s TWO CATS 2024 Ink, rice paper collage on canvas 10 x 8 inches, might have been assembled by a feline. There is attention to what is felt, as well as to what is keenly seen. The show, “Selections, up through October 20th, has its reception this First Friday, September 6th, from 5-7pm.

In other gallery spaces are shows by Katherine Bradford, Jeff Epstein, K. Min, and Carol Sloane.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11- 4pm - 4pm, Sunday 1-4pm and Mondays by chance or appointment.



Carol Sloane’s VEEJAY AND GLENICE 12 x 12 inches 2024 oil on canvas, can be appreciated as an abstract painting. As the painting draws the viewer in, the image reveals a human arm and dangling, relaxed, white legs. And oh yes, just a bit of a human face in the topmost middle. This dynamic, loose and warm hearted painting can be seen in Sloane’s show, “Mutual Affection,” through October 20th, along with shows by Katherine Bradford, Jeff Epstein, K. Min, and Jacque Rochester. The reception is this First Friday, September 6th, from 5-7pm.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11- 4pm - 4pm, Sunday 1-4pm and Mondays by chance and appointment.



The sideway beam of light, perhaps from car headlights, energizes the scene, in Jeff Epstein’s NIGHT COTTAGE WITH PILES OF DIRT, PEI 2008 oil on panel 17 x 20 inches. The backlit trees are lit by another source. The brush strokes of thinned paint, with the scratching back to the white ground also help to create a sense that something is about to happen. If not all the world, certainly this tableau is a stage. The reception is this First Friday, September 6th, from 5-7pm. This exhibit will be up through October 20th, along with shows by Katherine Bradford, K. Min, Jacque Rochester, and Carol Sloane.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11- 4pm - 4pm, Sunday 1-4pm and Mondays by chance and appointment.



The way the shapes divide the rectangle in 60TH, 2024 oil on panel 8 x 10 inches, by K. Min, with the spot on bakery colors, are fully interesting and satisfying. There is a wryness in the empty cupcake paper, the spread of icing oil on the lid flap, that tells a story of a small celebration, (not a whole party cake), and of what’s now past. Could there be a sense that it is over all too soon? Min’s show, “Light Patch,” demonstrates that the artist herself is in her painting prime. The opening reception is this First Friday, September 6th, from 5-7pm. This exhibit will be up through October 20th, along with shows by Katherine Bradford, Jeff Epstein, Jacque Rochester, and Carol Sloane.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11- 4pm - 4pm, Sunday 1-4pm and Mondays by chance and appointment.



The shoreline shapes are vague. The figure in Katherine Bradford’s STAR SHOWER 2024 acrylic on canvas 10 x 8 inches, in the silkiness of standing in water in nighttime, might be finding an opening to a realization of the cosmos. Katherine Bradford's show, "SELECTIONS," will have its opening reception this First Friday, September 6th, from 5-7pm. Along with shows by Jeff Epstein, K. Min, Jacque Rochester and Carol Sloane, the show will hang through October 20th.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11 - 4pm, Sunday 1-4pm and Mondays by chance and appointment.



The photo montage below, of Barbara Sullivan’s show, “Segue,” can give only some impression of the impact of standing in the room among the 8 foot tall drawings, which are meant to suggest cyanotypes. Each features "narratives that segue between interior and exterior spaces," with their hanging frescos that bring “the outside inside.” The created “environments (are) suggesting nostalgia and memory, the bridge between the domestic indoor and the natural wild of our outdoor lives.” This is the last week to experience the full impact of her presentation.

Also showing through September 1st, are shows by Alan Bray, Nancy Glassman, Kayla Mohammadi and Susan Williams.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.



“Dissolving Into Stillness,” a one person show by Susan Williams, now in its final week, presents her exploration of the weightlessness of a body in water. IN THE CLOSET III 2024 oil on panel 12 x 12 inches, has a figure in uncertain space, where the lit up spray of water seems to be the only element. The artist says that “the stillness magnifies the danger at the heart of these paintings.”

In other gallery spaces, also hanging through September 1st, are shows by Alan Bray, Nancy Glassman, Kayla Mohammadi and Barbara Sullivan.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.


Photos from Caldbeck Gallery's post 08/28/2024

Nancy Glassman’s show “There Is a Season,” in its final week, is her thank you letter for the gifts of the life around us. HYDRANGEA 2020 oil on canvas 18 x 24 inches, celebrates the fleeting Fall bonanza of plant color and shape. She enjoys “the pull of paint from brush to canvas,” as she explores the rhythm of the scene.

FOR DEAR LIFE 2024 oil on panel 16 x 20 inches, shows a birch, surrounded by a tangle of tossed tree remains, hanging on to its improbable, remaining clump of soil, after winter storms carved away the rest of the shoreline. It may not have long, but following Spring’s imperative, it sprouts its astonishing, early green leaves along with the more anchored flora behind it.

Also showing through September 1st are shows by Alan Bray, Kayla Mohammadi, Barbara Sullivan and Susan Williams.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.


A story of now and some time ago, of circles and cycles, is unfolding in Alan Bray’s RELIC 2024 casein on panel 16 x 20 inches. The overall pattern, with its declared central pool, invites contemplation. The foreground trees preparing to shed their leaves, barely distinguishable from the reflected ones, tour us up into atmosphere and down into the water. The spreading green moss on the boards at water’s edge, the wear and the gaps in the wood structure, no longer held tight by the sagging metal bands, tell of processes. The title suggests reverence, which we now share.

Bray’s show, "Selections,” will be hanging through September 1st, along with shows by Nancy Glassman, Kayla Mohammadi, Barbara Sullivan and Susan Williams.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.


Photos from Caldbeck Gallery's post 08/17/2024

Kids understand how to respond physically to an Art show. Barbara Sullivan’s grandchildren know that her show, “Segue,” is great fun, while simultaneously revealing to us the mysteries of how our lives resonate. Here they are goofing around by NIGHT SKY WITH HORN CHAIRS BY CAMPFIRE 2023, and with their Mom by WHILE ONE IS AT WORK 2024 acrylic paintings on mylar with shaped frescoes. Now you know how to party in the show, too. (PSST... they weren't really touching the frescoes).

Also showing through September 1st, are shows by Alan Bray, Nancy Glassman, Kayla Mohammadi and Susan Williams.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.



There are delights to be had in Kayla Mohammadi’s TANGERINE SUNSET 2024 oil on panel 16 x 12 inches, as in her entire solo show, “Blue Jade.” The layers of pattern, in shifting colors, carry a lively conversational rhythm that accentuates the positive. Circles of warm, bold colors wink through the curls of the black, fence like grid. The calmer, textured layers stepping up at the upper horizontal, top the painting with aplomb and wink at sensations of tangerines on a tree at sunset.

The show can be viewed through September 1st.
Also showing this month are shows by Alan Bray, Nancy Glassman, Barbara Sullivan and Susan Williams.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.


PUNCHING THROUGH 2023 oil on panel 14 x 14 inches, can be seen in “Dissolving Into Stillness,” a one person show by Susan Williams, with an opening reception this First Friday, August 2nd, from 5-7pm. While the painting is particularly welcome on the summer’s hot days, the plunging image with its dark sub-layer, suggests metaphor, perhaps of entering the sub-conscious. Williams working of the surface conveys the intrigue of the figure bursting through elements.

Also showing this month, through September 1st, are shows by Alan Bray, Nancy Glassman, Kayla Mohammadi and Barbara Sullivan.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.



WHILE ONE IS AT WORK 2024 acrylic painting on mylar with shaped frescoes, covers one 8 foot tall wall in Barbara Sullivan’s show, “Segue,” which is having its reception this First Friday, August 2nd, from 5-7PM. The show will be up through September 1st. The artist had in mind to honor the two historical mediums of cyanotype and Fresco. The affectionate amusement of the scene speaks directly to our current life experience.

Also showing this month are shows by Alan Bray, Nancy Glassman, Kayla Mohammadi and Susan Williams.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.



The reception for Nancy Glassman’s show of oils and watercolors, “There is a Season,” is this First Friday, August 2nd, from 5-7PM. The show will be on the walls through September 1st. CHESTNUT BEFORE THE RAIN, 2024 oil on panel 10 x 14 inches, shows the painter’s response to the unfolding of Spring. The gestural painting calls attention to atmosphere, pattern and rhythm, the urges and gifts of Nature in our changing climate.

Also showing this month are shows by Alan Bray, Kayla Mohammadi, Barbara Sullivan and Susan Williams.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.


Kayla Mohammadi paints blues that simultaneously sooth, lift and delight the senses. BLUE JADE WITH YELLOW COLUMNS 2024 oil on canvas 16 x 15 inches, has the lively patterns and bold, dancing colors that invigorate her strong show, “Blue Jade.” The reception is this First Friday, August 2nd, from 5-7PM. The paintings can be viewed through September 1st.

Also showing this month are shows by Alan Bray, Nancy Glassman, Barbara Sullivan and Susan Williams.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.


Alan Bray's show, "Selections," has its reception this First Friday, August 2nd, from 5-7PM. Seen here, his CONTRAIL, AT DAY'S END 2024 casein on panel 20 x 24 inches, brings about a sense of stillness as the pale yellow at the top of the painting, blends gradually into the blue at the bottom. The contrail reflection is diffusing, while the clarity of the reflections signifies calm water surface. The dark stones are placed as satisfyingly as elements in a Japanese garden.

Also showing this month are shows by Nancy Glassman, Kayla Mohammadi, Barbara Sullivan and Susan Williams.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.



We are excited to present exhibits by 5 artists:

Alan Bray's "Selections," Nancy Glassman's "There is a Season," Kayla Mohammadi's "Blue Jade," Barbara Sullivan's "Segue," and Susan Williams's "Dissolve into Stillness." Each of the shows has their reception on this First Friday, August 2nd, from 5-7PM and will be hanging though September 1st.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.



The reception for Dan Dowd’s show, “Selections,” is coming right up, this evening, July 5th, from 5-7PM. With an eye for the beauty of the discarded and worn out, his piece, I’M BACK (ARM) 2024 inner tube, rain jacket, on wood 12 x 13 x 3 inches, is an example of the alluring compositions he creates from textures, colors and marks on seemingly unrelated detritus. The value he gives to the qualities of the materials makes it all work. The show will continue through July 28th.

In other gallery spaces are shows by David Dewey, Lois Dodd, Brenda Free and Jill Madden.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.



Brenda Free’s show, “Yours and Mine, Images Deciphered,” has its reception this evening, July 5th, from 5-7PM. Seen here, WADE 2022 acrylic on paper 7 x 13 inches, is layered with patterns, grids, and idiosyncratic symbols. The organic, verticals and amorphous shapes moving through the blues further suggest that we are entering into an element that is teeming with activity of its own. Her show will be on view through July 28th.

In other gallery spaces are shows by David Dewey, Lois Dodd, Dan Dowd, and Jill Madden.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.



Jill Madden’s show, "Newfoundland,” brings us work done on site with such immediacy, that it brings us a feeling of being present. Seen here is EAST COAST TRAIL LOOKING SOUTH 2023 oil on linen panel 6 x 8 inches. The remarkable array of paintings, done during a residency supported by the the Pouch Cove Foundation, are on display through July 28th, with a reception this First Friday, July 5th, from 5-7PM.

In other gallery spaces are shows by David Dewey, Lois Dodd, Dan Dowd, and Brenda Free.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.



There is a majesty to David Dewey’s DIVIDED SUNRISE 2024 watercolor 20 1/2 x 28 inches, with its growing glow of color in light and shadow, (and puddle), and its cropping of building shapes. His show, “Rockland,” hanging though July 28th, gives us a view of corners of the working city that he discovers like an explorer. The reception is this First Friday, July 5th, from 5-7PM.

In other gallery spaces are shows by Lois Dodd, Dan Dowd, Brenda Free and Jill Madden.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.

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Lois Dodd’s PAINTER AND LINE 1985 oil on panel 10 x 12 inches depicts one of her friends at the easel. With the decisiveness of the brush and stance, it could serve as a portrait of the act of painting. Along with the readiness of the artist’s pose, excitement comes through with the white canvas against the richness of surrounding colors and the rhythm of the repeated triangular shapes of the shadows, brush and stroke, and easel legs. The show, “Leslie’s Garden of Delights,” with the reception this FIrst Friday, July 5th, from 5-7PM, will be on view through July 28th.

In other gallery spaces are shows by David Dewey, Dan Dowd, Brenda Free and Jill Madden.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1- 4 and Monday by chance or appointment.



FAR LEFT 2023 flash on aluminum 12 x 12 inches, is one of the piece's in jack SIlverio's one person show, "New Work," which has its reception this First Friday, June 7th, from 5-7pm. All the intriguing work has been done using the French vinyl, sign painting medium on aluminum composite panels. Other gallery spaces feature a 2 person show by Phoebe Bly and Michael Reese and shows by Stew Henderson and Nancy Wissemann-Widrig, respectively. All four exhibits will be up through June 23rd.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Friday 11- 4pm, Saturday 12 - 4pm, Sunday 1-4pm and Mondays by chance and appointment.



This First Friday, June 7th, from 5 - 7pm, will be the reception for Stew Henderson's show, "Places," with his latest exploration of process. Seen here is MEAT PACKING District 2021 aerosol on wood 24 x 23 x 1 inches. Other gallery spaces feature a 2 person show by Phoebe Bly and Michael Reese and shows by Jack SIlverio and Nancy Wissemann-Widrig, respectively. All four exhibits will be up through June 23rd.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Friday 11- 4pm, Saturday 12 - 4pm, Sunday 1-4pm and Mondays by chance and appointment.



LONG FIELD N. D. oil on canvas 18 x 28 inches, is one of the elegant paintings in Nancy Wissemann's one person show "Then and Now," with a reception this First Friday, June 7th, from 5 - 7pm. inches. Other gallery spaces feature a 2 person show by Phoebe Bly and Michael Reese and shows by Stew Henderson, Jack SIlverio. All four exhibits will be up through June 23rd.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Friday 11- 4pm, Saturday 12 - 4pm, Sunday 1-4pm and Mondays by chance and appointment.


Photos from Caldbeck Gallery's post 06/07/2024

This First Friday, June 7th, is the reception for a joint show of landscapes by Phoebe Bly and Michael Reece, both of whom in different ways, reveal the call of their surroundings. Seen here are Phoebe Bly's QUARRY 2024 oil on canvas 20 x 20 inches, and Michael Reece's SUMMER LONG 2014 oil on canvas 24 x 26 inchesOther gallery spaces, feature shows by Stew Henderson, Jack SIlverio and Nancy Wissemann. All four exhibits will be up through June 23rd.

Gallery hours: Tuesday - Friday 11- 4pm, Saturday 12 - 4pm, Sunday 1-4pm and Mondays by chance and appointment.




The First Friday reception for the Cicely Aikman (Am. 1923-2003) show, “From Florida to Friendship," is tomorrow, March 1st, from 4-6pm. We are expecting Cicely’s stepdaughter, artist Deirdre Scherer, to be in attendance. Seen here is THE EVERGLADES 1985 oil on linen 39 x 42 inches. The heron in the foreground is painted with breathtaking assurance of gesture. The painting shimmers with passages of light paint with some open canvas for the water, and the strongly rhythmic, deeper and denser brushwork of the plant life. The beats of mauve, vermillion and carmine talk to each other, charging the scene. This show will be on the walls through March 13th.

Current Gallery hours: Tuesday through Friday 12-4pm, and other times by chance, or appointment.



The sub-tropical forest is alive in Cicely Aikman's (Am 1923-2003)
EGRET 1980 oil on canvas 35 x 40 inches. The straight palm trunks set off the slow gesture of the curved ones, and the bird, calling our eye to see what has awakened the egret's attention. The complimentary colors and combinations of smooth brush strokes areas and rhythmic ones invite us to explore in many directions. Her restorative show, "From Florida to Friendship," will be hanging through April 13th, with a reception on March 1st, the First Friday of the month, from 4-6pm.

Current Gallery hours: Tuesday through Friday 12-4pm, and other times by chance, or appointment.



The voluptuousness of color and imagery of Cicely Aikman’s (Am. 1923 -2013) HOT ROCK #1 n.d. oil on canvas 51 x 40 inches, pulls visitors in to her warmth of spirit. The steamy palette and urgent brushwork emanate across the space, along with other large canvases of the rocks and shore by her Friendship, Maine studio in her show, “From Florida to Friendship,” from February 13th to April 13th.

Current Gallery hours: Tuesday through Friday 12-4pm, and other times by chance, or appointment.



Alan Bray tells a purely visual story of a place and its evolutions, in SHALLOWS 2020 casein on panel 22 x 18 inches. It's calming colors and patterns set a mood that allows for the sense of the momentary and timelessness to coexist.

Winter hours: Tuesday through Friday, 12 - 4, and other times by chance or by appointment.


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Gallery hours this month are by chance or by appointment. Phone: 207 594 5935. email:[email protected] Website:



12 Elm Street
Rockland, ME

Opening Hours

Tuesday 12pm - 4pm
Wednesday 12pm - 4pm
Thursday 12pm - 4pm
Friday 12pm - 7pm

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