MiRé Yoga

MiRé Yoga

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MiRé is the Home of Svaroopa® Yoga, an easier, slower style of hatha yoga that is accessible to every body type. Svaroopa® Yoga

Svaroopa® Yoga is all about support for your body, today, as you arrive to class. Blankets, blocks and other props are used to help you rest more comfortably into each pose. Every class begins with Shavasana and a guided relaxation, followed by the powerful breath practice of Ujjayi Pranayama. Poses are taught with ease and care as you are precisely aligned in every angle. You are learning in a comfortable and nurturing space.


These are some of the Tele Courses offered this Fall. All are online from the comfort of your home.
Part of The Enlightenment Series

1. Grace-Filled & Grace-Fueled begins Sept. 9

2. Boost Your Bliss begins Sept. 17

3. Living from Center begins Oct. 8

4. What is My Purpose? begins Oct. 22

5. Women Mystics begins Oct. 28

Link to these quick and easy Courses offered by SVA which will teach you much about your own Self... Inside. And so much more.
Scroll down to the Sept.9 offerings.


Foundations 240910 | svaroopa.org 08/24/2024

Want a change or don't care to change. That is the question.

You will be changed in all ways.

Foundations 240910 | svaroopa.org This course provides a deep experience and the information you need to practice yoga on your own at home or to share your yoga with others.

Yoga for the brain: It may sharpen your mind, protect against cognitive decline 08/20/2024

https://wapo.st/4duk72W. This is only part of it.

Yoga for the brain: It may sharpen your mind, protect against cognitive decline Yoga may help reduce stress reactivity and may improve neurocognitive efficiency, which is our ability to more effectively use limited cognitive resources.


Class at 1 p.m. today. Avoid Beach Drive at the time due to this Access is better via Rockville Pk to Nicholson La to Parklawn. Randolph may be clear, but it's under construction. Be safe.


Seeking Neck and Shoulders clients for individual yoga therapy. I just completed the most comprehensive course which will help heal your severe or chronic problems in the neck, a huge tension holding area in the spine. This "Stuff Works," our own Sutra, and DM me if you are interested.
There is a class tomorrow at the studio at 1 p.m.
One hour in length.
You'll get a significant and immediate release of the tight muscles pulling on your spine. ALL are Welcome.

Contact info: text to 302-236-9146
I can answer your questions and send you the address on Parklawn Drive Rockville.


You can get relief, incredible lasting change, from a hurting lo back, past athletic injuries and joint pain, even work-related stress. Do you need yoga? Try Svaroopa Yoga, it's our promise.

[email protected]


Love and giving and Being a trusted friend are a Big part of life.
Also, the greatest gift I can offer to others is the one I most resonate with.. to help someone out of their physical or emotional pain, and then teach them how to manage it.
Svaroopa Yoga heals. 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️ Know this and trust the process


Nothing better than giving your client a full-on attentive session with New techniques to really help them. Think of the change! And imagine your own feelings regarding your gift to each of them.


1/2 Day Workshop - Yoga to Improve Your Digestion ONLINE at 2:00 pm on July 21 (Friday) - Rehoboth Beach Yoga Center 07/21/2023

TWO great opps to attend yoga immersions this weekend. One starts today!!
Today: https://rby.punchpass.com/classes/13514906

1/2 Day Workshop - Yoga to Improve Your Digestion ONLINE at 2:00 pm on July 21 (Friday) - Rehoboth Beach Yoga Center Class details and reservation on our Punchpass website.

MiRe Yoga 07/01/2023

NOTE the new location up three blocks from the original studio on Parklawn Drive Rockville, inside Alma Dance Studio. ALL ARE WELCOME

Live Classes each Tues 10 a.m. and Friday 1 p.m. at the studio. Email to register @ [email protected]

mireyoga.net has a full description of healing and powerful Svaroopa Yoga

MiRe Yoga I teach the relaxation breathing at the beginning of every Svaroopa class. This healing technique lowers high blood pressure when done daily, boosts your immune system to heal more quickly from illness, and improves all the body systems. Come learn the breathing that is specific to Svaroopa® Yoga i...


"The spinal release opens more space for the intervertebral discs and delicate nerve roots that coordinate every muscle, bone, artery, organ, and gland in your body."

The way Svaroopa Yoga works.

provided by Swami Nirmalananda, article Yoga International


The Formless. Teach this to your students so they understand your purpose in the vision of this yoga. Remember, everyone still has a choice.
"Still, you must work. You must be productive. You must get things done. But do you have to strain so hard while you are doing it? Instead, you could bring your yogic peace and innermost joy with you while you are busy and productive."

Make a Difference in Yourself 07/12/2022

I published this a short time ago and it still stands today. Giving is your greatest gift in life, and it always will be.

Svaroopa Vidya Ashram, the home of Svaroopa Yoga is wrapping up their Spring/Summer fundraiser to add monies to their support of the Free Programs offered online.
Carolyn Beaver is a colleague of mine and expresses her take on what giving means to her. I commented today on just that; it's below the article after her short video describing it's intent.
I have been able to teach for this very reason. In the old days, early in my training I applied for financial assistance to attend, and get Certified in the YTT curriculum for teaching Svaroopa Yoga. It has brought me not only wonderful practices for my aching body, but changed my whole way of reacting to a rather harsh world 🌎 at times; Svaroopa is just how I live my life. SO much easier than before.

These scholarship funds allowed me to take literally thousands of dollars, and hundreds of hours of precise and exceptionally designed courses through the magnificently gifted teachers along the way. Today I give back whenever I can for those opportunities they provided me. It isn't just the financial gesture. It is without a doubt, my thanks for the teachings I may have never had in my life.
I'm eternally grateful for having Svaroopa Yoga in my life- and you may be also.

Have a listen or good read, as you may be able to write your own story on the comments below.

https://svaroopablog.org/2022/06/02/make-a-difference-in-yourself/comment-page-1/ -3816https://svaroopablog.org/2022/0

(Note it may ask you to create a free account to enter WordPress) if it's password protected.

God Bless you during these times, allow yourself to get out and breathe fresh air in the hills, and enjoy all that nature has to offer you, so you can remember what that is like.
The world can be a wondrous place as you experience it from the inside🌻👏!

Make a Difference in Yourself By Carolyn (Karuna) Beaver Our spring fundraiser theme is “Namah.” It’s a beautiful Sanskrit word that means to honor or to bow to.  Give yourself the gift that keeps on …

Holding the Seat of the Teacher in the Face of Seemingly Endless Tragedy - teach.yoga 06/20/2022

Read this today Teachers - openness to your Self.

Holding the Seat of the Teacher in the Face of Seemingly Endless Tragedy - teach.yoga As I pulled up to teach a children’s yoga class to first graders in Silver Spring, MD on May 24, I learned about the mass murder that occurred at an elementary school hundreds of miles away in Uvalde, Texas. Like most of us, I became a vessel of complex emotions including fear, sadness, and yes, [...


You have the flex time, your body hurts, you're depressed about work or home; well you don't snap out of that- never-
And there's this - best body and mind relief for EV ERY THING.
3 days away 💗

Nothing Succeeds Like Success 04/27/2022

Svaroopa yoga heals.
Check out the website:

Thank you Carol🥰 wonderful testimonial.

Nothing Succeeds Like Success By Carol GrigsonInterviewed by Marlene (Matrikaa) Gast, Yogaratna During the pandemic, I took some online Svaroopa® yoga classes through Downingtown Yoga & Meditation Center. But I really prefe…


Hastasana did it today☺️YESSSS, learning to get that tailbone upen first. Sequences+ home practice= results, yogis👏🙏😉

Ukrainian operatic baritone sings his national hymn at 10 Downing Street in ‘call for peace’ 02/24/2022

The Ukraine National Anthem, honoring and praying for their countrymen.. and the world. https://www.classicfm.com/music-news/videos/opera-singer-ukraine-national-anthem-protests/?fbclid=IwAR3W9y6UNVtm_SIgxvazDfFl4HD8S4E83LXf-Lrk1p7NmtETlsh5gvJPWVM

Ukrainian operatic baritone sings his national hymn at 10 Downing Street in ‘call for peace’ Kyiv-born singer Yuriy Yurchuk gives an emotional performance his country's national anthem, in a plea for peace and solidarity with the people of Ukraine.


The Patch published MiRé Yoga's business as the community highlight today ‼️ Cool when they recognize the healing arts and what you bring to the community, your neighbors, and devoted yogis👏🌺.


Social Media Yoga 220225 | Svaroopa Yoga and Meditation 02/10/2022

Hi Svaroopa teacher SATYA members‼️
I've signed up for this free course online. Check it out:


Social Media Yoga 220225 | Svaroopa Yoga and Meditation Svaroopa® yoga uses body and breath to access your innermost essence, by decompressing your spine so your innermost current of energy flows unimpeded from tail to top.

Timeline photos 01/13/2022


For those of you who have or know someone who has a Frozen Shoulder... consider coming to a Svaroopa Yoga class or getting a private session. Imagine... you could feel free from the pain and avoid other costly alternatives:

“I'd like to share my Svaroopa® yoga story. I was x-rayed and diagnosed by an orthopedist as having a frozen shoulder. I could barely raise my hand above my shoulder, it was very painful. The orthopedist suggested two options. Option #1, I could go to the hospital and get put to sleep. Then he would crank the arm to give me more motion, I'd follow that up with physical therapy every day for 2 weeks. Option #2, I could go twice a week for 6 weeks to physical therapy, do daily exercises, and see how the shoulder progresses. Honestly, neither option was appealing.

I've practiced different kinds of yoga over several years. So I decided to try yoga before agreeing to either of the doctor's options. Honestly, my shoulder was so painful I was nervous to go to any yoga class. But I gathered my courage and went to a Svaroopa®class taught by Maureen Shortt. Maureen said (in a surprisingly confident way) that Svaroopa® yoga could help my frozen shoulder. She assisted me into my Shavasana pose at the start of class and I took the class. She didn't do anything extra or special, it was a typical Svaroopa® yoga class. By the time I came back for my next Svaroopa® class, I had FULL RANGE of motion in my arm! It healed with ONE class. If it didn't happen to me, I might not have believed it. I'm still amazed.

That is my Svaroopa® story.

Namaste, Gwen J.”


Update- Full return schedule is posted online


You wonder what this yoga is all about? New Series starts Thursday at 4 p.m. Just in time for a decompress after work, and just what you need before dinner prep‼️👍
, , $?

register: mireyoga.com/onlineclasses

Timeline photos 06/14/2021

"Before I ever even knew what yoga was, it called to me. Before I ever even wanted a practice in my life, yoga was there, waiting for me. When I began my slow and inconsistent journey, yoga was patient. When I felt that I was never going to get anything from it, yoga came through for me with exactly what I needed. When I became confident and boastful about my practice, yoga challenged me in new ways and helped me feel humble. Whenever I need something, with faith, practice, and dedication, yoga delivers. As a teacher, my goal is simply to share the gift of yoga with everyone who wants it (and maybe even the people who don’t want it), and my wish is that yoga serves you in whatever way you need it to."
Thank you Leslie with heartfelt love, always.

Yoga Relaxation 06/14/2021

Purna reflects on her first experience with yoga and Svaroopa Yoga. (credit .. photo and art! Charlie Birney Podcast Village)

Yoga Relaxation Welcome to Podcast Village a studio built to help you get started in Podcasting! Check out our shows and stop by for a visit - we are in Georgetown/Glover Park, DC

New Documentary Series Explores Proven Alternative Medicines For The Diseases Of Our Time 06/09/2021

Listen to the intro, then you'll know you need something beyond what you've tried that is not working:


New Documentary Series Explores Proven Alternative Medicines For The Diseases Of Our Time Watch the trailer: https://proven.thesacredscience.com/

Simply Meditate - 3 class series - Rehoboth Beach Yoga Center 05/02/2021

I highly recommend this course with Chelsea Rajni King. The guidance thru Svaroopa Vidya Meditation is concise, clear, and direct. You'll love this three part meditation instruction and practice by an experienced and passionate teacher of the Svaroopa sciences.
Give yourself the treat of stillness. Everyone reaps the benefits. All levels welcome

Simply Meditate - 3 class series - Rehoboth Beach Yoga Center Series details and registration on our Punchpass website.


Loving everything about our practice called "The bliss of your own Beingness."

"Svaroopa® yoga slows you down — to find your Self in the midst of the frenzy. Everything changes after that!"
If you say you can't relax, no way you can sit still much less quiet your mind.. This is what you need. Come on over, you'll be be so glad you did..for yourSelf..for change in your life..for rest.
Plus May 2,3, our next Mandali program. See mireyoga.com. Flyer coming soon


MiRé A Svaroopa® Yoga Studio @ Rendezvous
6 asked for directions
INCREASED BY 20% from November 2017
41 visited your website
Stand out to customers with a post about your business.
"Michele is a great teacher. Learning Svaroopa® Yoga with her has really helped my back!"

This Sunday, the Half Day Program at MiRe Yoga Rockville. you can sign up at svaroopa.org, click on Calendar, scroll down to Half Day Program Rockville. You will melt..

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Rockville?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.




12221 Parklawn Drive
Rockville, MD

Opening Hours

Wednesday 10am - 11:30am
Thursday 10am - 11:30am

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