Lighthouse Nutrition

Nutrition Response Testing
Available at SHINE health & wellness


Eating a nutrient-dense diet means consuming foods that provide a high amount of essential nutrients (such as vitamins, minerals, protein, healthy fats, and fiber) relative to their calorie content. These foods are packed with beneficial compounds and are typically lower in empty calories—calories that come from added sugars and unhealthy fats without providing significant nutritional value.

Characteristics of a Nutrient-Dense Diet:

Whole Foods: Emphasizing unprocessed or minimally processed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Variety: Including a wide range of foods to ensure a diverse intake of nutrients. Different foods provide different vitamins and minerals, so variety is key to covering all nutrient bases.

Balanced Macronutrients: Incorporating a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, with a focus on complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

High in Micronutrients: Prioritizing foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, legumes, and lean meats.

Low in Added Sugars and Unhealthy Fats: Limiting foods and beverages high in added sugars, saturated fats, and trans fats, which can contribute to health issues like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

Focus on Quality: Choosing nutrient-rich options within each food group, such as whole grains instead of refined grains, and fresh fruit instead of sugary snacks.


Lighthouse Nutrition Supplement Spotlight

Standard Process Inc. Congaplex

- Congaplex is used for support of the immune system.*
- Supports healthy immune system response function*
- Supports the thymus gland*
-Contains ribonucleic acid, which the body uses for protein synthesis
- Contains a combination of key ingredients from Cataplex® A-C, Thymex®, Calcium Lactate®, and Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
Excellent source of antioxidant vitamin A

The Many Influences of the Microbiome 07/20/2024

You may have heard the term microbiome before, but do you know what it is and how it works?

The human microbiome consists of trillions of microorganisms living in and on the body, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes. These microorganisms are crucial for digestion, immune system function, metabolism, and protection against harmful pathogens. The microbiome is established shortly after birth and evolves throughout life, influenced by factors like diet and environment. An imbalance in the microbiome, known as dysbiosis, can lead to various health issues, highlighting the importance of maintaining a healthy microbial balance.

Click the link to read the article from Standard Process to learn more about the microbiome.

The Many Influences of the Microbiome From the immune system to the GI tract, this population of trillions of microbe impacts the entire body.


The Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA) emphasizes the importance of high-quality, nutrient-dense, and bioavailable protein sources. Here are some key points they typically suggest regarding protein sources:

1. Whole Foods : Prefer whole food sources of protein, such as meats, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

2. Animal Proteins: They often recommend grass-fed, pasture-raised, and wild-caught animal proteins because they are more nutrient-dense and have better fatty acid profiles compared to conventionally raised animals.

3. Bioavailability: Focus on protein sources that are easily digested and absorbed by the body. Animal proteins are generally considered more bioavailable compared to plant proteins.

4. Variety: Incorporate a variety of protein sources to ensure a wide range of nutrients and to avoid potential food sensitivities.

5. Quality Over Quantity: Emphasize the quality of protein over the sheer quantity. This means choosing proteins that are minimally processed and free from additives and chemicals.

6. Sustainability: Consider the environmental impact of protein sources, opting for those that are sustainably raised and harvested.



Lighthouse Nutrition Supplement Spotlight

Standard Process Adrenal Complex

Standard Process Adrenal Complex is a dietary supplement designed to support the health and function of the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands produce hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which help the body respond to stress and maintain various physiological processes.


The Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA) emphasizes including fermented foods in a nutrient-dense diet due to their rich probiotic content, which supports gut health, improves digestion, enhances nutrient absorption, and boosts the immune system.

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, kefir, kombucha, miso, tempeh, and natto contain beneficial bacteria and enzymes that maintain a healthy balance of gut flora, reduce inflammation, and potentially improve mental health.


Add this 7 Layer Dip to your on-the-go meal prep 🥑🧀🍅!

Save extra servings for Lean & Green meals later in the week (leftovers keep in the fridge for 3-4 days). This recipe makes 4 servings (1 Leaner, 1 Healthy Fat, 3 Green, 3 Condiments per serving).

Refried Mashed Cauliflower:
2½ cups cauliflower florets
½ tsp ground cumin
½ tsp whole leaf oregano
½ tsp smoked paprika
¼ tsp kosher salt
Taco Meat:
Cooking Spray
1½ lbs. 95-97% lean ground beef or turkey
2 tsp no-salt taco seasoning
½ cup water
8 tbsp diced tomatoes
8 tbsp reduced-fat shredded cheddar cheese
¼ cup guacamole
8 black olives, sliced
4 tbsp green onions
3 cups of your favorite veggie dippers, like mini bell peppers (sliced in half lengthwise), cucumber slices, and/or celery sticks

1. Bring water to a boil. Add the cauliflower, cover, and cook until the cauliflower is tender, about 10 minutes. Reserve ¼ cup of the cooking liquid. Drain the cauliflower. Place the drained cauliflower and reserved cooking liquid back in the pot. Mash, using a potato masher or immersion blender to desired consistency.
2. Return the pot to low heat and add the cumin, oregano, smoked paprika and salt to the mashed cauliflower. Heat for a few minutes until it is warmed through. Set aside to cool.
3. Heat a large skillet over medium heat and spray with cooking spray. Add the ground beef. Cook, breaking meat up with a wooden spoon, until browned and no longer pink.
4. Add the taco seasoning and ½ cup water. Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool.
5. In a 16 ounce jar, layer about 1 cup taco beef, 2 tablespoons diced tomatoes, ½ cup refried cauliflower, 1 tablespoon guacamole, 2 tablespoons shredded cheddar cheese, 1 tablespoon sliced black olives, and 1 tablespoon scallions.
6. Serve each jar with ¾ cup veggie dippers.
Nutrition Per Serving: 340 calories, 12g fat, 12g carbohydrate, 44g protein


Lighthouse Nutrition Supplement Spotlight

Standard Process Wheat Germ Oil


Enhance Your Wellness Routine with Detox Footbaths✨🍃💆‍♀️

This therapy is great for reducing the toxic load in the body. The feet have more than 4000 pores which a negative charge will go through and then connect with positive toxins thereby expelling them microscopically through the feet. The results from consistency in foot baths are astounding!

Schedule here:


The Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA) emphasizes the importance of consuming healthy fats for optimal health. Here are examples of heart-healthy fats according to their guidelines:

1. Avocados: Rich in monounsaturated fats can help reduce bad cholesterol levels.

2. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds provide healthy fats along with fiber and protein.

3. Olive Oil: Extra virgin olive oil is high in monounsaturated fats and has anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and trout are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health.

5. Coconut Oil: Contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that are easier to digest and can provide quick energy.

6. Grass-Fed Butter and Ghee: These contain healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K.

7. Eggs: Especially the yolks, which are rich in healthy fats and other essential nutrients.

8. Full-Fat Dairy: Yogurt, cheese, and milk from grass-fed cows offer beneficial fats and other nutrients.

9. Dark Chocolate: Contains healthy fats and antioxidants; choose varieties with at least 70% cocoa.

These foods provide essential fatty acids and contribute to overall heart health when included as part of a balanced diet.


Ready to share your life-changing experience at Lighthouse Nutrition with the world?🌟 Leave us a review on Facebook and tag Nicole Shine DeWard and Lighthouse Nutrition . We can’t wait to hear your story! 💬✨ Please like, comment, and subscribe to Lighthouse Nutrition on Facebook!


Happy Father's Day! We hope all the dads know they are loved and honored today and everyday.


Did you know that Lighthouse Nutrition offered Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Mat Therapy?

PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) mat therapy involves the use of a mat embedded with coils that generate electromagnetic fields to stimulate and promote healing in the body. This type of therapy is used for a variety of health benefits, which include:

1. Pain Relief: PEMF therapy can help reduce pain by influencing the electrical activity of cells and tissues, promoting healing and reducing inflammation.

2. Improved Circulation: The electromagnetic fields can enhance blood flow and oxygenation in tissues, aiding in faster recovery and improved nutrient delivery to cells.

3. Enhanced Healing: It can accelerate the healing of wounds, fractures, and other injuries by promoting cellular repair and regeneration.

4. Reduced Inflammation: PEMF therapy helps in reducing inflammation by affecting the behavior of inflammatory cells and reducing the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

5. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: The therapy can promote relaxation and reduce stress by balancing the body's electromagnetic field and enhancing the production of endorphins.

6. Improved Sleep: Some users report better sleep quality due to the calming and relaxing effects of the therapy.


Lighthouse Supplement Spotlight

Standard Process Ligaplex II

Ligaplex II is a connective tissue and joint support supplement that maintains connective tissue health.*

- Provides essential nutrients to support the skeletal system and facilitate movement*
- Nutritional compounds for support of proper formation and maintenance of skeletal tissues*
- Involved in the maintenance of healthy fluid levels*
- Contains bovine heart PMG™ extract
- Contains a combination of key ingredients from Cardiotrophin PMG®, Ostrophin PMG®, Manganese B12™, Super-EFF®, and Cataplex® E
- Excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin B12, and manganese


5 Reasons to Try Nutritional Therapy! 🌱🍎

Boosts Energy: Balanced nutrition provides sustained energy and reduces fatigue. ⚡🍽️

Supports Mental Health: Essential nutrients improve brain function and help manage anxiety and depression. 🧠💡

Prevents Chronic Diseases: A healthy diet can prevent heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. 🛡️💓\

Enhances Gut Health: Promotes a healthy microbiome, aiding digestion and overall well-being. 🥗🦠

Personalized Approach: Tailored plans address your unique health needs and goals. 📝👤

Try nutritional therapy for a healthier, happier you! 🌿🥦


Spice up your dinner tonight! Try this Optavia Lean & Green Baked Salmon Patties with Zucchini Ribbon Salad recipe!

2 Roma tomatoes, halved lengthwise
15 oz. cooked salmon, flaked
7 oz. cooked shrimp, finely chopped
2 tbsp fresh dill, chopped
2 tbsp fresh chives, chopped
1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
1 tbsp lemon zest
5 tbsp almond flour
Cooking Spray
2 tsp prepared horseradish
2 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
12 medium asparagus
2 medium zucchini
¼ cup basil, chopped

1. Preheat your oven to broil.

2. Line a sheet tray with foil. Place halved tomatoes, cut side up, on the tray. Spray lightly with cooking spray.

3. Broil until charred and slightly softened, about 12 to 15 minutes. Remove the tomatoes and let cool. Turn your oven down to 425ᵒF.

4. In a medium bowl, combine the cooked salmon, cooked shrimp, dill, chives, parsley, and the lemon zest. Divide the mixture evenly into ⅓ cup patties.

5. Spread the almond flour onto a plate. Press the salmon patties into the almond flour.

6. Spray a foil lined sheet tray with cooking spray. Place the patties on the tray and spray again with cooking spray.

7. Bake for 15 minutes, flip, and bake for additional 5 minutes until golden brown on both sides.

8. While the salmon cakes bake make the roasted tomato cocktail sauce. Toss the tomatoes, horseradish, lemon juice, and Worcestershire into a food processor or blender. Pulse until you get to your desired consistency. Pour into a serving bowl. Serve warm or chill until ready to use.

9. Using a vegetable peeler, peel long strips from the asparagus and the zucchini onto a platter. Toss with the chopped basil and sprinkle with lemon juice.

10. Per serving, 2 baked salmon cakes topped with 2 tablespoons of cocktail sauce and served with an evenly divided amount of zucchini ribbon salad.


Nutrition Response Testing (NRT) is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body to determine the underlying causes of ill health. It is based on the premise that the body has the potential to fully repair itself, given the right nutrients and care. Here’s an overview of how it works:

Assessment of the Body: Practitioners use muscle testing and reflex points to assess the body's current health status. This involves applying pressure to certain areas of the body and observing the muscle responses.

Identification of Stressors: The testing identifies stressors that may be affecting the body, such as nutritional deficiencies, toxins, or organ dysfunction.

Personalized Nutritional Plan: Based on the findings, a customized nutritional plan is developed. This plan typically includes whole food supplements and dietary recommendations designed to address the specific needs and deficiencies identified during testing.

Monitoring and Adjustment: The practitioner monitors the patient’s progress over time, making adjustments to the nutritional plan as needed to support the body’s healing process.

NRT is often used by holistic health practitioners, chiropractors, and nutritionists. It aims to support the body’s natural healing processes and improve overall health by addressing nutritional and biochemical imbalances.


May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Optimal nutrition is vital for mental wellness. Nutrient-rich foods support brain function, mood regulation, and energy levels. Omega-3s, antioxidants, and vitamins are crucial for a healthy mind, while a balanced diet stabilizes blood sugar and reduces inflammation. Prioritize vegetables, lean proteins, fruits, and healthy fats, and stay hydrated to enhance your men


Looking for delicious and nutritious summer dishes, look no further!

Try this quick and easy Optavia Lobster Roll Lean & Green Recipe

Makes 2 servings

(Shrimp can be a substitute if you do not have lobster)

Total Time: 15 minutes

2 small hearts romaine lettuce
1 Tbsp. butter, melted
1/3 cup plain, low-fat Greek yogurt
2 Tbsp. olive oil-based mayonnaise
1 small stalk celery, finely diced
2 tsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh chives
¼ tsp Old Bay seasoning
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
12 oz. cooked lobster meat


1. Preheat grill.
2. Slice romaine hearts in half lengthwise. Remove a few of the inner leaves from each half to create a boat-
like shape for the lobster filling. Lightly coat the insides and edges of each “boat” with butter, and grill cut-side-down
to get a slight char and bring out the flavors of the lettuce, about 2 to 3 minutes.
3. In a medium-sized bowl, mix remaining ingredients except for the lobster meat. Once ingredients are well
combined, fold in the lobster meat until completely coated.
4. Divide lobster mixture evenly among the boats, and serve immediately!

300 calories | 38g protein | 8g carbohydrate | 12g fat


Lighthouse Supplement Spotlight

Standard Process Inositol

Inositol is involved in nervous system function and supports lipid metabolism, important for cardiovascular health.*

- Supports healthy cell membrane integrity
- Supports normal cell membrane signaling
- Supports the normal processing of fats in the liver*


The NTA Foundations, also known as the Nutritional Therapy Association Foundations, refer to a set of core principles and concepts that guide nutritional therapy practice. These foundations are designed to promote optimal health through a holistic and individualized approach to nutrition. Here are the key NTA Foundations:

Properly Prepared, Nutrient-Dense Diet: Emphasizes the importance of consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods that are properly prepared to maximize their nutritional value.

Digestion and Elimination: Focuses on the critical role of a healthy digestive system in overall health. Proper digestion ensures that nutrients are effectively absorbed and waste is efficiently eliminated. This foundation addresses low stomach acid, enzyme deficiencies, and gut dysbiosis to improve digestive function.

Blood Sugar Regulation: Stresses the importance of maintaining balanced blood sugar levels to prevent energy crashes, mood swings, and chronic diseases. This involves understanding the impact of different foods on blood sugar levels and incorporating strategies such as balanced macronutrient intake and reducing refined carbohydrates and sugars.

Fatty Acid Balance: Highlights the necessity of a healthy balance of dietary fats for cell membrane integrity, hormone production, and overall health. This includes consuming a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as incorporating healthy sources of saturated and monounsaturated fats.

Mineral Balance: Recognizes the essential role of minerals in numerous biochemical processes and the importance of maintaining a proper balance of key minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. This foundation involves addressing mineral deficiencies and imbalances through diet and supplementation.

Hydration: Emphasizes the significance of adequate hydration for overall health and proper bodily functions. This includes drinking enough clean, filtered water and understanding the role of electrolytes in maintaining fluid balance.

These interconnected foundations form the basis of the holistic approach used by nutritional therapy practitioners to support individual health and wellness.

Ready to book your initial nutritional therapy consultation? Click here:


Did you know? Lighthouse Nutrition offers InBody testing with our nutritional therapy and nutrition response testing services!

The InBody test provides comprehensive insights into various aspects of body composition and health. Here are some highlights of an InBody test:

1. Body Composition Analysis: The test provides detailed measurements of body fat mass, lean body mass, and total body water. This information helps individuals understand their body composition and track changes over time.

2. Segmental Analysis: In addition to overall body composition, the InBody test offers segmental analysis, providing measurements for each limb and trunk separately. This allows for a more detailed understanding of muscle distribution and balance.

3. Muscle-Fat Analysis: The test assesses muscle mass and fat mass independently, allowing individuals to monitor changes in muscle and fat levels.

4. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): The InBody test estimates Basal Metabolic Rate, which represents the number of calories the body needs at rest to maintain essential functions. This information can guide personalized nutrition and weight management plans.

5. Visceral Fat Level: The test measures visceral fat, which is fat stored around internal organs and is associated with increased health risks. Monitoring visceral fat levels helps individuals assess their risk for various chronic diseases.

6. Body Water Analysis: InBody provides insights into total body water and extracellular water levels. This information is essential for assessing hydration status and overall fluid balance.

Overall, the InBody test offers a comprehensive evaluation of body composition and health parameters, providing valuable information for individuals looking to optimize their overall well-being.


Lighthouse Nutrition Supplement Spotlight

Standard Process Metabol Complex

Metabol Complex contains Fenugreek, Black Cumin seed, Bitter Melon, and Cinnamon to provide multi-action metabolic support.*

These herbs have been traditionally used in Ayurvedic herbal preparations to:
- Support the metabolism of fats and sugars*
- Support normal pancreatic and liver function*
- Help relieve occasional indigestion symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract, such as bloating and flatulence*

Explore an insightful article from Standard Process on comprehending blood sugar levels, and uncover a range of supplements designed to support balanced blood sugar. -11

Magnesium, Stress, and Your Immune System 05/03/2024

You've likely heard about the importance of magnesium for your health, but do you truly understand its vital role?

Magnesium is a crucial mineral involved in various biological processes within the body.

For example, magnesium serves as a cofactor for hundreds of enzymes, supporting various biochemical reactions essential for metabolism, energy production, and DNA synthesis. Magnesium contributes to the proper functioning of neurotransmitters and helps regulate nerve transmission, which is essential for maintaining normal nerve function and communication between cells.

Click the link below to read an article from Standard Process about the connection between magnesium, stress, and the immune system.

Magnesium, Stress, and Your Immune System Through its link to stress, magnesium deficiency may have a negative impact on immune function.


Antioxidants help keep your cells resilient and your body thriving🫐🍓🍇🍒

Antioxidants are molecules that help protect cells in the body from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can cause oxidative stress, leading to cell damage and potentially contributing to various health problems, including chronic diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Antioxidants work by neutralizing free radicals, thereby preventing or reducing oxidative damage to cells. They accomplish this by donating electrons to unstable free radicals, stabilizing them, and rendering them less harmful to cells.

Berries, such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, are loaded with antioxidants like anthocyanins, flavonoids, and vitamin C. These antioxidants help combat oxidative stress and reduce inflammation in the body, which can lower the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Did you find this content valuable? For more nutrition tips and insights, follow us at Lighthouse Nutrition to stay informed and empowered on your wellness journey!


Shining a Spotlight on Lighthouse Nutrition Supplements 💡

Spanish Black Radish

Spanish Black Radish provides support for the body's organs.* Standard Process's research shows that Spanish black radish induces the body's detoxification enzymes in cell and animal models.

Spanish Black Radish Highlights

- Supports healthy liver and gallbladder function
- Encourages healthy digestion
- Supports the body's normal toxin-elimination function*
- Contains organically grown Spanish black radish

Are you intrigued? Find out more about Standard Process Spanish Black Radish here:


Click the link below to subscribe to Lighthouse Nutrition's monthly newsletter!


Explore the Wonders of Micronutrients: Learn How These Tiny Powerhouses Energize Your Body and Boost Your Vitality! 🌱💡 "

Micronutrients are essential nutrients required by the human body in relatively small amounts to support a variety of physiological functions. These include vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin D, and various others. While they are needed in smaller quantities compared to macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, micronutrients play critical roles in metabolism, immune function, growth and development, bone health, and numerous other biological processes. A balanced diet rich in micronutrients is crucial for overall health and well-being.

Ready to Optimize Your Nutrition? Send us a message to begin your journey with Lighthouse Nutrition.


Experiencing Allergies? Let's Discuss Intestinal Health

Did you know that over 80% of the human immune system resides alongside the intestines? Allergies often stem from issues with the intestinal mucous membrane. At Light House Nutrition we focus on restoring intestinal flora and mucosal health for allergy relief.

A supplement we may recommend to alleviate allergies naturally is Standard Process Cataplex A-C.

Cataplex® A-C

Cataplex A-C, which contains Echinacea and vitamins A & C, helps support immune system function, and a healthy hematopoietic (blood cell & plasma creation) system.

▪ Helps maintain healthy mucous membranes*
▪ Supports a healthy immune system response function*
▪ Maintains healthy cells and tissues*
▪ Supports eye health*
▪ Helps maintain healthy epithelial and connective tissues*
▪ Contains a combination of key ingredients from Cataplex® A and Cataplex® C along with organic Echinacea
▪ Excellent source of antioxidant vitamin A
▪ Good source of antioxidant vitamin C

Click the link below to read more about Cataplex A-C

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Curious about what a nutrition response and nutrition response testing entail?A nutrition response typically refers to t...
Do you know what Nutritional Therapy is?🍃Nutritional Therapy is a holistic and bio-individual approach to nutrition and ...
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