TakeAction Minnesota

TakeAction Minnesota is a people’s network that brings democracy alive in our state and in our com


[Live from D.C.] THE PEOPLE DEMAND: Invest in life, Divest from death!

Leaders of progressive organizations across the US are coming together to say: Invest in life, Divest from death!

Photos from TakeAction Minnesota's post 09/20/2023

Early voting for the 2023 election season starts THIS Friday! 🗳 As voting kicks off, it's a great moment to register to vote or update your registration. And, if you or a loved one had their voting rights revoked after a felony conviction, it's important to know that in 2023, Minnesota passed a law restoring voting rights to over 55,000 Minnesotans who have completed their prison or jail sentences.

Register to vote or update your registration with our Busy Voter's Guide: www.takeactionminnesota.org/vote


Our Member Drive has been extended through Friday! 💥We’re halfway (!!) to our goal of 100 members renewed going into the next election cycle. We know that building power to win the communities we deserve goes beyond one election or legislative session – and that the opponents we’re up against have deep pockets. We’re in this for the long haul, and we need you with us.

Become a sustaining member today: https://secure.everyaction.com/I2WQW7623E-RuDmE--WttQ2

TakeAction’s Member Drive begins TODAY. 💖

Here at TakeAction, we know that our ability to drive progressive change relies on our ability to organize powerfully, year after year. And, we need members to make that happen. Join us as a sustaining member at TakeAction Minnesota. A monthly donation powers our year-round organizing, our wins, and helps build a government and economy that works for all of us.

Become a sustaining member here: https://secure.everyaction.com/I2WQW7623E-RuDmE--WttQ2


School may have started, but we're not ready to let go of summer. 😎 Check out this special edition of the TakeAction News Digest featuring the books by Minnesota authors (!!) that intrigued us, wowed us, moved us, and made us laugh this summer: https://takeactionminnesota.org/summer-reading/

👉 Make sure you don't miss the News Digest for regular round-ups of what we're reading, watching, and listening to. Sign up here: https://takeactionminnesota.org/subscribe/


TakeAction’s Member Drive begins TODAY. 💖

Here at TakeAction, we know that our ability to drive progressive change relies on our ability to organize powerfully, year after year. And, we need members to make that happen. Join us as a sustaining member at TakeAction Minnesota. A monthly donation powers our year-round organizing, our wins, and helps build a government and economy that works for all of us.

Become a sustaining member here: https://secure.everyaction.com/I2WQW7623E-RuDmE--WttQ2


Elections are our chance to make more possible and win what we need and deserve. By choosing courageous, dedicated, people-centered leaders, we can move our communities closer to our values. That’s why, in races for St. Paul City Council, TakeAction Minnesota is thrilled to endorse:

✨ Anika Bowie for St. Paul City Council Ward 1
✨ Saura Jost for St. Paul City Council Ward 3
✨ Mitra Jalali for City Council Ward 4
✨ HwaJeong Kim for Ward 5
✨ Nelsie Yang for St. Paul City Council Ward 6
✨ Cheniqua Johnson for Saint Paul City Council Ward 7

This is a historic slate of grassroots leaders deeply connected to St. Paul. Choosing these candidates together means choosing a Council with the political courage, radical empathy, and determination required to get work done for the people.

Check and update your voter registration with our Busy Voter Guide, and get ready to vote by November 7. Early voting opens September 22.



ICYMI, we are spicing up our weekly News Digest emails with curated lit, music & cultural recs for your summer enjoyment. 😎📚🎵

Check out this special edition by Minneapolis musician Laura Kiernan on MN artists we're listening to, like MMYYKK, Humbird, Lyla Abukhair, Maria Isa, The Pretendians, and more!

Send us what you're listening to at [email protected]. And make sure you're signed up for the News Digest so you don't miss out on key news of the week (& more music & reading recs). Sign up here: https://takeactionminnesota.org/subscribe/


We’re so excited to announce our slate of endorsements for the Minneapolis City Council! 🎉 This election season, Minneapolis voters can choose a progressive, people-centered majority ready to act for clean air, stable and affordable homes, and a city where all of us are safe.


✅ Elliott Payne for Ward 1 City Council
✅ Robin For Minneapolis Ward 2
✅ Re-elect Jeremiah Ellison for Ward 5
✅ Jason Chavez for Ward 9 City Council
✅ Aisha Chughtai for Ward 10


✅ Soren Stevenson for Ward 8
✅ Aurin Chowdhury for Ward 12

Check out our Busy Voter’s Guide to get ready to cast your ballot by November 7. Early voting begins on September 22.


Photos from TakeAction Minnesota's post 07/31/2023

🌿 Tomorrow is a BIG DAY for Minnesota. If you're 21 or older on August 1st, here’s what Minnesota’s new law legalizing adult-use cannabis will mean for you!

👉 Automatic expungement of certain cannabis-related convictions is an important piece of this new law. For more information head to cannabis.state.mn.us


🌟 TakeAction Minnesota is thrilled to endorse Stephanie Williams for School Board at Large. Stephanie graduated from Duluth Public Schools, worked there, and sent her son there. She is running because she has a vision for how great the district can be – and knows the first step is addressing the ways the district can and must do better for Black and brown children so all children can succeed.

“Stephanie is a trailblazer, and her commitment to live her values spans every aspect of her life,” shares DyAnna Grondahl, Duluth resident and Lead Organizer at TakeAction. “She is clear about the importance of relationships, and is not afraid to reach out and work with others to get the support she needs, including fellow elected officials.”

✅ Vote for Stephanie and our other endorsed candidates in Duluth by November 7. By electing these leaders together, Duluthians will make a powerful shift for the future city we deserve. Confirm or update your voter registration with our Busy Voter's Guide: www.takeactionminnesota.org/vote

Stephanie For School Board


🌟 TakeAction Minnesota is thrilled to endorse Wendy Durrwachter for City Council District 1. Wendy is a musician and composer. She came to Duluth to pursue her art, working two or three jobs to afford rent, and facing housing discrimination as a single mom with two children. Now, she worries her children won’t be able to afford to come back to the city where they grew up. She wants to build a city where everyone can follow their passions and thrive.

“Wendy has political courage and a strong vision for Duluth,” shares DyAnna Grondahl, TakeAction Lead Organizer and Duluth resident.

“When something needs to be done, I step up and do it,” Wendy says. “I’m not afraid to call out those who abuse their power.”

✅ Vote for Wendy and our other endorsed candidates in Duluth by November 7. By electing these leaders together, Duluthians will make a powerful shift for the future city we deserve. Confirm or update your voter registration with our Busy Voter's Guide: www.takeactionminnesota.org/vote

Wendy Durrwachter for Duluth City Council District 1


🌟 TakeAction Minnesota is thrilled to endorse Salaam Witherspoon for City Council District 4. Salaam is a mother, caregiver, and community organizer deeply committed to Duluth. She has faced homelessness and organized to ensure people in Duluth can meet their fundamental needs.

“I have lived through struggles,” Salaam shares on her website. “I found my power, and now nothing can stop me. I will always be available to the people of District 4, and I want you to know your power. That’s how we as a community will tackle the biggest issues facing us.”

Salaam wants to lead by ensuring historically marginalized voices and community input are at the center of decision making in Duluth.

“She is people-centered first and action oriented,” said Megan Finegan, a TakeAction leader in Duluth who participated in the endorsement process.

✅ Vote for Salaam, Jenna Yeakle, and Miranda Pacheco in the August 8 primary for City Council candidates. By electing these leaders together, Duluthians will make a powerful shift for the future city we deserve. Confirm or update your voter registration with our Busy Voter's Guide: www.takeactionminnesota.org/vote

Salaam For Duluth


🌟 TakeAction Minnesota is thrilled to endorse Jenna Yeakle for Duluth City Council at Large. Jenna is a seasoned community organizer committed to social, economic, and environmental justice. She chose to run for City Council because she's experienced many of the challenges facing Duluthians – and she’s ready to build a city that works for everyone, no exceptions.

“I have stood in line to renew my SNAP benefits, signed onto a class action lawsuit against a predatory landlord, lived years without a car and juggled multiple low-wage jobs, managed a crushing amount of student loan debt, and accrued more debt because of unaffordable health care,” Jenna shared. “While a sliver of Duluthians are doing fine, we have big opportunities right now to make life better for all of us.

Jenna leads by meeting people where they are and breaking down barriers to democracy. “I respect her transparency and communication,” said Bree Johnson, a TakeAction leader in Duluth who participated in the endorsement process.

✅ Vote for Jenna, Miranda Pacheco, and Salaam Witherspoon in the August 8 primary for City Council candidates. By electing these leaders together, Duluthians will make a powerful shift for the future city we deserve.

Confirm or update your voter registration with our Busy Voter's Guide: www.takeactionminnesota.org/vote

Jenna Yeakle for Duluth


🌟 TakeAction Minnesota is thrilled to endorse Miranda Pacheco for Duluth City Council at Large. Miranda has seen how our systems can be stacked against us. Like so many others, she has faced abuse, homelessness, addiction, and other struggles. Duluth is the place where Miranda got what she needed to turn her life around. Miranda has experienced how care transforms lives. And she sees how structure of support for Duluthians is under threat, or falling short of their goals. She is ready to channel her love for Duluth by standing up for the city where everyone can thrive, no exceptions.

“We made our city’s systems, and we can change them,” Miranda shares on her website.

Miranda works at Mash-ka-wisen Treatment Center and is currently pursuing a social work degree. She is an enrolled member of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe.

“Miranda is a voice that needs to be heard,” said Bree Johnson, a TakeAction leader in Duluth who participated in the endorsement process.

✅ Vote for Miranda, Jenna Yeakle, and Salaam Witherspoon in the August 8 primary for City Council candidates. By electing these leaders together, Duluthians will make a powerful shift for the future city we deserve.

Confirm or update your voter registration: www.takeactionminnesota.org/vote

Read more about Miranda in MinnPost: https://www.minnpost.com/mental-health-addiction/2023/07/anything-is-possible-recovery-advocate-ex-felon-makes-a-run-for-duluth-city-council/

Miranda Pacheco for Duluth


Y’all, there’s some exciting organizing ramping up around local elections in Minnesota in 2023. We’re thrilled to announce our member endorsements in the Duluth election!

🌟 Miranda Pacheco for City Council at Large
🌟 Stephanie Williams for School Board at Large
🌟 Jenna Yeakle for City Council at Large
🌟 Wendy Durrwachter for City Council District 1
🌟 Salaam Witherspoon for City Council District 4

This is a fiery slate of grassroots leaders deeply connected to Duluth. They’re committed to fighting for a city where people and climate come before corporate profits. By electing this slate of candidates, Duluthians will make a powerful shift toward the future city we deserve.

“These candidates live their values and bring joy, energy, and excitement,” shares Bree Johnson, a TakeAction leader in Duluth who participated in the endorsement process. The endorsing committee agreed these qualities are essential for leading with clarity and building momentum around transformational policies.

✅ Be a voter in the Primary Election by August 8 and the General Election by November 7. Confirm or update your voter registration with our Busy Voter's Guide: www.takeactionminnesota.org/vote

Miranda Pacheco for Duluth
Stephanie For School Board
Jenna Yeakle for Duluth
Wendy Durrwachter for Duluth City Council District 1
Salaam For Duluth


Happening NOW in Washington DC: hundreds of climate activists deliver coal to CitiBank’s board President Jim Dugan along with a message… Stop Funding Climate Chaos. Join and call Dugan’s office to tell him to come downstairs, meet with us, and take action on climate NOW! https://stopthemoneypipeline.com/call-citi-now/


Happening NOW in Washington DC: hundreds of housing activists take to the street outside NMHC lobbyists to say the Rent is TOO DAMN HIGH! Renters and homeowners alike from all across the country march with ! Join us and tell the government to protect tenants! https://tenantcomment.org/


Join Sulma Arias, emcees Ken Whittaker from Michigan United and Alyssa Aguilera from VOCAL-NY, elected officials, movement champions from all across the country and special musical guests in the first plenary of our 2023 People’s Action Convention. The Organizing Revival is here, GET ON THE BUS!


We’re building a Minnesota where we all have clean air, water, and food.

Subscribe to receive email or text updates from us on our website:

Subscribe - TakeAction MN


In the final days of the session, our ED Elianne Farhat and Abdirahman Muse with Awood captured the clear decision legislators faced, writing: “If the corporate lobbyists end up angry, you’ll know elected officials chose wisely.”

This session is only the beginning. To win the state we deserve, our elected leaders will have to choose us over corporate profits over and over again.



TakeAction leader, Corinne, shared her powerful story in support of only six weeks after an organizer knocked on her door.

“The fact that corporate interests are still more important than the lives of the people that work for them should upset everyone.”


State Representative Liz Olson and Senator Sandy Pappas put Minnesotans at the forefront, stood up to corporate interests, and prioritized families and workers by passing .

Earned Sick and Safe Time will go into effect statewide on January 1, 2024.


Our leaders & staff delivered HUNDREDS of postcards urging lawmakers to pass for all workers.

Working people fought for Earned Sick & Safe Time for over a decade; soon, every state worker will have paid sick days.


A bill fighting back against environmental racism and air pollution – the Cumulative Impacts Bill – passed after years of organizing led by BIPOC communities. In a key moment this session, the Frontline Communities Protection Coalition mobilized more than 600 MNs in less than 24 hrs to contact their legislators to save and strengthen this nation-leading legislation.

This bill is a key step toward environmental justice. Now, we’re watching the rulemaking process, where Minnesotans can push to make sure our health & well-being is at the forefront of decision-making.

CURE MN, Clean Water Action Minnesota, Climate Generation, COPAL MN, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Minnesota Environmental Justice Table, MN350 Action: Climate Justice in Minnesota


Big Pharma spent thousands of dollars attempting to obstruct the care policies we deserve.

Minnesotans saw through their deceitful tactics. With the passage of the Prescription Drug Affordability Board, Minnesotans will have more protections against price-gouging of the prescription drugs we need to live and thrive.


Happy Pride! 🎉🌈 This is a moment to celebrate LGBTQ+ joy and honor powerful LGBTQ+ organizers, leaders, and creators and their clarity and vision for the communities we all deserve.

This is what we deserve: to feel safe, loved, and connected. To be ourselves authentically. To be celebrated, cared for, invested in, and protected from harm. To be prioritized over corporate profits and people who try to divide us and exploit us for their benefit.

The people who benefit from the status quo are threatened by this vision – where communities are built around love and care instead of corporate greed. They are threatened by the power that LGBTQ+ organizers and those who organize in solidarity have built.

In recent years, we’ve seen rising violence towards our beloved LGBTQ+ community members. In too many places, we’ve seen this violence written into law.

In our grief and anger, we draw strength from the powerful vision LGBTQ+ leaders have fought for over decades. At TakeAction, Pride Month is a key moment to reground in that vision and our work to organize Minnesotans for communities built around love, care, and solidarity; to fight back against corporate greed and violence; and to elect leaders who are ready to build the loving and joyful communities we all deserve.


For decades, people-first organizations have organized to expand health coverage and stop GOP-backed healthcare cuts that favor wealthy corporations.

This session, passed historic policies to expand access to healthcare across our state!

Committee to Protect Health Care, Unidos MN, ISAIAH,SEIU MN State Council, SEIU Healthcare Minnesota and Iowa, Land Stewardship Project, Afl-Cio Minnesota, Main Street Alliance Action Fund, Minnesota Budget Project and Springboard for the Arts.


While greedy corporations fought tooth and nail to protect their profits, we took a stand and mobilized to turn the tide.

Thanks to everyone who joined us to take action this session. Together, we made more possible. The care, climate, and public health policies that passed will get us closer to the state we deserve.

Photos from TakeAction Minnesota's post 05/28/2023

The third and final installment of our 2023 session wrapped: In those final days of session, the choice in front of lawmakers was clear: us or corporate profits. And all the times lawmakers chose us this session were made possible by decades of Minnesotans organizing, thousands of you who shared your stories and contacted your lawmakers, and the legislative champions for the people that we elected and held accountable together.

What are the wins from the 2023 session that really hit home for you? What changes are you still waiting to see? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Videos (show all)

[Live from D.C.] THE PEOPLE DEMAND: Invest in life, Divest from death!
Stop Funding Climate Chaos
Coming Home: 2023 Convention Opening Plenary
Thank you, Jessica Intermill – a patient and small business owner – for sharing your personal story and why we need #Low...
Thanks to lead author Rep. Stephenson for fighting to ensure that the Prescription Drug Affordability Board will bring #...
Senator Morrison: Prescription drugs are not just another consumer product – they are a public good & should be treated ...
“It is not at all shocking that the folks who benefit so much from the suffering of others, use those profits to push fo...
Senator Alice Mann on the urgent need for #LowerDrugCostsNow: “Every time we come up with a solution to bring down costs...
Alec Smith lost his life because he couldn't afford his insulin. “Some folks, somewhere, are collecting enormous bonuses...
Thank you, Senator Pappas! “Ultimately, this bill is about becoming the kind of caring state that I think we all want Mi...
Senator Pappas: “Many of the employees least likely to have paid sick time work in jobs such as food service, where choo...



705 Raymond Avenue, Ste 100
Saint Paul, MN

Opening Hours

6pm - 7pm

Other Nonprofit Organizations in Saint Paul (show all)
Saint Paul Almanac Saint Paul Almanac
275 4th Street E, Ste 701
Saint Paul, 55101

Saint Paul Almanac is a literary arts organization. We tell and share stories across cultures.

Growth & Justice Growth & Justice
970 Raymond Avenue, Ste 201
Saint Paul, 55114

Growth & Justice is a research and advocacy organization that develops innovative public policy proposals based on independent research and civic engagement.

Move Minnesota Move Minnesota
2446 University Avenue W, Suite 170
Saint Paul, 55114

Leading the movement in MN for an equitable, sustainable transportation system that puts people first

League of Women Voters of Minnesota League of Women Voters of Minnesota
546 Rice Street, Suite 200
Saint Paul, 55103

Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy. Learn more about our mission and vision: lwvmn.org

Springboard for the Arts Springboard for the Arts
262 University Avenue West
Saint Paul, 55103

Supporting artists making a living and a life, from offices in St. Paul and Fergus Falls.

Common Hope Common Hope
1410 Energy Park Drive, Ste 4
Saint Paul, 55108

Common Hope Familias de Esperanza believes that where there is education, there is a way forward.

661 LaSalle Street, Suite 200
Saint Paul, 55114

The National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) is the premier professional association for the multi

Literacy Minnesota Literacy Minnesota
700 Raymond Avenue, Ste 180
Saint Paul, 55114

Literacy Minnesota is a nonprofit, statewide organization that provides literacy services to adults, children and community programs around Minnesota.

Minnesota Humanities Center Minnesota Humanities Center
987 Ivy Avenue E
Saint Paul, 55106

The Minnesota Humanities Center collaborates with individuals, organizations, and communities to bring transformational humanities programming into the lives of Minnesotans through...

Prepare and Prosper Prepare and Prosper
2610 University Avenue W, Ste 450
Saint Paul, 55114

Prepare + Prosper offers free tax preparation and financial services, products and coaching.

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota
2485 Como Avenue
Saint Paul, 55108

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota expresses the love of Christ for all people through service.

Books For Africa Books For Africa
Saint Paul

Since 1988, BFA has shipped 60 million high quality books and served all 55 African countries.