Stacy Roy Nutrition - Vital Nutrition Services

As a nutrition consultant, I work with clients around the world to improve their daily well-being, h


Endometriosis affects an estimated 1 in 10 women during their reproductive years (between the ages of 15 to 49), which is approximately 176 million women worldwide.

Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease in which tissue, very much like the type that grows inside the uterus – grows outside of it, forming lesions that are often found in clusters, called endo implants.

It causes inflammation, leading to scar tissue buildup over time. This results in many symptoms, including difficult digestive symptoms, such as:

painful menstrual cramps
heavy menstrual bleeding
abdominal pain and extreme bloating
bleeding between periods
nausea and vomiting
pain with in*******se
constipation and/or diarrhea

Do you suffer from endometriosis and persistent gastrointestinal issues? Nutrition can help!

Follow the link in my BIO to grab my free Hormone Balancing Meal Plan today. With this free guide, you'll receive:

🌱1 meal plan
🌱1 weekly shopping list
🌱7 energizing breakfast recipes
🌱7 delicious lunch recipes
🌱7 nurturing dinner recipes

Have you been diagnosed with endometriosis? Have you found that changes to your nutrition have helped your symptoms?

Photos from Stacy Roy Nutrition - Vital Nutrition Services's post 12/30/2021

How does physical activity reduce stress?

According to Mayo Clinic, exercise increases your overall health and your sense of well-being. Exercise in almost any form can act as a stress reliever.

✅ it increases the production of your brains feel good neurotransmitters called endorphins.
✅ it‘s meditation in motion.
✅ and it improves your mood.

Don’t think of exercise as just one more thing on your to do list. Find an activity you enjoy - whether it’s a hike, rollerskating, dancing, or a simple walk around your neighborhood - and make it a part of your regular routine.

SWIPE to see photos of a recent hiking trip I took with my family to Armstrong Woods. Definitely a relaxing and enjoyable way to spend a day together!

What are your favorite ways to incorporate physical activity into your routine? Let me know in the comments below!


Just a friendly reminder from a Clinical is not "good" or "bad", it is just food!

The holidays are a time of joy and making memories with your friends and family. And those memories often involve delicious food!

Give yourself a little grace this time of year. Enjoy the holiday spirit and your favorite foods!

What are some of your favorite holiday foods that are a must-have in your household during this time of year??


During this time of year, there are many holiday parties and it can be tough to navigate your food and beverage options when you are also trying to manage your gut health.

Alcohol can be a gut irritant, so if you want to drink, what are the best options?

🍾Dry Farms Wine
🍾Red wine from Italy or France
❌Skip the mixers and fruit juices
🍾Add lime or lemon for some vitamin C
🍾Distilled liquors like vodka, brandy, rum, tequila, or whiskey
🍾Choose soda water over tonic water
❌Avoid beer unless it is specifically brewed to be gluten-free
🍾Rum, tequila, and potato vodka are gluten-free
🍾Wine is typically gluten-free and safe to drink
🍾Most ciders are gluten-free and a great option for casual social drinking
❌Whiskey and bourbon are not universally accepted as gluten-free, so proceed with caution

Do you have a favorite gut-friendly go-to beverage? Share below in the comments!

Photos from Stacy Roy Nutrition - Vital Nutrition Services's post 11/30/2021

I have finally perfected vegan and grain free / gluten free latkes and I am so excited to share them with you!

Hanukkah celebrates the miracle of the oil, so fried foods are often featured at Hanukkah feasts.

Every year we host a Hanukkah party, and of course the star of the show is the latkes. We have changed our recipe throughout the years to accommodate dietary sensitivities and preferences, and these win over those who are used to eating latkes made with egg and wheat flour.

I hope you love this recipe as much as we do! Happy Hanukkah!

Swipe for the recipe!

Be sure to like, save, and share this post with someone who you know would enjoy this recipe!

Photos from Stacy Roy Nutrition - Vital Nutrition Services's post 11/23/2021

Would you like to add some healthy variety to your fall side dishes?

Radishes are so different when cooked, losing all of their bite and becoming sweet vehicles for salt, pepper, olive oil and whatever herb you decide to cook them with.

This recipe uses thyme, a spice I adore. The healthiest part of the radish is actually in the greens, so don’t throw them away when making this recipe and use them in another dish! The bulbs have great nutrients as well.

Radishes and their greens are an excellent source of vitamin C. They also are a very good source of potassium, folic acid and the trace mineral molybdenum. Radishes have been used for centuries for liver disorders, to improve digestion and to maintain a healthy gallbladder and liver.

Do you like to add radishes to your meals? How do you prefer them?


You are not what you eat but what you absorb. We are learning more and more how vitally important it is to have a well-functioning gut full of beneficial microbes.

Poor digestion can lead to lowered immune function, poor stress tolerance, malnutrition, inadequate sleep, and is very physically and mentally aging.

Here are my top recommendations for supporting your gut health:

✔️Eat less refined and processed foods and lean toward a more anti-inflammatory diet that includes plenty of high fiber foods like chia seeds, vegetables, and whole grains (like oatmeal).
✔️Incorporate fermented foods (and if you can't tolerate them, a good quality probiotic).
✔️Eat foods rich in polyphenols, like cloves, peppermint, oregano, celery seed, rosemary, thyme, basil, cinnamon, cumin, and turmeric.
✔️Lower stress levels, and sleep more – sleep can impact gut health and vice versa.

Have you tried any of these recommendations? How has it helped? Let me know in the comments below.


Have you ever asked yourself these questions?


Hormones can become out of balance due to poor nutrition, high stress, inadequate sleep, and lack of movement.

The consequences of this imbalance can often leave us feeling physically debilitated, emotionally exhausted, and hopeless about the future.

Follow the link in my BIO to download my FREE HORMONE BALANCING MEAL PLAN

Inside this free download, you'll get instant access to:
🌱 1 meal plan
🌱 1 weekly shopping list
🌱 7 energizing breakfast recipes
🌱 7 delicious lunch recipes
🌱 7 nurturing dinner recipes

Photos from Stacy Roy Nutrition - Vital Nutrition Services's post 10/15/2021

Estrogen Dominance is a term for a condition whereby a woman has excessive estrogen levels, or even normal to low estrogen levels – but they’re high relative to progesterone.

In other words, she has too little progesterone to balance the effects of estrogen.

Why are appropriate levels of progesterone so important? Progesterone is calming, keeps the thyroid on task, and raises body temperature to help boost metabolism.

Symptoms of estrogen dominance include:
- Changes to your menstrual cycle or cramps/mood changes/migraines with your cycle
- Hair loss
- Problems with fertility
- Mood changes
- Bloating
- Water retention
- Constipation
- Fatigue
- Insomnia or a reduction in the quality of your sleep
- Reduced or damaged metabolism
- Breast tenderness or breast fullness
- Decreased libido or reduced s*x drive

The delicate balance between estrogen and progesterone are like dance partners; when one partner misses a step and falls behind, the well-rehearsed choreography is off.

SWIPE for 8 Natural Treatments for Estrogen Dominance and SAVE this post for quick reference.


Do you wake up with digestive symptoms, like bloating and reflux?

If 'yes', then try to begin eating your last meal at least 3 hours before bedtime. This allows for proper digestion of that meal and uninterrupted repair work of your digestive system while you sleep!

If you have insomnia and need a snack before bed, make sure it includes protein and wait at least 90 minutes before bed.

What time is your last meal of the day?

Photos from Stacy Roy Nutrition - Vital Nutrition Services's post 07/29/2021

Cortisol is a necessary hormone produced by the adrenals, that assists in keeping our bodies in homeostasis.

Our prehistoric ancestors benefited greatly from cortisol, as it is what allowed them to escape the wrath of a woolly mammoth or saber tooth tiger. In modern times, it is what our body calls upon when we need to immediately slam on the brakes to avoid a car accident.

One of the pitfalls of modern life, however, is that most people consistently have stress reactions to stressors that are not actually life or death, such as a big exam, being late to work, or an argument with a loved one.

Thus, it is critically important to naturally balance your cortisol to avoid the detrimental consequences of being chronically stressed.

SWIPE for 8 Ways To Naturally Balance Your Cortisol. (For a more detailed list, head to

Have you benefitted from incorporating any of these suggestions in your life? What do you do to balance your cortisol?

Let me know in the comments below 👇👇


Drop a 💛💛💛 if you have found yourself under a large amount of stress lately.⁣⁣
When under stress, your fight or flight (sympathetic nervous system) kicks in. ⁣⁣
Our bodies prepare for danger by prioritizing blood to the major muscles in order to run from a predator or fight a physical danger, while reducing blood flow to the stomach and gut. ⁣⁣
The secretion of digestive enzymes and stomach acids are also lowered. Digestion is impaired, as well as the absorption of nutrients, which leads to gas, bloating, and inflammation. ⁣⁣
On the flip side is rest and digest (parasympathetic nervous system). In this state of increased relaxation and digestion, energy is conserved and digestion improves. ⁣⁣
The present world is filled with stress, that’s non-negotiable. But how you respond and react to stress is more in your control. Practice managing your stressors daily with rest, meditation, focused breathing, and whatever brings you joy. ⁣⁣
This may be one of the most important things you can do to optimize your health.⁣⁣
What activities do you enjoy to that allows you to respond better to daily stressors? Share them below in the comments 👇👇⁣⁣


Healthy digestion and nutrient absorption begins with the simple act of chewing your food.

When you chew your food properly, your body releases digestive enzymes in the stomach that help to break down food so that your body can convert it into energy. ⁣

When food isn’t digested properly, you could suffer from digestive issues such as indigestion, heartburn, constipation, headache and low energy.⁣

How Many Times Should You Chew Your Food?⁣

The number of times you chew really depends on the type of food you consume. ⁣

🍓🍓Soft fruits and vegetables will break down more easily than chicken or steak, so you will need to make sure you chew your food as thoroughly as possible. ⁣

According to the experts at Ohio State University, you should chew softer foods 5-10 times, and more dense foods (meats/vegetables) up to 30 times before swallowing. 🥩🥩⁣

Do you pay attention to how many times you chew your food before swallowing? Let me know in the comments below.


Hands up ✋✋ in the comments if you'd love to experience 1 (or all) of these benefits?⁣

At Stacy Roy Nutrition, we believe that you are not what you eat but what you absorb. We are learning more and more how vitally important it is to have a well functioning gut full of beneficial microbes.⁣

Poor digestion can lead to lowered immune function, poor stress tolerance, malnutrition, inadequate sleep, and is very physically and mentally aging.⁣

What can be done to help?⁣

Follow my blog at to read up on all the latest tips for creating balance within your body.

Photos from Stacy Roy Nutrition - Vital Nutrition Services's post 06/22/2021

Have you ever used molasses in a recipe before? ⁣

Blackstrap molasses is a sweetener that is full of vitamins and minerals. It comes from the third boiling in the refining process that turns sugar cane into table sugar. ⁣

It contains iron, b6, magnesium, calcium, manganese, and selenium, and these nutrients are very helpful for hormone balancing, acne, eczema, fibroids, and endometriosis. ⁣

I often suggest to my female clients that they take 1 teaspoon to 1 Tablespoon every day if they are nutrient deficient. If they suffer from heavy bleeding, they often increase their blackstrap molasses to close to 2 Tablespoons per day. ⁣

Not everyone likes to eat blackstrap molasses off the spoon so I am sharing this easy recipe for a blackstrap molasses latte. If you’re not a coffee drinker, you can just as easily make this with tea as well.⁣

This latte also contains coconut oil, which adds a creamy frothiness when the latte is blended up. Coconut oil is fantastic for improving metabolism, increasing energy, balancing blood sugar, and boosting the immune system.⁣

For more delicious recipes, follow the link in my BIO to download my free Hormone Balancing Meal Plan!

Photos from Stacy Roy Nutrition - Vital Nutrition Services's post 06/15/2021

This isn’t so much a recipe as it is the combining of two ingredients—it’s so easy!⁣⁣⁣
I love to make my own because purchased vanilla extract can be full of ingredients you don’t want to eat (coal tar and anti-freeze!) and other additives. And the good stuff can be expensive.⁣⁣⁣
You can make this recipe with vodka instead of bourbon, it is up to you! It is so easy and inexpensive.⁣⁣⁣
Do you use vanilla extract often? What are some of your favorite ways to use it?⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


Our first digestive health program is finished and we are cooking up the new one! Our participants are seeing fantastic results, but we'd love to customize our next program for you.

Sadly, we hear from our clients that their digestive issues have worsened in 2020. Tell us how we can help!

What is your #1 biggest concern as it relates to your digestion?

This survey is anonymous and must be completed by November 13th, so that we can collect and evaluate the data then plan how to best support you.

We appreciate all your help and can't wait to help you back!

Here is the link -

Solving SIBO Mini-Class Registration2 08/03/2020

The Solving SIBO Free Mini-Class Series starts in 1 week!

We know SIBO can be a confusing and miserable condition.

We know it’s tough to know where to start when it comes to getting relief for your SIBO symptoms.

So, no matter where you are in your SIBO journey, it’s always the right time to get relief.

What you’ll get:

✓ 4 days of live video mini-classes with effective and often overlooked strategies to relieve symptoms

✓ A free workbook with symptom tracker

✓ Support, encouragement and knowledge from Sara and me!

Join us online August 10th- 13th, live at 12pm EST (replays will be available)

Register now:

Solving SIBO Mini-Class Registration2 Join clinical nutritionists Sara & Stacy in this FREE 4-day video series. Learn effective and often overlooked digestive strategies to get relief ASAP.

Digestive Challenge Survey by Sara Kahn Nutrition 05/21/2020

Tell us... What is your #1 BIGGEST problem as it pertains to digestion? Sara Kahn and I are developing a program to help more people solve their digestive issues and we are designing it with YOU in mind. Take the survey, comment below, or DM and let us know how we can help.


Digestive Challenge Survey by Sara Kahn Nutrition As we navigate through these uncertain times, one thing has remained unchanged. Those annoying and uncomfortable digestive issues aren’t going anywhere. Ugh! We would love to better understand what you are struggling with so we can help. Let us know… what is your #1 biggest concern as it relates...

Photos from Stacy Roy Nutrition - Vital Nutrition Services's post 04/22/2020

I recommend EFT tapping to all of my clients because I have found this method SO useful for releasing blocks by connecting the mind and body. ⁣

With this quarantine many people are feeling stressed and confined, so this is the PERFECT time to start looking at alternative methods for our health. ⁣

I have included the tapping technique and points in this post. Find a comfortable seated position, relax, and follow each step. It is such an easy way to relieve stress and get in tune with your body! ⁣

Timeline photos 04/20/2020

Time to break out the Instant Pot!⁣

If you're looking to serve up some seriously tasty and gut-healthy recipes then look no further! This resistant starch rice is cooked in a little fat and after 12 hours serves as a prebiotic! ⁣

Check out the recipe link in my bio!⁣✨

Timeline photos 04/18/2020

Use these simple, yet effective tips to relieve tension and ease your mind during these trying times. Remember, we are safe at home, not stuck🏠⁣

Timeline photos 04/17/2020

Use the link in my bio to grab your free hormone balancing guide🥦⁣

Timeline photos 04/01/2020

Use this yummy coconut chicken soup to cozy up on the couch and boost your immune system😋⁣


Drop below an emoji of your FAVORITE food😋⁣

Here is mine:🥑🥑🥑⁣

Timeline photos 03/27/2020

In this time of social distancing we still need to get grounded...⁣

Here is a great technique for bringing you back into the moment✨⁣

Onward and Upward 03/24/2020

Another small business owner is offer a free email series of positive affirmations🌟

Use this link to sign up and receive some great videos and mantras!

Onward and Upward Amidst the current chaos, a worldly awakening is happening. In wanting to share my own gifts as well as the gifts of others, I have created this free two-week email series to keep the flow of goodness going.

Timeline photos 03/23/2020

Balance...whats that?⁣

Estrogen Dominance is excess estrogen in the body in comparison to progesterone levels. Estrogen is responsible for developing the feminine ⁣
parts of the body and creating that "s*xiness" factor. Progesterone calms these levels down and keeps the thyroid and metabolism in check. ⁣

Women who have high levels of estrogen may experience PCOS, Endometriosis, Fibroids, and Infertility just to name a few. Estrogen is either over-created in the body or acquired from the environment through toxins. These man-made chemicals disrupt our normal hormone functioning and can mimic estrogen in the body.⁣

Here are some great ways to limit toxin exposure:⁣
- Swap plastic containers for glass/ceramic/metal containers⁣
- Limit processed foods and try to shop the perimeter of the grocery store⁣
- Follow a hormone balancing meal plan (I offer a free plan using the link below)⁣
- Consume more fiber to eliminate excess estrogen⁣


So many health professionals are coming together at this time bringing our community so much love and light. Rachel Brathen aka Yoga Girl is hosting a 30 day free yoga challenge and all you have to do is use this link to create a free account and get access!

I want you to know I am here to support you in whatever ways I can and I will continue sharing these great opportunities✨

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Drop below an emoji of your FAVORITE food😋⁣⁣Here is mine:🥑🥑🥑⁣⁣#nutritionist #foodstagram #foodie



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