Healthy Minds

We are looking forward to getting to know you, and providing support and resources along the way! Want to learn more about our PEERS program?

We look forward to answering any questions you may have!


Today is National Grandparent's Day! If you can, enjoy the day with them. That is the greatest gift they can receive from you. If you can't see them, call or FT them. Set aside a solid amount of time to talk with them, and even more to listen. Celebrate their life well-lived, and give them your undivided attention. Grandparents always put their family first, so let's put them first today! Take them out to dinner or cook them a meal. Take them out shopping, or whatever they're in the mood to do. However you celebrate, celebrate together with joy.

For more fun family activities, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services, at:


September is Self-Care Awareness Month. Self-care is often neglected in our everyday lives. We all tend to put others’ needs before our own, and it is crucial to remember that we cannot fill someone’s cup from our own empty vessel.

Self-care knows no boundaries. It is something that everyone, without any exclusions, can benefit from practicing on a daily basis. True self-care is not self-centered or selfish; it is simply keeping yourself the focus of your own life. It’s about paying attention to how you feel in each moment, communicating clearly, speaking up for yourself and saying yes or no…guilt free.

It is also about paying attention to every piece of you; mind, body, and soul. Focus on filling your own cup today, and beyond. You deserve it!
If you or a loved one is struggling with managing mental or emotional wellness, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services at:


September is National Su***de Awareness Month, which we recognize to reach out to those affected by su***de, to raise awareness, and to connect individuals to available resources.

This is also a time to check in with your loved ones, even if you think they are doing fine. Identifying depression can be difficult in certain situations. Not all people that are suffering will show signs of their depression. If you discover that someone you know is suffering, you can suggest reaching out for help to local resources, their current therapist, or a trusted connection. People suffering from depression have a tendency to push those they love and trust the most away. If they brush off your suggestions, or tell you that they are doing fine, you should consider telling someone close to them to make sure that you aren’t the only one that knows they’re suffering.

While it may seem like you’re going against your friend or family member, getting them help is always the right decision. For more information on how to help someone you suspect of suffering suicidal thoughts, visit the American Foundation of Su***de Prevention website: If you or a loved one are looking for support, contact us today:
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Today is Women's Equality Day, which commemorates the 19th Amendment to the Constitution in 1920, granting women the right to vote. This was the culmination of decades of effort by women suffragettes and other groups. Their efforts dated back to first women’s rights convention in 1848 at Seneca Falls, New York. In 1971 Congress designated August 26th each year as "Women's Equality Day”.

Celebrate this day in a number of ways. First, stop and celebrate the accomplishments made in gaining the right to vote, and towards equality for women. It is important to note that equal rights still have a long way to go, making it crucial to continue to be involved in pursuing full and equal rights for women in all areas and in all issues.

If you or a loved one is struggling with the fight for equal rights, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services at:


National Tooth Fairy Day celebrates one of childhood's favorite visitors. Losing baby teeth is a sometimes traumatic experience for young children. Enter the world of the friendly, smiling and soothing Tooth Fairy.

As a young child's first baby tooth becomes lose, the child often fears losing it. The promise of a visit from the tooth fairy and a gift, turns the occasion into something to look forward to. If the tooth is literally lost in some way, tell you kiddo not to worry. The Tooth Fairy always knows, and will still leave a gift. She magically knows each time a baby tooth falls out, and will arrive that night , even if the child is away at grandmas, or on vacation.

For more fun family activities, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services, at:


is here!!

August is Family Fun Month, and encourages us all to enjoy time with our families, with a focus on fun and exciting activities. If you're up for the full challenge, schedule one family activity (big or small) every day for one month. Make sure to remember to take a picture or video of each activity to capture all of the genuine fun everyone has.

There are so many activities to choose from to enjoy with your family:
*Go camping
*Take a day trip
*Try every flavor at your local ice cream shop
*Have a movie marathon
*Enjoy a backyard campfire (if it is cold enough)
*Build a fort, castle, or other type of kingdom
*Take a trip to the zoo
*Go fishing, or out on a boat
*Visit your local museum
*Have a family talent show
*Cook and eat meals together
*Plan a karaoke night at home

However you choose celebrate your time with your family, just make sure to do it together! For more fun family activities, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services, at:


National Crayon Collection Month in August makes a point of ensuring every child has this essential school supply. Those gently used, but discarded restaurant crayons are the focus of Crayon Collection, a non-profit organization dedicated to redirecting mountains of much-needed crayons from landfills to schools. This month draws awareness to the environmental and social impact of throwing crayons away while students across the country go without crucial classroom supplies.

"Our goal is for every child in America to have the crayons they need in time for the start of school. With the help of kid-friendly restaurants we can reallocate resources so that instead of trashing this like-new art supply, we can collect them for children to learn and expand their imaginations with."
~Sheila Michail Morovati – Founder Crayon Collection

Crayons don’t decompose, but in the hands of young, supple minds, they foster visual learning, creativity, and academic achievement. Annually, over 150 million restaurant crayons given to young diners eventually end up in landfills. End to end, those crayons could span the contiguous United States 3 times or scale the Empire State Building 30,175 times. Wouldn’t those barely used crayons better serve the nearly 16 million children who live in poverty and are unable to afford even this simple tool of expression? By collecting and redistributing crayons, our teachers can put some of the almost $900 of their own money they spend preparing their classrooms each fall, back into their pockets. Districts across the country continue to cut art funding despite the research supporting the positive impacts it has on scholastic performance. Putting art back in the classroom and giving students an environment for creativity cultivates curiosity and promotes learning.

For more fun family activities, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services, at:


With school starting this month, your kiddos are ramping up, preparing, and most likely, stressed out. What better time to spend a day with your kids? After all, they're the jewel of your eye!

Son and Daughter Day is not a day of gift giving, it is a day to share your time with your kids. If your kids are still young enough to be living at home, you'd be amazed how fast time flies. Use this opportunity to soak up every moment with them. If your kids are grown, and out of the house, use this opportunity to reconnect; plan a road trip, or buy them a ticket home to visit. Time is precious, and expenses don't matter when it comes to connecting with your kiddos.

For more fun family activities, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services, at:


Kindergarten is an essential prerequisite for your child’s education. Research into student behavior in kindergarten is useful in predicting academic performance in first and second grade. Kindergarten can also be a stressful experience for any child. Getting them ready is important. Putting your child in social situations ahead of time will help tremendously. Attending birthday parties, family gatherings, summer camping with friends and enrollment in social activities are excellent ways to get your little one socially savvy. You can also help your child better prepare for kindergarten by assisting them to memorize basic information, such as correct spelling of the name, address, and phone number. If your child is receptive, think about teaching the basic of letters and numbers beforehand. Work with them on developing some degree of nimbleness, as well as some basic physical activities, such as tying shoes.

Helping your child get excited for the transition of kindergarten is an important step you can take together. Plan a visit to the classroom with your child to meet the teacher and see the facility. Get your child a full medical check-up, including eyes and ears. Set up a breakfast and bedtime routine at least a month in advance. Get necessary school supplies. Ask your child’s teacher for a list. Let your child choose colors and styles. Register your child for a social skills, or executive functioning group, to better prepare for some of the situations that scare them the most.

If your kiddo, or a family member, is struggling with getting for kindergarten, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services, at:


Wellness is defined as: the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal. While often referred to in regards to physical health, wellness is comprised of three main components:


When focusing on the improvement of your overall wellness, it is important to ensure you focus on each of these components separately, and with equal attention. National Wellness Month focuses on self-care, managing stress and promoting healthy routines. Research has shown self-care helps manage stress and promotes happiness. Create wholesome habits in your lifestyle all month long and see how much better you feel!

If you or a loved one is struggling with managing mental or emotional wellness, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services at:


Summer camps are closed! Didn’t register in time for this semester? Don’t fret! You can contact us to pre-register for our next semester. Keep an eye out for our Spring Group lineup coming soon!! Sign up today! Link in bio!


REGISTER NOW for our upcoming parent workshop. Monday, August 5th at 7PM. Learn how to support your Middle Schooler and help them transition to the start of this school year! Email for link to register [email protected]


Parents, teachers, and students...
..prepare yourselves...

It is time for Back to School month! 😯 🤓 📖

With shorter days, it’s time to dust off the backpacks, fill them up, and plan for a new school year. Preparing children for the new year includes everything from supplies, clothes, checkups, planning schedules, and making new friends. Teachers develop their lesson plans and ready their classrooms for the new, smiling faces.

With all the hustle and bustle, it is important to use this preparation time to check in with your kiddos to see how they are feeling about going back to school. Some kids will share nothing but excitement, while others may express anxiety, fear, or some other form of concern. By providing your kiddos with a safe space to discuss their feelings surrounding back to school, you ensure that you will include measures to help them through their feelings within your preparation. This may include involving your kiddo's teachers, or resource team, in the conversation to continue the support at school.

If your kiddo, or a family member, is struggling with getting ready to go back to school, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services, at:


The world out there can be a rough and tumble environment, to say the least; violence, crime, prejudice, misinformation, the list goes on. The International Day of Friendship is certainly an opportunity to begin the process of stopping, and reversing, these worldwide problems.

According to the United Nations, the official sponsor of this special day, the International Day of Friendship is day set aside to promote friendship among peoples, cultures and countries. Today is a time to encourage efforts towards peace, and to build bridges among different people. It is a day of respect for others, and a day to celebrate diversity. On an individual level, use this day to promote friendship in big and small ways. You can begin by "extending an olive branch" to a sibling or a family member, a neighbor, or an old friend who we've had a falling out with. If we all try just a little the world will be a friendlier, more peaceful place.

If your kiddo, or a family member, is struggling with world's current state, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services, at:


Our last Summer Camps start next week!! Have no fear, there's still time to register. Visit our site for information. Link in bio!


Today is all about making a difference in the life of a vulnerable child. Today is National Be Someone Day. It is all about protecting children. We encourage you to be someone today. Be a life saver to a child.

According to Project Harmony, the organization that created this day, the goal is to end child abuse and neglect. The organization poses a challenge to each and every one of us. It's the ten second challenge. You are challenged to take 10 seconds out of your day, today and every day, to make a difference in the life of a child. Use those ten second to heighten awareness to potential child abuse and neglect. And, if you see abuse or neglect, do something about it. Report what you see and know to authorities who can help the child. Unfortunately, child abuse and neglect is so common, that you very well could find it during those ten seconds.

There are five steps to identifying and reporting child abuse and neglect:
*Learn the facts.
*Minimize potential opportunity for it to occur.
*Talk about it.
*Know the signs.
*React responsibly.

There are ways you can help stop child maltreatment if you suspect or know that a child is being abused or neglected. If you or someone else is in immediate and serious danger, you should call 911. If you, or a loved one, is a victim of child abuse, and would like to explore support, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services at:


I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!

As if we needed another reason to enjoy a delicious scoop of ice cream, July is National Ice Cream Month. And, luckily enough, there are 31 days in July, which means a flavor a day if you're ambitious enough!

The origin of ice cream likely dates back to A.D. 54 to 68 during the time when Nero was Emperor of Rome. Evidence shows harvesting ice or snow, then flavoring it with honey or other flavorings to make ice cream. Alexander the Great supposedly enjoyed icy drinks that had flavorings such as honey or nectar, too! The first appearance of ice cream in the U.S. is found in a letter by Maryland Governor William Bladen in 1744. Early presidents also had a liking towards ice cream. In fact, in the summer of 1790, George Washington spent approximately $200 for ice cream! For a while, ice cream was only an occasional special treat, mainly for the more well-to-do people. In 1843, Nancy Johnson patented the hand crank ice cream maker. Eight years later, in 1851, Jacob Fussell built the first ice cream factory. The invention of mechanical refrigeration helped keep large amounts of ice cream cool. Further improvements and new inventions in technology made ice cream more available to the general public.

For more fun family activities, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services, at:


Today we focus on raising awareness of discrimination faced by non-binary people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society. This is a LGBTQIA+ awareness period dedicated to those who do not fit within the traditional gender binary, I.E. those who do not exclusively identify as a man or a woman, or who may identify as both a man and a woman, or may fall outside of these categories altogether.

The day was first celebrated in 2012, chosen for being precisely between International Men's Day and International Women's Day. Most countries in the world do not recognize non-binary as a legal gender, meaning most non-binary people still have a gendered passport and official identification; Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Denmark, Germany, India, the Netherlands and New Zealand include non-binary gender options on passports, and 18 U.S. states allow residents to mark their gender as 'X' on their driving license.

No matter what obstacles or discrimination you may be facing out in the world today, know that you matter, you are loved, and you deserve so much more.

If you or a family member is struggling with discrimination or the journey as a whole, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services at:


In this camp your child will be able to learn and practice some key self-management skills that are important for success in the classroom, both academically and socially. During this 1 week camp, your child will have the opportunity to practice basic foundational skills such as transitions, waiting in line, turn taking, and following directions. We will also emphasize specific skills that will help increase independence, task completion, and friendship skills. Campers will be able to engage with their peers in fun activities while they practice these important skills. Your kiddos will play games, do art, and experience supported social interactions and dynamics. Visit our site for information. Link in bio!


We often associate being bored with having nothing to do, but that’s not always the case. Many times, we have plenty to do or are even doing it, but the task at hand does not stimulate our minds. It may be repetitive or not challenging enough. When this happens, we can become irritable, tired, or begin to not care about how well we do a task. We may also seek out stimulation to relieve the boredom. Depending on what we seek, it may be good or bad for us; We can form good habits or bad addictions.

We encourage everyone to use National Anti-Boredom Month to identify the causes of your boredom, and implement creative and healthy activities to combat it. Challenge yourself to look outside of your comfort zone, try new things, refine old habits, and generally strive to let yourself get bored.

If you or a loved one is struggling with combatting boredom, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services at:


Three weeks of Summer Camps left!! There's still time to register for our remaining weeks. Visit our site for information. Link in bio!


The relationship between a father and a daughter is a very special one. While dads struggle to balance work and home life, their little girls grow up all too quickly.

We encourage you to use Father Daughter Take a Walk Together Day as a time to bond with each other, to renew bonds, and to create new memories. You don't have to spend the entire day together to make a "memory to last a lifetime". A simple walk will do. Spend that time talking about anything and everything. What you talk about is nowhere near as important as the time you spend together. Find things to laugh about, or share a memory from years past.

For more fun family activities, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services, at:


Happy Independence Day to one and all!!

Have fun and enjoy the long weekend!


People have been communicating in some way, shape, or form for centuries and we see this evidence all around us. Morse code — a code used for sending messages, where each letter and number is represented by short dashes or dots — is one of the earliest examples of technological communication. The first written forms of communication in the world can be seen on drawings that were recorded on the mediums of that time — animal skins, cave walls, pottery, and wood. This communication consisted of representations of daily life such as hunting, food, and later, religion.

Communication has always seen innovation, right from the humble telegraph. History shows us how technological communication has evolved and become increasingly effective to bring us to the digital era we live in today. It began with the invention of the personal computer and, later, the creation of the cell phone. Today’s communication sees people frequently turning to apps and social media, making it trickier to gauge the effectiveness of modern communication, however. Use Effective Communications month to check in on your communication methods, frequency, and content.

*Are you communicating effectively?
*Are you taking your audience into consideration while communicating?
*How many of your communications are face-to-face, as opposed to digital?
*When is the last time you sat down to have a distraction-free conversation?

If you or a loved one are interested in learning more about effective communication methods, visit our website to join one of our individual or group services at:

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9_5_24-Self Care Month.mp4
We heard you!  Over the last few weeks, many families reached out looking for groups for their littles ones in preschool...
25% FOMO2
24% FOMO1
16% Social Skills% open reg9
Today’s the last day for early registration for our upcoming fall groups. Don’t worry, there’s still time to sign up for...



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San Jose, CA

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