Truth in Recruitment

Truth in Recruitment

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Truth in Recruitment is a non-profit, student advocacy group which encourages students to voice their perspective on recruiters and militarism.

Truth in Recruitment is a non-profit, student advocacy group based in Santa Barbara, California. Truth in Recruitment encourages students to take ownership of peace issues and the meaning of citizenship-- to voice their perspective on recruiters and militarism. In 2011, Santa Barbara High School students spoke out against the prevalence of recruiters as guest speakers in classes and their casual p


📣 Exciting Announcement! 📣

Future for Lompoc Youth, in collaboration with the County of Santa Barbara Department of Behavioral Wellness, is thrilled to present the 2024 Teen Career Fair Conference! 🎉

📅 Date: Saturday, September 7th 📍 Location: Lompoc High School Gymnasium
🕒 Time: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

This empowering event is FREE and open to central coast students ages 14-18, offering valuable insights and practical skills for navigating career paths within the County of Santa Barbara Department of Behavioral Wellness.

✨ What to Expect:

* Teen Career Workshops: Facilitated by local professionals to guide students on setting and achieving their career goals.
* Resume Building: Learn how to create impressive resumes that stand
* Keynote Speaker: Mr. Ihran Gayle, Teen Ministry Director at True Vine Bible Fellowship.
* Free Lunch: Catered by Big Jayke’s & Bubba’s Chicken and Waffles.
* Raffles & Giveaways: Exciting prizes and freebies for attendees!
This is an excellent opportunity for local youth to gain essential skills, receive valuable guidance, and be inspired to achieve their career aspirations. 🌟
We encourage all eligible students to attend and take advantage of this incredible resource.

🔗 Register now:


New study finds *xualassault is much higher than Pentagon estimates.


SB-1081 has been pulled by its author, Senator Archuleta, and will not move forward this year! Thank you everyone for writing and calling our California state senators and assembly members. I believe our concerns about this bill were heard and helped stop it.
Despite all the troubling news in our state and country and in our global community, I am relieved that for now youth in California will not be automatically registered for a military draft when they apply for a drivers license.

California Legislature Position Letter Portal 06/22/2024

URGENT! Please send emails to your California State Assembly Member telling them of your opposition to Senate Bill 1081 (Archuleta), which will be heard in the Transportation committee on July 1, 2024. This bill requires those under age 26 applying for a first-time or renewing a California driver’s license and California I.D. to register for the federal Selective Service System (SSS).
Local and state public agencies should not provide information or assistance to the military for draft registration or recruitment purposes. Many of our youth conscientiously object to participation in any and all wars. This bill would force them to violate their conscience or check a box that could put them in legal jeopardy to get a driver’s license.
Under this proposed legislation, people as young as 16 years old, i.e., minors, and up to age 26, will be deemed to have agreed to automatic registration for the draft by placing their signature on a driver’s license application, which they have filled out for a completely unrelated purpose. The California Department of Motor Vehicles will forward this information to the Selective Service System, registering them immediately or in the case of those under 18, registering them automatically when they turn 18.
This linkage to filling out a DMV form trivializes registration for the draft, something that individuals should be able to thoughtfully consider, with full information and awareness of alternatives. The bill proposes that those who do not accept the linkage may proceed to sign the driver’s license form and also indicate that “the applicant declines to consent by checking the “Don’t Register” box on the application.” However, checking such a box could be considered “self-incrimination,” as “knowing and willful” nonregistration can be grounds for penalties such as refusal of federal employment or naturalization.

Please use these links to send a letter in opposition to SB-1081:

Friends Committee on Legislation of California Action Alert:

The direct link is here:

Organization letters can be submitted here by noon, June 24:

Please share with anyone else you think would be interested!

California Legislature Position Letter Portal This site was designed to facilitate the submission of position letters to committees as bills move through California’s legislative process. The site is still a work in progress and we are striving to provide you and committees with features that streamline the overall position letter process.

NO on SB 1081! 05/19/2024

Urgent! If you are a California resident, please email and/or call your state senator asap asking them to oppose SB-1081. This bill would link drivers license applications to automatic registration for the military draft! Vote could happen as soon as May 24. Please use the link on FCLCA website below to contact your senator!

NO on SB 1081! SB 1081 would automatically register young people under age 26 for the federal Selective Service System (the draft) when they apply for or renew a CA driver's license.

Photos from Truth in Recruitment's post 02/08/2024

Risks of death while in the military go beyond combat


Center in Conscience and War provides free consultation to all questioning their military service.

🕊Your concerns are shared and we want to walk with you while you decide how to receive medical care after serving. Join the CO Peer Support Circle to speak with other conscientious objectors or talk directly with one of our advisors.
Register for the CO Peer Support Circle:
Call us at 1-202-483-2220
We provide no cost service
You can learn more at our website,
We would be honored to share your experience, no matter where you are in the CO process. We will protect your identity. Please reach out to us via DM or call CCW.
The Center on Conscience and War is a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights of conscience, opposes military conscription, and serves all conscientious objectors to war.


Dear Friends of Truth in Recruitment,

I hope you have been doing well over these past tumultuous years- in the midst of the ongoing wars we have been experiencing. Truth in Recruitment’s primary mission has been to protect children, particularly teens, from militarization. We have always been committed to the goal of empowering and informing students, their families, and their educators about the realities of military enlistment.
Although Truth in Recruitment is no longer active in the field, the steering and advisory committees agreed to maintain the website,, as a resource for the community.
Truth in Recruitment relied on both individual leadership and community-led calls to action. The group’s key mission –to regulate military recruiters’ presence on high school campuses–was unique for our region, while also part of a broader struggle for youth empowerment, rethinking schools, faith in action, advocacy, awareness building, and speaking truth to power.
My part began in earnest in 2011, when my son, then in high school, told me that he had questioned a Marine recruiter about the Iraq War. The recruiter was a guest speaker in his Freshman Seminar class. At first, I was proud of him, that he had the courage to confront a person in military uniform. But then I did a double-take - what was a Marine recruiter doing in my kid’s Freshman Seminar class?
It turned out that some of you were also uncomfortable with the unfettered access that military recruiters had to students and schools. You joined me in meetings with administrators, with school board members, you spoke to classes, tabled at school career days, and at community events. You made public comments at school board meetings, wrote grants, made phone calls, participated in monthly strategy meetings, donated your money, created graphics for social media, and helped plan public forums. Because you showed up, our efforts paid off.
We got a Santa Barbara Unified School District school board policy unanimously passed that restricted military recruiters to two visits a year and banned them from collecting contact information directly from students. We instigated the removal of a National Guard recruiter’s office on the Santa Maria High School campus. A high school principal tried to ban us from a career fair because we “made the military recruiters uncomfortable”...! We also worked successfully with the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California to reverse a ban by the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District that kept us out of their high schools because of the “content of our presentations’.
Please visit our website, follow us on Instagram and Facebook/Truth in Recruitment. There you will find information and resources regarding students’ and families’ rights regarding military recruiters, student privacy, resistance to mandatory registration for the military draft, links to counter recruitment and social justice organizations, articles, and photographs. We hope this information will enable others to continue this work in their school districts.
Thank you again for your support over the years. While we are no longer accepting donations, please visit our bio on Instagram , for links to other groups who advocate for nonmilitary options for youth who you can support.
Si se puede,
Kate Connell , Former Director of Truth in Recruitment

Photos from Truth in Recruitment's post 08/22/2023

The realities of military enlistment is in these headlines

Veterans Push Back Against Military Recruitment in Schools 07/21/2023

Article in Yes Magazine with veterans reactions to military recruitment-

Veterans Push Back Against Military Recruitment in Schools The branches of the U.S. military have long seen high schools as optimal recruiting grounds. Some veterans are beginning to fight the propaganda and tell students the truth about military service.


Presbyterian Peace Fellowship supports conscientious objectors!

On the Moral Courage of Daniel Ellsberg 06/17/2023

“Wouldn’t you go to prison to end this war?” RIP Daniel Ellsberg

On the Moral Courage of Daniel Ellsberg Daniel Ellsberg never let anyone off the hook easily—including himself.

Stop Deporting Russian War Resisters 03/31/2023

Please take a moment to sign this petition to stop deporting war resisters!

Stop Deporting Russian War Resisters No one should be forced to fight and kill in war against their beliefs. The war in Ukraine is dependent upon conscripts from all sides to continue the fighting. The United States has a legal and moral obligation to provide refuge to anyone with sincere political, religious or moral objections to the...

David Harris and the politics of draft resistance 02/24/2023

"Perhaps we should pitch ourselves less to a (today largely nonexistent) “peace movement,” and focus our messaging more on imperialism, authoritarianism and ageism. These were the issues to which Harris successfully appealed in building and leading a movement of resistance to the draft during the U.S. war in Vietnam.

Draft resisters, including David Harris, were among the best and brightest of their generation. There is much for us to learn from his, and their, words as well as their deeds." - Edward Hasbrouck

David Harris and the politics of draft resistance The life and words of David Harris offer key lessons on the importance of making our own history and the deeper aims of draft resistance.


Tribute to David Harris by Edward Hasbrouck.
This article with photo and links:


In memory and in honor of David Harris (1946-2023)

[PHOTO: David Harris speaks to around 20,000 people at the East Coast
mobilization against the draft and draft registration on the steps of the
U.S. Capital, Washington, DC, 22 March 1980. Photo from Resistance News.
David Harris also participated in a resistance workshop the following day
with some of the next generation of draft registration resisters.]

After Muhammad Ali, David Harris (1946-2023) was probably the most
influential figure in the resistance to the military draft during the U.S.
war in Indochina, and an important ally to a younger cohort of resisters
to draft registration, including me and others, since 1980:

"The most obvious assumption of military conscription is that the lives of
young people in this country belong not to those young people; the lives
of those young people instead are possessions of the state, to be used by
the state when and where the state chooses to use them. The decisions made
by those young people are not decisions made on the terms that they find
in their lives. They are rather decisions that are made on the terms of
the state because those people belong to the state….

"Conscription does not exist without you and me…. The most elaborate
bureaucracy for Selective Service in the world does not function without
people such as you and me willing to sign our lives over to that system.
Without you and me, it’s nothing…. American totalitarianism is
participatory. Which means that if you don’t buy it, it doesn’t move. And
I don’t buy it."

[David Harris, “The Assumptions of the Draft”, remarks at the National
Student Congress, 1968, reprinted in “The Movement Towards a New America”,
edited by Mitchell Goodman, 1970, pp. 445-446]

David Harris’ concise and eloquent book, “Our War: What We Did in Vietnam
and What It Did to Us” (1996), remains the single most insightful work on
the meaning and significance for the USA of the U.S. war in Indochina:

"The preexisting capacity to conscript was a given, and the purpose to
which it was put did not have to seek advance justification in the
political marketplace, so planners in Washington could assume unlimited
manpower when they made policies. In effect, the Selective Service System
was a blank check for instant and undeclared war. When the focus turned to
Vietnam, there was no need to convince the nation to pledge its sons:
those sons were already pledged; no need to ask permission: permission was
long since given; no need to suspend the protections of the Constitution:
they were already suspended. Using us was simple…. All that was required
was cranking up the dial and turning the machine loose….

"We must remember, every arrangement for this war had two categories: the
young and everybody else. The young were expected to sacrifice themselves
on its behalf, and nothing was expected of everybody else…. Only the
nation’s supply of young adults were issued orders for the war that had to
be followed…. In retrospect, it comes as no surprise that the line
separating our age group from the others soon ran throughout America. At
the time, of course, this division was considered a great sociological
mystery. The papers called it “the Generation Gap,” and for a while
national reporters showed up every couple of weeks to interview us in the
hope of writing something profound about this schism. Most of the analysis
was recycled tripe, but the schism itself was extraordinarily real.
Everyone experienced it, and in truth there was little mystery to it. I
suspect cannon fodder have always felt themselves a breed apart… It was
part of our victimization that…. it would be left to us to stand up to the
war on which our elders had decided to spend us….

"I, of course, can never forget that the war was the law, and being
against the war was treated as being against both. Nor should the rest of
us forget it. That’s just the way things were; to be young, scruffy,
against the war, and outspoken was automatically to be treated as a
suspect. from there is was a short step to outlaw, a step a lot of us made
in a lot of different ways….

"We also have our own admissions with which to reckon: we sometimes
drifted into the self-righteous, were plagued by a compulsion to push the
envelope, to reinvent ourselves over and over again. We were faddists and
could easily take ourselves too seriously and forget that our own position
on the war had come at the end of a long and tormented personal migration.
Too often our talk was cheap and our listening hard to come by. We latched
onto simple truths no one less wanted to recognize and rode them until
their wheels fell off. We were too quick to license all disbelief and too
slow to reach outside our own presumptions.

"All that said, I still remember: we were also right."

[David Harris, “Our War: What We Did in Vietnam and What It Did to Us”,

I learned of David’s death from one of my closest comrades in draft
resistance, Matt Nicodemus, who saw David’s obituary yesterday in the New
York Times.

In 1980, Matt was a student at Stanford University and one of the
organizers of Stanford Against Conscription, one of the groups that sprang
up in response to the resumption of draft registration. Years earlier,
David Harris had been student body president at Stanford before his
prosecution, conviction, and imprisonment for refusing induction into the
military. In the 1980s after after, David supported younger draft
resisters and spoke at anti-draft events on the Stanford campus and

One of David Harris’ most interesting and insightful articles published
during his time as a staff writer for the New York Times Magazine was a
reflection on the differences between his own and the younger generations
of draft resisters in the form of a profile of Ben Sasway, the first of
the 20 people indicted for refusing to register for the draft in the
1980s, Draft Resistance, ’80s Style. When this article was first
published, Russ Ford and I, who were indicted shortly after Ben, read it
in the Times in the isolation room of the hospital wing of the Federal
prison in Danbury, Connecticut where despite perfect health we had been
quarantined lest we spread any contagious political ideas to the general
population of the prison.

I met David Harris for the first time at an event at Stanford shortly
after I moved to San Francisco in 1985 to join Matt Nicodemus as co-editor
of Resistance News. David and I saw each other only occasionally over the
years, but he remained consistently supportive of continued draft
resistance and anti-draft activism. In 1988, we used the Resistance News
mailing list to help connect draft resistance veterans for a reunion David
hosted at his house in Mill Valley, which I was privileged to attend.
(Some of the conversations at that reunion are recounted in “Our War”.)

After a chat about our prison experiences, David gave me a copy of his
1976 memoir, “I Shoulda Been Home Yesterday”, published not long after he
was released from the custody of the Attorney General. David might have
toned down some of his post-prison perspectives since then, but they
resonated — and resonate still — for me:

"Night officially ended… at 6 a.m. when the lights came on. Every morning
I rolled over… and wanted to throttle the guard who flipped the switch.

"We all did, and to this day I believe we were supposed to. It’s not a
hate I want to apologize for. I hated as a matter of survival. I hated
because it was the natural response to the way I was treated. I hated
because I couldn’t afford to want and I couldn’t afford not to. Not hating
was giving in, and giving in was a good way to end up like the Attorney
General. None of us wanted that. We knew firsthand what he was all about.
He made his living putting folks in a cage, and that has always seemed to
me like a low way to live."

A more recent draft resistance reunion at David’s house catalyzed the
production of the documentary film released in 2020, The Boys Who Said No:
Draft Resistance and the Vietnam War.

I saw David for the last time when we were both invited to speak as part
of a panel following a screening of “The Boys Who Said No” in Oakland in
December 2021. It was the first in-person Bay Area public showing of the
film, and possibly David’s last in-person public talk. David remained as
proud as ever of his own actions and as supportive as ever of continued
resistance to the draft and draft registration.

My condolences to David’s family. I honor David Harris by carrying on the
tradition of draft resistance he led, inspired, and mentored.


Edward Hasbrouck

Draft Registration and Draft Resistance:

Support the Selective Service Repeal Act (H.R. 2509 / S.

"Resistance News" mailing list:

ResistersInfo on Twitter:

Edward Hasbrouck
[email protected]

ResistanceNews mailing list
[email protected]

To unsubscribe or change your subscription address, send a message to Edward Hasbrouck at "[email protected]", and I will take care of it for you.

If you mark this message as "important" and/or add this address to your e-mail address book, it will help make it less likely that future messages will be filtered out as "spam".

ResistanceNews Info Page This is an irregular newsletter about the military draft, draft registration, draft registration, and Selective Service distributed by Edward Hasbrouck, who also publishes the Resisters.Info Web site. I maintain this list myself, and I've been imprisoned for refusing to give the U.S. government the....

Mill Valley’s David Harris, leader of the Vietnam draft resistance movement, dies at 76 02/09/2023

David Harris draft resister

Mill Valley’s David Harris, leader of the Vietnam draft resistance movement, dies at 76 The man who would become a journalist was known to advocate resistance, urging students to return draft cards to the government in protest.


Peace activist, Veteran for Peace, Native American, badass dude, and huge spirit, Joe Asebedo, transitioned today to the next world. He and I shared the experience of a feather in our path guiding us. He was a follower of nonviolence, once stating “Forcing anyone to do anything is an act of violence”. I was humbled by this statement and the strength of his conviction. Joe, JJ Citizen, presente!


NNOMY says enough. War No More.

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth will push in this new decade to raise awareness about the connections between cultural militarization and social and environmental destruction.

For this last week of 2022 and extending into 2023, NNOMY will promote that those who are tired of our perpetual wars support the efforts of those activists that are asking our youth not to contribute any longer to this dangerous and destructive permanent war economy and divest of their bodies and seek out Peaceful Career Alternatives to start their lives.

And we ask those who wish to see a change in direction in our economy to support our efforts by contributing financial support to assist NNOMY's outreach and campaign development.
You can do that by entering our Secure donation portal at our fiscal sponsor

Alliance for Global Justice at

Read More:

Thousands of Teens Are Being Pushed Into Military’s Junior R.O.T.C. 12/13/2022

High school students forced to take classes in military indoctrination-

Thousands of Teens Are Being Pushed Into Military’s Junior R.O.T.C. In high schools across the country, students are being placed in military classes without electing them on their own. “The only word I can think of is ‘indoctrination,’” one parent said.


No expansion of mandatory conscription (military draft) to women/people identified female at birth, in the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)! Now we have to find champions to reintroduce the Selective Service Repeal next year!

Staughton Lynd, Historian and Activist Turned Labor Lawyer, Dies at 92 11/20/2022

Mr. Lynd was one of the last of a generation of radical academics — including his friend and colleague Howard Zinn — who in the 1960s overthrew their predecessors’ obsession with detached, objective scholarship in favor of political engagement.

Many of his colleagues stayed within the bounds of academia, but Mr. Lynd burst beyond them. As a young professor at Spelman College in Atlanta, he led students in marches against nuclear weapons. In 1964 he was one of the main organizers behind Freedom Summer, which brought Northern college students to Mississippi to teach and organize in Black communities.

Staughton Lynd, Historian and Activist Turned Labor Lawyer, Dies at 92 After being blacklisted from academia for his antiwar activity, he became an organizer among steel workers in the industrial Midwest.

Photos from Truth in Recruitment's post 11/04/2022

Did you know that there are conscientious objectors in Russia, Belarus, and the Ukraine? These brave people refuse to kill. Please visit to find out how you can support war resisters.

Timeline photos 09/23/2022

UC Santa Cruz will have a center for the study of social justice!

Announcing the Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas!

We’re so excited to share that our Research Center for the Americas, which for 30 years has conducted pioneering research on the experiences of Latinx people in the United States and on the various forces shaping Latin America, will be renamed in honor of labor activist Dolores Huerta. Naming the center for Huerta will inspire students and faculty at the RCA and beyond to continue pushing for positive social change around the most pressing issues facing Latinx communities today.

The renaming, as the Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas, will become official Oct. 20 during an on-campus event commemorating the RCA’s 30th anniversary where Huerta will be presented as the distinguished honoree, and DACA and immigrant-rights activist advocate Cristina Jiménez will be the keynote speaker.

Join us for the event!
Get tickets:
Proceeds will benefit the center in advancing its programs.

With this new naming, UCSC is also working with Huerta and the Dolores Huerta Foundation to build a meaningful and lasting partnership with the first proposed collaboration being a multi-year endeavor to continue the initial work already started by Huerta and DHF to establish Huerta’s archives for public access.

Photos from Truth in Recruitment's post 07/19/2022

Scandals in the California National Guard. The military is not just a job. You have options-it pays to do your research!


Junior ROTC program s*x abuse of minors-

Photos from Truth in Recruitment's post 05/30/2022

New curriculum for teachers on the war in the Ukraine! Put together by and


Uvalde, TX, a town of 16,000, has nine licensed gun dealers (4 of which also make guns), 2 pawn shops that sell guns, and a fi****ms producer. What are we doing to support small, working class communities?

Desperate to leave: Sailors face lack of options when trying to quit the Navy 05/19/2022

Desperate to leave: Sailors face lack of options when trying to quit the Navy The number of sailors who deserted the Navy more than doubled from 2019 to 2021, highlighting the lack of options contract-bound sailors face when they’re desperate to leave.

Photos from Truth in Recruitment's post 05/11/2022

¡Los reclutadores militares están circulando otra vez! El año pasado publicamos cómo los reclutadores militares contactan a los estudiantes a través de mensajes de texto, correos electrónicos, mensajes de Insta, Snapchat y llamadas telefónicas. Le pedimos a la gente que compartiera sus historias. Muchas personas respondieron, con historias de cómo los reclutadores los contactaron; a menudo haciendo comentarios inapropiados y engañosos. Recuerde, los reclutadores militares no son consejeros de orientación, son vendedores pagados profesionalmenta cuyo objetivo es llenar las cuotas e inscribir a tantas personas como sea posible. Gracias a for this translation!

Photos from Truth in Recruitment's post 05/10/2022

Military recruiters are out again! Last year, we posted about how military recruiters contact students via text, emails, Insta messages, Snapchat, and phone calls. We asked everyone to share their stories. Many folks responded – with stories of how recruiters contact them; often making inappropriate and deceptive comments. Remember, military recruiters are not guidance counselors – they are professionally paid sales people whose goal is to fill quotas and sign up as many people as possible. ’sNotJustAJob

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in Santa Barbara?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Who we are -

“I consider recruiters on campus talking to 14 year olds as “grooming” young people to be more open to recruitment in their senior year. I want my daughter to have more access to college recruiters and for our schools to promote peace and nonviolent solutions to conflict.” - Parent of a freshman at Pioneer Valley High School

Truth in Recruitment (TIR) is a student advocacy group under the auspices of the Santa Barbara Friends Meeting, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Our goal is to work with students, families, teachers, veterans, community organizations, and school districts to clarify the consequences of military careers, provide alternative options for students’ academic and professional success, to inform families of their children’s privacy rights, and to advocate for policies limiting recruiter presence on campuses.

Please visit TIR's website, click on “How You Can Help” and learn how you can Volunteer, Advocate, and Donate.

Videos (show all)

Dear Friends of Truth in Recruitment
Jenny speaks to the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District school board
Truth in Recruitment - Thank You Speech - Part 2
Truth in Recruitment - Thank You Speech - Part 1
Air Force Bean Bag toss


Santa Barbara, CA

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1430 Chapala Street
Santa Barbara, 93101

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Professional Women's Association at UCSB Professional Women's Association at UCSB
552 University Road
Santa Barbara, 93106

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Santa Barbara, 93103

View our Website: Follow us on Twitter:

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P. O. BOX 31080
Santa Barbara, 93130

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PO Box 30321
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5473 Overpass Road Unit 101
Santa Barbara, 93111

We are a non-profit, high save, open admission cat shelter that aids cats in Santa Barbara County! Adopt or donate today! 💗😺🐾

Old Spanish Days Fiesta Old Spanish Days Fiesta
129 Castillo Street
Santa Barbara, 93101

Old Spanish Days Fiesta is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation dedicated to honoring and preserving Santa Barbara’s history, spirit, culture, heritage and traditions.

Glendon Association Glendon Association
115 W Canon Perdido Street
Santa Barbara, 93101

Enhancing Mental Health Through Research, Education and Training