Lets Green CA

We’re positioning California as a leader in the movement to boldly address the climate crisis.


🌱 Celebrating ! At this moment, crucial decisions are shaping the future of our workforce, environment, and environmental justice in California.

On Earth Day, let's take bold steps towards a future where our workforce thrives in sustainable industries, our environment flourishes, and environmental justice is prioritized. California stands at a crossroads, and your support is the key to ensuring progress for generations to come! 🌍

Celebrate Earth Day with a donation to Let's Green CA! here:


🚗⚡️Exciting news! As sponsors, we're excited to announce an upcoming webinar hosted by Uniting the Central Coast for Action. Join us as we delve into the world of Community Choice Agencies and their impact on electric vehicles. Mark your calendars for Feb 23 at noon and click here to register and secure your spot!

https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsdO6qrD0iEtQzrYTFeC57IQIByKnKB_j- #/registration

SLO Climate Coalition - Create a Carbon Free SLO


The American Indian Resource Center, the Lakota People’s Law Project and the Romero Institute present the documentary OYATE. In 2016, the world turned its eyes to the people of Standing Rock as they formed a coalition of unprecedented magnitude to defend their land and water from the threat of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The struggle became a rallying cry for Indigenous people everywhere to take a stand against the myriad injustices committed against them for centuries. OYATE provides an inside look at the movement and issues relevant to Sioux Country. Meet the Native activists and organizers at the heart of this documentary on the fight to stop DAPL and win environmental justice. Together we demand a sovereign and sustainable future for Indigenous People. OYATE elevates the voices of Indigenous activists, organizers, and politicians as they offer their perspective on that complicated history and illuminate the interconnectivity between the issues facing Indian Country today, and look towards a more sovereign and sustainable future for their people

Date: Saturday, January 20th, 2024
Time: Doors open at 11:30 AM
Screening begins at: 12:00 PM
Location: UCSC Merrill Cultural Center, 641 Merrill Rd. Santa Cruz, CA 95060

1) For those IN SANTA CRUZ who intend to attend in person: lakota.law/oyatesantacruz

2) For those OUTSIDE SANTA CRUZ who intend to attend online: tinyurl.com/oyatelivestream

66 Good News Stories You Didn't Hear About in 2023 01/04/2024

🌍🔋 MUST READ: Amidst all the tough news we face daily, let’s take a breather and soak in some positivity! Have you checked out Future Crunch’s ‘66 Good News Stories You Probably Missed in 2023’? It’s packed with amazing progress!

For instance, did you know that in 2023, the U.S. solar market broke records by adding an astounding 33 gigawatts (GW) of new capacity, outshining all other energy sources? And that’s not all - China went above and beyond, adding a staggering 300 GW to their solar capacity!

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Click the link to discover more good news spanning global health, clean energy, and economic and social justice!

☀️🔌 🎉
Note: Sources are available with paid subscription.

66 Good News Stories You Didn't Hear About in 2023 A lot of things went right this year. Almost none of them made the news.


🌿✨ Give with Radical Generosity to Green California this Giving Tuesday! 🌍💚

Join Let’s Green CA! in the world's largest generosity movement. Support sustainable initiatives, promote awareness, and empower communities vulnerable to climate change. Your donation champions workforce and environmental justice for a cleaner, healthier future.

🔗 https://action.greencal.org/action/donate


In solidarity with our sister organization's stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict. We join them in calling for understanding, justice, and a path towards lasting peace for all affected. 🕊️🤝

There are no excuses for the horrendous killings and acts committed by Hamas attackers against Israeli civilians at a festival this weekend, nor for the decades-long subjugation and occupation of Palestinians and their lands by Israeli forces. Yet to resolve issues facing us today, we must understand the path that led to this moment.

Addressing “where do we go from here?” first requires answering “how did we get here?” In supporting liberation for all oppressed peoples, including our Palestinian and Jewish relatives, we look to history to teach us of the right steps forward.

In treaty negotiations with the U.S. government, it is told that Sitting Bull said “let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.” We heed Sitting Bull’s wisdom as we pray for healing and an end to violence in Palestine/Israel.

Indigenous Peoples intimately understand the broader dynamics in play here. On one hand, we have militarized and nationalistic settler-colonial rule over a subjugated and long-disregarded people. On the other, the settler-colonial enterprise of the Israeli state is itself a product of the deceitful and manipulative dealings of greedy Western powers, then and now. Paradoxically, Israel is a creation of European-Christian imperialism and supremacy, forces that abused Jews for centuries. The majority of the world’s “Zionists” are actually evangelical Christians who not only regard Jews as antithetical to their worldview of Christ’s return, but who also are motivated by deep-seated Islamophobia and Arabophobia.

During the Holocaust, the countries of Europe and the United States turned away hundreds of thousands of Jews seeking refuge from N**i gas chambers and firing squads. Many of those Jews were returned to the N**i death camps for slaughter, and the lucky ones were deported to Palestine (often against their wishes) to prop up an emerging nation-state integral to the geopolitical interests of European powers and the U.S. Without the conniving and calculated efforts of Europe to “divide and conquer” the Middle East for long-term strategic military and financial gain, the Israeli state would likely not exist. Without the selfish interests of the U.S.’s sprawling military and fossil fuel industrial complex, Israel would not be able to maintain its settler-colonial rule over Palestine.

The old “crabs in a bucket” analogy is apt here: faced with a conflict between their own survival and the humanity of their Palestinian neighbors, Israel’s founders chose the former. Driven by white supremacy and racial hierarchy, Western powers were quick to side with the Jews they sought to remove from their own countries over the “desert dwelling” Arab populations of the Middle East. The early Zionist leaders of the Israeli state embraced these despicable notions in furtherance of their own survival and statehood. Ironically, while prior to 1948, “Palestinian” included Jewish inhabitants of the Holy Land, who lived, worked, and loved alongside their Arab Muslim and Christian neighbors, Israel’s founding ruptured that communal solidarity and replaced it with a regime that placed Jews atop all others.

None of this diminishes the historic and spiritual Judaic connection to the Land of Israel. Jews have maintained a physical presence in the Holy Land, without interruption, since the destruction of Jerusalem’s second Holy Temple and their expulsion in 70 C.E. Prior to that, even in periodic times of absence, Jews maintained ties to the Holy Land for nearly 4,000 years. Their language, laws, culture, and ritual practice are all rooted in that land. At the same time, Jews have been compelled over the last 2,000 years to embrace diasporic lifeways. Christian hegemony forced Jews into second-class citizenship, at best. Centuries of pogroms and legalized discrimination across Europe — often mandated by the Church — kept Jews in a constant position of fear, trauma, and isolation. In just a few years, the Holocaust killed half of the world’s Jews. Yet it is crucial to highlight that Judaism and Zionism are distinct concepts; many of the world’s Jews oppose or don’t consider the Israeli state part of their religious-ethnic outlook. Many Jews consciously chose not to immigrate to Palestine in the 1940s. Others immigrated out of lack of choice. And certainly, many immigrated out of zealous yearning.

Nor does the above context negate the ongoing responsibility of the Israeli state to take accountability for its repression and cruelty towards Palestinians. The Holocaust and millennia of antisemitism are no justification for brutal occupation and colonial rule over millions of people. The past victimhood of Jews is improperly weaponized by Israel’s government and Zionist ideologues to justify victimizing Palestinians. Today’s Israeli leadership is unmistakably neo-fascist in its repression not just of the Palestinian People, but in its repression of free speech and acceptance of authoritarian governance. Hamas’s terrorizing of Israeli civilians and its own Palestinian relatives must not go ignored or excused. But nor should it be used as a diversion from the urgent need to dismantle Israel’s settler-colonial regime.


🌍 Standing for Justice 🕊️ We stand united with innocent civilians affected by the Israel-Palestine conflict. Every life deserves protection. Let's prioritize peace, adherence to international law, and a two-state solution.

A Call to Action Amidst the Israel-Palestine Conflict

The Romero Institute, a nonprofit law and public policy center deeply committed to social justice, the well-being of indigenous peoples, and environmental stewardship, stands united with all innocent civilians affected by the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. This crisis, a painful echo of decades-long geopolitical struggles, underscores the pressing need for transformative change in our world.

We unequivocally condemn the horrific violence perpetrated against innocent civilians on both sides of the conflict. The actions of Hamas and the Israeli government do not represent all Israelis and Palestinians. Every civilian life, be it Israeli or Palestinian, deserves protection.

We echo the sentiment that democracies are at their strongest when they uphold the rule of law. We concur that adherence to the laws of war is paramount, regardless of the unspeakable acts that preceded them.

In line with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's sentiments, we believe that “it should not be hard to shut down hatred and antisemitism where we see it.” We should have the capacity to denounce terrifying assaults on innocent civilians and severe injustices endured by Palestinians living under occupation.

We commend those who emphasize the critical importance of adherence to international law. We urge those involved in violence to immediately cease their actions and prioritize peace.

Israel should take all necessary action to prevent civilian casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure while restoring the supply of food, water, and electricity upon which Palestinian civilians in Gaza depend. We call on all nations to collaborate to facilitate humanitarian access to Gaza without delay.

Recognizing that civilian residents cannot be expected to flee their homes within 24 hours, we urge all parties involved in this conflict to take all reasonable precautions to ensure that civilian lives and infrastructure are protected.

Further harm to innocent civilians will only deepen a devastating conflict where dehumanization has already reached unprecedented levels. It will make it even more challenging to ultimately achieve an end to this conflict and secure the peaceful resolution desperately needed through a two state solution.

This conflict is not just a distant struggle; it’s a global call for truth, justice, empathy, and action. Let’s educate ourselves and disseminate accurate information to foster better understanding. Remembering that every life deserves dignity and prosperity, let’s stand together for justice, peace, and human rights.

‘World’s first off-road solar SUV’ just drove across Morocco powered only by the sun | CNN 10/19/2023

🌞☀️ Witnessing a groundbreaking moment in green tech! The world's first off-road solar SUV just conquered Morocco, fueled solely by the power of the sun! 🚗🌍☀️

‘World’s first off-road solar SUV’ just drove across Morocco powered only by the sun | CNN Tested on rugged terrain, the Stella Terra off-road SUV is powered entirely by the solar panels on its roof.


🌍 Join the climate action movement! Project Drawdown reveals 20 powerful ways for individuals and households in high-income countries to make a difference. Some may come as a surprise!

Together, we can slash future greenhouse gases by up to 25%! Learn more and be part of the change. 🌿



🌍💔 They Knew... and We Won't Stay Silent 💔🌍

Decades of Deceit: California is taking a stand against the fossil fuel industry's decades-long deception. Governor Gavin Newsom and Attorney General Rob Bonta have filed a groundbreaking lawsuit, revealing the truth: 'They Knew.'

California holds ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, Shell, ConocoPhillips, and the American Petroleum Institute accountable for deliberately deceiving the public about the dangers of fossil fuels and their impact on the climate system.

💪 Our state is the eighth to file a climate liability lawsuit, adding significant weight to the growing roster of states taking action.

Let this be an inspiration to others! California encourages states, countries, and entities worldwide to join us in the effort to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable.



🌟 Had a fantastic time at the EV Static Event this past Sunday, 9/3, hosted at Our Lady of Refuge in Castroville! 🚗⚡

Big thanks to our partners, Ecology Action in Santa Cruz, for their invaluable support in making this event a success! 🤝🌎

A heartfelt shoutout to the amazing Parish for their warm hospitality and dedication to a sustainable future. 🙏

And to all the Parishioners who joined us to learn more about electric vehicles and eco-friendly choices - you rock! 🌿🚗 Let's keep driving positive change together! 💪🌟

Ecology Action


Monday: Going before the Joint Comm on Legislative Audits

💪 Standing against the attack on the ! Kudos to for their rigorous multi-year process. Their efforts led to a UNANIMOUS "YES" vote to .

​​Oil wells are leaking methane across California — please call Gov. Newsom to demand urgent action! - Last Chance Alliance 06/14/2023

Arvin-Lamont residents were shaken on May 31st when informed about unchecked methane leaks from over two dozen oil wells near their homes and schools.

This is the unfortunate reality faced by communities like those in Kern County, plagued by a surplus of active and idle oil and gas wells.

We demand action from 📢 to hold CalGEM accountable and prioritize the protection of frontline communities from the hazards of oil drilling.

🚨 JOIN THE FIGHT: 🔗 https://lastchancealliance.org/oil-wells-are-leaking.../

Last Chance Alliance

​​Oil wells are leaking methane across California — please call Gov. Newsom to demand urgent action! - Last Chance Alliance At a meeting with community leaders on May 31, regulators disclosed that recent inspections found that 27 oil wells in the Kern County communities […]


Big Oil’s health-harming pollution increases risk of preterm births, asthma and reduced lung function among community members living near oil wells. It’s the duty of CA legislators to hold Big Oil accountable for cleaning up their toxic mess because we all deserve clean air and healthy communities.




🌎 Join us at the Pacific Voices Spring Concert on May 26th and 27th, dedicated to honoring the Earth and its stewards! 🎵

Enjoy a captivating repertoire celebrating nature, featuring guest musicians, a youth chorus, and two digeridoo players. Support local organizations working for Earth's sustainability:

🌿 Santa Cruz Climate Action Network
🌿 The Romero Institute (that's us!)
🌿 CAFF (benefitting Pajaro Valley flood relief)
🌿 Amah Mutsun Land Trust

Performances: Friday, 7:30pm; Saturday (family-friendly), 2pm at PUCC, 900 High St, Santa Cruz. Purchase tickets in advance here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2023-pacific-voices-spring-concert-honor-the-earth-tickets-614360026377

Spread the word, bring your open hearts, and join us in making a difference for our planet! 🌍💚


🌱🔌 Electrify Your Life! Join us on the path to a sustainable and equitable future. 🌎💚

📚🔓 Sign up today at https://greenc.al/electrify-life for valuable resources to help you electrify your life. Discover the benefits of home and transportation electrification and watch the bilingual induction cooking demo with our partners at the San Benito Health Foundation!

🔋🚗 Embrace electric technologies! Reduce harmful emissions in your home, improve health and well-being, and save on energy bills and maintenance costs.

👉 Join us on this electrification journey to create a cleaner, more sustainable planet for future generations!

Big thanks to Central Coast Community Energy for their funding support that made this video possible!


📢 Breaking News! The California Senate has officially endorsed the proposal! 🌎✊
In a historic vote, 27 Senators have approved a resolution calling for an end to the era of coal, oil, and gas. This endorsement injects tremendous momentum behind the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, which aims to:
1️⃣ Halt the expansion of new fossil fuel production.
2️⃣ Responsibly phase out existing fossil fuel production in line with our 1.5°C climate target.
3️⃣ Develop plans to support workers, communities, and nations dependent on fossil fuels, ensuring secure and healthy livelihoods.
By endorsing this call for a Treaty, California becomes a powerful advocate for global action to phase out fossils. This exciting development follows the recent inclusion of the Kingdom of Tonga, bringing the support for a new treaty to 6 nation-states and over 85 subnational governments and cities worldwide.
Stay tuned as the resolution moves to a vote in the California State Assembly later this year.


Two California programs are working tirelessly to build community capacity and fight climate change. We're excited to highlight The Greenlining Institute's important work in this post!

The first program is the (RCC), designed to help communities generate partnerships, plans, and expertise to successfully apply for climate investments. So far, RCC has awarded $8.35M to six climate collaboratives and supported dozens of climate action plans.

The second program, (TCC), is dedicated to turning community visions of healthy, resilient neighborhoods into reality. TCC funds coordinated climate projects like solar-powered affordable housing near transit, which not only benefit the environment but also provide employment opportunities for local residents. TCC also plays a crucial role in helping California achieve its ambitious climate goals by investing in community-led strategies to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

These programs are in high demand and center community voices and equity in their design. They generate multiple benefits for communities. We, alongside our partners at Let’s Green CA, urge the state legislature to fully fund RCC at $10M and allocate $420M across 2021-24 for TCC. This will enable these programs to continue cultivating health, climate resilience, and economic opportunity.

Let's champion equity, public policy, and climate action together!

Photos from Lets Green CA's post 05/08/2023

Hey Climate & Environmental Justice Folks! The Tour has two remaining stops, and we need YOU in the fight! Join in to tell our elected officials that we must finally halt all new fossil fuel permits and end neighborhood drilling.⁣

📍5/12 Oakland⁣, RSVP here: https://actionnetwork.org/ticketed_events/big-oil-resistance-tour-oakland

📍5/13 Sacramento⁣, RSVP here:

Join these crucial events and stand up for climate and environmental justice!

Google Docs: Sign-in 05/01/2023

Amidst rising economic anxiety & worsening climate impacts, communities need every penny Gavin Newsom & committed last year to healthy homes & community resilience. Environmental justice groups say cuts & delays to these programs are unacceptable. California Green New Deal Coalition

Google Docs: Sign-in Access Google Docs with a personal Google account or Google Workspace account (for business use).

Photos from Lets Green CA's post 05/01/2023

Check out the great news! 🎉🌎 California's Air Resources Board just passed two landmark rules to drastically cut pollution near ports and rail yards, and require over a million new electric vehicles in the next 25 years! 🚂🚛💨


Higher Rents = More ⛺️
TODAY! The Senate Judiciary Committee convenes at 1:30pm to vote on the Homelessness Prevention Act .

📞To call in and support: 877-226-8216
Access Code: 6217161

Help prevent homelessness and protect Californians from rising rent prices by supporting . Let's keep families housed and fight for our communities!

Vote YES and pass

Photos from Lets Green CA's post 04/07/2023

Catch me over at +

It was a pleasure!

Photos from Lets Green CA's post 04/06/2023

Here are the states leading the transition to clean power in the USA 🇺🇸

Credit: data via Clean Energy States Alliance, , ICN research; graph via adapted by for


Another climate win!

Some days California takes a couple steps forward, other days it takes a step back. Today, we applaud a step taken in the right direction!

Photos from Lets Green CA's post 04/04/2023

🚨Local Climate Action Alert: 2023 School Walkout Strike

📍Santa Cruz

More info: .climatecoalition

Photos from Lets Green CA's post 04/04/2023

🚨Hey Santa Cruz locals: CLIMATE ACTION ALERT this

Follow + .climatecoalition for more details and how to get involved!

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in Santa Cruz?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

🌱 Celebrating #EarthDay! At this moment, crucial decisions are shaping the future of our workforce, environment, and env...
🌱🔌 Electrify Your Life! Join us on the path to a sustainable and equitable future. 🌎💚📚🔓 Sign up today at https://greenc....
This is an extraordinary report. Watch the whole thing if you can.@perfectunion went down to East Palestine for a week t...
@ayisha_sid delivered this poem at the 11th hour of COP 27. It was inspired by poets Noor Hindi and Rafeef Ziadah.Loss a...
When I heard Ayisha Sid say “I am nature defending itself” at the World Economic Forum last month, I really resonated wi...
#Repost from @perfectunion California may soon penalize Big Oil companies who price gouge at the pump — and refund that ...
Repost from @actionwithalexClimate and public health activists are calling on @cagovernor @gavinnewsom to appoint a CLIM...
The Director of CalGEM, the agency that regulates oil and gas, just resigned. Californians deserve an oil regulator who ...
2022 was a BIG YEAR for us, let’s take a look back at all we have accomplished together over the past year! None of this...
Q5: Have you seen examples of environmental justice in your community? Answered by our Environmental Justice Organizer, ...
Q4: On a scale from 1-10, how concerned are you about climate change? Explain why. Answered by our Videographer Dylan Ma...
Have you played our new holiday card game, Cards for Humanity? Here's Public Affairs Director Heidi Harmon's answer to q...



210 High Street , 2nd Floor
Santa Cruz, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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Santa Cruz, 95061

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California Alliance to Stop the Spray California Alliance to Stop the Spray
POBox 3191
Santa Cruz, 95062

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