Meta Health

We provide natural, personalized healthcare by combining advanced methods of analysis, treatment and self-care - from both traditional and modern sources.


Your capacity tomorrow depends on the quality of your sleep tonight.

Sleep is a time for repair & recycling, clearing waste products, as well as memory consolidation, learning, processing, muscle growth, and fat burning. How well you sleep and how much cellular repair is being carried out depends on the integrity of your circadian rhythms.

On the one hand, the level of light dictates when and how long you sleep in a natural setting. On the other hand, what you do and when you do things during the day determines how you sleep. When you wake, eat, and exercise as well as the light you live under are critical factors impacting your sleep.

Living more in sync with the natural light-and-dark cycles would mean that you sleep less in summer when the days are longer and more in winter. Ideally, you want to adjust your sleep with the seasons to match your biology to your natural light environment.

In order to fall asleep when you hit the pillows, you want to stop any stimulating activity/exposure at least 30 minutes before your bedtime. Give yourself some time to relax, switch off all devices, and do something soothing/connecting to prepare your nervous system for sleep.


Embrace & balance summer’s yang-fire energy:

-Balance your fire element by swimming in a cold, dark pool or stream
-Laugh! In the Chinese tradition, there are sounds associated with the five seasons, and the sound associated with summer is laughter.
-Build connection and spend time with loved ones.
-Self-love (i.e. the inward aspect of tending one’s fire), as well as creating the space and time to do the things you love to do (hobbies, activities, etc).
-Stand facing south (the direction of summer) for a few moments & honor the “southness” of summer


☀️Today is officially the first day of summer!

During the summer the organ that receives extra energy is the heart. When the seasons change so do the organs we should focus on in the body. You should focus on the heart during summer. Feed the heart, heart-nourishing foods & make sure to remain active so the heart receives positive energy.

Our body works in conjunction with the daily, monthly & yearly cycles. We are healthiest when abiding by nature’s cycle. The most basic rule being – active during the day and sleeping at night. During the summer’s increase of yang energy & sunlight, we may find ourselves waking up earlier & staying up later, enjoying bright bursts of spontaneous activity, going out, and socializing more. This is all normal & in harmony with the season.

However, all of the extra light and activity can cause disturbance in sleep quantity & quality. One way we can balance the yang-fire energy is to create space for care, connection & slowing down. Think of a roaring fire that has burned out and the smoldering embers that remain. It’s okay to smolder.

Another way to work with the summer seasonal energy is to get a ‘tune-up.’ This is especially true if you experienced health problems last winter. It may seem counterintuitive to treat your winter colds during the summer, but the best time to treat winter diseases are when yang energy reaches its peak. The tonifying treatment used during summer months will help strengthen and prevent winter weakness and sickness.

Timeline photos 05/23/2022

The Fire element, one of the TCM 5 elements, is associated with the Heart and its partner organ, small Intestine. When it is unbalanced, you may experience:​​​​​​​​
Anxiety, agitation, or disturbed sleep: This is because Heart governs blood circulation and houses the Spirit (mind). Excess heat in the Heart can disturb the mind.​​​​​​​​
Excessive sweating: In TCM, perspiration is the “fluid” of the Heart. Sweat comes from body fluid and the Heart controls body fluids to some extent. If you experience constant excessive sweating without much exertion, it may be a sign of Heart Qi deficiency.​​​​​​​​
Lifestyle Tips:​​​​​​​​
-Fire is related to BITTER: Bitter gourd, celery, green vegetables are good options. You’ll benefit from juicy fruits (watermelon) and vegetable (cucumber) to extinguish the fire. Make sure you take adequate liquid.​​​​​​​​
-Fire types can overheat easily. Hence, it’s important to replenish the Yin (water) and check Yang (fire) in check. Avoid spicy hot food and stimulants such as energy drinks and caffeine as they will deplete the Yin. Add Yin nourishing herbs such as Mai D**g, Yu Zhu, Lily bulbs, and Goji in your diet.​​​​​​​​
-Fire types become too scattered sometimes, making you feel anxious, nervous, or experience that “FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)” syndrome. Be mindful of that.​​​​​​​​
Try to plan ahead and prioritize just a few important things every day. Set regular schedules and regular meals too.​​​​​​​​
To learn more, click the link in bio .co

Timeline photos 05/18/2022

MOVEMENT is.....​​​​​​​​
E N E R G Y ​​​​​​​​
Increases energy by regulating the body toward homeostasis by raising or diminishing peripheral blood components necessary for optimal energy. ​​​​​​​​
M E N T A L Wellbeing​​​​​​​​
Stimulates neurotransmitters in the brain increasing serotonin, endorphin and norepinephrine levels.​​​​​​​​
In TCM recommends regular movement & exercise to sustain adequate Qi-energy flow. However, according to TCM theory too much vigorous exercise can be depleting. For those who are already depleted energy-wise this can be problematic. Even those who are not depleted need to exercise caution during the summer months, as vigorous exercise that results in too much sweating/perspiring depletes Qi energy. Since Qi energy is necessary for vibrant health, it is important to reserve as much Qi energy as possible.​​​​​​​​
Some of things we enjoy doing for movement are: ​​​​​​​​
Strength training​​​​​​​​
Stair Stepper ​​​​​​​​
Roller skating​​​​​​​​
Walking on the beach ​​​​​​​​
What do you like to do for movement? ​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 05/16/2022

Are you suffering form Anxiety? ​​​​​​​​
In many Western schools of thought, anxiety disorders are considered to be dysfunctions in a person’s brain chemistry. An acupuncturist does not view anxiety as a brain dysfunction, but rather as an imbalance in a person’s organ system. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this imbalance is called Shan You Si (“anxiety & preoccupation”), and is believed to affect the main organs: the Heart, Lung, Spleen, Liver, and Kidneys. Each organ is related to different aspects of a person’s emotions.​​​​​​​​
For instance, worry is said to affect the Spleen, grief affects the Lungs, anger the Liver, fear the Kidneys, and lack of joy the Heart. If a person experiences one or more of these emotions over a long period of time due to lifestyle, dietary, hereditary and environmental factors, it can cause an imbalanced emotional state and lead to various anxiety disorders.​​​​​​​​
The role of an acupuncturist is to investigate the underlying causes of the anxiety by carrying out a thorough diagnostic evaluation in order to determine which organ system has been affected and is out of balance. ​​​​​​​​


Gentle Reminder: Remember the process may be slow but you were able to recognize it and you started the healing process. ​​​​​​​​
You will go through many ups & downs during your healing journey, but remember, give yourself forgiveness and grace. ​​​​​​​​
Move forward in each day with with self love & compassion.

Timeline photos 04/27/2022

Your heart generates an electromagnetic field that reaches several feet outside of your physical body. People can feel you. ​​​​​​​​
We are electrical, electromagnetic and energetic beings. New research shows the human heart is much more than an efficient pump that sustains life. The heart math institute research suggests the heart also is an access point to a source of wisdom and intelligence that we can call upon to live our lives with more balance, greater creativity and enhanced intuitive capacities. All of these are important for increasing personal effectiveness, improving health and relationships and achieving greater fulfillment.​​​​​​​​
In recent years, the heartmath institute has conducted a number of research studies that have explored topics such as the electrophysiology of intuition and the degree to which the heart’s magnetic field, which radiates outside the body, carries information that affects other people and even our pets, and links people together in surprising ways. We also launched the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI), which explores the interconnectivity of humanity with Earth’s magnetic fields.​​​​​​​​
Awareness, healings, heart space are the keys to a new world.​​​​​​​​
repost from ​​​​​​​​



A 3-month health program designed to heal your body, optimize your immune system, & improve overall well-being.

✨Virtual or In-person
-Functional Health Assessment
-Comprehensive Lab Testing
-Personalized Wellness Plan
-Health Coaching

Click link in bio to sign-up.

Timeline photos 04/14/2022

Who loves cupping as much as we do?​​​​​​​​
Cupping helps the body & mind release & let go. ​​​​​​​​
Short on time? Book a 30-min cupping session online .co Walk away feeling less tense & renewed.

Photos from Meta Health's post 04/11/2022

"Meghan has been treating me for an injured back and has been such an incredible wealth of knowledge. She explains so thoroughly what her treatments do for my back and how it works. Because she is so intuitive, she's also treated me for emotional / stress. She had given me diet plans, herb formulas for my specific needs and so much material to help me learn how to take care of my body on my own. I really feel like she wants to get to know me to better understand how to help me as a whole, not just my injury!

My back has felt so much improvement since going to her. Every acupuncturist approaches wellness differently and I'm so happy I found Meghan. She is so versed in wellness, Chinese medicine, western medicine, science and tech that I feel so taken care of when she treats me." -Tara S.

We appreciate you Tara, thank you so much for sharing your testimony 🙏🏽

Photos from Meta Health's post 04/07/2022

What better way to start off this spring, with a body RESET.
Renewal for the body, mind & spirit.

Introducing our R E S E T Program
Meta Health's RESET is a 3-month, physician-guided health program designed to heal your body, optimize your immune system, & improve overall well-being.

We serve to empower our patients in taking a proactive approach to their health & provide them with a full spectrum system of personalized support to achieve long-term wellness.

What to expect: (Virtual or In-person)
-Functional Health Assessment
-Comprehensive Lab Testing
-Personalized Wellness Plan
-Health Coaching

Join us & save $200 WITH CODE: RESET

Timeline photos 03/31/2022

Everything I've been working so hard on has been fueled by past experiences. The highest honor of my life is being a steward of holistic heath and effective healing. This has always been more than just a job for me. It's a purpose and a calling. Endlessly humbled and thankful!​​​​​​​​

Photos from Meta Health's post 03/30/2022

At Meta Health we create a space to help you heal. ✨
Providing the tools, resources and an individualized treatment plan, to support you through your healing journey.

Link in bio to learn more about .co

Timeline photos 03/27/2022

A day of rest is a day of healing, don't feel guilty for it. ​​​​​​​​

Photos from Meta Health's post 03/23/2022

Thrive this S P R I N G!

In TCM, one of the best ways to stay healthy is to live in balance with the seasons. Balance, in this context, means mindfully crafting your diet & certain aspects of your lifestyle based on what season it is.

Chinese medical thought prescribes realigning our diets with what would be available to us in the region where we live & at each time of year. In this way, we’re aligning ourselves with the rhythms of the earth. Living in balance with the seasons helps to keep us healthy.

Each season is also connected to one of the main organ networks & a related element, both based on associations with what is happening in our bodies & in the natural world. In spring, TCM says we should be attentive to our livers. Springtime is all about new life & life-giving processes. The liver provides essential support to our lungs, heart and circulation system – in other words, all the life-giving systems in our bodies. The liver also stores & distributes nourishment to the whole body. It also filters toxins from the blood and breaks them down for elimination.

When the liver is functioning properly, there is functionality throughout the whole body, and we feel a physical & emotional freedom & expansiveness that allow us to take on the essence of springtime.

Timeline photos 03/21/2022

With the promise of renewal, warmth and longer days on the horizon, spring offers an opportunity to dust ourselves off and freshen up. It is a perfect time to cleanse our body and environment, support our souls and revisit our intentions. If we come into these activities of rejuvenation with wisdom and mindful compassion, they can serve as a nourishing practice.


What can you do to strengthen & improve your digestive system?

Understand what it needs & start with these simple adjustments. Your body will send you clear signals you are on the right track.

* Give your digestive system warmth & protein, especially in the morning.

* Don’t wake up eating a breakfast of cold cereal & cold drinks. Start with a warm breakfast — anything you like that is warm & high in protein. Also start the day with something warm to drink.

* Organize a routine of eating smaller, high energy meals often. Don’t go for long periods of the day without eating.  Remember, when you are doing intense mental work you need protein to sustain you. Think of yourself as a mental athlete!  It might be wise not to eat a lot, as that will slow you mentally, but have high quality snacks of nuts, fruit, protein bar, etc. available. Do not push through if you feel hungry. Your body is telling you it needs support, i.e., eat when you’re hungry!

* Don’t eat & work at the same time or use the computer while you’re eating.  Make a few moments to eat calmly & quietly.

* Slow down to eat, chew slowly & eat mindfully. Enjoy your meals.

* Move your body! A lifestyle, full of stress, emotionally upset, overworked, & lack of healthy movement leads to stagnation. Regular exercise & practices such as meditation or engaging in an activity you love, help with energy flow throughout the body supporting your digestive system.


Quiet the mind & the soul will speak.


During National Eating Disorders week, in solidarity with those who have suffered any version of one, we are encouraging our community to reclaim the sanctity & ritual of mealtimes.

Our fast paced modern society has many people rushing through meals or eating at irregular times. Less and less do we see mealtimes honored as an opportunity for mindfulness, self-care, and love.

Let’s bring some healing to the collective around mental health & relationship with food by incorporating more mindful meal moments into our lives.

Timeline photos 02/21/2022

Timeline photos 02/17/2022

Make Kindness The Norm!​​​​​​​​

Timeline photos 02/01/2022

Happy Lunar New Year! ​​​​​​​​
In Chinese astrology, the lunar new year represents a turn in the year of the zodiac and a shift into the year of the water tiger. ​​​​​​​​
In the year of the water tiger we are encouraged to follow our instincts and make bold choices. The element of water encourages us to go with the flow, and be open to change. ​​​​​​​​
This is the perfect year to connect with your inner feline energy. 🐯

Timeline photos 01/31/2022

Our bodies carry and remember memories of our physical experiences. Even though our minds may forget some of the details of these memories, they thrive in our bodies as behavioral patterns and physical sensations. Every event we endure in our life leaves an imprint in our bodies, especially when we experience trauma or extreme stress. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Ideally, the trauma would be released from the body & we’d all be on our merry way..but most of us are walking around carrying these heavy & painful imprints. So how do we release these painful imprints how do we both heal our emotional & physical pain? First start with non-judgment, Meaning when you find yourself reacting to a specific trigger don’t beat yourself up for it or judge yourself for it. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Many times we’ve adapted negative coping skills to soothe the pain, Don’t judge yourself for these coping skills, it’s a natural human reaction to find something to soothe the pain. Second, give yourself the permission to feel and heal. when you give yourself permission to feel your emotions you are taking the power & not letting them control you. It’s important to remember that when these painful emotions arise treat them like they are visitors, you can feel them & acknowledge them but they cannot stay forever. Thirdly, release. Releasing these emotions is not a one size fits all method some examples of releasing can be singing, dancing, crying, writing without a filter & even safely burning or tearing the pages after you have written down your thoughts. Finally, self forgiveness. Many times the trauma we endure isn’t our fault, so practice self forgiveness & compassion in regards to how you dealt with the pain. Be kind to yourself and know you did the best you could at that time. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Timeline photos 01/24/2022

Neck pain can be caused by a wide range of factors, a few of the most common culprits include:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Bad posture: Bending or hunching forward for prolonged periods can cause strains (overstretched muscles), sprains (injuries to ligaments) or other problems. This can happen at work when sitting in front of the computer, during long drives, when reading in bed or even talking on the phone. Sleeping in an awkward position is another common cause.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Injuries, trauma and motor vehicle accidents: This is a major cause of acute neck pain and whiplash. Common injuries include falls, sports-related injuries, direct trauma and auto accidents.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Medical conditions: Conditions such as arthritis can cause chronic pain and stiffness. Herniated disks in the neck can also cause pain, as can illnesses like the flu. Jaw injuries or conditions may also cause neck pain.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Stress: Being stressed or anxious can cause tension in the muscles of your neck, shoulders & back.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
“Acupuncture can be a safe form of treatment for patients with chronic neck pain if the objective is to obtain relief from pain related to movement & to improve cervical mobility. As neck pain may be a chronic condition, single forms of treatment may be inadequate, & acupuncture merits consideration.” Other studies suggest that acupuncture can treat degenerative disorders of the neck & spine. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Acupuncture can relieve pain intensity & improve the quality of daily life with a relative long-term clinical efficacy in patients with chronic neck pain.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
In TCM, Qi (pronounced “chee”) is the vital energy that animates the body & protects it from illness. It flows through pathways called meridians to nourish all of the body’s organs, muscles and cells. When there is an imbalance or blockage in the flow of Qi, physical symptoms such as pain may result.

Photos from Meta Health's post 01/20/2022

As autoimmune sufferers start to see improvements with acupuncture treatments and herbs, they may also be able to do things they couldn’t before, like exercise. Exercising not only improves blood flow, but it also increases immunity. Exercise also increases the amount of endorphins in the body.

So just by receiving regular acupuncture treatments and herbal supplements, those suffering from autoimmune diseases may be able to lead a much more normal life with a lot less pain and suffering.

If you are dealing with some type of autoimmune disease, consider giving Traditional Chinese Medicine a chance. The outcomes may be life changing.

Timeline photos 01/17/2022

"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it."⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Timeline photos 01/12/2022

"Every bite of food you take is a powerful opportunity to either create health or promote disease."⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Timeline photos 01/10/2022

Most often, acne is caused by hormonal imbalances, improper diet, insufficient sleep, poor digestive or food sensitivities. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Like all things in TCM, acne is not considered one single “condition” but the outcome of a range of different patterns of imbalance. This means that we treat each case of acne in different ways based on the individual’s unique patterns with a TCM Approach to Acne. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
For a personalised treatment on diet and lifestyle to help stop or prevent acne, click the link in bio .co to book with us.

Timeline photos 01/05/2022

Our thyroids are an integral part of our body’s system - and are responsible for regulating overall metabolism through thyroid hormones (inactive form T4, active form T3) that are released. Often times from stress, our thyroids can be thrown out of balance where it can either be over functioning (hyperthyroidism) or under functioning (hypothyroidism). ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
When our thyroids are healthy, our body utilizes our fuel & properly burns fat thus helping us maintain proper weight. Our brains function at their maximum without brain fog, poor concentration or sluggishness. You will notice stronger bones, nails and skin as cells are broken down & replaced at proper levels. Lastly, our thyroid hormones influence healthy heart rate, proper blood flow and healthy menstrual cycles for fertility. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Here are 6 ways to support a healthy thyroid:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
-B Vitamins⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
-Vitamin D⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
-Iron ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Acupuncture also supports your endocrine system by encouraging the parasympathetic nervous system to take over - this allows the heart rate to slow down, & blood pressure & cortisol (the stress hormone) levels to drop. Essentially, acupuncture helps everything in your body function better by regulating it toward homeostasis.

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Welcome to Meta Health

At Meta Health we provide natural, personalized healthcare by combining advanced methods of analysis, treatment and self-care - from both traditional and modern sources.

Our holistic approach incorporates acupuncture, chiropractic, massage and hypnotherapy. We focus on training your brain, regulating your nervous system and healing your body and spirit.

Videos (show all)

Gentle Reminder: Remember the process may be slow but you were able to recognize it and you started the healing process....
PAUSE and R E S E TA 3-month health program designed to heal your body, optimize your immune system, & improve overall w...
Take a moment & breathe...-Deep Breathing Research has shown that breathing exercises reduce Cortisol (stress hormone) l...
In Traditional Chinese Medicine these are the several methods used to help patients achieve and maintain their health.
Our Acupuncturists incorporate functional medicine with traditional Chinese medicine to create a treatment plan that res...



2812 Santa Monica Boulevard Ste. 208
Santa Monica, CA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm

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