Santa Ynez Valley Riders

Since 1952, the Santa Ynez Valley Riders (SYVR) has organized safe, family-oriented trail rides to horse owners from all walks of life.

We work to protect the right to enjoy our trails, educate and advocate for trail acquisition, maintenance & amenities.

How historic Versailles was turned into equestrian competition venue for Paris Olympics 07/25/2024

Read how the equestrian venue was created at the Palace of Versailles for the Paris Olympics-

How historic Versailles was turned into equestrian competition venue for Paris Olympics To make the Palace of Versailles grounds suitable for Olympic competition, large-scale construction took place at the UNESCO world heritage site.


News on the Live Oak Equestrian Trail front- A huge win for equestrians in Santa Barbara County!!! From Susan Petrovich attorney representing the plaintiffs in the Live Oak Trail court case:

“The Court of Appeal has ruled in favor of the plaintiffs who sued to preserve the Live Oak Trail as equestrian only. The Court of Appeal agreed with the trial court judge that the County should have complied with CEQA. The Live Oak Trail is the only County trail that serves equestrians. No hikers and especially no bikers.”


HAPPENING TONIGHT!!!! Please bring your ideas and your comments and attend this workshop. It’s important that we show our numbers and how much the equestrian community will be involved in developing this trail.

I was in contact with Joan Hartmann’s office last week and could not get a good answer as to why the horse trail is not included in this announcement. It implies there will be none and we can’t let that happen! Now is our opportunity to speak up!!!!

The poster states that it’s possible to attend via Zoom but the link does not work. If you want to attend via Zoom please call Megan Dietenhoffer @ 1 (805) 686-5095 for the link.


Please bring your ideas and your comments and attend this workshop. It’s important that we show our numbers and how much the equestrian community will be involved in developing this trail.

I was in contact with Joan Hartmann’s office last week and could not get a good answer as to why the horse trail is not included in this announcement. It implies there will be none and we can’t let that happen! Now is our opportunity to speak up!!!!

The bicycle groups are advertising this as well and they will be well represented at this workshop.

You’ll probably get sick and tired of me posting reminders throughout the week, but we don’t want you to forget!!!!

E-Bikes Again (Monday) at the County Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee (CRAHTAC)! 04/03/2024

E-Bikes Again on Monday at the County Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee (CRAHTAC)! PLEASE SHARE!!!!

On Monday, April 8th, 3:00 -5:00 PM in the Planning Commission Hearing Room in Santa Barbara 123 East Anapamu St. in Santa Barbara, the County Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee, or CRAHTAC, will discuss E-bike use on County trails and where their use is appropriate.

We need equestrian trail riders to write letters and show up to keep E-Bike in appropriate areas - off rural trails!

Apparently the E-Bike subcommittee formed in December is at an impasse and will be asking for suggestions from all committee members.

The Agenda, YOUR Citizen Letter and more information is available at:

E-Bikes Again (Monday) at the County Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee (CRAHTAC)! Trail Riders!!! Your letters and/or attendance are needed at this Meeting!On Monday, April 8th, 3:00 -5:00 PM in the Planning Commission Hearing Room in Santa Barbara 123 East Anapamu St. in Santa Barbara, the County Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee, or CRAHTAC, will discuss E-bike use on...


Please attend if you can - Tuesday, January 30th 5:30-7:30pm @ St. Marks.

The Santa Ynez Valley Association of REALTORS is sponsoring this non-partisan forum as an opportunity for SYV residents to learn about the candidates for the SB County 3rd District Supervisor Seat. Where do they stand on recreation, ag land, development, infrastructure, etc.?

Questions will *not* be taken from the floor (at the time of the Forum) but you can submit questions in advance to Elizabeth Breen:
[email protected].

This is an opportunity to ask the candidates what they plan to promote traditions in the Santa Ynez Valley, in particular how the candidates propose to manage recreational trails for all users - the most traditional and endangered use being equestrian trail riding. Ask questions such as - do they support safe and separate trails for different types of users and where do they see E-bikes being allowed.

Email your questions in advance and hope to see you there!


Happy 2024 & Trail Updates Dear Live Oak Equestrian Trail Supporters- Happy New Year! Wishing you many new adventures in the coming year. We want to take a moment to thank all of you, for your interest and support to save Santa Barbara County’s only equestrian trail – the Live Oak Equestrian Trail at Cachuma Lake Recreati...

Rose Parade 2024 horses: The colorful background of the equestrian units 12/30/2023

Interesting description of the equestrian untis in the Rose Parade!

Rose Parade 2024 horses: The colorful background of the equestrian units Since the very first New Year’s Day procession in Pasadena, equestrian units have played an important role in the celebration.


Trails are now open to all users with the exception of Upper Basin trail.
Please be aware you may see a water truck driving on the ranch roads.
Photo to get your attention!

August 2023 Equestrian Trail and Recreation Master Plan Updates 08/08/2023

Joint Santa Barbara County Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee (CRAHTAC) and County Parks Commission meeting on Monday, August 14th, 3:00 – 5:00 PM at the Cachuma Lake Clubhouse (at Cachuma Lake Recreation Area) to discuss the County-Wide Recreation Master Plan (Rec Plan) currently in development.

We are asking equestrian trail riders for your help to write an email or letter of support for the recommended Trail Policy by this Thursday’s deadline.

The policy states: “The Santa Barbara County recreational trail network is intended to serve trail user groups including pedestrians, equestrians, cyclists, and others. On a case-by-case basis, trails and/or trail segments will be designated as single-use, dual-use, or multi-use based on factors listed in the Santa Barbara County Trail Design Guidelines.”

For complete information, a sample email, and how to send your email, please visit our Trail Blog at:

Because the policy allows flexibility for the County to designate single- or dual- use trails for equestrian and hiker/equestrian trails, it will open the door for Live Oak Trail to remain as the County’s only equestrian trail. Without such a policy, we may indeed lose Live Oak as the County’s last safe equestrian trail.

Thank you for your interest and continued support!

August 2023 Equestrian Trail and Recreation Master Plan Updates · Important Meeting #1: August 14th…Joint Santa Barbara County Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee (CRAHTAC)/County Parks Commission Meeting on the County-Wide Recreation Master Plan, County Trail Policy and Process · Important Meeting #2...SAVE THE DATE! August 30th…Planning Commissio...

The Santa Barbara County Parks Commission is Meeting This Thursday 06/19/2023

The Santa Barbara County Park commission is meeting on Thursday.

We continue to advocate for Live Oak Trail to remain a safe equestrian trail. Please see our Trail Blog at the link below and learn how you can help support safe equestrian riding in Santa Barbara County!

The Santa Barbara County Parks Commission is Meeting This Thursday The Santa Barbara County Parks Commission is meeting this Thursday, June 22, 2023. Meeting Agenda and Materials are in the document below. If you sent a letter supporting a new Trail Policy that provides safe trails for equestrians last week to CRAHTAC, would you be willing to forward your letter to...


The Santa Barbara County Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee meeting (CRAHTAC) is on Monday June 12th. Things are heating up in June and now is the time for to support the Live Oak Equestrian Trail by sending a letter/email or attend the meeting. Please see the most recent Blog Post for ways you can help out as well as upcoming opportunities and events! Visit our Trail Blog at:


Us horse people seem fractured and not well organized to do what is described this article but it requires constant vigilance. The most organized are the loudest and the most well funded. They are the ones that get the attention and have the greatest following.

When our government agencies take on trails or parks or historic equestrian venues, take a minute to write and send a letter or email, come speak at a meeting (only 3 minutes usually) or just show up to listen. It all helps to show the importance, influence and perspective of equestrians in our communities.

"Breed organizations and competitive disciplines are telling us their numbers are shrinking. This is bad news for the horse industry in the long term. Ramifications of a dwindling support base go far beyond the viability of certain shows. What can be done?" asks the Western Horse Review.

Three years ago, I attended a judges' symposium in Oklahoma, hosted by the AQHA, APHA, ApHC, IAHA and the AMHA. That's the 'big five' in North America: Quarter Horses, Paints, Appaloosas, Arabians and Morgans.

Across the board, they agreed that today's most pressing breed issue has been dwindling membership and show entries in the junior ranks. That's 18 and under, across the five major Western breeds.

Up 'n' coming kids, to me, are the grassroots in this industry. Focusing on amateur adults is like closing the barn door after the horse has left. If the youngest riders aren't 'buying into' the horse business, then it--as we now know it--is doomed. This is in both the US and Canada. The British Horse Society has run a parallel poll that shows the involvement of boys and horses is at a critical state. We know that outside of rodeo, girls outnumber boys something like twenty-to-one.

That means that in one more generation, we won't have men riding, training or teaching in much of horse sport!

If we listen to today's kids, particularly to boys, they are telling us that much of horse showing is irrelevant to them. In my locality, numbers have been sliding since the days of the open show, probably in the early '90s. The death knell of the open show was the breed show and discipline-specific competitions because people couldn't do it all.

What did family-friendly local open shows offer us that these others can't? Well, there was something for everyone. No matter your tax bracket, the breed or value of your horse. If you did your homework, you could probably shine at even just. one. point. during the day. Showmanship, Western Eq and Pleasure, Trail, Reining... English Eq and Pleasure, some jumping... then games like Barrels, Poles, Ba****ck Dollar Bill, Toilet Paper Pairs, Egg & Spoon. High Point meant you and your horse were versatile, if nothing else.

You might well laugh, but a lot of us in the industry got our early life lessons with horses in this environment. Many of us remember those shows with fondness. They were held in every other small town in the country. Mum and Dad could haul the family in any old rig, horse the children safely and pay the entries without mortgaging the house. So, we've grown away from all-around fun and enjoyment that segues into each kid finding that one place where he or she shines.

We know for a fact that unless a teenager has grown accomplished at riding, he or she will drop out. Teens do not want to be 'also rans', even at a top level. An example is the hunter/jumper world, particularly the top pony hunters, where a child needs a $50,000 pony to compete... and a $150,000 one to stand any chance of winning. Who lives like that?! We've grown far from being able to enjoy and compete with ordinary horses, even in 4H.

We've raised our kids to judge their own horsemanship by what they've won, rather than by what they've learned and whether they're capable of training and schooling their own horses.

We've removed much of the 'ride by the seat of your pants' mentality, which drives so many teen boys, substituting this with rules, patterns and perfectionism... even in basic horsemanship classes. Bottom line? We've turned the show horse industry into an elitist past-time that pressures everyone from the kids taking part, to the parents trying to pay for it. The big competitions, where everyone aspires to be, are not just hours, but days apart.

While there are many amateur riders keeping the horse industry going, along with brilliant trainers in every endeavour in my part of the world, we've lost touch with our kids, plain 'n' simple. If you asked many of them for an honest answer, they would tell us they've stopped having fun.

We can ask ourselves whether change is possible at this stage of the game... or even if we really want it. Many of us like it just the way it is. But think.

1) If we don't have as many young people coming in as we have older ones leaving, the horse industry is in trouble. 2) Kids aren't barn rats anymore. They're not developing their skills and life-long passion in what is a difficult lifestyle and demanding sport. 3) By dividing ourselves into so many fractured/specialized groups, we have weakened the whole. 4) Is this a natural fall-out from an increasingly urbanized population? Do we need to promote our disciplines with incentives as early as Pony Club and 4H? Do we need more mentorship for the youth whose parents aren't horsey? 5) In my lifetime, I've seen horses go from farm animals and backyard friends, to luxury lifestyle perks. Is this the way of the future?

Folks, our tribe is shrinking. Among all these societal pressures, we need to reach more kids.

📷 Chris Hoddinott Photography. Keystone pony, Johnny Cash, carries that rare specimen, a boy rider, into the ranks.

Dogs on Trails - TrailMeister 06/04/2023

Dogs on Trails - TrailMeister It’s because I love my dogs that they don’t accompany me on trail rides nor do they venture out on wilderness trips with the horses. Here's why.

Santa Barbara County Parks Commission Meeting Thursday 4/20/23 04/18/2023

SB Parks Commission Meets This Week!

Santa Barbara County Parks Commission Meeting Thursday 4/20/23 The Santa Barbara County Park Commission meeting on Thursday, April 20th at 9:30am. The meeting is in person in the Cachuma Lake Clubhouse. Below is the Agenda: Although there is not anything on the Agenda regarding trails or the County-wide Recreation Master Plan, but we'll be speaking at Public Co...

You are Welcome to Attend! CRAHTAC Meeting Monday, April 10, 2023, 2023 3:00-4:30 pm 04/06/2023

You are Welcome to Attend!
The County Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee (CRAHTAC) will meet this Monday, April 10, 2023, 2023, from 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM.

The meeting will be held at the Veteran’s Memorial Hall in Solvang or you can still attend via Zoom webinar as usual.

As noted on the agenda, public attendance and opportunity to comment can be received in-person at the meeting or online by using the zoom link provided below.

Zoom Link:

Passcode: 611623

Public comments are due via email to George Amoon at [email protected] by 5:00 pm, Thursday, April 6th to allow adequate time for review before the meeting. For a sample email to send in support, please go to

You are Welcome to Attend! CRAHTAC Meeting Monday, April 10, 2023, 2023 3:00-4:30 pm The County Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee (CRAHTAC) will meet this Monday, April 10, 2023, 2023, from 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM. The meeting will be held at the Veteran’s Memorial Hall in Solvang or you can still attend via Zoom webinar as usual. As noted on the agenda, public attendance and ...

Photos from Santa Ynez Valley Riders's post 03/18/2023

3/18/23 Live Oak Trail Update-

Live Oak trail remains closed and because of the intense rain storms and will likely remain closed for at least another month.

Continued rain, wind, slides, downed trees and high runoff in the river prohibit any access to the trail and the trail has not been assessed for damage.

The river crossing itself is an issue and because it continues to be so wet, equipment is not able to get in and do repairs. The parking lot still has those huge holes!

Will keep you up-to-date as news comes in, but for now, we’ll have to enjoy the wildflowers from the south side of the lake.


This tonight from Backcountry Horsemen of California. Thank you all whi helped to get this bill changed!!!😘😘😘👍!

Ever wonder what happened to AB233?
(The bill that proposed horse manure needed to
be picked up on any "public lands"?)
Well, you all did it!
The bill has been amended!
About a month ago, many horse organizations and equestrian enthusiasts requested you contact your local representative regarding "AB-233: Local government: streets and sidewalks: disposal of horse excrement."

This bill would require all equestrians to pick up their manure on ALL public lands. It now will be modified to eliminate the text “other public property” and removed from AB 233 because it’s “too vague” and could be misinterpreted, said Alexis Williams, Lori Wilson’s legislative assistant."

Equine enthusiasts from all over the state wrote, called and MADE A DIFFERENCE!

Thank you all, and happy trails!

Upcoming March CRAHTAC Meeting and Live Oak Trail Repair Update 03/10/2023

Upcoming CRAHTAC Meeting and Live Oak Trail Repair Update

Please visit our Trail Blog for details and how you can participate in our trail safe for equestrian riders!

Upcoming March CRAHTAC Meeting and Live Oak Trail Repair Update CRAHTAC Meeting Monday, March 13, 2023 The County Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee (CRAHTAC) will meet this Monday, March 13, 2023, from 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM. The meeting will be held both in-person and on a Zoom webinar (as usual). In-Person: Planning Commission Hearing Board Room - 123 E.....


Facebook is monkeying with the Santa Ynez Valley Riders public page. We have been inundated with posts that are not pertinent and have nothing to do with our intent to trail ride.

I’m sorry for this interruption and I’m trying to fix it. Please don’t take anything other than equestrian posts to heart. They have nothing to do with our goal to have fun with our horses!!!!

Photos from SAVE Santa Barbara County Equestrian Trails's post 02/18/2023
February 2023 Update - Live Oak Trail Work Day, Multi-Use Trail Policy Discussion, Etc.... 02/14/2023

New Santa Barbara County Equestrian Trail Updates! Live Oak Trail Work Day on Friday, February 17th, CRAHTAC Multi-Use Trail Discussion Summary and MORE at the following link-

February 2023 Update - Live Oak Trail Work Day, Multi-Use Trail Policy Discussion, Etc.... Good News! Live Oak Trailhead Work Day: You asked for it and we have started the ball rolling!!! The first work day at the Live Oak Trailhead to repair flood damage is Friday, February 17th, 9 am-12 pm! A picnic lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by replying to [email protected], and i...

Photos from Santa Ynez Valley Riders's post 01/25/2023
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Santa Ynez, 93460

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