All It Takes

Equipping youth & educators with emotional intelligence skills for positive change! Join us! ACT: Finally, leaders act on what they notice and choose.

All It Takes is Accountability: Every attitude, word and action has an impact. We believe personal power comes from ownership of that impact and developing a desire to purposely decide the kind of impact we create for others and ourselves. All It Takes is Communication: We believe engaging in authentic communication develops courage, self care and care of others, while cultivating heart­-centered


Are you an educator, administrator, counselor, or school staff member seeking to create a more supportive and effective learning environment?

Look no further! All It Takes is offering a summer training that explores the importance of Social Emotional Learning and how to Build Trusted Spaces® in educational settings.

This research-based and evidence-informed series focuses on the most current neuro and social science, the critical aspect of personal well-being, and relevant, practical tools that can be used to develop Trusted atmospheres where students AND those who serve them can flourish.

Don’t miss this transformative experience—register now and start the new school year with sharpened tools and honed skills to support your entire school community.

Register here:


Explore a student's perspective and learn how minor adjustments can yield significant impacts in classrooms. It's our responsibility to cultivate educational environments where every individual feels comfortable and prepared to learn.

All It Takes’ docu-training series, A Trusted Space, amplifies student voices, urging trust and understanding across all of education.

The new series, made possible by CalHOPE Schools, is accompanied by FREE film-supporting materials and training guides! Learn more at:


In the ongoing dialogue about Generation Z, a crucial voice often goes unheard – that of educators who work with these young people daily.

Ashley Jaron, a high school teacher, offers a compelling perspective: "We blame the kids... But at the same time, we as adults are failing them in a lot of areas and then blaming them for our failures when we see the results.

A 2019 Pew Research Center study found that 70% of teens see anxiety and depression as major problems among their peers. This mental health crisis is exacerbated by constant connectivity and social media pressures.

Despite these challenges, Gen Z demonstrates remarkable resilience and potential. They're leading movements for social justice and creating innovative solutions to global problems.

As we move forward, it's crucial to heed the words of both educators like Ms. Jaron and researchers studying this generation. By shifting our perspective and taking concrete action, we can help Gen Z navigate their complex world more effectively.

Learn how you can do your part at:


Are you an educator, administrator, counselor, or school staff member seeking to create a more supportive and effective learning environment? Look no further!

All It Takes is offering a summer training that explores the science behind Social Emotional Learning and how to use it in educational settings.

This research-based and evidence-informed series focuses on the most current neuro and social sciences, how community, and relevant, practical tools that can be used to develop Trusted atmospheres where students AND those who serve them can flourish.

Don’t miss this transformative experience—register now and start the new school year with sharpened tools and honed skills to support your entire school community.

Register here:


Leadership starts with self-awareness and is realized through intentional actions.

It's about influencing and inspiring others through our behaviors and decisions, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

By embracing our responsibility to lead ourselves and others, we can cultivate environments that foster resilience, community, and trust.

Learn how you can refine your leadership skills at:


A staggering 74% of eighth graders are not proficient in math, highlighting a critical need for change in our educational approach.

The data shows very clearly that the best way to improve academic outcomes is by teaching better social and emotional literacy. When students know they can share their challenges without judgment, they are more likely to seek help and improve their academic performance.

Learn more about how to create these environments at


Happy 4th of July from All It Takes!

As we celebrate the summer, we're gearing up to support educators, students, and families with exciting and powerful new resources for the upcoming school year.

We hope you're enjoying this holiday with lots of laughter, love, and great memories. Stay safe and have a wonderful celebration!


Summertime is a great opportunity for educators to relax and rejuvenate, but it’s also the perfect time to enhance our social and emotional skills for a successful and fulfilling new school year.

All It Takes’ award-winning docu-training series is a FREE resource designed to help parents, students, and educators refine their skills in preparation for the upcoming school year. With engaging content and practical strategies, this series empowers everyone to build stronger relationships, understand their mental health, and create positive communities.

Embrace this summer as a time for growth and development, ensuring that the next school year is your best one yet.


Are you an educator, administrator, counselor, or school staff member looking to enhance your learning environment's support and effectiveness?

Look no further! All It Takes and Share My Lesson present a FREE webinar exploring the Trusted Space series and curriculum resources designed to assist educators, students, and families.

This research-based, evidence-informed series delves into the latest neuro and social science, the vital aspect of personal well-being, and practical tools for developing trusted atmospheres where both students and staff can thrive. Plus, you'll earn one hour of PD credit, with certificates available for download.

Don’t miss this transformative experience—register now and kick off the new school year with enhanced tools and skills to support your entire school community.

Register here:


Notice Choose Act® is a powerful template for making intentional decisions that guide us to create outcomes we are proud of and can take responsibility for. True leaders begin by noticing what needs to be done—whether it’s offering help, recognizing when someone feels left out, or identifying areas for improvement in their own lives and communities.
Leaders then make purposeful choices. They decide to either remain passive or take deliberate action based on what they have noticed. This involves active listening, strong communication, and a clear understanding of desired outcomes.
The final step is action—translating thoughts and intentions into real results. Without action, even the best intentions remain unfulfilled.
By acting boldly and compassionately, leaders drive positive change in their lives and communities. Learn how you can implement the Notice Choose Act® in your educational community at


All It Takes defines leadership as "The ability and responsibility to lead oneself and others to purposefully designed, positive outcomes.”

Really, leadership is all about influence. It isn't just about standing in front of a group and directing them. It's about recognizing that each of us leads our own life, influencing others through every action and word.

Learn how you can refine your leadership skills at:


Communities that look out for each other make the world a safer, happier place, and youth deserve to grow up in that environment.

By experiencing a diverse and supportive community, children learn to communicate effectively, cooperate with others, and build meaningful connections across differences. These skills are fundamental in navigating personal and social challenges, setting the stage for a lifetime of positive success, interactions, and relationships.

The benefits of community involvement are backed by solid research. Studies have shown that communities where children feel connected see better engagement, improved behavior, and higher academic achievement. A supportive community environment also reduces anxiety and stress levels, allowing children to be more open to learning and fostering a deeper connection to their peers and mentors.

To effectively integrate community involvement into children’s lives, it is crucial for community leaders and educators to emphasize interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. Professional development workshops and free resources such as the Trusted Space® film series, can equip educators and community leaders with strategies for creating these robust connections.

Learn how you can practice community involvement at


Are you an educator, administrator, counselor, or school staff member seeking to create a more supportive and effective learning environment? Look no further!

All It Takes and Share My Lesson are offering a FREE webinar that explores the Trusted Space series and curriculum resources designed to support educators, students, and families.

This evidence-informed and research-based series focuses on the most current neuro and social science, the critical aspect of personal well-being, and relevant, practical tools that can be used to develop Trusted atmospheres where students AND those who serve them can flourish. Plus, you'll earn one hour of PD credit, with certificates available for download.

Don’t miss this transformative experience—register now and start the new school year with sharpened tools and honed skills to support your entire school community.

Register here:


Taking the time to self-reflect is a powerful tool for personal development.

Taking the time to think deeply about the world around us allows us to uncover biases, assumptions, and behaviors that shape our interactions. Self-reflection is not just about looking inward; by noticing our influence and impact on others, we can stay open minded to new perspectives, embracing a mindset that is more inclusive and supportive.

When adults make self-reflection a regular practice, they set a powerful example for youth. Children and adolescents learn by observing the behaviors and attitudes of the adults around them. By demonstrating a commitment to self-reflection, we show young people the importance of understanding their own thoughts and actions. This modeling encourages them to develop their own reflective practices, fostering emotional intelligence and resilience from a young age.

Tools such as All It Takes’ short docu-training film, “Building Bridges” can be used to help students learn the positive impact of self-reflection. This film provides poignant narratives from students, educators, and community leaders, highlighting the importance of empathy and open dialogue in educational environments. By showcasing real-life scenarios, “Building Bridges” encourages students to look inward and reflect on their own experiences and behaviors, promoting a deeper understanding of themselves and others.

Stream the film at


Kids don’t often go out of their way to express deep feelings, so when they do, we must seize the opportunity for connection and community building!

One day, Teresa Campbell, a middle school teacher at North Parkway Middle School in Jackson, TN, noticed her students were unusually emotional and distracted. Rather than pushing forward with her lesson plan, she made a pivotal decision: to stop teaching and start listening. This choice underscores a fundamental yet often overlooked principle in education: the power of listening. By simply listening, Teresa transformed not just the culture of the classroom but also created space for learning to truly bloom.

Modern neuroscience reveals why making room for connection and creating space for vulnerability and expression is so powerful. When teachers truly listen, they engage more than just the auditory parts of the brain; they activate neural pathways linked to empathy and emotional processing. According to research from the University of California, Berkeley, creating an environment where students feel safe to express their emotions can significantly reduce anxiety and stress levels. This reduction in stress allows students to be more open to learning, fostering a deeper connection to the material and to each other.

The benefits of fostering connection in the classroom are backed by solid research. A study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that classrooms where teachers prioritize listening and connection see better student engagement, improved behavior, and higher academic achievement. By paying attention to their students’ emotional needs, teachers gain valuable insights into the challenges they face, allowing them to tailor their teaching more effectively.

Listening is also crucial for building an inclusive classroom environment. This is especially vital in diverse settings where students might feel marginalized. When educators make space for students to share their experiences and emotions, it bridges cultural and social gaps, fostering a more supportive and harmonious learning atmosphere. This approach helps students feel respected and understood, enhancing their willingness to participate and engage.

To effectively integrate listening into the classroom, teacher training programs need to emphasize interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. All It Takes Professional development workshops can equip educators with strategies for creating these connections, such as open-ended questioning and reflective feedback. Additionally, educational policies should support smaller teacher-to-student ratios and encourage the use of teaching aids that allow teachers to focus more on individual students. This ensures that teachers can respond to students' needs in real-time, rather than being confined to rigid lesson plans.

Ms. Campbell’s experience with her classroom, in only her first year as a teacher, is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of noticing and responding to what students need in the moment. By making connection and listening a priority, educators can enhance learning outcomes, support students' emotional well-being, and create a nurturing educational environment. Moving forward, let’s champion the cause of paying attention to our students, ensuring that every student not only learns but feels genuinely heard. Life is messy, and sometimes the best teaching happens when we pause to truly listen and engage in real discussions.

Learn more at:


Talk SEL, and you'll find the room splits quickly.

Some see it as a distraction from "real" learning or, worse, a veiled attempt at shaping personal values. It's a heated topic, with passionate voices on all sides. But at the heart of the debate is a simple misunderstanding of what SEL really aims to do.

It's not about sidelining academic goals or pushing an agenda. It's about equipping kids with the emotional toolkit they need to thrive both in and out of the classroom.

Learn about ways you can incorporate SEL in your classroom at:


The importance of fostering emotional competence in students through open classroom dialogue cannot be overstated.

Creating an environment where open dialogue is encouraged plays a crucial part in education. Integrating storytelling into the classroom allows students to relate to one another based on feelings. We don’t all have the same story, but we can almost always relate to the way another person’s story made them feel.

Providing platforms for students to discuss social issues is another essential aspect of promoting emotional competency. By creating trusted spaces where students can openly discuss current events and social challenges, we enable them to think critically and engage constructively. This practice helps students develop their voices, advocate for the change they want to see, and understand diverse perspectives, all of which are vital skills in today's interconnected world.

Highlighting the role of non-verbal communication in relating to others is equally important. Educating students about the significance of body language and other non-verbal cues can greatly enhance their ability to connect with others and build meaningful relationships.

Consider incorporating resources that highlight the value of empathy and open dialogue. For example, “A Trusted Space: Building Bridges." This film and discussion guide were created to help youth explore the dynamics within educational environments and the need for supportive communities.
The film's narratives from students, educators, and community leaders underscore the importance of creating spaces for constructive conversations that lead to genuine understanding and problem-solving.

Find “Building Bridges” and other helpful classroom resources at


School finance is notoriously complex. As Justine Fischer expresses, "Do you know how complicated school finance is to get anything done? It shouldn't take 25 different regulations to pay the electric bill." Her frustration captures a widespread challenge in education systems nationwide—balancing regulation necessity with the need to focus on student learning.

The layers of regulations governing school finances were largely instituted as responses to past mismanagement and legal challenges. While these rules aim to ensure transparency and accountability, they also divert attention from educational goals. Educators find themselves mired in paperwork, struggling to navigate bureaucratic requirements disconnected from the classroom.

Research reveals the extent of this burden. According to a report by the Center for American Progress, administrative tasks consume about one-third of a school's budget—funds that could enhance student learning experiences. Moreover, educators spend countless hours on compliance tasks that could be spent teaching, planning lessons, or engaging with students.

The question then arises: Could these processes be simplified without compromising accountability? Many experts believe so. Streamlining administrative procedures can free up resources—both time and money—for direct educational purposes. Integrating technology and automating financial operations could reduce the manual workload and minimize errors, making the system both efficient and transparent.

Prioritizing children in the educational ecosystem means reassessing how administrative tasks impact teacher availability and student interaction. Schools need to ensure that administrative necessities do not overshadow the fundamental goal of education—enhancing student learning. Advocates argue for a shift in focus from stringent compliance to flexible policies that empower educators to make decisions best suited for their student's growth.

This conversation about school finance reform is part of a larger dialogue on optimizing educational environments. It ties into broader discussions about educational equity, resource allocation, and policy effectiveness. As education systems evolve, finding the right balance between necessary oversight and operational efficiency remains a key challenge.

Reevaluating and simplifying the regulatory framework around school finances could have far-reaching benefits for educational quality and efficiency. By reducing the administrative load, we can redirect energies towards what truly matters: providing students with the quality education they deserve. As the educational community debates these issues, the ultimate goal remains clear—putting children first and ensuring they receive the attention and resources necessary to thrive in an increasingly complex world.


In today’s educational landscape, the ability to engage in meaningful debate is not just beneficial—it's essential. Raghu Appasani, MD highlights a concerning trend: a growing hesitation to engage in open discourse. This hesitancy threatens our educational foundations, stalling personal growth and innovation.

Debate equips students with the tools to analyze complex issues, understand diverse viewpoints, and articulate their thoughts clearly. These skills are foundational not only for academic success but for lifelong learning and effective communication. Dr. Appasani reflects on his high school debate experiences, pointing out how defending ideas he didn't initially support broadened his perspective and deepened his understanding of others.

Rigorous academic research underscores the value of debate in education and these studies indicate that students who engage in debate show improved critical thinking skills, are more adept at problem-solving, and possess a greater ability to empathize with others. These are not just academic advantages but are qualities that students carry into their future careers and personal lives.

The digital age brings unparalleled access to information but also new challenges in how we communicate. The risk of public backlash on social media can make students reluctant to express unpolished ideas. Dr. Appasani stresses the importance of creating safe spaces in educational settings where students can explore and debate ideas without fear of retribution or ridicule.

At All It Takes, we believe it is imperative for educators to integrate structured debate into curricula, providing frameworks that encourage respectful and productive discussion. Schools should aim to cultivate environments where mistakes are seen as a natural part of learning. This approach will help students become not only better learners but also more thoughtful and considerate individuals.

We have a responsibility to encourage a culture of curiosity and open-mindedness. Let’s champion the cause of debate and discourse in our educational systems to prepare a new generation of thinkers, leaders, and innovators. Join us in this vital mission to ensure that our students are equipped to face the complexities of the world with confidence and compassion.


Growing pressure to conform to a certain standard makes it difficult for students to express themselves freely. This sentiment echoes many parents and teacher’s concerns about a reluctance to engage openly, which jeopardizes personal growth and innovation.

It's essential to create environments where students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, allowing them to move through the meaning-making process fully.

Learn how you can help create trusted spaces for the youth in your community at:


Active listening has never been more crucial, especially when it comes to supporting the emotional well-being of children.

As we observe Mental Health Month, it's essential to recognize the transformative impact that active listening can have in creating safe and nurturing environments where children feel empowered to express their emotions openly and in healthy ways.

Active listening goes beyond simply hearing words; it involves fully engaging with the speaker, showing empathy, and validating their experiences. When children feel genuinely listened to and understood, they develop a sense of trust and security, enabling them to communicate their thoughts and feelings more effectively.

One of the key benefits of active listening is that it fosters emotional intelligence and self-awareness in children. By actively listening to their emotions and experiences, we validate their feelings and help them develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others. This Enhances their ability to regulate their emotions, cope with stress, and build positive relationships.
Active listening also creates a safe space for children to express a wide range of emotions, including those that may be difficult or uncomfortable. When children feel supported and validated in expressing their emotions, they are less likely to suppress or repress them, reducing the risk of mental health issues such as anxiety or depression.

As we strive to promote the mental health and well-being of children, let us prioritize the practice of active listening in our interactions with them. Whether it's through maintaining eye contact, paraphrasing their words, or asking open-ended questions, let us create safe spaces where children feel heard, understood, and supported in expressing their emotions.

Learn more ways to support children’s mental and social well-being by streaming All It Takes newest film, “Building Bridges” at:


Empowering children with effective communication skills is crucial for their personal and social development.

By addressing common barriers such as fear of judgment, lack of confidence, and social pressures, we can create supportive environments where children feel safe to express themselves authentically.

Acknowledging their strengths, praising their efforts, and providing constructive feedback boost their self-esteem and encourage positive communication habits. Additionally, discussing social pressures equips them with the resilience needed to navigate challenges and resist negative influences.

Together, let's break down these communication barriers and foster confident, articulate, and emotionally resilient young individuals.


As Mental Health Month continues, it's important to reflect on the powerful role that mindfulness plays in promoting mental well-being. In today's fast-paced world, where distractions are inevitable and stress levels soar, incorporating mindfulness practices into our daily lives has become more essential than ever.
Mindfulness is about being fully present in the moment without judgment. It involves paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surroundings with openness and curiosity. By practicing mindfulness, we can develop greater self-awareness, emotional regulation, and resilience in the face of life's challenges.

Bringing our attention to the present moment can break the cycle of rumination and worry that often accompanies stress. Instead of getting caught up in anxious thoughts, mindfulness allows us to anchor ourselves in the here and now, finding peace and calm amidst the chaos.

Mindfulness also creates a greater sense of self-compassion and acceptance. By observing our thoughts and emotions without judgment, we can cultivate a kinder and more compassionate relationship with ourselves. This self-compassion serves as a remedy for feelings of inadequacy or self-criticism, promoting greater self-esteem and resilience.

In addition to its individual benefits, mindfulness also strengthens interpersonal relationships and fosters a sense of connection with others. By practicing mindful listening and empathy, we can deepen our understanding of others' perspectives and strengthen our relationships with colleagues, friends, and loved ones.

All It Takes encourages you to prioritize your mental well-being by incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine.

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Videos (show all)

Building Classroom Connections
Building Classroom Connections
Unlocking Learning: Insights from Students
Unlocking Learning: Insights from Students
Unlocking Learning: Insights from Students
Unlocking Learning: Insights from Students
Unlocking Learning: Insights From Students
Unlocking Learning: Insights from Students
Unlocking Learning: Insights From Students
How We're Failing Gen Z
How We're Failing Gen Z
How We're Failing Gen Z


Simi Valley, CA

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