Wildheart Wellness for Lipedema

I am a certified health and wellness coach who specializes in helping women with lipedema manage their disease.



Lipedema Foundation awardee Scott Cameron and colleagues have uncovered key differences in platelet gene expression between patients with Lipedema, lymphedema, and obesity. These findings reveal how unique biological pathways in platelets may contribute to the increased risk of thrombosis (blood clots) in these conditions. Understanding more about these changes could offer insights into the biological mechanisms underlying platelet activation and its association with thrombosis in Lipedema.

Read the article here: bit.ly/3LmYhlm

Photos from Wildheart Wellness for Lipedema's post 07/24/2024

It's National Self-Care Day! Self-care is important when you have a chronic condition, and even if you don't. Self-care often feels like a long, burdensome list when your life centers around it. Today, take inventory and think about different ways you can take care of yourself, because even if you have a physical condition, there are other important ways to take care of yourself that aren't just physical! Also remember to think outside the box. Self-care doesn't have to take a lot out of you or take a lot of time.


We're wrapping up Lipedema Awareness Month today! I want to leave you with this reminder. Don't hate your body. It's not against you even when it feels like it. You are strong. Don't lose hope and don't give up.


It's Lipedema Awareness Month and we're focusing on one of the hardest things I've had to deal with as I watched lipedema affect my body. It has been a struggle to choose a mindset that doesn't care so much what other people think. I know what I eat, but I know people look at me and think I eat too much and choose unhealthy options. I know how much time I spend on healing my fascia and supporting my lymphatic system, but I know people look at me and think I do nothing all day. I know how disciplined I have to be to keep up with what I need to do in life, but I know people look at me and think I'm lazy and have no self-control. I do put on a swimsuit at the beach, but I wish it was a smaller size and I wish I didn't dread the pictures my daughter wants to take and I wish there were never other people there to see. It's a constant struggle with lipedema. I know what people think because I used to be those people. Now I have compassion. Now I understand. Now I recognize the signs and appearance of this condition, but I didn't always. You are more than lipedema. Make it your goal to focus on the essence of you instead of the condition that affects you. You're worth it.


It's Lipedema Awareness Month! Here's a great 10 Things to Know about Lipedema list from Lipedema Foundation to help you help others understand your condition. https://www.lipedema.org/blog/2024/5/28/10-things-to-know-about-lipedema

Send a message to learn more


Did you know it can take 10 years for most patients with Lipedema to receive an accurate diagnosis?

According to our First Look report, Lipedema is diagnosed by a diverse and fragmented array of healthcare professionals. Only 32% of cases are diagnosed by surgeons, while 63% are diagnosed by non-surgeon medical doctors. Additionally, 39% of cases are identified by allied healthcare practitioners such as nurse practitioners and therapists.

This June, let’s work together to raise awareness and improve diagnostic accuracy for Lipedema.

Share your diagnosis journey using the hashtags and .


It's Lipedema Awareness Month! I remember when I first became aware of lipedema and being terrified of the progression. I read many bits of information that said you WILL progress, it's just a matter of time. I was already in pain and everything seemed to say that as progression happens, pain will increase and lymphedema will develop. I already had lymphedema (which I also didn't know at the time), and my pain was horrible, so it was truly a very scary time for me. Everything I read said there is nothing you can do about the progression...not nutrition, not exercise, not any type of treatment or therapy. At best, you might slow it down some or reduce a little pain. There was NO HOPE! I can tell you that after speaking to thousands of women all over the world, and exploring all kinds of eating plans and therapies myself, all of that is absolutely FALSE. You can improve your lipedema tissue. You do not have to progress and lose mobility and live in horrible pain. The right nutrition and lifestyle changes and therapies can radically change the lipedema trajectory. We are all unique and different. Don't give in to the overwhelming, hopeless narrative painted about lipedema.


It's Lipedema Awareness Month, and while that absolutely means spreading awareness to those who don't know about it, we need to also remember we need to be more aware of ourselves! Did you know that those with adverse childhood experiences are more likely to develop chronic conditions as adults? I didn't either, but it's true. As we hold that trauma in our bodies, our bodies react to those experiences throughout our whole lives. Lipedema is a connective tissue (aka fascia) disorder and where do you think the body stores negative emotions....in the FASCIA! Learn more. Resolve issues. Go google the ACES study, find an online evaluation, and see how all those things you try to forget are remembered by your body. And breathe.

Photos from Lymphedema Treatment Act's post 06/24/2024

It's Lipedema Awareness Month! Here are some fantastic handouts that you can print out to share. Lymphedema is a common comorbidity, and many believe it always exsits with lipedema to some degree. The lymphedema treatment act is important because it encourages evaluation and diagnosis for those who are "at risk" for lyphedema, and also gives a push to insurance companies to cover supplies that can help. We absolutely must address stagnant lymph and seek to improve the function of our lymphatic systems if we want to improve our lipedema!


It's Lipedema Awareness Month! Have you seen this yet? It was released on June 11, but I'm reposting because so much can get missed on FB!

Lipedema Awareness Images 06/20/2024

It's Lipedema Awareness Month and here is another source for some graphics to finish out the month. Click the link and go grab some graphics to share on your social media.

Lipedema Awareness Images Lipedema Awareness Images The American Lipedema Association aims to raise awareness about lipedema, and the shareable images provided can be effectively utilized on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to spread lipedema awareness during events like Lipedema Awareness Month,....


It's Lipedema Awareness Month! Here's a graphic from Lipoedema Australia that you can share.


It's Lipedema Awareness Month! Here's something to think about as you navigate your own journey with this condition. Do you ever celebrate the baby steps? Are you critical of yourself, beating yourself up, comparing yourself to others who are different than you? One way to restore hope and keep going when it's difficult is to remember to celebrate and be proud of yourself for the things you accomplish. Did you drink more water this week or get off of the couch instead of sit there for hours? Did you make healthy choices with your food or take time to de-stress after a long day? All of those things impact your health and your lipedema symptoms. Don't ignore what you're accomplishing because you're accomplishing it all while you deal with more pain and extra challenges than most people ever will. You're awesome...be proud of yourself!


Do you want some lipedema gear during Lipedema Awareness Month from a reputable source that will also benefit those with the condition?
April Sluder is your girl! Also, check out her FB page because she always has encouraging words for our community! https://www.facebook.com/share/p/DURGAewYEdjuYohX/


It's Lipedema Awareness Month, and the more I learn the more I know this is true. Can a doctor sometimes give you new understanding or tools to help you on your journey? Yes. But without the body's ability to heal itself even the best doctor can't make a difference. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/X1C1oikGhKQDjyCp/

Nothing from the outside heals the body. Not a doctor, a drug, a food, herb, supplement or anything else.

These all act in support or in detriment to the innate intelligence God put within our bodies that runs and regulates our internal systems and restores peace, healing and well-being to our body. Be Blessed!


It's Lipedema Awareness Month!
Debby Pelletier is a well-known whole body vibration expert and a true advocate fo those of us with lipedema. If you've heard of vibration plates or massage guns but aren't sure if you should try them -- you should!
If you have questions about whether it's safe or what those tools could even do for you or you have them sitting around your house somewhere but aren't sure how to get started, you need to watch this video. Deb has spent countless hours listening to and helping people with lipedema improve their health and quality of life. Do something for YOURSELF this month to increase your own awareness about this condition and how you can help yourself! https://www.facebook.com/share/v/rrumiNrD5Pab3YQ8/


It's Lipedema Awareness Month. Wildheart Wellness is all about finding balance and overall health...mind, body, and spirit. It's important to remember that part of living with a chronic condition is not being afraid to do what's best for YOU. That starts with being a student of your own body and your own journey, truly knowing yourself, then making informed decisions based on what serves YOU. You are under no obligation to follow the advice or instructions of anyone else, even if that person is someone you love, is an "expert" on your condition, has some sort of degree that gives them authority according to society, or is anyone else in the world. You're also not required to follow any certain nutrition plan, begin or continue any certain type of therapy or treatment, or take any specific supplement or medication. All of these things are 100% under your control and you should make these choices freely, without any of the guilt or shame that sometimes comes when we decide to be the strong women we are and forge our own paths. If you're wondering where to begin, or how to begin again, a very good first step is deciding that YOU (and only you) are in charge of your own self and that YOU are the best person to make decisions for yourself and your health.


It's World Lipedema Day!


It's Lipedema Awareness Month!
So often, descriptions of lipedema talk about the hips, the bum, the thighs, even the ankles. I've even been told that I "can't" have lipedema because my abdomen and arms are also affected. That's why I was so happy to see these graphics that explain symptoms of ARMS affected by lipedema. A huge thanks to certified lymph therapist Denise Engel for reposting this from Lipedema Canada!
Please feel free to share! https://www.facebook.com/share/p/KfLgWHZCwZAM974w/


Thanks to Amanda Hadaway for this awesome graphic for Lipedema Awareness Month! Feel free to share!


It's Lipedema Awareness Month! Feel free to share this on social media or print it out and take it to your doctor!

Figuring out the Food 06/06/2024

I sat down with Debby Pelletier from Vibration for Fat Disorders and Aimee Buchanan , the Lippy Nutritionist, for a chat about how those with lipedema can best navigate the confusing world of food and nutrition. It was a fun time chatting with these girls for Lipedema Awareness Month, after I shook off the tension and nerves to get started...

Figuring out the Food Aimee Buchanan is a Clinical Nutritionist and she herself us dealing with Stage 1 lipedema/lipoedema. She is dedicated to helping women manage pain, control ...


June is Lipedema Awareness Month! Susan over at Legs Like Mine has created some fantastic graphics for you to share and raise awareness about our condition. The challenge of even getting a diagnosis and finding a doctor who has ever heard the word lipedema, much less understands what it means and how to treat it, takes its toll. We live for decades with crazy symptoms and people not believing us and watching our bodies spiral out of control.


It's Lipedema Awareness Month and while some posts will be about that condition and spreading information to others and learning how to better manage physical symptoms, some will be about an equally important aspect of health...re-embracing the person you are and the life you want and reclaiming all that you deserve. It's time we stop living like victims of a condition and remember that we are not solely sufferers of lipedema and its comorbidities. If you only think of yourself that way, you are cheating yourself! You may not be able to physically do all the things you used to do, but you are stronger and braver than you think you are. Find the beauty, the wild, and give yourself permission to imagine your life in a new way. That's where you will find hope and new ways to approach chronic illness.


Here are some great graphics you can use on social media for Lipedema Awareness Month! Let's spread awareness. https://www.lipedema.org/lipedema-awareness-month-2024

10 Things to Know About Lipedema — Lipedema Foundation 06/03/2024

It's Lipedema Awareness Month! I'll be sharing things this month that you can post to help others understand exactly what lipedema is.
This one from lipedema foundation is a great way to start!

10 Things to Know About Lipedema — Lipedema Foundation Lipedema is an often under-recognized condition that primarily affects women. While it can cause chronic pain and significantly impact a person’s quality of life, understanding and managing this condition can lead to improved outcomes and hope for the future. Based on the latest research and insig


It's Lipedema Awareness Month, and this year will look a little different on my page. Yes, there will be lipedema information. However, this past year has taught me that the emotional and mental side of chronic illness is at least as important as what we do with all the therapies and treatements and supplements. We give up so much to fight against lipedema. We look in the mirror and don't recognize ourselves and our bodies. We lose hope. Most of all, we lost ourselves in the process. I want to challenge us to reclaim the best of ourselves again. Who did you used to be before you were overwhelmed by the pain and change lipedema inflicted upon your life? You may not be able to physically do all the things you used to do, but the essence of who you are still needs and deserves to be who the world sees. You are worth it. Lipedema will rob you of many things. Don't let it rob you of being kind to yourself and the amazing person you are. Call her back!


I've thought about Lipedema Awareness Month and what has come up for me over the last few months is that there is one overriding issue all of us with lipedema need to realize that will impact our health and everything else in a significant way. That one thing is a mindset shift from being victims of a chronic illness to being strong individuals who are informed and responsible and in charge of their own bodies. Too often we let others tell us everything about ourselves and end up feeling overwhelmed and like we don't even know what the next step is, much less have the confidence and bravery to take it. There is no magic wand, but there is magic in YOU if you will pay attention to it. It is there, in that place you can find where you trust yourself and your body again, that you will find answers and your own personal journey towards better health.


Often there is so much pain with lipedema that we tend to just lump it all together and say it hurts. That's true, but on a given day, some of that pain may not be from lipedema. Yes, I hurt all over, but if I take time to be still and do an inventory of the pain spots they really are different and separate. Doing this has helped me know how to address pain, rather than just being overwhelmed with always feeling horrible. Here's a summary of mine for today when I break it all down.
Migraine prodromal pain -- both in the neck/shoulders and the actual pain in the head that lingers for days after a migraine
Deep shoulder pain -- indicates dip in thyroid function due to Hashimoto's
Joint pain in fingers -- inflammation from eating grains
Hip pain -- sublaxation from hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos
Pain in the fat tissues from pressure -- lipedema
Overall muscle achiness -- from lymphedema due to fluids not flushing out efficiently and pressure from fluid on tissues
Dull eye strain pain -- from shifting ligaments when tired due to hEDS
Mid back random muscle tension pains -- from sleeping weird due to feeling ick during the night
Dull ache in large muscle groups -- from inefficient fluid drainage after fascia therapy
Mid back pain around spine -- from shifting vertebrae due to hEDS after fascia therapy

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I was so excited to FINALLY sit down and chat with Debby Pelletier of Vibration for Fat Disorders! We talked about navig...
Wildheart Wellness interview with The Lippy Butterfly



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