
Join us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/futurenowfans to stay up to date with everything happening at

FutureNow is a high energy, sound, stage, and lighting, production that uses music, drama, video and real life stories to impact the students so we can impart a message of vision, purpose, destiny and the importance of an education. For donations or to sponsor an event go to https://secure.accessacs.com/access/oglogin.aspx?sn=110607
or our website www.futurenow.us and click Donate!


Hello Guys,
We are still in need of school supplies and we are heading to North Ft. Myers on Thursday Nov. 10th.

To make donations go to futurenow.us/give

God bless you!


Help FutureNow rally support for a backpack with school supplies give away at North Fort Myers Academy For the Arts.(Pre-K thru 8th grade School). We will also be feeding the 1,000 students and their families on Wed. Oct. 19th. See Flier Below



My youngest son Isaac and I are on a road trip to California tomorrow. He will be a student at Bethel in Redding, CA this fall. He is a worshipper! I am honored to call him son! Pray for me and his mother. That’s a long way from Valdosta, GA! Please be praying for Isaac as he makes this move. If you would like to help support him I’ve added his cash and and Venmo to this post!

Cash app : $IsaacMusgrove

Venmo : -Musgrove


Update: FutureNow Property & Offices Almost Paid Off!
We only need $26,600.00. Help us reach before closing Aug. 22nd!

We only need 100 people doing $266.00!
Thank you!



FutureNow Property & Offices Almost Paid In Full!

In May of 2021 FutureNow began a Phase One Capital Campaign to purchase a 5,500 Sq. Ft. building located on 6.75 Acres. IN Valdosta, GA
It’s been a long race and we’ve had some setbacks; however, we are now on the verge of crossing the finish line! Glory to God! We now have a signed contract on the property, and we close on August 22nd!

Thanks to some of our partners and friends we have raised almost 90% of the $450,000.00 purchase price. We only need $60,000.00 to pay off the property in full. We want all our partners and friends to have an opportunity to be a part of this venture. We are believing we will have all the money at closing. Then we can move on to Phase Two and begin construction of our Event and Production Facility.

If sixty people gave $1000.00 we would be done. However, we want you do whatever God tells you to give and we know God will take care of us. We would love for you to pray with us as we move forward in the vision God has for FutureNow.

We have set Wednesday, August 17th, 2022 as the deadline to have the money in for closing on the 22nd.
You can give online at futurenow.us/give.

Thank you again for seeing this vision through with us!
We greatly appreciate you and your heart to support what God is doing in the lives of students.

Thank you and God bless you,

Chris Musgrove and the FutureNow Team
Jer. 29:11



Romans 11:29: For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

The Amplified Bible says, "For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.]”

While attending a John Maxwell Leadership Conference in Jacksonville, FL back in 1997, John asked the crowd of about 1500 people if they had any quotes for a book that he was trying to get to the publishers. He went on to explain that he needed some quotes to help finish the final chapter of his book, “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership". The final chapter was the 21st law of leadership and was entitled “The Law of Legacy” or as he called it, the law of leaving. As I pondered his request I immediately thought about youth ministry and how at that time the average tenure of a youth pastor at a church was 9 months. I was in my 12th year as youth pastor (at the same church), and I was troubled with why youth pastors weren't staying longer than 9 months. One of the things my parents taught me growing up was to leave something better than you found it.

Youth ministry is not a temporary, interim position until you find out what God really called you to do. No, I believe every youth minister should commit to at least five years wherever they go. My quote about the Law of Legacy was birthed out of seeing a need for youth pastors to build a great youth ministry instead of letting youth ministry be a stepping stone. My quote by John Maxwell was, "It’s like my friend, Chris Musgrove, says, 'Success is not measured by what you’re leaving to; but by what you’re leaving behind.'"

Because of my faithfulness to stay in the place God called and graced me, we were able, after 16 years, to build a youth facility in 2001. That same year my wife Terri and I founded “FutureNow". FutureNow is a public school assembly program and outreach to middle and high school students. FutureNow was birthed out of faithfulness to youth ministry at a local church for 17 years. (The full story of FutureNow is now available in our new book. See link below. -- Sorry for the shameless plug. LOL)

If you don’t think that faithfulness to youth ministry is important and vital then check out these statistics. For years, church leaders have heard the claim that nearly nine out of ten Christians accept Jesus as their Savior before the age of 18. Recently I heard well-known student evangelist Josh McDowell say that because of advances in technology and the internet that now, after the age of 12, the chances of becoming a Christian go down about 90%. Based on this, we need to begin to pray as Jesus said in Matthew 9:38, “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

These workers need to ask themselves along, with all of us, what are we leaving behind?


JOURNEY TO MY FUTURENOW — CHRIS MUSGROVE MINISTRIES The FutureNow story is a 30-year journey from a hometown youth pastor to a man on a mission from God to reach a forgotten, often overlooked, commonly believed unreachable group of people: teenagers in the public schools! To date, FutureNow ministries have impacted 251,000 junior high and high school


Excited to be apart of FCA this morning at Lowndes High

Photos from FutureNow's post 03/08/2022

I want to thank everyone for their birthday greetings! What a blessing! The greatest gift I have ever received was the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. As a birthday blessing I would ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with FutureNow. FutureNow is a ministry that my wife Terri and I founded that ministers to middle and high school students. My desire is to reach more students with the greatest gift, Jesus Christ. God bless you and we love you!


Giving Link: https://futurenow.us/give/


We are thankful for the opportunity to come to Brooks County Schools and bring a message of hope, vision, and purpose to the students on April 13th.

We have a community meeting planned for Tuesday, March 8th, at 6 pm at the brand new Performing Arts Center at Brooks County High School. We will be talking about the event and letting you know about areas you can get involved. We will provide food for those in attendance.

We are looking forward to serving the community and appreciate your willingness to serve with us.

Thank you for your prayers and support,

Chris Musgrove



II Corinthians 5:21: For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
When you got born again (saved) it was a spiritual birth. You became righteous in your heart (not physical heart, your spirit). But your mind (soul) didn’t get born again (saved), it must be renewed by reading and meditating (thinking) on the Word of God.

II Peter 2:2 says, “....to desire the pure milk of God’s Word that you may grow spiritually." And it says in Psalm 119:11, “To hide God’s Word in your heart (spirit) that you might not sin against God."

Romans 12:2 says, “But be transformed by the renewing (training) of your mind." Your soul (mind) is being saved or renewed.

Hebrews 10:38-39 says, “That the just (justified or made righteous ones) shall live by faith. But if anyone draws back, my soul has no pleasure in him. But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul (mind)." Draws back from what? Faith; and faith only comes, according to Romans 10:17, by hearing the Word of God!

Hebrews 11:6 says, “And without faith it is impossible to please God.” The Word not only brings faith, but it instructs and trains us in righteousness.
II Timothy 3:16 says, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." Your mind (soul) must be trained in righteousness.

Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you." The Amplified Bible says, "But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you beside."
What is righteousness? It's God's way of being and doing right. So, it is the opposite of wrongeousness! I know that’s not a word, but it helps people understand this important truth: Even though your spirit man (the real you, the part that is like God) is made righteous, your mind (soul) must be trained by the Word to walk in that righteousness.

Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

The Word will make you more sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you. In other words, piercing even to the division of soul (mind) and spirit (heart) is God’s Word helping you discern whether it’s the Spirit of God speaking to you or just you thinking it’s God. The Word will help you know the difference every time.

Get trained in righteousness so you can do what’s right!

Stay in the Word!



Help send Chris Musgrove & the FutureNow team unhindered in their mission to reach as many students as possible in 2022. We are entering our 21st year of reaching students and their families. Help send us by helping us raise $210,000.00 for operating, equipment, and event costs by December 31st to end the year strong and propel us into 2022.

To help us reach this goal a generous partner made available a matching gift grant that matches all gifts between now and December 31st - - dollar for dollar up to $50,000.00!

As of today we have received $122,870.00 and with the matching gift grant that totals $172,870.00. We are over 80% of our goal of $210,000.00.

We need 40 people to commit to a one time gift of $1,000.00 or commit to $100 for the next 10 months.

Help us reach our goal by midnight tonight and please share this with others!!!!! You can mail your pledge to FutureNow P.O. Box 2980 Valdosta, GA 31604 or give online: futurenow.us/give/

Have a blessed New Year!

The FutureNow Family


Help send Chris Musgrove & the FutureNow team unhindered in their mission to reach as many students as possible in 2022. We are entering our 21st year of reaching students and their families. Help send us by helping us raise $210,000.00 for operating, equipment, and event costs by December 31st to end the year strong and propel us into 2022.

To help us reach this goal a generous partner made available a matching gift grant that matches all gifts between now and December 31st - - dollar for dollar up to $50,000.00!

As of today we have received $59,070.00 and with the matching gift grant that totals $109,070.00. We are over 50% of our goal of $210,000.00.

We need 100 people to commit to a one time gift of $1,000.00 or commit to $100 for the next 10 months.

Help us reach our goal by midnight tonight and please share this with others!!!!! You can mail your pledge to FutureNow P.O. Box 2980 Valdosta, GA 31604 or give online: futurenow.us/give/

Thank You!!!


Help FutureNow with our End of Year giving challenge! We need to raise $210,000.00 for operating, equipment, and event costs by December 31st to end the year strong and propel FutureNow into 2022. To help us reach this goal a generous partner made available a matching gift grant that matches all gifts between now and December 31st - - dollar for dollar up to $50,000.00!

As of today we have received $56,820.00.(We reached our match!!) With the matching gift grant that amount becomes $106,820.00 We are over 50% of our goal, thanks to generous people like you! If any one would like to add another Matching Gift to help us reach our goal it would be welcomed!

Help us reach our goal by Dec. 31st by sharing this with others!

God bless you and remember that Jesus is Lord!

Chris Musgrove
Executive Director of FutureNow

P.S. Please mail your gift to FutureNow P.O. Box 2980 Valdosta, GA 31604 or give online at link below by December 31st to take advantage of our matching gift opportunity.



Help FutureNow with our End of Year giving challenge! We need to raise $210,000.00 for operating, equipment, and event costs by December 31st to end the year strong and propel FutureNow into 2022. To help us reach this goal a generous partner made available a matching gift grant that matches all gifts between now and December 31st - - dollar for dollar up to $50,000.00!

As of today we have received $52,650.00.(We reached our match!!) With the matching gift grant that amount becomes $102,650.00 We are just below 50% of our goal thanks to generous people like you! If any one would like to add another Matching Gift to help us reach our goal it would be welcomed!

Help us reach our goal by Dec. 31st by sharing this with others!

God bless you and remember that Jesus is Lord!

Chris Musgrove
Executive Director of FutureNow

P.S. Please mail your gift to FutureNow P.O. Box 2980 Valdosta, GA 31604 or give online by December 31st to take advantage of our matching gift opportunity.



Help FutureNow reach our End of Year giving challenge! We need to raise $210,000.00 for operating, equipment, and event costs by December 31st to end the year strong and propel FutureNow into 2022. To help us reach this goal a generous partner made available a matching gift grant that matches all gifts between now and December 31st - - dollar for dollar up to $50,000.00!

As of today we have received $52,650.00.(We reached our match!!) With the matching gift grant that amount becomes $102,650.00 We are just below 50% of our goal thanks to generous people like you! If any one would like to add another Matching Gift to help us reach our goal it would be welcomed!

Help us reach our goal by Dec. 31st by sharing this with others!

God bless you and remember that Jesus is Lord!

Chris Musgrove
Executive Director of FutureNow

P.S. Please mail your gift to FutureNow P.O. Box 2980 Valdosta, GA 31604 or give online at the link below by December 31st to take advantage of our matching gift opportunity.



Merry Christmas from the Musgrove's and FutureNow!!!

We wanted to update you on our End of Year giving challenge! We need to raise $210,000.00 for operating, equipment, and event costs by December 31st to end the year strong and propel FutureNow into 2022. To help us reach this goal a generous partner made available a matching gift grant that matches all gifts between now and December 31st - - dollar for dollar up to $50,000.00!
As of today we have received $44,114.13. With the matching gift grant that amount doubles to $88,228.26. We are at 42% of our goal thanks to generous people like you!

Help us reach our goal by Dec. 31st by sharing this with others!

Click the link below to help! God bless you!!!!


Photos from FutureNow's post 12/23/2021

FutureNow is celebrating 20 years of reaching students and their families! Glory to God!!!
Help us raise $210,000.00 for operating, equipment, and event costs by December 31st to end the year strong and propel FutureNow into 2022. To help us reach this goal a generous partner made available a matching gift grant that matches all gifts between now and December 31st - - dollar for dollar up to $50,000.00!

As of yesterday we've received $30,489.13. With the matching gift grant that amount doubles to $60,978.26. We are at about 30% of our goal! Help us reach our goal by Dec. 31st by sharing this with others! Click the link below to help!

God bless you and remember that Jesus is Lord!



Grit = Diligence. Being intentional to do what it takes, so your dreams become your reality.


Don’t shrink your dreams. Enlarge your faith. All things are possible if you believe!


Turner County Middle and High Schools! Thank you partner! .


Looking forward to being in Turner County tomorrow. If you are in the area come join us.


If you are in the Ashburn, GA area and would like to come volunteer, please email us at [email protected].


Excited about coming to Ashburn, GA on August 4th.


Thank you to all the men and women who fight for our freedom and to their families who sacrifice so much. It is greatly appreciated! 🇺🇸


Kicking it off at Dixie County High School!!

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Videos (show all)

We are thankful for the opportunity to come to Brooks County Schools and bring a message of hope, vision, and purpose to...
Turner County Middle and High Schools!   Thank you partner!  .
If you are in the Ashburn, GA area and would like to come volunteer, please email us at info@futurenow.us.
FutureNow coming to Cross City, FL



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