Community Water Center

Clean water is a human right, not a privilege. Based in CA's Central Valley, our work is devoted to community-driven solutions for water justice.

Based in CA's San Joaquin Valley and Central Coast, our work is devoted to community-driven solutions for water justice.


Join us on Sept. 26th at 6 pm. for the premiere of “The Flow of Justice”. The film uplifts the stories of AGUA members from the communities of Cutler and Alpaugh in Tulare County. We hope you’ll join us to reflect on the fight to achieve safe and affordable drinking water for all.

Únase a nosotros el 26 de septiembre a las 6 p. m. para el estreno de “The Flow of Justice”. La película resalta las historias de los miembros de AGUA de las comunidades de Cutler y Alpaugh en el condado de Tulare. Esperamos que se una a nosotros para reflexionar sobre la lucha por lograr agua potable segura y asequible para todos.

California Drinking Water Regulations Are Putting Cost Over People’s Safety 09/10/2024

“It takes decades for nitrates to get out of our groundwater basins, so you really need to take this battle on nitrate pollution and come at it head on … before it’s too late.” Kija Rivers, policy advocate with the Community Water Center via Truthout

California Drinking Water Regulations Are Putting Cost Over People’s Safety Polluters and utility groups have repeatedly stymied efforts to impose stricter limits on contaminants.

Climate costs will only go up if California fails to act. Voters should back a $10 billion bond 09/10/2024

"We have the ability to make their lives better, and to address the climate effects that threaten our clean drinking water supplies and our ability to breathe clean air."- Horacio Amezquita on Yes On Prop 4 via

Climate costs will only go up if California fails to act. Voters should back a $10 billion bond Roughly 1 million Californians live without clean water. The Proposition 4 climate bond will bring relief to long-overlooked communities.

‘I won’t let them drink the water’: The California towns where clean drinking water is out of reach 09/10/2024

“It is morally outrageous that we can’t provide the level of basic human rights that people need, and that it’s primarily low income communities of color who are facing these disparate impacts,” said Kyle Jones via

‘I won’t let them drink the water’: The California towns where clean drinking water is out of reach Drinking water contamination is a chronic, insidious threat in CA rural communities. Some have been waiting for clean water for years.


Is Your Water Safe or Well Running Dry? Check out our Safe Water Resources page if you’re experiencing drinking water issues & live in the San Joaquin Valley or Central Coast regions. Info can be found on private well testing, & bottled water programs.

¿Su agua es segura o se está secando bien? Consulte nuestra página de Recursos de agua segura si tiene problemas con el agua potable y vive en las regiones del Valle de San Joaquín o la Costa Central. Se puede encontrar información sobre pruebas de pozos privados y programas de agua embotellada.


One million Californians ❌ don't ❌ have access to safe drinking water, putting families & children at risk! ensures everyone has access to safe drinking water by investing in water recycling & conservation and improving dam and levee safety.

Un millón de californianos no tienen acceso a agua potable, lo que pone en riesgo a familias y niños. garantiza que todos tengan acceso a agua potable invirtiendo en el reciclaje y la conservación del agua y mejorando la seguridad de las represas y los diques.


Elections are coming up and it’s never too early to check your voter registration. California will start mailing out ballots on October 7, so it’s important to ensure you are registered and ready. Visit:

Se acercan las elecciones y nunca es demasiado pronto para comprobar su registro de votante. California comenzará a enviar las papeletas por correo el 7 de octubre, por lo que es importante asegurarse de estar registrado y preparado. Visite:


CWC offices will be closed today.

Las oficinas de CWC estarán cerradas hoy.


Join our team! Visit:

Bill tracking: More than a dozen proposed new water laws are racing to the end of the legislative process in Sacramento - SJV Water 08/29/2024

Bill tracking: More than a dozen proposed new water laws are racing to the end of the legislative process in Sacramento

Bill tracking: More than a dozen proposed new water laws are racing to the end of the legislative process in Sacramento - SJV Water Bill tracking: More than a dozen proposed new water laws are churning through the legislative process in Sacramento

Photos from Community Water Center's post 08/28/2024

AB 2454 by Assemblymember Alex Lee has passed out of the California Senate Floor. AB 2454 would allow tenants the right to have their domestic wells tested for contamination.

El Senado de California aprobó la propuesta de ley AB 2454 de Assemblymember Alex Lee. AB 2454 otorgaría a los inquilinos el derecho a que se analicen sus pozos domésticos para detectar contaminación.

CV-SALTS UPDATE: Environmental justice advocates frustrated by slow pace of the program 08/28/2024

“Management zone proposals will take 20 years, and it’s neither aggressive nor justified, considering there are no new technologies needed to meet those milestones. So we would like to see those accelerated.”

CV-SALTS UPDATE: Environmental justice advocates frustrated by slow pace of the program In parts of the Central Valley, nitrate levels in groundwater have risen so high that the drinking water in rural homes and small water systems no longer meets


Protecting California's natural resources against a changing climate can't wait! 🍃🚰
Devastating wildfires & floods are increasingly threatening our communities. We're joining the campaign to ensure we protect California. Join the movement at:

Photos from Community Water Center's post 08/26/2024

ICYMI: AB 805 by ASM Dr. Joaquin Arambula, has passed the Senate Floor. would allow for the State Water Board to (1) appoint an administrator for failing wastewater systems & (2) fund cleanup and abatement. We are one step closer to getting justice for the community of East Orosi

La propuesta de ley AB 805 del Dr. Joaquín Arámbula ha sido aprobada por el Senado completo. permitiría a la Mesa Estatal del Agua (1) nombrar un administrador para los sistemas de aguas residuales defectuosos y (2) financiar la limpieza y reducción. Estamos un paso más cerca de conseguir justicia para la comunidad de East Orosi

Photos from Community Water Center's post 08/26/2024

🚨Our next AGUA Meeting is happening Today at 5:00 via phone and in person!📞 If you want to join or need more information, please get in touch with Maricela at (559)733-0219.

🚨Nuestra próxima reunión de AGUA se llevará a cabohoy a las 5:00 p. m. por teléfono y en persona! 📞 Si desea unirse o desea obtener más información, comuníquese con Maricela al (559)733-0219.

Photos from Community Water Center's post 08/23/2024

🚨Our next AGUA Meeting is happening on Monday at 5:00 via phone and in person!📞 If you want to join or want more information, please get in touch with Maricela at (559)733-0219.

🚨Nuestra próxima reunión de AGUA se llevará a cabo este lunes a las 5:00 p. m. por teléfono y en persona! 📞 Si desea unirse o desea obtener más información, comuníquese con Maricela al (559)733-0219.

Photos from Community Water Center's post 08/20/2024

AB 2454 by Assemblymember Alex Lee has passed out of the Senate Appropriations Committee. AB 2454 would allow tenants the right to have their domestic wells tested for contamination.

La AB 2454 de Assemblymember Alex Lee sido aprobada por el Comité de Asignaciones Presupuestarias del Senado. La AB 2454 otorgaría a los inquilinos el derecho a que se analicen sus pozos domésticos para detectar contaminación.

Photos from Community Water Center's post 08/16/2024

ICYMI: AB 805 by ASM Dr. Joaquin Arambula, has passed the Senate Appropriation Committee. would allow for the State Water Board to (1) appoint an administrator for failing wastewater systems & (2) fund cleanup and abatement. We are one step closer to getting justice for the community of East Orosi

La propuesta de ley AB 805 del Dr. Joaquín Arámbula ha sido aprobada por el Comité de Asignaciones del Senado. permitiría a la Junta Estatal del Agua (1) nombrar un administrador para los sistemas de aguas residuales defectuosos y (2) financiar la limpieza y reducción. Estamos un paso más cerca de conseguir justicia para la comunidad de East Orosi


Water is the only necessity that has no low-income rate assistance program available for our hard-working families. Read the full statement:

El agua es la única necesidad para la que no existe un programa de asistencia para familias de bajos ingresos disponible para nuestras familias trabajadoras. Lea la declaración completa:

Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability, Clean Water Action California, Senator María Elena Durazo


We fought tirelessly over the past year to pass SB1255 and create low-income water rate assistance program because we KNOW it’s the only way to solve California’s water affordability crisis. Today the bill was held in the Appropriations Committee and won’t be moving forward. We want to thank Senator María Elena Durazo for her leadership and we know the fight isn’t over for us. We’ll keep coming back until everyone in California can have safe water in their homes without falling into debt.

Luchamos incansablemente durante el ultimo año para aprobar la SB1255 y crear un programa de asistencia para la tarifa de agua para personas de bajos ingresos porque SABEMOS que es la única manera de resolver la crisis de asequibilidad del agua en California. Hoy, el proyecto de ley quedó en el Comité de Asignaciones y no avanzará. Queremos agradecer a la senadora Durazo por su liderazgo y sabemos que la lucha no ha terminado para nosotros. Seguiremos luchando hasta que todos en California puedan tener agua potable en sus hogares sin endeudarse.


Water rates are rising 3x faster than inflation, making it hard for Californians to pay their water bill. We need water rate assistance for those who need it most. can help us make it happen.

Las tarifas del agua están aumentando tres veces más rápido que la inflación, lo que dificulta que los californianos paguen su tarifa del agua. Necesitamos ayuda con las tarifas del agua para quienes más la necesitan. puede ayudarnos a hacerlo realidad.

Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez Buffy Wicks Senator María Elena Durazo


Low-income assistance programs exist for many essential services (healthcare, groceries, heating, internet) but NOT for water. would create a donation-funded assistance water rate program to help with the cost of water affordability for small public water systems.

Existen programas de asistencia para personas de bajos ingresos para muchos servicios esenciales (atención médica, alimentos, calefacción, internet), pero NO para el agua. crearía un programa de asistencia para tarifas de agua financiado por donaciones para ayudar con el costo del agua económica para sistemas públicos de agua pequeños.

Buffy Wicks, Kate Sanchez For State Assembly, Senator María Elena Durazo


28% of families in California have an overdue water balance. We need water rate assistance for those who need it most. can help us make it happen.


1 in 3 people in the US are struggling to pay their water bills. Senator María Elena Durazo’s will create a low-income water rate assistance program for all public water systems with over 3,300 connections in California. We need

1 de cada 3 personas en EE. UU. tiene dificultades para pagar sus tarifas del agua. El de Senator María Elena Durazo creará un programa de asistencia para tarifas de agua económicas para todos los sistemas públicos de agua con más de 3,300 conexiones en California. ¡Necesitamos ahora!

Buffy Wicks, Kate Sanchez For State Assembly

Dangerous herbicide used on California crops banned 08/08/2024

"The heaviest use is in Monterey County. Researchers at UC Berkeley found that more than half of nearly 100 Latina girls between the ages of 14 and 16 living in farmworker communities in the Salinas Valley were exposed to DCPA."

Dangerous herbicide used on California crops banned The chemical, used for decades, can harm babies’ developing brains. Farmworkers and people living near fields are most at risk.


Join our team! Visit:

Photos from Community Water Center's post 08/05/2024

Stay cool, California! Getting too hot can make people sick.

Know the signs of heat exhaustion:

Heavy sweating
Nausea or vomiting

Go to for more tips.

¡Manténgase fresco, California! El calor excesivo puede hacer que la gente se enferme.

Conozca los signos del agotamiento por calor:
- Sudoración intensa
- Calambres
- Dolor de cabeza
- Náuseas o vómitos
- Cansancio
- Debilidad
- Mareos
- Desmayos

Visite para obtener más consejos.

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Our Story

Clean water is a human right, not a privilege. Based in CA's Central Valley and Central Coast, our work is devoted to community-driven solutions for water justice.

Tener agua limpia es un derecho humano y no un privilegio. Nuestro objetivo es garantizar que todas las comunidades tengan acceso al agua potable, limpia, y económica a través de soluciones que las propias comunidades produzcan. Tenemos oficinas en el Valle Central y la Costa Central de California.

Videos (show all)

To address weather whiplash, CWC and NRDC stress the need for climate-resilient infrastructure, especially for aging lea...
California's climate crisis is happening now and we can't wait any longer for relief. We must invest in a resilient futu...
ICYMI our #DrinkingWaterWeek briefing w We the People of Detroit & The Water Collaborative 🚰"Affordability is long-term ...
Our National #DrinkingWaterWeek media briefing united our partners at @wethepeopleofdetroit and The Water Collaborative ...
Simona talks about the importance of having access to safe, clean and affordable water. #DrinkingWaterWeekSimona habla d...
Maria Luisa talks about the importance of having access to safe, clean and affordable water. #DrinkingWaterWeekMaría Lui...
Tutuy talks about the importance of having access to safe, clean, and affordable water. #DrinkingWaterWeekTutuy habla de...
This #DrinkingWaterWeek, Angie Moreno highlights the importance of having access to safe, clean and affordable water. Es...
National Drinking Water Week- Spanish
National Drinking Water Week- English
No one should wonder whether they have enough water in their homes to do daily tasks. This is why Simona Magana traveled...



222 N. Garden
Visalia, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9am - 5:30pm
Friday 9am - 5:30pm

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