Current For Women

Current For Women Events "Imagine what it would be take some time to be quiet, to worship, to listen, to heal." - Jill Ludlow

Current For Women is a series of events and conferences devoted to the specific spiritual and emotional needs of women. These events are designed for women to take a special weekend away to "Pause, Listen and Receive", and have a restoring and refreshing encounter with their Creator. Displayed through wonderfully creative settings, excellent worship through music with Full Sail Band, inspirational

Photos from Current For Women's post 08/20/2024

A few random pics from Bucerias, Mexico. It's been a full couple of weeks. Red-eyed to Detroit on Friday, led a Leadership Retreat for AEC in Archbold over the weekend and head back to California in the morning.

So grateful to be able to work with these incredible people.

Photos from Refuge of Hope Bucerias's post 08/11/2024

So much energy. So much love. So many hugs, and laughs, and story telling. Our team loved our time with the beautiful children of Refuge of Hope! We have one more day with them this week. It'll be hard to say goodbye but we hope we can return soon. God bless these kids and their families.

Photos from Current For Women's post 08/01/2024

Last Sunday was funday!

Got the trailer mostly loaded in the cool of the morning. We head to Mexico this Sunday so I had to get the trailer ready for the trip out west at the end of the month. Axles greased, brakes and electrical checked, non-slip paint on the ramp and brand new commercial carpet and base boards on the floor (Thanks to the great work of Brian Keeley's American Floors!).

So many great things planned for all this gear! :)


Today is the day!

Oasis Retreat - Visalia, CA
June 21-22

When: Friday, June 21 (7-9pm) and Saturday, June 22 (9am-4pm)
Where: The Largoza’s Barn, 4235 W Riggin Avenue, Visalia, CA 93291

“The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help…went up to God. (He) heard their groaning and was…concerned about them…And when they heard that the Lord was concerned about them, and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshipped.”
(Exodus 2:23-24; 4:31)

What does it do for me when I know that someone has truly noticed what I'm going through and is moved with compassion by my suffering?

Just knowing that I’m seen and genuinely cared for by someone can melt me into a puddle of deepest relief. It communicates that I’m not alone.

We are not alone.

A tender look in God’s eyes, a gentle tone in His Voice, a comforting word from His heart can change everything. It can bring a heart back to trust, to rest, to hope, to life.

Oasis Retreat is designed to provide space and time in the quiet for a fresh encounter with the One Who knows us best and loves us most. Through worship, devotional thoughts, prayer, interactive Reflective Stations and stillness, Oasis helps focus our thoughts and attention back on God, and positions our hearts to receive the healing, refreshment, and comfort He longs to give us.

Come for all or a portion of the time on Friday and Saturday. Coffee and water will be provided. If staying the whole day on Saturday, feel free to bring a sack lunch to enjoy. This a free event for both men and women (teenagers and adults) with no registration necessary. Donation boxes for a freewill love offering for the work of Full Sail Ministries will be available at the Resource Table.

For more info or questions visit,
email us at: [email protected], or phone the office line: 559-627-8202.

“In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From His temple He heard my voice; my cry came before Him, into His ears.”
(Psalm 18:6)

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Wrote this for an FSM email letter to friends and supporters. Thought I'd share it here.

The Road to Home.

There have been many days over the past 43 years when we could look out our windshield and see a scene not unlike this one. Our four day trip back across the country to our home in California from Ohio has been repeated... well, we've kind of lost track of the number of times. "Some people are just made for life on the road" we sometimes reply when asked how we do it. I guess we are a couple of those "some people". Every road we take or highway we travel down, we carry our Father's message of Home to the next town or country ahead. And though we dream of a land of our own, "a home base for Home" so to speak, we know that we can fully live in the present, enjoying the journey He has mapped out for us. This truck of ours has witnessed napping, worshipping, singing, praying, the sharing of hearts and dreams, and the mindless stretch of the scenery as it flies by. This truck carries a special place in our hearts and is our own private holy place as we drive down the in-between.

This year we celebrate 25 years of Full Sail Ministries. We gladly sing God's praises for all we've watched Him do in the lives of people across the globe. But it's His sweet love for us and our family and the tender ways He has held us close where the actual 'rubber meets the road', that we are most taken by. So we laugh and sing songs of gratitude and trust as we go.

"I remain confident of this:
"I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord."
Psalm 27:13-14


Our next Oasis Retreat is in Visalia, CA
June 21-22

Come join us!
“The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help…went up to God. (He) heard their groaning and was…concerned about them…And when they heard that the Lord was concerned about them, and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshipped.”
(Exodus 2:23-24; 4:31)

What does it do for me when I know that someone has truly noticed what I'm going through and is moved with compassion by my suffering?

Just knowing that I’m seen and genuinely cared for by someone can melt me into a puddle of deepest relief. It communicates that I’m not alone.

We are not alone.

A tender look in God’s eyes, a gentle tone in His Voice, a comforting word from His heart can change everything. It can bring a heart back to trust, to rest, to hope, to life.

Oasis Retreat is designed to provide space and time in the quiet for a fresh encounter with the One Who knows us best and loves us most. Through worship, devotional thoughts, prayer, interactive Reflective Stations and stillness, Oasis helps focus our thoughts and attention back on God, and positions our hearts to receive the healing, refreshment, and comfort He longs to give us.

When: Friday, June 21 (7-9pm) and Saturday, June 22 (9am-4pm)
Where: The Largoza’s Barn, 4235 W Riggin Avenue, Visalia, CA 93291

Come for all or a portion of the time on Friday and Saturday. Coffee and water will be provided. If staying the whole day on Saturday, feel free to bring a sack lunch to enjoy. This a free event for both men and women (teenagers and adults) with no registration necessary. Donation boxes for a freewill love offering for the work of Full Sail Ministries will be available at the Resource Table.

For more info or questions visit,
email us at: [email protected], or phone the office line: 559-627-8202.

“In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From His temple He heard my voice; my cry came before Him, into His ears.”
(Psalm 18:6)

Full Sail Ministries' Oasis Retreat - Visalia, CA - June 21-22, 2024! -

Oasis Retreat - Visalia, CA
June 21-22

“The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help…went up to God. (He) heard their groaning and was…concerned about them…And when they heard that the Lord was concerned about them, and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshipped.”
(Exodus 2:23-24; 4:31)

What does it do for me when I know that someone has truly noticed what I'm going through and is moved with compassion by my suffering?

Just knowing that I’m seen and genuinely cared for by someone can melt me into a puddle of deepest relief. It communicates that I’m not alone.

We are not alone.

A tender look in God’s eyes, a gentle tone in His Voice, a comforting word from His heart can change everything. It can bring a heart back to trust, to rest, to hope, to life.

Oasis Retreat is designed to provide space and time in the quiet for a fresh encounter with the One Who knows us best and loves us most. Through worship, devotional thoughts, prayer, interactive Reflective Stations and stillness, Oasis helps focus our thoughts and attention back on God, and positions our hearts to receive the healing, refreshment, and comfort He longs to give us.

When: Friday, June 21 (7-9pm) and Saturday, June 22 (9am-4pm)
Where: The Largoza’s Barn, 4235 W Riggin Avenue, Visalia, CA 93291

Come for all or a portion of the time on Friday and Saturday. Coffee and water will be provided. If staying the whole day on Saturday, feel free to bring a sack lunch to enjoy. This a free event for both men and women (teenagers and adults) with no registration necessary. Donation boxes for a freewill love offering for the work of Full Sail Ministries will be available at the Resource Table.

For more info or questions visit,
email us at: [email protected], or phone the office line: 559-627-8202.

“In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From His temple He heard my voice; my cry came before Him, into His ears.”
(Psalm 18:6)

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash


One hour until the doors open. We’re ready.

"Easter Song" By Jess Ray 04/01/2024

Easter is many things for me.

Of course, it marks a day when everything changed for every human. Every human who ever was or will be born. It's also always a soul marker for me personally because it's commemorates the moment when, though for us all in our collective history, God decided to come get me, doing everything He needed to do to secure life for me. A now life. A future life. And one where and when I'll never have to be alone.

I've learned a few important things in my short, little life. I've forgotten many of the best ones. Life and times, with all their highs and lows, joys and pains... mostly the pains actually come to think about it, have blurred the lines and suggested I not remember the life-giving ones. But, for me, Easter is comes clear no matter what I'm going through in any present moment. Suffering, sweat like blood, shredded clothes and flesh, nails and a piercing, couldn't keep the silent Love from lying down to get back up. Death died with Him, and He let death lie there as He walked out and headed my direction.

I've learned to wait for Him with my door open.

Like a cloud the size of a man's hand on the horizon, or a bird abandoning her ark, or a woman standing in a garden outside an empty tomb, I find myself, today, trusting less in what an other would say of me or mine, or what some doubt might temporary loan my heart, and believing the One who best knows me and loves me thoroughly. And so completely that every area of my life gets the grace to know what Home really means. Needs met. Honest conversations. Intimacy. Trust. Are all givens in my forever Home. We give it to dogs. He offers it to me. :) He sacrificed everything to build this place.

And so, today I hear the bells I've also rung in the past. This Easter carved out a moment for me to remember what at times can seem too good to be true. The Good News is very good for me. A rebirth and a grace to change. I'll take that. So, here is an old tune covered by one of my all time favourite singer songwriters, Jess Ray.

Easter is celebrated everyday. So, Happy Easter! :)

"Easter Song" By Jess Ray EASTER SONGPerformed By: Jess RayFrom “All Things New” EP…/all-things-new…/id1218818712…- - - - -LYRICS:Hear the bells ringing, ...

Photos from Full Sail Ministries's post 03/15/2024

Oasis Retreat. The first 2024. So good.

If you've never been to one. You should come. We are looking at locations in NW Ohio for late April early May and later in MAy in Visalia. Stay tuned!

Full Sail Ministries' First Oasis Retreat of 2024! 03/15/2024

Our first Oasis Retreat was such a beautiful time. Here's a brief reflection on it and some of the other beautiful things we are up to.

Full Sail Ministries' First Oasis Retreat of 2024!


Wheels up, headed west. See you soon Cali. See you in a couple of months Ohio.

So many memories made. Redemptive, healing and restorative moments for some dear people. And we were not exempt. We’re grateful for every one of them.

It's GIVING TUESDAY! 11/28/2023

If you are someone who likes to give on GIVING TUESDAY please consider supporting our Full Sail Team ladies this year!

We work some amazing women here at Full Sail. They lovingly give of themselves to provide beautiful moments for people to connect with God. Specifically, their desire for women of all walks of life personally meet with Jesus, whether those who lead in their families and communities or are simply longing to encounter God in the reality of their daily lives, is strong. Our ladies are walking similar roads too and vulnerably meet heart to heart with women all over the globe. We love the way they love people.

We can hardly believe all God has done this year (this pictures below tell the story) and we can't wait to see what doors He will open for us and how God will use us all in 2024!

It's GIVING TUESDAY! It’s been a very full and very rich year. Looking back, we can hardly believe all the places we had the opportunity to travel to, the precious people we’ve had the privilege of meeting, and all the doors that were opened before us. We are amazed and deeply grateful to God for every moment of it....

Photos from Current For Women's post 10/14/2023

Such a beautiful opening night at Oasis Retreat Visalia. Taking time to pause our busy lives to join God in the desert. He has a sweet meeting planned out there for us at an oasis. He has something He wants to tell us. And so we come. Listening.

When: Friday, October 13 (7-9pm) and Saturday, October 14 (9am-4pm)
Where: Largoza’s Barn: 4235 W Riggin Avenue, Visalia, CA 93291

Photos from Current For Women's post 10/13/2023

And so it begins… load in and set up! Oasis Visalia starts tomorrow.


What a beautiful evening Jill had with these sweet ladies!

Jill got to spend an evening with Cheryl Cann’s small group - 8 women who have been “doing life” together weekly in a beautiful circle of trusted relationship in her living room for the past 5 years. Jill was quickly and warmly invited into that loving circle. Drawing from John 11 and the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, she shared about the tender heart of Jesus and how He met them individually in the reality of their lives. He really does long to sit with us in the honesty of our sad, lonely, broken, confused, scared, stuck moments of life and make it a meeting place. A place where we’re given new grounds for believing His heart for us.

What an honor to pray tenderly for each one. It was a such a beautiful evening.


We just returned from 12 days in Israel on a study tour. It was unlike any experience we've ever had. To actually walk where Jesus walked (and He walked a lot) was life altering. And to put the stories we've heard or told our whole lives put in a cultural and geographic context brought deeper meaning to them and fresh perspectives. Below is one such moment from a scene set in 1 Samuel 17.


Jill is standing on a hill. It’s called Tel Azeka. It’s part of the hill area the Philistines fled over while being pursued by the Israelite army. Over her right shoulder is a valley between two hills. The one in the foreground is the one where the Philistine army was stationed. The one in the distance is where the Israelite army stood paralyzed with fear as the Philistine’s 9’9” giant walked down to the valley between them for 40 days straight hurling insults and mocking their God. That is also the valley where a young shepherd boy, who was originally just planning to deliver food from home to his older brothers who were with the Israel army, walked down to the creek bed with his staff and gathered his “five smooth stones”.

The giant, Goliath, screamed out for all to hear… “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. “Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the field.” Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand.” – 1 Samuel 17:43-47 ESV

Then this shepherd boy ran towards the giant, swinging the stone in his sling and then launched it hitting the giant in the head. Goliath fell face down and David took his head with Goliath’s own sword. This, in a few moments, changed the whole feeling on the hills. Fear was replaced with confidence on one hill and arrogance was replaced with fear on the other.

The Philistine’s fled over the very place where we stood. None ultimately survived. It was a surreal experience to stand looking at scenery and the forest on the mountain and imagine it all. And the real battlefield still suggests a present day storyline for when we face our own “giants”.

David picked up five stones. Why five? In those days if a family member was killed by someone another family member was expected to avenge their death. Goliath had four brothers. David was ready for all of them.

While writing this I may or may not have a small smooth stone from a certain creek bed in me pocket. :)

(I think we’ll start calling my wife Indiana Jill. Or something like that.) :)

Full Sail Ministries - SE Asia Report - Spring 2023 06/12/2023

We will continue to post individual reports from our recent mission, but if you'd like to see our latest newsletter just click on the link below!

We are so grateful for the ongoing faithful prayer and financial support from our partners who make these mission opportunities possible. Thank you!

Full Sail Ministries - SE Asia Report - Spring 2023 We invite you to read this inspiring report of this spring's outreach to South East Asia in the countries of Cambodia and Thailand. From working with leaders, staff and students at Youth With A Mission in Battambang, encouraging longtime missionaries in Thailand to serving Burmese refugees, we encou...

Photos from Current For Women's post 06/10/2023

Some of our sweetest times of encountering God was when our Full Sail team gathered together with some of the staff, slowed our busy minds and focused our hearts on Jesus. We got quiet for a few moments and then, being led by Jordanne and Savanna, lifted our voices in worship, often with spontaneous melodies and cries from the deepest parts of our souls. This particular night we sensed the Holy Spirit so strongly. It was as though Jesus walked into the room. There was such a sense of His power as well as His nearness.

When we took the time for some to share vulnerably and then to pray for one another there was so much love and care in the room. God tenderly lifted burdens and set people free. It's sometimes hard to describe what it's like when God's presence is felt so intimately. Probably the best word to use would be... freedom.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [emancipation from bo***ge, true freedom].
- 2 Corinthians 3:17 AMP



With the change in season comes the rain we need for the fruit in the next.

So let it rain!

Happy New Year from Geoff and Jill Ludlow - Full Sail Ministries. 12/31/2022

Happy New Year from Geoff and Jill Ludlow and our team at Full Sail Ministries!

Happy New Year from Geoff and Jill Ludlow - Full Sail Ministries. We are so grateful for such a beautiful and full year! As God has been working in our hearts we've seen the overflow in every ministry event and personal mee...

Full Sail Ministries - Thank you from Paraguay. 12/21/2022

Watching God pour love into the hearts of women, especially those who are leaders in Paraguay, was such a gift. So much joy for us to bless those who actively build home for their families and loved ones and watch them respond to their Father's invitation to come and find "Home" in His heart for them. Seeing them relax and find rest in His love for them was so beautiful. We bless them in their life with Him, and we bless all of those who were part of our team on the ground and those who sent us here. This outreach to Paraguay was such a rich close to our ministry in 2022. We look forward to all God has for us in 2023. So much love in our hearts for the people we will be working with this next year. Love that calls His much-loved people Home.

Full Sail Ministries - Thank you from Paraguay. Geoff and Jill Ludlow mark the final day of FSM's "To Paraguay with Love" outreach with a brief moment of reflection on the ministry ops over the two and a h...

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