American Legion Post 32, Walla Walla

The American Legion is America's largest supporter of veterans. Our organization has four Pillars of belief and action. Mike Eggleson Commander

The American Legion is for veterans and active duty without regard to foreign service or deployment. Our Mission:

To enhance the well-being of America's veterans, their families, our military, and our communities by our devotion to mutual helpfulness. The American Legion's vision Statement is "The American Legion: Veterans Strengthening America." The American Legion's value principles are as fol


It is one of the quilts that Al’s wife, Elaine, and their daughter have made. Some will be for other Post members at the June meeting, some for the veterans home, and evidently a local LEO. They call their project Quilts of Honor so it won’t be confused with Quilts of Valor which is a nation-wide project. QV has presented several quilts to ROA members including Mike Howell. Theirs are more for military service and the recipient has to be nominated.

Elaine has already given me one that Al picked out.
This event at Vic’s church came up and we thought he should be presented then so lots of people could know what Vic has done for the town. A bunch of preachers were there, Cathy McMorris, Dixie Ferguson and her group, and several community members.
Vic and Dixie are still doing the veterans history project (interviews and videos). Vic coordinates 1 of the weekly soup kitchens including finding and hauling food donations, Veterans Honor Guard, Legion Chaplain, and maybe some other stuff.

Photos from American Legion Post 32, Walla Walla's post 05/24/2024

Here’s half the cemetery all decorated for Memorial Day with the ever-powerful WWII monument in the background. This was taken with someone’s cell phone. The Post Cemetery is an ROA project, but since I’m a member of both VSOs, I’d like for the Legion to get credit as well.


Memorial Day ceremony at Mt. View Cemetery on Monday, May 27th, 11:00am.

Photos from Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum's post 04/09/2024

On April 16, 2024 it will be 79 years!


Lady Lieutenants that saved lives!

Afghanistan's 'Angel of Death' is retiring from Air Force special ops 04/09/2024

Another Great American Lieutenant!

Afghanistan's 'Angel of Death' is retiring from Air Force special ops Col. Allison Black, who Afghan fighters called "the Angel of Death" for her radio calls from AC-130 gunships, is retiring from the Air Force.


The Hornet leaving San Francisco in 1942 with Jimmy Doolittle's B-25's on board. The first strike against Japan's mainland.


Second Lieutenant Stanley Charles Taylor

was born in Walla Walla, Washington to Charles G., a painter by trade, and Jessie Ryker Taylor. Some time prior to the 1930 census, the family moved to Seattle. In 1934 Stanley’s father passed away and his mother remarried a few years later to James Brooks.

At age 22, Stan (as he preferred to be called) enlisted in the Army in October 1940. The 6’ 2” youth listed his employment at the Coleman Dock in Seattle. Nothing else of his early years is known at this time.

Neither is there current available documentation about his military training or when he was commissioned. At some point, Stan was assigned to the 737th Tank Battalion, 134th Infantry Regiment. The 737th, known as Patton’s Spear Headers, became one of the most decorated separate tank battalions in Europe in World War II. During its 299 days of combat, it fought in Normandy, northern France, Ardennes-Alsace, Rhineland, and central Europe.

On 12 and 13 July 1944, the unit landed on Omaha Beach in the wake of the D-Day invasion by the Allies. There the 737th was assigned to the 1st Army with elements deployed to various locations as support artillery. In some clashes with the Germans, the 737th sustained heavy losses of equipment and soldiers, but persevered. One such battle was waged in Moon-sur-Elle 2 1/2 miles northwest of St. Clair. It was there that 2LT Taylor was killed on 17 July.

Stanley was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart. He was buried in Colleville-sur-Mer which is part of the expansive Normandy American Cemetery, the final resting place for over 9,300 other servicemen. The cemetery, like many other overseas cemeteries, is overseen by the American Memorial Battlefield Commission. I However in many of the cemeteries, volunteers care for individual graves. Such is the case of a French organization called Les Fleurs de la Memoire. There is still a strong sense of gratitude among the French for the Allied forces, especially the U.S., who helped defeat the N***s. It is not a debt they take lightly. In some cemeteries across Europe, this care is passed on to a younger volunteer.

Preparations are being made in France for an 80th anniversary commemoration of D-Day. It is the hope of Les Fleurs de la Memoire to include individual tributes to the American soldiers whose graves they have been tending. Reserve Organization of America, Chapter 21 in Walla

Walla was contacted by one of the Les Fleurs de la Memoire members. He requested information and a photo that he can share at the event. This is in progress.

An unexpected outcome of the research being done locally by an ROA member who is also part of American Legion Post 32 is that 2LT Taylor’s name will be added onto the World War II monument in Walla Walla--his hometown. It is our honor to be part of this tribute.

Photos from American Legion Post 32, Walla Walla's post 11/11/2023

This year’s Veterans Day Parade from Post 32 Walla Walla. The local NBC affiliate in the Tri-Cities will have film at 4 PM and 8 PM today and will have it on their website .


Enjoy your Freedoms! A few years ago, Renae Wilson Snyder and I had a fantastic trip to New England and spent a couple of days in Boston. We took the time and walked the entire "Freedom Trail" in Boston. The weather was horrible and we were wet and cold but worth the effort. We walked on the streets and cobblestone walks and saw the buildings where our Founding Fathers had the idea of independence! I think about that trip and the "Freedom Trail" every 4th of July, or Independence Day.
Here's some forgotten or neglected information/history about Independence Day and what it is to a lot of us:
"July was named in honor of Julius Caesar. Quintilis, which was his birth month, was renamed July when he died. Quintilis means “fifth month” in Latin, which is where this month originally fell in the Roman calendar.
The Fourth of July, also known as Independence Day, has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century
and the American Revolution. On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later delegates from the thirteen colonies adopted the Declaration of
Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson. From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, with festivities ranging
from fireworks, parades, and concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues.
Fast forward to July 4, 1946. John F. Kennedy, a then 29-year-old Democratic nominee for a Massachusetts Congressional seat, and still a lieutenant in the Navy Reserve, was the featured
speaker at the City of Boston’s Independence Day celebration. He spoke at Faneuil Hall, the red brick building where long ago the colonists had gathered to protest taxes imposed by King George
III and his Parliament. He did not talk about taxes, or about the British, or about the consent of the governed. Instead, he spoke about the deep religious undertones of the birth of this nation. “The informing spirit of the American character has always been a deep religious sense. Throughout the years, down to the present, a devotion to fundamental religious principles has characterized
American thoughts and action,” he said. For anyone wondering what this had to do with Independence Day, Kennedy made the connection explicit. “Our government was founded on the essential religious idea of integrity of the individual. It was this religious sense which inspired the authors of the Declaration of Independence: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain inalienable rights.’”
By Chaplain Odie, American Legion Post 209


in 1833, Dry Dock 1 opened in the Charlestown Navy Yard. That same day it received its first warship, USS CONSTITUTION, which was nearly 40 years old and desperately needed repairs. Vice President Martin Van Buren attended the historic event. CONSTITUTION was last serviced in Dry Dock 1 from 2015 (when this photo was taken) to 2017.

The Navy first authorized the construction of a dry dock in Charlestown, with another in Gosport, VA, in 1827. The construction, overseen by engineer Loammi Baldwin Jr. (also assisting with constructing the nearby Bunker Hill Monument), was the most ambitious civil engineering project undertaken by the US Government at the time. The total construction cost was $677,089, but the Navy got its money's worth considering the dry dock here has been operational for 190 years (making it the second oldest dry dock in the country after the one in Gosport, which opened a week earlier).

Dry Dock 1 is 415 feet long and can hold 4.8 million gallons of water. For more information, go to


Photos from American Legion Post 32, Walla Walla's post 06/25/2023

Dedication of the Korean War Memorial today, June 25, 2023. Veterans Park in College Place, Washington.


VA announces reset of Electronic Health Record project
The American Legion
APR 21, 2023
Today, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced that future deployments of the new Electronic Health Record (EHR) will be halted while its prioritizes improvements at the five sites that currently use the new EHR, as part of a larger program reset. Earlier this week in submitted testimony to Congress, The American Legion expressed support for legislation that would block VA from carrying out certain activities under EHRM until certain improvements and certifications are in place.

During this reset, VA will fix the issues with the EHR that were identified during the recent “assess and address” period, continue to listen to veterans and clinicians about their experience with the EHR, and redirect resources to focus on optimizing the EHR at the sites where it is currently in use: Spokane VA Health Care System, VA Walla Walla Health Care, Roseburg VA Health Care System, VA Southern Oregon Health Care, and VA Central Ohio Health Care System.

Additional deployments will not be scheduled until VA is confident that the new EHR is highly functioning at current sites and ready to deliver for veterans and VA clinicians at future sites. This readiness will be demonstrated by clear improvements in the clinician and veteran experience; sustained high performance and high reliability of the system itself; improved levels of productivity at the sites where the EHR is in use; and more. When these criteria have been met and the reset period concludes, VA will release a new deployment schedule and re-start deployment activities.

“We’ve heard from veterans and VA clinicians that the new electronic health record is not meeting expectations – and we’re holding Oracle Cerner and ourselves accountable to get this right,” said VA Secretary Denis McDonough. “This reset period will allow us to focus on fixing what’s wrong, listening to those we serve, and laying the foundation for a modern electronic health record that delivers for veterans and clinicians.”

“For the past few years, we’ve tried to fix this plane while flying it – and that hasn’t delivered the results that Veterans or our staff deserve,” said Dr. Neil Evans, Acting Program Executive Director, Electronic Health Record Modernization Integration Office. “This reset changes that. We are going to take the time necessary to get this right for veterans and VA clinicians alike, and that means focusing our resources solely on improving the EHR at the sites where it is currently in use, and improving its fit for VA more broadly. In doing so, we will enhance the EHR for both current and future users, paving the way for successful future deployments.”

This reset follows an extended pause in deployments that began in July 2022, culminating in an “assess and address” period that identified a lengthy list of necessary fixes. VA has already begun to work through these and other issues and will work closely with Oracle Cerner to address all remaining issues.

VA and Oracle Cerner are currently working toward an amended contract that will increase Oracle Cerner’s accountability to deliver a high-functioning, high-reliability, world-class EHR system. Also, as part of the re-set, VA will work with Congress on resource requirements. VA estimates FY 2023 costs will be reduced by $400 million.

The only exception to the full-stop on deployment activities is the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center in Chicago – which is the only fully-integrated VA and Department of Defense health care system – where the new EHR is scheduled to go-live in March 2024. To ensure that all veterans and servicemembers who visit this facility are covered by one EHR system, deployment activities for this facility, in partnership with DoD and the Federal Electronic Health Record Modernization Office, will continue as planned and leverage the improvements made during the reset.

The modernized EHR will replace VA’s current Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) to document and support all aspects of veteran health care. For more information about VA’s overall EHR modernization effort, visit


We will resume regular meetings on the 25th at 7:00pm at the VFW hall. Since we haven't met for awhile, the meeting will probably be longer than usual.

Sherilyn Jacobson


UPDATED TOWN HALL ANNOUNCEMENT! Walla Walla VA Medical Center and Spokane VA Medical Center are co-hosting a joint 1-hour VIRTUAL town hall meeting on December 15 at 5 p.m. (PT). Join us via ZOOM for this live virtual meeting.

The Town Hall will provide up-to-date information on the new PACT Act as well as updates from both facilities' leadership teams about what's happening at your VA. There will also be a segment where your questions will be answered.

Don't miss this event. Questions? Contact: Linda Wondra, Walla Walla VA Public Affairs Officer, at 509-386-1117.


Wreaths Across America

This year's ceremony will be Saturday, December 17th at 0900 hours at Mt. View Cemetery in front of the abbey (in the veteran's section).

New this year: Reserve Organization of America will be at Fort Walla Walla Post Cemetery at 0945. Following a prayer, wreaths will be laid on each veteran's grave.

Sherilyn Jacobson
Legion Post 32


Korean War Monument

The long-awaited monument to honor the servicemen from Walla Walla County who were killed during the war. Designed and installed by Tony Pugliese, owner of Heritage Memorials and Restorations, the gray American granite structure stands at the entrance to Veterans Park in College Place. Solemn and simplistic, it speaks volumes in respect for those lost amid unspeakable turmoil half a world away. A small country appealed for help in their struggle against Communism. The United States and several other countries in the newly formed United Nations Command answered the call. An armistice, never signed by South Korea, ended most of the hostilities, but an uneasy peace still lingers. A demilitarized zone approximately along the 38th parallel was established and remains guarded by both Koreas.

36,500 American soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen lost their lives including the 15 listed on the monument. Each of the names also represents a family, forever bereft by their loss of someone dear.

Dedication of the monument is tentatively planned for June 2023.

A manuscript is being worked on by two local Legionnaires as a tribute to the servicemen. Additional information about the men will be welcome. They can be reached at [email protected].

1LT James Arnold CPT Jack Beeson SGT Donald Cameron PFC Billie Dutton PFC William Erdman PFC Ervin Gebhardt CPT Charles Hastings SSG Robert Hatley 1LT Robert Hunt SFC Edward Kennedy PVT Alfred Meek 2LT Morris Reisinger PFC Arthur Ross 1LT David Taylor


Happy Veterans Day to all those that served, are still serving, and gave the ultimate sacrifice to country. God Bless for your service and dedication. 🇺🇸❤️


On this day in 1991, the Globemaster III took off for its maiden flight from Long Beach Airport. Over 260 C-17s were produced in Long Beach between 1991-2015.

Photos from American Legion Post 32, Walla Walla's post 09/10/2022

Getting set up for the day at the corner of Main and Spokane.


Attention All Veterans: Veterans Stand Down is Coming to Walla Walla Saturday, September 24th 10 AM-2 PM. Pre-registration is highly recommended. Pre-registration information and or scan QR code below. Stand Down will take place at VFW Post 992, 102 N. Colville St, Walla Walla, WA 99362.


American Legion Post 32, Walla Walla, with VLSV, Combat Veterans International Chapter 10, AMVETS Post 1111 and VFW Post 992 are please to host Col. Robert Certain, USAF (Ret), B-52 Navigator-Bombardier, shot down and captured Dec. 1972 over Hanoi, Vietnam. He will speak Friday, Sept 16, 2022, 11 AM-12:30 PM at VFW Post 992; 102 N. Colville St, Walla Walla, WA 99362. Lunch will be served.


American Legion Post meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each month at the VFW, 102 N Colville St, Walla Walla 99362. Meetings begin at 7PM.


Mike Eggleston, Commander American Legion Post 32, Walla Walla WA. (509) 480-2221; [email protected]
Meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7PM. Meetings are held at the VFW, 102 N Colville St, Walla Walla, WA 99362

American Legion Post 32, Walla Walla The American Legion is America's largest supporter of veterans.
The American Legion is for veterans

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