Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) promotes energy independence, environmental protection You are fully responsible for the content of your comments.

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We welcome your comments and hope that our conversations here will be courteous. Note that information that you voluntarily submit or publish on a Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) page on a third-party site may be treated as public information and archived in order to comply with applicable laws. To protect your privacy and the privacy of others, do not include any pe


📣 Join us for the upcoming Gulf of Mexico Offshore Sand Management Working Group meeting.

🔬 We will discuss sediment management activities (sand inventory efforts, environmental research, and cooperative interagency agreements) and multi-use offshore energy initiatives in the Gulf of Mexico.

For details on registration, visit: https://ow.ly/pYbg50QcqKO


JUST ANNOUNCED | The U.S. Department of the Interior has approved the Empire Wind project, located offshore New York.

⚡This is the sixth approval of a commercial-scale, offshore wind energy project in the United States. The project has an estimated capacity of +2GW of clean energy, which has the potential to power over 700,000 homes.

Today’s announcement represents a significant milestone to realize the promise of our clean energy future. This project can deliver renewable energy and good-paying jobs to the American people.

⚡ For more information on this project, visit https://www.boem.gov/renewable-energy/state-activities/empire-wind


Join us for the 3rd webinar in our 50th Anniversary Webinar Series 🎉

📅 SAVE THE DATE | Dec 14th at 1pm ET

We will highlight the next generation of environmental stewards who will share their perspectives on tackling ocean and climate issues.

Register: https://www.boem.gov/newsroom/notes-stakeholders/youre-invited-boems-environmental-studies-program-50th-anniversary-2

Guest panelists include:

🌊 Emily Young, John A. Knauss Climate Science Liaison Fellow, Office of Environmental Programs
🌊 Audrey Taylor, John A. Knauss International Relations & Policy Fellow, Office of Strategic Policy and International Affairs
🌊Chloe Vandermolen, John A. Knauss Just Transition Strategist Fellow, Office of Environmental Programs
🌊Bonnie Hester, Management and Program Analyst, Office of Renewable Energy Programs
🌊Dustin Reuther, Social Scientist, Gulf of Mexico Region, Office of Environment
🌊Christina Bonsell, Marine Ecologist, Alaska Region, Office of Environment
🌊Jennifer Kenyon, Program Analyst, Office of Strategic Policy and International Affairs
🌊Juliette Lee, Program Analyst, Office of Strategic Policy and International Affairs (Moderator)

Registration required: https://www.boem.gov/newsroom/notes-stakeholders/youre-invited-boems-environmental-studies-program-50th-anniversary-2


This year marks the 50th anniversary of our Environmental Studies Program.

To commemorate this milestone, we are hosting a showcase event to celebrate the accomplishments and innovations driven by our bureau’s research and scientific studies.

Details on registration here: https://ow.ly/M66c50Q8ujJ


Our job is just beach.
And what a great job we do at beach!

Here’s what you should know 👉https://ow.ly/H3RP50Q8ppw

BOEM is the only federal organization that can lease sand and gravel resources from federal waters.

By partnering with local communities and state partners, these marine minerals are used to protect our shorelines, nourish our beaches, and restore our wetlands.

Our job is to preserve our beaches and support coastal resilience. Our job is beach. 🏖️


Climate change represents a serious threat to marine life.

Not convinced?

Read the interview with Dr. Charles "Stormy" Mayo III, the Chair of Ecology at the Center for Coastal Studies and North Atlantic right whale expert: https://ow.ly/eqxG50Q83n6


Scientific data informs our decisions on offshore energy development.

But what exactly does that mean? 🤔

Example: we map the baseline acoustic seascape to understand what sounds are naturally present in the ocean (spoiler: the ocean can be very loud).

With underwater listening devices, we also study how vocalizing marine mammals move and behave at different times during the year. 🐬🐳

Check out mid-Atlantic seasonal patterns here: https://ow.ly/w8JG50Q3Qq4

Our research helps us identify areas to avoid and steps we can take to reduce potential impacts to ensure that offshore energy development does not cause population-level effects on these marine mammals.

To mitigate potential impacts, our data inform, for example, the restriction of construction schedules in line with seasonal migration patterns, requiring technologies to reduce human-induced sounds, and having protected species observers present during these operations.

Learn about our nationwide recommendations to mitigate potential impacts: https://ow.ly/coHV50Q3QqS

Photos from Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's post 11/11/2023

To all veterans, thank you for your service.

To the veterans who have joined the U.S. Department of the Interior - thank you for continuing to serve your country. Every day, you contribute invaluable expertise that protects our cherished public lands and waters, our wildlife and their habitats.

Photos from Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's post 11/09/2023

The ocean is vast and the research opportunities are limitless.

Help us decide: what should we study next?

We invite you to submit ideas for our FY25-26 Environmental Studies Development Plan by December 7, 2023. Visit https://ow.ly/WERJ50Q652h for details on how to submit study ideas.

These studies advance our understanding of the environmental impacts of energy and mineral development on the human, marine, and coastal environments. The information we gain from these studies is then used to inform our offshore energy development decisions.



In Aug 2023, we held the first-ever offshore wind energy auction for the Gulf of Mexico region, which resulted in awarding a lease area offshore Louisiana. This Lake Charles Lease Area can potentially power over 435K homes with clean energy, while creating good-paying jobs in the region.

Offshore wind may be new to Louisiana, but we have been restoring the state's coastline for decades. Learn about our restoration projects here: https://ow.ly/Ygj950Q5XsP


We rely on an interdisciplinary approach to understand the ocean.

And our innovative partnerships are vital to expanding our knowledge of offshore energy and marine mineral exploration, development and production activities on human, marine, and coastal environments.

Join us this afternoon to learn more: https://ow.ly/rW3250Q5AHf


Join us for the second webinar in our 50th Anniversary Webinar Series 🎉

📅 SAVE THE DATE | November 8th at 1pm ET

Learn about our innovative partnerships with other federal agencies.

Guest panelists include Alan Leonardi, Director, NOPP; Tom Fish, National Coordinator, CESU; and Gabrielle Canonico, Biology Lead and U.S. Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Manager, IOOS.

Registration required: https://ow.ly/qKNf50Q26Uv

2 Hours Of Jellyfish To Study/Relax/Work To | Lofi Hip Hop | Monterey Bay Aquarium Krill Waves Radio 11/03/2023

Everyone be quiet.

I’m watching my emotional support jellyfish.

🎥Monterey Bay Aquarium

2 Hours Of Jellyfish To Study/Relax/Work To | Lofi Hip Hop | Monterey Bay Aquarium Krill Waves Radio The mindfulness only the brainless can provide. Here’s two hours of brown sea nettle jellyfish (Chrysaora fuscescens) in the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Drifters...


What do you get if you mix a cow and a mermaid? 🐄🧜‍♀️

It may be a manatee...but we are still trying to figure that out

Our most recent study tracks the movement and habitat use of the endangered West Indian manatee through the northern Gulf of Mexico. Studies like these help ensure their protection when considering offshore energy development.

Details: http://ow.ly/HEkw50LmRaF


As a result of the order issued by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on October 26, 2023, in Louisiana v. Haaland (Case No. 23-30666), BOEM is postponing Lease Sale 261, in response to judicial orders. For more information:



💻During the public comment period, we are hosting virtual public meetings to discuss information considered for identifying the Draft WEA and next steps.

🙋There will be opportunities for questions and answers.

👉For details, visit https://www.boem.gov/newsroom/notes-stakeholders/reminder-virtual-public-meetings-boem-gulf-maine-draft-wind-energy-area

JUST ANNOUNCED 🚨 We have identified a draft Wind Energy Area (Draft WEA) in the Gulf of Maine.

This Draft WEA could facilitate the delivery of clean wind power while creating good-paying jobs. The Draft WEA spans approximately 3.5 million acres and has a capacity of +40GW.

We invite review and public comment on the Draft WEA to help identify a location most suitable for wind energy development while considering the coexistence with ocean users.

Visit https://ow.ly/3W7950PYK3o for more information on how to comment on the Draft WEA.


JUST ANNOUNCED | The Department of Interior has approved the construction and operations plan for the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project, located approximately 23.5 nautical miles off Virginia Beach, VA.

⚡This is the fifth approval of a commercial-scale offshore wind energy project in the United States. The project has an estimated capacity of 2.6 GW of clean energy, which can power over 900,000 homes.

This approval represents a significant milestone in realizing the promise of our clean energy future. This project can deliver renewable energy and good-paying jobs to the American people.

⚡Visit https://ow.ly/e5wE50Q2BM7 for more information on this project.


You never know what we will find while exploring the depths of the unknown...

Happy Halloween.

📸Northeastern University Marine Science Center


Join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Environmental Studies Program! The first webinar of a virtual roundtable series that kicks off on Thursday, Nov 2 will showcase the long-term partnership between BOEM ESP and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) from 3-4 PM EST via Zoom.

Register now: https://www.boem.gov/newsroom/notes-stakeholders/youre-invited-boems-environmental-studies-program-50th-anniversary


🌊 Curious about the status of offshore science and energy development?

💡 Here are 3 reasons you’ll want to join the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine meeting of the 24th Committee on Offshore Science and Assessment (COSA) on November 16-17

1/ Gain an understanding of our marine spatial planning considerations.
2/ Learn about the Bureau’s scientific information needs in the US territories
3/ Hear from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management experts on our continuous efforts to improve our elite science program.

Interested in joining the discussion?
Registration details here: https://ow.ly/4j2h50Q2iLN


As of today, our nation hosts 7 offshore wind turbines: 5 in Rhode Island state waters and 2 turbines in federal waters offshore Virginia Beach.

From these projects, we have learned that, once installed, these reef-urbished structures become encrusted with marine life. From the water surface to the seafloor, these turbines are fish aggregating devices that attract a diversity of marine species, allowing them to flourish and thrive.

Interested in learning more about the potential effects of offshore wind development on essential fish habitats and fishes? Visit: https://ow.ly/zHfF50Q2ee4


We have identified four final Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) in the Gulf of Mexico.

These WEAs were identified through public engagement with ocean users and stakeholder feedback. As a result, these WEAs include over 763K acres, which represents a small subset of the original Call Area.

Collectively, these WEAs have the potential to power +3 million homes with clean energy.

For more information: https://ow.ly/ObEb50Q1AMJ


This week, we hosted the Global Offshore Wind Regulators Forum in Washington, DC.

Regulators, from 10 countries gathered to share best practices and lessons learned to strengthen international cooperation in this growing energy sector.

Details: https://www.flickr.com/photos/boemgov/albums/72177720312213080


Our open house public meetings provide an opportunity to speak directly with BOEM staff about proposed projects in your community.

What can I expect at a public meeting?

🪧Posters, handouts, and resources on the project.
🙋Experts will be available to answer your questions.
📝Staff will explain the public comment process.
💻You can submit handwritten or online comments or via a court reporter.

Our next public meeting is tomorrow.

Meeting details: https://ow.ly/66jm50Q0NXE


Our 50th Anniversary Webinar Series kicks off tomorrow!

Register here: https://ow.ly/OrWq50Q0Het

For over 50 years, our Environmental Studies Program has provided critical scientific data to inform our Bureau’s decisions.

Learn about the program here: https://ow.ly/mWhS50Q0Heq


Climate change is bigger than what a single project can counteract.

Combatting climate change will require a combination of efforts to contend with hundreds of years of industrialization.

These efforts include offshore wind.

By increasing our offshore wind supply, we can decrease our demand for conventional energy.

This is a piece in the puzzle to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and slow human-induced climate change.

So even though a single offshore wind energy project will not be able to curb the impact of 150 years of actions, cumulatively these projects can have an effect.


REMINDER | 💻 We are hosting two In-Person public meetings on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Maryland Offshore Wind project.

These meetings provide a vital opportunity to collaborate with all stakeholders and ocean users through the leasing and development process.

Interested in participating in a public meeting or submitting comments? More information here: https://ow.ly/c2cG50PXfJs


When you think of the ocean...
You might not think about bats.

🦇 But we do!

These critical species can travel far out to sea, which is why we require automated tracking systems to monitor their movement and mitigate risks around offshore infrastructure.

To support the coexistence of bats and offshore wind, we jointly fund projects with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

🦇 On the East Coast - http://ow.ly/7v5y50NJwJl - we fund assessments on the risk that offshore wind development poses to bats and how to prioritize wildlife monitoring needs.

🦇 On the West Coast - http://ow.ly/Xquh50NJwJi - we fund bat acoustic monitoring at fixed and mobile sites.

These projects are just a few of our environmental studies that collect data and develop monitoring tools to protect wildlife.


For over 50 years, the Marine Mammal Protection Act has saved critical species from extinction.

When the MMPA was passed, there were serious public concerns over the welfare of marine mammals. Human activities were causing the depletion and even extinction of these critical species.

Today, the MMPA protects all marine mammals, from whales to sea otters to walruses and more. The Act prohibits the harassment, hunting, or capturing of any of these species.

At BOEM, we protect our most vulnerable and mitigate risks to marine life. In honor of the anniversary of the Marine Mammal Protection Act, thank you to all who protect and promote the recovery of marine mammals.


JUST ANNOUNCED 🚨 We have identified a draft Wind Energy Area (Draft WEA) in the Gulf of Maine.

This Draft WEA could facilitate the delivery of clean wind power while creating good-paying jobs. The Draft WEA spans approximately 3.5 million acres and has a capacity of +40GW.

We invite review and public comment on the Draft WEA to help identify a location most suitable for wind energy development while considering the coexistence with ocean users.

Visit https://ow.ly/3W7950PYK3o for more information on how to comment on the Draft WEA.

First-Ever Successful Drone-based Tagging of Endangered Sei Whales in U.S. 10/18/2023

The in Action 🐋

We have successfully deployed digital acoustic tags on 14 sei whales in federal waters. This was the first time an endangered species was tagged using a drone.

From these tags, we collect data that will shed light on the sei whales' acoustic behavior, of which little is known. This scientific research then informs our mitigation strategies to better protect these endangered species from the potential impacts of offshore renewable energy development.


First-Ever Successful Drone-based Tagging of Endangered Sei Whales in U.S. An uncrewed aerial system (UAS or drone) attaches a suction cup equipped, biologging tag to the mother of a mother/calf sei whale pair. The tag delivery devi...


💻Join the virtual meetings to discuss the draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on the potential impacts of oil and gas activities in the Gulf of Mexico.

⏰Meetings on 10/17 at 6pm CDT and 10/19 at 1pm CDT

👉Register here: https://ow.ly/xK4750PXO2K


Please join us for the upcoming in-person and virtual public meetings on the proposed Maryland offshore wind project.

🏠In-person meetings will follow an open-house format.
💻Registration for the virtual meetings is required.

For more information, visit https://ow.ly/5zmE50PX9Xc


The in Action 🛰️

Due to the increased interest in offshore energy development, there is an urgent need to understand when and where walruses congregate. But with remote locations off Alaska being challenging to access, we deployed satellite transmitters to track these mammals!

This study provided more detailed data on walrus feeding behavior, migration routes, and habitat areas. This information is invaluable to protecting this species and our ability to develop more effective mitigation measures.


🗺️ From Marine Cadastre to countless maps and marine spatial planning tools, we rely heavily on geospatial data to ensure the responsible management of our nation's offshore energy resources.

💻With these tools, users can create, view, and print maps from this free, easy-to-use viewer. Users can also link these data layers directly into their own GIS applications. Launch your ocean exploration today: http://ow.ly/Zs1h50LEFBN

Photos from Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's post 10/11/2023

Deep-sea corals are remarkably complex communities that can live for hundreds to thousands of years.

Ranging from 150 feet to more than 10,000 feet, we study these corals to inform our decisions related to developing our offshore energy resources.

Check out this interactive curriculum to learn more about deep-sea corals: https://www.boem.gov/about-boem/lophelia-ii-understanding-deep-sea-coral


In response to feedback from Oregon Tribes and stakeholders, we have extended the public comment period on the Oregon draft Wind Energy Areas.

We will accept comments through October 31st.

For more information, visit: https://www.boem.gov/renewable-energy/state-activities/Oregon

JUST ANNOUNCED | We have proposed two Draft Wind Energy Areas off the Oregon coast. These WEAs could facilitate the delivery of clean wind power in the region.

For more information, visit https://ow.ly/TkvZ50Pzuw8

These two draft WEAs represent an 81% reduction of acres of the Oregon Call Area that was announced for public comment in April 2022. These draft WEAs include approximately:

🌊 219,568 acres
⚡+2.6GW offshore wind capacity
🏠 +932,000 homes powered with clean energy

We are seeking public comments on the two draft Wind Energy Areas: one off the coast of Coos Bay, Oregon and the other off the coast of Brookings, Oregon. Our goal is to identify locations most suitable for wind energy development while considering the coexistence with ocean users.

During the 60-day public comment period, we will hold meeting to outline data and information used to inform the draft WEAs and to discuss next steps. The meeting will be open to the public, with one designated specifically for the fishing community.

Visit https://www.boem.gov/renewable-energy/state-activities/Oregon for more information on how to comment on the draft WEAs and participate in the meetings.

Timeline photos 10/10/2023

There can only be one fattest bear but let’s not forget the unsung hero: our salmon 🐟

We protect the environment while balancing fisheries and energy development so we all can be as happy as the contestants on 🐻

Want your organization to be the top-listed Government Service in Washington D.C.?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Scientific data informs our decisions on offshore energy development.  But what exactly does that mean? 🤔 Example: we ma...
What do you get if you mix a cow and a mermaid? 🐄🧜‍♀️  It may be a manatee...but we are still trying to figure that out ...
As of today, our nation hosts 7 offshore wind turbines: 5 in Rhode Island state waters and 2 turbines in federal waters ...
Climate change is bigger than what a single project can counteract. Combatting climate change will require a combination...
When you think of the ocean... You might not think about bats.  🦇 But we do!   These critical species can travel far out...
For over 50 years, the Marine Mammal Protection Act has saved critical species from extinction.  When the MMPA was passe...
⚓Most marine archaeological sites are either submerged pre-contact Native American settlements dating from the end of th...
Human-induced climate change is a result of hundreds of years of industrialization.  Combating climate change will requi...
Our birthday may be October 1st, but why not celebrate all weekend? 🎉For 12 years, we have managed development of U.S. O...
We are otterly obsessed with great science - and when it comes to sea otters, we're big fans! During our 50 years of env...
The coastal shorelines of North Carolina are critical to protecting communities and marine habitats from waves and tropi...
Did you know there are two offshore wind projects in operation?The Block Island Wind Farm has 5 turbines in Rhode Island...



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Washington D.C., 20010

SMBC is dedicated to understanding, conserving and championing the grand phenomenon of bird migration

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