Observatory Civic Association

The Observatory Civic Association (OCA) is a representative body for the entire Obs community. It inc Welcome to the new OCA page!

The Observatory Civic Association (OCA) is a representative body of the entire Obs community, which is made of all people living and having businesses in Obs. We encourage everyone in the neighbourhood to join and get involved in making Obs a suburb we are all proud of. A neighbourhood that looks after its heritage, listens to it users and builds harmony. We hope that the page will contri

No climate criminals at the Rugby World Cup 11/10/2023

No climate criminals at the Rugby World Cup What is one of the worst companies in the world doing on the rugby pitch? Total shouldn’t be allowed to use rugby as another marketing too to greenwash their terrible image. Let’s tell the World Rugby Council to stop making deals with climate criminals: {LINK}

Urgent: People and planet vs. Bayer 30/09/2023

Urgent: People and planet vs. Bayer Here’s how we get glyphosate banned

OBSID announces art/heritage funding 29/09/2023


OBSID announces art/heritage funding Dear  Invitation to a Special General Meeting on the 3rd October at 6pm   The OCA will be holding a hybrid (both in-person and online via zoom) SGM on Tuesday the 3rd October in order to: 1) Give feedback to members on the decision by the OCA Management Committee to reach a settlemen...





Reminder: next Friday, 8 September with Prof Jenny Day

Free entry

Happy first day of Spring! 01/09/2023


Happy first day of Spring! Dear  We are happy to announce that applications for funding heritage projects in Obs are now open and tomorrow, being the first Saturday of the month, T.R.A.S.H. are having their monthly Liesbeek River cleaning session. Do come and join them. Diarise 25 November NOW to participate i...


We are meeting at Cafe Ganesh tomorrow, Friday 1st September at 16h30 to offer prayers, send love and remember our dear friend Clement Benny . Feel free to join us.

Remarkable Obs! 22/08/2023


Remarkable Obs! Dear  Today we bring you two remarkable stories amongst all our usual news and events in Obs. The first is about one of the most remarkable people I have had the good fortune to ever meet - former Obs resident Kallie Hanekom. Kaalvoet Kallie and his wife Jenny moved into Scott Road in...

Celebrating Women's Month 04/08/2023


Celebrating Women's Month Dear  As always, we encourage you to submit any articles or, indeed, even photos that you may wish to have published in your newsletter. Comments and queries are also always welcome. Remember too that all are welcome to join OCA Mancomm meetings which occur on the last Tuesday of each...

The quest to produce less trash 21/07/2023

The quest to produce less trash Lessons in reducing your household trash, from zero-waste activists.

All the latest news on the River Club 30/06/2023


All the latest news on the River Club Dear  As you will have read in numerous press articles over the past two days, for lack of funds, the OCA is unable to continue with its legal battle to stop the destruction of the Northern end of the Two Rivers Urban Park by big money developers. Lower down you will see our press sta...

Invitation to share your thoughts on Obs and your Civic 23/05/2023


Invitation to share your thoughts on Obs and your Civic Dear  It’s been a tough few years and the Observatory Civic Associations needs to take a deep breath and reflect on our Vision and Mission. In 2017, we spent time thinking through the Vision we had for Observatory and how we would like to get there. In 2018, we updated it a little a...

Fire Barrick Gold's racist CEO 20/05/2023

Fire Barrick Gold's racist CEO Barrick Gold CEO Mark Bristow went on a racist tirade against a human rights defender despite saying he cares about human rights. Sign the petition to demand that the Barrick Board of Directors shows it doesn’t condone racism by firing Mark Bristow.

Much ado about....Obs 19/05/2023


Much ado about....Obs Dear  ou will no doubt have seen various articles in the press recently regarding the rejection of the OCA’s leave to appeal the cost order granted against it in the ongoing battle to save the River Club area of Obs. The OCA is currently consulting with its lawyers on this very comp...

Friends of the Liesbeek are hard at work as always! 07/05/2023


Friends of the Liesbeek are hard at work as always! Dear  As always, we encourage you to submit any articles or, indeed, even photos that you may wish to have published in your newsletter. Comments and queries are also always welcome. Remember too that all are welcome to join OCA Mancomm meetings which occur on the last Tuesday of each...

Update on the Liesbeek Action Campaign - Observatory Civic Association 18/04/2023


Update on the Liesbeek Action Campaign - Observatory Civic Association In 2021, the OCA, the Goringhaicona Khoi Khoin Indigenous Traditional Council and other groups and individuals opposing the River Club case formed the Liesbeek Action Campaign to support the court case and mobilise public support against the development. The campaign was relatively successful in its...

Obs is in the news again! 18/04/2023


Obs is in the news again! Dear  Lower down in this newsletter we bring you an important update on changes in the OCA's campaign to stop the River Club development. As always, we encourage you to submit any articles or, indeed, even photos that you may wish to have published in your newsletter. Comments and que...

Will the sun ever set on Amazon’s empire? 08/04/2023


Will the sun ever set on Amazon’s empire? This past month was the month in which we passed through the Equinox, the date when day and night are approximately equal. It marks the seasonal transition from summer. It’s a most significant time for indigenous cultural activists as it is the day when, from the confluence of the Liesbeek and Bla...

Happy Easter/Pesach/Ramdan! 08/04/2023


Happy Easter/Pesach/Ramdan! Dear  As always, we encourage you to submit any articles or, indeed, even photos that you may wish to have published in your newsletter. Comments and queries are also always welcome. Remember too that all are welcome to join OCA Mancomm meetings which occur on the last Tuesday of each...


Our partner, the Observatory Civic Association and the Goringhaicona Khoi Khoin Indigenous Traditional Council, through their The Liesbeek Action Campaign, have vowed to stop the development of 150 000 square metres of concrete at the River Club site, Observatory, a sacred site of the San and Khoi, and an environmentally sensitive floodplain.

Cultural activist and A/Xarra Women’s Restorative Justice Forum Coordinator, Gertrude Fester notes that the River Club is a sacred place to the descendants of Khoi and San peoples. It is a site of first resistance to colonial conquest, and indigenous remembrance and heralding of the ancestors. During 2022, this struggle between the descendants of indigenous peoples and the state has deep significance for memory and culture. For more on this see the High Court depositions: https://www.liesbeek.org/court-documents


Public meeting


Are you confused about the OCA and the River Club Development? Have the defamatory pamphlets you've been getting in your post boxes left a bad taste in your mouth, a feeling of insecurity or anger? Have you got some questions you'd like answering on the topic? Please join us for an open discussion on Tuesday at 5:30PM. We'd love to hear your concerns and inputs.


Public meeting - open to all

Please join us for a Town Hall meeting open to everyone on Tuesday 27 September to discuss the River Club development.

Date: Tuesday 27 September 2022
Time: 17h30
Venue: St Michaels Church hall, corner of Beford St and St Michaels Rd

How did we get here?

The developers recommenced construction on the 27th June, in our view, in prima facie violation of Judge Goliath’s court order on 18 March.

We lodged an urgent interdict on the 8th July to hold the developers in contempt of court.

The contempt of court was meant to be heard on the 12th July but was postponed to the 27th July, because the developers indicated they needed more time to submit their responses.

In the intervening 15 days, a mysterious group of Goringhaicona emerged, claiming that Tauriq Jenkins had no mandate to represent the Goringhaicona and they tried to intervene in the matter on the 27th.

Because no judge had been allocated to the matter on the Friday before the case, we enrolled the mater on the urgent court roll. Judge Fortuin heard the case on the 27thand struck the application by the mystery group claiming to represent the Goringhaicona from the roll but could not hear the contempt matter because she had not been given time to read the paper. It was then held over and new dates were set for the 21st and 22nd August. Throughout this period, there was sustained lawfare from Tim Dunn, the attorney for this group, who continuously served papers to interrupt and delay the matter and to interdict our attorneys from representing the Goringhaicona.

When it came to the contempt hearing, however, Tim Dunn simply failed to submit his responding papers and so the contempt matter was postponed again.

We believe this was a deliberate strategy on the part of the respondents and their allies to avoid accountability for violating Judge Goliath’s interim interdict.

Because of the endless delays and legal barriers, the OCA lodged an interdict on the 26th August to halt the construction until the contempt matter could be heard.

That is the urgent interdict that Judge Dolamo heard on the 2nd September.
We would not have had to seek such an interdict if the developers were willing to argue their case in court without delays.

As for Judge Dolamo’s decision, we are obviously disappointed he did not recognise the urgency of the matter and seemed to overlook the failure of Tim Dunn, lawyer for the ‘fake’ Goringhaicona, to file papers in the contempt matter as the obvious reason for the delay in the hearing of the contempt matter.

However, it is still the case that:

Judge Goliath’s interim interdict of March 18th 2022 has not been overturned and remains in force.
The contempt of court by the developers, LLPT, is still to be heard. If the court finds that they initiated construction in violation of the interim interdict issued by Judge Goliath on the 18th March, then they are still liable to be found in contempt of court.
A full bench of the Cape High Court will still examine the appeal by the LLPT, the City and the WC govt on the 11th and 12th October. Should the court reject the appeal, the LLPT will have no grounds for having commenced construction, nor can they continue construction.
It is unclear what Judge Dolamo’s finding regarding those who claim to represent the Goringhaicona Khoi Khoin Indigenous Traditional Council and who dispute High Commissioner Tauriq Jenkins’ standing to represent the GKKITC means, since they did not apply for any relief related to the Appeal. Judge Dolamo indicated that it was appropriate to address the issues where both sides ‘are intent on outlitigating each other’, and alluded that in general, “the important matter of cultural rights of indigenous people are adversely affected.”

We remain of the view that the suddenly invented faction of the Goringhaikona has no standing in this matter and was created solely to undermine the legitimate actions of Indigenous activists seeking to protect the intangible heritage of a site currently being investigated for national heritage status by the South African Heritage Resources Authority. They are also considering provisional protection of the site under the National Heritage Resources Act, given the ongoing threat to intangible heritage on site.

OCA Mancomm

Kimon Kiki Bisogno - In Memorium 26/09/2022


Kimon Kiki Bisogno - In Memorium Dear  It is with great sadness and sorrow that I dedicate todays newsletter to my friend, colleague and fellow social activist KIKI. We carry tributes to her from just SOME of the many organisations to whom she donated so much of her time, passion, love and smiles to. As Lester Kiewie...


*Ndifuna Ukwazi stands in support of OCA against bullying*

Ndifuna Ukwazi (NU) calls out and condemns the outright bullying of the Observatory Civic Association (OCA) through the use of the most basic and banal propaganda to coerce the residents of Observatory to support the River Club development.

Flyers, printed in full colour with a glossy finish were distributed to Observatory residents, a website has been set up with defamatory content and rhetoric in favour of the development has been paid for through Facebook advertisements on the River Club page. The financial outlay of these efforts alone clearly indicate a party in favour of the development, and who have a disregard for engaging with residents with authenticity and transparency.

The content distributed in support of the development promotes an uncaring and dismissive attitude towards human dignity, and a misrepresentation of what the development would truly bring to Observatory. At the worst of this propaganda it deepens the divide in the Khoi communities in the Western Cape, an already deeply marginalised community, that has had no recognition at any level by the state besides representation on the official emblem.

NU particularly condemns the publication of this page on the slanderous website: BestforObs, which stigmatised people of colour who have experienced hundreds of years of landlessness at the hands of colonisers, the corporate bullies of history, and who now face constant dehumanisation for their inability to overcome poverty.

The site places a picture of a set of shacks and includes the following text: [https://bestforobs.org/hey-obs-meet-the-neighbours/]

"REALITY CHECK: This land is privately owned by the developer. If you shut them down, the land will be a prime target for the many thousands of homeless in our city. After all, three attempts have been thwarted already. It’s not state land, so they can’t be forcibly removed. And they’ll have rivers to bathe and ablute in."

It is a tactic taken out of the apartheid regimes handbook to promote the ‘swart gevaar’ that should not be allowed.

We standby the OCA’s position noting:

- The commitment of Civics and their partners in driving a democratic and participatory process over a number of years challenging the River Club development;

- The recent appearance of extraordinary and malicious attacks on the Observatory Civic Association and the Goringhaicona Khoi Khoin Indigenous Traditional Council just at the point when they are seeking to hold developers, and city and provincial authorities to account in the current court case reviewing approvals for the redevelopment of the River Club;

- The mass distribution of illegal and defamatory pamphlets across Observatory in the past week, intended to cast aspersions on the mandate and probity of the OCA;

- The creation of an anonymous website spreading misinformation and denigrating civic leaders fighting the development;

- The fact that such actions must be sponsored by anonymous forces with access to lots of funds;

- The recent emergence of community members calling, amongst other things, on the city to curtail the activities of the OCA, claiming to do so in the name of community interests, when such curtailment is an undermining of a legal challenge to a development.

As Justice van der Walt stated in 1997 when considering property in democratic South Africa, we need:

‘. . . to move away from a static, typically private-law conceptualist view of the constitution as a guarantee of the status quo to a dynamic, typically public-law view of the constitution as an instrument for social change and transformation under the auspices of entrenched constitutional values.’

NU notes in its own experience, the abuse of democratic processes, and has seen the attacks of civil organisations across the country at the expense of constitutional values and the loss of human lives. In addition to OCA, NU has condemned the violence against Abahlali baseMjondolo in KZN, and the xenophobic rhetoric used against SERI (Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa) and informal traders in Johannesburg. Over the last few months, we have also received a number of vicious attacks on our ongoing litigation work in protecting the rights of landless and homeless.

This is a struggle for Civic Democracy in a City that treats public participation as a meaningless, impotent exercise. We also have a government that consistently sides with wealthy, powerful and corrupt bullies at the expense of communities and, we believe, at the expense of justice.


Get to understand the importance of preserving and honouring ancient San customs by watching this film on Sunday at 9pm on SABC 2.


Oude Molen estate as a cultural site

Read about the significance of Oude Molen as a cultural heritage site here:https://obs.org.za/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/National-Khoe-and-San-Heritage-Route-_-dacroutes.cedartower.co_.za_.pdf


Photos from Observatory Civic Association's post 13/07/2022


New moon report

It is with sadness I write this report, anger was the first emotion - that we as a civic, community, me as a person - could not do enough - to save the Obs Rainbow Shelter from its inevitable closure at the end of July.

As we speak 600 people are insecure and desperately figuring out their next steps due to the failure of The City Of Cape Town not administrating the Peoples Employment Program grant that has sheltered our homeless by creating job opportunities affording them rentals in shelters such as our Obs Rainbow House.

The Obs Rainbow House opened in 2020 after much conversation in the midst of a pandemic to shelter our street based community. The Obs Rainbow House is a pillar of hope in the endless river of homelessness. A place where many previously hopeless and homeless members of our community took their first steps in sleeping off the streets, for some the first time in twenty years.

It is now in limbo as it waits its inevitable closure - no funds means no jobs and no jobs means no rental money.

We created a petition - you and two thousand others signed it begging the city to continue the grant keeping our homeless community housed this winter and beyond.

This is a big blow for social issues in Observatory and many more affordable housing projects for street based persons. In a long battle with accommodation we had finally secured somewhere we could provide safety to those wanting to leave the street life.

In the interim there is always light - thank you to Dish Catering, OBSID and the volunteers from the Obs Pasta Kitchen who provide three delicious hot meals a week to the Obs Rainbow House with a smile.

Thank you to all the donors, volunteers and the committed team at OBSID for keeping the house going as long as it has. We not only believe in miracles but we rely on them and I’m praying for a miracle for our community.


The Obs Journey Update


Calling on the advisory committee

“We have met with both sets of potential providers in order to fully understand their proposals. We would now like to have a meeting with you all to decide which (if any) proposal is closest to what we are looking for in terms of independent facilitation. Obviously, activating this is dependent on funding, and so the recommended proposal still has to be submitted to the OBSID board for funding approval.

[email protected]


Dead and then ALIVE!

In a strange event Taswell Bezuidenhout was confirmed dead after a taxi lost control and drove into the low lying wall surrounding the village green while he was sleeping. In a miraculous turn of events while we were all eating pasta on a Wednesday night on the village green Taswell made an appearance hobbling down from the hospital with a broken leg. The crowd burst into cheers ❤️

Kimon Kiki Bisogno

Minister Motshekga, keep South African schools as alcohol-free zones!! 13/07/2022

Help ban alcohol in schools

Children are exposed to alcohol around them through taverns and advertising from an early age. The tragedy of the Enyobeni Tavern in the Eastern Cape reminds us that we need stricter rules and enforcement. Schools are the last place learners should be exposed to alcohol, but Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga may allow alcohol in schools if the current Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill is not changed.

We can’t let this happen and we must stop Parliament and Minister Motshekga from passing this Bill. Add your name to the campaign at https://amandla-identity.herokuapp.com/clicks/link/3136/23bd39d2-89bd-4b99-b6ff-1b2b3245ef1f?url=https%3A%2F%2Fawethu.amandla.mobi%2Fpetitions%2Fkeep-south-african-schools-as-alcohol-free-zones%3Futm_source%3Damandla%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_campaign%3Dblast2022-07-04&member_guid=d0e8c039a7bf448749a43f773d8da4bfeb87f7ce4d21fd01b8b600bc9dd3f23b3fc34c7c268bb5ca3f2b3d1d9ffc06ec5a46ac20e5add7610b3b03427352d172&identity-signature=86ea48e7c9b7f057da91fdf22ad6f378c780834e7313ffcd8ff0ec27dfbd3b40

In 2015, the first draft of the BELA Bill proposed that alcohol be banned from school premises. Now the new version says schools can have alcohol on school premises and at school activities off school premises. Our actions will make or break this Bill, but we must act quickly. We must put pressure on Parliament to keep section 8(1)(b) in the BELA Bill, which bans alcohol on school premises and at school functions, in the same way that illegal drugs and dangerous weapons are banned - and scrap section 8(1)(c) except for the part allowing staff who live on school premises to have liquor for their personal use in their homes, under strict conditions.

Already alcohol consumption is ‘normalised’ in the eyes of learners, which is why many fall into the trap of underage drinking. Research suggests that over 50% of teenagers in Mzansi drink alcohol [1]. The South African Alcohol Policy Alliance (SAAPA) have launched a petition we are in support of on www.awethu.mobi to stop this Bill from making children even more vulnerable to alcohol consumption. By supporting this campaign and signing the petition, you will be helping create a Mzansi that is safer for children so that we can focus on issues of malnutrition and gender-based violence. You can add your name to the campaign at https://amandla-identity.herokuapp.com/clicks/link/3136/23bd39d2-89bd-4b99-b6ff-1b2b3245ef1f?url=https%3A%2F%2Fawethu.amandla.mobi%2Fpetitions%2Fkeep-south-african-schools-as-alcohol-free-zones%3Futm_source%3Damandla%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_campaign%3Dblast2022-07-04&member_guid=d0e8c039a7bf448749a43f773d8da4bfeb87f7ce4d21fd01b8b600bc9dd3f23b3fc34c7c268bb5ca3f2b3d1d9ffc06ec5a46ac20e5add7610b3b03427352d172&identity-signature=86ea48e7c9b7f057da91fdf22ad6f378c780834e7313ffcd8ff0ec27dfbd3b40

The alcohol industry is powerful. In 2019, I launched a petition calling on the SABC to stop their alcohol adverts because they associated drinking with success. The SABC did not agree with the demands, which shows how the industry has infiltrated our society. But, just like we did with cigarette companies, when we come together in numbers, we can start to fight back against corporate power and create a Mzansi that puts people before profit.

Together for justice,

Tlou for the amandla. mobi team.

Minister Motshekga, keep South African schools as alcohol-free zones!! This is an issue that affects everyone in our society - learners, educators, school admin staff, and anyone who has, or will have, a child in the school system. There is a saying that 'it takes a village to raise a child'. Well, it takes a caring society to protect its children from exposure to the....


Support your local library!

Observatory Library hopes to become an essential part of the community again. It has been slow progress due to COVID and the library had to literally fight to reopen last year because of it. Unfortunately, due to City budget, many small community libraries are in danger of closing. Including Observatory Library. We want to re-establish ourselves and this requires the help of the community in the following aspects:

– To increase our Library Membership from the community itself. Currently, the library is used by individuals that are not living or have any divested interest in keeping the library open. As the library collection is online, they are able to reserve books from our collection. Thus, they use the drop-and-collect system. The library has received many compliments regarding its diverse collection.

– More community members to make use of the Library, thus, increasing our foot count. This in turn increases our book budget. The library offers various services such as SmartCape Internet, study space, the Observatory Book Club, story time Pram Jam and educational programmes for school students.

– Community members to take an interest in the Library by becoming Friends of the Library. Being a Friend of the Library does not mean you are obligated to take an active role. Silent members are most welcome. Due to COVID and people moving out of Observatory, we have lost many members and many of our programmes supported by the Friends came to a halt. The Friends supported programmes such as The Senior Knitting Ladies Club, the end-of-year story time programme, book sales, raffles, rummage and bake sales (bric-n-brac items donated to raise funds), programmes for the nannies, The Nelson Mandela soup programme amongst others. We also used to host morning tea time for the nannies and coffee time for our regular patrons.

Thank you for your interest and future support. We are most grateful.

The Obs Library

Photos from The Liesbeek Action Campaign's post 13/07/2022
We Can Make an Impact. 27/05/2022

Hi all, as you may be aware, the two most successful programmes to support the homeless in Obs (the OBSID programme and the Rainbow House) are facing the sudden defunding of their programmes as the PEP funding will come to an end at the end of June.

This ISNT a budget issue - but a "capacity issue" at the City of Cape Town. This programme has helped nearly 600 homeless people transition off the streets since the beginning of the year - nearly 30 of which are in Obs. With more funding (rather than less) these organisations have the potential to sustainably support even more homeless individuals - without it, there is the risk of these individuals suddenly returning to the streets in the middle of winter. Please see the below post and encourage everyone you know to support this petition.

Calling on the City of Cape Town to not discontinue the Public Employment Program (PEP) tackling homelessness in Cape Town

Please sign the petition to keep our homeless in shelter this Winter and beyond!* https://chng.it/zXxn8rGxRV

This programme kicked off at the beginning of this year and there are already close to 600 clients participating in this initiative through partner organisations.

We believe funds are available for projects like this to continue in Cape Town for 3 years.

In Observatory alone, funding has allowed OBSID to manage a work-based rehabilitation programme, with meals, travel stipends as well as psychosocial support from a Social Worker and a Community Worker. This programme offers people who have lived on the streets of Observatory for many years the chance to belong, to learn work skills, to earn a stipend and to access various forms of support including medical assistance. All 9 clients in this programme are currently living off the streets. Given more time and funding, OBSID could enrol even more people in the programme - making a meaningful difference in more lives.

One of the partner organisations registered for this programme is running a supportive housing project in Observatory, currently housing 24 people who make rental contributions towards the running costs from the stipends they earn on the programme. Without these stipends, they would most likely be back living on the streets and in public spaces given the lack of suitable accommodation and shelter beds in the City.

With the arrival of winter and bitterly cold and wet conditions on the streets, it is inconceivable that the City would want to expose this vulnerable population to such a risk.

We’re begging the City of Cape Town to reconsider ending funding for this vital programme which has had significant impact in a short period of time and can do more if given the chance.

We Can Make an Impact. URGENT: Don't stop the Public Employment Program tackling homelessness in Cape Town


Happening this Freedom Day, the 27th of April, the Walk of Liberation and Resistance!

Join us for the second year of this annual pilgrimage walk, commemorating the first frontier wars of 1659 fought in South Africa.

Yes! To a World Heritage Site
No! To environmental devastation on a sacred floodplain

On , we will partake in a sacred Walk of Liberation and Resistance in Cape Town, commemorating the first land grab in 1657 by the Dutch East India Company, which took place on the banks of the Liesbeek River, leading to the the first frontier wars of 1659. Through this, the event will situate present day militarisation and struggle within this historical context, drawing a direct line from past to present.

The event will include an interfaith and San and Khoi cleansing ceremony, with keynote speakers & a media conference.

The heritage route will start from Oude Molen and proceed into Observatory.

Observatory Civic Association Friends of the Liesbeek Two Rivers Urban Park Association Oude Moulen Eco Village Ndifuna Ukwazi Salt River Heritage Society Extinction Rebellion South Africa

Timeline photos 20/03/2022

Tomorrow is Human Rights Day in South Africa. We are elated that we will be celebrating a victory for human rights, as our interdict was granted – this is a huge step forward for all of us.

Join us for a walk and cleansing ceremony with keynote speakers, starting at 11am, meeting point at TRUP mound, corner of Liesbeek Parkway and Observatory Road.

Observatory Civic Association Friends of the Liesbeek Two Rivers Urban Park Association Oude Moulen Eco Village Ndifuna Ukwazi Salt River Heritage Society Extinction Rebellion South Africa Surplus

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Videos (show all)

OCA SGM report back and Constitutional amendments
OCA Town Hall meeting about the River Club development
LIVE STREAM - OCA & GKKITC vs LLPT (Day 2- Session 2)
LIVE STREAM - OCA & GKKITC vs LLPT, CioCT & 2 others
[] LIVE STREAM - OCA & GKKITC vs LLPT, CioCT & 2 others. (Day 3)


Cape Town

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7 Kommetjie Main Road, Capri
Cape Town, 7975

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PO Box 1226
Cape Town, 7129

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15th Avenue, Boston Est
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