Hijaama Therapy Western Cape

Cupping Therapy Helps
Relieve Neck, Shoulder, Lower back pain & Relieves general fatigue & much more.


Bookings are essential
062 432 9872
T & C's apply



Photos from Hijaama Therapy Western Cape's post 05/06/2024

The benefits of hijama are endless, here are a few:

1. Pain Relief: Hijama reduces muscle tension and alleviates chronic pain, including back pain and migraines, by improving blood flow and releasing muscle knots.

2. Hypertension: Hijama helps lower high blood pressure by enhancing blood circulation, reducing stress, and detoxifying the blood.

3. Irregular Periods (PCOS): Hijama can regulate menstrual cycles by balancing hormones and improving blood flow to the reproductive organs.

4. Menstrual Cramps (Endometriosis): Hijama alleviates menstrual cramps by improving blood flow, reducing muscle tension, and offering anti-inflammatory benefits.

5. Arthritis: Hijama provides relief from arthritis by reducing joint pain and inflammation, enhancing mobility, and detoxifying the blood.

6. Sciatica: Hijama reduces nerve inflammation and muscle tension, easing pain and discomfort associated with sciatica.

7. Headaches/Migraines: Hijama improves blood circulation and reduces tension in the head and neck, alleviating headaches and migraines.

8. Digestive Problems (IBS): Hijama aids digestion by enhancing blood flow to digestive organs, reducing stress, and balancing the digestive system.

9. Immune Support: Hijama boosts the immune system by improving lymphatic circulation and removing toxins from the body.

10. and much much more! ✨

Book a session today
062 432 9872



Childhood trauma is very complicated.
It is important to be kind to yourself more than anything if you are recovering from trauma.
These are some examples of how it could show in individuals but like any other issue, the signs/symptoms can be similar to other things


Warm lime water on an empty stomach early in the morning helps stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. Digestion improves, heartburn is reduced and it helps in the process of elimination. Lemon juice has citric acid, which helps the enzymes to function better. It also stimulates the liver and aids in detoxification.




Empaths have a unique and remarkable ability to tap into the energy and emotions surrounding them at a profound level. This intuitive gift allows them to deeply understand and empathize with others, shaping their perception of the world in a meaningful way.

In relationships, whether with friends, family, or romantic partners, empaths experience a strong and often unconscious connection to the emotions of those around them. While this heightened sensitivity grants them insight into others' feelings, it also brings challenges in maintaining their own emotional boundaries.

Empaths have an uncanny ability to sense the energy fields of individuals and their environment, providing them with a deep understanding of past, present, and even in some cases future emotions and thoughts. This intuitive perception leads to heart-centered connections with others, however it also exposes them to the vulnerabilities and emotions of those they bond with.

Despite the depth of their connections, empaths can easily become overwhelmed by the emotional energy of others, leading to feelings of exhaustion and burnout. Consequently, sustaining long-term relationships may require empaths to take regular breaks to recharge and maintain their well-being.

Given their unique sensitivity and deep emotional understanding, empaths may struggle to find individuals who share their values and can connect with them on a deeper level. This challenge can leave empaths feeling disheartened and disillusioned with relationships, as they find it rare to connect with people who vibrate on their frequency.

To read the full article please visit


Today's Message 💚


Why cupping therapy is necessary for us ?

Cupping is performed on the surface of the skin with light scratches, the body produces many toxins and pathogen, as a person goes older the immune system gets weaker, making it easy for diseases to build up. If you can make it easy for blood to circulate by taking these harmful substances out from your system, your organs will function better.

We like to think of the blood cells as little soldiers at work, if we can help them by getting rid of harmful toxins it will make their lives a lot easier.Underneath your skin harmful toxins, pathogen and dead blood cells build up and Cupping is the fastest way to detoxify your body. Today it is also recognized as blood letting.

Cupping helps in detoxifying the blood and stimulating the formation of new blood. We suffer from increased accumulation of toxins as we age that stem from poor diet and our lifestyle as well as pharmaceutical drugs resulting in different diseases.
Some conditions in which Cupping was proven as an effective treatment are lower back pain, repetitive strain injury, sports injuries, poor circulation, varicose veins, emotional, sexual weakness, male sterility, female infertility, disorders of the immune system and psychological disorders like depression, stress and anxiety.

Disorders of the bones, muscles, joints and nervous system, such as arthritis, sciatica, carpal tunnel, neuralgia, migraine headaches backache, injuries, depression, skin problems, arthritis, weight loss, hyper cholesterol, hypo-tension, hypertension and much more.If a person's iron level is high, blood letting helps it to normalize.

Photos from Healthy Future's post 01/12/2023
Photos from Yakeen's post 24/11/2023
Photos from Integrative Health Care and Hijamah's post 17/11/2023


"Al-kaboos" is a type of supernatural being known as a jinn, which can harm you while you're asleep. The signs of an attack are feeling a heavy weight on your chest, struggling to breathe, and being unable to move or speak. This experience is commonly referred to as "Sleep Paralysis" in Western science, but in Islam, it's believed to be caused by a jinn attack.

To safeguard ourselves from such attacks, we can follow the practices of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) for a peaceful sleep:

1. Sleep while in a state of cleanliness (wudu).
2. Ensure you've completed all obligatory prayers (salah) before sleeping.
3. Dust your bed three times before lying down.
4. Recite "Subhanallah" 33 times, "Alhamdulillah" 33 times, and "Allahu Akbar" 34 times.
5. Read Ayat Al Kursi.
6. Recite the three "kuls" (Surah Al Ikhlas, Al Falaq & Al Nas).
7. If possible, read Surah Al Mulk.
8. Sleep on your right-hand side.

May Allah safeguard us from jinn attacks.

Jumma Mubarak to you!
May Allah bless you with infinite happiness.



Hijamah(WCT) allows the removal of toxins directly from the body via the blood and its transport system.
The arteries are major blood vessels that the heart uses to pump blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Over time, arterial walls can become congested with a fatty substance known as plaque. When this happens to a severe point, the arteries may begin to harden and the blood flow can become compromised and ultimately result in a heart attack. Mainstream medicine's approach for treating plaque is to use drugs or surgery. However, there are natural ways to prevent and remove this plaque and other morbid accumulations that have amassed in the blood vessels over time due to the continual biochemical processes taking place in the body.

In Tibb E Nabwi (Medicine of the Prophet) we are informed about the 5 pillars of healing which been discussed in greater depth in earlier articles.

Following are the true principals of SHIFA / Healing which cure both the heart (soul) & body :-

1. Healing by Belief (Yaqeen) that Allah Has Sent the disease & Allah is the HEALER, & if the healing is delayed, it is by Allah’s Wisdom & Hikmah

2. Healing by Aa’maal-e-Saalehaat, Salaat, Sadaqah, Fast, Quran, Zikr, Duaas & Ruqya, Husn-e-Khulq, abstaining from sins, Istighfaar, etc.

3. Healing by the foods of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam

4. Healing by the herbs of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam

5. Healing by HIJAMAH; which is Sunnah & the best kind of treatment in this world

When all of the above tools are combined together, it is very difficult for any sickness / ailment to withstand the crushing power of Tibb-e-Nabawi.

When it comes to diet, what you avoid is equally important as what you eat. Many foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol can cause plaque to build up. Some examples include deep fried foods, foods that are high in trans fats, refined foods, and processed foods. Alcohol should also be avoided and red meat should be eaten in small portions.

Foods that are nutrient dense, high in fiber, low in sodium and low in saturated fat help avoid and reduce arterial plaque. Fiber helps block the intestinal absorption of cholesterol. It also makes you feel full longer which can result in less overall calorie consumption. Some examples of fiber-rich foods include whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Hijamah (WCT) is the 5th and final element of the Medicine of the Prophet(Tibb) and has a unique and direct concurrence on the following complete body functions:-

1) Skeletal System
2) Muscular System
3) Nervous System
4) Respiratory System
5) Cardiovascular System
6) Lymphatic System
7) Endocrine System
8) Digestive System
9) Urinary System
10) Reproductive System

Lets investigate the simple benefits achieved by Hijamah (WCT) on removing these occlusions and built up waste products from within the body and the resulting effects it has on these body systems....

1) Skeletal System
The removal of heavy metals such as lead mercury and cadmium from the body can induce the production of healthy bones as most of these toxins inhibit the assimilation of Healthy minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium required for strong healthy bones. Hijamah decreases the chances of inflammation around joints with illnesses such as arthritis. This in turn increases mobility and range of motion in joints strengthening the connective tissue and facilitates posture improvement.

2) Muscular System
Even though toxins and lactic acid can accumulate in your muscles, they can remain in the muscles for a long time. Hijamah removes these toxins and relaxes the muscles and provides enhanced cellular activity at the same time stimulating the generation of new tissue. It also facilitates mineral retention. Improves muscle tone and decreases the intensity of muscle spasms.

3) Nervous System
Again by removal of the heavy metals from the body Aids in better Motor Neurone health. The brain signals are harnessed both internally and with the external environment as it monitors and regulates voluntary conditions in the external environment, such as keeping the body in touch with its surroundings through the senses via touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight as well as the many functions that are regulated by the Central Nervous System.

4) Respiratory System
The respiratory system delivers oxygen and dispenses carbon dioxide through the body’s blood. When inhaling, oxygen enters through the nose or mouth. The oxygen then travels through the larnyx, trachea, bronchi, bronchial tubes, and then the lungs. It then diffuses through capillaries into the blood supply. Promotes better breathing and increased pulmonary function. It stimulates blood flow and lowers the respiratory rate.

5) Cardiovascular System
The circulatory system is the body's transport system. It is made up of a group of organs that transport blood throughout the body. The heart pumps the blood and the arteries and veins transport it.
Hijamah allows adequate clearance of many dangers associated with the blood vessels such as Thrombus and Emboli. Hijamah inhibits the constant build up of arterial plaque and minimises the chances of strokes and cardiac disease.

6) Lymphatic System
Lymphatic vessels that carry lymph (clear fluid) which absorbs fluid, waste products, dead cells, bacteria, virus, fats, and proteins from tissues
lymph nodes found in the neck, armpits, and groin filter and remove damaging agents (infection, bacteria, cancer cells) with infection-fighting white blood cells
the lymphatic system absorbs fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive system
Bone marrow, tonsils, adenoids, spleen, lymph nodes (groin, armpits, clavicle, cervical and occipital), and lymphatic vessels are part of the lymphatic system. Hijamah(WCT) reinforces, invigoration and stimulation of the lymphatic system and encourages drainage of fluid and waste in the direction of the lymphatic flow.

7) Endocrine System
The endocrine system is comprised of glands that produce and secrete hormones released from the endocrine system into the bloodstream. Hijamah(WCT) helps to maintain and regulate the body’s growth, cholesterol, metabolism, mood, temperature, sexuality, diabetic conditions, thyroid, and tissue function. B

8) Digestive System
The Gastrointestinal system is responsible for the ingestion, digestion, propulsion, absorption and defecation of food and nutrients in the body.Hijamah again aids in the digestive system which is comprised of the oral cavity, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder and pancreas. Hijamah(WCT) releases tension in the abdominal and intestinal muscles, relieves constipation, assists with waste elimination, and stimulates liver and kidney activity.

9) Urinary System
The urinary system is responsible for removing urea, a type of waste found in your blood. The body absorbs nutrients from food intake. When foods containing protein and some vegetables are broken down by the body, urea is produced and carried through the bloodstream to the kidneys. The kidney filters the urea, while allowing the blood to keep glucose, salts and minerals.
Hijamah(WCT) aids in increasing urinary output and reduces fluid retention so it promotes better elimination of wastes It also assists in the efficiency of the liver as well as the efficiency of the kidneys
assists toxins stored in the muscles to be released more easily.

10) Reproductive System
The reproductive system is the body’s system to ensure survival of the species. The system consists of hormones (progesterone, estrogen and testosterone), pheromones, genitalia, go**ds and breasts.
Hijamah(WCT) relaxes the muscles and reduces blood pressure brings about homeostasis allowing a natural balance of hormones. It also provides a much better blood supply to the reproductive organs which assists in the elimination of many infertility and reproductive illnesses seen in this modern day.

These are just a handful of benefits outlined above that can be achieved by the administration of Hijamah (WCT) InshaAllah. Hijamah(WCT) is a complete medical system of harmonising the mind body and soul to bring about a balance in ones health and life.

Photos from Hijaama Therapy Western Cape's post 06/08/2023

Muharram Mubarak. Muharram program at Darul Karaar starting tonight after esha. Accommodation for ladies available.


Allah has not sent down a disease except that He has also sent down a cure”. ( Bukhari & Muslim)

For the treatment of migraine, it is very important to have a series of Hijaama treatments along with lifestyle changes, a well-balanced diet plan, an increase of water intake, 30 minutes walk and a few yoga poses.
Some of the natural remedies mentioned above are very important to make a routine of your daily life.
For the first, second, and third sessions, it is important to apply full Hijama detox to cleanse the blood. Sunnah points are very important to target, the primary sunnah points are at the nape of the neck and in the middle of the shoulder blades. It is very important to target these locations to treat according to sunnah. The carotid arteries are also sunnah points and help to reduce the stress in the neck and shoulder. It is also important to target 4 head sunnah points as they clean the whole head; brain, eyes, ears, teeth, and neck.
The lower back sunnah points draw toxic blood from the vital organs. This is how blood carries oxygen to the brain. The immune system works very well and muscles get relaxed at the end of the third session.
Afterward, in the fourth session, fixed cupping and moving cupping should be applied to the 14 points of the cleansing Hijaama therapy plan.
Call 062 432 9872
WhatsApp 076 495 9231

Hijaama Therapy Western Cape

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Allah has not sent down a disease except that He has also sent down a cure”. ( Bukhari & Muslim)For the treatment of mig...




Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00

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