Conscious Sexuality Cape Town

Sexual energy links us to a universal source of life. We can open ourselves to feeling this force of

Awakening to the God Energy Within - Conscious Sexuality 08/08/2024

Awakening to the God Energy Within: A Path to Inner Consciousness

God within:
In modern times, the concept of divine energy might seem abstract, something reserved for ancient texts or distant philosophies. Yet, what if this divine energy, often referred to as God energy, is not something external but resides within each of us? This energy, known as Life Source or Kundalini energy, is not just a mystical idea— it's a tangible force that can be felt, experienced, and awakened within our very bodies.

Understanding the God Energy
Many of us have been taught to think of God or divine energy as something external, a force or persona that exists outside of ourselves. This perspective can make it challenging to connect with this energy on a personal level. However, as we deepen our awareness, we come to realize that God energy is not outside of us—it is within us, a core part of our very being. This realisation is not something that can be taught or read about; it comes from a deep, internal knowing that emerges when we connect deeply with our bodies and our inner selves.

The Path to Awakening
Awakening to this inner energy is not reserved for the mystics or spiritual masters; it is accessible to each one of us. The process can happen during meditation, yoga, dancing, or even during the simple, joyful moments of life. By connecting with our bodies deeply enough, we may suddenly experience this divine energy within ourselves. This awakening is not about convincing ourselves of a new belief but about directly experiencing the God energy within.

A Guided Visualisation: Connecting with Your Inner Light
To help you tap into this inner energy, here’s a simple visualization exercise:

Find a Quiet Space: Sit up straight, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
Imagine Light Surrounding You: Visualize a glowing light around your entire body. Notice if you can feel this light with your skin, as though your body is bathed in a warm, radiant glow.
Feel the Light Within: Slowly, imagine that this light begins to permeate your skin, moving inward. As you breathe deeply, allow your awareness to sink beneath your skin, into your muscles, bones, and the very core of your being.
Focus on Your Spine: Visualize a column of light running from the base of your spine to the top of your head. This is the central channel of awareness, the pathway through which you can connect with your deepest self.
Experience the Divine Energy: As you focus on this inner light, feel the awareness and energy within your body. This is the God energy, the universal life force that resides in you.
Return to the Present: When you’re ready, gently bring your awareness back to the surface, through your muscles, skin, and finally, open your eyes.
The Simplicity of Divine Awareness
What’s beautiful about this practice is its simplicity. Connecting with God energy doesn’t require complex rituals or years of spiritual study. It’s as simple as becoming aware of the life force within your body. As Jesus said, "Heaven belongs to the children." To access this divine energy, we need to approach it with childlike simplicity and openness.

Moving Beyond the Ego
One of the most profound aspects of awakening to this inner energy is the realisation that it is far greater than our ego desires. This energy doesn’t exist to fulfil our personal wants or needs; it’s a guiding force that aligns us with a higher consciousness. By continuously connecting with this energy, we learn to listen, align, and merge with a consciousness that is infinitely more wonderful than anything our ego could desire.

Overcoming Blocks to Awareness
While the process of connecting with this energy is simple, many people struggle with perceived blocks—mental, emotional, or physical barriers that can make it difficult to fully experience this divine awareness. In future posts, we will explore these blocks in more detail and provide guidance on how to move past them to fully embrace the God energy within.

In conclusion, the path to awakening the God energy within is a deeply personal and transformative experience. It’s about recognizing that this divine energy is not something we need to seek externally, but something we already possess. By connecting with our inner selves and embracing this energy, we open the door to a higher consciousness and a more profound understanding of our true nature.

- Leán Bakker

Awakening to the God Energy Within - Conscious Sexuality Discover the simplicity of connecting with the divine energy within you. This post explores the concept of God energy, guiding you through a visualization exercise to awaken your inner consciousness and align with higher awareness.

My Vipassana Meditation Retreat: A Journey Beyond the Veil - Conscious Sexuality 28/05/2024

My Vipassana Meditation Retreat: A Journey Beyond the Veil - Conscious Sexuality Dive into the symbolism of the snake in Kundalini energy, uncovering its significance as a metaphor for inner transformation and self-realization. Learn how to embrace the fluidity of Kundalini energy for spiritual awakening and vitality.Keywords: Kundalini energy, snake symbolism, spiritual awakeni...

Second coming of Christ and heaven on earth happens through us 28/05/2024
it is time for us to be reborn into the God-awareness inside ourselves. By simply becoming present to the vibration of life within us, we shift into the new earth. Christ consciousness is when we bring the trilogy together within ourselves, taking on the responsability of being part of the new earth. we each have a role to play in the awakening to the next dimension, which is heaven on earth.

Second coming of Christ and heaven on earth happens through us it is time for us to be reborn into the God-awareness inside ourselves. By simply becoming present to the vibration of life within us, we shift into the new...


Gathering of the witches at my house. 29 Carmichael Road, Fish Hoek. 5:30PM till late
The path to enlightenment is through your sensual body. Come join us in a safe circle where you will be encouraged to love yourself - to love your body - deeply, sensually, whole heartedly. The healing is in the feeling.
BYOO (Bring your own oil).
Nudity encouraged and not compulsory.
DM me for bookings


Participate as a case study for this online course.
Get 90% off plus an hour online consultation with Leán.
Normal price $1200 - Course trial members pay only $120

Link to the course:
Use this discount code for 90% off: bol90off

This course is for people of any gender and age who want to:
- Awaken their Kundalini Energy
- Activate their light-body
- Heal from physical pain
- Tune in to the consciousness of the inner body
- Believe we are able to sense the pure consciousness through the body

If you are uncertain and want in introductory call with me first, email me at [email protected]

Photos from Conscious Sexuality Cape Town's post 11/04/2024

This sunday 14 April and 28 April
The delicate art of foreplay

Photos from Conscious Sexuality Cape Town's post 11/04/2024
Photos from Conscious Sexuality Cape Town's post 11/04/2024

Playshop for couples.
The delicate art of foreplay
11AM - 5PM in Fish Hoek
R1000 per person

Photos from Conscious Sexuality Cape Town's post 11/04/2024

Playshop for couples.
The delicate art of foreplay
11AM - 5PM in Fish Hoek
R1000 per person

Photos from Conscious Sexuality Cape Town's post 27/03/2024

Join me for this two part workshop. Learn how to switch yourself on, and then with your light of awareness to circulate the bliss energy with your partner. This is when your sensual time becomes your spiritual time, for deep connection with Universal life-force flowing through us.

Making Love with the Divine within 25/03/2024

⭐️ 2 part Workshop ⭐️
Making Love with the Divine Within
7 & 14 April in Fish Hoek

Part 1: I recognise the Divine within my body
Sunday 7 April 11AM-4PM
Men and women welcome. This is non-gender specific.
You will learn how to tune in to the Divine essence within your own sensual body.
Cost: R1000 per person

Part 2: The Divine in me makes love to the Divine in you
Sunday 14 April 11AM-5PM
Bring your lover or come alone and ask to be paired.
We will practice staying connected to your inner aliveness while touching the Divinity in your lover. Learn how to circulate streams of intelligence, like light between you.
Cost: R1000 per person

* No ge***al stimulation
* ⁠Nudity optional
* ⁠For best benefit it is advisable to attend both workshops, but doing only one will also be give you lots to work with

Watch this video for more information on the approach:

Making Love with the Divine within Consciousness through the body. "The most difficult thing about enlightenment, is accepting that you are." Yes, you are the creator force itself. The All Cr...

Understanding Life Force Energy - Conscious Sexuality 25/02/2024

Understanding Life Force Energy - Conscious Sexuality Dive into the symbolism of the snake in Kundalini energy, uncovering its significance as a metaphor for inner transformation and self-realization. Learn how to embrace the fluidity of Kundalini energy for spiritual awakening and vitality.Keywords: Kundalini energy, snake symbolism, spiritual awakeni...

Photos from Conscious Sexuality Cape Town's post 19/02/2024

Magic moment when I meet the wonderful Theo Mpeisa and he lets me play his cello.

Exploring the Symbolism of the Snake in Kundalini Energy - Conscious Sexuality 13/02/2024

In the realm of spiritual awakening and inner exploration, the concept of Kundalini energy often emerges as a potent metaphorical force, frequently depicted as a snake coiled at the base of the spine. This imagery can be found in various ancient traditions and contemporary spiritual practices alike. However, let's take a moment to delve deeper and reconsider the symbolism of the snake in the context of Kundalini energy.

It's common to encounter descriptions of Kundalini as a snake that gradually uncoils and ascends through the spine, leading to heightened states of consciousness and spiritual awakening. Yet, this portrayal can sometimes lead to misconceptions and confusion. The idea of a snake entering one's body may evoke notions of possession or external forces taking control. However, the essence of Kundalini lies not in an external entity but within oneself.

The snake, in this context, represents the primal life force energy residing within each individual. It symbolizes the potential for transformation, awakening, and self-realization. Rather than an external force, the movement of the snake reflects the inner journey of self-discovery and awareness.

As we explore the sensations and experiences associated with Kundalini energy, it's essential to transcend the literal interpretation of the snake and instead focus on the internal processes at play. The uncoiling of the snake signifies the awakening of one's own inner potential and the journey towards self-awareness.

In addition to the symbolism of the snake, the imagery of water-like, snake-like movements along the spine offers further insight into the nature of Kundalini energy. Just as water flows naturally along its course, so too does the energy within us flow along the pathways of the spine. This fluid movement represents the dynamic interplay of energy within the body, fostering balance, harmony, and vitality.

Moreover, the association of Kundalini energy with the fluidity of cerebrospinal fluid emphasizes its integral role in nourishing and protecting the nervous system. By attuning to the subtle movements and sensations within, we can tap into the innate wisdom of the body and facilitate the free flow of energy throughout.

Ultimately, the snake serves as a potent symbol of the transformative power inherent within each of us. As we journey along the path of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, may we embrace the fluidity of Kundalini energy and cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves.

In conclusion, while the imagery of the snake may initially appear enigmatic, it invites us to explore the depths of our being and awaken to the inherent potential within. So, let us embark on this journey with open hearts and receptive minds, embracing the transformative power of Kundalini energy in all its manifestations.

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of the symbolism of the snake in Kundalini energy. May it inspire you to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and inner transformation.

- Leán Bakker

Exploring the Symbolism of the Snake in Kundalini Energy - Conscious Sexuality Dive into the symbolism of the snake in Kundalini energy, uncovering its significance as a metaphor for inner transformation and self-realization. Learn how to embrace the fluidity of Kundalini energy for spiritual awakening and vitality.Keywords: Kundalini energy, snake symbolism, spiritual awakeni...

Embarking on a Journey of Spiritual Awakening Through the Body - Conscious Sexuality 13/02/2024

In a world often dominated by the complexities of the mind, the idea of spiritual awakening through the body might seem unconventional or even challenging to comprehend. However, in today's blog post, we will delve into the profound journey of self-discovery and transformation that occurs when we embrace the power of our sensual bodies as a pathway to spiritual enlightenment.

Exploring the Sensual Body:
Our journey begins by acknowledging the innate wisdom and intelligence that resides within our physical form. Contrary to conventional wisdom, spirituality is not merely an abstract concept to be grasped by the mind alone; rather, it is a deeply embodied experience that unfolds through our senses, emotions, and physical sensations.

Forgiving Ourselves and Embracing Acceptance:
One of the foundational steps on this path is cultivating self-forgiveness and acceptance. By releasing the burden of self-judgment and embracing ourselves as we are, we create the space for profound transformation to occur. As we let go of the need to constantly strive for spiritual perfection, we open ourselves up to the possibility of experiencing the divine within our mortal bodies.

The Power of Sensuality and Touch:
Central to this journey is the exploration of sensuality and touch as gateways to heightened awareness and presence. Through gentle touch and mindful attention to our physical sensations, we can deepen our connection to ourselves and the world around us. Sensuality becomes not just a means of pleasure, but a sacred practice of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

The Role of Consciousness and Awareness:
As we journey deeper into the realms of the body, we begin to uncover layers of consciousness and awareness that transcend the limitations of the mind. Through practices such as body scanning and breathwork, we learn to quiet the chatter of the mind and attune ourselves to the subtle energies that flow through our being. In doing so, we tap into the wellspring of wisdom that lies within us, guiding us on our path towards wholeness and integration.

Embracing the Divine Within:
Ultimately, the journey of spiritual awakening through the body is a journey of rediscovering our innate divinity. By recognising that the sacred resides not just in some distant realm, but within the very fabric of our being, we reclaim our power and sovereignty as spiritual beings having a human experience. Through this deep inner knowing, we come to realize that we are not separate from the divine – we are the divine, expressed in human form.

As we conclude our exploration of spiritual awakening through the body, let us remember that this journey is not one of reaching some distant goal or attaining enlightenment in the traditional sense. Rather, it is a continuous unfolding, a dance between the physical and the spiritual, the mundane and the divine. May we embrace the beauty and complexity of our sensual bodies as sacred vessels for the expression of our truest selves, and may we walk this path with courage, curiosity, and an open heart.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of self-discovery and transformation. May your exploration of spiritual awakening through the body be filled with joy, wonder, and profound insight.
- Leán Bakker

Embarking on a Journey of Spiritual Awakening Through the Body - Conscious Sexuality Embark on a profound journey of spiritual awakening through the body. Explore the power of sensuality, touch, and heightened awareness as pathways to self-discovery and integration. Rediscover your innate divinity within the sacred vessel of your physical form. Join me on this transformative explora...

Spiritual awakening through the body 06/02/2024
A bit of a long video (17mins) , but worth the watch.

Spiritual awakening through the body Your body is the gateway pure consciousness. God is within us all. The sensual body is a powerful gateway to experience the life-force within on a somatic le...


Link in bio


Yes, feel into that. Notice when you activate the awareness of pleasure in your body, try your whole body, you are the frequency if delight and delight is what will be present for you - all around you. Try it.


Kind words from a client who took part in my Body of Light course. Holding a space to guide people into awareness is something very valuable to me.


Our entire life is a divine expression, a miraculous wonder.
However difficult and full of drama, still - who would have thought all of this is possible.

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14A Bel Ombre Road

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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 16:00
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00

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