The Natural Healing Remedies Centre

You can get us on the following numbers for any medicine you need according to your problem: RSA: +27729684275,MW: +265886516630



👉 Njira iyi ngakhale mamuna kaya akufuna kutsuka m'mimba atha kugwirisa ntchito.

*👉 "Kwainu azimayi kuti kulera achoke mwansanga igwiritseni ntchito njira iyiyi ndipo idzakuthandizani kwambili👇."*

👉 Paliso anthu ena m'mimba mwawo👇
– Mumangolira phokoso lachilendo komanso kumangokhala yokhuta,

*"Njira yake ndimeneyi👇 yothana ndimavuto ose tanena pamwambawa.*

👉 Pezani sugar ma teaspoons 8.
👉 Pezani Alovera wanthete masamba atatu or awiri.

👉 Mumusinje bwino Alovera yo apange phala phala,
– Ikani mu botolo la 1 liter, thiranimo ma teaspoons 8 a Sugar.
– Khutchumulani botolo lo mutalitseka kukamwa.
– Mulikhutchumule kwa mphindi zisanu kuti zisakanikirane bwino.
– Nde mudikire kwa maora awiri nde mudzamwe zonsezo.
– Ndiyachangu njira imeneyi.
– Pangani zimene kawiri pa week, mudzabadwaso mwatsopano ngati mnamwari komanso bambo mnyumbamo sadzadandaula kuti akufooka,

Mwakoma nonse



👉🏻Kuchepa kwa magazi m'thupi kumayambika kamba ka zifukwa zosiyanasiyana monga kusadya zakudya zamagulu, cancer, malungo ndimatenda ena.

- Kukhala ndi ulesi nthawi zambiri,
- Kukhala otopa nthawi zambiri.
- Maso kuoneka oyera kwambiri.
- Namo m'manja mumakhala moyera.
- Kupanga chizungulire pafupipafupi komanso kusowekera mphavu yamayendedwe (Balance ⚖️)
- Kupweteka kwa mutu pafupipafupi.


- Teaspoon imodzi ya blackstrap molasses mu madzi okwanira 200ml, kumwa m'mawa ndi madzulo
- Muzidya kwambiri salad wamasamba a green, masamba a green amakhala ndi chlorophyll yemwe akalowa m'thupi amasanduka haemoglobin ndipo magazi amabwerera mwachangu ndikuyamba kuyenda bwino.
- Teaspoon ya ufa wa Moringa (Cham'mwamba) kuthira muphala katatu patsiku, mudzachira nsanga.
- Muzidya zipatso zambiri maka pa breakfast ndi nthawi iliyonse.
- Muziwiritsa chidede chokwanira chikhatho chimodzi mu madzi okwanira litala imodzi ndipo mugawe patatu ndikumwa katatu patsiku osathiramo kalikonse.
- Mupeze jinja wamkulu bwino wamuwisi 4, munyenyeni ndipo muwiritse mu litala imodzi ya madzi ndipo muzimwa musanadye kanthu.
*Komano.* Jinja asamwe munthu wamimba kapena oti akudwala matenda ena, amatha kukweza bp.
- Mukakhala ndi low blood pressure muziika mchere okwanira mundiwo zanu chifukwa sodium amapangitsa kuti magazi ayambepo kuthamanga mwa mlingo wake.

👉🏻Musiyiretu kumwa mowa chifukwa mowa umatsitsiratu kayendedwe kamagazi nde vutoli limakula.
👉🏻 Kukhala mopana miyendo kumakweza bp, wa bp yokwera sayenera kupana miyendo akakhala, koma kwa wa low blood pressure, njirayi imathandizira kukweza bp.
👉🏻 Kumwa madzi pafupipafupi kumathandiza kuchulutsa magazi speed yake, ndipo moteromo mumapangisa kuti low blood pressure uchire.
👉🏻 Muzidya zakudya zochepa koma pafupipafupi, izinso zimathandiza kukweza kayendedwe kamagazi mthupi,



👉🏻mu ubongo wamunthu mumakhala kulukanalukana kwa malo osiyanasiyana omwe amathandizira kupereka ma uthenga osiyanasiyana ku thupi lamunthu.

👉🏻ndiye malo ena akasokonekera zonse zimasokonekeranso.

👉🏻zikatero munthu uja amagwa ndikuyamba kutsalika ngati akufa.

👉🏻kenaka amayamba thovu kukamwa ndipo mathero ake zimazizira ndipo munthu uja amatsitsimuka.

👉🏻khunyu ndi nthenda yovuta kwambiri chifukwa imamugwira munthu pamene iye sakuganizira.

👉🏻 imatha kumugwira munthu akusambira/akusamba, ndipo zikatero ngati munthuyo alipo yekha amafa ndi madzi aja chifukwa amakhala akumwa komanso madzi ena akulowa mphuno, kutero ngati munthuyo alipo yekha kumakhala kovuta kuti apulumuke.

👉🏻Ena amatha kugwera pamoto ndipo thupi lawo limapsa komanso anthu oterewa nthawi zambiri amakhala ndi zipsera zambiri pathupi lawo.

👉🏻Akagwera pamoto ngati wachita mwayi kuti anthu ena ali pafupi amatha kumupulumutsa kombe chipsera kapena bala limabwera kamba ka moto uja.

👉🏻Ndibwino kuti munthu aliyense wodwala khunyu asamayende yekha koma azikhala pafupi ndi wina yemwe angathe kumupulumutsa ngati atagwera m'madzi kapena pamoto.

👉🏻 mulungu wathu mfumu yachilengedwe chonse ndiwabwino ndipo chifukwa mankhwala a nthenda imeneyi adatiululira.


1. tengani maluwa ama galagadeya ndikuwasinja then ayanikeni, akauma asinjeniso kupanga ufa, ufa umenewu muzithira tsp imodzi muphala wodwalayo azidya twice a day, ndipo kusokonekera kwa ubongo kudzasiya komanso kugwa kudzaleka.

2. Kudya zipatso za mkuyu kumathandizanso kuthana ndi khunyu .

3.sinjani ndi kuwiritsa zipatso 10 za mkuyu zosapsa kwa mphindi khumi m'madzi okwanira 5 litres, zikapsa ziphuleni kuti zizizire ndipo muzisudze, sungani madzi osuzidwawo pamalo ozizira, then odwalayo azimwa kapu imodzi ya tea patsiku mpaka mwenzi wathunthu ngati amagwa pafupipafupi kapena pambuyo pakumwa mankhwalawa mudzaziwa kuti akuchira ngati sakugwa.



1️⃣Deafness, kugontha mnkhutu kuyambira ali mwana, komaso kuvulala pa middle ear, timafupa titatu tikamakhala togwirana. Zotsatila zake.

Mau. Amalepera kufika mkati mwa khutu, pitani ku chipatala, amapeleka zithandizira kumva.
2️⃣ Otitis, / kutupa, zilonda ndi mafinya.

Munthu amatulusa mafinya chifukwa cha ma bacteria akuononga pakati pa khutu ndi mkati mwa khutu, cochlear, and semi circular canal,

Zikatelo Pangani izi ⤵️⤵️

*Thirani black seed oil khutu*

* Sinjani Garlic, ikan I pa LA nsalu soft cloth,then ikani ku khutukulo*

*Wilisani mafuta ophikira pa moto atenthe kwambiri, muikako Garlic wosinja sinja, sisiyeni mpaka kuzizira sefani mafutawo, kupanga garlic oil (local gsrlic oil) Thirani kukhutuko kukutuluka mafinyako*

Pangani zimenezi everyday for 2 weeks

3️⃣Tinnitus, kusamva, chifukwa chakukula( ear mucus dry up)
40 yrs above. Chifukwaso chokslamba, komaso kumwa Mankhwala nthawi yaitali.
Chifukwa chakudwala Tinnitus small hairs, maubweya ang'ono akachoka or fail to vibrate to transimit sound koma khutu silimatulusa mafinya, amamva tizinthu tachilendo mukhutu,

Pangani izi ⤵️⤵️

Wilisani mafuta ophikira atenthe kwambiri ikan I Masamba a mango phulani ndipo azizire limodzi ndi mafutawo

Muzithira kukhuto izi every day katatu pa Siku for 5 days,

5️⃣Khutu ngati mwalowa chinthu like chimanga, nyemba, namndolo ndi zina ngati mukulepera kuchosa pitani kuchipatala or thilani black seed oil khutu ko
6️⃣Ngati mwalowa insects ikani mafuta pang'ono or muyase touch muunike mkhutumo kachilomboko kamatuluka kamasatila kuwalako



👉🏻Iyi imatchedwa kuti Cancer ya m,magazi,koma iyi ndi Cancer yomwe imakhudza chimodzi cha ziwalo chimene chimapanga magazi oyera *White blood cells* ziwalo zimene zimakhudzidwazo ndi nkati mwa mafupa *Bone marrow* lymph system,komanso spleen.

'Leukemia' yomwe imatanthauza kuti magazi oyera —(White blood),ndinthenda yomwe imakhudza kusokonekera kwa kapangidwe ka magazi oyera (WBCs kapena leukocytes),ndipo izi zimapangitsa kuti m,magazi mudzadze ndi magazi oyera osakhwima (immature WBCs).Chomwe tikuyenera kudziwa ife anthu,magazi oyerawa ndi ofunikanso kwambili pa umoyo Wa munthu ndipo kusowekera kwa magazi awa,thanzi lamunthu siliyenda bwino,kapena kuti limatsika pansi.
🔷Munthu akapimidwa amapezeka kuti alibe magazi okwanira (not enough red blood cells)kuchepa kwa magazi otseka (low platelet count),Komanso kuchuluka kwa magazi osakhwima.
🔷Nthendayi imagwira ana komanso akulu,ndipo ngati sipapezeka thandizo nsanga,munthu odwalayo amafa pakutha pa sabata zochepa chabe,
🔷Zina zomwe zimayambitsa nthendayi ndi monga kukhudzidwa ndikuwala kwakukulu (Exposure to radiation)radon,Benzene,tizilombo ta virus,down syndrome,
Kubereka mwana yemwe ali ndi vutoli,HIV,mankhwala okonzera tsitsi,njira zina zolimbirana ndi Cancer monga *Radiotherapy,* komanso kukhala m'moyo wosasamala.

*Tiyeni tione zizindikiro*

—Kufowoka,kutopa nsanga,thupi kuoneka loyera.
Kupuma mobanika,kutentha kwa thupi,kuthamanga kwa mtima,kutuluka thukuta kwambili,kutsika kwa sikero,kusachedwa kusupuka,
Zilonda zapakhosi komanso zilonda zankamwa,bala lovuta kupola,kupweteka kwa mafupa,kutupa kwa chiwindi,spleen,komanso kamfuno.

*Nanga kodi tingapange bwanji kuti tithandizike kuvutoli?*

👉🏻Munthu amene ali ndi vuto apasidwe laetlile,germanium,selenium,vitamin A,ndi vitamin C komanso DMSO IV amathandiza kukhwimitsa magazi oyera omwe anali osakhwima.

👉🏻Adzimwa Chidede ndi dandelion tsiku lililonse,komanso adzidya mbali yoyera pa khungu la zipatso za Citrus.




*Mmene munthu oyembekezera angapasire mwana wake matenda a HIV adakali mmimba mwa Mayi wake*

👉🏻Pali njira zingapo zomwe mwana angathe kutengera matendawa alimmimba mwa Mayi ake,ndipo zina mwaizo ndi izi;

*1*.Panthawi yomwe akubadwa,
*3*.Adakali mmimba mwa Mayi wake.

*Lero tikambirana zammene mwanayi angatengere matendawa ali mmimba mwa Mayi wake.*

👉🏻Mwana amatenga matendawa kwa Mayi wake pokha-pokha ngati pamwamba pa chiberekero (placenta)paonongeka,ndipo magazi a amayiwo amadutsa mmenemo ndikukakumana ndi magazi amwanayo (foetus).
👉🏻Kuonongekaku,kumadza kaamba kakuchuluka kwa bacteria amene amachokera Ku va**na kwa Mayi, ndipo amakadzazana pamwamba pa chiberekero ndikuononga njira yamagazi komanso zakudya zomwe zimachokera kwa Mayi kupita kwa mwanayo,
👉🏻Vutoli limatchedwa kuti (Chronio amniotic infection).
👉🏻Kachilomboka ka HIV kamadutsa m'magazi apa placenta ndipo tizilomboti timakakhazikika pamenepo mpaka kulowa mwamwanayo,

👉🏻Kwa Iwo amene alindivuto la Tb komanso HIV nthawi imodzi komanso kwa omwe chitetezo chawo *CD4* count yasikiratu,alipachiopsyezo chochuluka kwambili,
Kwa iwonso amene anayamba mankhwala (Arv)mochedwa koma ali munyengo yamimba,nawonso alipachiopsyezo chochuluka kupasira mwana wawo HIV ali mmimba.

*Ndiye zikatero titani*

Ineyo chomwe ndinganene apa,
Pamene mwaona kuti mwaima,mukuyenera kukayezetsa magazi kuti ngati mwapezeka kuti mulichomwecho,zimathandizira kuti mulandire thandizo nsanga ndipo moyenerera kuti mwana obadwayo akhale otetezeka kuvutoli,izi zimafunika kuyamba mankhwala nthawi yomweyo,

👉🏻Mukadutsa miyezi 5 musanayambe kumwa mankhwalawa mukadali oyembekezera,musayerekeze kuyambapo kumwa ma Arvs,ndipo zikatero,timaenera kupitanso kuchipatala kuti mukalandire uphungu komweso mukalandire *intravenous* AZT, (Zidovudine retrovirus)
Ngati zonsezo mukuona kuti ndizovuta koma munaima kale ndipo simuli pama Art,pitani kuchipatala ndipo mukathandizidwa kwambili,



Mauka amatha kugwiri aliyese. Mayi kapena bambo. Mwana komaso wamkulu.

Mauka Ali mgulu la matenda opatsirana pogonana komaso zimatheka kwa azimayi ndi ana kukhala nawo munjira yosati yogonana.

Matendawa amayamba chifukwa Cha tizilombo tina tomwe timapezeka ku ndata mwachilengedwe. Ngati mzimayi chisamaliro chikhala chocheperapo, tizilomboti timatha kuchulukana ndikuyamba Matenda a mauka.

Ana amatha kuwatenga ngati agwiritsa ntchito ziwiya zosambira zomwe munthu yemwe Ali nd mauka agwiritsa nawoso ntchito. Koma izi sizichitika chitika.

Abambo amatenga matendawa munjira yogonana basi.



1. Kuyabwa kundata
2. Kumva kupweteka pokodza
3. Chikazi choyera chopanda fungo (white va**nal discharge)
4. Kumva kupweteka pogonana

5. Kufiiraso pamwamba pa ndata

Zizindikiro zimenezi zimachulukira ukamayandikira period


Azibambo ambiri amamvanso kukokana kwa mitsempha,

Amatulukaso matuza (sungu) kutsogolo kwa p***s plus kuyabwa

1. Avoid washing your va**na with soap
2. Avoid washing your va**na ndi madzi otentha
3. Keep your va**na dry nthawi zonse
4. Mupewe kuvala zinthu zothina kwambiri nthawi yayitali.
5. Mukamagona, musamavale panti. Pezani zovala zina zovala pogona koma zoti muzipitidwa mphepo.
6. Muzivala ma pant ouma komanso oyera. Change pants frequently.
7. Always put a small piece of cloth inside of your va**na to help keep it dry and tight.
8. Avoid kumangomwa ma antibiotics palipose. Muzimwa pokhapokha ngati simungathe kupilira
9. After using the bathroom , wipe from front to back avoid spreading yeast or bacteria between your a**s, urinary tract, or va**na.


1. Nyenyani adyo muzipaka komwe kuli maukako. Ikamatha week mukhala mutapeza bwino

2. Sendani aloe vera muzipaka momwe muli maukamo

3. Soda amathandizaso wilitsani madzi ndi kuthila soda spoon imodzi mkumasukikalo pangani izi kawili pa tsiku kwa week

WhatsApp Group Invite 29/04/2021

Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:
Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:
Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:

WhatsApp Group Invite WhatsApp Group Invite


THE NATURAL The Natural Healing Remedies Centre

We are still open 24/7

We have different kinds of treatments according to the diseases you may have.

We also have different types of Natural Medication only made from Natural fruits and vegetables.

In Malawi we are at Kameza Round about at Old Doctor Sungani Clinic and in RSA we are at No.8409, Alpha Street, Lenasia Extension 9, Joburg.

You may contact us on our page anytime



What is Chicken Pox?

👉🏻Chicken pox caused by varicella-zoster virus, is a common and highly contagious illness affecting mostly children and sometimes adults also. The rash appears on the body 2 days after the person gets infected. The rash forms into blisters, which burst and then scab over. The incubation period of chicken pox is 2 to 3 weeks. People are more prone to the infection during winter and spring season. Pregnant women, who get chicken pox for the first time, must seek medical assistance.

Common Causes of Chicken Pox

Herpes Zoster Virus
Contact with broken chickenpox blisters
Inhaling airborne droplets
Poor immune system
Home Remedies for Chicken Pox

*1* Mix ½ tspn of Baking soda in 1 glass of water. Sponge the person with this solution. When soda dries on the skin it controls the itchiness and irritation.

*2* Pure honey smeared on the scabs helps in clearing up scars.

*3* Application of Vitamin E oil helps and has a healing effect. The scars fade away very quickly.

*4* Indian Lilac, the other name being magorsa or Neem leaves has antiviral properties, which helps therapeutically in treating chicken pox. Additionally it aids in drying-out the blisters and alleviates itching sensation to a great degree. Mash a handful of neem leaves to make a mild paste and apply on the blistered regions. Strew these leaves in bathing hot water and allow it to steep for a few minutes and have a bath in this neem-soaked water.

*5* Brown Vinegar is one kind of effective approach for the treatment of chicken pox. It helps in mitigating skin irritation and sloughs off the blisters and averts scarring when used in bathing water while taking bath daily till the infection wears off.

*6* A blended soup of carrot and coriander leaves would be beneficial in nature to cool the internal body during the infection. Slice a carrot and chop some coriander leaves to tiny pieces and boil them in half a cup of water for few minutes. Filter and drink it when it is



🔷Control blood pressure,
🔷Stabilises blood sugar,
🔷Get healthy hair and younger skin,
🔷Growth and development fetus,
🔷Cleanses your stomach,
🔷Detoxifies your lever,
🔷Fights fatique and anemia,
🔷To prevent Cancer,

*Doc Gama online*



The home for your healings only through Natural Remedies



Monga tikudziwa kuti mtundu okonda ma herbal pa dziko pano KOMANSO ma spice ndi AMWENYE.

Tsatani izi daily:

Tenthetsani Madzi anu, ikanimo Ginger ovanya Vanya , ndimu longodula nthuli nthuli, anyenzi ofiira mvanyeni, Tumeric powder half tea spoon

Mudzamwa Madzi amenewa daily mmamawa ndi madzulo.

Yesetsani madzulo alionse phikani madzi anu mpoto mutaikamo Masamba a bluegum, mukhale pa kampando kanu madzi Ali pansipo ndipo fundani blangete thuoi lonse ndipo nthunzi yakeyo ithere mthupi lanu.

Pangani izi daily ngakhale mulbe zizindikiro za Corona

Tea wanu ikani lemon daily

Chonde tsatani izi

A. N. Gamah



👉 dried and then used in food preparation it is spice or hottet than green chill

🌶️ source of lron absorpitio
🌶️ burns calories
🌶️relives fromcongestion
🌶️reduce blockages in arties

🍀🍀🌸🌸🌲🌲 2

👉👉more subtie in taste and are used as tresn spuce in vorious food preparation

🍀 source of lron absorpition
Promotes digestion
🍀 good for skin
🍀very good for heart


🇲🇼 natural home


📍NGATI MIMBA IMANGOCHOKACHOKA>> Ngati mukatenga mimba imangochoka muzipanga izi, mukatenga mimba mwezi oyamba omwewo tengani masamba wa chisoso ukwanira zikhatho ziwiri muike mu mtondo ndikusinja zipange phala phala muzitenge muike mu m'mbali ndikuthiramo madzi okwanira 1litre then muzisefe mumwe madziwo masiku okwana atatu mimbayo sidzachika ai


*_We treat GOD heals_*



And RSA our branch is also open 24/7

Call to ask for the products now

We have many types of medicine and herbal teas to help you


Morning Friends

We would like to inform all that at our Center we have new products in stop...

We have herbal tea
Medicine for.. Bp, sugar and many more

We also have special medicine that boosts immune System and brings back your body to normal shape...

We have special treatment rooms where we treat our patients......

If you may have the following problems please just call us and we will help you:

Unhealed wounds
And many more...

Call us or visit us and we will help you



High blood pressure (Hypertension) is also referred to as "silent killer" because often no symptoms are associated with this disorder. Blood pressure is considered high (hypertensive) if any maximum (systolic) or minimum (diastolic) each of which exceeds 140 and 90 mm Hg continuously when one is rested. Normal blood pressure is 120 / 80mm Hg. Severe high blood pressure may cause bleeding in small blood vessels, headache, vomiting, vision problems, blindness, it is important to consider the following things seriously: weight loss, regular exercise, eating plant-based foods, reducing salt intake, reducing fat and cholesterol in food, reduce prenatal food and stop taking coffee, alcohol and ci******es can increase blood pressure for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

For ancient cultures have used lemons to treat this disease. Today scientists tell us that if we want to improve and maintain our health, lemon juice is something we need to drink because lemon juice provides a strong fitochemical stimulation. The lemon juice of most Citrus species contain 6.7-8.6% citric acid that can treat heavy metal poisons in the human body and help fight virus and bacterial infections. Vitamin c in lemon is a very powerful antioxidant. Lemonone contains antioxidant properties, and Bioflavonoids and potassium in the juice lemonmiguates and normalizes blood pressure. The skin contains higher concentrations of citric acid and anticancer compounds than juices or pulp. Take at least 3 glasses of lemon juice that has been diluted daily.


Pure Wellness Centre RSA

We are located in Jo'burg
Lenasia extension 9 Alpha Street opposite Lenmed hospital


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