W E B O S O.Org Npo 152-984

Whites and other minority groups such as coloured's do not enjoy equal protection. There is virtually no protection of the rights of whites to 1. life 2.

This NPC's aim is to obtain, with passive resistance, equal application of the Constitution of SA to all citizens and to promote the "Boere Kultuur" and most important love and respect for God. WEBOSO NPO 153-984 is a non-profit company who's main aim is to obtain, with passive resistance, equal application of the Constitution of South Africa to all citizens of SA, which will ensure justice for wh

Photos from Healing Waves Renew Klerksdorp's post 06/06/2023
Med­ical experts call for probe of Covid-19 vac­cine | Sunday Tribune 29/01/2023



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Med­ical experts call for probe of Covid-19 vac­cine | Sunday Tribune MEDICAL experts, sci­ent­ists and rights groups have called on the gov­ern­ment to halt its Covid-19 vac­cin­a­tion cam­paign imme­di­ately, cit­ing dev­ast­at­ing side-effects among patients. They accused the gov­ern­ment, in court doc­u­ments, of...


Covid Care Alliance invites you to join our Zoom meeting Thursday 25 August 2022 at 19:00 with hosts Riekie Erasmus and Peter Smanjak
Topics : Guest Wendy speaks to "Childhood vaccination-what every parent needs to know.
Riekie Erasmus will speak to "Personal injury claims as a result of covid 19 jabs.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/98514249036?pwd=UVJCSnAwMlkyaEFtMGY4T1dBOTVWZz09 Meeting ID: 985 1424 9036 Passcode: 071185

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Telegram: Contact @covidcarealliance 25/07/2022

MEETING THURSDAY 28 July at 19:00.
Join Peter Smanjak and Riekie Erasmus for an update on litigation and an employee's experience at the CCMA. THERE IS HOPE. ALL THE GLORY TO GOD, our only hope.
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BREAK OUT ON 10 JUNE 2022!! Stop the tyranny, the Godless reign. The power is in the people of SA. We were born free. Let no man steal your freedom from you. Show your obedience to God our Father, Jesus and the holy Spirit only. Pray for strength 💪 for wisdom 🙏 for SA and plan today how you will change SA in faith as warrior for good and turning from evil. Doing what is right is not easy but faith disperse fear. Tell us what you are going to do and inspire and support each other. We had enough. Show it with passive resistance. non stop! Do not hide. Make your choice away from evil known for all to see and hear by putting your plan in action and drive it in a way that does not support any evil. FREEDOM lies in YOU. Help the timid to ditch fear, to participate, to take the road of freedom. The choice is for or against 😈 The choice is yours. Be the change you want. We can because we are not alone. Have faith and trust He will help us conquer Goliath. 🙏 .com


Stop this now! Stop this not later than 10 June 2022 and keep on resisting injustice.
8 June 2022


Wakker word SA. Moenie lang trane huil en bly hamer op die "ja" stemmers soos 'n grammofoonplaat wat vashaak nie. Na April gaan jy die gevolge dra van draadsit of glo die regering/wgo/fm/MR dien ons beste belange. Geen persoon met ore om te hoor en oë om te sien kan nog glo ons het 'n kouwit pandemie gehad nie. Dit was 'n meester plan van bedrog. Alhoewel alles reeds openbaar is help die msm hulle om nog die vallende perd te red. Ons het die mag om hom te begrawe. Hier tel kwaliteit nie, net getalle en lydelike verset. Versprei die woord aan jonk en oud. D**k aan ons kinders, ou mense, weerlose, onkundige mense. Laat 1 April 2022 in die geskiedenisboeke aangeteken word as "AprilSter" dag in SA. Die dag waarop blink sterre (aktiviste) die kriminele stuit. Hoe? Deur 'n groot NEE!!!en weier om mee te doen. Gooi weg die maskers. Dit is ongesond. Dit dien geen goeie doel. As dit jou keuse is om mee te doen aan die antichris se demoniese planne, go for it. Los ons, wat die lig gesien het uit. Re

SA’ners gewaarsku oor malaria | Maroela Media 29/01/2022

Hoekom??? Want die skapies doen 'n pcr toets. Wat is die gevolge? 1. Vals + toetse 2. Verkeerde diagnose 3. Verlies aan produktiwiteit 4. Vals statistieke (BEDROG) 5. Paniek en stress 6. Inperking gebaseer NET OP VALS STATISTIEKE!!!!!!!
Ek het nou genoeg gehad. Dit is tyd dat hierdie bedrogspul gestop word. Ek sal 'n bedrogsaak open teen elke betrokke minister, gesondheidsbeampte, laboratorium hoof en pcr personeel, " deskundige" persoon wat hierdie misdaad teen die mensdom goedpraat en bevorder. As die staat weier om te vervolg sal ons self vervolg. Dit is ontgogelend dat almal se lewens draai om kouwit terwyl dit al wit gekou en vrot. Kom tot julle sinne voordat SA totaal vernietig is. Neem beheer van jou lewe. As jy geld het vir 'n pcr toets vat dit en koop eerder appels en eet dit. Nog beter plant tamaties en spinasie in jou tuin en eet dit. Elke persoon moet introspeksie doen. Wat is jou aandeel in die voeding en bevordering van hierdie bedrog/inperking? Wat gaan jy doen om dit te stop? As iemand nou weer vra, Waar kan ek nou 'n pcr toets doen of 'n klontspuit kry gaan ek hulle identifiseer as deel van die probleem. Die kaf moet nou vinnig van die koring geskei word sodat ons weer kan leef sonder om elke dag gebombardeer te word met vals syfers, dermuitrygings oor abortiewe planne en die gesanik van valse profete wat vir 2 jaar al dag en datum vir ons die "waves" voorspel. Hoe op aarde kan enige mens met 2 breinselle nie die bedrogspul sien nie??? Kan ons asseblief net die hele spul moerasadders in 'n getuiebank kry om te antwoord op al die vrae. Ek waarborg julle, NIE EEN SAL GAAN GETUIG NIE. Hulle sal eerder alles stop want hulle sal klaaglik misluk as getuies. Maandag begin die skoonmaak proses in volle swang. As jy wil deelneem is dit nou jou kans om jou naam te verewig as deel van die SA-IKONE. Ons leier is God, die Skepper van hemel en aarde. Getalle sal help maar geloof en gehoorsaamheid aan Hom is belangriker. -IKONE 24/7. Uit met die gemors. Riekie.CCA 29 Jan 22

SA’ners gewaarsku oor malaria | Maroela Media Talle malariagevalle is nou al verkeerdelik as Covid-19 gediagnoseer.

Klag ingedien teen dokter wat kapsie maak teen entstof | Netwerk24 23/01/2022

Dit is nou die ideale geleentheid om hierdie gifspuit te ontbloot Tros. Die beste kundiges is tot jou beskikking. SAHPRA en die Mediese Raad moet nou hul getuienis bring.

Klag ingedien teen dokter wat kapsie maak teen entstof | Netwerk24 Die Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Vereniging (Sama) het Maandag ’n klagte van “onprofessionele en skandelike gedrag” en “die verspreiding van misleidende en vals inligting oor Covid-19” by die Raad vir Gesondheidsberoepe (RGB) ingedien teen ’n dokter.

German Scientist Who Questioned Vaccine Ingredients, Dies Mysteriously 09/01/2022

Summary of what Dr. Noack said:

Graphene hydroxide was found in all the vaccines studied. Graphene oxide form structures in the blood stream approximately 50 nm wide and 0.1 nm thick. They are very thin but very strong. They act like little razor blades in the blood stream that can cut the blood vessels. They do not decompose. Once in the bloodstream they will be there forever (short of the person getting a blood transfusion to remove them). Their effect on the blood vessels is cumulative. The longer they stay in the bloodstream, the more damage will be done to the blood vessels over time. This creates body wide hemorrhaging issues.

What this German doctor says about the graphene hydroxide in the video explaining the abnormally high number of athlete deaths makes sense. According to him, higher blood flow (from strenuous physical activity by athletes) would result in greater damage to the blood vessels from the graphene hydroxide and hence would explain the athlete deaths among the injected. https://trialsitenews.com/german-scientist-who-questioned-vaccine-ingredients-dies-mysteriously/

9 Jan 22 SINCE DR NOACK's finding came to my knowledge I questioned the treatment of jab injuries. Why are not done to help the victims? If you are a victim, ask your doctor. It is expensive but look at the good news, in SA 70% are not jabbed. You will need pure blood for the treatment. STOP FORCING JAB MANDATES!!! The cabal think they can play God, to decide on life and death. Do not eat the apple you are offered. It is poison and if you get the poison you will transmit it to everyone close to you. You will be a bioweapon created by satan. Accept that we have been lied to from day 1 of this plandemic. Now we have omicron, nothing but a cold but they are still pushing for jabs. In SA they even extended the expiry date of the jabs. I do not trust any Cjab, let alone one who has expired. Do not be one of those which God has warned about "my people perish for a lack of knowledge...." Hosea 4:6. May you eyes and ears be opened and your mind be opened up for the shocking truth. God will guide you to the light if you seek Him. DO NOT believe one word from the WHO, Tedros, Fauci, Gates our government etc . They are 😈 Riekie.CCA PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE EVERYWHERE, ALSO TO PPL NOT ON SOCIAL MEDIA

German Scientist Who Questioned Vaccine Ingredients, Dies Mysteriously A German chemist died just days after publishing a video in which he reported that vaccines contained graphene oxide, a dangerous substance found on masks


They not only force jabs on their staff, THEY RESTRICT ACCESS TO OFFICES. They are immoral and inhumane. Can you forget about your preferences and just buy elsewhere. If you do not stop this tyranny now you will have no shops/luxuries soon. Get a backbone and do what is right.
Riekie CCA [email protected]

Covid Care Alliance – covid care alliance 10/12/2021

10 Dec 2021

Tie it to you ear and lets not forget
1. SA belongs to its citizens.
Every government building, every piece of infrastructure and movables.
2. Every university and government school and learning institution too.
The authority is there with your vote, the vote of citizens, parents, students, scholars. They who mandate jabs, useless pcr testing, who want to restrict your access/use, who want to abuse your human rights do not deserve to be in authority. They are immoral, they have been bought by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and ilk. They are now bowing before mammon, not GOD.
Are you going to keep on treating them with gloves? are you going to allow them to put you in lockdown, to fire you, to demote you, to listen to their bosses from satan or are you going to go with God and protect your and your children' s God given freedoms and rights? The choice is yours. Your choice is going to seal your fate and that of your children because the final say is with God, creator of the earth and every life on it. He does not approve of this tyranny by satan and his followers. Not awake yet? Put of your tv and msm radio and do proper research. Study the Bible and the literature by decent experts and people with morals and get informed. Teach others without access to it all. Hold their hand and help them to see the light. Get rid of the immoral authority. Trust God and walk 🚶‍♂️in faith. If you need guidance on literature, the Bible, law, finance, health join www.covidcarealliance.com Riekie Erasmus attorney, mediator, arbitrator, dir of CCA
[email protected]. The video below illustrates above.

Covid Care Alliance – covid care alliance Uniting Individuals & Groups Standing For Medical Freedom and Personal Liberty! Our strength is in numbers. We are an alliance network of various groups and awakened individuals, professionals, lawyers, advocates, alternative practitioners, medical doctors, scientists, field experts, moms and dads,....


Summer 2021 going into Fall 2021 is seeing a meteoric rise in all-cause mortality compared to that of the same time period in 2020. What changed? The “Operation Warp Speed” injections they are calling “v” were rolled out all around the world.

Every country where jab uptake is high, including in Scotland, Israel, Denmark and the United States, is seeing a massive spike in deaths from things other than “c.” The obvious culprit is the jabs, of course.

The Unz Review put together an extensive analysis of the available data, which clearly shows that all-cause mortality is “mooning,” so to speak. Records are being smashed in terms of death tolls, especially in areas of the world where large numbers of people took the injections.

In Scotland, for instance, the government recently logged the 20th consecutive week in which excess deaths throughout the country have exceeded the five-year average. This is in a country with an 87 percent jab compliance rate so far.

“Even excluding " C" deaths they were almost 20% above normal for the most recent week, and the trend is rising,” relayed Alex Berenson on his Substack.

Germany is in a similar quagmire with nearly 78,000 reported excess deaths, a figure 10 percent higher than what was expected.

“Mortality figures (in Germany) in September 2021: 10% above the median of previous years,” Berenson added.

More young people are dying from covid jabs than old people
In Denmark, Finland and Norway, “mystery” c deaths are currently higher than ever before, even during the “worst” of the plandemic. The deaths really started spiking in these three countries immediately following the “v” rollout.

For five months in a row, Denmark has shattered the 10-year record of people dying from “all causes.” Meanwhile, there have been basically zero deaths caused by “c” during this time.

Ireland, the United Kingdom and Israel are all posting similar alarming figures. And it just so happens that all three of these countries have extremely high “v ine” rates.

Interestingly, the worst-off demographic in all this is young people, who are dying at a much higher rate from the jab than the elderly. One would think that the opposite would be true.

“While the C death toll has been largely confined to the elderly … it’s the young who are bearing the brunt of jabinjury,” reported LSN, as relayed.

“According to VigiAccess, the adverse event database for the World Health Organization, 41% of the more than 2.4 million vaccine injuries reported so far are among those under age 44, and just six percent are among people over age 75.”

It is a genocide of the young that is taking place with these injections, in other words.

Not only deaths but also serious injuries are on the rise from these injections. Think things like heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, circulatory diseases and neurological issues, “the same v ine-induced ailments we were warned about by the physicians and scientists who’ve been telling us the truth from the start,” noted Mike Whitney.

“Simply put, the v ines are increasing fatalities, not reducing them,” Whitney adds. “They are making matters worse not better.”

“They are perpetuating the crisis not ending it. And that is why the red line in the chart is pointing upward. It’s an indication that the death toll will continue to rise as long as we continue to do what we are doing now, inoculating millions of people with a cytotoxic pathogen that triggers blood clots, inflammation and autoimmunity.”

The full report from Whitney is available from me

NEEDLE STICKING POINT: Court deals blow to ACDP bid to stop Covid-19 vaccinations for children 12/11/2021

DM how can you be lying so blatantly? You are a disgrace. The applicants asked for a postponement because we requested the DJP for a special allocation. The respondents asked for the matter to be struck. It was not struck. The applicants request was granted. The DJP has instructed the parties to attend a case management meeting on Monday 15 Nov. Please apologize and correct the facts?

NEEDLE STICKING POINT: Court deals blow to ACDP bid to stop Covid-19 vaccinations for children An application by the African Christian Democratic Party to stop the vaccination of children between the ages of 12 and 17 against Covid-19 has suffered a setback after the Pretoria High Court ruled it was not urgent. Meanwhile, Health Minister Joe Phaahla has urged more South Africans to get the ja...

Santo Giuliano, former Amici dancer, in cardiac arrest: “Dead for a second” – Curler - Opera News 10/11/2021

Santo Giuliano, former Amici dancer, in cardiac arrest: “Dead for a second” – Curler - Opera News Santo Giuliano, former dancer of Amici di Maria De Filippi, had a cardiac arrest: the young man’s story Saint Julian, the former dancer of the school of Friends of Maria De Filippi,

THANK GOD IN ADVANCE | God Will Do It - Inspirational & Motivational Video 10/11/2021

https://youtu.be/GAWWZfYQez8 Thank you God for being with us, with Reg, Richard and Pierre and our children. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 10Nov21 Riekie.CCA

THANK GOD IN ADVANCE | God Will Do It - Inspirational & Motivational Video Faith is thanking God in advance. Jesus said, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours....

EXCLUSIVE – 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced according to official Government data 02/11/2021

EXCLUSIVE – 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced according to official Government data An investigation of data found in the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against …


After the vaccines were available to everyone, did you lose an unvaccinated loved one to COVID-19? If you're willing to share your family's story, please DM us your contact information. We may reach out for a story we're working on.

The five key Covid truths that could have saved us from self-destruction | The Conservative Woman 06/09/2021

Eminent US doctor Prof Peter McCullough has prepared what he calls ‘five key messages of scientific truth that I want everybody to understand about the virus and the pandemic.’ He has all the necessary scientific back-up to support his claims.

1. The virus is not spread asymptomatically. That is, only sick people give it to other people.

2. We should stop testing symptomless people. That just generates false positives – creating extra ‘cases’ and extra concerns. ‘There shouldn’t be a single person on Earth that should undergo an asymptomatic test or a test done on a routine basis. For any reason. People ought to just walk past these testing stations. They have absolutely no standing whatsoever.’

3. Natural immunity is robust, complete, and durable. It cannot be improved by vaccination, or any other method. A person who has developed immunity after exposure to the virus is at minimal risk of becoming seriously ill again from Covid. Where apparent cases of that kind have been reported, a misinterpretation in the test procedure has been responsible.

Even with loosely defined cases, 11 studies involving 650,000 individuals showed a long-term recurrence rate of only 0.2 per cent. ‘Someone who is naturally immune can walk up to someone who has Covid-19, get a big cough in the face, and they are not going to get the illness.’

4. Covid-19, no matter what the variant, is easily treatable at home with simple, available drugs. About 88 per cent of hospitalisation and death is avoidable with early treatment. ‘The only way people end up in hospital and have a miserable time is when they receive no treatment.’

It’s easy to treat the illness early on, when the symptoms are mild. It has three major components: Viral replication, inflammation, and thrombosis – blood clots. Once these develop, they lower oxygen levels in the lungs and are hard to reverse.

5. The current Covid vaccines – AstraZeneca, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, and Moderna – are obsolete. ‘They do not cover the new variants. Patients are being hospitalised and getting sick, despite having the vaccines.’ And because of the record levels of deaths and injuries reported after the jabs, they should be considered ‘unsafe and unfit for human use.’


The five key Covid truths that could have saved us from self-destruction | The Conservative Woman The five key Covid truths that could have saved us from self-destruction

Official Data shows many more people have died due to the Covid-19 Vaccines in 8 months than people who have died of Covid-19 in 18 months 28/08/2021

Official Data shows many more people have died due to the Covid-19 Vaccines in 8 months than people who have died of Covid-19 in 18 months There can no longer be any doubt that the Covid-19 injections are more deadly than the alleged Covid-19 virus itself thanks to a raft of official Public Health and Government data available, confir…

Ramaphosa’s Shanduka in alleged Free State tender corruption 17/07/2021


Ramaphosa’s Shanduka in alleged Free State tender corruption President Cyril Ramaphosa is alleged to have persuaded the Free State Department of Education to give Shanduka a contract to build schools in the Free State six years ago.


World Doctors Alliance:
“We have entered the era of apartheid. God help us”.

Lisbon appeal court Judge blasts off over Portugal’s “Sanitary Apartheid”

By Natasha Donn -10th July 2021

Hundreds of people are sharing a Facebook post written by Lisbon Appeal Court judge Florbela Sebastião e Silva in reaction to the decisions now emanating from the government.

Judge Florbela’s words show that the anger growing in Portugal is not exclusive to the working classes (meaning here the people trying to work, not low-income citizens): it is spreading through every corner of society.

This is her message, coming as citizens everywhere start to query the sense in doing as they are being ordered:

“ I am aware that most people do not have authoritative legal knowledge and, if they have any, it is always general knowledge that is the result of the learning that every citizen should have access to and just enough to exercise their most basic rights.

“What upsets me as the judge that I have been for more than 25 years, including exercising duties in a Superior Court, is to see legal instruments presented, without support in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, that are creating an authentic apartheid within Portuguese society.

“How is it possible that Portugal, having been the second country in the world to abolish slavery, and even one of the first countries to sign international treaties for the defense of human rights, is now a country that discriminates its inhabitants on the basis of a health passport and on the assumption that people are all sick and as such have to undergo tests – in this case PCR tests whose reliability, as we know, is null and even highly misleading – in order to simply be able to have lunch in a restaurant?

“The Constitution of the Portuguese Republic (CRP) has not been suspended, nor can its rules be altered, delimited or reduced by a mere Resolution of the Council of Ministers.

“The Constitution of the Portuguese Republic can only be amended by the Assembly of the Republic after 5 years following its last revision or, in case of absolute necessity, extraordinarily, but provided that a majority of 4/5 of the Members of Parliament in effective exercise of their duties is obtained – according to article 284 of the CRP.

“As I have explained before, there is no legal basis for a “State of Calamity” or a “State of Alert” enshrined in the Law.

“Thus, pursuant to the provisions of article 44, paragraph 1 of the CRP: “All citizens are guaranteed the right to move and settle freely in any part of national territory.”

“This rule of free movement of people – also enshrined in European Union legislation – cannot be suspended, revoked or suppressed by a mere Resolution of the Council of Ministers outside of any State of Emergency or State of Siege, and even in these cases , conditioning has to prove to be justified and must always be for a very limited period of time.

“Now, at a time when the whole world is returning to normal, when the masks – those of COVID and others – are dropping and putting an end to the shameful restrictions that led millions to unemployment and misery, and to a state of Collective insanity, Portugal carries on restrictions, without any constitutional basis and against, not only the Law of the Nation, but more importantly against all European legislation and recommendations?

“No one can be discriminated against for reasons of health – if these were really the reasons at the base of this pandemic – even less for not taking a test or receiving a vaccine.

“And it is unthinkable that someone sees their access to a restaurant, a hotel or any other establishment subject to a test that, as I have said, is not reliable (scientists themselves have said this: it depends on the number of cycles used and it is already known that the standard number in Portugal is above 35 cycles, which renders the test absolutely unreal and useless), and that translates into a medical act that can only be performed by qualified personnel with the express and informed consent of the person .

“The last time I read through all my legal bundles, Portugal was a State of Law, with clear rules on governance, the division of State powers, the reservation of Law and respect for human dignity.

“Now, and unfortunately, I see that my country has become a former South Africa with an Apartheid regime: a Banana Republic where Constitutional Law is discarded

“And all this when it is already known the DGS, summoned by the Administrative Court of the Circle of Lisbon, came to admit that after all, only 152 deaths have been registered by COVID, and only 4 were subject to autopsy.

“The WHO itself, in a communiqué dated 25 June 2021, has already stated, in black and white, that it is not recommended to carry out tests in asymptomatic people, much less on the scale that Portugal intends to implement.

“Any PCR test is a medical act that must be authorized and no one can be discriminated against for refusing to take the test.

“Nor can anyone be stopped from accessing public places on the basis of whether or not the test takes place – precisely because it has to be consented.

“Nor is it possible to understand that these Orwellian restrictions only work on weekends. If there was really a public health situation, the virus would not only run rampant on weekends, nor only in restaurants.

“It is absolutely unacceptable for the Portuguese population to see restrictions imposed that have no scientific basis, no serious clinical support – as the DGS admitted before the Administrative Court of the Lisbon Circle when it said it did not have any scientific documents to support the sanitary measures imposed – which are affronts to human dignity, the Portuguese Legal Order and the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic – which, last time I looked, was still the highest Law of the Nation and the one that still defends us from people, party machines and lobbies who are gluttonous in their thirst to impose their will on others.

“After all, wasn’t this what the “Revolution” of April 25th was all about?

“Portugal is no longer under rule of law or a State where human rights are respected.

“We have entered the era of apartheid. God help us”.

Judge Florbela may be one of the first to start putting her head above the parapet, but considering the number of times her post has been shared since being uploaded last night, her message is travelling rapidly as the country approaches municipal elections (in September) – the first real moment when people can show how they feel about the way daily life has been manipulated in the name of a virus which over 99% of the population recovers from at home.

PANDA co-founder Nick Hudson on Dr. Fauci leaked emails 05/06/2021

PANDA co-founder Nick Hudson on Dr. Fauci leaked emails Nick Hudson outlines the hidden agendas that have been at play within govts and institutions since the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic.



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