The Naturopath and The Nutritionist Townsville

Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel. Let's change that!!


If you only care about the calories you consume and not the nutrient content of the foods you’re eating, you are likely missing out on key components of a nourishing diet. Over time, nutritional deficiencies will lead to a variety of health problems.

The best way to prevent a deficiency is to eat a balanced, real food-based diet that includes nutrient-dense foods from both plants and animals sources.

Supplementation (practitioner grade) may be necessary when it is impossible to get enough from the diet alone.


Detoxification is a natural process that the body performs utilising important nutrients from the diet.

There are 2 categories of toxins:
1. Toxins that are made in the body as byproducts of normal metabolism, and
2. Toxins that are introduced to the body through eating, drinking, breathing or absorption through the skin.

Everbody's ability to detoxify varies and is greatly influenced by environment, diet, lifestyle, health status and genetics. If the toxins exposed to exceeds the body's ability to detox them, they may be stored in fat cells, soft tissue and bone, negatively affecting health. This is when your body may need a little extra support.


If there's one thing we could all benefit from, it is including more fresh produce into our diet. This includes fruit.

Fruits are an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals, and they are high in fibre. Fruits also provide a wide range of health-boosting antioxidants, including flavonoids.

Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables can reduce a person’s risk of developing heart disease, some cancers, lowered immune function, inflammation, mood disorders neurodegenerative disorders and diabetes. The list goes on ...

Fruit is high in fibre and water, which may help increase fullness and decrease appetite

Fruit is low in calories but high in nutrients. Eating it in place of a high-calorie snack can help increase weight loss.

The natural sugars found in fruit are very different from the added sugars typically used in processed foods.

Try sticking to whole fruits instead of fruit juice or dried fruit. Those who have a fructose intolerance or are on a ketogenic or very low-carb diet may need to restrict their fruit intake. This is because it is higher in carbs and may not fit into the carb restrictions of these diets.



Purity HCG Weightloss Program


Vanilla Protein Pancakes

1 Banana (plus extra for topping)
2 Eggs
25 grams Vanilla Protein Powder
1 1/2 tsps. Coconut Oil

In a large bowl, mash the bananas. Add the eggs and protein powder. Mix well until a batter forms.

Melt the coconut oil in a fry pan over medium heat. Once hot, pour the batter into the fry pan, roughly 1/4 cup at a time. Cook for 3 minutes, or until the top starts to bubble slightly, and flip. Repeat the process until all the batter is used up.

Transfer to a plate and top with additional banana slices.

Calories 394
Macro's - Protein 33g, Carbohydrates 29g, Fat 17g

Refrigerate in an airtight container for up to three days. Freeze for up to one month.

Serving Size
One serving is approximately two pancakes.

Additional Toppings
Coconut yogurt, berries and/or chopped nuts/ seeds


Take in more calories/energy than you expend, you gain weight. Take in fewer calories/energy than you expend, you lose weight.

Sounds simple right?? .... Nah not really!!

The principals of energy balance ( calorie in/ calorie out) is correct, however, counting calories as a way of managing your energy intake is not exact.

1. Calorie counts are imprecise and can have an error of up to 50%. Calorie counts on food labels and in databases are averages. Plus our ability to accurately judge portion sizes is often out.

2. We dont absorb all the calories we consume and our individual gut bacteria can increase or decrease the calories we absorb. Some calories pass through indigested. 2 people will not absorb the same calories from a food item.

3. How you prepare food changes the calorie load giving an error of up to 90%. Once the food is cooked, chopped or blended, the amount of energy available for digestion and absorption changes.



Going on a diet doesn’t always mean that someone is trying to lose weight. People come in to the clinic to get help with their diets for many different reasons: food allergies or sensitivities, chronic illnesses such as diabetes or autoimmunity, sometimes even to gain weight.

While there are many different diet protocols they all need to have something in common. They must provide your body with the nutrients it needs to achieve optimal health.


An anti inflammatory approach free of gluten, refined sugars, poor quality fats and poor quality dairy will optimise your health, energy levels, hormones, performance, recovery and athletic life.


A little bit of this and a little bit of that after an early morning 5.30am RPM class 🚴‍♀️🥵🥵

Rolled Oats
H**p seed
Chia seed
Coconut and coconut milk

Adding a few servings of the healthiest seeds to your daily diet can have a huge impact on overall health and wellness.

👇H**p Seed Benefits
Loaded with Antioxidants
Protects Against Chronic Disease
Supports Skin Health
Rich in Heart-Healthy Fats
Promotes Muscle Growth

👇Chia Seed Benefits
Supports Gut Health
High in Plant-Based Protein
Strengthens Bones
Improves Heart Health
Prevents Constipation

👇Flaxseed Benefits
Supports Regularity
Improves Weight Loss
Keeps You Feeling Full
High in Bone-Building Manganese
Promotes Brain Health


Dyslipidaemia is an acknowledged risk factor for cardiovascular disease, with over 51% of adults in Australia having high cholesterol.

~ LDL (Bad cholesterol) - The risk of having a heart attack or stroke rises directly as a person's LDL cholesterol level increases.

~ HDL (Good cholesterol) - Low HDL cholesterol levels increase the risk for cardiovascular disease.

~ TRIGLYCERIDES - High blood triglyceride levels are associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease.


Weight reduction where appropriate is essential.

Maintaining dietary fibre.

Dietary intake of foods high in antioxidants.

Omega-3 fatty acids (particularly DHA) from cold-water fish.

Lifestyle modifications include increasing physical activity, stress reduction and quitting smoking (to***co use lowers HDL cholesterol).


The HCG diet, under my care, can reduce your chance of developing diabetes, reduce dangerous visceral fat, improve your cholesterol and triglyceride profile, and help you lose weight quickly. It can be an excellent stepping stone to a healthier lifestyle and if you have struggled with weight loss in the past, you may want to try a round of the diet as it can have great results for you where other diets have failed.


Food is the starting point to optimal health, and boundless energy. With a few easy changes to the way you treat your body, you can change how you feel. It doesn’t need to be overwhelming – sometimes it is just about restoring the balance in your life!


Cook once, eat multiple times. Keeping meals simple to help me achieve my nutrition goals this week. Nutrition doesn't need to be difficult or take up hours of your time.

On the menu this week is one of my favourite high protein EASY recipes, taco mince and veggies with brown rice.


If you live outside of Townsville and I dont travel to your area, you can easily still book in with me for a phone consult from wherever you are.

Private health fund provider


Some of the many reasons you may visit the clinic.

Gut Health - Bloating, Reflux and heartburn

Mental health - Anxiety, Depression, Stress

Energy - Fatigue, poor sleep

Hormonal balancing - Heavy painful periods, fertility, pregnancy nutrition

Inflammation - Joint health, headaches

Skin - Acne, Psoriasis, eczema

Weight Management and exercise nutrition


Intolerance and Allergy, Hayfever, Sinus

Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel. Let's change that!!


The food you consume fuels your body, allowing it to function at its best. An optimal diet provides the right amount of macronutrients (Protein, carbohydrates and fats), as well as vitamins and minerals to promote optimal energy levels, while limiting foods that may interfere with energy production. A healthy diet also reduces inflammation and oxidative stress, giving you the best chance of achieving good physical and mental health.


Have you got 21 days to kick off weight loss and feel great?

For a little extra motivation why not grab a friend and do it together.

> Increase your energy and well being
> Detoxify your body
> Mental Clarity
> Improve your digestion
> Balance your hormones
> Feel healthier
> Break habits around food



Naturopathy and Nutritional Medicine is a complimentary holistic approach to wellness.

I help with acute and chronic conditions with a focus on long-term health and prevention.

I can work with you to address a wide range of conditions, including gastrointestinal issues, mood disorders, sleep quality, headaches and migraines, pain and inflammation, skin conditions, allergies and sensitivities and hormonal balance. I can also create personalised programs that help increase energy levels, support your immune system, and assist with weight loss.

Here at The Naturopath and The Nutritionist, I will create a nutritious customised meal plan and recommend herbal medicines or nutritional supplements for you to achieve optimal health.


Hey you, the one who had a few to bring in the new year 🥂🥂 2024 ⭐️

The key to hangover avoidance is in preparation .... but here are some tips for the day after.

Keep drinking water and flushing out that alcohol; aim for 2 - 3 litres. Coconut water is amazing for a hangover, as it contains many electrolytes including sodium and potassium which are depleted when drinking.

Add a squeeze of lemon or tbs of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water first thing in the morning, to alkalise the body and rehydrate.

B-Complex supplement. The B vitamins will help your liver detoxify any excess alcohol sitting around in your system, and also increase your energy.

If you are feeling a little nauseous a ginger tea with freshly grated ginger or ginger tablets can help to help settle your stomach. Dandelion tea is a goody too.

While you might feel like doing a Macca's run, it is not really ideal. This will only put extra strain on your digestive system and liver.

Try a high protein breakfast with healthy fats such as eggs with spinach and a smoothie with natural yogurt, almond or coconut milk, banana and kiwi fruit if you can. The protein aids in detoxifying the liver and the spinach, banana and kiwi are high in potassium, which your body is missing from the night before.

If you can't quite do a smoothie, green juices with beetroot and carrot are great and will give you some extra vitamins.


A Low Fodmap recipe from Monash University.

Christmas Yoghurt Bark


2 cups plain lactose free yoghurt 520 g

1/2 cup chopped strawberries 90 g

2 tbsp pumpkin seeds 23 g

dark chocolate, shaved or grated 30g

Prepare a baking tray by lining it with baking paper.

Spread the yoghurt out with a spoon or spatula evenly into the baking paper until you get the desired thickness that you want your bark.

Sprinkle with strawberries, chocolate, and pumpkin seeds.

Place in the freezer - this will vary depending on how thick your yoghurt base is (may take anywhere between 90 minutes or you may prefer to do it overnight).

Once frozen, chop and break up into different sizes. Store into an airtight container for up to one week.


For those who have a sweet tooth, choose a flavoured lactose-free yoghurt as the base! For different toppings, remember that lots of foods that contain FODMAPs can be eaten safely at small serve sizes.


To see a change, first you need to get your nutrition right. This is true for all areas of optimal health and wellbeing.

Make your change in 2024 .... It doesn't need to be overwhelming. It is the small changes, done consistently that will bring the best.


Homemade Hommus without all the added nasties.

1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1tbs tahini
100ml extra virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic
1tsp cumin
paprika/ chili/ turmeric ( if desired)
1/2 lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste
Parsley for garnish

Place all the ingredients in the bowl of a food processor and process until smooth. Transfer to a serving dish. Garnish with chopped parsley.

** Add 250g cooked beetroot for some vibrant colour.


As another full and rewarding year winds up, I would like to wish you all a happy, safe and healthy festive season.

Let 2024 be a brand-new year of health and wellness.

The clinic will be closed 23rd of December to Monday the 8th of January 2024.

Ellen 🌟

**A reminder that the last day for guaranteed shipment of any orders is Thursday the 21st of December 2023 with collection available until close of business Friday the 22nd of December 2023.


Recipe thanks to Wholefood Simply

Quick and Easy Christmas Ice Cream

1/2 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup currants
1/4 cup cranberries
1/4 cup dry roasted almonds, roughly chopped
1/2 teaspoon concentrated natural vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon mixed spice
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon cloves
2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 frozen banana, chopped (approximately 250 grams)*
4 medjool dates, seeds removed

Place the coconut milk, raisins, currants, cranberries, almonds, vanilla and spices into a medium sized saucepan. Bring to a gentle boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer for 5 – 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir through the coconut oil.

While the dried fruit, nuts and spices are simmering place the bananas and dates into your food processor and blend at high speed until the mixture is smooth, well combined and resembles an ice cream consistency.

Combine the two mixtures and pour the ice cream into a freezer safe, air tight container. Place in the freezer to set for 6 – 8 hours.

If you are making this days or weeks in advance it will still be delicious but the consistency will change. We often double the recipes and eat it over several days.

Serve. Eat. Enjoy.

For a nut free version omit the almonds or replace them with toasted sunflower seeds.

notes – you can also make this with fresh, well ripened bananas. If using frozen bananas make sure they are well ripened and peeled prior to freezing.


Mindful eating is about developing awareness of your experiences, physical cues, and feelings about food.

Fundamentally, mindful eating involves:

👉eating slowly and without distraction
listening to physical hunger cues and eating only until you’re full
👉distinguishing between true hunger and non-hunger triggers for eating
engaging your senses by noticing colours, smells, sounds, textures, and flavours
👉learning to cope with guilt and anxiety about food eating to maintain overall health and well-being
👉noticing the effects food has on you.

Keeping a food diary can be a very helpful tool.


A little weight gain is normal over Christmas. Research shows between .8kg to 1.5kgs and mostly stored straight in the mid section. Christmas parties, family gatherings, barbecues and other social events to fill our calendars and our bellies. No wonder!! .... while it doesnt seem like much of a gain, what we also know is that most people will struggle to lose it.

Here are some tips to keep weight gain to a minimum over the holidays.

1. Stay hydrated.
2. Practice mindful eating and drinking.
3. Don't go to an event hungry, eat a protein rich snack before hand so you dont inhale the cheese platter.
4. Ensure you get enough sleep to maintain your health and ability to handle stress.
5. Keep active. Remember what goes in must be burned off or it will be stored for later. Go for a swim, play a game of cricket in the back yard ...

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9/1-9 Ingham Road
Brisbane, QLD

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5am
Tuesday 9am - 5am
Wednesday 9am - 5am
Thursday 9am - 5am
Friday 9am - 3pm

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