Julie Hall

✨ Helping ambitious women navigate identity loss in motherhood ⚡️

Creating a life you love is simple. Let me show you how 🌷


The power of meditation as a Mum.

Yesterday my daughter struggled to regulate.

She was on her bed screaming, crying and being physically reactive.

In the past I would have entered a deregulated state alongside her, feeling tense and angry.

I would have been equally reactive to her behaviour, I would have yelled and abandoned my role of being a supportive coregulating parent.

In that moment yesterday I felt myself starting to feel anger and I paused.

I chose to sit beside my daughter and meditate. To bring my attention to my breathing, to release the building anger and remember what I am committed to as a mother.

I was able to show up as the mother I want to be. Im paving a new path in my parenting, it’s hard and it’s 100% worth it.

And the reality is, if I didn’t practice meditation in the calm moments I wouldn’t be able to utilise the principles in the tense and stressful moments.

How are you in the tense moments?

Maybe practicing meditation in the calm moments could help you too.

I’m running a 30 day meditation series starting Monday because I know just how powerful it is to utilise as a mum.

Show up live, or schedule it into your day. Either way is perfect.

The meditations be short so they can be fit into any busy schedule while still being extremely powerful.

And you will have access to the meditations for life plus a phenomenal group of women walking beside you and supporting you on your journey.

All for just $30 for 30 days.

Comment “calm” and I’ll DM you to get started 🩷

Photos from Julie Hall's post 20/07/2024

Are you interested in feeling more calm and confident as a mother and a woman?

Meditation is the answer.

Its such a powerful process to allow your mind and body to rejuvenate and grow.

Join my 30 days of meditation today.

We start 29th July.

Comment “JOIN” below

Photos from Julie Hall's post 17/07/2024

Meditation memes. Just because.😏


I just had the most amazing bath.

I played a beautiful playlist and I meditated.

As the water fell from the shower head I became sooooo relaxed.

Water, always so calming, and the perfect music was the combination I didn’t know I needed.

The playlist was Alexander’s birth playlist, and the music really speaks to my soul. 😍

It reminded me that meditation doesn’t have to be fancy or forced.

Sometimes the best meditations are the simple ones.

The undirected, unguided, meditations that allow your body and mind to flow where they need to go and release what comes up.

What’s your favourite type of meditation?

Do you know what’s perfect about my upcoming meditation program?

There will be so many different types of meditations that if you don’t have a favourite yet, you will after we’re through.

And the best part is they will be short and sweet to make sure you fit them in to your days.

Interested? DM me for the deets.

Note on the photo.. it is not my bath 🙈 my bath is beautifully bath worthy, not Insta worthy 🤣


“The meditation was gentle yet powerful, beautifully spoken and deeply impactful.”

Receiving words of gratitude after facilitating fills my heart.

I received this letter from a beautiful woman after utilising hypnotic meditation to release self-judgment.

I wrote the script specifically for the experience, and it hit just right.

How expansive would your life feel if you too could let go of your self-judgment and the judgment from others?

Having the tools to impact women on a deep level is what I’m here for.

That’s why I am hosting 30 days of meditation for $30, starting July 29th.

If you don’t think you can meditate this is the place for you.

If you’re wanting to fill your cup and find self-love on a deeper level, this experience is for you, too.

Even if you just want to set aside 10 minutes a day for a gentle meditation without having to think about what to play, this will be perfect.

Come for them all or do them in your own time at your own pace, it’s all perfect.

Are you interested to know more?


I’m hosting a 30 day Meditation program.

This is for you if..

- you want to reduce your overall stress so that you can keep your cool with your kids

- you want to deepen your self awareness so that you know when you’re in need of more nourishment

- you’re ready to create a self-care ritual that is quick and easy so that you stick to it this time


So over 30 days I will guide you through a 10 minute meditation daily

Plus You recieve
- Journal Prompts to deepen your practive
- A supportive community in an exclusive Facebook group
- Expert guidance to help you reclaim your sense of self.

The investment is $30.

Send me a message if you’re interested or comment “IM IN” below and I’ll send you the link


I spent 5 weeks in a psychiatric hospital.

It was a crazy low time in my life.

I had a 1yo, 4yo and 9yo and I didn’t want to do it anymore.

Life had gotten too much.

In the hospital I was put on “strong enough tranquillisers to put an elephant to sleep” so my doctor said.

All because I hadn’t sleep more than 2 hours straight for a year, many nights getting next to no sleep.

I was determined to feel better but up until that point of my life I had never gained any skills that could really help me through.

I spent a lot of time sleeping and feel in love with being really present and mindful of the water in the shower.

While I was in hospital I had a friend mention meditation and I thought why the hell not give it try, life couldn’t get worse for it.

It changed. My. Life.

Every night in the hospital from that point I dedicated 10 minutes to meditation and gratitude journaling before I went to sleep.

I continued to meditate once I got home and settled back into life.

I still meditate now and I will for the rest of my life.

I love it so much I facilitate meditations for others.

It keeps me calm, soothes my nervous system and helps create happiness in myself when life gets a bit too busy.

I’m so grateful it came into my life when I really needed it.

What’s your favourite type of meditation? Do you like them long or short?


Before kids I had a whole different life planned.

Would you believe I dreamed of being a surgeon in emergency.

Head surgeon no less.

I wasn’t settling down until I was at least 30.

And no way was I having kids before then.

Maybe that’s why my transition to motherhood was so rough.

I had preplanned my life and then brought none of it into existence.

I felt like a failure, how could I make these choices that stood in the way of all my dreams?!

After I became a mother I decided to continue to study pre-med and use the degree to become a research scientist - if I couldn’t be a doctor I’d save lives a different way.

I spent 10 years working on that degree and I never did finish it, but still I persisted.

Looking back with the knowledge I have now I know I never truly wanted to live that life.

I thought the fancy job title would make me feel worthy, and ultimately make me feel happy.

In reality it would not have brought me that.

I truly love what I do now. I love helping mothers find their true north. I love being a mother and a wife and a business owner. I love all of it.

When I stopped looking to the past to find my answers, and I truly explored who I am and what I value I really found my happiness.

Sometimes life turns out different than you planned and that might be what brings you the ultimate happiness, if only you’d stop to acknowledge it.


Motherhood suits me.

Which is huge.

I haven’t felt this before, with my other beauties I was lost AF.

This is the first time I’ve experienced a beautiful postpartum period.

I actually thought it was a lie made up, that no one could actually enjoy this time in their lives.

I’m so freakin grateful I get to live this new experience.

What hasn’t changed? My clear inability to function on little sleep.

I’m not going to lie - I’m an actual mess when I’m tired. I cry a lot, I have little capacity to keep my s**t together.

The difference now though is I schedule nap time because I know I need it.

In the past I felt so lazy if I napped, I felt like a failure if I slept during the day.

Really I felt like I wasn’t worthy of doing things for myself if I hadn’t finished doing all the things for my family.

It’s so clear to me now that if I don’t do the things for myself I am unable to be fully available to do all the things for my family.

Being clear on my strengths and my weaknesses has allowed me to show up as a better version of myself.

Which benefits me. And my family.

Who knew?!

When you know yourself you spend less time avoiding burnout. Less time feeling crappy.

Simply because you know what will have the greatest impact you can take specific aligned action to keep you feeling your best.

What’s one thing you do that has the greatest impact?

Maybe your something will help another mother find her something 🩷🩷


The greatest personal development journey you’ll ever take is ...

The transition into motherhood

As a mothers you are
✨the life giver
✨the nurturer
✨the comfort giver

You hold it all unconditionally for your children.

You are also your own being with wants and needs and aspirations.

It takes exploration and dedication to find the balance between being everything for your children while keeping enough for yourself.

You must reparent yourself and heal your own wounds while guiding small humans through life.

Creating a new version of yourself is necessary, the old version of you is not able to come with you into motherhood.

Comment below 👇

Have you created the new you?

Or are you lost in the transition?


Becoming a Mother✨

I remember before I had kids.

I knew who I was and what I wanted.

I remember when I was first pregnant.

I knew who I would be as a mother, what my life would be like.

I remember when I became a mother.

Life and who I thought I was didn’t follow the compass I had set.

I wasn’t the woman I was before, I wasn’t the woman I thought I would be.

I felt lost and confused and alone.

What followed was 10 years of searching.

Searching to answer the question “who am I”.

Becoming a mother is like being born again.

Your old identity must make way for the new, there is no space for the old version of you on the path ahead.

While stumbling through the new experiences, navigating a new unknown world.

The balancing act of being a sentient being, a mother, lover, friend and all the other titles, can feel like walking a tightrope.

Just how do you find balance? How do you build a relationship, build trust, with this new woman you became after children?

Becoming a mother is the unravelling of the old and the transformation of the new.

It’s a journey that requires support and community.

I’ve found my support and community and in turn who I am.

Have you found yours?

With love and support around me I explored my new self with direction and purpose.

My hobbies and interests, my likes and dislikes.

I opened my mind to the beautiful woman waiting to be created and found peace in letting go of the woman that no longer existed.

Are you ready to welcome and explore yourself in this season of life?

Side note: Photo of my mum and I at an Innerlove retreat in 2023 - oh how far our relationship and friendship has come 😍


I wish I knew how to balance this sooner...

The balance between me as self and me as mother.

It took me 10 years and 3 children.

I was still holding onto the old story of who I was going to be instead of recreating that story to fit my new reality.

It was easier to ignore the me as self and step 100% into the identity of Mother.

Until it wasn't easier.

When life got really heavy.

When I couldn't fill my own cup because I had no idea what I wanted or needed to be able to do that.

When I ended up in hospital.

It was only then that I realised how important it is to be a mum, and to have a defined self outside of that role.

Being a mum is amazing. So is being yourself - as you - not as mum.

Have you lost yourself in motherhood? Is it time to find you again?


I’m running a free meditation at 6pm via zoom. Want the link?

Photos from Julie Hall's post 29/12/2023

I have a secret to share...

I drop the ball when it comes to marketing. I’ve written four marketing emails EVER, I don't do consistent socials and let's be real - my copywriting would do well with improvements.

And all that is ok! Because do you know what am I good at.. 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙬𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙨.

Stepping into an abundance of self-love and taking steps to create the life they love – that’s what comes easy to me. Women's Transformations. I live it - daily.

You see I never used to live it. I hated myself and my life. I felt like a failure and that I was unworthy of being loved by others and man did it create hell on earth for me.

When I found my way through the darkness, when I found another way to live this life I knew I had to share that with as many women as I could - we all deserve happiness and to enjoy our way to the end.

𝗕𝗨𝗧 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂?

I have an online program starting in just over a week and it turns out that if I don't share what I'm doing I don't actually impact lives.

So here I am - sharing.

𝗘𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗛𝗘𝗥 - An 8 week group program specifically created to transform your relationship with yourself.

To guide you out of survival and into a life you genuinely enjoy.

Wouldn't that be an amazing way to start the new year, and the rest of your life?

Starting January 8th - limited spaces.

Ready to say Yes to you?

OR... want to know more?

DM me or Drop a comment below.


A smile speaks a thousand words ⚡️

When was the last time you connected with other women.

And not just surface level.

Really connected on a soul level, with deep belly laughs and unconditional support?

One thing I am most grateful for when I think of my healing and growth journey is the women I now get to connect with and surround myself with.

I feel seen and held. I feel supported and loved. All while being authentically me.

Are you feeling alone and disconnected? Have you forgeten who you are, and ready to reconnect with your authentic you?

Step into the new year with a new story for yourself. Choose you and surround yourself with support and the tools to create that “New Year, New You” vision you have.

DM now to get the goss on what’s coming in Januaryn 2024 to do just that and how it can help you 😉

🤐 Limited spaces. Reach out now for a special pre-launch offer.


Courage is the first step to your dreams 💖✨

The journey to self-love and the life of your dreams is a testament to resilience.

AND if you find yourself at the beginning of your self-love and empowerment journey or feel like you haven't truly started, that's okay.

Recognizing the desire for growth (and the courage to take action) is the first step toward transformation.

Even when the path ahead seems uncertain or daunting, remember that every step forward, no matter how small, is a powerful stride toward embracing your worth. 💪🌟

Taking action, especially in the face of the unknown, is an act of self-love.

It's an acknowledgment that your dreams and well-being matter.

Sometimes the challenges will feel more pronounced, but it's precisely these moments that lay the foundation for your strength and resilience.

Your dreams are worth pursuing, and your commitment to self-discovery is an investment in the empowered woman you are becoming.

So, take that first (or next) step, lovely soul.

Trust in the process, honour your journey, and know that each action, no matter how small, propels you closer to the life you envision.

You're on the right path, and I'm here cheering you on every step of the way! 🌺💕

# Challenge


Supporting women on their journey fills my soul with pure joy and purpose.
There's an indescribable magic in being part of your empowerment story.

And let’s be real, embarking on a self-love journey is a transformative odyssey, and the magic truly happens when you embrace the power of support. 🌟✨

From the soothing currents of hypnosis to the energetic embrace of Reiki, and the shared wisdom of women on the same journey, each element weaves a tapestry of encouragement. 💖💫

Together, we amplify your self-love journey, discovering the profound benefits of collective empowerment. 🌈✨

Because when we gain support, we unlock doors to healing, growth, and a love that knows no bounds. 🚪💕

Ready to experience the transformation? Join the journey of self-love and witness the magic unfold! 🌺🌟

Stay tuned for the exciting reveal of how we can nurture that magic together. ✨💖

Photos from Julie Hall's post 11/11/2023

🌟 The Power of Language: Shaping Your Reality 🪄✨

Did you know that your language is like a magic wand, creating your reality with every word you speak? It's a symphony of expression that paints the canvas of your life.

Language isn't just communication; it's a force that influences thoughts, beliefs, and actions. The words we choose carry energy and influence the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us.

Language empowers. It shapes our mindset, guides our actions, and manifests our dreams. Consciously choosing our words is a potent tool for cultivating the life we desire.

Try out some of these word swaps and watch your world change. Each shift in language is a step towards a more empowered and vibrant reality.

Why is language so important, you ask? It's the key that unlocks doors to personal growth, meaningful connections, and a life aligned with your truest self.

What other word swaps can you think of? Share your thoughts, and let's continue this empowering conversation! 💬💖✨


So grateful I got to sit next to these amazing women and help facilitate a retreat. I wouldn’t be here if a few years ago I didn’t make the decision to get support and start on a journey of self growth and transformation.

If you would have told me back then that one day I would be supporting women in their transformations and creating a life for myself that feels expansive and fulfilling, I would not have believed you.

I thought other people got to do these things, other people got to feel happy and aligned in life, but not me - I wasn’t good enough or worthy enough to create a life I actually love.

But the truth is: anyone can create a life they’re inspired by, it takes courage and stepping outside your comfort zone.

You have to do things differently than you’ve always done - to get different result to those that you’ve always gotten.

Not sharing this to brag but show you it’s possible for you too, if you take radical responsibility and aren’t too proud to ask for a little help and support when you need it.

So if you really want to break through your current limits and live your own transformation then know, you are just a decision away.

Yes, you’ll have dedicate time to this new journey, you’ll have to ride the discomfort of growth and let go of a few stories you are holding onto but it starts with your commitment to finally start and follow through this time.

I am only able to say this because I’ve started my journey to self-love and empowerment countless times myself before finally taking full responsibility for my own life and happiness and seeking support.

Are you ready?


You have the power to rewrite your story 🤩

Let me share a piece of my own journey with you.

If you look back, to the time before I did “the work”, a time when I didn’t love myself or believe in myself, you would see a very different person.

I used to hate the way I looked, the way I sounded, I used to doubt everything about myself.

I would leave situations beating myself up for things I did (or didn’t) do.

My energy was low always feeling like I was carrying a bag of heavy rocks around.

Life felt heavy and too much.

I didn’t want to be alone but being a mum and wife didn’t feel great either - it actually breaks my heart to think back to the time I blamed my kids for my mediocre life 😭

After fumbling through life for so long I accidentally fell into a group of women that showed me another way - they showed me the truth - that we have the incredible power to change the narrative of our lives.


I thought is was utter BS, but I tried it on. I made small changes, took small steps, started challenging my doubts and I discovered my inner strength.

It has been a wild journey but one that I would take again every time. I redefined my story and now.. I live my life with purpose, joy and the confidence that I am making a positive difference in this world.

So. I’m here to remind you that your story is YOURS to craft. Each day you have a new opportunity to embrace change, discover your potential and become the author of your unique and empowering story.

Share your thoughts in the comments 👇👇 what part of your story are you eager to rewrite?

Photos from Julie Hall's post 18/10/2023

Good food helps keep me feeling great. And chocolate because I like balance 😜

I love food, I love eating it.. not really cooking it 🤔 (my husband usually does that 😍) I love my food being colourful and fullll of veggies.

I used to have a really poor relationship with food, interestingly at that time I also had a really poor relationship with myself.

Then. I got really sick. Autoimmune disease and multiple allergies sick.

Severe Rosacea and cystic acne 😭 there was also the whole body itch and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Which I am thankful for actually. If it had been internal I probably wouldn’t have worked so hard to heal 😅

It took me many years to become friends with food though, I knew all the right things to do but didn’t do it because I loved myself, I did it so I could look better.

And it actually didn’t work. Well it did but the tipping point to my healing in truth - was the moment I decided to love myself regardless of my looks.

And like an avalanche everything fell into place.

Now I get to love myself and fuel my body with good food from that place of love. Not from a place of lack and not good enough.

Are you in need of finding your self love so you can nourish all of you?

*I deleted my really bad photos years ago because I was ashamed and never wanted to look at that face again. I’m so glad I kept some of them to reflect though 🥰


Fact: Your comfort zone is where dreams stay to die.

And I’ll tell you… It’s time to get outside my comfort zone, it’s getting pretty stagnant in here.

What am I planning to do about it?

It’s an interesting question, I’ve been comfortably plodding along for a while. The sense of motivation leaving me has been growing and I’ve sat back and let it play out.

In the past I would definitely not stop it yet, I’d let it grow and grow for a while longer.

I’ve learnt though over the years that although it’s going to take effort and courage to get out of my comfort zone, plus a bit (or a lot) of creativity and imagination to make it happen it’s freken worth it.

The discomfort I have begun to feel is phenomenally worse -in my humble opinion - than the discomfort of leaving the zone of comfort and getting s**t done toward my dreams.

So my draft plan is..

Step 1: Re-evaluate my long and short term goals (because how do I know what action to take if I don’t know where I actually want to end up)

Step 2: Make a list of immediate steps I can take toward said goals (I’m going to make sure there are micro daily actions because that’s where the most growth happens - and hell I’m going to create one even if it’s not related that makes me super squirmy and uncomfortable)

Step 3: Review my actions weekly and tweak if a) I’m not doing them or b) they aren’t actually moving me toward my goals

Step 4: find someone that will hold me accountable (because I’ll be honest it’s sometimes hard for me to do it for myself - I’ll let someone else have the whip 😉 I’m hella good at holding my clients accountable so I’m going to get me a Julie that’s not me 😂) I want results and accountability is one of the quickest ways to get them.

What are you doing to get out of/stay out of your comfort zone and reach your 2023 goals? 👇 share in the comments 😘


Want to know how to be happy?

Me toooo… 🤣🤣 just kiddinggggg 😘

It is interesting though, how often we have to travel the same path and learn the same lesson on the road to finding happiness and fulfilment.

I am again reminded this week how wonderfully normal it is to have high weeks and low weeks.

I would like to skip the lows but alas. The paradox of life right?!

Far out do I feel metaphorically heavy this week, and my mood has been more often low than high.

I caught myself this morning asking what is wrong with me, what do I need to FIX.

Until I had a realisation, the lesson presented once again, there is nothing to fix as I am not broken.

This is not the first time (nor I suppose the last) that I have had to travel this path to the same realisation.

So too do I remind my clients regularly.

And still it was yet again a beautiful A-HA moment where I felt myself soften and start to nurture myself instead or berate myself for what this week feels like.

In that moment I felt a lightness fill me, my mood slightly lift, as I allow myself to ride the wave that is life.

How do you ride the waves of life? Do you allow yourself to sit in the lows?👇 let me know in the comments below.


More info, more learning, more knowing will not lead you to the life you want

It's in the process of accepting yourself and the life you have that you can step into the life you dream of.

Do you trust yourself enough to listen to the answers you give yourself?

Do you trust yourself enough to even hear the answers?

I know I didn't.

My self doubt created an inability to hear myself, and when I could hear myself I didn't trust it enough to listen.

I mean I would think to myself: "how could I have the right answer to this? I don't know enough, my decisions and choices aren't the best. Someone else knows what I should do better then I do."

Now I look back at my past thinking and I just want to give past Julie a big hug and sooth her inner pain.

To think someone else could make better decisions for me was an error in my thinking that I couldn't see.,

I have spent every minute of every day with myself, no one knows me better than I do.

It's with that new thought that I started to shift my inner world.

I started to listen to myself and trust that I really do have my own back.

With that trust and consistent (really uncomfortable) decision making I started to really see how great I am at decisions and how great my life is now that I trust my inner guidance system.

How do you go with making decisions?

Would you like to make them with complete trust in yourself?

If you're feeling the call reach out and together we can upgrade your internal trust and decision making.


It’s all about doing life consciously.

Are you ready to make the choice?

Happy Monday. May this be the best day of your life 🎉


In a world that's always moving, always changing, it can be easy to forget about the things that truly matter. We get so caught up in our day-to-day lives that we forget to take a step back and appreciate the world around us.

That's why gratitude is so important. When we take the time to be grateful for what we have, we open ourselves up to a world of happiness and joy. It's like a switch that flips in our minds, and suddenly everything seems a little brighter, a little more beautiful.

Why does it have such a big impact? The truth is we can only hold so much information at a time and when our mind is trained to see the bad stuff that's what it looks for and holds on to. On the flip side when we train our mind to look for the good things, the things we are grateful for, it becomes the norm for our mind to seek out all the good around us.

Now, gratitude isn't about having everything you want, but appreciating everything you have. It's about finding the silver lining in every situation, even the tough ones. It's about looking at the world with a sense of wonder and amazement, and being thankful for the beauty that surrounds us.

So, take a moment today to reflect on what you're grateful for. It could be something big, like the love of family and friends, or something small, like a warm cup of coffee on a cold morning. Whatever it is, let it fill your heart with joy and remind you of all the good that life has to offer. 🙏💛

Make a commitment to yourself: everyday for the next 30 days write down three things you are grateful for in your day. The caveat is that each day those things must be different (no loop holes and using the same things every day...) At the end of the 30 days reflect on what has changed in your life and how you are feeling compared to before you started.

Change can be that easy.

Happy Monday x

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Meditation: BS or what?! Actually. NO its not a whole lot of BS – surprising AF considering how easy it is to do!So wha...
This kid 😍 one of the reasons I do what I do. One of the reasons I had to learn to calm my nervous system.Why I had to l...
Time saving tip for the mums out there!It’s time to say goodbye to the mum bun I braid my hair after I wash it at night ...
If you’re new around…Hi, it’s nice to meet you !!!!If you’re not, thanks for hanging around. 👋Let me reintroduce myself ...



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Execute Fitness aims to provide the necessary guidance and support to help you achieve your goals.

DAS Health & Fitness DAS Health & Fitness
422-436 Warwick Road
Ipswich, 4305