Michelle Vogrinec - Strategist, Mentor and Coach

Strategist, Adviser, Coach and Mentor - Business, Marketing, Life & Wealth. Build the business life you love 💛

Hey there 👋🏼

I am a curious, creative and resourceful woman of many talents! I have been in business for over 20 years, and marketing and customer service for nearly 30! My most notable mention is as the former MD and co-founder of GAIA Natural Baby skincare 😊 proudly building the GAIA brands from the ground up - something that started in the kitchen for my son’s skin, to building an iconic Aust


Happy Monslay ✨💫

Today is a bit of a mindset reset for me.

My habits have dropped off over the last 8 months. I have been incredibly busy with worky stuff, in a good way, karate, and still bloody healing my life changes… man healing takes time.

Knowing is not enoughWE MUST APPLY

Willing is not enoughWE MUST DO

Bruce Lee


Hello beautiful humans 😊

I haven’t posted in a bit… I have significantly reduced my time on social media and focusing on living my life.

May April be full of challenges, discomfort, love, laughter and human connection 🫶

Image credit: Our Mindful Life


A quote from such a great book “Way of the Peaceful Warrior”. Have you read it?

Image credit: Calm


HNY 🎉 beautiful humans.

At the start of each year, what do you do…Resolutions? Intentions? A word? A sentence? A pledge?

A lot of people like to have it figured out by 1st January. Bang ‼️ make it happen from this moment.

We have all this pressure to have all the “good” things started for the year, at a time where we are all over the place and expect to be successful.

For me January is a messy month. Kids are on school holidays, routines are out of whack, we are getting over food comas, and things are just a bit scatty.

It is the only time of year I nearly completely stop, work wise, which is a bit of a shock for me as I love my work and being surrounded by amazing people who all retreat to doing family things.

I spend majority of January a sleep. Seriously! I usually go to ground and rest. I think about the last 12 months, the next twelve months, and everything in between, let it all come and go in my mind, just observing it all.

You don’t have to have it all figured out by the first of January. What..? Really.? Yes really!

Since my birthday, aside from Christmas and New Year, I have been in relative solitude. Deliberately just being with myself and my thoughts and I am not ready to emerge yet.

1st feb is my new year or usually around Chinese New Year I am ready to kick some arse for the year when life has settled back down.

So what is your thing?

A resolution?
A word?
A sentence?
A pledge?

Let me know in the comments👇🏼 what you do… I would love to know 😊

Image credit: Our Mindful Life


Sending blessings to you and your families and wishing you a very happy and joyful Christmas time 💛


Who are you surrounding yourself with? Do they motivate you or suck the life out of you?

I am so lucky to be surrounded by amazing people.

It hasn’t always been the case. In fact during my GAIA days, I was surrounded by a lot of the wrong people. I just didn’t realise it.

The impact of being around the wrong people was huge, especially when my nervous system was cactus (this was one of the reasons why!) and I didn’t have the energy or knowledge at the time to make it any different.

There were some great people in my life too - you know who you are 🤗

During the last 3 years, I have had massive changes in my life, lost friends, family and a lot of long time colleagues. Mostly for the good.

My circle fell away and I found myself without a lot of people around me - after the sale of GAIA, some just naturally disappeared, others vanished I didn’t expect, then after the breakdown of my marriage, some I thought would be more supportive and weren’t, some where our values just didn’t align anymore faded away, and others were unfortunately a consequence of the separation 😢 I miss those ones.

I started thinking more closely about who I wanted in my life.

Took me a bit to make new friends, find new networks and reconnect with family. I am also pretty selective which clients I work with.

I am now surrounded with THE most amazing people. I absolutely adore those around me 🙌🏼

I work with the most amazing bunch of humans, train with the best 🥋 and my new friendships are so beautiful…. what a difference they make to my life.

Love you to the moon and back 💛

Surround yourself with people who share your values, don’t judge you and accept you for all you are, lift you up, motivate you, inspire you, push you to be better, surround you, make you laugh til your cheeks and belly hurt (El Westbrook💛) , dance with you, and connect with you… it makes a massive difference to your energy and your life✨💫


How is it December 😵‍💫

Energy can be quite hectic and heavy in December.

Buy this but that… so much stimulation going on, people have different stresses, everyone is all rush rush rush, and it is so peopley out there!

But everyone is doing their best, sometimes we forget that.

I encourage you to slow down, be in your body, stop and breathe.. and allow the people at the checkouts the same grace - they are run off their feet and often cop abuse.

Remember to be kind 💛 Always with kindness.

Image credit: Our Mindful Life

Photos from Michelle Vogrinec - Strategist, Mentor and Coach's post 29/11/2023

My fave small businesses for Christmas👇🏼 add yours in the comments

Lo’eme Australia - vegan friendly 🌱 make-up, skin and body care that feels awesome on your skin and actually works - yes I use it!

Active Elite - feel good, feel strong in active wear for every body

Honey and Glow - beautiful balms, candles and honey directly from the beekeeper

Kader Boot Co. - gorgeous western boots, jackets and belts run by a beautiful
family in rural WA… they also supports aboriginal communities

Family or pet photography, or both with the lovely
Angelika Waesch-Photography

Your best friend this summer to get sand off your skin or your little ones with easy, this is a really cool power to help you do it

Beautiful jewellery 💎 by Silverly

Cute sox for the whole family Joode

So many more I could mention. Share your fave businesses in the comments 👇🏼


This 👇🏼

Just warms my heart 💛 Thank you so much for your kind words Erin.

It was an absolute pleasure working with you xx.

Check out her beautiful products 👉🏼 www.honeyandglow.com.au .and.glow

Send a message to learn more


Happy Monslay amazing humans 😊

I have been a little MIA. Busy AF and less focussed on social media.

I actually have no idea what’s happening in the world of Facebook and Insta at the moment.

It has been nice actually. Just focused on life, work, and getting s**t done.

Commit to daily action
Do the work
Master the strategy

Rinse and repeat ✨💫

Have a good week ✌🏼

✌️ ✨


This is a reminder for myself today.

Imperfections are beauty.

I have put on a couple of kilos after working really hard to get 10kg off.

I feel s**t about it.

F**k me I am sick of constantly worrying about my weight. I have been doing it for years, most of my life. Can you relate?

When are we ever happy with our bodies? I am a very curvy person, will never be “skinny” - in my eyes.

It is hard to get back on the wagon after you fall off. It has a cascading effect on other parts of your life too.

But every day I am trying.

Stop being so hard on yourself Michelle.

Love your body, for all that she does, and all that she is… because she is beautiful - stretch marks, cellulite, mum tum, scars, wrinkles, all the imperfections.

She is perfectly imperfect.



Hello November, how on earth are you here!

The months are flying by… are you with me on this?

About 8 ish weeks until the end of 2023… eeek 😬 which also means it’s about 7 weeks until my birthday 🥳 yay… it’s on the 21 st of December just to let you know 😁

May your November be a productive one 😊

Image: Our Mindful Life


Life is beautiful, even when it is hard… you just need to look for the gems.

Hope you are having good week. And if you are finding s**t hard this week, I am with you 😅 (Scorpio moon!)

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when things get challenging. If you are feeling a bit that way, this might help 🤗

STOP. Look around and acknowledge where you are.
What do you see?
What do you smell?
What do you hear?
What sensations or feelings do you feel? Name them!

BREATHE. Drop into your body by connecting with your breathe. Do a round of box breathing.
Close your eyes
Breathe in for 4
Hold for 4
Breathe out for 4
Hold for 4
Repeat this 5 times
Then return to your normal breathing.

FIND THE GEM… find one thing that is good about today. There is always, always at least one.

S**t days happen. Don’t let them rule you. Let them come and go like the wind. Notice it, acknowledge it and be with it.

Tell me what the gem in your day is below 👇🏼 hugs to you # # #



Success is such a loaded word. It is bandied around and thrown in our faces all the time, that you need to do “this” or have “that” and you will be successful.

We want to be successful in life and business. We constantly chase this thing we believe will be amazing once we get there.

I thought I knew what it meant to me.

I chased and chased, scrimped and pushed hard, really hard and sacrificed for a really long time.

When I arrived at what I thought success was, that thing I was chasing for such a long time, it was very anti-climactic, empty, lonely, and I felt very unfulfilled and I was sick, physically and mentally.

I now know success for me is about the journey. It doesn’t have a destination and is ever evolving.

I now live consciously, with intention, and I will never or compromise the things make me happy or set myself on fire to keep somebody else warm ever again.

I will only ever honour my heart and do things that fill my soul, that light me up.

I have metrics now to determine what I want out of life and I strategise to make them happen.

Feelings, a bunch of feelings actually, of being fulfilled, happy, joyful and alive. It can be achieved through many different activities, actions and people… and ultimately it’s my habits that determine my success.

I now know if I need to alter or change things when I fall below a certain level

Working with Marcus Pearce has helped me do this. Highly recommend his book “Your Exceptional Life” if you want to truly life your best life.

Success means something different for everyone.

What does it mean to you?

Do you actually know?

What’s the metric you use to measure it?

I would love to know… let me know in the comments 👇🏼


Happy Monslay peeps!

How was your weekend?

Mine was quiet, which was very needed. I spent most of it in my own little world at home 😊

What are you working on this week?
How are you going to make it happen?

Let me know in the comments 👇🏼

✌️ ✨

Photos from Michelle Vogrinec - Strategist, Mentor and Coach's post 09/10/2023

Connection and communities are so important to your mental and physical wellbeing.

My world was tipped on its head after selling GAIA. No more work or expo friends I had travelling with for 15 years, they just disappeared.

My marriage fell apart, I moved out and into my own place and found myself without the family, friends and networks I had been used to for over 20 years.

I found it very challenging. How do you make friends in your late forties…?Especially as an introvert who finds it exhausting and hard in a crowded room talking to people I don’t know very well.

I know I seem fairly outgoing and don’t look very introverted - but that is only when in the company of people I am comfortable around.

I have my close friends, but we are fairly scattered around Melbourne and we were suddenly at very different places in our lives with different interests.

I forced myself to meet new people. Eeek 😬 that has been hard. And add dating in there too 🙈 that has been a whole other experience lol

It has taken me a while to find my new people. The people I connect with, with shared interests and values, who just get me and accept me for me.

I have made some amazing new connections, friendships and networks.

I call them soulfood 💛 the people who feed my soul, make me a better person, enrich my life, and help me grow into the best human I can be.

I am so very grateful to be surrounded by some really amazing humans 🙏

Life is good ✨💫


Hello October.

A new quarter, a new month.

12 weeks left of this year.

What do you want to achieve?

✨ Write it down

✨ Break it up into smaller chunks

✨ break it down into daily actionable tasks

✨ Put steps in place

✨ Chase it

✨ Do it ✨💫

Image: Our Mindful Life

Photos from Michelle Vogrinec - Strategist, Mentor and Coach's post 01/10/2023

Happy Monday peeps 😊

How was your long weekend?

Mine was really nice, very chilled which was needed. I spent time with some of my favourite people over the weekend. I really needed some connection so it was perfect 💛 sometimes we forget how important connecting with other humans is. Thank you 🙏 my lovely souls... my cup is full!

What are you working on this week?

Let’s talk habits and rituals… the absolute key to success.

A ritual is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or revered objects.

A habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously.

Now that Spring is upon us, what habits and rituals are you going to implement or continue? Let me know in the comments 👇🏼


Happy Monslay beautiful humans!

How was your weekend?

Mine was restful, which was great. Lots of sand and ocean, a 21st and some stand up paddle boarding.

Another Monday, another opportunity to get things done!

You are the driver of your own success. So, put your hands on the wheel, and let’s go for a drive!

What are you getting done this week?
How are you going to get it done?

✌️ ✨


When was the last time you took a break? A decent, do nothing but relax kinda break?

My private retreat in May was simply amazing. Organised through Kirsten . Kirsten prepared all my healthy meals, and we did daily breathwork, meditation, massages and beach walks.

It was such an amazing experience. It is the second time I have organised a private retreat with Kristen.

Can’t wait for the next one!

So much has happened in my life over the last five years… f**k me it has been hard… but I survived… actually I thrived it all!

I wasn’t sure I would get to this point, and never imagined I would be so deliriously happy about where I am and who I am.

I am so f**king grateful for all the amazing people around me, the heartbreak, hard times and enormous mountains I have had to climb to get to where I am today 🙏💛.

Life is a journey… not a destination. Start living your life people 💛


Happy Monday beautiful people.

How was your weekend?

Mine was quiet with much needed rest. I am a bit run down ATM and need of rest and recovery!

What do you want to achieve this week?

If we change the way we see things, and change the story we tell ourselves, we will see, do and manage things differently. In life and in business. Words have power, so do your thoughts.

This one for me, is a big one…

“There are no problems, there are just things to notice and take action on”.

When I realised life is always going to be like a rollercoaster, and that I had to learn to ride the ups and downs, it created a different story.

Now I am less stressed, less reactive and just roll with whatever goes on.

Don’t get me wrong… it takes a lot of self reflection and inner work to learn how to effectively manage stress and then the ability to just do life without letting it consume you. Simple… not easy… but important.

Do you let things get to you? Would love to hear how you manage your ups n downs 👇🏼

✌️ ✨

Photos from Michelle Vogrinec - Strategist, Mentor and Coach's post 05/09/2023

It is not about how much money you make, but how much you keep that matters.

But how do you do that? With a good team, the right advice and awesome strategies!

I am really excited to share I have teamed up with Positive Mentor as a coach in a new program to help business owners understand the foundations and strategies for creating long term wealth.

Join us on Friday for a FREE four hour dive into 27 secret strategies to save and make business owners millions.

Hosted by Kerwin Rae and presented by my amazing financial mentors Jason Whitton and Andy Fenton.

I have personally gone on this journey with the guys (I am still on it!) and the information provided is just wow… This is a game changer for business owners!

So come and check it out… https://positivementor.com.au/the-freedom-machine-event/?fbclid=IwAR2GNEaaRJX7ovjy78cB_VnOorPZYg2r2wX10OxZkwuiUAnUiycjp-h4T10_aem_AaXyIzXSOcJ8noXu58G3OQG5JRrf9ifn1iSogfcr73MLZr1_vmFlsd0Qv_0sTkOemGs


Happy Monday awesome humans 😊 How was your weekend?

Mine was great- a painting workshop all weekend. Check out my stories to see my painting 🎨

What are you working on this week?
What are you going to have done by Friday? Let me know in the comments 👇🏼


Welcome to Spring 🌼 Such a beautiful time. New beginnings, new growth, new life.

I have come out of hibernation for the last month and a half. Been off social media, bit of a digital detox, which has been really nice.

Will be back, soonish 😊



It is ok to miss a day, a week and more on social media.

You don’t have to feel obligated or like if you miss out if you don’t post or scroll your socials, nothing terrible will happen.

I promise it won’t!


Happy Monday perps! How was your weekend? Tell me what you got up to.

Mine was great - ecstatic dance on Friday night, foraging around in the forest with a friend on Saturday, and Sun was a hydro sesh, meal planning, life admin and washing… soooo much washing, I swear I wash my neighbour’s clothes lol

It’s Monday… or Monslay as I usually call it. What are you going to get done this week?

✌️ ✨


Sundays are for

rest 😴 or planning ⏱️

Drop your emoji below 👇🏼

P.S. follow me on Insta’s new Threads!


Happy Monday lovelies, hope you had a lovely weekend.

I went to breathwork and a very chilly 🥶 ocean dip on Saturday- it felt amazing though! I went to a dance party Saturday night with two beautiful souls and chilled out.

It is a new fin year!! New finance goals!

What are you going to slay with week? Let me know in the comments 👇🏼

✨ ✌️

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About me!

I am a curious, creative & resourceful woman of many talents!

My husband and I proudly nurtured the GAIA brands from the ground up to provide a solution for our son’s sensitive skin. What starting on the kitchen stove, moved commercial manufacturing, logistics and distribution to over into 5,000 stockists around the globe, building the iconic Australian Brand - GAIA Natural Baby.

As the creator of a leading Australian baby skincare brand, I have done just about anything and everything there is to do in a business! There were many challenges, failures, successes and heart-warming moments, it was an absolutely incredible 17 year journey that finished with the sale of GAIA in 2019.

I have mentored and worked with many individuals and businesses over the years; had others pick my brain, been a sounding board and helped many people with personal growth.

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This is a reminder for myself today. Imperfections are beauty.  I have put on a couple of kilos after working really har...
Live your best life💛
Happy Monday awesome humans 😊 How was your weekend?  Mine was great- a painting workshop all weekend.  Check out my stor...
Happy Valentine’s Day 💘How about a little bit of self love on Valentine’s Day 🫶“Love your curves and all your edges, all...
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Happy Monday lovelies 😊I hope you hd a wonderful weekend.  Mine was quiet and decided to go to the City last night for a...
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