Julie Gargano

Offering transformational teachings and practices from the origins of esoteric yoga and beyond. Welcome to my page! We create the world we live in.

I am dedicated and passionate about supporting people through the process of soul evolution though the teachings and practices of Pranaa Yoga & Divine Alchemy. I offer 30 years of industry experience in yoga, spirituality and wellness, having founded the stunningly beautiful world renowned, Prana House, Melbourne Australia 2006-2022. I also have founded my own unique style of yoga called Pranaa Yo


S I R S A S A N A - 3 Pointed Headstand - Side split variation šŸ§˜

In modern day yoga, I see a lot of the vinyasa practices omitting inversions in their classes.

Having trained extensively in Iyengar Yoga back in the day, we understood the power and importance of inversions incorporated into regular yoga practice. (Mind you, our classes were 2hrs -2.5hrs long, not 1hr!!)

Inversions are so powerful at regulating and balancing the parasympathetic nervous system and endocrine systems. This in turn brings about great healing and restoration from the stress producing hormones of fight or flight. i.e. cortisol

These poses are advanced and so you must take care in how you learn and incorporate them into your practice.

If introduced at the right time of a students development, you can develop steady and solid technique to be able to hold for a long time and reap their powerful healing benefits.

I always say to my students, if you canā€™t stand with correct alignment and a poised upright posture, you will struggle attempting to invert the body. The foundations must be laid.

Do you incorporate inversions into your practice? And if so, which ones ?

Happy practising!
-JG šŸ¤

Photos from Julie Gargano's post 13/05/2024

B R I N G - A - F R I E N D - F O R - F R E E


ā€˜Experience the grace and bliss of meditative yogaā€™

M E D I T A T I O N - I N - M O T I O N - & - Y O G A - N I D R A

Pranaa Yoga & I AM Yoga Nidra - 10 week course
Starting 16th May 2024
Thursdayā€™s, 7pm-9pm
Yoga Dance of Life Studio
250 George St Fitzroy, Melbourne Australia


Photos from Julie Gargano's post 15/10/2023

Trained by a living Yoga Master, Yogi Amrit Desai

My beloved spiritual teacher, Gurudev

Did you know that it is incredibly rare to learn directly from a real living yoga master? 99% of yoga students today do not have that blessed opportunity. I was very fortunate to be intuitively guided to my spiritual teacher, Yogi Amrit Desai, also affectionately known as Gurudev, all the way from Australia to the USA.

Yogi Amrit Desai is a world renowned authority on yoga and holistic living and was one of a handful of yoga masters who went to the USA, from India in the 1960ā€™s and spread the teachings of yoga. He is recognised as one of the pioneers of the authentic teachings of yoga in the West. Yogi Amrit Desai is the only remaining living yoga master from that time and he coined the phrase ā€˜meditation in motionā€™ from his direct experience of a spontaneous kundalini awakening he had back in 1970 during his morning yoga practice. Yogi Amrit Desai is also recognised for founding the largest yoga and wellness centres in Northern America called Kripalu Centre for Yoga and Health, as well as the Amrit Yoga Institute USA.

If you have experienced Yoga Teacher Training with me, or practiced Amrit Yoga with me, you may remember the wonderful story of how I found Gurudev. That is, about 20 years ago, I found a cassette tape in a new age book store titled, ā€˜Instilling the Spiritual Dimension Into the Practice of Hatha Yogaā€™. My eyes widened and brightened as it was an inner pursuit of mine to somehow try and spiritualise the yoga I had been practicing and teaching.

I was an Iyengar Yoga teacher of 4 years at that stage, and I was wandering when the practice would evolve into a more spiritually natured one. With full respect of the integrity of the physical approach to yoga through Iyengar Yoga, I was simultaneously seeking a more internalised practice of meditation and spiritual evolution.

The cassette tape listed that Deepak Chopra was interviewing Yogi Amrit Desai about this topic. I knew who Deepak Chopra was but I had never heard of Yogi Amrit Desai. I bought the tape, took it home to listen and when I heard Gurudevā€™s voice and what he was speaking about and the energy emanating from him, within minutes I said out aloud, ā€œWho is this man?ā€, and knew instantly that he was my teacher. I ended up transcribing the whole teachings from Gurudev from that cassette tape, as I was captivated by each word of wisdom he spoke. I then did a search for him and discovered he was based in Northern America, and so one and half years later, I did my first yoga teacher training with him in Rhode Island, USA and I have never looked back.

On my second visit to the USA, I was so deeply honoured and thrilled to be invited by Gurudev personally to join his staff of senior level teachers. He graciously mentioned to me that he could see that I had a strong practice and was impressed by my physical abilities, but most of all he felt I came from my heart and that was what he was really looking for in his teachers.

It has been seven trips in total visiting and training with Gurudev over a 19 year period. I ended up feeling more pulled towards bringing these teachings to Australia, and since 2004, I have pioneered Amrit Yoga and I AM Yoga Nidra in Australia, as well as facilitating the first Integrated Amrit Yoga Method Teacher Training in Australia ever taught outside of the USA.

The teachings of Gurudev are based on the ancient teachings from a Kundalini Yoga shaktipat lineage associated with Kashmir Shaivism. These teachings have been passed down by Gurudevā€™s teacher, the beloved Swami Kripalvanandji (Bapuji) and Lord Lakulish (Dadaji), the 28th incarnation of Lord Shiva.

These profound teachings are steeped in ancient wisdom that allow you to rediscover the luminous light of consciousness that you are, in the background of all impressions of thoughts and emotions that arise and dissolve. Being established in the ever present witnessing awareness that you are allows you to live life with a deep sense of self awareness, self-realisation and steadiness amidst the comings and goings of life.

Some exciting news I have for you, is that next weekend I have been invited to present at the Yoga Australia Conference in Adelaide. I will be presenting on the topic of ā€˜How to Enter the Inner Dimension of Yogaā€™, the teachings of Yogi Amrit Desai. I am truly honoured and excited to share these beautiful teachings from the heart that have been lovingly passed down to me and have the power to remedy human suffering of disconnection, division, distraction and mis-identification. This is not through solving a ā€˜problemā€™ per se, but rather the wisdom that is awakened through a shift in your awareness of what is, what has been, and what will always be; the changeless formless eternal nature.

If you are curious to find out more about the secrets of the ancient wisdom teachings of yoga, and how to tap into a higher consciousness, and to be guided by myself who has trained directly from a true living yoga master, then I have created an offering of a superb combination of IAM Yoga (Amrit Yoga) and I AM Yoga Nidra held over the next 6 weeks.

Lastly, it is Gurudevā€™s 91st Birthday coming up on the 16th October 2023 and if you have been touched by his teachings on some level, then letā€™s be thinking of him and send him many blessings for the love, wisdom and dedication he has bestowed upon us, and his enormous contribution to the world of yoga and beyond.

Jai Bhagwan,

Julie Gargano

For more BLOGS visit my website www.juliegargano.com

Photos from Julie Gargano's post 27/08/2023

Are you ready to be part of a pioneering movement in the world of yoga?

Pranaa Yoga Teacher Training Starts 11th September 2023
Registrations close soon!

https://www.juliegargano.com/yoga-teacher-training ā­ļøšŸ¤āœØ


ā€œThe power of the teachings of yoga is truly making the world a better placeā€- Julie Gargano


D I v I n e . D e s I g n

Did you know that one of my greatest passions is designing divine spaces? When I started Prana House in 2006, the space was a derelict building needing much work and attention. It took 6 months of tireless work to transform it into a beautiful sanctuary for yoga & wellness offerings.

With the manual skill of my father, who was a builder, combined with my design skills, concept, vision and mission, together we created something magical that still exits today and has brought much healing to the community for so many years.

Sadly my father passed away 2years after the opening of Prana House. He left each of his children with a tangible gift and expression of his love and for me it was helping make my vision of providing a healing sanctuary for my community come alive.

I have been commissioned to help upgrade the design, feel and energy of other yoga studios also, friends and family call on me to help them transform their homes, and I have renovated and totally transformed my own home over many years. If you see the before and after shots you would not recognise it. Let me know if you would like to see photos. šŸ˜Š

My inspiration is to create beauty, charm, character, spaciousness, sacredness, simplicity, attention to detail, earthy yet ethereal, elements of modern combined with a soulfulness of yesteryear, and it needs to feel totally uplifting; a sanctuary to escape from the noisy world out there!

Reach out to me if this is something you need help with. Even though I am predominantly teaching in all things yoga & spirituality, to me your outer environment is an expression of your inner environment. So working in the realm of physical spaces is really is an extension of oneā€™s spirituality.

Magical Monday to you,
Love Julie āœØ



Written by a beautiful soul and a certified Pranaa Yoga Teacher, Melissa Ferraro.

ā€œI had been practicing yoga for many years before I had come across Pranaa Yoga Teacher Training , but I had never really grasped the true essence of the practice until Julieā€™s teachings.

I began my yoga teacher training with Julie Gargano a few years back which had been one of the biggest blessings.

I can only describe Julieā€™s teachings as life changing, high vibrational, beautifully empowering and transformative. She guides you with so much wisdom, providing every student with the essential tools to navigate through life. Itā€™s a journey of self discovery of your authentic self.

Youā€™ll feel like you have been to heaven. ā€œ

-Melissa Ferraro

Next Pranaa Yoga Teacher Training starts 11th September 2023
350 hrs/12 months
Course registered with Yoga Australia



T H U R S D A Y . M U S I N G S
(dated 10 Aug 2023)

Find out about the FREE class & info session on this Sunday 2pm-4pm for Pranaa Yoga Teacher Training.

Here I speak about how the ancient teachings of yoga have not faded in time and apply now more than ever before to support the modern psyche and eternal soul.

Love Julie šŸ’–


ā€œMy greatest wish is for you to remember who you are; which is truly Divineā€ -Julie Gargano


Dial up your weekly BLISS!

Thursday nights Bliss & Divine Elevation Classes!

10 week course
Pranaa Yoga & I AM Yoga Nidra
Starts Thursday 31st August 2023

Thursday nights Bliss & Divine Elevation classes are based on the practice and teachings of Pranaa Yoga & I AM Yoga Nidra.

These classes are for the dedicated and experienced student/yoga teacher who seek a more mature spiritualised practice in yoga and meditation. There is a strong emphasis on working with the subtlety of Prana, including cultivating Prana and awakening consciousness.

This is done through all stages of the class; seated meditation, moving through asana, and concluding with the blissfully euphoric & restorative I AM Yoga Nidra.

The extended class of 2hrs also allows for time to explore and marinate in a wide range of yoga poses that are both supported with props and flowing like a dance. This deeply restorative class is very purifying and is experienced more like an unravelling journey of consciousness. A beautiful and truly divine practice!

Love Julie

$300/10 week course
Bookings Essential!
Yoga Dance of Life Studio
250 George St Fitzroy, Melbourne Australia

Bookings - https://www.juliegargano.com/pranaa-yoga-classes


from , one of my dedicated yoga students that I trained and certified as a qualified Pranaa Yoga teacher. She is such a wonderful and passionate teacher. Thank you Licia šŸ¤

Next Yoga Teacher Training
Starts 11 September 2023
350hrs/12 months
Registered with
Link in bio

Love Julie xx


M E E T . A N D R E W . M O U R N E H I S

Andrew Mournehis from has been on the staff of our exceptional teachers for the Pranaa Yoga Teacher Training course since it began back 12years ago. Students are always delighted by his passion, story telling and vivacious nature in sharing the Yogic Scriptures and Yogic Physiology. We canā€™t wait to have him back teaching soon with the new September intake!!

Andrew is an Australian born Yogi and Dancer who was living his dream as a dancer and choreographer when his career was cut short by a life-changing knee injury and serious illness in 1995. He was working for Tina Turner at the time, and it was she that initiated him into the world of Spirituality and the Divine. His crisis forced him to seek a healing path, and he turned to yoga to heal his body and soul, falling in love with the practice and teaching to packed classes by 1999.

Passionate about the healing power of group, mythology and stories, he combined his love for yoga with transpersonal healing to create transformative spaces for participants. Andrew teaches a combination of Hatha, Bhakti and Ta**ra Yoga, and his unique teaching style is rich in Heart and Soul, Ta***ic Philosophy, Inspiration, Storytelling, Mantra and the Spirit of the Divine.

Andrew has spent over 25 years facilitating many healing groups, workshops, and retreats in Yoga, Movement, Ta**ra, Mythology, and Transpersonal Modalities. He boasts over 19 years of experience in Transpersonal Counselling and Art Therapy Techniques, 25 years of Yoga Teaching and over 25 yearsā€™ experience in the fields of Creative Arts and Dance.

His qualifications include:
Diploma of Health in Yoga (CAE)
Diploma of Transpersonal Counselling (Ikon Institute Of Victoria)
Senior Level 3 Certified Yoga Instructor With The Yoga Teachers Association (YTA)
Teaching Faculty and Assessment Co-coordinator for Academy of Yoga Learning (2003 ā€“ 2017)
Lecturer at the Phoenix institute of Victoria and Ikon Institute (2010 ā€“ 2015)



To be the unwavering Presence is to know who you are, regardless of the commentary of the thinking mind with all of its like and dislikes, aversions and attractions (Kleshas). To rest in your Presence nature is the antidote to all human suffering- JG šŸ¤


ā€œBreathe in fully and exhale with a deep sighā€

Photos from Julie Gargano's post 20/07/2023

Reclined bounded angle pose šŸ§˜

Those of you who are familiar with my Pranaa Yoga classes will recognise this pose as the first warm up pose that I teach each class. There is a significant reason for this.

This pose is such a wonderful opener for the body to not only feel open in a stretch, but to also be supported by gravity and the aid of a bolster and strap so that you can release all holding trapped in the body.

Here is where I guide my students to drop into the felt sense of the body and awaken the deepened breath. In that slow and steady process, the mind is simultanteously guided to take a back seat, and for the consciousness that you are to arise in the magical present moment. Here we can soften the boundaries of body and mind and become more subtle in our approach to yoga asana.

We have the opportunity to invite the heart centre to awaken and for the mystical spirit Prana to extend throughout the body, aswell as the fields of light surrounding the physical body. This is when the practice and the experience of yoga has begun.

This is such a beautiful entry into the practice.

Love Julie




Hello Dear One,

I have been quiet of late as a I have been finishing up a big project that I have been working on behind the scenes. I am now ready to re-emerge and share with you some beautiful yogic teachings.

Last week I was having a conversation with a very dear friend of mine who happens to not practice yoga. He is a highly intelligent man, with a good heart, and a workaholic if I may add, and he shared with me a pattern of limitation that he has struggled with his whole life. He explained that he has resigned himself to that is just how it is and doesnā€™t know how to change it.

I shared with him that you can change anything about yourself that is a limitation and that has been created by the unconscious ego mind, even if it was created from early childhood, or a past life. I shared that yoga teaches us that the unchanging aspect of who we are is where we need to rest our attention and anything that is changing is considered to be the ā€˜unrealā€™ you and therefor you can uncreate it, because it is not real.

So to ponder, if your limitations are the changing aspect of who you are and considered to be ā€˜unrealityā€™, then why would one ever need to feel trapped in the cycle of cause and effect and thus experience suffering because of unconscious behaviours?

I was quietly reminded how lucky I am to have the tools of yoga to know that I can change anything that is posing as a limitation or a Samskara (karmic wound) through the path of consciousness. In fact I can say that I have dedicated my life to revealing the truth of who I am and have been consciously working with the limited aspects and patterns that have presented in my life journey.

So how can we make positive and lasting changes through the practice of yoga?

The first thing is to recognise who you are, and also who you are not. That is, you are a timeless Being of Divine Intelligence that is ever present and part of the whole. Your are the soul which is boundless, limitless, you are consciousness in action.

The divided you thinks you are your thoughts, your story and your past pains, your likes and dislikes, and it keeps you a victim to your unconscious patterns.

Yoga effortlessly guides you from the place of misidentification of who you think you are; time-bound ego mind, to remembering that you are eternal. This is not just a philosophy but rather the experience through the felt sense of the body through the subtle energy bodies (Koshas).

Firstly removing the filters of mind by withdrawing from the commentary and then softening back into your Prana body. This is what is meant by moving from form to formless. Here is where you experience inner stillness, silent awareness and inner peace.

Now the question is, do you want to stay stuck and miserable for the rest of your life, or do you want to take control and redirect yourself back on the path of soul evolution and freedom? The choice is yours.

Choose to change. Choose consciousness. Choose you. It is that easy.

Love Julie


Photos from Julie Gargano's post 21/06/2023

S U P E R . E A R L Y . B I R D . D I S C O U N T
Yoga Teacher Training in Pranaa Yoga,
the Alchemy of Yoga

Finishes tomorrow 22 June 2023
Save $1000 off
If not now, then when?

with Julie Gargano & team šŸ¤āœØ



H A P P Y . I N T E R N A T I O N A L . Y O G A . D A Y

With gratitude for the practice of yoga, and to all the teachers, sages and saints who have passed down over the centuries this mystical, magical and integrative practice that leaves no stone unturned.

Comment below if yoga has touched your life šŸ”½

Love Julie Gargano ā™„ļø


T H E . A U S P I C I O U S . 2 2

We are approaching an incredible time of aligning with the powerful energetic forces of the Winter Solstices (Southern Hemisphere).

This energy has the potential to reenergise and redirect your life and happens to fall on the date 22 June 2023, which is a Master Number 22. In Numerology, the number 22, is considered to be the most powerful number and so is also called ā€œMaster Builderā€.

To me when I see the number 22, I am reminded that the Ascended Masters are near and want me to pay attention to the divine significance of something that is relevant to me in that exact moment in time. It is a sign from heaven above, so to speak, and so what ever is happening has a certain spiritual alignment, blessing and protection; and I do pay close attention!

It also signifies the manifestations of the physical world of form and has excellent strength in powering up and actualising your dreams, visions, projects and it holds so much power that it can turn big dreams into reality. So this serendipity of numbers and occasion, brings a potency of goodness, power and new direction.

The Winter Solstice, also called Midwinter; occurs when either of Earth's poles reaches its maximum tilt away from the Sun. This happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere and here in the Southern Hemisphere (Melbourne Victoria, Australia), we are experiencing it as a Winter Solstice. It marks the beginning of shorter days and longer nights.

The solstice is one of the most mystical, electrically charged and transformational days of the year. Solstice is the mid point of the year and it brings about a closing of the old and a preparing for a new energy and shift in areas of your life.

You may intuitively be feeling this over the last few weeks, that there is a big shift coming and what no longer serves you is falling away. It will always be for your highest good and it is a time to reflect and sew seeds of greatness in your fertile garden.

Solstices have traditionally been a time of celebrations and festivals, and has been known throughout the ages as a sacred time to honour the divine light and bring it into our bodies & being.

So get out your you pen & paper, or crayons & paints, and start creating and becoming clear of what you want to manifest and how you would like to live life over the next 6 months. Tidy your house, clear out the clutter and make your home cosy, warm, fresh and inviting, so that with that you can invite something beautiful into your life.

Happy Solstice and blessings on your path.

Love Julie

+ 10 WEEK COURSE Pranaa Yoga/Nidra -starts 22 June 2023
+ PYTT Super Early Discount -finishes 22 June 2023




T I M E . T O . T A K E . A C T I O N

If you have been sitting on the fence about whether to join me in sacred yoga practices that will change your life and put a skip in your step, with both Pranaa Yoga Teacher Training and/or 10 week course Bliss & Divine Elevation classes, then itā€™s time to take action and make it happen! šŸ˜ŠšŸ§˜ā€ā™€ļøšŸ‘¼

The Super Early Bird savings of $1000 for PYTT closes end of day 22 June.

The 10 week course of Pranaa Yoga/Nidra- Thursday nites Bliss & Divine Elevation classes start this week on 22 June, and so enrolments close in 2 days.

Investing in yourself with integrative body, mind and spirit practices will always bring about nurture, balance and healing. Itā€™s not that you are broken, but rather healing that part within you that separates yourself from knowing and recognising your True Nature.

I am thrilled to be sharing with you many powerful practices and feel a calling to step it up for you all energetically!!

All aboard! ā›µļø


Love Julie G. ā™„ļøšŸ¤šŸ’š


S P I R I T U A L . C R O S S R O A D S

Are you desiring a big shift in a karmic pattern that has held you back for a long time and know that it is time to let it go?

When we know that the more evolved you (your Being) exists beneath the layer of your unconsciousness fears and outdated programming, it can appear as an internal war with yourself. That is, wanting change but holding yourself back from receiving it due the road blocking mind and itā€™s samskaras that it holds.

In this New Moon energy we are currently in, you can do an audit on your life and get clear and determined about what is really calling you from within.

A helpful suggestion is to sit in meditation and become still and razor sharp clear. When you come out of your formal meditation, write down a list of what you want to align with and then commit to that with your focused intention.

Donā€™t hold yourself back my loves, you are too special and youā€™ve come here to hold a higher frequency of light for yourself and the planet.

Etheric hug to each of you that reads this.

Love Julie šŸ¤āœØšŸ¤

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ā€œThe power of the teachings of yoga is truly making the world a better placeā€- Julie Gargano#joyful #teachings #wisdom #...
T H U R S D A Y . M U S I N G S (dated 10 Aug 2023)Find out about the FREE class & info session on this Sunday 2pm-4pm f...
T E S T I M O N I A Lfrom @liciaficulle_yoga, one of my dedicated yoga students that I trained and certified as a qualif...
N E W D A T E S !Pranaa Yoga Teacher Training350hrs/12 months part timeRegistered with @yogaaustraliaDownload Prospectus...
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Okay! So, with much resistance, I finally took out my iPhone and did an impromptu video recording speaking about all thi...
PRANAA YOGA TEACHER TRAINING with Julie Gargano350hrs/12 months part timeRegistered course with Yoga Australia Here is a...



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