Shannon Billows Fitness

📲Free calorie calculator link below
Online Coach


Drop me a 🔥 in the comments if you agree

🌟 The Ultimate Fat Loss Day 🌟

Step 1: Start with coffee because we all know it’s basically liquid motivation. ☕️

Step 2: Eat whatever the F**k you want – yes, even that chocolate donut you’ve been eyeing. 🍩🍕🍔

Step 3: Here’s the catch – stay within your calorie limit. Think of it as a game. If you go over, you lose. 🎮 (inb4… but that’s an eating disorder!)

Step 4: Protein is your best friend. Seriously, make sure you’re getting enough so your muscles don’t go on strike. 🥩💪

Step 5: Enjoy life! Because who says you can’t lose weight and have fun doing it? 🎉

Remember, it’s all about balance. And a little bit of common sense, well actually a lot, but common sense these days isn’t so common 😂

Photos from Shannon Billows Fitness's post 27/07/2024

How crazy are these results for less than 10 weeks!

came to me just 10 weeks ago as a Referal from my client who has also been getting so great results (and Matt was a Referal from .caracciolo) 😉

Matt had done such a good job at selling my program for me Hollie was pretty much onboard from our initial chat.

And what happens when you put in the work, stick to calories, get in some resistance training and some other activity?

Amazing recomp.

In 9 weeks Hollie is down just 2 kilos BUT…

Down a huge 4.5 cm off her off her low waist, starting to see some ab definition.

Down 4.7kg on her low waist
And she is also down 3.5cm off her hips

It’s been an absolute pleasure working with you Hollie and looming forward to see what else we can do!

if you are ready to take the leap of faith just like Jolie did and 100’s of others just like her DM me the word “COACHING” and start your journey today.

Photos from Shannon Billows Fitness's post 26/07/2024

If you want results like this DM me “August Intake” and we can have a chat.
I was at my heaviest after having 3 children and I had paid for so many different weight loss programs and never stuck to any of them. They were all too strict and didn’t have any one to keep me accountable.⁣⁣
Before starting with Shannon I was concerned about wasting my money on another program that wasn’t going to work and I just wouldn’t stick to it.⁣⁣
But since starting in terms of scale weight didn’t lose large amounts, I lost 4kg but in cm’s I lost nearly 40cm off my entire body and went down sizes in my clothing and felt amazing. I wasn’t concerned with the scales because I could feel and see that I was losing body fat. I feel so much happier as I fit back into pre-baby clothes.⁣⁣
IT has been great having someone checking in and keeping you accountable was amazing because it made me think more about how much I was eating. ⁣⁣
You are able to eat whatever you want as long as it fits your calories was a huge benefit as I didn’t have to drastically change everything I was buying or make separate meals to my family. Also the weekly review with Shannon to keep you motivated was great and see your results which gave you the encouragement to keep going.⁣⁣
Now I am finished I definitely see myself continuing to lose even more weight using the skills I’ve learnt from Shannon and being mindful of just how much food I’m actually consuming that I don’t really need to be eating just because I’m bored or used to doing that. I also now have a much better understanding of the calories in different food and can even give a rough close estimate of certain things now.⁣⁣
I would 100% recommend Shannon’s Coaching services. It was the ONLY program where I got results, had someone to keep me accountable, someone to check in every single week and let me know how I’m tracking and keep me motivated. Shannon was available to ask questions and no question was a stupid one.⁣⁣
Thanks Shannon for your help.


Happy Birthday to my amazing wife! 🎂💕

I’m so grateful to have you by my side with all your beautiful love and support. Everyday with you is a special day, Here’s to celebrating the wonderful person you are and all the happiness you bring.

Cheers to many more beautiful memories together. I love you forever and a day! 🥳❤️


⚖️ The scale is like a compass, it'll roughly tell you which direction you're heading in. But remember, it's just one piece of the puzzle!

📍 Your measurements are your GPS, providing you with precise information about where you are on your journey.

📏 When it comes to tracking progress, measurements are often more meaningful than weight loss alone. Here's why:

1️⃣ Body Composition: Losing fat and gaining muscle can lead to significant changes in your body shape and size. While the scale may not reflect these changes accurately, measurements can show you the real transformation happening.

2️⃣ Non-Scale Victories: Progress isn't just about numbers on the scale. Measurements can help you celebrate other achievements, like fitting into smaller clothing sizes or noticing cm lost in specific areas.

3️⃣ Plateaus and Fluctuations: Weight can fluctuate due to various factors, including water retention, hormones, and muscle gain. These fluctuations may not reflect your true progress. In contrast, measurements provide a more stable and consistent reflection of changes in your body.

4️⃣ Motivation Booster: Seeing progress through measurements, such as decreased waist circumference or increased muscle mass, can keep you motivated and focused on your fitness goals, even during plateaus or when the scale doesn't budge.

Remember, your weight is just one piece of the puzzle. Embrace the power of measurements to get a more accurate representation of your progress! 📐💪

Photos from Shannon Billows Fitness's post 19/06/2023

Despite considering myself very experienced in health and fitness, I had played sports and exercised for fitness, virtually daily, my entire life. Well-versed in nutrition and an excellent cook. Despite all that, I felt I "knew it all' and what could anyone else tell me that I didn't already know? I was skeptical that it would be a "waste of money" with no results.
I wasn't seeing the results from it because my eating was off. Through working with Shannon, I lost approximately 10 pounds and I feel really good about myself. I'm starting to feel attractive again! I feel lighter and happier, and look so much better in my clothing.
The online coaching made me "feel better" about myself, in that, it's okay that at my current stage in life, it's hard to be an "intuitive eater". I feel better that I'm not alone in my need to keep a careful eye on what and how much I'm eating. That it's okay to calorie count and step on the scale daily in this current environment that I feel is skewed way too "body positive* where trying to get thinner (ie, lose unhealthy body fat) is sometimes vilified.
I'm going to keep using the spreadsheet and tracking methods put in place put in place during my coaching. I'm going to keep going with daily weigh-ins, food measuring and logging, and my periodic body measurements. I still need to lose another 5-10 pounds (and some cm/in) in order to get to my healthy goal.
Investing in Shannon's coaching was worth every penny. I knew what to do, but just wasn't doing it. He offers a lot of free content which is so helpful. But the personal accountability piece / weekly check was what really got me over the typical hump, where normally I'd throw in the towel and give up. le, diet all week, not see any major change, and then overeat on the weekend, on an endless repeat loop. Each week, after seeing results, it got easier to stay motivated. I was able to see, with my own data, exactly what’s works. At my age, I was starting to give up hope that I could ever get a youthful figure back. After working with Shannon, I realize that it takes a little more discipline and effort than I was doing before.


Weight loss may seem like a simple formula - eat less than you burn. But as we all know, simple does not always mean easy. There are many factors that can make sticking to your calorie goals more challenging for some. Maybe you have a busy schedule that makes meal planning difficult, or you struggle with emotional eating. Whatever the reason, know that you are not alone. It's okay to stumble along the way. The important thing is to keep going and never give up. Remember, just because something is hard doesn't mean it's impossible. You got this! 💪

Photos from Shannon Billows Fitness's post 19/01/2023

Start your transformation at
Today, I have the privilege of sharing a truly remarkable client transformation with you. My client, who wishes to remain anonymous, will be referred to as "Jane." Jane approached me with the goal of achieving a leaner physique, increasing her strength, and overall boosting her self-confidence in her appearance.

Here are her results
Weight -2.9
Chest -5.8cm
Upper Waist -8cm
Lower Waist -9cm
Hips -4.5
Thigh -5.4

Here is what Jane had to say about our coaching time together.

What were you most skeptical/ hesitant about coaching before we started working together?
The whole online platform lol. I was like how does this approach work for trainin

What were your results after working with our program and how do you now feel that you are in much better shape?
My results were amazing ... not blowing my own horn but looking at pics at the start and pics after 12 weeks I was like wow did this actually just happen. I feel better in my own skin now and it's so refreshing. To be dead honest, I loved it ... Shannon is a no-BS guy
The ease with which Shannon motivates you, it's a simple you doing great at times that makes all the difference, and the amount of knowledge Shannon has that he freely shares makes a world of difference.

Where do you see yourself in the next 3-6 months after everything you have learned with Shannon's coaching?
A more toned, stronger version of myself

Would you recommend Shannon's coaching services? If so, why?
Hell yes, I've already told all my family and friends and shared the link to the youtube channel.
I've had the most pleasant experience and great results and I know Shannon can help anyone that is in need!

What is your recommendation for anyone else looking to start or who may be on the fence thinking about it?
Toss aside the doubt and give it a try, you will not be disappointed!

If you're looking to achieve similar results to Jane, take the first step towards your transformation by filling out the intake form below. I'll be in touch with you within the next 24 hours to discuss your goals and how we can work together to achieve them.


I know, new year, new me, blah blah blah.

I’m here to break it to you, you’ve still gotta do the same boring ass s**t you were meant to do last year to get lean, healthy and confident.

Calories, sleep, protein, exercise.

I promise if you focus on these, you will never need another fat loss program again.


Hey Tegan, you must be new here, let’s chat.


Dealing with a plateau?


Start with a large deficit, then move into a smaller one as you become leaner


The 3 most important weight loss numbers you need to know.

This is how all of my clients are thought to think about weight loss.

There is no perfect, there is a spectrum.


Current progress update.


Let’s talk starvation diets.


How do you know if you actually need to lose weight?

Photos from Shannon Billows Fitness's post 30/08/2022

Client results!
Start your transformation at⠀⁣⁣ (LINK IN BIO)⁣

For the last 3 months, I have been working with a wonderful woman who goes by the name of Nicola. She reached out to me a while ago to enquire about coaching to lose some post-baby weight, get leaner and feel good about herself. We had no foods off-limits, we trained a few days per week and we achieved massive results.⁣

Did she make some progress! 15 cm off her lower waist in 12 weeks is huge!⁣

Here are Nicolas measurements so far. ⁣

KG -7.5 kg⁣
Chest -6⁣
Arm -5.9⁣
Upper waist -8⁣
Lower waist -15.5⁣
Hips -10⁣
Thigh -7⁣
Calf -2 ⁣
⁣with.ace_and_foxx ⁣
"I actually thought that we ate ‘healthy’ in the week. However, I never tracked anything so I didn’t actually realise that some of those ‘healthy’ foods are actually really high in calorie and my portions were huge! I am a super busy mum so always on the go plus the odd body pump class! ⁣

The biggest barrier for me to starting was Paying money to an online coach I guess I was a little worried that I wouldn’t be kept accountable as well as if I physically saw a coach in person each week! ⁣

But since starting with Shannon 3 months ago I have gone from 71.1 kg to 63.5 kg & lost 8cm off upper waist & 15.5 off lower!⁣

It is Super simple, realistic, Shannon actually available to talk to more than a once a week gym coach! ⁣

Well I’m actually doing another 12 weeks!! SO SUPER LEAN 🤭⁣

Shannon's really, genuinely changed my life- got somebody confidence back post-baby without breaking the bank & still able to have some choccy!! ⁣

If you're thinking about it JUST DO IT!! This is the last “diet” you will ever need. There are no magic tricks, strict foods you can and can’t eat at certain times- it’s as simple as you have a set amount of calories/ macros in the day/week. If you stick to them & your weight training sessions, you will see results! This program has totally changed my whole relationship with food- in a good way!"⁣

Nicola has done amazingly well, and I am super excited to be working with her in the next 3 months leading up to her wedding. Bring it on!


Weight loss hacks.

Photos from Shannon Billows Fitness's post 07/08/2022

If you’d like results like this head to to enquire.

Today I have an amazing transformation from a client who wishes to remain anonymous, so lets call her “Jane”. She has allowed me to share her progress photos and has written a lovely testimonial I’d like to share with you all.

Here is “Janes” measurements.

Chest -3cm
Shoulders -4cm
Arm -2cm
Upper Waist -6cm
Lower Waist -6cm
Hips -5cm
Thigh -3cm

Here is what “Jane” had to say about our time together for 12 weeks.

Before starting with shannon, I felt like I was in a slump, and no matter what I tried I could not make progress. Even if I felt like I knew what I was doing, I needed to be held accountable.

Like most people, before joining my biggest concern was If I would actually get results since it was online coaching.

But since starting, I have felt so much better and achieved my goals. I feel like I look much better even though I have not lost that much weight overall in this program, I can see with the pictures how much better I look! I found I was being held accountable, learning how to plan my meals based on macros and learning how to work out and build strength

Since finishing I`d like to keep up with the strength training, hopefully losing a few more CM on my waist now that I know how to do that and stay lean all the way to Christmas.

Would you recommend Shannon’s coaching? Yes! Being held accountable made the entire difference for me, and tracking all the data showed how my actions impacted my look and feel. Shannon`s coaching kept me sticking to the plan all the way through.

If you are on the fence, just to start right away, there will never be the perfect time to start getting in better shape.

Photos from Shannon Billows Fitness's post 08/07/2022

Finish carousel ➡️ Tap for post overview.

In collaboration with

Graph based on data from a study that , .krieger, and contributed to.

When you lift weights while dieting (calorie deficit), you will very likely maintain/gain more muscle and burn more (belly) body fat.

🎬 How to apply:
1️⃣ **Sleep enough.** Fundamental and most important to burning more fat (and maintaining/growing muscle).

2️⃣ **Lift weights consistently.** Commit to 2-3 weight training sessions per week of 30-45 min.

3️⃣ **Eat enough protein.** The current research standing indicates 1.5 g /kg (0.7 g /lb) is optimal for women.

Of course, all these while staying in a calorie deficit.

Footnote 1: We actually took the average of month 3 and month 4 figures of the study, since the month 4 muscle measurements for the weightlifting group were very unexpected: they suddenly lost 1.5 lbs muscle in 1 month. This measurement was possibly due to a shift of glycogen/water content of the muscle, the authors state. A further supporting argument: this unexpected result is not in line with other findings in the scientific literature.

Study references:
1. Miller et al. (2010): Pubmed ID 28871849
2. Bouchard et al. (2009): Pubmed ID 18779759
3. Beavers et al. (2017): Pubmed ID 29086504
4. Clark et al. (2015): Pubmed ID 25973403


Join our free 5 day challenge. Learn all my tips tricks and work with me completely free for 5 days. No cardio ever needed to get that bikini body!

Link in bio.

Photos from Shannon Billows Fitness's post 04/06/2022

Posted • 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐈𝐎 @𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐬𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬⁣

Starts 13 June!

Last time we had 250+ people registered to join the free 5-day fat loss and fitness challenge!⁣

Work with me for 5 days for free!

If you haven't clicked on the link in my bio to join now is the time.⁣

Plain and simple.⁣

I am going to teach you exactly what you need to do to get great fat loss results.⁣

We are going to have daily tasks that you will need to complete.⁣

The best apps to use to track your progress.⁣

Training routines.⁣

Diet templates.⁣

We will be having LIVE QnA's every night for the 5 days where I will be answering all your questions personally.⁣

If you are stuck in a rut, want to work with other like-minded people and get a great kick start to your training and nutrition.⁣

Come work with me for 5 days completely free!⁣

Doors close Sunday 12th

Tag a mate you want to do this with!

Photos from Shannon Billows Fitness's post 01/06/2022

Swipe right to see the incredible results we get in just 12 weeks!⁣

How many diets have you tried and failed.⁣

Are your size 10 clothes just collecting dust in your wardrobe.⁣

Got a favourite pair of jeans you can no longer do up.⁣

Maybe you just want to feel, move and be healthy again.⁣

Then this is your step by step guide on how to get results and learn how to maintain them for life⁣

Online coaching just may be for you.⁣

Weekly check in’s with your own personalised video review. To ensure you are achieved the expected .5-1 kg per week of weight loss

Personalised training specific to you and your goals. So you know exactly what your doing from day one.

Over 700 calorie and macro and calorie counted recipes so you’ll never be bored with food choices.

24-7 support any time anywhere so you can always talk to me, especially in those hardest of days.

100% money back guarantee if you don’t make any progress in the first 30 days.⁣ (which has never happened)

All it takes is a message to get started.⁣

Limited spaces available.



“I don’t want to count calories”
“Counting calories is too hard”
“You don’t need to count calories to lose weight”

Now do you want results or not. Good, so get your s**t together, and count your calories. Understand how much energy you are consuming and adjust up to down depending on your results.

It’s not fun of exciting or sexy. But it works. And you want results right?


I’ll say it, calories in vs calories out is the fastest and most simple way to achieve your weight loss goals.

It’s going to be the same for everyone, you need to consume less than you burn, but how you go about this will be individual to you and your personal circumstances.

If you are vegan, have food allergies, keto, celiac, or what ever style of eating you are following... start counting the calories of those foods and then make sure it’s under your maintenance.

You don’t need to make it anymore completed than this.

From here on out stop looking for more information on how to lose fat... this is it, done, finished!

Now you know it’s about calories and forever will be.

I have some coaching spaces available if you need a personalised weight loss and strength plan.

Send me the message “getlean” if you would like a hand.


These are the most important aspects o have all my clients track to measure our progress.

Calories and protein are two of the most important area for fat loss, calories being the most important. If you don’t know what’s going on you will not make any meaningful progress.

Daily weigh-ins are not only good to see if you are on average losing weight but also, science shows that people who perform daily weigh-ins have better weight loss compliance, it helps avoid holiday weight gain, and in average is more effective to diets that don’t involve weighing.

Weekly waist measurements, you’re aiming for a weekly waist drop of around .5-1 cm per week. Men more specifically lower waist, women more specifically the small waist. Women also need to take more note of hips and chest as they can tend to store more fat in these areas than men.

Training weight reps and sets. You should always be aiming to achieve more than your last session. One more rep, or slightly more weight within a given rep range. Going by “feel” isn’t going to cut it. Measure, asses and adjust.
No more random “I’ll do whatever I feel like today” programs. Get serious about your training.

If you’re finding you’re not getting the results that you want or want to learn how to implement the above key steps, send me the message “getlean” to chat about my 1-1 personalised fat loss program.



One of the most common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is thinking that their metabolism has slowed down and they need to eat more to increase it to start losing weight.

This isn't true! If you’re not losing weight on say 1200 calories, you think eat more calories is going to help?

If you want to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. This can be done by increasing your activity level, but also by eating better-quality foods that are more filling and satisfying, so that you'll feel fuller for longer and won't be as likely to binge on junk food later.

Calories do not lie.
Calories do not lie
Calories do not lie

If you’re not losing weight eating low calories you simply aren’t sticking to those calories.


Hello there new followers (and current) I like to repost this from time to time so you know exactly who I am and what I do.

Welcome to SBF⁣⁣⁣⁣ and yes... That was me on the left at 120 kilos and me on the right 50 kilos less.⁣⁣⁣⁣
If you don’t know what I am about by now Let me explain what I do and why.

I’m am an online and in person coach who specialises in weight loss for busy people who are tired of yo-yo dieting, haven't had success with other programs and don’t know what else to do.

I want you to be able to lose fat, train less and enjoy life more by staying social with friends eating the food you love all while getting fantastic results.⁣⁣⁣⁣
I believe that you have everything you need to succeed right now, all that is needed is the right guidance.⁣⁣⁣⁣

Say no to fad diets; weight loss shakes, endless hours of cardio and welcome smart strategic training and dieting methods which are flexible to YOUR life.⁣⁣⁣⁣
I will take you by the hand and put you on the path of success with the RIGHT information.⁣⁣⁣⁣
I used to be obese and extremely unhappy with myself.⁣⁣⁣⁣
After years of frustration lack of results but finally cracking the weight loss code. I have come up with my simple fat loss method which I believe almost anyone can do and I am here to help you too.
If you like the idea of easier, faster weight loss, you’re going to love my coaching style.⁣⁣⁣ and helpful daily posts. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
So that’s a bit about me.⁣⁣⁣⁣
All I ask is 2 things.

1. Share this page with a friend. I can only help so many people by myself. The true power comes from you sharing our evidence based practical methods with others who are also stuck and frustrated.
2. If you are ever stuck or have a question about fitness, fat loss or building muscle, just ask. Send me a message and I will reply.

Just know if you have found this page you have found everything you need to transform your life and your body. Now it’s time to take action.

So drop me a comment and say hello!


"I haven't had carbs or sugar in about three weeks!"

All the more reason you should stay away from celebrities when it comes to diet related information.

Kardashian borrowed one of Marilyn Monroe's most iconic gowns — the "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" dress

"I had this idea to try it on and then they came with armed guards and gloves,"

She also said

"I tried it on and it didn't fit me. I said, 'Give me three weeks.' I had to lose 16 pounds down today,"

Further more after 3 weeks of extreme dieting where it’s said she ate basically tomatoes…

Kim only wore the original dress for a few minutes as she walked the Met Gala carpet.

How did she lose weight?
A calorie deficit…

How did she lose weight so fast?
An extreme calorie deficit! Even by my standards.

Also cutting out sugar and all carbs also reduces water and glycogen storage, as much as 3-4 kilos worth.

Do NOT do this diet, aim for a moderate calorie deficit per day, hit your protein, shoot for .5-1% of your total body weight loss per week.

What do you think of the Kardashians greedy transformation? Comment below.

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Videos (show all)

#1200cals #1200calories #1200calsperday #1200caloriesperday
What 1400 calories looks looks like #1400cals #1400calories #1400caloriesperday #1400caloriesaday
What do we do at SBF coaching. We get results
When to eat
how much should you eat
First weeks results in my rapid fat loss diet
how long before weight loss slows down
how to detirmine your calories
whats a healthy body fat percentage for women
Your deficit is based on how fat you are
Suppliments you should probably be taking but are crucial on a rapid fat loss diet
This was a non training low calorie rapid fat loss day.




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