Functional Strength Training

This page is about education of how to train correctly to improve how you move and overall health of

This is a page dedicated to teaching the best practices for health and exercise techniques for rehabilitation, injury prevention and sports performance

6 Basic Agility Tests To Build A Solid Foundation For Sports 11/09/2024

Agility training is a fantastic way to improve functional movement capacity and it is well known as an integral part of sports training methods.

However, it does come with some risks so it is important to have a great understanding of the fundamental components you need to know in order to set a good a foundation for more complex drills and exercises to come.

This video shows you some of the basics to get right using a checklist for each drill to ensure you maintain good form

6 Basic Agility Tests To Build A Solid Foundation For Sports Agility training is a fantastic way to improve functional movement capacity and it is well known as an integral part of sports training methods. However, it ...


Strength cannot overcome poor movement.

If you move poorly it does not matter how strong your muscles are your body will have to compensate and create an alternative way to move that is less efficient, weaker, and more unstable.

A classic example of this is seen with ACL injuries in sports. When you consider that 70% of all ACL injuries are classified as non-contact situations where the person landed from a jump or tried to chase or evade a player only to fall to the ground in agony.

If strength was all you needed to prevent this injury then you would never see incredibly strong sporting athletes who can easily squat 150kg-200kg on their back but still blow their knees out. We see this all the time occur in some of the fittest and strongest athletes all over the world.

The strength of their quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes were not able to prevent the dreaded ACL tear if they move with poor quality.

The missing ingredient is to enhance functional movement patterns and make these patterns stronger by enhancing the efficiency of the movement, not individual muscle strength.

Read the article below to see more

Core Strength & Stability Training Using Infant Development Exercises 10/09/2024

How did you first learn to use your core? Did your parents take you to core classes as a toddler to do planks and sit-ups? Of course they didn't all you had to do to develop core strength was wiggle, crawl and roll to build a strong enough core to eventually stand.

To truly develop Core Strength and Stability requires a lot more than holding a plank for a few minutes and few thousand crunches. The abdominal wall require a great deal of exercise variation, because they occupy such a large area of your body and are needed in almost every movement you do.

This article shows you a few ways to use infant development exercises as adults to improve core stability and strength

Core Strength & Stability Training Using Infant Development Exercises The Power Of Infant Development ExerciseThe power of infant development exercises in the rehabilitation field is immense. We use these exercises extensively in shoulder, neck and back rehabilitation programs with all types of clients. But it can also be valuable with general population lacking s

Why the Chest Press on a Foam Roller is Great for Your Shoulders 10/09/2024

The dumbbell chest press is a great exercise for building strength into the shoulders, chest and triceps. But it can be very painful exercise for some people who suffer with shoulder or neck pain.
This is where performing the exercise on a FOAM ROLLER can make a huge difference and really unlock some of the unwanted stiffness in the upper back.

Why the Chest Press on a Foam Roller is Great for Your Shoulders The dumbbell chest press is a great exercise for building strength into the shoulders, chest and triceps. But it can be very painful exercise for some people...


It is not what happens to you in life that determines how you feel, it is how you respond to what happens. Two people may have the same experience but one will rise above it, let it go, and get on with it. The other will be crushed, angry, resentful, unhappy for some time. Same event yet two different reactions.

“Difficulties come not to obstruct, but to instruct” - Brian Tracy

The fastest way to transform a negative to a positive and free yourself from unhappy experiences is to see the event in a different way. Try to think that in order to fully learn and understand what it takes to be healthy, happy and fulfilled requires on the job learning. You cannot learn enough from reading, watching You Tube videos or even other people.

You learn only when you experience something, especially when you experience pain—physical, emotional or financial. A perfect example is how many people approach their health.

People continue to eat poor food choices because they taste good and choose not to exercise because it is not fun. Not until they are struck with some kind of physical problem or disease do they decide to change their habits and start taking better care of their bodies. This is an example of experiencing physical pain and learning from it.

Read this article to see more

Why the Toe Touch Drill is my Favourite Stability Exercise 09/09/2024

There are so many great stability exercises to use for correcting postural problems and movement dysfunction that cause weakness and pain. However, there is one exercise I find that stands above all others, and that is the toe touch drill.

One of the main reasons I rate it so highly is the fact it relates to people of all ages and abilities.

For example, I regularly use this with clients in their 80’s for preventing falls, and people suffering with serious hip or knee injuries, as it helps to restore optimal stability of the pelvis with the single leg stance used in walking.

At the same time I also include this in training programs for elite athletes for improving sporting performance with running and jumping movements.

In this article, I will explain in great detail exactly what this exercise can do for your body, and why you should include it in your training program.

Why the Toe Touch Drill is my Favourite Stability Exercise What is the Toe Touch Drill?If you are not familiar with the toe touch drill here is a short video showing you how it works. Here is the instructions for completing the exercise.InstructionsStanding upright with good posture on one leg. Imagine you are on the centre of a clock face.

Squat technique - How to identify dysfunction to choose the right correction 09/09/2024

The squat is an amazing movement to master and the benefits it provides to your body are endless. Yet it can be quite difficult to learn as there are several moving joints all required to do the right thing in perfect timing and sequence.

This video we wanted to play out several scenarios of poor squat form that we often see in the gym when assessing people's movement. Common areas of pain that may affect the squat are knee pain and back pain and the question to ask is;

Did the poor squat form cause the pain? Or did the pain cause the poor squat form?

In most cases it is the first question, but not always. And regardless of this it will need to be corrected. The hard part is where do you look, and where to start?

We wanted to use this video to show you where you might look and what you may need to use to help correct it. There is obviously a ton of stuff we have left out as the video would go for over 60 minutes if we included all the possibilities and tests we might need to use depending on the person but this gives you a basic idea of what we might look for.

Squat technique - How to identify dysfunction to choose the right correction The squat is an amazing movement to master and the benefits it provides to your body are endless. Yet it can be quite difficult to learn as there are several...


One movement that has a lot of confusion and controversy surrounding the "correct technique" to use is the SQUAT.

There are many ways to do the squat exercise.

From front squats to back squats, single leg squats to box jumps, the variations are endless. But the timing of the joints involved is very similar to all.

The ankle, knee, hip, and also the spine all move in harmony with each other and importantly in the correct alignment in order to handle loads, force and braking or provide propulsion and movement.

If the alignment is faulty there will be an "energy leak" that will compromise the timing and strength of the movement. This leads to poor performance and eventually injury as the body attempts to adapt to the poor alignment and correct it using a "plan B" strategy, otherwise known as compensation.

The critical things to take note of is that the perfect balance of work between the two moment arms creates symmetry and perfect timing of the body to handle loads.

The article in the link below gives you a detailed look at what these moment arms are and how to get the perfect timing with them

Understanding Anterior Pelvic Tilt and its Importance to Hip Function 08/09/2024

One of the most confusing and at times controversial topics to discuss is the role of the anterior tilt of the pelvis concerning optimal hip function and movement. We have worked with a considerable number of people in recent months to help rehabilitate severe injuries to either the spine or the hips that were caused by their training methods.

Many were trying to “fix” what they believed was an excessive anterior tilt of the pelvis by using various gripping methods and exercises to flatten out their back. What they failed to understand is that they need some degree of anterior tilt to maintain a neutral spine and pelvis.

Too much anterior tilt is not great either, but there are much bigger problems associated with the flat back posture that features a posterior tilt or lack of anterior tilt. In this article, we explain everything you need to know about pelvic stability and hip function to avoid potential injury.

This is a must-read for anyone currently dealing with a hip or lower back problem as it will help to explain where the source of your trouble might be coming from.

Understanding Anterior Pelvic Tilt and its Importance to Hip Function What is Anterior Pelvic Tilt & How Much Is Normal?Firstly let's define the various postural types and exactly what anterior pelvic tilt is. Take a look at the picture below that give you a great visual of the different postural types, in particular the curvature of the spine seen with the lo


Persistence is probably the single most common quality of high achievers like Michael Jordan. They simply refuse to give up. The longer you hang in there, the greater the chance that something will happen in your favour. No matter how hard it seems, the longer you persist the more likely your success.

This same mindset can help you achieve incredible health and fitness.

Read this article for more ideas of how to develop the mindset for success

7 Remarkable Health Benefits of TURMERIC 07/09/2024

This is a quick video looking at the little known value of adding TURMERIC to your diet to help fight inflammation and improve your overall health.

Turmeric contains curcumin, a substance with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Curcumin is a natural anti-inflammatory compound

Inflammation is incredibly important. It helps fight foreign invaders and has a role in repairing damage in your body. Although acute, short-term inflammation is beneficial, it can be a concern if it becomes chronic and attacks your body’s own tissues.

7 Remarkable Health Benefits of TURMERIC This is a quick video looking at the little known value of adding TURMERIC to your diet to help fight inflammation and improve your overall health. I have be...


Having worked closely with older adults the past 10 years in our Stronger for Longer program we have seen a real shift in the way seniors look at exercise, in particular strength training.

It is fair to say the older population is EXTREMELY interested in not just maintaining their health and vitality as they age, but finding ways to improve it. Right at the top of the list of things that most seniors would like to improve is their leg strength.

There has been many studies completed showing how leg-strength is associated with the ability to rise from a chair, walking speed, and risk of falling. These studies also show that deteriorating leg strength is a good predictor of frailty and mortality with older adults.

Due to the cumulative effects of aging and physical inactivity a certain percentage of older adults struggle with performing many basic functional tasks such as walking and climbing stairs both requiring a fair degree of leg strength. Those who are unable to perform one task are much more likely to be unable to perform additional tasks and very quickly the likelihood of functional impairment increases.

The good news is you can reverse this decline by using carefully selected strength exercises and in this article we will show you exactly how. The pictures and videos shown in the article in the link below are all from 70-80 year old clients in our Stronger for Longer program.

Why Isolating Core Muscles With Machines Is Pointless For Back Pain Rehab 06/09/2024

This is a quick video that I wanted to put together to discuss the problem I have with using machines and various isolated exercises to rehabilitate back injuries.

Recently I have come across this type of training method a lot and it completely baffles me that there are people still using it when you understand how useless it is in addressing the underlying problem.

I have discussed this many times in relation to stretching with back pain and this time I wanted to discuss the damage isolated strengthening has.

Why Isolating Core Muscles With Machines Is Pointless For Back Pain Rehab This is a quick video that I wanted to put together to discuss the problem I have with using machines and various isolated exercises to rehabilitate back inj...


Whenever you train, you force your body to respond to the stimulus by adapting. This could involve improving nervous system efficiency, strengthening tendons, ligaments, and muscles, increasing muscle size/cross sectional area, or a combination of all these factors. The body wants to find a way to become better at the activity you are doing so it uses less energy. It wants to become efficient.

Now if you were to continue training the same exercise day after day without a break, you may become efficient but you will eventually reach the"exhaustion" stage" and break down. You must give your body adequate time to recover to ensure long-term success as rest is just as important as training. As your body is subjected to the challenges you present it with in training in combination with rest and quality nutrition the body slowly becomes a bigger, stronger, and more efficient version of its previous self.

This is the secret to incredible fitness.

Unfortunately what we usually see is people rarely changing their workout or routine and doing the same thing over and over. At first they see results but over time nothing will change no matter how much they do because their body has become so well trained and efficient.

The old Einstein definition of insanity is so true here- "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." There is nothing new the body needs to do, so it stays the same! This is not limited to exercise either, as we see similar results with nutritional changes to stimulate weight loss.

To avoid this trap and break through a training plateau there is four key things to consider.

-Identify your weaknesses & be inefficient - Spend more time doing what you are the worst at, and train this area the most! Whatever you least efficient at forces change quickly.
-Turn bad habits into good habits - Often when you are stuck in a rut, you are also stuck in a routine and have picked up many habits. Changing these habits is critical.
-Improve your Nutrition, Rest & Recovery strategies - More training does not mean better results. Only better quality training and better rest can achieve this.
-Know your WHY! - Possibly the most important part of breaking through.This is the desire to change and where you find the motivation to stick to the plan when the going gets tough and keep you on track!

Read this article to see more

How To Use The Single Leg Squat As A Test To Pinpoint Weaknesses 05/09/2024

Without a doubt the single leg squat would be my number one choice for building strength and power for people playing sports. This one movement does so many great things for your body it is incredible. The best part is that it shares the exact timings with other joints and muscles in activities we use in everyday life.

Meaning that if you improve this at the fundamental level you can also enhance these other activities too! As much as it is a great exercise, it is a very useful assessment tool we use extensively in our rehabilitation programs for all types of injuries from knee injuries like ACL tears, to lower back injuries like bulging discs.

This one movement can very easily reveal stability and mobility weaknesses in your body.

Where you do look?
And more importantly what are you looking for?

In this article I am going to answer these questions and show you how to use this movement to find energy leaks that cause pain or hinder sporting performance.

How To Use The Single Leg Squat As A Test To Pinpoint Weaknesses Why Is The Single Leg Squat So Good As A Test? I have covered the single leg squat many times before as an exercise, and you can read more about this in our article Why The Single Leg Squat Is The Best Exercise For Knee PainBut the simple answer to this question of why it is a good test is;

3 Exercises To Help Correct Postural Asymmetry Within The Body 05/09/2024

This is a quick video that looks closely at 3 unique exercises you can use to help correct uneven postural asymmetry seen with many people.

This uses the unique aspect of various exercises like the suitcase carry, lunge, and single arm push and pulls to create a counter effect by the opposing muscles at the same time.

Very rarely can you perform a movement that moves forward and backward at the same time, and the videos shown in this video do exactly that!

It is for this reason that they can be very useful in trying to restore uneven deviations as often seen with lateral pelvic tilt or depressed shoulders.

3 Exercises To Help Correct Postural Asymmetry Within The Body This is a quick video that looks closely at 3 unique exercises you can use to help correct uneven postural asymmetry seen with many people. This uses the uni...


While the bilateral RDL is a great start to retraining the anterior pelvic tilt, improving hip mobility and gluteal strength, it will have little effect on correcting the weakness permanently. Why? Firstly, it is very rare to find two hips with the identical problem and the single leg exercises expose any compensation and weakness you will not see in the bilateral exercises. Secondly, the bilateral exercise neglects the important role the feet must play in providing stability of the leg and its critical interaction with the hip during the action of walking.

The single leg stance demands significant more stability from the feet as much as the hip and it is these areas that most lower-limb injuries are created. The muscles of the feet must provide adequate stability to guarantee optimal alignment of the ankle, knee, and hip when we walk. While the bilateral deadlift provides hip extension there is actually two more roles the glutes must perform when we are in single leg stance.

All single leg stance exercises performs these three key functions and help to stabilize the hip, act as a hip rotator, and lock the head of the femur into the socket, creating a very tight and stable hip joint during gait. This prevents the ball and socket joint from rattling around during walking and running.

Read this article to see more

Photos from Functional Strength Training's post 04/09/2024

The QL is very prone to shortening and becoming a tight over-working muscle and is often exposed to injury and pain as a reaction to dysfunction occurring elsewhere in the body, usually weakness with the pelvis, hips, and feet. This is a common problem often seen with people who have a lateral pelvic tilt, scoliosis or those suffering with sacroiliac joint dysfunction and extension related back pain. In all of these cases there is a common denominator at large with weak glutes and hip stiffness.

Trigger point release is often used successfully with muscles that are short and tight in other areas of the body but this is very difficult to do with the QL due to the muscle being located deep within the body. Stretching is also not very effective and can even aggravate the problem so you have to attack this in a different way.

In Dr Stuart McGill’s book “Lower Back Disorders” on page 62 he notes that during EMG testing of this muscle hardly changes length during any spine motion suggesting that it contracts virtually isometrically!

They performed an experiment where they had people stand upright with a bucket held in one hand. They gradually increased the load in the bucket and observed the muscle activation of the QL and obliques and found they both increased their activity each time more load was added even though the body did not move.

They concluded that this muscle is highly involved with stabilization of the spine as opposed to providing movement which is very similar to the role of the abdominal stabilizers and the psoas muscle. This gives you a few clues as to why it is repeatedly strained or injured.

Here is an article where I take a detailed look at what causes this and what you can do to prevent it

Glute Max Strengthening For Unstable Hips 04/09/2024

This is a quick video that looks at a simple exercise you can use to improve the strength of glute maximus if you have unstable hips creating back pain or even hip pain itself.

It can be very difficult trying to improve the strength of the glutes when there is tremendous compensation present causing trigger points with piriformis or other hip muscles like the TFL "stealing" the work from the weakened glutes.

This particular exercise is a regression of other more effective glute strengthening exercises and allows the person to gain more control over their hip with hip flexion and hip extension. I use this exercise a lot with people suffering SIJ pain or piriformis syndrome where the typical glute exercises are too hard to do.

Glute Max Strengthening For Unstable Hips This is a quick video that looks at a simple exercise you can use to improve the strength of glute maximus if you have unstable hips creating back pain or ev...


For such a large muscle the gluteus maximus is surprisingly very weak in many people which lead to a host of problems throughout the body. Finding ways to strengthen this muscle can be very difficult at times as the body continually compensates to other muscles.

Some of the exercises that work tremendously well with one person, either do nothing or create harm in the next person. A classic example of this is with piriformis syndrome or SIJ dysfunction where the weakness in the glutes is the main source of the pain. If you choose the wrong exercise, or do too much too soon, you will risk creating more pain as the glutes switch off and compensatory muscles take over.

Over the years my toolbox of exercises to draw upon has increased significantly to help me either progress to something more challenging and effective, or regress to an exercise to restore stability and control. I do not have a rule book to follow, just a series of possibilities to explore, and I try to work through these one by one until I find the right place to start.

It is important to remember that you must find the right balance between being too hard or not hard enough. If you over-do it and use an exercise that is too aggressive you will cause problems.

On the other hand, if you use an exercise that is too simple you will not make any muscular changes which will also create problems. You have to find a way to challenge the muscle enough to make it adapt and strengthen, but not too much in that cause compensation and pain.

The article in the link below provides you with 15 different exercises to target the glutes and I discuss each one in detail and break down all the pros and cons of using them

Why You Should Avoid Cortisone Injections For Hip & Shoulder Pain 03/09/2024

I cannot tell you how many people I have met over the past 18 years who have come to see me for help with a chronic hip or shoulder problem that had evolved into a much bigger problem that it should have. These were mainly due to treatments that focused on pain relief instead of correcting the underlying cause.

In almost every one of these cases the treatment consisted of cortisone injections into the injured area followed by rest. Some were told to see a physio for some treatment but many were told that they will need a few injections over the coming months to get rid of the inflammation and the hip or shoulder would be “fixed”.

I am astounded that with all the advancements in modern technology and science, and the ability to access information that can provide great insights into what causes injuries that this is the most consistent course of action.

Very rarely does this work and if anything all it is likely to achieve is make the injury worse! In this article, I will explain why this approach to shoulder and hip pain is flawed and what approach is more effective in the long term.

Why You Should Avoid Cortisone Injections For Hip & Shoulder Pain Firstly, I do not claim to know everything about injuries and rehabilitation or believe I know more than doctors who are doing their best to treat their patients. I regularly refer people to specialists when I can see the problem is outside my area of expertise for I acknowledge that the injury


Blueberries are not only delicious, they are often referred to as a “Super-food” for these little balls of goodness are packed with a ton of vitamins and minerals. They are regularly considered as a favourite fruit by many people in the health and wellness industry.

Blueberries have many health benefits and are known to help with heart health, bone strength, skin health, blood pressure, diabetes management, cancer prevention, and even mental health. In this article we will share some information about this fruit that you did not know and show you why it is something you should include in your diet.

Strength Training Workout using Contrast TEMPO to build muscle fast 03/09/2024

Far too many people use the same sets, reps, intensity and tempo when they complete strength training workouts. At first normal sets are great but over time it leads to stagnant progress and the plateau of training hard but staying the same. To get out of the rut you have to change things. The obvious change to make is with different exercises but even this can get boring and eventually stagnate too.

The secret is to mess with the intensity and volume you use. And one of the little known variations is by using TEMPO change. One of my favorite workouts is contrast tempos of slow with fast and even isometric holding. The damage these methods create is immense and when you try it the first time you may be very sore for a few days.

This video gives you a great idea of how can use tempo change with four different exercises. We give you an example to use with pushing and pulling.

Strength Training Workout using Contrast TEMPO to build muscle fast Far too many people use the same sets, reps, intensity and tempo when they complete strength training workouts. At first normal sets are great but over time ...


Having worked with hundreds of women over the past 16 years as a trainer, I have seen the constant struggles many females face when it comes to getting in great physical shape.

While it is difficult for all of us to achieve great physical fitness it is fair to say the female population has a much more difficult road to take. From complex hormonal systems, to hyper-mobility, an anatomical structure that compromises stability, it can be difficult to enjoy exercise and fitness activities.

When you add on top of this the constant body shaming, Instagram comparisons and belief that smaller is better, it is no wonder many women are turned off from trying to improve their health and fitness.

I believe the community needs to understand just how important exercise and eating well is for women's health and not focusing solely on losing weight. For while women tend to live longer than men, their quality of life is often diminished significantly due to several health factors.

In this article I discuss these factors in great detail and the reasons many women avoid exercise altogether.

Are Turkish Get Ups Good For Your Core? 02/09/2024

Here is very quick video giving you some great tips on how to do the Turkish Get Up!

Definitely one of my favorites and really should be a mandatory exercise for everyone as it develops so many skills all at once that are needed in life

We take for granted the movement of getting up off the ground, but I work with many people all day in my rehabilitation studio who cannot do this! Tight hips, poor thoracic mobility, lack of leg strength and overall coordination make this exercise impossible to do for many people.

Keeping this as an exercise in your program at least once per week will ensure you never lose this skill and it will help to make many other movements and exercises easier.

Anyone with serious shoulder injuries like shoulder impingement and rotator cuff tears, or even thoracic spine mobility issues will benefit from this greatly. For this exercise forces your body to find optimal stability and mobility of all the joints at the same time in both closed chain and open chain movement.

Are Turkish Get Ups Good For Your Core? Here is very quick video giving you some great tips on how to do the Turkish Get Up!Make sure you read our full article on the amazing benefits to your body ...

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Videos (show all)

Strength cannot overcome poor movement. If you move poorly it does not matter how strong your muscles are your body will...
It is not what happens to you in life that determines how you feel, it is how you respond to what happens. Two people ma...
One movement that has a lot of confusion and controversy surrounding the "correct technique" to use is the SQUAT.There a...
Persistence is probably the single most common quality of high achievers like Michael Jordan. They simply refuse to give...
Leg Strength For Seniors
How to break a plateau
While the bilateral RDL is a great start to retraining the anterior pelvic tilt, improving hip mobility and gluteal stre...
Back pain is such a common injury that statistics show it is one of the most common injuries among people today. In 2009...
The secret to incredible speed in sports is not your ability to run in a straight line but your ability to put on the br...
The suitcase carry is one of the most under-rated strength exercises and as the name suggests it is basically holding a ...
Power training is a very unique training method that is often misunderstood, neglected and even abused in many strength ...
The most concerning issue arising from postural faults and imbalance, is not just the area in pain but the risk of furth...




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