Core Fusion Pilates & Physiotherapy

your health, your way
get the most out of your body and perform at your best

Photos from Core Fusion Pilates & Physiotherapy's post 25/04/2024

Anzacs 2024 - Lest We Forget

Geminids: The Most Amazing Meteor Shower All Year Is About to Begin 13/12/2023

Geminids: The Most Amazing Meteor Shower All Year Is About to Begin As an astronomer and meteor enthusiast, I'd say it's the most wonderful time of the year.

Pain from Sitting Too Long? The Anatomy behind Prolonged sitting 01/11/2023

If you get back pain but don't understand why - this video may help you!

Many of us get super frustrated when we don't have that history of hurting ourselves, falling over or remember pulling or straining our back... yet we have back pain - WHY!?

have made this animated version that really gives you the visual you need to appreciate how our posture and how we move (or don't) -impacts our body.

Part one below describes the lower body.

Part 2 is all about the upper body - neck, upper backs and shoulders.

Interested is seeing that? - comment YES below and I'll post it next week

When we know the WHY - we can make the connection and make a CHANGE!

All you need now is the HOW.

Need help?

Book in -

Pain from Sitting Too Long? The Anatomy behind Prolonged sitting Prolonged sitting in a flexed posture - Biomechanical Symptoms (Lower Body) Part 1.For parts 2 and 3, check out our Strength Training app at the link below.S...

TikTok · Tony Hawk 16/10/2023

This is so inspiring and just goes to show what thinking outside the box can achieve!

TikTok · Tony Hawk 47.2K likes, 2888 comments. “Thanks to Dexter Ricardo & Skate Anima for sharing our passion by providing these golden moments to kids with special needs. 🌞🇧🇷🛹”


Those of us in pain recognise that feeling of BLISS when we realise we slept the whole night through!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio 05/09/2023

Break free from the generic approach and embrace personalized strategies. Find out how they can accelerate your progress towards your desired outcomes. Check out our blog post now!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio Unlock your full potential with personalised physiotherapy. Achieve your desired outcomes through targeted strategies and flexible approaches. Experience open communication, measurable success, and expert guidance. Book a session today for pain-free and empowered living.

Join the 5-Day How Can I Help My Back Pain! Transform Your Life with Simple Strategies for a Pain-Free Back 24/08/2023

It’s funny how time lines ‘mark’ us or affect how we think and perceive things!

Today, August 24th Marks my 20th year here in Perth.

Covid is another ‘marker’ - did that happen pre covid, during covid or post covid?? - It allows us to think if it was before - that 3.5 years ago now…

My timeline is also marked by Kids.

One is now in first year study post School, and the other Year 11.
Where has that time gone?

Major things give us our timelines - kids are kinda a good marker - pregnancy, birth, walking, talking, tantrums, then school, - nursery, primary, junior, senior, - age - double figures, teenager.. Driving, 18, leaving school, alcohol, 21 - Always in a rush to the next ‘timeline or milestone.

I know when I got here I wanted to do something exercise wise or regularly like I used to be before - yet here I am 20 years down the track, wondering what happened and I really can’t expect to feel fit, toned, strong and healthy if I’m not actually making a regular commitment to do so!

Life happens, kids happen, busy, priorities - we all do it - yet as we ‘lose ourselves’ we also then complain about our bodies failing us.
I was a high level international athlete in my day - which in my brain and when i think about it was kinda just not that long ago - training 20-30 hours a week from age 6- 21…and I was SUPER FIT, toned, had the cut 6 pack and not an ounce of extra that i didn’t need…

So.. finding something to ‘replace’ that was and is hard - especially because I was used to being exceptional - and I was not exceptional at other things - so had no real motivation to do it - I wanted to do it WELL!

And when I think - even now - if I am gonna do something - its well - my work is quite physical and demanding - I'm doing exercise and demonstrating every day anyway, yet do i have any cardio or aerobic ability - hell no - do I ever get puffed out - only with vigorous housework or gardening! - I’m still ‘waiting’ to find something I like, I enjoy and that I’m actually relatively good at - but am I being proactive - hell no - I’m expecting it to fall into my lap!

It’s funny because this is the light bulb that many of my clients switch on … eventually…

You know 20 years ago I never had pain.
20 years ago i was strong and agile
20 years ago I could run for miles

So what's changed? What were you doing 20 years ago, and what are you doing now?

And that’s when the light comes on - I was doing this, and going here, and stretching and being active at the weekend and …..

And now?

Nothing. I run the kids around, sit whilst they do sport and sit at work.



You’ve parked your body and expect it to not get run down.
If you park your car for 20 years - you don’t expect it to function and run. You don’t even expect it to start!

Yet we do that every day to our body.

Why am I in pain? Why am I stiff? What does that not move and feel the same any more?

We suddenly try something and freak out when the body says uh uh - no…

BUT - do the work.

Start the process, but start at the beginning - not trying to make your body do a Grand Prix - push it out, start with ground zero and work it up.

Jumping in too hard, too fast, too gun-ho, without preparation - leads to ‘problems’

We complain that this has “come ‘out of nowhere” … “for no reason”… “ it just started hurting after I tried to …”

So ask yourself - if your body is not doing what you want it to.

When did it last do that?
What were you doing at the time
What are you doing now in comparison?
Is there a gap?
If there is - what are you going to do to CLOSE it.

Need help?

You know where we are!

PS - if you want to join our new WEEK”S PROJECT - HOW TO START YOUR BACK MOVING - it’s free starting 4th Sept - Sign up below.

5 days of things to be aware of and how to address them when it comes to managing your back pain.

Join the 5-Day How Can I Help My Back Pain! Transform Your Life with Simple Strategies for a Pain-Free Back Unlock a Pain-Free Back with Our 5-Day Series - Sign up for our free How Can I Help My Back Pain series and discover effective exercises, stretches, and self-care techniques to alleviate pain, improve flexibility, and gain long-lasting relief. Limited spots available, reserve yours now!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio 23/08/2023

Success is not always a straight line. Learn how a flexible management approach can help you overcome setbacks and stay on track towards your desired outcomes. Read our blog post for valuable insights!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio Unlock your full potential with personalised physiotherapy. Achieve your desired outcomes through targeted strategies and flexible approaches. Experience open communication, measurable success, and expert guidance. Book a session today for pain-free and empowered living.

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio 10/08/2023

Discover the power of a customized plan in reaching your desired outcome. Our latest blog post unveils how personalised strategies can transform your progress. Dive in and unlock your potential now!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio Unlock your full potential with personalised physiotherapy. Achieve your desired outcomes through targeted strategies and flexible approaches. Experience open communication, measurable success, and expert guidance. Book a session today for pain-free and empowered living.

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio 29/07/2023

Want to see tangible results? It's time to align your expectations with actionable strategies. Our blog post reveals the secrets to achieving your desired outcomes. Don't miss out!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio Unlock your full potential with personalised physiotherapy. Achieve your desired outcomes through targeted strategies and flexible approaches. Experience open communication, measurable success, and expert guidance. Book a session today for pain-free and empowered living.

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio 18/07/2023

Ready to make progress towards your goals? Learn why a personalized and targeted approach is crucial in achieving desired outcomes. Check out our blog post and get started on your journey today!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio Unlock your full potential with personalised physiotherapy. Achieve your desired outcomes through targeted strategies and flexible approaches. Experience open communication, measurable success, and expert guidance. Book a session today for pain-free and empowered living.

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio 14/07/2023

Flexibility is key when it comes to achieving your desired outcomes.

Find out how to adapt your management strategies to accommodate progress and overcome setbacks in our newest blog post.

Dive in today!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio Unlock your full potential with personalised physiotherapy. Achieve your desired outcomes through targeted strategies and flexible approaches. Experience open communication, measurable success, and expert guidance. Book a session today for pain-free and empowered living.

TikTok · 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿Scottish-Linda❤️ 12/07/2023

For those of you who feel your un -co and lack body awareness....

You're not alone.

TikTok · 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿Scottish-Linda❤️ 45K likes, 1549 comments. “Eternally funny 😂😂😂”

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio 04/07/2023

Communication and collaboration are the building blocks of success. Discover how open dialogue with your physiotherapist can help you reach your desired outcomes. Read our latest blog post for valuable tips!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio Unlock your full potential with personalised physiotherapy. Achieve your desired outcomes through targeted strategies and flexible approaches. Experience open communication, measurable success, and expert guidance. Book a session today for pain-free and empowered living.



It's so easy to get caught up with day to day that we sometimes lose ourselves and forget what we enjoy doing, what we're good at and what talents we have to offer.

So this weeks share is: What is your SUPERPOWER?

Tell us yours!

Mine as a physio is being able to think and process multiple things and see how they interlink and relate to help get you the best outcome!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio 28/06/2023

Struggling to see results? It might be time to align your expectations with actionable strategies.
Learn how a targeted approach can make all the difference in our latest blog post.

Check it out now!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio Unlock your full potential with personalised physiotherapy. Achieve your desired outcomes through targeted strategies and flexible approaches. Experience open communication, measurable success, and expert guidance. Book a session today for pain-free and empowered living.


Fed Up of Back Pain and ready to kick start a new you?

Join our free 7 day Back Pain Challenge and get easy to implement strategies straight to your inbox.

Starts Monday 19th June. Are you in?

Day 1: Quick and Effective Back Stretches
Day 2: Core Strengthening Exercises
Day 3: Posture Correction Techniques
Day 4: Mindful Movement for Back Health
Day 5: Mobility and Flexibility Exercises
Day 6: Self-Massage Techniques for Back Relief
Day 7: Integrating Back Care into Daily Life

Sign up Below and get them straight to your inbox!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio 13/06/2023

Are you ready to take charge of your progress? Discover the importance of personalized management strategies in our new blog post.

Don't miss out on valuable insights!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio Unlock your full potential with personalised physiotherapy. Achieve your desired outcomes through targeted strategies and flexible approaches. Experience open communication, measurable success, and expert guidance. Book a session today for pain-free and empowered living.

Join the 7-Day Back Pain Relief Challenge! Transform Your Life with Simple Strategies for a Pain-Free Back 12/06/2023

Join our FREE 7-Day Back Pain Relief Challenge!

Are you tired of living with a nagging stiff and achy back?

Fed up of Back Pain and want some ideas on what you can do to help yourself manage it at home?

Our Free 7 Day Back Pain Challenge starts Monday 19th June where we'll show you some tips and tricks to help manage your back pain that are simple and easy to implement!

Transform Your Life with Simple Strategies for a Pain-Free Back

Here's what you can expect:

Day 1: Quick and Effective Back Stretches
Day 2: Core Strengthening Exercises
Day 3: Posture Correction Techniques
Day 4: Mindful Movement for Back Health
Day 5: Mobility and Flexibility Exercises
Day 6: Self-Massage Techniques for Back Relief
Day 7: Integrating Back Care into Daily Life

Each day, you'll receive an email with detailed instructions and video demonstrations.

Transform Your Life with Simple Strategies for a Pain-Free Back

Sign up for our FREE 7-day challenge and discover effective exercises, stretches, and self-care techniques to relieve your back pain and improve your overall well-being.

We'll help you:

⭐ Alleviate back pain and discomfort naturally
⭐ Improve flexibility, mobility, and posture
⭐ Gain practical tools to manage and prevent future back issues
⭐ Receive expert guidance from qualified physiotherapists
⭐ Connect with a supportive community of individuals on a similar journey

Start your journey to a pain-free back!

It's all happening in our Private Face Book Group where we'll post daily - join it here -

And / or Sign up to get email access to the 7-Day Back Pain Relief Challenge. right to your inbox.

Join the 7-Day Back Pain Relief Challenge! Transform Your Life with Simple Strategies for a Pain-Free Back Unlock a Pain-Free Back with Our 7-Day Challenge - Sign up for our free 7-day Back Pain Relief Challenge and discover effective exercises, stretches, and self-care techniques to alleviate pain, improve flexibility, and gain long-lasting relief. Limited spots available, reserve yours now!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio 31/05/2023

Achieving your desired outcomes starts with aligning your goals and actions. Check out our latest blog post to learn how personalized strategies can help you succeed!

Navigating Your Desired Outcome: Getting Results with Your Physio Unlock your full potential with personalised physiotherapy. Achieve your desired outcomes through targeted strategies and flexible approaches. Experience open communication, measurable success, and expert guidance. Book a session today for pain-free and empowered living.

Free Back Pain Stretches video to do in the morning to help alleviate Back Pain 28/05/2023

Getting out of bed in the morning is one thing that gets trickier when you have back pain.
Knowing what you can do to help can prove difficult too.

Our free video guide can help you get your body feeling freer and easier to move.

Get it straight to your inbox and feel the difference!

Free Back Pain Stretches video to do in the morning to help alleviate Back Pain Are you tired of living with chronic back pain that limits your activities and diminishes your quality of life? Do you want to take control of your pain and learn effective strategies to manage and prevent it? Get a free video on stretches you can do for your back in the morning to help manage your....

Embracing Aging: The Key to Managing Joint Health and Thriving 26/05/2023

We've all been there - one day we feel fine, the next day we feel 90 !

HOW did that happen?
WHEN did that happen?

It's normally a shock when we go to do something and realise what was normally easy and carefree to accomplish, now has us achy and sore, moaning and groaning or huffing and puffing!

What's should you do?
Is this how life has to be?
Can I do something about it?
Should I rest and put up with it?
Do I move and push myself?

As we age, our bodies may show signs of wear and tear, particularly in our joints. However, managing joint health and mitigating the impact of aging is not about avoiding movement altogether.
On the contrary, staying mobile and strong is crucial for maintaining joint functionality and reducing pain.

By adopting the right approach to movement and seeking professional guidance, it is possible to navigate the challenges of aging joints with grace and vitality.

Remember, it's not about stopping when faced with pain; it's about finding the right way to keep moving and supporting your joints for a healthier, happier

My Pocket Physio is our Online membership that this was aimed at!

Read about it in our blog below.

Embracing Aging: The Key to Managing Joint Health and Thriving Aging is normal as is starting to lose trust and confidence in your body. As we get older joints start to feel achy and stiff, pain starts.. and many of us stop moving thinking we are doing more damage... but as we reduce activity muscles get weaker causing pain to increase so YES we get worse!

My Pocket Physio Preview! 25/05/2023

📣 Exciting News! 🚀

Attention all health enthusiasts and individuals seeking a pain-free lifestyle! We're thrilled to announce that My Pocket Physio is gearing up for an incredible launch and the start of our highly anticipated course in just a couple of weeks!

🌟 What's My Pocket Physio All About?
My Pocket Physio is your go-to destination for expert physiotherapy knowledge, resources, and support, all conveniently accessible from the comfort of your own home. Say goodbye to pain and hello to an active, vibrant life!

🚀 Launch Countdown:
We're diligently preparing to unveil this revolutionary platform designed to empower you on your wellness journey. Our team of experienced physiotherapists has crafted an extensive library of valuable content, ensuring you have the tools you need to take control of your physical well-being.

GET IT FOR $99 for 6 months access if you sign up by midnight 26th June - CLAIM IT HERE

📚 Course Commencement:
As part of our launch, we'll be offering an exclusive course led by our expert physiotherapists. Get ready to dive deep into the world of physiotherapy and gain invaluable insights to help you live a pain-free life. Spaces are limited, so keep an eye out for the official announcement with enrollment details!

🎉 Join the Celebration:
We invite you to be part of this incredible community of health enthusiasts, where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share your experiences, and find inspiration and support. Together, we'll embark on a transformative journey towards optimal well-being.

Stay tuned for updates, sneak peeks, and exciting announcements as we approach the launch and course commencement. It's time to unlock the power of My Pocket Physio and embrace a life without limitations!

🔔 Don't forget to follow us, turn on notifications, and spread the word to anyone who's ready to embark on a pain-free journey. Let's make this launch unforgettable!

Get more info HERE -

My Pocket Physio Preview! 📣 Exciting News! 🚀Attention all health enthusiasts and individuals seeking a pain-free lifestyle! We're thrilled to announce that My Pocket Physio is geari...


Find out how Clinical Pilates can Get you living your best life

Not knowing what Clinical Pilates is and being scared or intimidated by the large Pilates equipment and the unknown shouldn't be a reason to stop you living life to the full.

Our free E-book explains what Clinical Pilates is and how it can help you.

It blends physio skills and knowledge with targeted Pilates based exercise to get you optimum results that last.

Get the e-book - Find out more - Live your best life!


Siting at the computer too long or using tech is part of everyday life now! Hours can go by before we realise and then we struggle because the soreness and discomfort are by then unbearable - or become increasingly difficult to manage.

Stopping the problem before it starts is the key thing that will have the most effect!

This simple tip we share can have a massive impact.
Poor shoulder position creates neck and shoulder and upper back pain and even headaches.

Transform your posture and elevate your well-being with this comprehensive video tutorial.
Adopt this simple process to address hunched shoulders and experience the positive impact on your life.

Get it here -


Clinical Pilates Gets the best results - find out what it is in our ebook

Does clinical Pilates work?
Yes it does!

It can be scary and intimidating when you don't know what it is or what it's about - that's why we've made an e-book that tells you all about it.

Get your free e-book and find out why this method of rehab with a physio is so effective!

Request our free ebook at the link below


Correct poor shoulder positioning and help prevent against shoulder and neck issue with this easy to implement tip.

Get it straight to your inbox so you can start immediately!

It's so simple you can do it anywhere!

Grab it here -


How Clinical Pilates Can get you Moving again

Clinical Pilates is an excellent was of getting you moving and pain free - even when you have had long term pain, or feel you haven't had results before.

Clinical Pilates is done with a physio blending physio techniques with Pilates based rehab to specifically address your needs.

Find out more about it with our free eBook

Posture Tips. Video Request 17/05/2023

Did you know how you move can affect your posture?

Most of us don't realise that how we move and use our body affects our posture.

Poor biomechanics create imbalances over time that can ultimately lead to pain and or injury.

Our posture can adapt to stresses and strains, and we change how we use our body causing issues the longer we move under strain.

Correct your posture with ease!

Grab our free video on shoulder position and start right now!

Posture Tips. Video Request Unlock the Power of Proper Posture - Get Exclusive Access to a Video Revealing a Simple Tip to Address Hunched Shoulders. Transform Your Posture and Boost Your Confidence with Step-by-Step Instructions. Sign Up Now and Start Your Posture Transformation!

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Perth?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

What do you need?

If you’re looking to improve how you move, how you function, how you use your body....whether you are fit and healthy, or injured and in pain, or just not moving the way you used to.....we’ve got your back.

We know we can all improve and get more out of ourselves. Just our start and end points are different.

Some of us want to run faster, perform better, and accomplish sporting achievements and just need that secret edge to get it....

Some of us just want to be able to get a good nights sleep, and be able to get up without feeling 90.

Videos (show all)

VID create opportuntites
Snaptik.app_start now
The best time to start looking after your body is when the problem or injury started.The next best time is NOW!The longe...
Is back pain turning you into a grumpy, irritable person you no longer recognise?Pain is exhausting and can suck the lif...
When we have an issue the body is great at being able to shift and adapt to allow us to do things.Sometimes it's complet...
Is back pain is interfering with your life and you're ready to do something about it - then BACKSCHOOL has the answer if...
Snaptik.app_my fave tools
IS vid beach scene 7 sec
If you're after a quick and easy way to correct your posture... then this is it!Doesn't matter what posture type you are...
Is back pain limiting your choices and you want to get better but don't know where to start... then this is perfect for ...
Want to do what to do and when to get rid of back pain at home?That's exactly what our Back Pain Relief Program covers.O...
May 2023 bring you health, wealth and happiness in abundance.



Unit 5/939 Wanneroo Road
Perth, WA

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