DANII Foundation - T1 diabetes

Who's looking after today's T1D's? OUR VISION is for a world where people with T1D live without Fear

The DANII Foundation (supporting Type 1 Diabetes) was established in 2012 by parents Donna and Brian Meads-Barlow as a legacy to their 17 year old daughter Daniella following her sudden passing in 2011 as a result of a night time hypoglycaemic episode - a diabetes complication more widely known as “Dead in Bed” syndrome. Danii went to bed a happy, healthy teenager, but sometime during the night, h

Photos from DANII Foundation - T1 diabetes's post 12/07/2024

Introducing our DANII Ambassador 🌟Olivia Stipo🌟

My name is Olivia Stipo, and I am 19 years old. I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes 10 years ago on the 28th of February 2014. I have been a part of the DANII Foundation since my diagnosis.

When I think about my diabetes, I reflect on how I've grown as a person through strength and determination. I've learned that diabetes is both a mental and physical battle, but with the right support and management, everything will work out in the end. Since my diagnosis, I've embraced being a diabetic and have encouraged others to do the same.

At times, diabetes can be challenging, but being on the pump and having a sensor has made my life much easier. As a teenager, I feel I have a lot more freedom with everyday tasks. When people ask me about my diabetes, my go-to line is, "No stress, I'm a robot" and I hold up my pump. I've had my diabetic ups and downs, but they've only made me stronger and allowed me to share my experiences and stories with others.

Living with diabetes has taught me resilience and how to adapt to anything thrown at me. I've become efficient in problem-solving skills to navigate specific situations. I love being an advocate and ambassador for diabetes; it has allowed me to meet many new and incredible people. I've learned that everyone is different and manages themselves differently, but that's what makes us all unique.

The thing is, living with diabetes is different for each individual, but we all want the same thing: a cure. However, while that is a long-term goal, having access to specific technology like pumps and sensors makes managing diabetes a lifelong journey that requires constant monitoring and strength. I embrace my diabetes to show others that everything will be okay!

DANII Foundation has provided me the opportunity to experience diabetes with a new positive outlook rather than just a deadly disease. I have been so fortunate to make so many diabetes friends. I want to be able to do this for other people.

Photos from DANII Foundation - T1 diabetes's post 10/07/2024

Jelly Bean Ball 2024 Highlights!

The 2024 Jelly Bean Ball proved again to be one of Sydney's most vibrant and invigorating charity balls, hosting nearly 400 generous guests from all walks of life supporting Diabetes.

The DANII Foundation would like to thank & acknowledge each and every Sponsor, Volunteer, Supporter, Guest and Auction Item Donor who contributed so generously to help us raise $330,000 much-needed funds for the Type ONE diabetes Community.

THANK YOU 🙌 We couldn't do it without you! 💜

🌟 Check out the highlights > https://photos.app.goo.gl/MpzynHngSK3YfmVx9


You're a superhero parent, friend, sibling helping someone live with diabetes or a Superhero just on your own.

Keep up the great work!



Diabetes and Travel
Part II

Source Novo Nordisk


Our DANII Ambassador and Insulin Pump Recipient Trent, is making headlines!

Raising awareness about diabetes in his local community.

Trent has been twice to the Capalaba Rotary Club in Queensland, sharing his journey with Type 1 Diabetes, DANII Foundation mission and the transformative impact of the Medtronic Insulin Pump.

Let's spread awareness and support those in need. 💜

We take the opportunity to thank Capalaba Rotary Club for supporting Trent and the DANII Foundation.

Read Trent's full article below


Medtronic Extended™ Infusion Set and Reservoir

The first and only available set which allows up to 7 days of wear, Medtronic Extended™ Infusion Set and Reservoir, are available on NDSS!

Step into a new era of diabetes management with:

✅ A groundbreaking up to 7 days* of wear time—say hello to weekly freedom!

✅ Enhanced comfort and reliable insulin delivery that outperforms standard sets.*1,2

Embrace life with fewer interruptions! 🌟

Source Medtronic Diabetes - Aus


The Mask of a Type 1 Caregiver 💜

"Every morning we put it on.
There is not enough coffee to make it all go away.
Exhaustion sets in, and sometimes you might find us crying in the bathroom. Hiding it from our child whom we show up strong for every day.

On the outside, you might see a woman that is put together.
Her smile might radiate a room, but the worry lingers.
Sacrificing our own life most days, to show up strong for theirs.
We would not change the sacrifice, it’s what we do.

Tired, worn, covered in old juice from fighting a low hours before we have to show up to work. Pit in our stomach from medical bills, and let’s not even discuss the cost of medication for a lot of us.

Denied by insurance companies for tools to help our littles become superheroes. We fight the fight. ….superhero with a insulin pump, not a cape. A small reminder that their childhood was stolen.

Denying our children a dream of growing up to be a pilot. Or even a firefighter. To risky they say. Train them to get a “job” with “good benefits”….a conversation no parent should be having with their 11 year old.

We are supposed to teach them to dream.
Their dream is a cure.

The anxiety of death is real.
Dead in bed, they call it"

Want to help? Links in BIO.

Source: The Diabetic Journey


Diabetes day by day

Part III

Diabetes and Travel

Source Novo Nordisk


Australian's living with T1 Diabetes before tax time ends ⏰

"The greatest fear is the risk of not waking up. No parent should have to experience that. It is preventable."

It’s EOFY, which means there's not long left to give generously this tax time. It's devasting to know that there are Australians living with T1 Diabetes that do not have access to Insulin Pumps. Some people have to choose between feeding their family or risk not waking up.

Help prevent the silent threat of diabetes. Support life-saving Insulin Pump Scholarships, so individuals can sleep peacefully without the fear of not waking up.

Make a donation https://danii.org.au/donate/

P.S. Make a donation before 30th June 2024 and instantly receive a receipt to claim on your tax return.

"The insulin pump combined with a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) has been a life changer for me.I feel more in control of my, it helps me live a somewhat normal life and my general health continues to improve. This technology has become my life-saver. I can work, do activities and sleep at night without the fear of never waking up".
Jason Gunther

Why Donate to the DANII Foundation?

The DANII Foundation IPSP (Insulin Pump Scholarship Program) provides insulin pumps to families who have children under 18 years of age with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) and to adults over the age of 18 with Type 1 diabetes who are identified to be struggling financially and cannot afford private health insurance. The program in 2024 – 2025 aims to provide 100 Scholarship Grants. The scholarship program costs $10,000 over a 4 year period.

Education has long been a top priority for the DANII Foundation, focusing on individuals living with T1D and their families. From educational cruises, providing training sessions led by experts such as Endocrinologists, Diabetes Educators, and Dietitians, to online workshops during the Covid-19 pandemic, the foundation has been dedicated to educating and supporting the T1D community. Through partnerships with Medtronic, Novo Nordisk, Embecta, and our Ambassadors, DANII is actively working to keep the T1D community updated on new diabetes technologies, raise awareness, and combat diabetes stigma.

Lobbying Government. The DANII Foundation aims to alleviate the fear of not waking up, striving for an improved quality of life within the T1D community. The foundation continued to lobby for CGM to be subsidized by the Government for the 93,000 unfunded Australians aged 21 and over. In 2022, the Australian government announced that CGMs will now be fully funded for every Australian living with Type 1 diabetes.

Now our mission is to obtain a Healthcare card for life, which should also include coverage for insulin pumps.

Any amount over $2 you donate to us before midnight 30th June will be tax deductible.

Thank you in advance for your kindness,


Introducing our DANII Ambassador 🌟Kim Bush🌟

I was diagnosed with T1D in 1984. Back then we washed the blood off our blood glucose testing stick, we calibrated our blood glucose testing machines and our needles whilst disposable did the job for a few injections. You knew when they were blunt because they hurt. The hospital room I was placed in had other people who had "the sugar diabetes" and were missing legs and in one case half a nose due to nerve damage. I practiced my technique on an orange and my sister nearly passed out when she seen the real thing.
My first glucometer was called "gizmo", I was 14 year old. My Mum told me that I began to live like there was not tomorrow, everything had to be today. Prior to my diagnosis I had more patience.

Moving on a few years, I met my husband, we got married and built a life. At the age of 30 we had our first child, born at 37 weeks weighing 9lb4. My HBA1C sat on 6.1 the entire pregnancy. 4 years later our daughter was lost 1/2 through the pregnancy. My HBA1C sat on 6.0. Moving along 4 years I miscarried twins at 11 weeks. Then without any planning I fell pregnant again. At 31 weeks he arrived due to a failing placenta and spent some time at the royal womens.
When my youngest was 2 and 3 months, my husband passed away in front of him and his brother. I was the diabetic who was not going to grow old with a long life expectancy or any quality. We had often talked about the "when this happens". We had not discussed if there was any chance of him checking out before me. We were all lost and traumatised.
My HBA1C climbed, despite being more active, loosing weight and generally being better routined. My youngest developed separation issues, the world no longer felt safe and secure. My eldest made the decision to work in emergency services, he found a home and a haven in helping others.
We stabilsed and things began to resemble a new normal then I had a heart attack. It knocked us around emotionally and I suddenly became aware again that life is short and there are no rules. I always need a new plan of attack.

I look forward to continuing to contribute my time and efforts to assist DANII Foundation - T1 diabetes with their ongoing campaign to ease the tribulations within the lives of those suffering with type 1 diabetes and bringing our daily struggles into mainstream awareness.
My work as a personal trainer, swim instructor, coach and group fitness instructor presents a lot of challengers in the day to day management of my T1D.
My passion to promote, support and continue the work of the DANII foundation is exponential. We are everyone, from every walk of life and this isn't always easily digestible for those untouched by T1D.


Diabetes is about saving my life every single day, not getting a day off, falling down and getting right back up. It's about saying "my life is worth it and I'm not going down without a fight". It's appreciating the good, accepting the bad, and not letting diabetes control my life.


Diabetes day by day

Managing diabetes in the workplace

Part II

Source Novo Nordisk


Today we honor Daniella Meads-Barlow.

Danii would have been 30 years old today!

Her kind soul, bright smile and commitment, inspires us everyday to help save Australian's living with Type 1 Diabetes!

In memory of Daniella and her legacy💜🌟


Diabetes day by day

Managing diabetes in the workplace.

Part I

Source: Novo Nordisk

Photos from DANII Foundation - T1 diabetes's post 04/06/2024

Tatts Finke Desert Race
Fri, 7 June 2024, 4:30 pm – Mon, 10 June 2024 EAT

Jason Gunther, our DANII Ambassador again this year, has joined Australia's Greatest Desert Race to raise awareness about Type 1 Diabetes.

Jason is 48 years old, diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) at 18 years old.

Jason says; Don’t give up on living your best life after diagnosis!

"First 15 years I found it really hard to keep schedule of 4 to 8 finger stick BGL tests each day, and than I said; I don't want to sit on the lounge crying poor me. Nothing is easy but working through the unrelenting challenges is achievable".

Riding dirt bikes with T1D is a huge challenge, but over the years I wanted to raise awareness and show other T1D that you can still follow your dreams after diagnosis, no matter what your dreams are.


How to manage diabetes in children?

Part II

Source Novo Nordisk

Photos from DANII Foundation - T1 diabetes's post 31/05/2024

Introducing our DANII Ambassador 🌟Trenton McFarlane🌟

My name is Trenton (Trent) and I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in 1996 at the age of 11 years old.

This was a life changing diagnosis being too young to fully understand the change, but old enough to have gotten used the “normal” way of life.

Having undertaken the regular roller coaster that is growing up with diabetes, my chosen career path, that of a commercially qualified chef created more boundaries and obstacles to overcome. The outcome being, I have developed a somewhat over the top awareness of specific dietary requirements, and my upstart business of a gourmet seafood cafe has obtained a stellar reputation for adhering to otherwise overlooked dietary requirements. Mostly celiac, but also diabetic, halal, Muslim, vegetarian and pescatarian.

Outside of my professional career I am a devoted partner and father of 6 beautiful kids Issy 16, Milo 11, Morgan 9, Maggie 5, Bridget 3 and Lucy 7 months. I enjoy riding my motorbike, electric skateboard, playing video games with my boys and undertaking home renovations.

I am the last recipient of the DANII Foundation scholarship for 2023. I have no doubt that upon receiving my Medtronic pump, my control will improve, thus improving my overall quality of life.

As an ambassador, my first step was opening the line of communication for consistent donations and contributions from the Rotary club, who are renown for their charitable work for the advancement of medical research in lesser recognised areas, notably the near eradication of polio worldwide.

I look forward to continuing to contribute my time and efforts to assist DANII Foundation - T1 diabetes with their ongoing campaign to ease the tribulations within the lives of those suffering with type 1 diabetes and bringing our daily struggles into mainstream awareness.


Take time for diabetes self-care this week! 💜

Glucology by IBD Medical


Diabetes in children

What is the main cause of diabetes in children?

Source Novo Nordisk


Introducing our DANII Ambassador 🌟Sally Oldroyd🌟

Hi my name is Sally.

I am a mum where Diabetes has profoundly affected my life and that of my family. It is nearly 10 years since my son Troy, lost his life to undiagnosed T1D. He died tragically from sudden onset Diabetic Ketoacidosis, DKA. For Troy it was the initial manifestation of Type 1 D.
It changed all our lives irrevocably.

Troy never got the chance to fight Type 1 Diabetes. Symptoms can be easily dismissed, and in Troys case and many other similar cases, these were indeed missed and tragically ended fatally.
Unfortunately there are many undiagnosed Diabetics amongst us !! Utterly unaware that they are suffering from a potential fatal condition.

I felt one way to honour Troy was to raise awareness of this complex condition through a range of activities including trivia nights, golf days and an event Dive in for Diabetes.

In addition, the DANII Foundation is one I wanted to support because its goal aligns with my own in raising T1D awareness and preventing similar tragedies for other families.

Via greater public awareness and research into T1D, we have a much greater chance of saving lives.


Diabetes management!

Do you have needle phobia?

4 Tips to help you overcome the fear of giving yourself an insulin injection.

Source Novo Nordisk

Photos from DANII Foundation - T1 diabetes's post 17/05/2024

Introducing our DANII Foundation Ambassador 🌟Jason Gunther🌟
My name is Jason Gunther. I was diagnosed with T1D 30 years ago, around the age of 17-18.

My life was turned upside down in an instant. After diagnosis the T1D roller coaster has been a wild experience with lots of ups and downs. It has made me the person I am today.

I want to use my own life experiences to inspire others diagnosed with T1D that yes it is tough, not much goes to plan living with T1D, that no matter what you choose in life you can still live a fulfilling life and experience the best of life.

I’m honored to be an Ambassador of the DANII Foundation, which was founded on tragedy.
My cousin Amanda nominated me for World Diabetes Day award with DANII.

The DANII Foundation helped me with Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) scholarship back when CGM was unaffordable. The foundation also campaigned for CGM to be put on the PBS. Great effort!

CGM and insulin pump therapy especially the latest, Medtronic MiniMed 780G “Auto mode“ has vastly improved my life in so many different ways. That said it is no silver bullet, but compared with early years of my diagnosis it has tremendously improved my overall life.

I love my family! I work in mining and I like to fix and build things. I ride and race dirt bikes, run for exercise, ride mountain bikes, go fishing, camping etc. I can’t sit still for long.

I would like to see people living with T1D live their best lives!

If you are a T1D, struggling or have any questions about T1D, please reach out. I’m happy to try and help as much as I can.


📢💜💜📢DANII T1D friends & family🫂are invited to join us & support Type 1 Diabetes at our 12th Annual Jelly Bean Ball 🎇

We would love 💞you all to come along & share in 🎁
Buy your tickets now! on our Website under the EVENTS tab!


In our house we do Type 1 Diabetes. We treat highs & lows. We do insulin, test strips & we do snacks. We count carbs. We do brave in this house. We sleep less & we love more. We do this together.


Mother's Day 2024 was extra Special for DANII Foundation - T1 diabetes bringing together QLD T1D Friends with founders Brian & Donna Meads-Barlow. Sharing some Special moments together with Special Thanks to Gold Coast & Brisbane friends for your Awesome Support!


Digital Health and Diabetes Management!

Part III

Source Novo Nordisk


Happy Mother's Day 💜


Introducing our DANII Foundation Ambassador: 🌟 Melissa Hall 🌟

Melissa was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes 26 years ago at 12 years old.

She’s experienced the full spectrum of challenges and triumphs as a teenager grappling with T1D. Mel is a proud wife and mother to three beautiful children and is excited to be an ambassador for the DANII Foundation. She has been contributing to DANII and the T1D community for many years with education, awareness and fundraising.

Mel embraces her journey with pride, demonstrating that T1D is not a barrier to living a vibrant life. Through her Instagram posts, Mel extends a beacon of encouragement, inviting every T1D to embrace their own journey and pursue their dreams with unwavering determination.

Photos from DANII Foundation - T1 diabetes's post 08/05/2024

Reconnect the Disconnect - Barnaby Howarth & Philip McKeogh

Dealing with diabetes May 16, 3-6pm Canberra

Book you tickets now https://zurl.co/QUmI

There are around 1.5 million Australians who have been diagnosed with diabetes, but almost every Australian you meet will know a diabetic person and the struggles people experience when dealing with the condition.

Join our DANII Ambassador Barnaby Howarth and T1D Phillip McKeogh in Canberra as they tell you about the struggles they have faced and how they got through them.

Part of the proceeds from the night will be donated to the DANII Foundation and people impacted by Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)- through the DANII Insulin Pump Program.

A special thank you to the other DANII Ambassador Greg Leahy, and Sandy from ORA Catering https://www.facebook.com/ORA.Catering for donating cakes for the event.



5 things to remember when you're experiencing diabetes burnout 💜

- Listen to your body so that you can learn and recognize the signs of diabetes burnout.
- Accept the emotions you're feeling
- You are NOT alone
- Do something that makes you happy
- One step at a time

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

The DANII Foundation (supporting Type 1 Diabetes) was established in 2012 by parents Donna and Brian Meads-Barlow as a legacy to their 17 year old daughter Daniella following her sudden passing in 2011 as a result of a night time hypoglycaemic episode - a diabetes complication more widely known as “Dead in Bed” syndrome.

Danii went to bed a happy, healthy teenager, but sometime during the night, her blood glucose levels (BGL’s) fell so low that she became unresponsive and was unable to alert her parents that something was terribly wrong. Danii’s BGL’s fell to such a critically low level that she experienced convulsions, pushing her into a coma, and causing her death – alone and in silence.

On learning that there was technology overseas that could have prevented Danii’s death, her parents knew what they had to do: through their own tragedy, they had to do everything possible to prevent another life being cut short. Through her passing, Danii gave her parents a parting gift: the inspiration to create a lasting legacy in her name and the courage to offer today’s T1D’s the care and safety they need to help them manage their diabetes and in doing so, help them live a normal, long and enjoyable life.

DANII’s principal aims are to raise awareness of potentially fatal hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia (DKA), and to deliver globally an affordable alert device to provide support, security and peace of mind for the management of type 1 diabetes (T1D). The Foundation believes this technology – a continuous glucose monitor and alert system, should be readily available and affordable to every single person in Australia, and around the globe living with type ONE diabetes.

Our Vision - A world where people with type 1 diabetes live without fear of never waking up.

Our Mission - To make affordable, life-saving alert technology a reality for ALL people living with Type ONE diabetes and those insulin dependent. To educate the wider public and advocate for a Type ONE community.

Our Values - Innovative, compassionate, inspirational, caring, driven, brave.

Videos (show all)

Medtronic Extended™ Infusion Set and Reservoir The first and only available set which allows up to 7 days of wear, Medtr...
Today we honor Daniella Meads-Barlow.Danii would have been 30 years old today!Her kind soul, bright smile and commitment...
Happening now! 12th Jelly Bean Ball 2024!#bringingustogether #daniifoundation #diabetes #type1diabetes
20 days to go!12th Jelly Bean Ball 2024, 15th June at 18:30 Hyatt Regency Sydney LINK in BIO https://daniifoundation.zoh...
12th Jelly Bean Ball 202415th June 18:30 at Hyatt Regency SydneyTickets selling fast! Book YOURS NOW 👉https://zurl.co/yY...
Mother's Day 2024 was extra Special for DANII Foundation - T1 diabetes bringing together QLD T1D Friends with founders B...
What a beautiful day!Youth for a difference and the DANII Foundation had a very successful fundraising Bunnings Sausage ...
DANII Foundation workout challenge 💜Repost @anytimefitnessnorthsydneyA quick full body circuit that you can add to your ...
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It's Chantal's Second $5 Friday! 🌟 It's that time of the week again - Chantal's Second $5 Friday! We're back with anothe...




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