Nance Fitness - Aus

Hi, I'm Nancy! I offer 1-1 Personal Training & Small Group Training. - 8 WEEK WOMEN'S BOOTCAMP...NEXT ROUND STARTS 6TH JUNE 2022!

Team Nance Fitness focus on support and accountability to help you reach your health and fitness goals.

5 x 8 WK Challenges per year


For all businesses wanting to improve work culture, productivity, employee retention and a happier and healthier team.


This is my signature program I cr


1 x 1hr PT Session just opened. Fridays 10-11am. Sign up this May and receive $15 off each session. 🥳


30% Sale! Last chance! 😱

Last day to take advantage of my 30% Birthday Sale!

Click on the website link in my bio and head to 'Programs'. Use Code: 278UXSJ106 at the checkout.

Photos from Syatt Fitness's post 27/03/2023

Great read, great lessons here...good work!


Final week Challenge girls!

Now is the time I want you to work harder than you ever have before. It is a Challenge after all. Everyday counts, every session counts. No matter the adversity you've faced over the last 7 weeks, this is your health, your priority, make this week count.


Yes 🙌🙌


Thanks for the love and support💙🙏

For those of you who've purchased, I hope are enjoying my online programs and recipes. If you have any feedback, send me a message, I'm always looking at ways to improve my online eBooks for you all 🥰

Sale is still on and it's not 'up to 30%'. EVERYTHING IS 30% OFF. But only for a limited time.

Click on the website link in my bio and head to 'Programs'. Use Code: 278UXSJ106 at the checkout. Sale ending soon.


Need a little direction on how to eat healthy?

I have a FREE Guide to help get you started with some easy tips to follow.

Simply head on over to my Facebook women's only community group and comment on today's post about the free guide and I'll send you the link. You'll also be part of an amazing community of likeminded women looking to improve their health and fitness too 💙


Self-awareness is super important with almost everything but in particular - emotional eating.

Your emotions take over, you're not thinking rationally and before you know it, you've eaten the entire house out and feel immense guilt.

It's a hard cycle to break and I can only speak from experience.

Truly stop and reflect on your feelings in that moment and focus on how the event is triggering certain emotions for you.

It's all about pivoting. Write down some other activities you can do that doesn't involve food when the triggers occur and refer back to them each time a trigger happens.

Takes time, takes practice. But I promise you, you can get better at controlling emotional eating.

Please know that this does not replace medical/professional advice and always seek the advice of a professional. Emotional eating and binge eating are two separate things and often people don't know the difference. But in both cases, if you are struggling, please seek help.

Hope this helps 🥰

⚠️Don't forget, it's my birthday week and all online programs/eBooks are on sale. Use Code: 278UXSJ106 at the checkout to get 30% discount! 🥳


You've made it this far ladies, and I'm super proud of you. 2 weeks left and I'm excited to see how far you've come. Keep grinding, keep pushing, stay on target, you've got goals to reach.

Let's work! 💪


It's my Birthday Weekend!!!! 🎉🎉🎉

In celebration, I'm giving you all a 30% discount on my online store. 🥳

Simply click on the website link in my bio and head to 'Programs'. Use Code: 278UXSJ106 at the checkout.

Photos from Nance Fitness - Aus's post 15/03/2023

How to create and stick to your workout routine:

Book in your workouts whether it's going to the gym, going to a group class, doing a home workout, going for a swim/ride/walk etc. Actually book it in your diary or phone calendar. Don't just say you're going to go.

Under no circumstances, will you cancel your booking (except for emergencies of course). If someone wants you to stay back at work, or help them out with a job or do something for them that IS NOT an emergency, you can say NO. Those tasks CAN WAIT.

This will be hard for people pleasers out there, as you think you're letting them down. I get it, that used to be me too.

All you need to say is, "I have an appointment that I cannot cancel. My apologies."

Leave it at that. Most times, people are ok with that. I think we build it up in our heads that they will react much worse. If they're not ok with that, don't let them manipulate you.

If you feel like you can't leave it at that, then suggest an alternative time to complete said task.

Hope that helps✌️


What are your small daily changes you apply every day to achieve lifelong results?

Most people want improved health and fitness, improved jobs/businesses/careers, improved relationships and improved mental health.

That pursuit will be challenging and uncomfortable at times. But there's a saying:

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."

You are not meant to stay in the same place forever. Change is your best friend. It equals growth. You may feel out of your depth but that's ok, that is normal, you must embrace it.

Remember, you won't change if nothing changes.

Announcing soon my new project 👀


3 Weeks to Go! 🤩

Challenge girls - let's slay these last 3 weeks and bring out your inner strength. The Challenge is with yourself. Have you got what it takes?


Townsville Ladies: Comment 'ME' or click on the link in my bio to book your FREE First Session with us 😊


For all Townsville Ladies: comment 'ME' or click on the link in my bio to book your first session with us for free.


Remember that decision you made years ago but never followed through with it?

When you said 5 years ago you were going to take action to start a course, change jobs, start your weight loss journey, get away from a toxic relationship etc, but didn't follow through with 1% daily changes, and now, turn to the present day, and you are still stuck in the same place you were in 5 years ago.

Five years or insert whatever time frame you want here that applies to you, is a long time to make change! Right?!?! Imagine how far you would have come if only you committed and applied small daily changes every day for X number of years!

We want instant gratification and when we don't see the fruits of our labour instantaneously, well we quit. Give up. Start again. Promise ourselves we'll do better next time. We'll be more strict, more disciplined, more everything.

That is the ultimate definition of 'Stupidity'. Doing the same things over and over again expecting different results.

Now, the good news is, it's not too late for you. The past is the past. Imagine where you can be in 12 mths, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years by starting today with those small 1% daily improvements. The clock is ticking, don't let time go to waste! Create those habits today as small as they may be and commit to repeating them every day in your personal and professional life.

👀 Stay tuned for something new coming not just for Townsville women where I am based. It will be available to everyone! I'm excited!!!

Do you know what it is? 👇


Week 5! 😱

Where has the time gone? Are you thinking the same thing? We are now in March. How many of you have lost your way regarding your New Year's Resolutions? It's not too late to get back on track.

Tomorrow is the today you thought about yesterday. No more 'start tomorrows'. Take action today, break up with your excuses. The time to act on improving your health and fitness is NOW. And this mostly comes down to your ATTITUDE towards health and fitness.

Wishing and dreaming? You can bring it to life by taking action today. Start with the little things.

✨ The next 8 Week FIT Challenge for Townsville women will be announced in the coming weeks. Get on pre-reg list now by messaging me the code FITCHALLENGE. We book out fast!

✨ If your based in Townsville and want to get started now and not wait for the next Challenge? Intakes are always open for weekly bootcamp group training. Simply send me a message and let's chat 😊

Photos from Nance Fitness - Aus's post 02/03/2023

Struggling to find your niche?

Hate gyms?

Not enjoying one-on-one training?

Sick of large groups and feeling like you're not getting the attention you deserve?

Just don't know where to look to begin with?


These ladies come from different backgrounds, age range from 18 to 52, some are busy mums, some are busy FIFO or DIDO workers, some have crazy shift hours, BUT they all have one thing in common...
..a desire to feel like they belong, not feel judged when exercising, feel like they can mingle and get to know each other, and have a great coach that cares about them, helps each and every one of them with performing the exercises safely and correctly and a coach that they can laugh at because honestly, I love making you all laugh and helping you have FUN while getting FIT at the same time.

Are you keen to come and try us out? Let's make it easier for you, your first session is FREE. Trust me, you'll be hooked after the first session.

Townsville Ladies ➡️ Click on the link in my bio and book your Free Session Today 🥰


What's the secret to a better body and mindset?

1% daily improvements!

Often, we think that to make drastic changes we need to take drastic action. But what if we could make lifetime changes instead? Sometimes drastic changes and action fizzle out after a few weeks, a few months, maybe a few years...the reality is, it doesn't often last.

Can you relate?

Make changes that last a lifetime. And that starts with making small 1% changes today, and every day, forever. Over time, these small 1% changes add up to big results. This is tough because we don't see those drastic, quick changes with small 1% daily improvements straight away. So, it's easy to let bad habits creep in again from time to time. You know, the "I'll have take-out tonight. It's just one night it won't matter". And it won't at first. But if we let this become repetition too often, then we don't see the amazing changes from those 1% improvements every day.

The key is commitment. Be in it for the long haul. The results will come but not for a while. And you have to pass that plateau point. When you finally do, the results will amaze you and you'll be able to maintain them much better than those drastic changes you've always tried in the past that never worked.

Apply this not just for your health, but in your business/professional life and in your relationships.


This week marks halfway in our current 8 Week FIT Challenge. Time to reflect...

Are you aligning your actions with your goals?

If not, why not?

If not and you couldn't care less, your goals aren't big enough or challenging enough.

Do you need to pivot and change the things that aren't working for you right now?

Often people don't take the time to really reflect why things are not going their way. It could be as little as just taking on too much and setting your expectations to high.

There is often not one clear path to your goals and when it seems all too impossible, take a step back and figure out what you need to do to get back on track.

Most often it's just a matter of keeping things simple. Look at what's negatively impacting your life right now and work on those things or eliminate them.

You got this queens! Keep moving that needle forward.



Townsville ladies, our OPEN WEEK is almost over! 😱

If you've been sitting on the fence about trying out one of my group training sessions, I encourage you to give them a go. I am the most laid-back trainer, don't get me wrong, I will push you and motivate you during training but I want you to have fun. I'm not a drill sergeant, I will give you exercise swaps and modifications to suit. And we're a small group too. Our girls love coming to my bootcamps MAINLY because they feel comfortable and not judged.

So, book in your FREE session/s. Click on the link in my bio for all details.

Hope to meet you 🥰


Do you compare yourself to others?

Truth be told, you don't have to be like anyone else. You are on your own unique path, journey, chapter.

There were many times I used to think to myself, "I'm not good enough," "I'm fat," "I can't be a personal trainer if my abs don't show," "I'm not lean enough," "I'm not muscley enough", "I'm not smart enough," "I not as good as that person," etc.

I remind myself that the negative thoughts I say to myself are not true. I know I AM strong, I AM good enough, my body is BAD ASS, I AM beautiful.

We all have fears and doubts. Know that they are NOT facts.

Are you aware of how you talk to yourself and how you think of yourself? Being AWARE is the first step because then you can work on that thought process.


Week 3 🎉 Coach Tip...

By week 3 of most programs/challenges whatever you want to call it, motivation disappears. You become complacent, you're not excited anymore, and things may start to seem quite mundane. So, what's it gonna take to not fall off the wagon and return to your old unhealthy, unproductive habits?

My top tip here is to not rely on motivation. Lack of motivation is one of the BIGGEST reasons why people can't stick to or start their health and fitness journey. DITCH IT! Stop relying on it. Put your big girl pants on, focus on winning the day and don't be that person who's always coming up with excuses..."I'm too tired, I couldn't be bothered, I have too much on my plate, I have to deal with the kids" etc.

Discipline. Consistency. Have a goal that is worthy. A goal that makes you prioritise it. You will find solutions to your barriers if your goal is important enough to you. If it's not, you will always find reasons not to take action. Dig deep, and don't look back.

You are worthy, you are important, and your life depends on it.

➡️Townsville ladies - it's OPEN WEEK this week at bootcamp. Come and try any or all of our sessions for free. Click on the link in my bio to book in or send me a message using code OPEN WEEK.





If you're feeling stuck and looking at how you can achieve your fitness goals, why not give team training a go?


Team training is one of the absolute best ways you can achieve your fitness goals. Here at Nance Fitness - Aus, we offer small group classes, so you get the comradeship of being in a team AND also the attention to detail to customise our program to cater towards each fitness ability. Bad back? Knees? Shoulder? That’s ok, we got you!😊


Team training is the ultimate way to guide you back to the person you know you can be. I have had soooo many girls commit to joining our team after attending Open Week. We're all about providing support and accountability but also a community and environment where you feel comfortable to train in and just be YOU!


Want to give us a try? Next week is OPEN WEEK! Try out any class next week for FREE, come to as many sessions as you like 🤩

➡️Comment below OPEN WEEK or send me a message using code OPEN WEEK and I'll send you the details.
OR you can click on the link in my bio and book in your free session/s.


Are you living your best self?


It's week 2 of the Nance Fitness Townsville 8 Week FIT Challenge, and the girls are off to such a great start. Already a huge improvement from Day 1! How? Because turning up is half the battle!!! It's getting out of your comfort zone and giving something a go. I can just imagine how self conscious, scared, anxious, worried, and excited the girls would have been showing up to their very first class with me. But they did it! They showed up no matter what! No matter how many of them had a sleepless night, had self-doubt, wanted to back out and so forth.


I'm proud of you all for showing up! That's what counts. Be an ACTION TAKER!

Are you an action taker or an excuse maker? Be honest with yourself. Do you find solutions to your problems/barriers or are you determined to finally take control of your life and put your health first! I can't stress how much this should be a priority. You get one life! It's so precious.


📢 If you missed signing up to our first Townsville FIT Challenge of the year, no stress, I have some great news! Stay tuned for the announcement this coming Thursday 👀

🛎Can you guess what it is? I'll give you a hint. I've done it before during our Challenges and I'm bringing it back for this Challenge. Drop your answers below👇


“I had the best sleep ever !!”
Another amazing endorsement for Dream from a happy customer.

Do you struggle to get a good nights sleep ?

DREAM by Axe Laboratories is a ground breaking sleep supplement unlike anything we have seen before.

For Performance Recovery and Well Being it has
Fit Empire !!


Need Protein ?
With a combo of WPI + Hydrolysed WPI, you can expect a rapid absorbing, DELICIOUS tasting creamy protein that will surely satisfy the tastebuds!

​Ideally used post workout, add it to your daily smoothies, pancakes or healthy baking for that added flavour + nutritional benefit 👌

​The whole family can enjoy this delicious protein ~ trust us, the kids will love it 🧒👶


Comment FREE TRIAL or send me a message using these code words and let's get you started on the path to better fitness and health for a better life ❤️

Support Local Townsville


And we're off! 🥳

We kick off Day 1 of the 8 Week FIT Challenge today! So many new faces, so many hopes and dreams of a better future, a future with improved fitness and health, freedom and happiness. We are a team, we're in this together, we are a community of women supporting each other through fitness.

✨ Together
✨ Everyone
✨ Achieves
✨ More

Stick with me, follow my advice, but above all else - believe in yourself. You are more than capable of achieving great things 🥰

Support Local Townsville


1 DAY TO GO!!!!

And just like that we are full!!!

Thank you, Townsville ladies, for signing up. If you missed out and wanted to join, stay tuned, I will be announcing something in 2 weeks! 👀

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

It's my Birthday Weekend!!!! 🎉🎉🎉In celebration, I'm giving you all a 30% discount on my online store. 🥳Simply click on t...
Happy Black Friday Sales Day!! 🎉🎉🎉70% off on all my programs on my website.Choose from a variety of receipe ebooks, home...


Townsville, QLD

Opening Hours

Monday 5:30am - 6:15am
8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 4:30pm
5:45pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday 5:30am - 6:15am
8:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm
5:45pm - 6:30pm
Friday 5:30am - 6:15am
8:30am - 4:30pm

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