Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grand Erie

We enable life-changing mentoring relationships that ignite the power and potential of young people.

Go to to see how you can support us TODAY!

Timeline photos 01/02/2023

Earlier this year, Big Brothers Big Sisters grew the scope of our mentoring programs with a service delivery expansion, uniting programs and staff of formerly independent operating organizations serving Grand Erie, Halton and Hamilton.

Please note that we are now merging our social media accounts and will discontinue posting on this account in January 2023.

We hope you will continue to connect with us here: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grand Erie, Halton & Hamilton

Timeline photos 12/31/2022

Join us in learning about different holiday traditions within our communities and around the world. Happy New Year in Japanese: Akemash*te Omedeto!

Omisoka is a Japanese celebration taking place on December 31st that marks the beginning of a new year with new possibilities!

In preparation for a new year, people purify their homes by cleaning in a custom called “Osoji.” In addition, people gather around to have one last meal of buckwheat noodles at 11pm called Toshikoshi-soba. This tradition comes from the belief that eating long noodles will give you a long life and help you cross from one year to the next! Just before midnight in Japan, each temple rings the bell 108 times, which is symbolic of the cleansing of 108 worldly passions. A Buddhist ritual referred to as “Joya no kane.”

To learn more, check out the link below!

Timeline photos 12/26/2022

Join us in learning about different holiday traditions within our communities and around the world.

We're wishing a bright and meaningful Kwanzaa to those who celebrate!

Kwanzaa is an African American and pan-African holiday which celebrates family, community and culture. It is a seven day cultural festival from December 26 to January 1.

During the holiday, families and communities participate in activities and discussions around the seven guiding principles that represent seven values of African culture. They include Umoja (Unity), Kujichagulia (Self-Determination), Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility), Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics), Nia (Purpose), Kuumba (Creativity) and Imani (Faith). Each day a different principle is discussed and a candle is lit on the Kinara (candleholder). On the sixth night, families enjoy an African feast called Karamu.

Did you know that Kwanzaa's name is derived from the Swahili phrase 'Matunda ya Kwanzaa' which translates to 'first fruits of the harvest?'

Take a look at the link below to learn more:

Timeline photos 12/25/2022

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

Today marks Christmas Day for many in our communities. We recognize that for many, this day holds spiritual significance. For others, the central focus is on spending time with family and friends, celebrating traditions, eating and gift giving.

Many young people may also look forward to a visit from Santa Claus!

Just as we have been learning about many other December holidays and traditions from our communities and around the world, we can learn about Santa's representation around the world.

Did you know Santa Claus has many different names and related traditions across the globe? Take a look at the link below to learn more:



We are grateful for the generosity of our community throughout the year, and for their extraordinary support during the holiday season. Our office is filled with gift and food donations for over 100 families, who are supported through our organization. We are thankful for the outpouring of holiday support and the many investments in mentorship we have received.

A special thanks to the following companies and organizations who have supported our families this holiday season:
Grand HVAC Leasing
Joseph Haulage
Knights of Columbus 7969
Kruger Products
Lafarge Hamilton
Miracle On Main Street & Halton Regional Police
Oakville Hornets (U11AA)
Oakville Hornets ( U15BB1)
Oakville Hornets (U18BB2)
Oakville Professional Firefighters Association
Oakville Rangers (U13AABlue)
Operation Santa Claus
Pack A Bag Foundation
Rainbow Expressions Salon & Spa Inc
StressCrete Group
The Shoebox Project (Halton Region)
Toronto French School (Junior School)
Trinity United Church
United Way of Halton and Hamilton
Y108 Children’s Fund Christmas Tree Of Hope

Timeline photos 12/21/2022

Join us in learning about different holiday traditions within our communities and around the world.

Yule is celebrated from December 21-25 it refers to both Christmas as well as the celebration of the Winter Solstice that’s observed in some Pagan traditions.

Upon the winter solstice, the Sun appears at its lowest in the sky, and its noontime elevation seems to stay the same for several days before and after this day. The Sun’s gradual decrease in the sky reverses upon the winter solstice, marking what many cultures believe to be a “rebirth” of the Sun as the hours of daylight become longer.

An example of a Yule celebration include Alban Arthan, with is Welsh for “Light of Winter". Alban Arthan is a universal festival, which has been (and still is) celebrated by many people and is probably the oldest seasonal festival of humankind.

Different ways to celebrate this festive season:


Our Bigs and Littles have so many fun goals they’d like to achieve together!

➡️ To find out how you can get involved
Grand Erie:
Halton & Hamilton:




Timeline photos 12/19/2022

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
- Margaret Mead

➡️ To find out how you can get involved
Grand Erie:
Halton & Hamilton:

Timeline photos 12/18/2022

Join us in learning about different holiday traditions within our communities and around the world. The Jewish Festival of Lights begins today, Hanukkah Sameach! 🕎

Chanukah or Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish celebration that commemorates the rededication during the second century B.C. of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. Hanukkah falls on the 25th of the Kislev on the Hebrew calendar, which typically falls in December. Hanukkah begins on the evening of December 18th until the evening of December 26th.

During this time is the Festival of Lights, which features the tradition of lighting the menorah for 8 nights. The 8 nights of candles symbolizes each day that the Temple lantern burned. Families light the candles with a ninth candle which is called the shamash or helper candle and light a candle every night at sundown for the 8 nights of Hanukkah.

During the Festival of Lights, 3 traditions that are shared during the lighting of the menorah are; scripture readings, singing of special hymns and gift giving. While festivities and traditions are taking place families will have spreads of traditional food that include; chickpeas, latkes, challah and jelly donuts.

Learn more:

Timeline photos 12/16/2022

Join us in learning about different holiday traditions within our communities and around the world. Las Posadas, a Mexican Christmas tradition, begins today.

Las Posadas, celebrated yearly from December 16-24, is a religious festival. Translating to ‘The Inns’ in Spanish, Las Posadas is an important part of Christmas festivities in Mexico and Latin America. It honours the Christian story of Christmas and the journey of Joseph and Mary as they made their way from Nazareth to Bethlehem.

Over the nine nights of celebrations, parties are held at different homes. Before each gathering, all guests form a candle lit procession to mark Mary and Joseph’s search for an inn on the night of Jesus’s birth. During each procession, children and adults stop door to door. At each house, they ask if there is room for them to stay. The children are turned away until they arrive at the last house.

Las Posadas parties are joyous occasions, including prayers, food, music, singing, fireworks, and piñatas!

Learn more:

Photos from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grand Erie's post 12/15/2022


“Big Brothers Big Sisters provided not just a Big Brother Mentor, but a best friend,” says Laurine (mom). No matter what they do together, these visits are the highlight of Tony’s week,” she adds.

This holiday season, consider giving the gift of mentorship. Your gift is a direct investment in mentorship and our young people.

Make a donation or dedicate a gift and send a card:


Join us in learning about different holiday traditions within our communities and around the world.

Today is St. Lucia's Day also called, Feast of Saint Lucy. This is a day celebrated by many in the Scandinavia countries. Other countries that celebrate this day include: Italy, Estonia, Spain, Croatia and Hungary. Each has it's own uniquely established traditions related to this day.

This is a religious-based holiday to celebrate the legend of St. Lucia of Syracuse who, wearing a with a candlelit wreath on her head, brought food and aid to Christians that were in hiding in Roman Catacombs.

This feast day also coincides with the shortest day of the year, and it often celebrates as the "festival of light."

Traditions include female identifying young people dressing in a white dress with a red sash and wearing a crown of candles on their heads. They may also carry cookies, or saffron buns. Male-identifying young people may dress as other associated religious saints, or as Santa or a Nissie (a Nordic folklore creature associated with the winter solstice).

Saint Lucia's day is said to help us live the winter days with enough light.

Learn more:

Timeline photos 12/13/2022

Thank you Paul for sharing your experience! ⭐️

➡️ To find out how you can get involved
Grand Erie:
Halton & Hamilton:

Timeline photos 12/12/2022

Thanks to your support, we are able to help young people grow to be more amazing person.

Many young people face adversities and challenges throughout their lives. That’s why our mission is to help all young people realize their full potential.

➡️ To find out how you can get involved
Grand Erie:
Halton & Hamilton:

Timeline photos 12/09/2022

As we are entering the winter holiday season, we know that this time of the year can be difficult for individuals and families in a number of ways. Those experiencing financial hardship, housing insecurity, grief and loss, or challenges in friendships or familial relationships can find this season particularly difficult.
If you or someone you know is struggling, please access or share the resources listed below.
You matter.
You are important.

Brant Mental Health Crisis Response System
Serving the region of Brant and surrounding areas 24-hour hotline. Phone: 519-752-2273

COAST Burlington Crisis Outreach and Support Team
24-hour crisis hotline in Burlington and surrounding area. Phone: 1-877-825-9011

Distress Centre Halton
Call one of our toll-free numbers any time you need to talk. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year.
Burlington: 905-681-1488
Halton Hills/Milton: 905-877-1211
Hamilton: 905-561-5800
Oakville: 905-849-4541

Haldimand/Norfolk CAST Haldimand/Norfolk The Crisis Assessment and Support Team (CAST) Provides 24-hour mental health crisis support for people aged 16 and older and is staffed by experienced mental health professionals. Phone: 1 866 487 2278

Distress Centre Hamilton
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Phone: 905-681-1488.

Hamilton COAST Hamilton Crisis Outreach and Support Team
24-hour crisis hotline in Hamilton and surrounding area. Phone: 905 972-8338.

Kids Help Phone
Free phone and web counselling for those under the age of 20, every day of the week, any time day or night. Phone: 1-800-668-6868

Photos from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grand Erie's post 12/08/2022


Jillian (mother) couldn’t agree more. “My children adore their Bigs,” she says.

This holiday season, consider giving the gift of mentorship. Your gift is a direct investment in our young people.

Make a donation or dedicate a gift and send a card:

Timeline photos 12/07/2022

Thanks to your support, we are able to provide young people with new experiences and amazing mentors to look up to and spend time with.

➡️ To find out how you can get involved
Grand Erie:
Halton & Hamilton:

Timeline photos 12/06/2022

Join us in learning about different holiday traditions within our communities and around the world. Today is St. Nicholas Day.

St. Nicholas was a Catholic Bishop in 4th Century Greece. His legacy of love and kindness, as well as several miracles are celebrated annually. St. Nicholas Day (also called The Feast of St. Nicholas) is celebrated on December 6th by people in more than 42 countries around the world. There are over 50 different names for him in 32 different languages, including Sinterklaas (Dutch), San Nicola (Italian), Sweti Mikolaj (Polish), Agio Nikolaos (Greek) and Saint Nicolas (French).

St. Nicholas is the patron saint of children, students, teachers, merchants, travellers and clergy, as well as several other groups. He was known for his generosity and kindness, selling his possessions so that he could help those less fortunate and devoting his life to caring for the sick and suffering.

St. Nicholas is often used interchangeably with Santa Claus, however they are two distinctly different people. Traditionally, shoes are placed on the hearth or by the bed on December 6. The children fill one shoe with carrots or hay for St. Nicholas' donkey and, in the morning, the shoes contain candy, coins, or other small gifts.

Learn more:


We asked some of our amazing mentors what inspired them to mentor a young person.

Mentoring allows young people to gain the knowledge and confidence to achieve their goals.

➡️ To find out how you can get involved
Grand Erie:
Halton & Hamilton:

Photos from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grand Erie's post 12/01/2022


Sonia and Kris couldn’t agree more. They told us Sydney (Big) brought the joy and light back into their daughter’s eyes.

This holiday season, consider giving the gift of mentorship. Your gift is a direct investment in our young people.

Make a donation or dedicate a gift and send a card:

Read Maylah’s story:


Some of our Littles described their Bigs in three words. We love seeing the amazing bonds our matches have and just how much they care for each other.💕

➡️ To find out how you can get involved
Grand Erie:
Halton & Hamilton:

Timeline photos 11/29/2022

Our Big Couple/Family Mentoring program provides mentorship to a young person from couples sharing similar likes, interests, and goals.

This program provides young people the opportunity to build a strong and unique relationship with their mentors.

From regular outings to learning new skills, this program can make a life-changing impact for young people.

➡️ Learn more about our programs!
Grand Erie:
Halton & Hamilton:

Timeline photos 11/28/2022

Thanks to new experiences and amazing mentors, young people have the resources to grow into the amazing people they are meant to be.

If you’re interested in being part of the change, don’t hesitate to reach out and become one of our amazing volunteers!

➡️ To find out how you can get involved
Grand Erie:
Halton & Hamilton:

Timeline photos 11/25/2022

Your donations allow us to connect young people with likeminded peers and mentors.

They’re able to gain knowledge and confidence to grow into the leaders of our future.

➡️ Learn more about Ways to Donate
Grand Erie:
Halton & Hamilton:

Timeline photos 11/20/2022

It's National Child Day

National Child Day is celebrated in Canada on November 20 in recognition of our country’s commitment to upholding the rights of children and two historic events: the 1959 signing of the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989.

As an organization dedicated to the healthy development of children, we support National Child Day.

Learn more:


Timeline photos 11/20/2022

Today, November 20, is Transgender Day of Remembrance

This is a day we remember those that have been lost due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice.

This is a day to mourn and honour these losses in the trans community over the past year. It is also important to raise awareness about the hate crimes those in the trans community experience daily.

Please consider learning more by accessing resources or joining a free webinar provided by Egale on their website:

Timeline photos 11/17/2022

Our programs would not be possible without our AMAZING VOLUNTEER MENTORS!

They give of their time, help teach young people new skills and are caring mentors - Our volunteers continue to amaze us!⭐️

➡️ Share if you know someone who'd make a great mentor!
Grand Erie:
Halton & Hamilton:

Timeline photos 11/15/2022

GLOW stands for “Girls Linking Our Worlds.” This program allows young people who identify as female to engage in:

⭐️ Mentoring relationships
⭐️ Celebrating diversity
⭐️ Creative and physical activities
⭐️ Fun and more!

➡️ Learn more about our programs!
Grand Erie:
Halton & Hamilton:

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Videos (show all)

OUR GENEROUS COMMUNITY CONTINUES TO AMAZE US! ❤️ We are grateful for the generosity of our community throughout the year...
Our Bigs and Littles have so many fun goals they’d like to achieve together! ➡️ To find out how you can get involved Gra...
We asked some of our amazing mentors what inspired them to mentor a young person.Mentoring allows young people to gain t...
Some of our Littles described their Bigs in three words. We love seeing the amazing bonds our matches have and just how ...
We asked some of our young people why they like coming to our programs.Your donations and support make this a reality. W...
Meet some of our young people! From math to science to art, our young people love learning and solving new challenges. ➡...
We asked a few of our young people what the Big Brothers Big Sisters programs have taught them.Every young person is uni...
We love hearing feedback from participants as well as their favourite parts of the program.Our mentoring interventions a...
We asked our program leaders what some of the most positive impacts of the group mentoring program were.They said:⭐️ One...
Get to know a little bit about some of our amazing kids!Every child is special and deserves to be able to put their best...
What are your New Years resolutions??
Reposted from @laurierfsw …Thank you to WLU for this Field Instructor spotlight of Anna Reu! And for highlighting some o...


31 Mechanic Street
Brantford, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 4:30pm
Thursday 9am - 4:30pm
Friday 9am - 4:30pm

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